Exploring Risks in the Metaverse in an Immersive Digital Economy
Victor Chang
, Sandra Strittmatter
, Vitor Jesus
, Lewis Golightly
, Pin Ni
and Karl Hall
Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.
Teesside University, Middlesbrough, U.K.
University College London, London, U.K.
Keywords: Metaverse, Immersive, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Extended Reality (XR),
Abstract: The Metaverse is the next paradigm of computing and a combination of the words next and the universe.
Immersive technology such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and
Extended Reality (XR) have been emerging at a fast pace in recent years. The Metaverse aims to solve the
limited social dynamic of using the internet for communications. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the internet
has been used for education, work, and gaming in a more immersive method than ever before. However, the
problem the Metaverse aims to solve is the social limitations of using technology such as Microsoft teams. In
this paper, we address the opportunities of the Metaverse, such as online gaming and an enhanced 3D virtual
community life, alongside the potential of cyber risk and security issues, such as data privacy and information
security. We complement our paper with a risk assessment of the Metaverse, particularly focusing on risks
associated with cybersecurity.
There isn't a consensus on the definition of the
Metaverse, yet some argue that it entails all aspects of
Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and
Virtual Reality (VR), which make up the networked
Extended Reality (XR) (Anderson and Rainie, 2022);
others define it as the convergence of the virtual
world and the real world (Deloitte, 2022). While
organizations across sectors are attempting to define
what the future of the Metaverse represents for them,
we see initiatives to leverage the early stages of the
Metaverse to extend their brand presence and
customer touchpoints (Brown, 2022). AR and VR
enhance the Metaverse and enable businesses to
elevate their offering with a new layer of experiences
and interactions (Bechtel and Launer, 2022). For
example, L’Oréal and Avon allow users to try on
makeup virtually using their app or website, enabling
consumers to select their preferred shade. These are
small steps towards transforming customer journeys
into fully immersive experiences that are poised to
permeate and transform retail and advertising, work,
education, entertainment, and social interaction
(Deloitte, 2022).
As this rise of the Metaverse is in motion, there
has been an acceleration in its technological
advancement brought upon by the investment of
brands and new social behaviors stemming from the
COVID-19 pandemic (Anderson and Rainie., 2022).
It is estimated that the market value of the Metaverse
could reach above 750 billion USD by 2026, thus
motivating investment in devices, tools, and
platforms (Elnaj, 2022). The Metaverse presents
many opportunities for businesses and consumers,
with brands creating content that generates value for
customers and extends brand interaction (Elnaj,
2022). However, along with the rapid development
and perceived opportunities and advantages, many
risks and uncertainties are associated with it (Arbanas
et al., 2022). Brands must integrate risk identification
and mitigation within their plans to leverage the
Metaverse in their marketing plans; however, it must
come with an integrated exercise on the risks it poses,
such as cybersecurity, brand reputation, or digital
rights management (Arbanas et al., 2022).
This paper offers an analysis of risks associated
with the Metaverse as well as shedding light on its
scope, challenges, and opportunities. Our
contributions are as follows:
Chang, V., Strittmatter, S., Jesus, V., Golightly, L., Ni, P. and Hall, K.
Exploring Risks in the Metaverse in an Immersive Digital Economy.
DOI: 10.5220/0011990900003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 107-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
a review of academic literature around
immersive reality and the Metaverse;
a conceptualization of the cyber threat
landscape in the immersive technology and the
an approach to a set of recommendations to
integrate risk, opportunity, and business
The remainder of our paper is as follows. In Section
2, we identify existing themes and review the current
literature. In Section 3, we present emerging directions
and challenges. Section 4 concludes our paper.
In this section, we will focus on contemporary risks
associated with immersive technology and the
Metaverse. We will then move on to address the
challenges with these risks and cybersecurity
practices that can be adopted to defend against them.
2.1 Risks Associated with the
Early opportunities for brands are being leveraged in
gaming and fitness, among other industries (Elnaj.,
2022). However, brands want to offer extended
services and integrate virtual environments to create
enhanced user experiences beyond playing games.
They will likely use the Metaverse to enable their
customers to communicate, shop, watch movies, and
attend concerts, as well as most things they are
accustomed to doing in the real world. How the
Metaverse will interact with the real world in the
future is still to be seen (The Economist, 2021), and
so are the business and technical specifications, as
they vary widely in this initial stage when brands are
in a test-and-learn situation (Balis, 2022). Experts are
recommending brands enter the Metaverse by
selecting target audiences, focusing on their current
behaviors and trends, conducting an updated
competitive analysis of metaverse adoption, finding
natural extensions to their current offering, and
identifying the best opportunity to successfully define
the brand's user interface and integrate their brand
into the Metaverse (Balis, 2022). However, while
most companies are focused on the potential
opportunities and rewards of the Metaverse, risk
should also be a focal point. To extend their brands
into the Metaverse, companies need to adopt
comprehensive security policies, processes, and
technologies that account for safe data collection,
processing, transmission, and management (Figure
1), covering the physical and digital domains,
protecting customers' personal data, increasing risk
detection, and ensuring compliance with new
regulations (Arbanas et al., 2022).
Figure 1: Physical and Digital Domains of the Metaverse.
2.2 Addressing the Metaverse Risks
The Metaverse presents new challenges to brands,
and novel risks, as their likelihood and impact are
challenging to quantify at this stage (Kaplan et al.,
2020). However, companies must initiate and
maintain constant documentation of the potential
risks the Metaverse could present to be better
prepared with a mitigation plan. A Risk Assessment
(see Appendix A) can help record each brand's
potential risks, estimate their likelihood and impact
on the brand, and hence, aid in the prioritization and
allocation of resources to mitigate these risks per their
"total rating/score" based on the combination of each
risk's likelihood and impact. Considering the risk
assessment, Internal Risks (Jesus et al. 2022) could be
argued to be the most prominent in the Metaverse, as
most challenges could be encountered within its
boundaries. Furthermore, three main metaverse risks
stand out, and they center around cybersecurity
involving its main components, the technology,
which is new and evolving; the people using the
Metaverse, which is now early adopters and learning
as it evolves and processes that are not yet regulated,
standardized, or advanced enough (Deloitte, 2022).
Cybercriminals motivated by the potential of profit
are the main actors in the most prominent risks: the
potential lack of safety in Metaverse spaces, loss of
personal data, and cyber-attacks.
2.3 Security Practices in the Metaverse
Even large companies in the Metaverse continue to
consider safety and privacy as a compliance item or
afterthought (Anderson and Rainie., 2022). Spaces
providing users with the benefits of interaction with
the brand and other customers will need to be safe and
earn users' trust (Smaili and Rancourt-Raymond,
2022). Gaining safety and trust is imperative as the
Metaverse will become an extension of the best and
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
the worst aspects of people's lives with more
complete and immersive experiences. Experts have
noted the potential threat of metaverse spaces to
exacerbate the prevalence of discrimination,
harassment, bullying, hate, and crime (Anderson and
Rainie, 2022). Failing to provide safe virtual spaces
may result in the loss of customers' adoption of brand
extension spaces (Fares, 2022). In order to mitigate this
risk, legislation must safeguard users by establishing
strict laws that converge the real world and the
Metaverse. In turn, the laws will need to protect the
users' safety and the virtual avatars created by users
(Sethi, 2022). Policing in the Metaverse: What Law
Enforcement Needs to Know, a Europol report, focuses
on future crimes fueled by new technology. It is
intended to inform law enforcement agencies and
policymakers on the Metaverse and the need to extend
and modernize policing tactics. Enforcing entities have
begun to enter the Metaverse to protect users. The
INTERPOL has also acted by designing a virtual
experience intended for law enforcement with hands-
on training (Europol, 2022). To support law
enforcement efforts, brands must integrate content
moderation into their process and technology to
identify and address content and user behavior that
violates their user terms (Europol, 2022). Safety is a
considerable risk. A Risk Matrix can be used by
Cybersecurity Managers to make strategic security
decisions which can be observed in Appendix A, which
calls for attention and dedication of resources.
In this section, we address Cybersecurity
considerations around immersive technology and the
Metaverse, including personal data and the emerging
cyber-attack landscape.
3.1 Protecting Personal Data
While the metaverse spaces pose a major risk, the
personal data collected and its use carries meaningful
risk as well, Appendix A. Brands can benefit from the
vast data generated by the metaverse users and
behaviors, as it can be utilized to enhance the
development of robots and problem-solving (Sun et
al., 2022), 20 minutes of a VR experience can gather
2 million distinct data elements, including the way a
user breathes, walks, moves or stares, which further
enables targeted marketing (Kramer, 2022).
However, such extensive information raises ethical
concerns surrounding the collection, management,
and utilization of user data within the Metaverse
(Anderson and Rainie, 2022). Developers must
receive prompt guidance to develop metaverse
experiences that protect user privacy. This is a
difficult challenge due to the wide range of existing
technical configurations of each Metaverse, the lack
of unified standards (Kumar, 2022), and the
increasing interest from attackers to obtain sensitive
user data. Data-related attacks will increase as the
Metaverse evolves and more data collection methods
are developed (Sun et al., 2022). This ties into new
privacy concerns that have been raised after the
worrying discovery that users overwhelmingly favor
mirroring their real-life selves in this virtual
environment (Nair et al., 2022). Physical
characteristics, such as height, eyesight and physical
fitness, and personal characteristics, including
gender, age, ethnicity and even disability status, have
been provably inferred in such a way (Nair et al.,
2022). Users are typically unaware of the true extent
of the amount of personal information they are giving
away by doing this and are also unaware of its value
to potential attackers. For example, such information
can be sold to companies employing targeted
marketing and advertising. Therefore, companies
utilizing this technology should take on the
responsibility of communicating to their users the
consequences of revealing potentially sensitive
information where possible.
Legislation, industries, and brands must work
together to protect metaverse user data. The vast
amounts of user data and its management require
methodical planning that accounts for companies'
data gathering, storage, and utilization while
maintaining users’ confidentiality in a secure
location. Data gathering must be limited to necessary
data and curated to ensure accuracy (whether
collected by devices or provided by users) and
include parameters that comply with user data
protections (Sun et al., 2022), e.g., EU’S GDPR or the
California Consumer Privacy Act. Brands that collect
the user data must be anonymized to ensure users
cannot be identified (Smaili and Rancourt-Raymond,
2022) and store it in decentralized server structures to
avoid massive data leaks or tampering from a single
data repository (Sun et al., 2022).
3.2 Emerging Cyber Attack Landscape
Overlapping with the risks to metaverse space safety
and the looming threats to user data is the broad
subject of cyber-attacks. Much like in the evolution
Exploring Risks in the Metaverse in an Immersive Digital Economy
of the internet, as the Metaverse continues to develop,
it will create various opportunities for criminals
(Europol, 2022), and the safeguards and technology
architecture needed to avoid negative impact are not
yet in place (Anderson and Rainie, 2022). Policing
the Metaverse will be a monumental task (Europol,
2022). Like other nascent technology, the Metaverse
can provide new attack vectors which criminals can
exploit. Bad actors can access weaknesses in the
evolving Metaverse (Europol, 2022). Users immersed
in their metaverse devices will be exposed to exploits
through the control of their virtual reality. An XR
experience can lead to an attacker influencing users
in the real world by manipulating their virtual
environment. Users can be victims of several types of
attacks, e.g., 'Human Joystick Attacks' by being
deceived into moving to unintended physical
locations, a 'Chaperone Attack' in which the users'
safety boundaries are altered, or an 'Overlay Attack'
giving an attacker control of the users' virtual
environment. (Europol, 2022).
With threats such as these, a significant
responsibility will need to be addressed by the
companies building the metaverse platforms
(Europol, 2022). Developers need to consider
potential cyber-attacks when designing security
protocols and firewalls of metaverse platforms. One
of the features needed to help avoid hackers from
accessing entire networks will be the isolation of
incidents since the device and developers will need to
leverage edge computing to distribute the processing
of data across a range of data centers, servers, and
devices (Sun et al., 2022). Furthermore, development
for the Metaverse should include integrating antivirus
software and novel machine-learning techniques to
detect and prevent attacks and, more importantly, to
forecast attacks by analyzing metaverse data trends
based on the User Generated Content collected (Sethi,
2022). In addition, the builders of the platforms will
need to establish a process to relay law enforcement
organizations with prompt and accurate information
to protect systems, service providers, and users
(Europol, 2022). Therefore, law enforcement entities
around the world should prepare to access the
information needed and support the impending needs
and challenges of the Metaverse.
In this section, we explore contemporary factors and
issues surrounding immersive technology and the
Metaverse. We focus on how this technology impacts
modern warfare, information security and privacy,
economic issues, and prospects.
4.1 Cybersecurity and Privacy
The Metaverse presents a wide range of challenges; an
important one is client vulnerabilities with the
hardware and software associated with the VR and AR
headsets which can be an attack vector for malicious
hackers. The impact ranges from location spoofing to
devise manipulation, which can cause identity theft and
a spiral of criminal activity in the Metaverse under
someone else's identity (Dunnett et al., 2022).
4.2 Modern Warfare
The Metaverse can present new horizons for Modern
Warfare and how the battlefield will change and adapt
to technology. There is a theory that with the wonders
of the Metaverse, conflict and competition between
competing countries will present themselves with
future expansion and the immersive university with
goals of domination for land and space (Baughman,
2022). One of the most successful use cases of the
Metaverse is that it will be adopted the fastest by the
military for training experiences, particularly
dangerous and high intensity. This method of military
training does have limitations from the traditional
physical approach but does have enhanced scalability
through technology (Ooi et al., 2022).
4.3 Intelligent Healthcare Systems
While the Metaverse initially emerged as an
entertainment and social media platform, the extent to
which it can positively affect society is far-reaching.
Recent developments have suggested incorporating
Metaverse into the field of medical technology
alongside artificial intelligence (AI). Such an
approach could facilitate improvement in many areas
of AI-based healthcare, such as therapy and medical
image-guided disease diagnosis, by utilizing the
Metaverse to aid in the development, prototyping,
evaluation, regulation, and translation of such
practices (Wang et al., 2022). There is precedent for
the use of virtual environments in this way. By using
the Second Life platform, one of the precursors to the
Metaverse, a virtual environment was developed to
train users in nano-computed topography (CT)
(Mishra et al., 2012). CT images can be reconstructed
virtually and analyzed by using state-of-the-art AI
and machine learning algorithms (Litjens et al.,
2017). In this case, it is feasible for larger-scale
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
collaborations between developers and healthcare
practitioners to drive forward advances in medical
imaging and AI technology in the virtual reality
space. Additionally, incorporating virtual interactions
into the healthcare sector only adds to the
omnichannel strategy, which is becoming
increasingly popular and robust in the post-pandemic
landscape. Understandably, there are reservations
about the validity of such an approach. In response to
these concerns, guidance has been issued to assess the
credibility of computational modeling in accordance
with the Food and Drug Administration in the US.
4.4 The Role of Blockchains
We can also see the introduction of the virtual world
independent currency that can be spent in the
Metaverse. This can integrate the cryptocurrency
movement with coins such as “decentraland”
(MANA), the digital property that uses the Ethereum
Blockchain, where the owners can make applications
and sell and purchase goods and services. The Sandbox
(SAND) is a game platform that works on a play-to-
earn (P2E) system utilizing Ethereum Blockchain. As
a decentralized platform that allows developers to own
space in the virtual gaming universe, Axie Infinity
(AXS) is a P2E game that works on the Blockchain
Ethereum. This game has collectible creatures that you
can keep as pets. The game hosts a player's own
economy (Akkus et al., 2022). There can also be many
positive economic changes presented with the rise of
virtual currency, such as a fairer, more transparent
financial system moving away from traditional
banking. This works by eliminating third-party
institutions that we have to put our trust in for every
transaction we make (Yu et al., 2018).
With immersive technology providing a
landscape for words other than ours, opportunities are
demonstrated around owning property and digital real
estate inside those worlds. Despite the excitement this
causes for investors and the younger generation
attempting to get on the property ladder, there are
legal issues to address with owning real estate in the
Metaverse. These legal issues include defining and
understanding property ownership, how to establish
and transfer ownership rights for value (potentially
resolved through Blockchain and Smart Contracts),
how transparent we should be on user identities with
their usage, and how will disputes over the contract
be determined (Radhakrishna, 2022). The Metaverse
presents the opportunity for decentralized virtual
worlds in the future. This can be provided immersive
3D virtual events, conferences, and experiences from
a singular room. This highlights a potential solution
to the 2023 economic crisis, for example. In this
housing crisis, in the innovation of this technology,
the future could be people in a small property in the
physical world. This means businesses do not need to
invest in large corporate buildings but can host their
meetings, teaching, and office work using immersive
reality (George et al., 2021).
The development of the Metaverse could also
greatly accelerate the process of asset tokenization.
This process is achieved by securitizing non-traded or
tradable assets using blockchain technology to
enhance the liquidity of these physical assets, reduce
transaction costs and risks, accelerate settlement, etc.
(BNY Mellon, 2019). The Metaverse serves as a
suitable social environment to allow asset
tokenization to democratize illiquid assets and
investments, which can be real-life physical assets
(e.g., real estate, vehicles, commodities) or digital
assets such as images, films, recordings, etc. in the
virtual world. All assets are broken down into their
smallest units (i.e., ownership) and these can be
stored securely and circulated quickly in a metaverse
using blockchain technology. Hence, the Metaverse
is an ideal place to enable online and offline assets to
be placed in the same place in a flexible and trusted
manner, in a more diverse form for more complex
financial transactions. This will undoubtedly further
drive the financial industry to produce more reliable,
convenient, and customized financial derivatives,
financial instruments, portfolio products, etc. For
example, portfolios that combine equities and NFT
(non-fungible token) digital assets. This will
undoubtedly completely revolutionize the order,
appearance, and structure of the financial industry in
terms of security, credibility, circulation capacity,
cost reduction, and efficiency enhancement.
4.5 Digital Twins
In addition, the application of the Metaverse to the
digital twin, for example, will also contribute
significantly to the transformation of industry and
society. The digital twin is essentially an equivalent
mapping of the cyber world to the physical world and
can be seen as a digital mapping system of one or
more critical, interdependent equipment systems,
thus reflecting the full lifecycle process of the
corresponding physical equipment. One of the most
successful applications of the Cyber-Physical System
(CPS), CPS brings together computational, cyber,
and physical processes. By integrating and
collaborating the three technologies of Computation,
Communication, and Control, the overall system can
be sensed and dynamically controlled in real-time
Exploring Risks in the Metaverse in an Immersive Digital Economy
through information transfer. The digital twin, as an
important part of the CPS and even the entire
industrial Metaverse, has taken society from "Data"
monitoring to "Model" control and gradually to
"Meta-Model" management. This has led to
applications such as forecasting and automated
operations based on artificial intelligence technology
(Ni et al., 2021). This will undoubtedly lead to
disruptive changes in many industries.
The Metaverse, as an extension of brands in
advertising, has excellent potential to engage users in
the future, helping users create unique experiences
beyond the real world. Brands around the globe see
an opportunity for the metaverse spaces to provide a
fuller and more immersive brand experience that
complements their real-world offering. These
immersive experiences will allow customers to
interact with their brands and other customers.
Consumers, in turn, are eager to try new technology
and marketing experiences. However, brands will be
increasingly met with challenges, including
cybersecurity, threats to customer trust, brand
perception, and digital rights management. While
newly identified metaverse risks are common across
industries, brands will need to establish their
priorities in assessing their unique metaverse risk-
mitigation responsibility by identifying risks and
assessing their importance, with special attention to
security, data privacy, guidelines and monitoring,
legislation, controlling, and reporting. This will need
to be an ongoing process as the metaverse risks will
continue to evolve and change as the technology
advances, creating the need for innovative and
scalable legal, regulatory, and technical solutions.
Critical risks identified through the use of a Risk
Assessment document indicate the critical need to
address potential lack of safety in metaverse spaces,
loss of personal data, and cyber-attacks. To support
law enforcement efforts, brands must integrate
content moderation into their process and technology
to identify and address content and user behavior that
violates user terms. It will require a two-fold
approach to providing solutions to the metaverse
risks. The legislation will need to be established with
the creation of international and global authority and
standards to regulate the Metaverse, in addition to
companies establishing adequate programs to
mitigate and respond to metaverse risks. The new
legislation must safeguard users by establishing strict
laws that converge the real world and the Metaverse.
The laws will need to protect the users' safety and the
virtual avatars created by users. Developers will need
to aim at accounting for the unforeseen risks that will
come with the expansion and increasing complexity
of the Metaverse. This paper has also provided
recommendations to address and mitigate mainstream
and future challenges in the Metaverse, particularly
on Cybersecurity, Modern Warfare, Economical
Transformation and Cryptocurrency.
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