Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning
Iuliana Marin
and Hanoosh Amel
Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, University Politehnica of Bucharest,
Splaiul Independenței 313, Bucharest, Romania
Ministry of Education, Directorate of Almuthanna Education, Muthanna, Iraq
Keywords: Jobs, Skills, Recruitment Platform, Recommendations, Machine Learning.
Abstract: After three years of dealing with a global medical catastrophe, our society is attempting to re-establish
normalcy. While companies are still struggling to get back on track, workers have grown afraid to seek new
jobs, either because they offer low pay or an uncertain schedule. The result is a disconnected environment
that does not merge, even though it appears to. The proposed approach creates a suitable recommender system
for those looking for jobs in data science. The first-hand information is gathered by collecting Indeed.com's
data science job listings, analysing the top talents that employers value, and generating job ideas by matching
a user's skills to openings that have been listed. This process of job suggestion would assist the user in
concentrating on the positions where he has the greatest chance of succeeding rather than applying to every
position in the system. With the aid of this recommendation system, a recruiter's burden would be decreased
because it lowers the quantity of undesirable prospects.
During the pandemic, many organizations urged their
employees to work remotely when governments
around the world asked enterprises to suspend
operations. Many other organizations, on the other
hand, began to decrease their operational costs by
firing permanent and contract personnel. Individuals
who lost their jobs because of the closure are more or
less forced to look for new opportunities. This results
in a continuous hiring cycle. Therefore, the pandemic
became a turning point in employee upskilling and
reskilling (Li, 2022).
LinkedIn developed the Career Explorer tool in
2020 to assist laid-off workers to locate possible
career transitions based on their abilities (Davis et al.,
2020). The tool mapped available applicant skills and
identified additional skills candidates could learn to
change occupations.
Job seekers have access to various job boards that
help in the hiring cycle (e.g., LinkedIn, Glassdoor,
Indeed, CareerBuilder). A job seeker searches for a
position that appears to be a good fit for him, creates
his CV, and applies for it. Given the numerous job
boards available, a job seeker will seek out a tool that
offers the best features, such as a user-friendly
interface, the ability to construct a CV that includes
his skills, and the ability to create a user profile. Most
of them tend to search for a job that primarily matches
his skills, but companies find it challenging to filter
Instead of a college degree, skills-based hiring
requires specific abilities and competencies. It
broadens the talent pool, while also narrowing the
emphasis by providing more clarity on what is
actually needed and wanted from the organization's
next great employee, like project management
professionals (Dascalu et al., 2015). Skills-based
hiring focuses on a candidate's abilities. It eliminates
benchmarks such as a four-year degree or a particular
number of years of experience, replacing them with
skills and competencies obtained in the classroom or
on the work.
The aim of the current study was to develop an
appropriate recommender system for those persons
who look for work in the field of data science. The
firsthand information is obtained by scraping data
science jobs from the website Indeed.com, analyze
top skills required by companies, and generate job
suggestions by matching skills from the user's résumé
Marin, I. and Amel, H.
Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011993600003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 676-683
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
to posted opportunities. The objectives of the current
research were to scrape job listings from Indeed.com
that are generated after typing “data
analyst/engineer/analyst“ in the input field for job
title, keyword, or company. Secondly, another
objective was to tokenize and extract keywords for
skills from job descriptions, followed by the action to
tokenize and extract keywords for skills from the
The next step was to calculate similarity of
keywords from posted jobs and the résumé. An
integration of the recommendation process into a web
framework is also performed. Another aspect taken
into consideration was the design the application,
such that a potential user can interact with it. The
system generates top 10 job listings tailored to the
user’s skills stated in his résumé.
The paper is divided into 7 chapters, and each
chapter is described as follows: chapter 1 includes the
research introduction, objectives, and the motivation
for writing the current paper. Chapter 2 contains the
description of the state-of-the-art, which includes the
theoretical foundation of job recommendation, the
setting in which the paper was developed, and a list
of similar applications already available on the
market. Chapter 3 includes the research methodology
utilized to determine the web application
requirements. Chapter 4 outlines the presentation of
the proposed application with its main functionalities
and how they are implemented. Chapter 5 includes
the technology and methods employed. The last
chapter contains the conclusions and further
A recommender system (RS) analyses user
preferences and offers them a variety of service
options based on their requirements. First, there is a
need to distinguish between the roles of the RS on
behalf of the service provider and the RS user's role.
If a travel agency or a destination management
organization wants to increase its revenue, for
example, by selling more hotel rooms or attracting
more tourists to the destination, a travel recommender
system is implemented in order to satisfy this
requirement of the software system (Ravi and
Vairavasundaram, 2016). The users' key objectives
for using the two platforms are to find a suitable
lodging and intriguing events or attractions. As a
result, an RS must strike a balance between the needs
of these two parties and provide a service that is
beneficial to both.
2.1 Algorithms Used in Recommender
There are so many different data and knowledge
sources available to RSs, such that the
recommendation approach ultimately determines
whether they may be employed. Four categories are
distinguished by the recommendation algorithm:
content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, rule-
based methods, and hybrid approaches (Afoudi et al.,
2021; Wayissa et al., 2022).
Content-based Filtering (CBF), unlike
collaborative filtering, which chooses things based on
the correlation between users with similar
preferences, CBF chooses items based on the
correlation between the items' content and the user's
preferences (Fkih, 2022). The user is assumed to
select items with similar qualities. Because user
profiles are based on a characteristic of the prior item
selected by the user, the researchers (Ko et al., 2022)
claim that the filtering approach has a propensity to
over-specialize when proposing an item to a user
However, due to the nature of the employment
market, the position placed on the job board will only
be open for a short period of time. When it comes to
leisure, the user tastes might change for several
reasons, but when it comes to work, users prefer to
look for jobs that let them put their abilities to use.
New job recommendations can be given when a user's
choices change, such as when he decides to update his
job domain by adding his new abilities and if he so
Collaborative filtering (CF) takes advantage of
users' preferences for prior favourites of comparable
items (Chi Yi and Kang, 2021). It is one of the best
ways for recommendations, and interest in it from
academia and business is growing. Collaborative
filtering is only partially successful in some
application areas due to the cold-start problem, which
happens when historical data is too sparse (also
known as the sparsity problem) or when new users
have not rated enough items, or both. Even though
content-based filtering approaches are outperformed
by collaborative filtering, neither a job, nor a
similarity matrix can be developed because of the
nature of the hiring process.
In rule-based filtering (RF) systems, consumers
are given recommendations based on manually or
automatically generated decision rules. Many
websites that currently make use of personalisation or
recommendation technologies employ manual rule-
based methods, which is not the case of the proposed
platform that is fully autonomous.
Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning
Recommender systems provide website owners
the ability to create rules, many of which are based on
the demographic, psychographic, or other individual
characteristics of visitors (Konstantakis et al., 2022).
The primary drawbacks of RF solutions are the
techniques employed to create user profiles. The
input is generally skewed since it is a subjective
description of the interests of users or the interests of
the users themselves. Furthermore, system
performance declines over time as the profiles get
older since they are typically stagnant.
A combination of several suggesting techniques
generates a hybrid recommender system. When
compared to collaborative or content-based systems,
hybrid recommender systems often provide more
accurate recommendations (Deschênes, 2020). This
is due to ignorance of the domain dependencies of
collaborative filtering and user preferences in a
content-based system.
When ranking the results of a query, search
engines consider textual similarity. Information
retrieval using a vector model is one of the text
similarity's most significant uses (Christino et al.,
2022). Documents are sorted in this type of
application based on how pertinent they are to an
input query. The two methods that may be used to
quantify the degree of similarity between two texts
are lexical and semantic similarity.
A sequence of strings that are related to one
another can be used to determine how comparable a
string's lexical similarity is. When calculating a
word's semantic similarity, the context of the term is
considered. The degree of resemblance may be
assessed using the Jaccard and Cosine similarity
metrics (Pernisch et al., 2021).
2.2 Models of Successful Job
Recommender Systems
A recommendation engine can be added to a website.
Google is one of the most familiar with website which
employs its Google Advertising recommender system
to show relevant ads.
According to various research on the topic, the
LinkedIn recommender uses content matching and
collaborative filtering to identify businesses or jobs
that a user might be interested in. The key elements
of recommender systems are the users' jobs,
education, summaries, specializations, experiences,
and skills from information on their LinkedIn
profiles. Data regarding a member's relationships,
affiliations with organizations, and companies they
have followed, for instance, are obtained through
their activity.
To correctly match members to jobs, LinkedIn
uses "Entity Resolution," which is the process of
separating apart appearances of real-world entities in
different records or references. In LinkedIn's entity
resolution process, which makes use of many
standards for business standardization, machine-
learned classifiers are employed (Urdaneta-Ponte et
al., 2022).
Given that a college degree is not necessarily
necessary for professional success, Indeed, which
attracts more than 250 million unique visitors each
month, aims to provide goods that open doors for
everyone seeking for work. The free services offered
by Indeed allow job searchers to look for
employment. Users may register, add their resume,
and seek for positions that suit their requirements. To
create its recommendation engine, Indeed started with
an Apache Mahout MVP and then switched to a
hybrid offline/online pipeline (Alsaif et al., 2022).
Algorithms, system architecture, and model format
were gradually improved along the way to solve a
variety of problems.
The usage of a recommendation engine for a web
platform addressed to students and people with IT
skills, is important. In Romania, platforms like ejobs,
bestjobs, hipo, cvjobs, jobzz, or the ones from Iraq,
such as Bayt, Hawa, do not involve scraping jobs
from another website, like in the current paper, where
Indeed.com is used. Many remote jobs appeared
during the COVID-19 pandemic and students can
benefit from it to gain experience and skills.
Twenty respondents with a range of educational
backgrounds including business, technical, legal,
communication, and marketing degrees completed an
online survey. From their replies, firstly, most people
use social networks or job boards to find their present
employment. Secondly, the majority of people want
to work in a position that advances their professional
and personal objectives, therefore they seek
employment that is suited to their background,
abilities, and interests.
Every respondent agreed that talents are more
important than a college degree. The majority of those
surveyed said they would utilize a job board that
creates job advertisements based on their
qualifications. The functional and non-functional
requirements for the current research have been
identified after assessing the replies.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
3.1 Functional Requirements
Several functional requirements have been identified
as an outcome of the survey. The first one is to create
a user account, such that the user should have the
option to register. The second requirement is to
manage login and logout of users. Another
requirement is to upload a CV, such that the user
should be able to upload a PDF version of his resume.
Update CV is another requirement which is
needed if the user chooses to erase his previous entry,
he should be allowed to add a new CV. Delete CV is
for the situation when the user needs to have the
option of deleting his CV. Following the addition of
the user's CV and/or chosen location, the user should
be able to conduct a job listing search. Moreover, the
user should be able to add the location where he wants
to look for a certain job.
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements
Usability, Correctness metrics, response time and a
friendly user interface are the non-functional
requirements of the proposed system. Regarding
usability, even non-technical users should find the
website easy to use. The average user decides whether
to stay on a website after only 0.05 seconds. It must
also be easy to use because it is not a job board, but
rather a tool that will help with the job search process.
Correctness measures, including recall, accuracy,
and precision are needed for recommendation
systems standards. In what concerns response time
and performance, in many cases, the application's
responsiveness is a crucial consideration, sometimes
even more so than the accuracy of the conclusions.
When the number of suggestions needed each time
unit is known, a better selection of algorithms may be
made. For the user-friendly design is needed an
intuitive user interface that is uncluttered of
distracting images.
The hiring suggestion system was developed in
response to the need from job seekers for a skill-based
hiring recommendation. It aims to replace
conventional demands like a four-year degree or a set
number of years of experience with abilities and
competences acquired in the classroom or on the
work. Currently, in Romania and Iraq, there is no
such similar platform available.
The provided tool was created with the aid of
Python, Flask Framework, Firebase, HTML,
Bootstrap, making it ideal for the demands of a
modern hiring process assistance. The system may be
accessed over an Internet connection using any web
browser on any device. It is a multi-tiered web
application, as illustrated in Figure 1. Its intuitive user
interface adheres to responsive web design.
Figure 1: Application three tier design.
The landing page (Figure 2) is where the user will
have their initial interaction with the web application.
Depending on what he needs, he can be taken from
this page to either the Sign Up form or the Log In
form, if he already has an existing account.
Figure 2: Landing page.
The following step of the user experience within
the online application is a login or registration (Figure
3). Each user will be required to set up an account in
order for the information to be saved in a manner that
is specific to that user. If the user has already been
registered with the site or if the login credentials are
entered incorrectly, an error message will be
Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning
Figure 3: Sign-up form.
Next, after the user introduces his credentials, he
will be redirected to the page where he will upload his
CV in PDF format and fill in the location where he
wants the application to search for job listings (Figure
4). Moreover, if he changes his mind and does not
want the same CV to be uploaded, he can delete it and
introduce a new one. After all the necessary
information has been introduced, the user will click
on the “Generate jobs” button and will be redirected
to the “Job Listings” page. Moreover, he can log out
at any time.
Figure 4: Job generation page.
In the “Job Listings” page (Figure 5), the user will
be provided with top 10 job listings tailored to his
skills. Here, for each job listing, he can see the
company name, job title and location. If he wants to
see more information, he can click on the desired job
listing and will be redirected to the “Job Details”
Figure 5: Job listings page.
In the “Job Details” page (Figure 6), we have
more detailed information such as the location of the
job vacancy, the type of job, industry, salary and the
description. Moreover, if the user finds the posting
appealing, he can apply to it by clicking on the
“Apply” button that will redirect him to the initial
Indeed job posting.
Figure 6: Job details page.
There were needed a number of tools to extract data
from Indeed.com. The unstructured nature of the text
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
data necessitates pre-processing. For each position we
are considering, we tokenize the job description,
remove terms from the NLTK stop words list, and
then filter on a list of common data science-related
skill words. If a position is appropriate for a job
seeker, it may be determined by comparing the skill
keywords in a sample CV and a job description. Once
a score has been computed, the top 10 works will be
shown on the user's dashboard. Below is a detailed
description of the feature development and methods
used in this project.
Web scraping, also known as data scraping or web
data extraction, is a method that utilizes automation
to collect data from websites. The automated
programs, which may be referred to as bots or
crawlers, navigate to and interact with a large number
of web pages. They then extract useful information
from those pages, parse it, and save it in structured
data formats that are compatible with software such
as spreadsheets, databases, and analytical tools.
The automated program that was used for this
project is called Selenium. Selenium was first made
as a tool to test how websites work, but it quickly
became a general tool for automating web browsers
that is used for web-scraping and other tasks.
Selenium WebDriver is the first browser automation
protocol made by the W3C organization and is a
middleware protocol service that sits between the
client and the browser and translates commands from
the client into actions for the browser (Garcia et al.,
2020). With the help of the WebDriver, it was
managed to scrape data science jobs from
indeed.com, gathering data scientist/engineer/analyst
jobs posted in the last 30 days in 5 major Romanian
cities, i.e., Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Constanţa
and Timişoara. A JSON file was created to store the
results (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Excerpt of code used to retrieve information from
Indeed listings.
Research in this study relies heavily on Natural
Language Processing (NLP). Iterating over each job
description, it was tokenized, cleaned it up by
removing stop words, and then filtered it using a list
of common data science-related skills. Stop Words: A
stop word is a regularly used term (such as "the," "a,"
"an," and "in") that a search engine has been
configured to ignore. Python's Natural Language
Toolkit (NLTK) includes a library that stores a list of
stop words in 16 different languages. They are located
in the nltk_data directory.
Job descriptions have been filtered by using a list
of data science related skills, which became an overall
dictionary (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Dictionary of data science skills.
PyPDF2 is a pure-python PDF library that is both
free and open-source. It is able to split, merge, crop,
and otherwise change the pages of PDF files. PDF
files can also have user-specific data, viewing
choices, and password protection added using this
tool. PyPDF2 has the ability to extract text as well as
metadata from PDF files. Using the PyPDF2 python
tool, keywords detected in the overall dictionary from
Job recommendations are based on the similarity
of skill keywords in the job description and the
résumé. The CV is automatically analysed, also based
on NLP, as in the case of jobs. To perform the match
between jobs and a candidate, the current research
employed the Jaccard similarity (i.e., intersection
over union of two groups). In this case, more
matching keywords and fewer mismatched keywords
lead to higher scores (between 0 and 1).
For example, the following are my top five job
matches in Bucharest, Ilfov, when calculating the
similarity between the skill keywords from the
résumé and the skill keywords from job descriptions,
as in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Top 5 job listings generated for Bucharest, Ilfov.
Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning
To determine the degree to which an available
position and its user are similar, the current research
on recommender systems in the hiring industry looks
at what abilities are necessary for each job. On the
other hand, the entertainment industry's recommender
system relies on user input. A user rates a particular
item, and this rating is used to produce an item
recommendation to a user. But this concept of
forecasting the likelihood of a user to choose an item
would be inaccurate when viewed from the
perspective of a job seeker.
In this study, it was employed a content-based
filtering to recommend a job that is similar to the
user's provided information which is automatically
analysed. Instead of applying to all the jobs in the
system, this procedure of recommendation would
help the user focus on the ones that he is most likely
to succeed at. A recruiter's workload would be
reduced with the help of this recommendation system
because it reduces the number of unsuitable
candidates. Currently, there is no such similar
solution in Romania and Iraq. Students from the IT
domain will be encouraged to find a job easily and
even work remotely, as more and more such offers
appeared available after the COVID-19 pandemic
emergence. Nevertheless, students can find part-time
job offers on their faculty premises. This is essential
for the students who need to support themselves
during their studies. Women will also be helped to
find a job and adapt in a progressive world, based on
their religious and cultural constraints.
Concerning the recommendation system, for
future work we will construct a data skill vocabulary
(e.g., IT knowledge, vocabulary, and industry jargon)
by exploring job descriptions rather than using a pre-
defined collection of words. Also, there will be a need
to undertake additional research on content-based
filtering and other filtering techniques from the point
of view of a job seeker.
Concerning the web application, additional
functions that can optimize the flow may be included
as part of subsequent enhancements to the platform.
These functions might include a detailed User Profile,
in which the user is able to view the job
advertisements that he has marked as favorites; a
Company Profile, in which a possible recruiter is able
to view the User Profile of a potential candidate, and
real-time private chat rooms.
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Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning