Engineering of Digital Innovation in Edge Computing and Industry 4.0:
An Experience Report
Michael Chima Ogbuachi
, Murad Huseynli
and Udo Bub
Faculty of Informatics, E
os Lor
and University (ELTE), P
azmany P
eter s
any 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Information Systems, Innovation Engineering, Edge Computing, Industry 4.0, Design Science Research.
This paper illustrates the use of an innovative process model that represents a systematic and scientific ap-
proach, using well-established methodologies and techniques from the field of Information Systems and
telecommunications. Organizations in the field are pushing for innovation and proposing new technologies
and standards, but these proposals often have fundamental differences and tend to primarily target industrial
consumers, which have use cases that require reliable and stable systems and methodologies. Despite the
known potential benefits of Edge Computing in industrial settings, there is still a lack of scientific rigor in
related research and development processes. We contribute to the field by addressing this shortcoming, and
by providing a scientific evaluation and a tailored version of a pre-existing method, which allowed us to build
a practical solution that tackles the needs of industrial partners, while following a scientific approach. As a
result, we managed to build an innovative design for a large industrial company operating in Edge Computing,
while thoroughly assessing the progress from idea formulation to the complete solution.
1.1 Problem Statement and Motivation
In recent years we have experienced an increasing
push for digital transformation in industry, and more
often the enabling technologies of this innovation are
rooted in the field of Telecommunications. Indus-
try 4.0 (or the fourth industrial revolution) is more
than ever characterized by a strong reliance of “tra-
ditional” industries (e.g. manufacturing, logistics,
etc.) on the Internet of Things, which implies the
use of devices, network technologies and distributed
infrastructures to achieve automation through the ex-
change and processing of (often very) large amounts
of data, in a quasi-real-time manner. The major in-
dustry verticals that operate in the field of telecom-
munication are not idle on the matter. In fact, they are
the major proponents of technologies and standard-
ization efforts that are meant to bring Cloud Com-
puting much closer to the users, in the paradigm
known as Edge Computing (and even further, with
IoT Edge). Such include companies that are mostly
operating as parts of large standardization consortia,
of the likes of GSMA, ETSI, 5GFF, and CAMARA,
which are organizations built to promote the standard-
ization and practical implementation(s) of Edge Com-
puting. Academia and governmental bodies are also
participating in the technical research, and a notable
example is represented by the OpenFog Consortium, a
worldwide ecosystem trying to push the creation and
adoption of Fog Computing platforms, architectures
and use cases (fog an “intermediate layer” between
cloud and edge) (OpenFog Consortium Architecture
Working Group et al., 2017). Some further examples
are listed here. The International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) coordinates operations and research at
a global scale, and has dedicated major efforts to the
design of standards for edge computing on 5G and
mobile networks (Gupta et al., 2016). The European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and
the Edge Computing Consortium (ECC), independent
non-profit organizations, have been working on stan-
dardizing communication protocols, network infras-
tructures and interfaces at the application level for
edge computing, especially targeting use cases that
involve IoT, Industry 4.0, and smart cities (Khan et al.,
2019; Hamm et al., 2019). Notable mentions regard-
ing highly heterogeneous networks and Machine-to-
Machine(M2M) communications are the Open Net-
Ogbuachi, M., Huseynli, M. and Bub, U.
Engineering of Digital Innovation in Edge Computing and Industry 4.0: An Experience Report.
DOI: 10.5220/0011994300003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 211-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
working Foundation (ONF) and the Industrial Internet
Consortium (IIC). The ONF has worked on standards
for Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network
Function Virtualization (NFV), while the IIC worked
on advancing industrial human-computer interaction,
by promoting a large-scale adoption of interconnected
intelligent machines, and real-time analytics.
While they do share many of their fundamental
aspects, some of the standards proposed by these or-
ganizations often also come with fundamental differ-
ences, e.g. related to how the user data is handled,
or what type of integration should be realized with
the Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) that consti-
tute the 5G core network. Therefore independent re-
search groups are often proposing converging mod-
els (Yannuzzi et al., 2017). Most experimental use
cases are developed in controlled industrial environ-
ments, often with dedicated on-premise 5G network
setups, and target applications such as VR/AR, mul-
timedia streaming, geo-localized services for smart
cities and possibly Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-
V2X) communication. In industrial settings, there has
always been a strong need for highly available and
reliable systems to perform tasks such as monitor-
ing, actuation and general infrastructure management.
Modern Edge Computing proposals offer the techno-
logical baseline (e.g., having the 4G LTE/5G network
as the core networking infrastructure) to allow this
sort of application, and also to cover use cases that can
be mission-critical. Nonetheless, there exists research
that is already defining the foundations for 6G net-
works and Extreme Edge Computing infrastructures
(You et al., 2020). Moreover, as these advancements
happen quickly, they are often based on many parallel
efforts, based on a lot of trial and error, that end up be-
ing potentially very time-consuming and often redun-
dant (across enterprises, many organizations strive to
achieve the same things, in different manners). In
short, there are some methodical approaches in this
research field, but hardly scientifically grounded ones.
1.2 Proposed Contributions
While working with a prominent telecommunications
company, we saw an opportunity to define an inno-
vative concept for industrial partners that were inter-
ested in a solution to automatically manage devices
that belong to their general infrastructure. The inno-
vative idea was to have a mechanism that would allow
machinery of any type and embodiment to connect to
the premise’s internal network and, in a secure man-
ner, perform an automated setup with minimal human
interaction. This would be a baseline for a technol-
ogy that provides a private cloud of industrial equip-
ment, in which management and operations could be
highly automated, as in a complement/substitute for
SCADA. An example use case would be for robots
that are meant to roam warehouses that need to be set
up, to perform monitoring and actuation tasks (e.g.,
moving around cargo, alerting in the occurrence of
accidents, fires, etc.). The tasks would be deployed
as any cloud/edge-native application, and the devices
would know “by themselves” which computing in-
frastructure they should join. This innovative concept
for the physical infrastructure is what we called the
“Edge-native device”.
As mentioned in the previous subsection, though,
one of the main problems in this field is the seem-
ingly widespread lack of scientific rigor in innovative
processes. This is a problem that has been discussed
since the 1990s, and is best explained by (David et al.,
1992) as the “problem of translation”, that afflicts es-
pecially the field of research in Information Systems.
The issue can be summarized as the difficulty of trans-
forming an invention into real innovation (something
that brings benefits to business and society), which of-
ten results in long periods of time spanning between
an idea proposal and its actual productization.
Therefore, we wanted to contribute in this regard,
by providing an experience report, showing that it
is possible to carry out an innovative effort in the
field of Edge Computing for Industrial IoT (IIoT),
in a way that follows scientific rigor. The discipline
that seemed most suitable to fulfil this, is Design Sci-
ence Research (DSR). In particular, the approach we
followed is strongly based on the work described in
(Huseynli et al., 2022), which integrates the Stage-
gate process (Cooper, 1990) with foundational de-
sign theories, and follows the DSR process through
the three main stages Problem Identification, Solu-
tion Design and Evaluation, as described in (Offer-
mann et al., 2009). Moreover, we practicalized the
knowledge extraction tasks of (Huseynli et al., 2022)
by using the main building block of the framework de-
scribed in (Ogbuachi et al., 2022), the Reduced Frag-
ment Descriptor (RFD).
In this section, we outline some of the literature
that represents state-of-the-art research on the mat-
ter of Digital Innovation. Some of these works pro-
pose frameworks and tools for innovation process
management, showing use cases for Digital Innova-
en and Holmstr
om, 2015) propose a frame-
work for supporting digital innovation management
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
IP protection /
Selection of IISF
Innovation process
Stage-gated Process
G1 G2 G3 G4
Figure 1: Implementation of (Huseynli et al., 2022) for DI in Edge Computing.
as a solution for controlling and predicting emerging
product and service innovations in organizations. The
managerial framework that resulted from this research
encompasses the ve areas “user experience, value
proposition, digital evolution scanning, skills, and im-
provisation”. Another notable contribution from the
paper is a diagnostic tool that assists firms in identi-
fying areas that need technological improvement and,
thus, shows possibilities to start applying digital in-
novation practices. Furthermore, (Wang, 2019) notes
that the environment in which digital innovations are
shaped can be intuitively called an “ecosystem”. The
author writes about the main similarities between so-
ciotechnical and natural ecosystems and suggests the
idea that digital innovation research could gain an ad-
vantage if the research took the ecological perspective
seriously by treating it as part of the theory. The paper
contributes to research in digital innovation by build-
ing a comprehensive theory – a multilevel framework
for digital innovation ecosystems which can allow
practitioners to figure out digital innovation prospects
in their organizations.
In addition, (H
o and Koivum
aki, 2016) build
a value generation process framework in order to im-
prove understanding and promote the formation of a
knowledge base for value creation and service inno-
vation within the digital service innovation process.
The framework is assessed by checking its applica-
bility in an actual networked retail service innovation
context. The study shows that in digital service in-
novation, multiple business, process, and information
technology-related factors have an impact on value
A notable study applied in industry is described in
(vom Brocke et al., 2017), which is about the jour-
ney that the company Hilti went through for its digital
transformation and innovation process. As a result of
a successful endeavour, Hilti became a globally in-
tegrated enterprise and ended up with greater opera-
tional and customer-service excellence by further re-
defining business processes and the way their work
was performed. Hilti used several phases to trans-
form itself into a digital enterprise: firstly a digital
basis was established, and then an actual utilization
of the resulting digital potential followed. The au-
thors show that digital innovation needs a backbone,
putting it as a prerequisite for further development.
Moreover, they show that a strategy is a vital player
to direct, and encompasses “related actions, key ob-
jectives, and expected developments”.
Likewise, (Anderson et al., 2012) explore the re-
lationship between Innovation and DSR by focusing
particularly on Information Systems. They investi-
gate the synergies between the research streams of
two topics and concentrate essentially on how to iden-
tify the differences and common aspects. They then
perform a case study in Chevron where an innova-
tion process is implemented, and the findings from
this process show that key insights arising from DSR
guidelines (Hevner et al., 2004) can potentially im-
Engineering of Digital Innovation in Edge Computing and Industry 4.0: An Experience Report
prove innovation processes within organizations. The
paper identifies five potential areas of DSR that can
benefit innovation processes.
Similarly to the work outlined in these papers, we
also conducted innovation process management, but
with a focus on Edge Computing for Industry 4.0, ad-
dressing both scientific rigor and practical relevance.
As explained in Section 1.2, a DSR process was
adopted from the planning to the design phase of
this innovation project. This followed through the fi-
nal submission to the internal enterprise stakeholders,
who accepted to invest in the solution through a patent
filing (Figure 1).
The strategy we adopted is based on the applica-
tion of two DSR tools: the Method for the Engineer-
ing of Digital Innovation proposed by (Huseynli et al.,
2022) for the constitution of the whole research and
development process, and the construct proposed by
(Ogbuachi et al., 2022) to aid the documentation of
the process steps. The RFDs were also used to aid part
of the knowledge extraction efforts from (Huseynli
et al., 2022).
Specifically, (Huseynli et al., 2022) presents a
method to guide enterprises through a process for
Digital Innovation, using Design Science Research.
The team(s) involved in the process should first iden-
tify a problem and define the initial proposal for an
Idea, categorizing it also in terms of design range.
These design ranges were originally described in (Of-
fermann et al., 2011), and were applied with some
modifications in the Integrated Innovation Strategies
Framework (IISF) proposed in (Huseynli et al., 2021).
They define an initial conceptual focus of the innova-
tion project (or research) within Narrow-, Mid-, and
Wide-range innovation strategies, where the terms do
not identify a temporal scope, but rather a high-level
estimation of feasibility and efforts. The choice of a
target design range and a specific innovation strategy
allows to produce the first output of this process: an
abstract that introduces the idea to stakeholders.
This abstract is one of the initial documents sub-
mitted at the “entry” of the stage-gated innovation
process and is considered in the evaluation that hap-
pens at Gate 1. The innovation process itself takes
strong inspiration from the original work of (Cooper,
1990), the Stage-gate process, and expands it by
adding phases based on the DSR process of (Offer-
mann et al., 2009) between each gate.
(Huseynli et al., 2022) deals with the process def-
inition at a high level, and it is up to the team to
decide how to implement each intermediate stage,
and produce the documentation required at each gate,
Gate 1: Idea proposal (including design range, in-
novation strategy, and the corresponding abstract).
Gate 2: Project Scheme
Gate 3: Project Plan
Gate 4: Results of the Agile project execution (e.g,
report of the fulfilled milestones)
In the case of this innovation process, to aid a team
that approached the method of (Huseynli et al., 2022)
for the first time, we integrated the use of a Method
Engineering (ME) construct, the Method Fragment.
In particular, we decided to use the construct
proposed in (Ogbuachi et al., 2022), the Reduced
Fragment Descriptor (RFD). This is a representa-
tional tool meant to visually simplify the illustra-
tion of ISO/IEC 24744 method fragments (ISO/IEC
24744:2014, 2014; Henderson-Sellers et al., 2008),
by highlighting the key aspects of the proposed frag-
ment, to make them easily digestible also to people
that are more conversant with development, rather
than business. In addition to the information provided
by traditional Method Fragments, RFDs highlight se-
quentiality by the describing Input (requirements to
actuate the method described by the fragment) and
Output (results of the method fragment) in the vi-
sual representation (valid for both process and prod-
uct Fragments (Henderson-Sellers et al., 2008)). This
makes it so that RFDs can be used for the constitu-
tion of processes, where they act as “building blocks”
of temporal/functional sequences, similarly to the ap-
proach used in Business Process Modeling.
The next section will explain in detail how a prac-
tical implementation of the DSR process and the
method from (Huseynli et al., 2022) was performed
in this specific scenario. It will use the structure pro-
posed by (vom Brocke and Mendling, 2017) to de-
scribe the conducted innovation process and evaluate
the aforementioned method.
4.1 Situation Faced
Innovation Process. A notable telecommunication
company working on Edge Computing and Industrial
IoT solutions faced the problem of proposing a
standardizable method for the constitution of com-
putational clusters in private networks. The Edge
computing paradigm, as of now, does not target User
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Equipment (UE) as direct computational nodes of
an Edge Computing infrastructure, but rather just
as the end-users of Edge-native services, which
produce/consume information either in the form
of streamed data or responses to/from pre-defined
exposed services. In Industrial IoT (IIoT), needs
differ from those of the typical consumer, and it is
important that data is transmitted consistently, at high
rates, and in a manner that can allow for a trustworthy
and coherent representation of the status of the
equipment (resource observability and monitoring).
The connected devices, therefore, need to be active
providers of information that can help manage the
infrastructure that resides at the industrial premise.
Another “nice to have” feature of this research
stemmed from ideas such as (Kang et al., 2017;
Chen et al., 2018), where the operational costs for an
industrial partner would be decreased by enabling an
automated configuration of the equipment, lifting part
of the setup work from human labour. This additional
feature was given the preliminary name of “cluster
autoconfiguration”. The telecommunication company
wanted to make sure that all the devices capable of
connecting to the internal network infrastructure
of an industrial premise, having enough logical
hardware resources to perform extra computational
tasks, could join a cluster of devices. Said cluster
would be based on MicroK8s (a lightweight version
of Kubernetes for IoT devices) and managed by an
orchestrator node running the control plane, and the
devices would receive applications packaged as Ku-
bernetes “Pods”. The infrastructure would allow for
tasks such as telemetry reporting, task actuation and
occasionally performing unrelated computing tasks
(to make the devices useful while in their “idle” state).
Research Process. The major stakeholders in this
project were Experts and Heads of the Technology &
Innovation group within the company. These people
were particularly knowledgeable about trends in the
industry, being in direct contact with industrial part-
ners that rely on the services of their company to sat-
isfy specific networking needs. They had enough in-
sight not only to tell if the proposed idea was viable,
but also to estimate marketability in the short/mid-
term. Throughout the innovation process, they helped
keep the idea development realistic both in terms of
technology and expected efforts/resources.
We also observed that, though current edge com-
puting (and similar) standards do not specify a base-
line for the technologies to be used in the orchestra-
tion of services running on the edge infrastructure, big
industrial players such as Intel have been working on
implementations based on the production-grade or-
chestrator Kubernetes, to deploy not only the Edge
applications, but the virtualized Network Access In-
frastructure itself (Intel Smart Edge Open). By tar-
geting UE as the final computing node, the company
wanted to push things even further, and contribute to
the state of the art with a solution that could be a pre-
cursor to highly distributed Edge applications in 6G.
4.2 Action Taken
Innovation Process. Our process followed the struc-
ture described in Figure 1. The first step was to pro-
duce a Gate 1 proposal for the stakeholders. This pro-
posal would describe the general statements/claims
and show that the team had gathered enough back-
ground knowledge to justify the feasibility of the
idea and its practical relevance. These claims would
later be fundamental for the actual patent claims, in
case the idea and project went through successfully.
The experts that followed the team’s work provided
enough insight to help build a high-level view of the
requirements and a potential system design. After
successfully passing Gate 1, a similar strategy was
followed to satisfy Gate 2.
For this second gate, the level of detail required
by the stakeholders (who acted as “gatekeepers”) was
higher, leading to the drafting of a Project Scheme.
The role of this second stage is to ensure that the
team has a clear strategy for the rest of the DI process
and that the members know and are able to commu-
nicate the expected design outputs of the innovation
project. The output could be DSR artifacts, and one
or more selected (or entirely new) development pro-
cesses. The final decision at this stage is also of the
“go/no go” type (as a “filtering gate”), and the out-
come was successful.
At Gate 3 the expectation is a finalized project
plan, including an estimation of required resources for
the design proposal and prototypes, the definition of
a budget to satisfy such requirements, a stable defini-
tion of the human resources (team members and idea
owners), and a project timeline (mostly based on the
quarterly meeting held in the company for the eval-
uation of patentable ideas). The plan included also
the first architectural and functional definitions for a
more detailed design of the proposed system, in the
form of sequence, class, and components diagrams in
the Unified Modeling Language (UML). These dia-
grams outlined the base features of the system and a
clear definition of the characteristics of a successful
proof of concept.
Finally, at Gate 4 the stakeholders evaluated the
consistency of the submitted artifacts to the original
plan. The evaluation included the proof of concept
Engineering of Digital Innovation in Edge Computing and Industry 4.0: An Experience Report
(implementation of the main features of the system),
metrics for the satisfaction of the detailed project
plan and consistency with the initial proposal and the
suggested novelty/business relevance.
Research Process. The scientific contribution of Gate
1 was an assessment of the state-of-the-art in regard
to Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and the in-
dustrial needs for industrial distributed computing and
real-time operations. The assessment served as jus-
tificatory knowledge to motivate the proposal of our
innovation idea. The idea itself was then framed
through an IISF strategy, specifically as a mid-range
Exaptation of the type “Derive from”, and the corre-
sponding abstract was added to the documentation for
the stakeholders (Table 1, 2).
The phase preceding Gate 2 focused on the DSR
steps of Problem Identification (following from phase
1) and Solution Design (at a relatively high level),
and the expected output was an artifact of the type
Method (Bucher and Winter, 2008). At this stage, the
idea was also “refreshed” and structured to accom-
modate the needs of two types of users: industrial
IT managers setting up on-premise clusters of com-
putational devices, and telecommunication operators
wanting to create future-proof hybrid clouds, hosting
the UE of their cell plan subscribers into their clusters
to create highly available and super-low-latency net-
works. Therefore, the design was split into two dif-
ferent “Facets”, the second design was framed into a
mid-range Exploitation of the type “Increase scope”,
and the corresponding abstract was added to the doc-
umentation (Table 1, 2).
Gate 3 required settling the team members and
their responsibilities in a timely manner. This meant
having a definition of a set of sequential milestones
and corresponding deadlines (following an Agile de-
sign paradigm). These milestones were defined on
a per-feature basis. Another important aspect of
this phase was establishing contacts with “comple-
mentary teams”. These were the teams that could
provide specific information or even practical help
in terms of networking, security and development.
This last part was especially important to find peo-
ple/resources from which the main innovation team
could gather knowledge about embedded systems
development, since the UE were expected to be
resource-constrained devices, based on hardware such
as ARM microcontrollers). During this step, the deci-
sion to rely on MicroK8s was finalized.
Finally, the work for the presentation at Gate 4 tar-
geted an implementation of the core functionalities
of the system, meaning the definition of user func-
tions, security (e.g., key exchange and storage), APIs
for automated network discovery, and the protocols
for automated UE evaluation and onboarding. This
part of the process was conducted through multiple
iterations of design, development and evaluation, typ-
ically meant to fulfil the milestones that were defined
in the Project Plan. Gate 4 was concluded with the
final evaluation, in which internal stakeholders were
present, together with the Heads of the Patent Devel-
opment unit at the company.
4.3 Results and Lessons Learned
This strategy brought several benefits. Having a
stage-gated background allowed for keeping the
project in focus, especially during the definition of
the core functionalities, while also enabling a flexible
development workflow, thanks to its compatibility
with the Agile lifecycle model (Cooper, 2014). This
proved particularly true for the innovation team in
the Project Plan and Project Execution phases, during
the definition of the structural and functional details
of the system. Following (Offermann et al., 2009;
Huseynli et al., 2022), the iterations and evaluations
in the Project Execution phase also allowed the ex-
traction from the development efforts of experiential
design knowledge of the prescriptive type (vom
Brocke et al., 2020), that could be stored and reused
for future projects or as a base for improvements.
This prescriptive knowledge could be stored as DSR
artifacts as well, namely in the form of method
fragments (using RFDs) and Design Principles.
A telecommunications company faced the challenge
of proposing a standardizable method for the forma-
tion of computational clusters in private networks for
Edge computing and industrial IoT solutions. The
company aimed to ensure that all devices capable
of connecting to the internal network infrastructure
of an industrial premise and having enough logical
hardware resources, could join a cluster of devices.
The cluster would be managed by a MicroK8s con-
trol plane-based orchestrator node and devices would
receive applications in the form of Kubernetes “Pods”
to perform workloads such as telemetry reporting and
task actuation. The research process involved key
stakeholders from the company’s Technology & In-
novation group, who were knowledgeable about the
direction of the edge computing industry and had in-
sight into the viability and marketability of the pro-
posed solution. As a result, the project was devel-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Application of the IISF Strategies (Huseynli et al., 2021).
Design Contributions Applied Innovation Strategy Implementation
Design of an infrastructure to support
direct utilization of UE in an indus-
trial Edge Computing infrastructure
Exaptation: Derive from Derive core characteristics of Multi-
access Edge Computing and apply
them to Industry-specific use cases,
to innovate IIoT infrastructures with
novel, hardened networking capabili-
Extension of the proposed design to
support Telco operators in creating
highly dynamic and highly reliable
clusters of UE
Exploitation: Increase scope Take the proposed design and im-
prove it in terms of security, scalabil-
ity (e.g., federation of control planes)
and infrastructure management , for
potential massive IoT Edge use cases.
Table 2: Innovation strategies and corresponding abstracts.
Chosen Innovation Strategy Corresponding Abstract
Exaptation: Derive from In the field of distributed systems, the idea of Edge Com-
puting proposes solutions to the centrality of modern
cloud computing, which still relies heavily on massive
computing infrastructure handled by Hyper-scale cloud
providers. This can cause issues related to security (e.g.,
data ownership and distribution) and performance (e.g.,
latency that can be too large for sensitive industrial ap-
plications). Based on these issues, we developed a new
solution for the IoT Edge, in form of a mid-range design:
an infrastructure scaling model that can facilitate control
and expansion of industrial computing and actuation fa-
Exploitation: Increase scope In the field of Multi-access Edge Computing, Edge in-
frastructure is meant to bring the computing power much
closer to the User Equipment, to decrease latency and the
load on the Hyperscale providers. This design though
doesn’t allow the provider to offload computation. In
this paper, we propose a model inspired by Extreme and
IoT Edge, in which the UE can participate in the compu-
tational power of the Edge cloud, under the supervision
of the network provider.
oped within the expected time limits, and passed all
the stages of the gated process, resulting in the com-
pany investing in a patent filing. Future work on
this topic will include further development and testing
of the proposed solution and/or extended method in
other real-world industrial environments. This could
involve conducting pilot studies with industrial part-
ners to gather feedback on the solution’s performance
and identify any areas of improvement. Additionally,
research could be done to evaluate the scalability and
robustness of the solution proposed here in large-scale
deployments and investigate potential security risks
and develop mitigation strategies. Another direction
could be to investigate the integration of other tech-
nologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, to enhance
the solution’s functionality. Additionally, it would be
important to evaluate the potential cost savings and
efficiency improvements that can be achieved by us-
ing this solution in diverse industrial environments.
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