UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher
Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic
Basmah Almekhled
1,2 a
and Helen Petrie
Department of Computer Science, University of York, Heslington East, York, U.K.
College of Computing and Informatics, Saudi Electronic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Online Higher Education, Privacy and Security Concerns, Videoconferencing Technologies, Online Chat
Technologies, COVID Pandemic.
Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic has led to major changes in higher education around the world. Higher education
institutions (HEIs) moved to completely online learning and a range of new technologies including online
videoconferencing and chat tools. Research has shown that users have privacy and security concerns about
such tools, but little is known about the attitudes of HEI students to these issues, apart from reluctance to use
webcams during online teaching. A survey of 71 UK HEI students explored attitudes and concerns about
privacy and security in online teaching in the pandemic. Participants knew little about institutional policies
on these issues and few had had any training. Ratings of concern across a range of issues were generally low,
however in open-ended questions, a range of concerns such as being recorded without permission,
unauthorised people entering and disrupting of online sessions, not knowing where recordings are stored and
who has access to them. The main concerns about online teaching situations related to being monitored in
examinations. HEIs moved very rapidly to deploy online technologies for teaching in response to the
pandemic, but going forward, more transparency and information to students could alleviate many of these
concerns and create better informed students.
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, higher
educational institutions (HEIs) around the world were
suddenly forced to move largely to online teaching.
UNESCO (2021) estimates that more than 220
million students in higher education were affected by
the pandemic. Students began to learn and study
online at very short notice and without the
expectation that this would be the way they would
have undertaken their courses and assessments. This
transition required major changes in teaching and
learning methods. Face-to-face lectures, seminars,
practicals and other teaching methods were replaced
with online equivalents were possible or suspended if
this was not possible. Examinations were online or
changed to different online assessments. This
precipitous change caused considerable stress for
both teachers (Watermeyer et al., 2021) and students.
Although many HEIs were already using online
systems such as virtual learning environments
(VLEs) before the pandemic, the use of a range of
different technologies greatly increased when HEIs
moved to fully or nearly fully online teaching. Our
own institution is probably typical in that within days
of the first lockdown in the United Kingdom, the
institution purchased an enterprise level version of
Zoom, set up Slack and Discord channels for students
and staff at every level, and initiated discussion of
how we would conduct the end of year examinations
remotely via these technologies. This sudden move to
the use of many different digital technologies also
initiated much discussion of the privacy and security
issues related to their use: how would we monitor
whether students were participating in sessions, was
it necessary for staff and students to have their
microphones and webcams on during sessions, how
would assessments and examinations be monitored
for collusion and cheating and so on? The rapid
Almekhled, B. and Petrie, H.
UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0011993500003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 483-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
actions and discussions at our institution were clearly
not unique, several studies of HEI educators’
experiences of the pandemic (Müller et al., 2021;
Watermeyer et al., 2021) highlight very similar
Although not specifically about educational use of
digital technologies, a worldwide survey conducted in
May 2020, several months into widespread remote
working and teaching due to the pandemic, found that
privacy and security factors were the most frequently
mentioned in relation to the use of conferencing and
communication tools (Emami-Naeini et al., 2021).
Another large general survey taken a few months
before the pandemic also found that users were
concerned about the security and privacy of group
chat technologies (Oesch et al., 2020). These are the
kinds of digital technologies that many HEIs began
employing for online teaching druing the pandemic,
often with rapid and ad hoc deployment.
A number of studies investigated HEI students
attitudes and concerns in relation to online privacy
and security before the pandemic, but these are
generally about their general attitudes and concerns,
and not in relation specifically to their online
education. For example, Kim (2013) surveyed 85
American university students and found they had a
good understanding of online security issues. One
question related to their educational experience, only
40% of respondents thought that their personal
information was adequately protected in the
institution’s online systems. Khalid et al. (2018)
surveyed 142 Malaysian HEI students and found they
had typical concerns about online privacy and
security (e.g. that their personal information might be
shared without their permission) but also good
knowledge of protective actions (e.g. to ignore
requests for information from strangers). However,
these questions were posed in relation to general
online privacy and security, not specifically about the
educational context.
In addition, a number of studies have investigated
HEI students’ experiences of digital technologies
during the pandemic, in a wide range of countries and
situations, although only one study could be found
which focused specifically on privacy and security
issues of the technologies being used. Kim (2021)
investigated the attitudes of 296 South Korean HEI
students using a technology acceptance model (TAM)
(Davis et al., 1989) framework and found that
concerns about online privacy and security negatively
impacted on students’ intention to participate in live
online teaching sessions.
More general studies of students’ attitudes to
online teaching included Serhan (2020) who found
that a sample of US university students were positive
about using Zoom for online teaching, although
concerns about privacy were raised tangentially. A
study in India (Agarwal & Kaushik, 2020) also found
that university students were positive about Zoom
sessions, although a study from Pakistan (Adnan &
Anwar, 2020) found that the majority of students felt
that face-to-face teaching was vital for learning.
Two studies were identified which investigated
HEI students’ attitudes to the use of webcams in
online teaching and specifically why students do not
want to have them on during online teaching sessions
(Bedenlier et al., 2021; Gherhes et al., 2021).
Although conducted in different countries (Germany
and Romania), both found reluctance on the part of
students to have webcams on during online teaching
sessions. A range of reasons were proposed,
including shyness and anxiety, but both studies
highlighted privacy issues as major concerns. Yet,
the educators in the study by Müller et al (2021)
highlight the difficulty of engaging with students who
cannot be seen in online teaching sessions.
Given the paucity of information about HEI
students’ concerns about the privacy and security
issues of the numerous technologies now being
deployed in online teaching, technologies which are
very likely to continue to be used to some extent even
as face-to-face education has returned, we set out to
investigate these concerns with a sample of HEI
students who had started their higher education before
the pandemic, but were now continuing their studies
during the pandemic (data were collected in
December 2021) . We chose to concentrate in the first
instance on a sample of students from the UK (those
studying in the UK and who are British), as
educational practices at HE level can vary between
countries. In addition, students from different
cultures may well have different attitudes to online
privacy and security in general and specifically in
relation to their education. Some research has found
substantial cultural differences in these areas (Cho et
al., 2009; Trepte et al., 2017), although this is not
always the case (Petrie & Merdenyan, 2016). Thus,
investigating a culturally and educationally
homogenous sample should allow us to draw clearer
Our research questions were, in the context of the
RQ1: What do HEI UK students understand by online
privacy and security?
RQ2: Are UK HEI students aware of their
institution’s policies about online privacy and
security issues and are they provided with training
about these issues?
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
RQ3: What are UK HEI students' concerns about
privacy and security issues in relation to using video
conferencing and online chat technologies for online
teaching and studying?
RQ4: What are UK HEI students’ concerns about
privacy and security issues in relation to a range of
specific online teaching and learning situations?
2.1 Participants
Participants were recruited via the Prolific
recruitment site ( The inclusion criteria,
were to be British, studying at a UK HEI and to have
been studying there since before the coronavirus
pandemic started (i.e. to have started studying in the
2019 2020 academic year or earlier). Data were
collected in December 2021 and this paper addresses
students’ current situation, that is study in the
pandemic situation of enforced distance learning.
75 students responded, but data from four were
discarded because they had not started studying
before the pandemic, leaving a sample of 71
participants. Demographic information for the sample
is shown in Table 1. All those who responded
received a payment of GBP 2.00 for completing the
The age range was surprisingly wide (18 - 67
years), but 50 participants (70.4%) were 25 years or
younger, and 60 (84.5%) were 30 or younger. The
sample was somewhat biased toward women (63.4%
women), probably due to the tendency of women to
volunteer for research [19].
Participants were studying at 46 different UK
HEIs, representing every type of HEI from the elite
universities (Oxford and Cambridge) to the newer
HEIs. No one HEI had more than three participants.
Most participants were studying at HEIs in England
(61, 85.9%), but with some representation from
Scotland (6, 8.5%), Wales (3, 4.2%) and Northern
Ireland (1, 1.4%).
The distribution of degree levels is quite close to
the overall UK higher education population, statistics
from the Higher Education Statistics Agency [10]
show that 73.0% of students are enrolled in Bachelor
level degrees, 22.9% at Masters level and 4.1% at
PhD or other research degrees. The distribution of
major subjects of study is not so close to the overall
UK higher education population [11] with over-
representation of participants studying arts and
humanities, computer science, engineering and
mathematics, physical and social sciences, and under-
representation of students studying business studies.
However, the sample did include participants
studying a wide range of subjects in both the sciences
and humanities.
Table 1: Demographics of the participants.
Standard deviation
18 – 67
25 (35.2%)
45 (63.4%)
1 (1.4%)
Degree level
56 (78.9%)
10 (14.1%)
Academic year started
2019 - 2020
2018 - 2019
2017 - 2018
47 (66.2%)
19 (26.8%)
1 (1.4%)
3 (5.6%)
2.2 Online Questionnaire
A questionnaire was designed to explore attitudes and
concerns about privacy and security issues in relation
to online teaching and learning. The questionnaire
asked about attitudes and concerns held before the
pandemic and since the pandemic, however this paper
will concentrate on issues since the pandemic. The
questionnaire included four sections relevant to this
Before providing a definition of “online privacy
and security” for the survey, participants were asked
what this phrase meant to them. A working definition
for the survey was then provided: “that a person’s
data, including their identity, is not accessible to
anyone other than themselves and others who they
have authorised and that their computing devices
work properly and are free from unauthorised
interference” (based on our reading of a range of
sources, (e.g. NCSC, 2022; Schatz, 2017; Steinberg,
2019; Windley, 2005). This was to ensure that
participants did understand what we were asking
about in subsequent sections.
The four main sections of the questionnaire used
a mixture of Likert rating items and open-ended
questions. The sections were:
About the Participant’s Institution: asked where
the participant is studying, major subject of study,
qualification they are studying for, and when they
started studying in HE. Also, asked whether their
institution has policies in relation to online privacy
UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic
and security and provides training to students on these
Privacy and Security Concerns About
Videoconferencing and Chat Technologies in
Teaching and Learning: asked about participants’
experiences and concerns of online security and
privacy specifically about videoconferencing and
chat technologies in their teaching and learning.
Questions also addressed concerns about security and
privacy issues in relation to the different activities
such as using videoconferencing and online chat
technologies in teaching sessions or with other
Privacy and Security Concerns About a Range of
Particular Online Teaching, Learning and
Studying Situations: asked about concerns about
security and privacy issues relevant to online teaching
(e.g. online sessions being recorded without the
participant’s knowledge, unauthorised people
attending online teaching sessions). Questions also
addressed attitudes and practices around the use of
webcams during teaching and study activities. This
set of situations was developed from our reading of
the literature and by brainstorming with a number of
HEI educators about their experiences since the
pandemic. We opted to ask about a range of specific
situations, as a completely open-ended question on
this topic might not elicit much specific information.
Demographics: asked basic questions about age,
gender, and how knowledgeable participants rated
themselves about online privacy and security issues
and videoconference and chat technologies.
The online questionnaire was deployed using the
Qualtrics survey software in December 2021. A pilot
study with five students at our own institution was
conducted to assess the clarity of the questions and
the time required to complete the survey. Some small
adjustments were made. The survey received ethical
approval from the University of York Physical
Sciences Ethics Committee.
2.3 Data Preparation
The questionnaire elicited both quantitative (answers
to multiple choice questions and 7-point Likert items)
and qualitative data (answers to open-ended
questions). The Likert items were often very skewed
to the lower part of the scale, so analysed using non-
parametric statistics. Medians and semi-interquartile
ranges (SIQRs) were calculated instead of means and
standard deviations and the Wilcoxon One Sample
Signed Ranks Test was used to test whether the
distribution of ratings differed from the midpoint of
the scale. As the sample size is large (more than 30
observations), the Z statistic for the normal
distribution approximation was used instead of the
Wilcoxon T (Siegel & Castellan, 1988).
Thematic analysis was conducted separately on
each open-ended question. Inductive thematic
analysis was used (Braun & Clarke, 2006), as no a
priori assumptions were made about the themes
which would emerge. The typical thematic analysis
procedure was used of reading through all the
answers to a particular question several times,
developing a preliminary set of themes, and then
working through the material repeatedly to refine
those themes and where appropriate, create sub-
themes. In some cases, themes were sub-divided into
sub-themes (see Tables 2 and 3), but as these were
relatively small thematic analyses (71 responses in
Table 2, 28 in Table 4, 22 in Table 6), this was not
always the case.
Before addressing the four research questions, we
briefly present results on participants’ experience of
online teaching and studying and how that changed
due to the pandemic.
Participants were asked whether their teaching
before the pandemic was totally online, totally face-
to-face, or blended (i.e. a mixture of face-to-face and
online). 60 participants (84.5%) reported that it had
been totally face-to-face, with only 5 (7.0%) reporting
totally online teaching, and 6 (8.5%) blended
teaching. In response to the pandemic, teaching for
the majority of participants (54, 76.1%) moved (or
remained) totally online (participants whose teaching
did not move totally online were mainly in medicine,
physics, chemistry or biology). Thus, for a majority
of participants (44, 62.0%) the pandemic resulted in a
radical of teaching methods, from totally face-to-face
to totally online.
3.1 RQ1: Students’ Understanding of
Online Privacy and Security (RQ1)
Initially, participants were asked to provide their
understanding of online privacy and security in their
own words. This was a compulsory question, so all 71
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Participants’ understanding of online security and privacy (based on answers from all 71 participants).
MAIN CATEGORY/sub category Examples
SECURE (Mentioned by 30 participants, 42.3%; 32 distinct mentions, 23.0%)
keeping my data, work and login details secure (P4)
information secure … whilst stud
During online activities
… being safe .. while using the Internet (P13)
over a secure
latform i.e. Microsoft teams
In accessing institution resources
4 (12.5%)
being able to access institution resources safely (P11)
Making sure my university site is secure (P36)
PRIVATE (Mentioned by 20 participants, 28.2%; 21 distinct mentions, 15.1%)
14 (66.7%)
Keeping your information …. private within the university (P43)
Keeping all personal data and the course
rogress of students private (P49)
During online activities
7 (33.3%)
Being able to participate in online lectures without other students and
lecturers being able to see and hear people in the background of your home
Having a private connection when attending online classes and meetings
mentioned b
ants, 23.9%, 15 mentions, 10.8%
having reliable … protection against online threats (P21)
… protection of personal data (P27)
NOT ACCESSIBLE (mentioned by 16 participants, 22.5%; 17 distinct mentions, 12.2%)
Unauthorised persons are not able to access
making sure that personal information, passwords, private files cannot
be accessed without my permission … (P25)
my details are only available on an as requested basis and only to the
university (P47)
STOLEN, HACKED, LEAKED, SHARED (mentioned by 13 participants, 18.3%; 16 distinct mentions,11.5%)
Data cannot be stolen, hacked, leaked won’t risk my passwords or data being leaked (P24)
… my information online is … not vulnerable to be stolen (P44)
NOT SHARED (mentioned by 8 participants, 11.3%; 8 distinct mentions, 5.8%)
Data cannot be shared (without permission) That your data cannot be … passed on (P20)
Your data is not shared outwith relevant
PREVENT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION OR MISUSE (mentioned by 8 participants, 11.3%, 7 mentions, 5.0%)
…someone else using my information without my permission for their
benefit (P10)
my information online is not vulnerable to be used in a harmful way
participants provided an answer. Results of the
thematic analysis of responses are summarised in
Table 2. Nearly half the participants (30, 42.3%)
produced somewhat circular definitions by using the
term “secure” (or close variations) and more than a
quarter (20, 28.2%) used “private” (or close
variations). However, many participants elaborated
with what was secure or private, most commonly their
data, but also their online activities and their access to
their institution’s resources. Smaller numbers of
participants brought in different concepts such as
their data being protected (17, 23.9%) or not
accessible (except to those authorised, 16, 22.5%) or
not able to be stolen, hacked or leaked (13, 18.3%),
shared without permission (8, 11.3%) or not mis-used
(8, 11.3%). Smaller numbers of participants (less than
10%) also mentioned preventing scams, anonymity in
online activities, having control over one’s data and
3.2 Students’ Awareness of
Institutional Policies About Online
Privacy and Security Issues and
Training (RQ2)
Participants were asked if they knew whether their
institution has policies about privacy and security
issues in relation to the use of technologies for online
teaching and learning (e.g. videoconference systems,
online chat systems). Less than one third of
participants (21, 29.6%) knew of such policies, a
small number (5, 7.0%) said they thought the
institution did not have any policies, and the majority
UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic
Table 3: Participants’ level of concern about online security and privacy about using video conferencing and chat technologies
in online teaching and studying (rated from 1 = not at all concerned to 7 = very concerned).
Z p
video conferencin
ies in teachin
sessions 1.00
-6.89 < .001
online chat technolo
ies in teachin
sessions 1.00
-6.53 < .001
Using video conferencing technologies in studying with other students 1.00 (1.00) -6.75 < .001
Using online chat technologies in studying with other students 1.00 (1.00) -6.70 < .001
Table 4: Participants’ concerns about videoconferencing and online chat technologies (based on 28 participants).
mentioned b
ants, 21.4%
It's also easy to record things without anyone's permission or knowledge (P32)
People being recorded when they don’t consent to be (P38)
mentioned b
ants, 21.4%
There have been cases of random people joining Zoom calls if they are public and then causing chaos until they get kicked
out (P13)
There's always a risk of someone joining without invitation (P43)
mentioned b
ants, 21.4%
I just don't trust the university websites as they are very outdated (P29)
I'm more concerned about online chat technologies as these are run by companies like Facebook which I don't trust (vs
trust Zoom etc slightly more) (P66)
(mentioned by 5 participants, 17.9%)
The recorded sessions go online with our information and video and its hard to know who can access it (P16)
I would want to know .. who will have access to it [the recording], especially if I personally have participated in the
conversation or had my camera on .. I would want to know where [the recording] will be stored (P19)
mentioned b
ants, 14.3%
… that I will accidentally turn my camera on when I don't mean to (P63)
Worries of camera / mic being on when you are not aware that they are (P64)
of participants (45, 63.4%) said they were not sure or
did not know.
When asked whether their institution provides
training in online privacy and security issues, a small
number of participants (10, 14.1%) reported that
training was provided, more reported that it was not
provided (16, 22.5%) and again, the majority were not
sure or did not know (45, 63.4%). Only two
participants (2.8%) reported having received any such
3.3 Students' Concerns About Privacy
and Security Issues in Relation to
Video Conferencing and Online
Chat Technologies for Online
Teaching and Studying (RQ3)
Participants were asked to rate their level of concern
about security and privacy issues in relation to the use
of videoconferencing and online chat technologies for
teaching sessions and for studying with other students
(on 7-point Likert items, coded as 1 = not at all
concerned to 7 = very concerned, only the end point
wording was presented to participants). Table 3
shows that in all cases, they rated their concern as
very low (median of 1.0 or “not at all concerned” on
all four combinations, significantly below the
midpoint of the rating scale) with very small variance
(as measured by the SIQRs).
However, in a follow-up open ended question
about any concerns, 28 (39.4%) of participants did
raise concerns, including two who said they were not
concerned, but then raised concerns. The thematic
analysis of these concerns is summarised in Table 4.
Two of the most commonly mentioned concerns were
videoconferencing sessions being recorded without
permission, and who could access them (particularly
whether institution staff could access them) and
where they would be stored (although it was not
explicitly mentioned, this presumably related to the
security of the storage). The other most commonly
mentioned concerns were about unauthorised people
entering and disrupting online sessions (although no
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
participant reported this actually happening to them)
and a general lack of trust in either the institution, the
technology or the companies providing the
Participants were also concerned about knowing
whether their camera or microphone being on when
they are not aware of it and that others (again,
particularly staff) might be able to access their camera
or turn their camera or microphone off without their
knowledge or permission. Less frequently mentioned
concerns (mentioned by less than 10% of participants
who answered) included being involved in
discussions with other students who might do/say
something that would get the whole group into
trouble (this was one of the few concerns about other
students) and a number of concerns which were not
necessarily about online privacy and security, for
example not wanting to post a photo of oneself (this
could be a privacy concern, it was not clear), feeling
uncomfortable in online sessions, and it being “just
difficult to get points across, feels less authentic”
(P58) (all mentioned only by one participant).
3.4 Students’ Concerns About Privacy
and Security Issues in Relation to a
Range of Specific Online Teaching
and Learning Situations (RQ4)
Participants were asked to rate their level of concern
about online privacy and security issues in relation to
a range of specific online teaching and learning
situations (see Table 5). Two situations, both relating
to being monitored in online exams, had median
ratings of 4.0, which were not significantly different
from the midpoint of scale, which indicates a
moderate level of concern. All the other situations had
medians of 1.0 or 2.0 and were significantly below
the midpoint of the scale, meaning participants were
not particularly concerned about them. However, it
is interesting that a number of the situations were ones
which were commonly raised by participants in the
open-ended question about privacy and security
concerns in relation to video conferencing and online
chat technologies, namely online sessions being
recorded without their knowledge, unauthorised
people attending or disrupting online teaching
Again, in a follow-up open-ended question
participants described their concerns. 22
participants(30.1%) raised concerns (see Table 6),
and three participants also raised positive aspects of
the online situation in relation to these issues. The
positive comments were the fact that online lectures
could be watched again to understand them better;
and that the chat facility in online sessions was very
useful for sharing comments and links; that online
sessions were password protected, which made the
participant feel secure.
In terms of the concerns, there was some overlap
with the answers to the previous open-ended question
(see Table 3), with the two most frequently mentioned
concerns (being recorded without permission and
unauthorised people being in an online session and
potentially disrupting it) also being the most
frequently mentioned in responses to the earlier
question. The additional concern most frequently
mentioned in response to this question was other
students making inappropriate comments in online
sessions (mentioned by 3 participants, 13.6%). Less
frequently mentioned concerns (mentioned by less
than 10% of the participants who answered) were
possibilities for plagiarism (mentioned by two
participants), one’s work being shared without
permission, that the teacher could turn the student’s
webcam or microphone on without alerting them, and
the issue of not wanting to post one’s photo
(discussed above in relation to RG3) (mentioned by
one participant each).
This study investigated the attitudes and concerns
about privacy and security in online teaching and
learning of UK HEI students during the coronavirus
pandemic. In relation to RQ1, participants seemed to
have only a rather basic and perhaps overly simple
understanding of online privacy and security, but this
may be because they were asked in an online survey
and only felt the need to give a simple answer. It
would be important to follow up HEI students
understanding of these concepts and their mental
models of how online privacy and security work in
online education with more in-depth methods such as
interviews and focus groups.
In relation to RQ2, less than one third of
participants knew whether their HEI had any policies
about online privacy and security and only two
(2.5%) had received any training in this area. A
separate question is whether HEIs have clear policies
in these areas. What precautions are taken to ensure
that only eligible students attend online sessions, are
students (and staff) required to have webcams on
during online sessions, what is recorded in sessions
(just the video or also the chat discussion), how
private and secure are informal channels such as
UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic
Table 5: Participants’ level of concern about online security and privacy about particular teaching and learning situations
(rated from 1 = not at all concerned to 7 = very concerned).
Z p
Having to turn on your webcam during an online exam to allow the teacher to
ou in real-time
4.00 (2.00) 0.03 n.s.
Having to video record yourself during online exams so a teacher can review the
video late
4.00 (2.00) 0.29 n.s.
Other students making recording or screenshots without permission 2.00 (1.50) -4.68 < .001
Your work bein
used as exam
les without
ermission 2.00
-5.36 < .001
Other students makin
or screenshots without
ermission 2.00
-4.68 < .001
Other students making inappropriate comments (sexist, racist) 2.00 (1.50) -5.66 < .001
Online lectures/seminars bein
recorded without
our knowled
e 1.00
-6.33 < .001
le attendin
online teachin
sessions 1.00
-5.89 < .001
Unauthorised people interrupting online teaching session 1.00 (1.00) -6.09 < .001
Other students harassin
ou 1.00
-7.04 < .001
Your teacher not turnin
on their webcam in teachin
sessions 1.00
-6.87 < .001
Other students not turning on their webcams in online sessions 1.00 (0.50) -7.05 < .001
Table 6: Participants’ concerns about online security and privacy in particular teaching and learning situations (based on
answers from 22 participants).
BEING RECORDED (WITHOUT PERMISSION) (mentioned by 6 participants, 27.3%)
Being recorded without my knowledge (P7)
Other students making recordings/screenshots: not that concerned as only likely personal data would be name/face (which
could also be found on social media etc.) (P66)
Again, my main concern is around people hacking sessions (P3)
Interruptions in teaching sessions is probably the most concerning since it's the most likely thing to happen (P51)
INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS FROM STUDENTS (mentioned by 3 participants, 13.6%)
There was one issue where a student made some inappropriate comments in the chat feature during a live session, this was
dealt with well by the professor … (P58)
Inappropriate comments/harassment: slightly concerned but this is no different to when this could happen before pandemic
Slack or Discord? There are many issues where
privacy and security policies are needed. A starting
point may be the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), but much more specific policy is required in
these areas. Granted, HEIs needed to move very
rapidly to deploy online technologies for teaching in
response to the pandemic, but our survey took place
in December 2021, when HEIs in the UK were still
largely teaching in a hybrid format, often with online
lectures but face-to-face seminars and practicals
, but
had had ample time to publicise policies and provide
students with appropriate training and support. This
would help students not only in their education, but
more generally in their online lives.
An informal survey of 18 UK HEIs found that 83% (15)
were teaching in such a hybrid format, with 17% (3)
teaching largely face-to-face.
On RQ3 and RQ4 the ratings of concern were very
low, apart from those relating to the monitoring of
examinations, suggesting that students were not
concerned about the many potential privacy and
security issues that many of their teachers had
undoubtedly stressed over. However, it was
interesting that in the responses to the follow-up
open-ended questions a substantial minority of
participants then raised numerous concerns. We need
to conduct further analysis to investigate whether
these participants did in fact give higher concern
ratings. However, this shows the importance of not
relying on quantitative data alone, which in this
instance may have been susceptible to socially
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
desirable answers (students not wanting to appear
overly concerned). However, this apparent lack of
concern on the part of UK HEI students is somewhat
at odds with studies which have shown concerns
amongst the working population about online privacy
and security issues (Emami-Naeini et al., 2021; Oesch
et al., 2020). Do students trust their institutions more
than workers or are they simply less worried about
these issues in an educational context? The results
also differ from those from Kim (2013), admitted data
from well before the pandemic and in a country
without GDPR, which found that a sample of
American HEI students tended not to think their
personal information was adequately protected by
their institution.
Although we did not specifically ask participants
whether they had personally experienced any of the
privacy and security issues asked about in the
questionnaire, ongoing analysis of the open-ended
questions suggests that very few participants had
actual experience of the issues they were concerned
about but had heard or thought about these issues.
There were numerous uses of hypothetical phrases
such as “people taking photos could be a concern….”
(P63) and “I would be uneasy if …” (P55). There was
only a very few instances in which a participant
recounted an experience in some detail which they
had clearly experienced personally. Thus, some of
the concerns, such as online sessions being
“Zoombombed” or teachers being allowed to turn on
students’ webcams or mikes without their permission
could be alleviated with greater transparency and
information to students from their HEIs.
A particular limitation of this study is that
although a sample of 71 students from a range of UK
HEIs is very adequate for the quantitative analysis
and amount of data for the qualitative analysis was
relatively small. It was necessary to make most of the
open-ended questions optional participants could
not answer about concerns they did not have, but we
also did not want to make the questionnaire too
onerous to complete. Thus, some participants who
did have concerns might not have written about them,
but more importantly the sample of students with
concerns was not large (28 for RQ3 and 22 for RQ4).
Thus, more data and different methods are needed to
explore these issues further, but this study provides
some initial pointers of interest.
As mentioned in the Introduction, we specifically
sampled the population of British students studying at
UK HEIs. The attitudes and concerns of international
students studying in the UK may be different, and the
attitudes and concerns of students studying at HEIs in
other countries is very likely to be very different.
That is a topic we will address in further research. In
addition, the questionnaire also asked about students’
attitudes and concerns before the coronavirus
pandemic and how the pandemic had changed their
attitudes. This will be the focus of further analysis of
our data.
We would like to thank all the students who
participated in the survey for their time and effort in
answering quite a long set of questions.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education