Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS
Gabriele Martino
, Federico Andrea Galatolo
1 a
, Mario G. C. A. Cimino
1 b
and Christian Callegari
2 c
Dept. Information Engineering, University of Pisa, L.go Lazzarino 1, 56122, Pisa, Italy
Quantavis s.r.l., L.go Spadoni, 56126 Pisa, Italy
POS Malware, RAM Scraper, Anomaly Detection, Malware Traffic Data, Self-Attention, Transformer.
In recent years, electronic payment through Point-of-Sale (POS) systems has become popular. For this reason,
POS devices are becoming more targeted by cyber attacks. In particular, RAM scraping malware is the most
dangerous threat: the card data is extracted from the process memory, during the transaction and before the
encryption, and sent to the attacker. This paper focuses on the possibility to detect this kind of malware through
anomaly detection based on Deep Learning with attention, using the network traffic with data exfiltration
occurrences. To show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, real POS transaction traffic has been used,
together with real malware traffic extracted from a collection of RAM scrapers. Early results show the high
potential of the proposed approach, encouraging further comparative research. To foster further development,
the data and source code have been publicly released.
In the last years, card and contactless payments sensi-
bly increased, with card payments representing 51%
of all payments (UK Finance, 2020). Moreover, the
gap between credit and debit cards is closing, with
cash usage continuing to decline (,
2021). It is predicted that, by 2025, as many as 75%
of all transactions will be made without cash (finance-, 2016).
RAM scraping is behind many of the major POS
attacks (Caldwell, 2014). Another kind of attack is
POS Skimmers (, 2017): the cyber-
criminal places an ’overlay’ skimmer on top of the
card reader and pin pad, to steal the data later.
RAM scraping malware is the most dangerous at-
tack on POS systems, because a malware could be
easily installed via social engineering or phishing, to
exfiltrate customers’ data through the Internet (Trend-
Micro, 2015). When a customer’s card is swiped on
the POS device using the magnetic stripe, the card and
owner’s information present in Track 1 and Track 2
are momentarily stored in the process memory of the
payment system. The POS malware steals this data
before it is encrypted and deleted, and sends it to the
cyber criminals.
There are many ways to exfiltrate customers’
data: by sending it to a fictitious server via SMTP
or FTP protocol, or to C&C servers via HTTP
POST/GET/Header, RDP (Remote Desktop Proto-
col), or via TOR protocol in sophisticated malware
(TrendMicro, 2015).
Malware types have been extensively classified in
ıguez, 2017) (Cimino et al., 2020), consider-
ing persistence method, protection method, function-
ality, how data are exfiltrated, and how data are ci-
phered. Since data exfiltration is characterized by
well-defined behavioral patterns, the related mali-
cious activity is easily detectable by network moni-
toring tools.
There are four main methods of traffic clas-
sification: port-based, deep packets inspection
(DPI), statistical-based and behavioral-based (Bier-
sack et al., 2013). The accuracy of port-based meth-
ods is very low nowadays, because of the common
use of random ports and port disguises. On the other
hand, DPI-based methods encounter great difficulties
because they are unable to decrypt the traffic. The
current research mainly focuses on statistical-based
methods and behavioral-based methods. Both meth-
ods are based on machine-learning approaches (Azab
Martino, G., Galatolo, F., Cimino, M. and Callegari, C.
Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS Malware.
DOI: 10.5220/0011993900003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 638-648
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
et al., 2022). Deep Learning approaches try to solve
the overly engineered features that need to be ex-
tracted from the flow of packets. Many methods have
been proposed, both supervised and unsupervised:
1D-CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), 2D-CNN,
RNN (Recurrent NN) + CNN, LSTM (Long Short-
Term Memory) Autoencoder, Combination of LSTM
+ CNNs (Wang et al., 2017a), (Zhou et al., 2017),
(Chen et al., 2017), (Aceto et al., 2020), (Lopez-
Martin et al., 2017), (Liu et al., 2019), (Aceto et al.,
2019), (Wang, 2015), (Mirsky et al., 2018), (Wang
et al., 2018), (Cimino. et al., 2022).
For validation purposes, in this paper, a dataset
of exfiltration occurrences has been created from real
samples of POS RAM scraping malware, and from
transactions of real POS systems. As anomaly detec-
tion approaches, deep learning models with attention
have been developed. Early results show the high po-
tential of the proposed approach, encouraging further
comparative research. To foster further development,
the data and source code have been publicly released
on GitHub (Martino, 2023).
The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 de-
scribes related works. The fundamental behavior of
POS systems is shown in Section 3. Section IV ex-
plains how POS RAM scraping malware works. Sec-
tion 5 shows some methodologies of application clas-
sification using network traffic with deep learning
models. Datasets and Deep Learning architectures are
detailed in Section 6, together with some early exper-
imental studies. Results are discussed in Section 7.
Conclusions are drawn in Section 8.
The following research works represent the main ap-
proaches in the literature. In (Wang et al., 2017b) a
CNN has been used to classify Normal and Malware
traffic. The traffic has been taken from (CTU Uni-
versity, 2016). However, no POS malware traffic has
been used in the experimental studies. In (Bader et al.,
2022) a similar approach has been proposed, building
a more complex model, via different kinds of features
extracted from the traffic samples. In (Shaikh and
Shashikala, 2019) a pipeline made by an autoencoder
and an LSTM has been used to classify Normal and
DoS attack traffic. In (Anderson and McGrew, 2017)
an interesting analysis of issues related to the adop-
tion of machine learning on traffic data for detect-
ing malware is presented: from mislabelling of data
to non-stationarity of the network traffic. In (Mar
et al., 2021) a combination of 1D-CNN and LSTM
networks has been experimented for classifying the
traffic of three types of malware, using Raw Packets
and Raw Flows. In (Lichy et al., 2023) a comparison
between classic ML-based and DL-based solutions is
made, showing that not necessarily the DL ones out-
perform to classify malware traffic.
A major challenge in the literature is the huge
amount of different types of malware present nowa-
days. For this reason, training a single DL model for
classification could lead to obsolescence quite soon.
Moreover, it has been shown that, although complex
models could get high performance, simple models
perform similarly. Last but not least, it is well known
that the difficulty of labeling malicious traffic data
leads to noisy datasets. The purpose of this research
is to develop models that are robust to identify sus-
picious traffic, without recognizing the specific mal-
To the best of our knowledge, the literature lacks
research works focused on traffic data extracted from
RAM scraping malware, in terms of both approaches
and available benchmark data. For this reason, in
this research, some malware samples available in
ıguez, 2017) have been used to create a dataset
for testing purposes. A deep learning approach based
on autoencoders with an attention mechanism has
been used to exploit only normal traffic for training
This section focuses on how a POS system handles
transaction data flow. Fig.1 shows an overview of the
transaction flow of a card payment (FirstData, 2010)
ıguez, 2017). Specifically, the customer inserts
his card into the merchant’s payment system through a
POS terminal. The related data is sent to the acquirer
bank, which carries out a routing to a card payment
brand circuit (e.g., VISA, MasterCard, or American
Express). Then, the related issuer bank verifies the
card legitimacy, i.e. not reported as stolen or lost,
and verifies that the customer’s account has enough
funds/credit available to pay. If that is the case, the
issuer bank generates an authorization number and
routes it back to the card payment brand, which for-
wards it to the acquirer bank. The acquirer bank then
forwards it to the merchant, which concludes the sale
with the customer, providing her with an acknowl-
edgment (normally in terms of a receipt) (Rodr
There exist different kinds of POS systems, which
can be classified on the basis of the interface, i.e., an
external interface with respect to the transaction pro-
cessing system, or an integrated interface, such as a
Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS Malware
Figure 1: An abstraction of Point-of-Sale card transaction flow (extracted and adapted from (Rodr
ıguez, 2017) (FirstData,
mobile app on a smartphone (, 2020)
(, 2022) (, 2022). In
(Gomzin, 2014) it is stated that at least three of the
vulnerabilities of POS systems are located where the
customer data may reside: (i) in memory: data ma-
nipulations are carried out by the payment application
when processing an authorization or a settlement, and
thus, payment card data remains in the memory of the
processing machine; (ii) at rest, i.e., when the pay-
ment application stores data on a disk device, either
temporarily or for a long term; (iii) in transit, when
payment data are received and sent to and from other
application and devices within the system.
In modern credit cards, the data stored is accessed
by four different interfaces: by physical access, by
magnetic stripe, by a chip reader (EMV, i.e., Euro-
pay, MasterCard and Visa), or by an NFC reader.
The spread of the usage of a certain kind of interface
with respect to others strongly depends on the coun-
try. EMV introduced a way to authenticate chip-card
transactions and to minimize the magnetic stripe card
counterfeiting fraud, but it is mainly spread in the EU,
and less used in USA (Secure Technology Alliance,
2014) (Symantec, 2014).
Data provided by physical access to the card is
well known: Name, Expiration Date, Credit Card
Number, and Card Verification Value (CVV/CVV2).
The card magnetic stripe, located on the back, is hor-
izontally divided into three tracks. Track 1 and Track
2 contain similar data, but different formats, both
standardized in ISO/IEC 7813 (ISO/IEC 7813:2006,
2006). Track 3, also called THRIFT, was origi-
nally intended for use with Automatic Teller Ma-
chines. NFC is a bidirectional short-range (less
than 10 cm) contactless communication technology,
operating on the 13.56 MHz spectrum, based on
two Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) standards.
Namely, contactless payment cards follow the ISO-
14443 (ISO/IEC 7813:2006, 2013) standard. Security
with NFC is debatable since a contactless card can
communicate with any NFC reader, without any iden-
tification of it. Hence, a contactless card’s track trans-
mits private customer information once communica-
tion is established. In (Chabbi et al., 2022) a classifi-
cation of possible attacks is reported, such as: Eaves-
dropping, Relay Attack, Replay attack, also Skim-
ming, Cloning and Malware as well.
Considering the variety of card interfaces and POS
systems as well as OSs on which they are based,
the vulnerability of these kinds of payment methods
could be everywhere, so it is crucial to develop sys-
tems that are able to detect any of these attempts of
To the best of our knowledge, POS RAM scraper
malware mainly searches for Track 1 and Track 2
data, given the vast diffusion of magnetic stripe inter-
faces for payment in the USA in the past years. How-
ever, there is the possibility that in the future this mal-
ware can steal other information deriving from differ-
ent interfaces and for all Operating Systems ((Bod-
hani, 2013)).
Point-of-Sale RAM scraping malware is a malicious
software that, once installed in a POS system, usu-
ally based on Windows OS, steals credit/debit card
data such as Track 1 and Track 2. The malware
uses a multitude of techniques to collect data: it it-
erates over all running processes, uses a blacklist to
avoid scanning where Track 1 and Track 2 cannot be
found, uses regex matching techniques, encodes data
in base64 to obfuscate their content. The malware can
also differentiate over several data exfiltration meth-
ods: manually removed, HTTP POST, FTP Server,
HTTP HEADER, TOR, SMTP Protocol. Some well-
known names are: alina, Dexter, BlackPOS, Soraya
and many others (Trend Micro, 2014). Cybercrim-
inals register fake domains for data-exfiltration pur-
poses with hosting providers in countries with lax In-
ternet law enforcement, such as Russia and Romania,
among others. These fake domains act like man-in-
the-middle (MitM) data collectors. The Tor network
conceals C&C servers’ IP addresses and, by default,
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
encrypts all traffic. The C&C servers’ addresses end
with a .onion Top Level Domain, which cannot be re-
solved outside the Tor network and can only be ac-
cessed using a Tor proxy application. ChewBacca
malware makes use of this functionality. Cybercrim-
inals use compromised email accounts to exfiltrate
stolen data. A command line email client invoked
through a batch script may be used to exfiltrate stolen
data as an attachment. BlackPOS makes use of this
functionality. Cybercriminals create accounts on FTP
servers that are hosted in countries with lax Inter-
net law enforcement. Malware such as BlackPOS or
BrutPOS log in to FTP servers using hardcoded cre-
dentials and copy over the stolen data (Trend Micro,
2014). Since some of these protocols can be blocked
by the firewall of the POS system, malware is evolv-
ing as well. An example is the usage of the DNS pro-
tocol: it cannot be blocked for normal functioning of a
device connected to the internet. Multigrane malware
encrypts with a 1024-bit RSA key the stolen payment
card data, then it passes data through a Base32 en-
coding process. The resulting encoded data is used in
a DNS query for log.[encoded
where ”evildomain” is a domain name controlled
by the attackers (, 2016) (secure-, 2016).
Figure 2: Data-exfiltration techniques observed among PoS
RAM scrapers (Trend Micro, 2014).
The most two common choices of traffic representa-
tion are session and flow (Dainotti et al., 2012). A
flow is made by all the packets for which the fol-
lowing 5-tuple match: source IP, source port, desti-
nation IP, destination port and transport-level proto-
col. A session is made by combining the two flows
in the opposite direction, i.e. the source and destina-
tion IP / port are swapped. In (Wang et al., 2017a)
both flows and sessions are taken into account, and
packets information relates to Layers 7 and 4 of the
ISO/OSI model. Then, it takes the first 785 bytes
of each packets and builds the temporal series. The
research work compares 1D-CNN and 2D-CNN. In
(Chen et al., 2017) statistical features are extracted
from sessions, then a pseudo-image is created from
it and a CNN classifier. In (Aceto et al., 2020) the
first 784 or 576 bytes of L4 payload and a combina-
tion of CNNs are used. In (Lopez-Martin et al., 2017)
flows are extracted for each packet using only six fea-
tures: source port, destination port, number of bytes
in payload, TCP windows size, interrarival time and
direction of packet. Then the flows are divided in
batch of 20 packets. At the end, they test 2D-CNN,
RNN (LSTM) and a combination of the two models.
In (Liu et al., 2019) an Autoencoder made of GRUs
(RNN) is used to extract relevant features from raw
flows, then dense layers are used for classification. In
(Aceto et al., 2019) sessions are directed to two dif-
ferent models: a certain number of bytes of the L4
payload, to a 2D-CNN and some fields of the pack-
ets to a RNN, then combines the features in a final
layer for classification. In (Yang et al., 2020) the TCP
flag is reported as quite informative, especially in the
intra-session correlation. In (Wang et al., 2018) a se-
ries of features are extracted from packets, and then
proposed to a Stacked Autoencoder model to extract
higher order features from the first 144 bytes of the
6.1 Traffic Datasets
The dataset is divided in Normal traffic and Malware
traffic. Fig. 3 shows how the two traffic data have
been sniffed. A stand-alone Android-based POS is
connected to a WiFi hotspot made by a laptop con-
nected to an access point. On the laptop, that acts
like a bridge, Wireshark was activated to sniff all the
traffic from and towards the mobile POS. Around a
hundred of actual card transactions were made with-
out really charge any money.
The Malware traffic is extracted from a group of
POS RAM scraping sample shown in Table 1 down-
loaded from These mal-
Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS Malware
Figure 3: A) The mobilePOS is connected to a laptop as HotSpot, the laptop is connected to an Access Point. The packets are
sniffed from the laptop. b) An infected virtual machine is connected to internet through the host machine. Wireshark sniffs
packets from the VM.
waretypes are installed in a Virtual Machine with
Windows 7 installed on it.
Since this kind of malware are able to scan in
memory process to find Track 1 and Track 2 format,
before installing these samples, we executed a credit
card number generator (
that was always running before the installation of the
malware. This Track 1 and Track 2 generator pro-
duces a valid card number every 0.2 seconds.
To avoid that different malware traffic overlaps
each other, they have been installed and then removed
before the installation of the next one. We then fil-
ter out background packets from the actual exfiltration
traffic generated from the malware.
Table 1: POS RAM Scraping Malware sample.
Malware Selected Sample
alina 1efeb85c8ec2c07dc0517ccca7e8d743
backoff 05f2c7675ff5cda1bee6a168bdbecac0
blackpos 0ca4f93a848cf01348336a8c6ff22daf
decebal 46185a6ec6d527576248ef65a82b891d
frameworkPOS a5dc57aea5f397c2313e127a6e01aa00
getmypassPOS 1d8fd13c890060464019c0f07b928b1a
jackpos 00b09796519c60c7369290f19f89cd10
lusypos bc7bf2584e3b039155265642268c94c7
soraya 1483d0682f72dfefff522ac726d22256
Table 2: Benign and Malign Network Traffic Data Sample.
Traces Number of Packets
Benign 62923
Malign 1132
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the distribution of the pro-
tocols of the traffic of the two datasets. At first, is
interesting to note that almost all the traffic outcom-
ing from the mobilePOS is HTTPS. Instead, the larger
amount of traffic from the malware dataset is made by
DNS packets. Part of this DNS traffic derives from
all the malwares that check for server domains, and a
larger part from some malwares that uses this exfiltra-
tion method. This approach splits the card number in
small chunks of bytes and send them as DNS requests.
It’s worth mentioning that in some POS systems
certain protocols could be blocked from the firewall,
so keeping safe the data. For this reason many of these
malware migrate towards DNS approach, because it
is necessary for the normal function of internet and
hence cannot be blocked.
POS systems based on different OSs could have
different vulnerabilities and different traffic patterns.
Our experiments mixed a real transaction traffic from
a POS Android-based and real malware traffic in-
stalled on a Windows OS. We assume that besides
the POS OS, these are the exfiltration methods that
can be implemented and should be detected, regard-
less the OS. Moreover, our challenge is to analyse
the capabilities of some models to distinguish the two
kind of traffic, especially on the overlapping proto-
cols: HTTPS and DNS.
Figure 4: Protocol data distribution in Transaction Dataset.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Protocol data distribution in Malware Dataset.
6.2 Traffic Preprocessing
The sessions (also called biflows) are extracted from
the two traffic data samples. After removing the
IPs, for each packet the following data was extracted:
source Port, destination Port, ACK flag, PUSH flag,
RESET flag, SYN flag, FYN flag, interrarival time,
no. of bytes of payload, TCP window size. All flags
are zero in the case of UDP packet. Then, each ses-
sion is split into sub-sessions of different time win-
dows: 5, 10, 15, 20 packets per session. Each of these
features is normalized in [0, 1]. When splitting ses-
sion, if the number of packets in the time series is less
than the window size, the remaining size is pad with
zeros. Features from (Lopez-Martin et al., 2017) and
(Yang et al., 2020) have been combined.
6.3 Deep Learning Models
All the considered models follow the Autoencoder ap-
proach: the model is trained to reproduce as an output
the same time series provided in input. The Normal
dataset is used as training set, in our case is the one
with the mobile-POS transaction.
6.3.1 LSTM Autoencoder Architecture
In (Sutskever et al., 2014) and (Cho et al., 2014) an
Encoder-Decoder model with LSTMs is proposed to
encode a time series (e.g. a sentence) in a single
fixed-lenght vector. Then, this vector decodes it into
a another time series that could be the future time-
steps or a translated sentence, if purposely trained. If
the training is to reproduce the same time-series, we
could use this model as an Anomaly Detector. In (Wei
et al., 2022) and (Srivastava et al., 2015), the authors
report details of the used architecture.(Said Elsayed
et al., 2020) reports an example of usage of this model
for anomaly detection in network traffic. An Autoen-
coder has been implemented, for which Encoder and
Decoder have two layers where the vector size of the
latent space in the outer layers is doubled respect to
the internal layers.
6.3.2 LSTM Autoencoder with Attention
An attentional mechanism has been used to improve
neural machine translation by selectively focusing on
parts of the source sentence during translation (Luong
et al., 2015). The idea of Global Attentional model is
to consider all the hidden states of the encoder when
deriving the context vector c
(Luong et al., 2015).
The context vector can be computed as weighted sum
of the hidden states of the encoder at any time-steps
(Bahdanau et al., 2014). The weights come in general
from a Softmax function, in which the Scores of the
mutual combination of the hidden states (in case of
self-attention). In (Luong et al., 2015) three different
alternatives for score function have been proposed:
, h
) =
]) concat
The Autoencoder with attention mechanism has
the same architecture of the LSTM Autoencoder, but
the input of the decoder is made by context vectors,
derived from self-attention mechanism of the hidden
states of the encoder. Two versions for the two score
functions have been developed: dot and general.
6.3.3 Transformer
(Vaswani et al., 2017) is a paper influencing the liter-
ature, which shows that by stacking multiple attention
layers alone, the model is able to learn effectively high
correlated temporal sequence but it is also capable of
solving complex tasks in zero-shot fashion (Galatolo.
et al., 2022). BERT and GPT-3 are just examples (De-
vlin et al., 2018) (Brown et al., 2020).
A simple transformer model in Autoencoder-like
fashion has been developed: the output needs to be
equal to the input and the input projection is masked,
where the mask is learned. All the tested transformers
have a number of heads of 4 and a depths of 6, set as
6.4 Experimental Setup
The Pytorch Lightning Framework has been used
which runs on Ubuntu 22.04 64bit OS. The machine
is equipped with 16 CPUs and 32GB of memory.
Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS Malware
An Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070 is used as accelerator.
Mini-batch size of 128, cost function of L1 with sum’
as reduction method. Adam as optimizer, 0.0008 as
learning rate, 300 epochs and early stopping as over-
fitting avoiding method with 30 epochs as patience.
Table 3 reports the results of the experimentation. Af-
ter the training, the threshold that reach the best F1
score is searched. It’s possible to use several euristics
to find the best threshold. The average of the distribu-
tion of the loss has been calculated. For Benign and
Malign traffic, for the threshold that give the best F1
score. We used the LSTM AE model as performance
reference and it’s possible to see that the results are
quite variable. In (Said Elsayed et al., 2020) similar
results reported.
We can assert that all the attention-based models
have much more stable and predictable results. Inter-
estingly, all the attention-based models increase their
F1 score with the increasing of the length of the ses-
sion. Moreover, increasing the hidden size we see also
a small increasing of performance.
It’s important to note that the performance of these
models is quite influenced from the choice method of
threshold, to label a certain loss as malware or not.
Furthermore, given the similarity of the dynamics of
malware traffic with the normal ones, this is pretty
hard problem to solve. In fact, training on certain traf-
fic helps the model to reconstruct the traffic of mal-
ware data exfiltration as well.
The goodness of the models depends on how well
the loss distribution of Normal traffic is separable
from the Malware traffic one.
Fig. 6 shows an histogram of the loss distribu-
tions of the testset made from the malware traffic and
a sample of the transactions traffic. In this example
we notice a good separation of the two loss distribu-
In addition, it can be noticed that given the un-
balancing of the protocols in the two datasets, the
models, and so the results, could be biased to dis-
tinguish between the two majority protocols (HTTPS
and DNS) instead of the two kind of traffic source,
Transactions and Malware; see Fig. 5 and Fig. 4. To
better analyse the performance of the models, we ex-
tracted from the traffic sources only the packets corre-
sponding the predominants protocols which are in our
case HTTPS and DNS. Then we analyse how much
the models are able to distinguish between Normal
and Malware Traffic over the same protocols.
Fig. 7a and Fig. 7b show the performance to dis-
Figure 6: Loss Distribution of Attention-LSTM AE - Gen-
eral Score - hidden size: 128, Window Size: 20.
tinguish the two majority protocols of the datasets. In
both the plots we measured the F1-score for all the
four window size and the four models. To make a fair
comparison we fixed the hidden size to 8. We remem-
ber that the transformer has a more complex set of
hyperparameters but here we just considered the size
of internal features.
It’s possible to notice that the actual good perfor-
mance is achieved in distinguish Transaction sessions
from the Malware sessions, also in overlapping proto-
cols, that is exactly what it was supposed. The size of
the session the performance increase with the window
size accordingly as previously found.
The transformers seem to struggle for this kind of
purpose, and needs larger window size to be more
’embedded’ to the traffic type. The LSTM Autoen-
coder used as reference, seems to have good results
as well, but it is suggested the LSTM AE models with
attention-mechanism embedded for higher stability of
the performance.
We can assess that with HTTPS protocol a larger
window size is necessary to effectively detect the mal-
ware traffic. This is quite reasonable since this proto-
col needs from 6 to 10 packets to complete the hand-
shake, that moreover doesn’t bring any sensitive in-
formation. This fact strengthens the assessment of the
affectiveness of the method.
Instead with the DNS protocol, even with small
hidden size, we always have F1-score above 0.75,
reaching values above 0.90 in average. This is in-
teresting, because even if the DNS data-exfiltration is
the most dangerous, since can bypass easily any fire-
wall, seems that there has been no forethought in the
development of this protocol to obsfuscate this usage
respect to the normal one, resulting in an almost easy
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Performance of LSTM AE, LSTM AE with attention: dot, general, Transformer for the four different session size.
Window Size
5 10 15 20
F1 Recall F1 Recall F1 Recall F1 Recall
8 0.692 1.0 0.794 1.0 0.706 0.95 0.917 1.0
LSTM AE 16 0.672 0.965 0.289 0.966 0.239 0.95 0.348 0.967
32 0.816 0.965 0.546 0.966 0.553 0.962 0.693 0.967
64 0.681 1.0 0.694 1.0 0.377 0.962 0.674 0.967
128 0.769 1.0 0.723 1.0 0.862 0.962 0.859 0.967
8 0.527 1.0 0.824 1.0 0.86 1.0 0.878 1.0
Attention-LSTM AE 16 0.781 1.0 0.82 1.0 0.86 1.0 0.878 1.0
dot score 32 0.946 1.0 0.866 1.0 0.856 1.0 0.891 1.0
64 0.787 1.0 0.751 1.0 0.741 1.0 0.783 1.0
128 0.855 1.0 0.854 1.0 0.968 1.0 0.92 1.0
8 0.506 1.0 0.809 1.0 0.783 1.0 0.871 1.0
Attention-LSTM AE 16 0.552 1.0 0.852 1.0 0.61 1.0 0.917 1.0
general score 32 0.75 1.0 0.522 1.0 0.968 1.0 0.862 1.0
64 0.801 1.0 0.729 1.0 0.731 1.0 0.943 1.0
128 0.856 1.0 0.731 1.0 0.84 1.0 0.967 1.0
8 0.541 1.0 0.629 1.0 0.76 1.0 0.819 1.0
TRANSFORMER 16 0.575 1.0 0.634 1.0 0.777 1.0 0.825 1.0
32 0.479 1.0 0.703 1.0 0.819 1.0 0.83 1.0
64 0.069 0.482 0.142 0.923 0.77 0.962 0.837 1.0
128 0.097 0.69 0.328 0.897 0.364 0.988 0.682 1.0
Cashless transactions are becoming always more pre-
ponderant in the market. This research brings the de-
vices deed to these money exchanges to be always
more targeted from cyberattacks. POS RAM scraping
malwares seem to be nowadays still the more danger-
ous attack to the customers. In this paper it is analized
the possibility to detect the data exfiltration methods
of these malware using novel DL models. To accom-
plish this aspect we created two datasets from a real
mobile POS device and real POS malwares that try to
exfiltrate data from the Track 1 and Track 2 generator
As we have shown, these kind of dataset are quite
difficult to retrieve and to analyse given the variables
that can affect the kind of traffic: topology of network,
types of applications, unbalancing of the protocols.
For this reason the environment where the POS sys-
tem is connected to small networks such as the stores
ones can be efficiently analysed.
The LSTM Encoder-Decoder model has the
known lack to encode also high informative and long
time series in a single fixed-size vector that will be
later decoded. Attention models try to avoid this
keeping all the information of each timesteps and us-
ing them with the right re-weighting for the decoder
leading to better results.
In our context, we wanted to test if the attention-
mechanism brings to higher capacity to retrieve pecu-
liar information from a time series, compact and bet-
ter distinguish from similar but semantically different
network traffic.
Our results suggest that attention in LSTM AE
models leads to an higher regularity in the latent
space, that could correspond to a better defined dis-
tribution of reconstruction loss. Future work could
be creating a larger POS malware traffic dataset with
all the possible exfiltration methods, to cover all the
shades possibilities even for futures attacks of this
kind. Morever, it could be interesting to analyse how
similar time series such as network traffic are en-
coded. This could help to better understand which
factors or hidden features lead to a differentiation of
the two traffics in Explainable AI manner.
Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS Malware
(a) (b)
Figure 7: F1 score evaluation of the DNS and HTTPS sessions of Transaction Dataset vs DNS and HTTPS sessions of
Malware Dataset. All the models have an hidden size of 8.
The authors thank Leonardo Cecchelli for his work on
the subject during his thesis. Work partially funded
by: (i) the Tuscany Region in the framework of the
SecureB2C project, POR FESR 2014-2020, Project
number 7429 31.05.2017; (ii) PNRR - M4C2 - Inves-
timento 1.3, Partenariato Esteso PE00000013 - ”FAIR
- Future Artificial Intelligence Research” - Spoke 1
”Human-centered AI”, funded by the European Com-
mission under the NextGeneration EU programme;
(iii) the Italian Ministry of Education and Research
(MIUR) in the framework of the FoReLab project
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