Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of
Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw
Propulsion Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious Vehicles
with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes
Svetlana Karaseva
, Aleksey Papunin
, Vladimir Belyakov
, Vladimir Makarov
Dmitry Malahov
and Anton Klyushkin
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev, Minin Str., 24, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University,
Leningradsky prospect, 64, Moscow, Russian Federation,
Keywords: Rotary-Screw Propulsion Unit, Snow and Swamp-Going Vehicle, Thrust, Torque, Efficiency,
Abstract: The paper deals with the issues of analysis of thrust and torque of structural elements of rotary-screw
propulsion units of snow and swamp-going amphibious vehicles of tandem design when operating on water.
For a wide range of propulsors with three variants of the helix angle, the contribution of various elements of
Archimedes screws to the overall efficiency of the propulsor is analyzed. A comparative analysis of the
hydrodynamics of rotary-screw propulsion units in running and mooring modes is given.
Nowadays, there is a clear tendency to explore the
regions of the Arctic, Siberia and the Far North in
connection with the active extension of the sphere of
subsoil use and the development of gas and oil fields.
In these territories, there are mainly such supporting
bases as snow, ice, water, sludge, broken ice in the
water, as well as swamp, silt, etc. Rotary screw
propulsion units are the best suited for such operating
conditions due to the low pressure they exert on the
support base by virtue of the specifics of the design.
The features and parameters of the motion of
rotary-screw propulsors on the water are extremely
little known, and therefore it is important to study the
hydrodynamics of these propulsion units in order to
ensure an optimal ratio of overwater and overland
characteristics when designing them.
Earlier, the authors carried out studies of the
hydrodynamics of single rotary-screw propulsion
units, as a result of which dependencies of a similar
nature were obtained, as given in this work. The
results of the structural analysis of the hydrodynamic
interaction of such Archimedes screws with the water
area are given in the paper (Karaseva, 2022).
To solve the problems, computer simulation methods
were used at constant values of the flow velocity v =
4 m/s in the running mode and 0 m/s in the mooring
mode; the values of the rate speed of propulsor varied
in the range n = 200 ... 600 rpm.
Figure 1 shows the image of the three-start models
of tandem Archimedes screw propulsors used. The
geometric characteristics of all three models, with the
exception of the angles of inclination of the helix, are
Karaseva, S., Papunin, A., Belyakov, V., Makarov, V., Malahov, D. and Klyushkin, A.
Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw Propulsion Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious
Vehicles with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes.
DOI: 10.5220/0011992300003479
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2023), pages 386-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-652-1; ISSN: 2184-495X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
identical and are the most typical for rotary-screw
propulsion units of snow and swamp-going vehicles
(Kulyashov, 1993; Danilov, 2011; Kolotilin, 2015;
Shapkin, 2017). The values of the helix angles are,
respectively, 24, 30 and 39 degrees: smaller angles of
inclination correspond to typical values for traction
vehicles, large ones – for transport vehicles.
As a result of computer simulation of the
hydrodynamics of the models, a large amount of data
was obtained. As a graphical representation of the
simulation results, some of the visualization patterns
shown in Figure 2 can be considered.
The analysis of these patterns confirms the
complexity of the hydrodynamics of the interaction of
tandem Archimedes screws with the water area. For
the possibility of structural analysis, the entire
propulsor was divided into logical elements, namely:
front cowl, rear cowl, input and output helixes
divided into three elements each, as well as
cylindrical parts of the helixes of the fore and aft
Archimedes screws in the amount of 8 elements 4
elements per Archimedes screw (Figure 1). Averaged
values of thrust in the longitudinal direction and
torque with respect to the axis of rotation of the
propulsor were monitored on each of these elements.
In addition, the base cylinders of both Archimedes
screws themselves were also divided into 4 elements
each; however, these elements practically do not
participate in the creation of thrust or resistance,
therefore they are not shown in the diagrams.
It is also worth noting separately the fact that the
distribution of loads is non-uniform for the remaining
elements of the screw propulsion unit.
Figure 1: Images of rotary-screw propulsor models used for computer simulation.
Running mode (v = 4 m/sec) Mooring mode
Figure 2: Examples of patterns of interaction between Archimedes screw and water area (helix angle 30°, n = 400 rpm).
Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw Propulsion
Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious Vehicles with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes
Figure 3: Distribution of specific thrust across the elements of the rotary-screw propulsor in running and mooring modes.
Figures 3 and 4 show the specific thrust and specific
torque curves on the main elements for three
propulsor models in running and mooring modes. For
the running mode, the curves are presented in the
traditional dimensionless form, depending on the
advance ratio. For the mooring mode, in which the
speed of the frontal incoming water flow is zero and
the advance ratio, respectively, is also zero, a slightly
different principle is used, namely, dependence on the
number of revolutions of the propulsor.
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 4: Distribution of the specific moment across the elements of the rotary-screw propulsor in running and mooring
On the diagrams, Т
is the thrust of the propulsor
certain element, Q
is the corresponding torque, T is
the total thrust of the mover, Q is the total input
moment, J is the advance ratio equal to
where V
is the water flow velocity (m/sec), n is
the speed of rotation of the propulsor (rpm), D is the
diameter of the Archimedes screw (m) (Basin, 1977).
As can be seen from the diagrams, the elements
of the rotary-screw propulsor can create both thrust
and resistance, which is manifested in positive and
negative values on the diagrams, respectively.
Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw Propulsion
Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious Vehicles with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes
Figure 5: Distribution of thrust along the length of helixes of the Archimedes screws in the running and mooring mode.
