Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its
Applications and Potential Benefits
Olga Siedlecka-Lamch
1 a
and Sabina Szymoniak
1 b
Department of Computer Science, Czestochowa University of Technology, Dabrowskiego 73, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
Blockchain, Medical Data Storage, Data Modelling.
Blockchain is a digital ledger technology that uses a decentralised, distributed database to record and validate
transactions. It allows multiple parties to access the same information and make changes to it securely and
transparently without the need for a central authority. The potential of blockchain technology can streamline
and improve efficiency in many industries and sectors. One such application is the processing of medical
data. The use of blockchain is associated with the need to meet many challenges related to the scalability of
processing and storing large amounts of medical data, their security and interoperability. This article presents
an original idea for storing and processing medical data by combining blockchain technology with relational
databases. Such a combination will bring positive effects in terms of protecting patients’ privacy, increasing
trust in the system and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of medical data management. In the pro-
posed model, blockchain technology will ensure security, immutability and transparent medical data storage.
A relational database, on the other hand, will facilitate the processing and sharing of data. The model includes
patient data, their insurance, bills, healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, and data related to the treatment pro-
cess: visits, referrals, releases, test results, diagnoses and medications.
Blockchain is a digital ledger technology that uses a
decentralised, distributed database to record and vali-
date transactions. The underlying technology enables
the creation of digital currencies such as Bitcoin, but
it can also be used for a wide range of other appli-
cations. The critical feature of blockchain is that it
allows multiple parties to access the same informa-
tion and make changes to it securely and transparently
without the need for a central authority. This makes
it well-suited for use cases such as supply chain man-
agement, digital identity verification, and many more
(Peck, 2017; Raikwar et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020).
Blockchain technology has the potential to bring
about significant changes in a wide range of indus-
tries and sectors. Some of the key areas where
blockchain is being used or has the potential to be
used include Financial Services, where it can stream-
line and improve the efficiency of financial transac-
tions such as payments, remittances, and securities
trading (Patel et al., 2022). In Supply Chain Manage-
ment, blockchain can create a tamper-proof and trans-
parent record of transactions across the supply chain,
improving traceability and reducing fraud. Addition-
ally, it can be used to create digital identities that are
secure, private, and verifiable, which can be used to
improve access to services and reduce fraud (Queiroz
et al., 2019). In healthcare, it can be used to se-
curely store and share medical data, improving patient
outcomes and reducing administrative costs (Rom
Belmonte et al., 2018). In the Internet of Things, it
can be used to create secure, decentralized networks
of connected devices, which can enable new applica-
tions and services (Miller, 2018; Wang et al., 2019).
Finally, in Government and Public services, it can be
used to create more transparent and efficient systems
for voting, tax collection, and other public services
(Hou, 2017). It should be noted that blockchain tech-
nology is still relatively new and many of the use
cases are still in the development and testing phase,
so the full extent of its impact is yet to be seen.
There are several reasons why blockchain technol-
ogy is well-suited for use in the medical data pro-
cessing. Some key considerations include security,
where blockchain technology allows for secure and
tamper-proof medical data storage, which is particu-
Siedlecka-Lamch, O. and Szymoniak, S.
Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its Applications and Potential Benefits.
DOI: 10.5220/0011991400003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 664-671
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
larly important for sensitive information such as per-
sonal health records. The following reason is interop-
erability, where blockchain enables the secure sharing
of medical data between different systems and orga-
nizations, improving patient outcomes and reducing
administrative costs. Transparency, where blockchain
can give patients greater control over their medical
data and who has access to it, can increase trust in
the healthcare system. Auditability, where blockchain
creates a transparent and audible record of all transac-
tions, which can be used to improve trust and compli-
ance in the medical data processing. Decentralization,
where blockchain can enable the creation of decen-
tralized networks of medical data, can reduce the de-
pendence on centralized systems and increase system
Several challenges must be considered when using
blockchain technology for medical data processing.
Some of the key challenges include scalability, where
processing and storing large amounts of medical data
on a blockchain can be challenging due to current
technology limitations. Privacy and regulatory com-
pliance, where ensuring that medical data is stored
and processed in a way that complies with privacy
and regulatory requirements can be complex. Inter-
operability, where ensuring that different blockchain
systems can work together and share data can be chal-
lenging. Standardization, where ensuring that med-
ical data is stored and processed in a way that is
consistent across different systems and organizations
can be difficult. Adoption, where getting healthcare
providers and patients to adopt blockchain-based so-
lutions can be a challenge. Cybersecurity, where
blockchain technology is not immune to cyber at-
tacks, and some of the vulnerabilities that are spe-
cific to blockchain technology can be exploited by
attackers. Integration with existing systems, where
integrating blockchain-based solutions with existing
systems and processes in the healthcare industry can
be a complex task. It is important to note that these
challenges are not unique to blockchain, and similar
issues are faced when implementing new technolo-
gies in the healthcare sector. Additionally, ongoing
research and development efforts are being made to
address these challenges and make blockchain more
suitable for healthcare.
Our study presents an original idea for storing and
processing medical data by combining blockchain
technology with relational databases. Combining
these two technologies can positively impact patient
privacy protection, increasing trust in the system and
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of manag-
ing medical data. Blockchain can provide secure, im-
mutable and transparent medical data storage, while a
relational database can facilitate data processing and
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 1.1 presents the related works. In Section 2, we
provide theoretical fundaments that are base of our
work. In Section 3, we propose a model for medi-
cal data processing including conceptual and logical
models. Section 4 provides an implementation of our
model. In the last section, we present the conclusions
of the entire article, and findings from the research.
1.1 Related Work
There are many articles and publications on
blockchain technology, and new research is being
published regularly. Some of the most important and
influential articles and publications include:
”Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash Sys-
tem” by Satoshi Nakamoto - This is the original
white paper that introduced the concept of Bit-
coin and blockchain technology (Nakamoto and
Bitcoin, 2008).
”The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice,
and Application of the Next Internet Technology”
by William Mougayar - This book provides a
comprehensive overview of the business potential
of blockchain technology (Mougayar, 2016).
”Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduc-
tion in 25 Steps” by Daniel Drescher - This book
provides a clear and concise introduction to the
key concepts of blockchain technology (Drescher,
”A Next-Generation Smart Contract and De-
centralized Application Platform” by Ethereum
Foundation - This white paper introduces the
Ethereum blockchain platform and its smart con-
tract functionality (Buterin et al., 2014).
”Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy” by
Melanie Swan - This book provides an overview
of the potential of blockchain technology to dis-
rupt a wide range of industries and sectors (Swan,
”Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology
Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business,
and the World” by Don Tapscott and Alex Tap-
scott - This book provides a detailed look at the
potential of blockchain technology to disrupt a
wide range of industries and sectors (Tapscott and
Tapscott, 2016).
These are just a few examples, and many other ar-
ticles and publications provide valuable insights into
Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its Applications and Potential Benefits
the technology and its potential applications. It is es-
sential to remember that blockchain technology is still
relatively new and continuously evolving, so new re-
search and publications are coming out regularly.
Many articles and publications focus on using
blockchain technology in the healthcare industry.
Some of the most important and influential articles
and publications include:
”A Survey of Blockchain-Based Strategies for
Healthcare” by De Aguiar et al. - This article re-
views concepts of blockchain in the medical area
including the management of information, drug
tracking, and data security and privacy (De Aguiar
et al., 2020).
”Blockchain-Based Electronic Health Record
Systems: A Review of the Current Landscape” by
K. K. Chan, J. Y. Lee, and B. K. Ng - This arti-
cle reviews current efforts to use blockchain for
electronic health record systems.
”Blockchain in Healthcare: The Future is Here”
by P. J. Neuman - This article provides an
overview of the potential benefits of blockchain
in healthcare and potential use cases.
”Blockchain Technology in the Pharmaceutical
Industry: The Future of Traceability and Sup-
ply Chain Management” by N. Kshetri - This ar-
ticle explores the potential of blockchain in the
pharmaceutical industry, specifically in traceabil-
ity and supply chain management.
”Blockchain in Healthcare: How Blockchain
Technology Can Improve the Health Care Sys-
tem” by R. Kshetri - This article provides a
detailed overview of the potential benefits of
blockchain technology in healthcare, including
improved data security and interoperability.
”Blockchain platform for industrial healthcare:
Vision and future opportunities” by Farouk, Alah-
madi, Ghose, and Mashatan - This paper provides
an overview of the blockchain and IoT technolo-
gies usage in healthcare (Farouk et al., 2020).
”Blockchain for Health Data and Its Potential Use
in Health IT and Health Care Related Research”
by Linn et al. - This article provides an overview
of the potential of blockchain for storing and shar-
ing health data (Linn et al., 2016).
”Blockchain for healthcare data management: op-
portunities, challenges, and future recommenda-
tions” by Yaqoob et al. - This article demon-
strates the practicality of blockchain technology
for healthcare applications (Yaqoob et al., 2022).
”Blockchain-enabled supply chain: analysis,
challenges, and future directions” by Jabbar et al.
- This article provides an overview of challenges
and future directions in pharmaceutical supply
chain intervention (Jabbar et al., 2021).
Blockchain is a technology used in many application
domains. It is defined as a registry of decentralised
data that is securely shared. Thanks to this technol-
ogy, a group of participants can share data and in-
put it into the network simultaneously. Additionally,
blockchain enables accessible collection, integration
and sharing of transactional data from many sources.
Blockchain ensures data integrity by eliminating du-
plication and ensuring security. The data, in turn, is
divided into shared datasets made up of blocks and
a chain of data packets. Each block includes mul-
tiple transactions or entities and metadata. In addi-
tion, each block contains a timestamp, the previous
block’s hash value, and a nonce, a random number to
verify the hash. Blockchain can be extended with ad-
ditional blocks, thanks to which the blockchain con-
tains a complete history of transactions (Rajasekaran
et al., 2022; Bashir, 2018).
Figure 1: Hash calculation sequence.
Blockchain is an electronic list of data blocks. In-
tegrity constraints exist between these blocks. Also,
each block stores the cryptographic hash of the pre-
vious block. The data stored in the block is used to
calculate the hash using appropriate hashing meth-
ods. The hash is the equivalent of a checksum. If
later there are changes in a given block, the hash can
be used to verify whether there has been an error or
an attempted forgery. Each subsequent block uses its
data and the previous block’s hash function to com-
pute the result of the hash function. This action cre-
ates integrity constraints between the blocks. Thus,
any interference with the block results in both its hash
and each subsequent block’s hash is incorrect. Figure
1 shows the idea of the mentioned hash calculation
sequence (Bodkhe et al., 2020).
The functions used to generate the hash should
primarily be one-way and collision-resistant. If the
function is one-way, finding an argument to perform
the reverse operation will be impossible. An ad-
ditional advantage of one-way hash functions is to
increase the level of data security because one-way
makes it much more challenging to try forgery. Colli-
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
sion resistance means generating two arbitrary inputs
with the same hash is not practical. The hash func-
tion makes it much more difficult to interfere with al-
ready created blocks, but it does not prevent it. If the
block is modified, the result of the hash function no
longer matches. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate
its new value and repeat the same operation in each
subsequent block (Sheik and Muniyandi, 2023).
We can divide blockchains into public and private
chains due to their availability. Private chains are only
open to the group, which means that the users of such
chains are known, and there is usually no need to im-
plement additional security measures. On the other
hand, public chains usually provide free network ac-
cess for all internet users. The use of public chains
increases the risk of abuse and contributes to the need
for additional blockchain security measures, e.g., im-
plementing a consensus algorithm. Reaching a con-
sensus in the network is a critical situation because
the blockchain is usually uniform, which means that
there is one global instance of the blockchain. The
occurrence of branches is undesirable, meaning that
not all nodes make the same decision (Zheng and Lu,
We can indicate several methods of reaching con-
sensus, i.e. situations in which nodes in the network
agree to accept a new block consisting of a specific list
of entities or transactions. The consensus mechanism
should guarantee data integrity between nodes and re-
duce the risk of errors and illegal transactions. One of
the most popular mechanisms for reaching consensus
is Proof of Work. This mechanism requires proof that
adequate computational resources were used to gen-
erate the new block, and the PoW algorithm charac-
terises by the high computing power necessary to gen-
erate subsequent blocks. Another consensus-building
algorithm is Proof of Stake. In this case, the algorithm
selects the person who can create the next block based
on certain factors. For example, the criterion for se-
lecting a person may be the number of tokens held and
their age [21]. Thus, a new block can be created by a
person with such a large amount of assets that prohib-
ited activities are unprofitable for him, as they carry
the risk of losing the funds collected so far. Proof of
Stake consumes less power than the Proof of Work al-
gorithm. Proof of Importance uses information about
the user’s activity on the network to assess the level of
trust of a given person user. On the other hand, Proof
of Activity combines the features of Proof of Stake
and Proof of Work. Thanks to this, it maintains an ap-
propriate level of security while reducing the required
computing power (Ferdous et al., 2021).
In this section, we will present a model that combines
the advantages of a relational model and blockchain
technology. For personal data of patients, doctors,
and healthcare workers, as well as descriptions of in-
surance and payments, we will use relationships. On
the other hand, we will utilise blockchain for diag-
nostic information such as test results, diagnoses, and
prescribed medications.
3.1 Conceptual Model
A conceptual model was built in the first step of
database modelling, resulting in an entity relationship
diagram (Figure 2). For the article, we limited the
visibility of each entity’s properties to the basic ones
due to the size of the entire diagram. It should also be
noted that the most important entities for analysing
the problem have been shown.
In the project, we distinguished entities closely
related to patient data: patient, insurance, and bill,
where we describe information about the patient,
what their insurance covers, and information about
their payments related to treatment. The subsequent
entities relate to medical staff: doctor, nurse, and
healthcare worker, where information about the listed
employees and their specialisations will appear. The
next group of entities describes the treatment process,
so we have a visit that is first reserved and then takes
place. Finally, we have referrals for procedures, to
other specialists, or for tests. There will also be an en-
tity regarding medical leave and completed tests. The
last group of entities is significant for the treatment
process, including test results, diagnosis, and pre-
scription. Here we will describe the patient’s health
status at a given time, the diagnosis made, and the
prescribed drugs with the dosing instructions. These
data are complex and will require nesting, and collec-
tions, in short, complex structures. In Figure 2, we
have marked them with the term: Data.
Most of the relationships we identified between
entities are simple one-to-one or one-to-many re-
lationships. However, attention should be paid to
relationships that occur in three entities describing the
treatment process. We wanted to emphasise the causal
relationship and the sequence of subsequent tests,
diagnoses, and medications. Therefore, each entity
instance should refer to its predecessor in time. This
requirement is shown in the form of relationships be-
tween entities with themselves. Importantly, in medi-
cal history, there will always be the first and last test
Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its Applications and Potential Benefits
Figure 2: Conceptual model of healthcare data.
or the first and last diagnosis; hence, the relationships
are bidirectionally optional.
3.2 Logical Model
After the first design phase, entities can be identified
as possible to implement in a relational (optionally
relational-object) form. In Figure 2, we have high-
lighted them with a blue background in the header.
We would particularly like to secure three entities,
which are sensitive data important in terms of the or-
der of occurrence, time, and immutability. Therefore,
we have highlighted them with an orange background.
In the case of diagnostics, the system beneficia-
ries: doctors, staff, and patients themselves, will have
access to an immutable history of diagnoses, prescrip-
tions, and test results. Each of the mentioned enti-
ties contains a record of the key to the previous one
(the result of the hash function), a precise timestamp,
metadata, and the actual data related to the diagnosis.
As we mentioned, the data related to these entities
are complex. We will not be able to use regular re-
lationships. We propose a hybrid model that will use
blockchain technology to secure the order and data
and protect them from changes after approval. In ad-
dition to blockchain, we will use a relational-object
model that will allow us to store both atomic data (pa-
tient number, doctor, date) and complex data (test re-
sult, prescribed drugs with dosing) that can take the
form of a collection in rows.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The designed database can be implemented using Or-
acle 19i or a newer server. In the above distribution,
we can use the existing solution - Oracle Blockchain
Platform. This platform provides blockchain tables.
Access to them is assigned in the form of individual
permissions. Hence, all blockchain technology in Or-
acle is a permissioned blockchain.
Relational tables are implemented traditionally
with a standard set of types. However, in the case of
patient or visit data, it is necessary to consider using
partitioning, as these may be large data sets. All of
these tables will be able to undergo insertion, mod-
ification, and deletion of data according to the ac-
tual state. Authorised healthcare workers will make
Blockchain tables designated for data insertion
only will be used for test results, diagnoses, and pre-
scriptions. These tables organise rows into a certain
number of chains. Each row in the chain, except for
the first, is linked to the previous row in the chain us-
ing a cryptographic hash (Figure 3).
An interesting feature of blockchain tables is the
ability to add certificates used to sign rows. Sign-
ing a row makes it clear who inserted the row. The
signature is optional and provides additional security
against manipulation. Another important aspect is the
ability to set the expiration time of the data. The total
inability to delete outdated data could be too restric-
tive. Therefore, a storage period can be set during the
table creation.
Unfortunately, in the case of an Oracle server,
blockchain tables also have significant limitations re-
garding the allowable types of rows. They only allow
for simple types and do not permit object or collection
types. As a result, assumptions made during concep-
tual and logical modelling must be altered. For ex-
ample, the results of tests that may involve multiple
factors being studied must be broken down into indi-
vidual key-value entries, where the key is the name of
the factor being studied and the value is the obtained
result. The same approach should be taken in the case
of a diagnosis. If more than one illness is detected
during a visit, each illness will be allocated a separate
row. Similarly, in the case of medications, individual
rows will describe individual drugs and their dosage.
In Figure 3, among the data, metadata inserted
into each row in the chain is highlighted. These meta-
data will include database instance identifiers, row
identifiers, consecutive row numbers, data insertion
timestamp, user number who inserted the data, row
hash value, signatures, and certificates.
Figure 3: Blockchain model of diagnosis table.
We must add many constraints to our blockchain
tables to facilitate their management and security. The
first step will be establishing a period for storing rows
in the table. In the case of medical data, it can be set
for a period of several years, after which older data is
archived. In the next step, because we will be break-
ing down the results of tests and prescribed medica-
tions so much, the tables will quickly grow in size. Fi-
nally, to optimise and avoid full table scans, we must
implement a data partitioning mechanism during the
implementation stage.
We want each entry to have a specified and
signed author, so we must also add certificates to
the tables during the implementation stage. We will
procedure for this purpose.
After the database structure implementation
phase, it is necessary to implement supporting
database triggers, stored procedures and functions,
additional indexes on large tables and their most im-
portant columns in the case of data search. These
are essential steps from the view of application op-
timisation rather than from the point of view of the
blockchain model. What will also be necessary is the
selection of users and their privileges.
Among users, we will distinguish those who have
access to traditional tables; these will be healthcare
professionals who can enter patient, visit, and pro-
cedure data. Laboratory technicians will have cer-
tificates and can sign off on test results recorded in
the blockchain table. There will be doctors who
have access to patients, visits, procedures, and re-
ferral data but also can sign off on entries related to
diagnosis and prescribed medications using a certifi-
cate. Finally, there will be patients without modifica-
tion rights but only with the ability to read their own
Of course, throughout the entire implementation
phase, we have only described the database side here.
Simultaneously it is necessary to add an API allowing
easy database handling by individual users.
Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its Applications and Potential Benefits
In our article, we have outlined the ideas behind
blockchain technology and subsequently developed
and demonstrated a data model for the patient treat-
ment process. The model includes patient data, their
insurance, bills, healthcare workers, doctors, nurses,
and data related to the treatment process: visits, re-
ferrals, releases, test results, diagnoses and medica-
tions. The last three are designed using blockchain
technology, guaranteeing data integrity and maintain-
ing a precise entry sequence. Additionally, each en-
try is accompanied by a certified signature. Overall,
our article illustrates how blockchain technology can
bring security and transparency to the healthcare in-
dustry by allowing tamper-proof records of sensitive
patient data and medical procedures.
Blockchain technology, in the case of medical
data, offers certain benefits, including:
High level of security;
Reduced reliance on external intermediaries;
Real-time record allowing detection of manipula-
tion that can be shared with all interested parties;
Facilitation of authenticity and integrity of entries
throughout the treatment process;
Building trust between patients and healthcare
providers by offering credible, shared data;
It enables seamless tracking of the treatment pro-
When implementing a hybrid data model for med-
ical data using blockchain technology, we may en-
counter challenges such as complexity in implemen-
tation, scalability issues, data standardisation needs,
difficulties in integrating with existing systems, and
regulatory compliance. These challenges vary de-
pending on the specific use case and the current in-
frastructure in place. Therefore, it is essential to con-
sider these potential challenges and have a plan to ad-
dress them to ensure a successful implementation of
the hybrid data model.
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Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its Applications and Potential Benefits