When analyzing the data on the parameters of
movement in the running mode, it can be seen that the
greatest contribution to the creation of thrust is made
by the helixes of the aft Archimedes screw located on
the base cylinder (Figure 3). In addition, the input
helixes are also quite actively involved in this
process, although for transport vehicles with a
propulsor with the helix angle approaching to the
upper limit of the range of typical values the
efficiency of the input part of the helixes decreases a
bit, and the efficiency of the cylindrical part
increases. Output helixes are practically not involved
in the creation of thrust. The greatest contribution to
the creation of resistance is made by the rear cowl, its
resistance is least for vehicles with average values of
helix angles. In addition, the resistance is also created
by the front cowl, but it is a bit smaller and not for all
models: for traction machines with small helix angles
the resistance of the front cowl is greater, while for
transport vehicles it is practically zero.
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 6: Distribution of torque along the length of helixes of the Archimedes screws in the running and mooring mode.
The behaviour of the cylindrical part of the
helixes of the fore Archimedes screw is most
interesting, since at small helix angles they create
resistance, at medium – they participate in thrust
creation on a par with the input helixes, and at large
they create both resistance and thrust depending on
the value of the advance ratio.
In the mooring mode, an almost identical pattern
of the nature of the curves is observed, with the
exception of the behaviour of the helix cylindrical
part of the fore Archimedes screw, which create
resistance for all three models, and their contribution
to this process is the greatest in comparison with other
When analyzing the distribution of specific torque
across the propulsor elements in the running mode, it
is possible to note the characteristic similarity of most
curves with the thrust distribution curves (Figure 4).
The cylindrical part of the helixes of the aft
Archimedes screw contributes the most to the
creation of the turning torque as well as to the creation
of thrust; the input helixes also participate in this
Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw Propulsion
Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious Vehicles with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes
process. The rear cowl creates neither turning nor
braking torque, its participation is minimal. The
greatest braking torque is created by the front cowl;
the output part of the helixes also creates a slight
braking at small and medium angles of inclination of
the helix, however, with an increase of this angle, the
value of the braking torque drops to zero at 39
One of the main differences from the formation of
thrust is the fact that the behaviour of the cylindrical
part of the helixes of the fore Archimedes screw in
this case is practically unchanged for all three models
studied. The values of the specific moment on these
elements are 2…3 times more than those on the input
When comparing the behaviour of the propulsor
elements and their participation in the formation of
the torque in the mooring mode it can be concluded
that the overall picture, as in the case with thrust, is
almost identical to the running mode.
Of particular interest is the distribution of thrust and
torque along the length of the helixes of the rotary-
screw propulsor shown in Figures 5 and 6. For
graphical representation, the helixes are divided into
10 elements, numbered in order from fore to aft
(Figure 1). So, the value "0" corresponds to the input
element of the helixes, and "9" corresponds to the
output one. These values on the diagrams are
postponed along the abscissa axis.
When analyzing the patterns of thrust distribution
in the running and mooring modes, we can note their
fundamental similarity for all models in both modes.
The nature of the curves is exactly the same for the
certain elements of the helixes. The front part of the
aft Archimedes screw (element "5") takes the greatest
part in creating thrust, which is presumably explained
by the work in the flow twisted in the opposite
direction by the fore Archimedes screw. In addition,
a significant contribution is made by the front part of
the rotary-screw propulsor, namely, the input part of
the helixes and the front part of the fore Archimedes
screw (elements "0" and "1"). A small thrust is
created by the middle parts of the Archimedes screws.
The greatest resistance is created by the rear part of
the fore Archimedes screw, although the rear part of
the aft Archimedes screw together with the rear cowl
makes a small contribution to this process. The
patterns are identical for both running and mooring
The torque distribution also has a similar
character (Figure 6). As it can be seen, the greatest
contribution to the creation of the torque is also made
by the front part of the propulsor helixes. The middle
and rear parts of the fore Archimedes screw in the
running mode create very little torque, but in the
mooring mode they practically do not participate in
this process, as well as the rear part of the aft
Archimedes screw in all modes.
An interesting thing is the transition of part of the
elements to the "turbine mode", that is to the
operating mode when the element creates a negative
braking torque. To simplify the perception of such a
mode, a picture can be conditionally imagined when
the water flow is not twisted by the propulsor, but vice
versa. A low turbine mode is observed on the output
part of the helixes, but a much larger braking torque
is created by the front and middle part of the aft
Archimedes screw or, to be more precise, almost its
entire cylindrical part. This can be explained by
working in a stream of water twisted by the front
screw, and, characteristically, this behaviour is
manifested for all the considered helix angles in all
modes, which allows us to assume quite confidently
that such a picture will be typical for Archimedes
screws with other parameters.
Based on the analysis of the above patterns, it can be
concluded that the obtained dependences illustrate
stable trends in the behaviour of specific elements of
tandem rotary-screw propulsors of snow and swamp-
going vehicles with typical parameters, regardless of
the speed and number of revolutions, including
mooring mode. Taking into account the stability and
generality of the nature of the thrust and torque
curves, it is safe to assume that the data obtained can
be used to study the hydrodynamic interaction of
tandem rotary-screw propulsion units with the water
area also with other parameters of the geometry of the
Archimedes screws and the working area.
The results of the given study have been obtained
with financial support of the grants of the President of
the Russian Federation № MK-336.2022.4.
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
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Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw Propulsion
Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious Vehicles with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes