BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring
Ivandro Claudino, Luciano Galic, Wellington Franco, Thiago Gadelha, Jos
e Maria Monteiro
and Javam Machado
Universidade Federal do Cear
a, Brazil,
Big Data, Misinformation Monitoring, Platform, Social Networks.
The large-scale dissemination of misinformation through social media has become a critical issue, harming
social stability, democracy, and public health. The WhatsApp instant messaging application is very popular in
Brazil, with more than 165 million users. On the other hand, in just one year, the proportion of smartphones
with Telegram installed grew in Brazil from 45% to 60% in 2022. If on one hand, these platforms offer security
and privacy to its users, on other hand they are spaces with little or no moderation. Consequently,they have
been used to spread misinformation. In this context, we present BATMAN, a Big Data Platform for Misinfor-
mation Monitoring, a real-time platform for finding, gathering, analyzing, and visualizing misinformation in
social networks, in particular, in instant message applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram. To evaluate
the proposed platform, we used it to build two different messages datasets, concerning the Brazilian general
elections campaign in 2022, obtained from public chat groups on WhatsApp and Telegram, respectively.
Lately, the popularity of instant messaging applica-
tions, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, has con-
tributed to the spread of misinformation. Through
these systems, misinformation can deceive thousands
of people in seconds and cause significant harm to
individuals or society. Such platforms allow content
to be spread without editorial judgment. In this con-
text, misinformation has been used to change political
scenarios, to spread ineffective treatments, and even
to cause deaths (Martins et al., 2022; Martins et al.,
2021a; Silva and Benevenuto, 2021).
The WhatsApp instant messaging application is
very popular in Brazil, with more than 165 million
users in about 214 million people. In Brazil, more
than 95% of smatphone users use WhatsApp daily
and 48% of the population use WhatsApp to get, share
and discuss news (de S
a et al., 2021; Newman et al.,
2021). On the other hand, in just one year, the pro-
portion of smartphones with Telegram installed grew
in Brazil from 45% to 60% in 2022. The popularity
of these platforms is due to the versatility and ease of
use. They make it possible to instantly share differ-
ent media types, such as images, audios, and videos.
Besides, they provide a significant feature: the pub-
lic chat groups. These public groups are accessible
through invitation links and, usually, they have spe-
cific topics for discussion, such as politics and edu-
cation. Both WhatsApp and Telegram, allow users
to join or even share their public groups to simulta-
neously connect to hundreds of people at once, and
quickly receive and share digital content.
In this context, monitoring the content that circu-
lates in public chat groups is a fundamental task to
understand the misinformation spreading and get in-
sights to address this problem. However, collecting
a database of messages already in circulation in chat
public groups is a challenging task. To fill this gap, we
built the BATMAN, a Big Data Platform for Misinfor-
mation Monitoring, which supports finding, gather-
ing, analyzing, and visualizing misinformation in dif-
ferent social networks, in particular, in instant mes-
sage applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram.
To evaluate the proposed platform, we used it to build
two different datasets, concerning the Brazilian gen-
eral elections campaign in 2022, obtained from public
chat groups on WhatsApp and Telegram, respectively.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the main related work. Sec-
tion 3 describes the BATMAN platform. Section 4 de-
tails a case study performed to evaluate the proposed
platform. Conclusions and future work are presented
in Section 5.
Claudino, I., Galic, L., Franco, W., Gadelha, T., Monteiro, J. and Machado, J.
BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0011995500003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 237-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Despite the scientific community’s efforts, there is
still a need for monitoring and identifying misinfor-
mation in WhatsApp and Telegram messages, mainly
in Portuguese. The paper presented in (Garimella
and Tyson, 2018) is a seminal work in collecting and
analyzing WhatsApp’ messages. The authors built
a dataset by crawling 178 public groups, containing
45K users and 454K messages, from different coun-
tries and languages, such as India, Pakistan, Rus-
sia, Brazil, and Colombia. In the study presented in
(Machado et al., 2019), the authors collected and an-
alyzed 298,892 WhatsApp’ messages, from 130 pub-
lic groups, in the period leading up to the two rounds
of the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections. In (Re-
sende et al., 2019), the authors analyzed different as-
pects of WhatsApp messages from public political-
oriented groups. The messages were collected during
major social events in Brazil: a national truck drivers’
strike and the Brazilian presidential campaign. The
authors analyzed the types of content shared within
such groups and the network structures that emerge
from user interactions.
In (Resende et al., 2018), the authors presented a
system for gathering, analyzing, and visualize pub-
lic groups in WhatsApp. Besides describing their
methodology, the authors also provide a brief char-
acterization of the 169.154 messages shared by 6,314
users in 127 public groups to help journalists and re-
searchers understand the repercussion of events re-
lated to the 2018 Brazilian elections. In (de S
a et al.,
2021), the authors presented the Digital Lighthouse,
an entire platform for finding, gathering, analyzing,
and visualize public groups in WhatsApp. In (Cabral
et al., 2021) the author built a large-scale, labeled,
anonymized, and public dataset formed by What-
sApp messages in Portuguese (PT-BR), concerning
the Brazilian general elections campaign in 2018, col-
lected from public chat groups, using the platform
proposed by (de S
a et al., 2021). Then, the authors
conducted a series of classification experiments us-
ing combinations of Bag-Of-Words features and clas-
sical machine learning methods, resulting in a total
of 108 experiments, in order to build a specif MID
for WhatsApp messages. Their best results achieved
a F1-score of 0.733, which served as a baseline for
other work. As a practical result of this work, the au-
thors built and deployed a Misinformation Detector,
which receives a text as input and returns as output
the probability that the text contains some misinfor-
Currently, the Misinformation De-
tector can be accessed through the link
In (Martins et al., 2021a), the authors presented
a large-scale, labeled, and public data set of What-
sApp messages in Brazilian Portuguese about coro-
navirus pandemic, called COVID-19.BR, which was
collected from public chat groups, using the platform
proposed by (de S
a et al., 2021). In that work, they
conduct a series of classification experiments using
nine different machine learning methods to build an
efficient misinformation classifier for WhatsApp mes-
sages. The best result reached by (Martins et al.,
2021a) had an F1 score of 0.778, considering the full
corpus of COVID-19.BR dataset. In (Martins et al.,
2021b) the authors detailed the dataset proposed in
(Martins et al., 2021a) and presented a case study ex-
ploring data visualization concepts to represent infor-
mation graphically, highlighting patterns and trends in
data and achieving new insights concerning COVID-
19 misinformation on WhatsApp. In (Martins et al.,
2021c), the authors proposed a new approach to mis-
information detection, called MIDeepBR, based on
BiLSTM neural networks, BERT Embeddings, pool-
ing operations and attention mechanisms. MIDeepBR
can automatically detect misinformation in PT-BR
WhatsApp messages. Their best results achieved an
F1 score of 0.834. In (Martins et al., 2022), the
authors explored a posthoc interpretability method
called LIME to explain the predictions of misinfor-
mation detection approaches. Besides, they applied
a textual analysis tool called LIWC to analyze What-
sApp messages’ linguistic characteristics and identify
psychological aspects present in misinformation and
non-misinformation messages. The results indicated
that it is feasible to understand relevant aspects of the
MID model’s predictions and find patterns on What-
sApp messages about COVID19.
In (Ng and Loke, 2021), the authors analyzed
a Singapore-based COVID-19 Telegram group with
more than 10000 participants focusing on five dimen-
sions: participation, sentiment, negative emotions,
topics, and message types. In (J
unior et al., 2022a;
unior et al., 2022b), the authors presented the “Tele-
gram Monitor”, a web-based system that monitors the
political debate in this platform and enables the anal-
ysis of the most shared content in multiple channels
and public groups. In (Paschalides et al., 2020), the
authors presented MANDOLA, a big-data process-
ing system that monitors, detects, visualizes, and re-
ports the spread and penetration of online hate-related
speech using big-data approaches. MANDOLA con-
sists of six individual components that intercommuni-
cate to consume, process, store, and visualize statisti-
cal information regarding hate speech spread online.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This section will present the main components of the
BATMAN (Big dATa platforM for misinformAtion
moNitoring) platform, a real-time platform for find-
ing, gathering, analyzing, and visualizing misinfor-
mation in social networks, in particular, in instant
message applications such as WhatsApp and Tele-
gram, based on Big Data technologies.
The proposed platform architecture comprises six
layers, as illustrated in Figure 1. Next, we will discuss
in detail each one of these layers and its components.
3.1 Data Collector Layer
The main goal of this layer is make possible gather-
ing data from different social networks using a com-
mon interface. In this layer, the components are called
“connectors”, which are applications that collect data
from a particular social network. The connectors run
in Docker containers and they are independent of each
other. So, a failure in a certain connector does not
affect the others. They collect messages (text) and
media (image, audio and video) shared in a specific
social network. A connector converts each captured
message to the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
format and send it to the Message Broker (Redis)
on the process layer. We chose JSON because it is
a language-independent, standard format for storing
and exchanging data. Besides, a connector sends each
captured media file to the File Server component on
the Persistence Layer. In order to avoid storing du-
plicate media files, we apply the MD5 hash algorithm
on the file content and generate a a unique identifier,
which is used as the name of the media file. Thus, we
avoid wasting disk space, as well as making it pos-
sible to aggregate similar content and quantify how
many times each one was shared by the users, with the
purpose of understand the popularity of each content.
Currently, the BATMAN platform has two different
connectors running: one for WhatsApp and other to
Telegram. Listings 1 and 2 illustrate examples of
JSON “files” caught by WhatsApp and Telegram con-
nectors, respectively.
3.2 Process Layer
The main purpose of this layer is ensure a common in-
terface for receiving the messages collect by connec-
tors. This layer has two components: Message Broker
(Redis) and ETL Application.
The Message Broker is a software that make it
possible that applications, systems and services com-
municate with each other and share information. It is
responsible for validating, storing, routing and deliv-
ering messages to the appropriate destinations. It acts
as an intermediary between other applications, allow-
ing senders (connectors, in this case) to issue mes-
sages without knowing where the receivers (ETL Ap-
plication, in this case) are, whether they are active or
not, or how many of them there are. This facilitates
the decoupling of processes and services within the
proposed architecture. The Message Broker allows
reliable storage and ensures message delivery. It has
a set of message queues, which store and sort mes-
sages until consuming applications can process them.
Furthermore, it ensures that each queued message is
consumed only once. To implement the Message Bro-
ker, we use Redis, which is an in-memory, key-value,
open source, versatile and easy-to-use storage system.
In addition, it provides high performance, persistence
and data replication.
The ETL Application is responsible for the mes-
sage processing, which includes different tasks, such
as: parsing, anonymization, user geolocation discov-
ery (only for WhatsApp messages), misinformation
detection and sentiment analysis. Many of these tasks
use the services of the Data Processing API on the
Data Processing Layer. We took into consideration
privacy issues by anonymizing users’ names and cell
phone numbers. For this, we create an anonymous
and unique ID for each user by using an MD5 hash
function on their phone number. Similarly, we create
an anonymous alias for each group. After a message
processing, the ETL Application component sends
the resulting data to a Relational Database Server
(PostgreSQL) and a Search Engine (Elasticsearch),
both on the Persistence Layer.
3.3 Data Processing Layer
The main goal of this layer is to provide a set of
services to support the data processing, through a
standardized API (Application Programming Inter-
face).This API integrates several independent com-
ponents, which will be detailed next. The Machine
Learning Models component includes a service to
compute the probability of a text message received
as input to contain misinformation. The Geographic
Component provides a service to discover the geo-
graphic location (DDD and DDI) of a WhatsApp user.
The Natural Language Processing Component has a
service to compute the sentiment (polarity) of a text
message received as input. The Image Processing
component is under development and will provides
services for extract text from image files collected
from the connectors, for find similar images and for
identify objects in an image.
BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring
Figure 1: The BATMAN Platform Architecture.
3.4 Persistence Layer
The main purpose of this layer is to provide sup-
port for storing and querying data. This layer has
four components: File Server, Search Engine, Re-
lational Database Server and Multi-instance Integra-
tion. Next, we will describe each one of them.
The File Server component is responsible for store
the media files (audios, images and videos) cap-
tured by the connectors in a persistent and safe man-
ner. The Search Engine component aims to pro-
vide textual queries directly on the captured mes-
sages. For this, it uses Elasticsearch, a search en-
gine based on the Lucene library that provides a dis-
tributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine
with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON
documents. The Relational Database Server sup-
ports storing and querying data on the traditional flat
model. Thereunto, it uses PostgreSQL, a free and
open-source relational database management system
(RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL com-
pliance. Figure 2 illustrates the PostgreSQL database
schema, that is, its tables and columns. It is important
to highlight that the audios, images, and videos are
stored by the File Server. The PostgreSQL database
stores only the path to these files. The Multi-instance
Integration component is under development and will
provides support to integrate and communicate sev-
eral distributed instances of the BATMAN platform.
3.5 Data Visualization Layer
The main goal of this layer is to support visualization
and consuming of the data previously stored and pro-
cessed. This layer includes four components: Data
Access API, Web Portal, WhatsApp Bot and Tele-
gram Bot. Next, we will describe each one of these
The Data Access API has a set of services to ac-
cess: i) processed data stored on the relational model
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Listing 1: An Example of a JSON Caught from WhatsApp.
i d m e s s a g e : EE6CF9B6E75AE22708BDDE4B17548D6D ” ,
m ess e n g e r : w h a ts a p p ” ,
m e s s a g e t y p e : DocumentoComLegenda ” ,
” i d p e r s o n a : XXXXXXXXXXXX. 0 : 1 2 @s . w h a t s a pp . n e t ” ,
d a t e m e s s a g e : 2022 09 17 0 1 : 4 1 : 0 5 +0000 UTC ,
” t e x t c o n t e n t : ,
i d memb er ” : XXXXXXXXXXXXX@s. wh a t s a p p . n e t ” ,
” i d g r o u p : YYXXZZZZ097891513745318@g. us ” ,
media ” : 833 f 1 4 a 3 b c b b b 7 f 5 c 4 d 3 5 6 c f e 1 a b 1 9 f a . p d f ” ,
media name ” : P a g i n a s do L u l a f l i x , s i t e com a s f a l c a t r u a s
de L u l l a que a J u s t i c a mandou t i r a r do a r − C o ns e g u i s a l v a r t o d a s a s
p a g i n a s . pd f ” ,
m e d i a t y p e : a p p l i c a t i o n / p d f ” ,
” m e d i a u r l : ,
media md5 ” : 833 f 1 4 a 3 b c b b b 7 f 5 c 4 d 3 5 6 c f e 1 a b 1 9 f a ” ,
d i s p l a y n a m e : ,
a d d r e s s m e s s a g e : ,
” l a t i t u d e m e s s a g e : 0 ,
” l o n g i t u d e m e s s a g e : 0 ,
” c o n t a c t s m e s s a g e : n u l l
(PostgreSQL), ii) processed data stored on text for-
mat (Elasticsearch) and iii) media files previously col-
lected by the connectors. Thus, it uses the Data Pro-
cessing API on the Data Processing Layer. Today,
there is a great need for displaying massive amounts
of data in a way that is easily accessible and under-
standable. In this context, data visualization is a way
to represent information graphically, highlighting pat-
terns and trends in data and helping to achieve news
insights. It enables the data exploration via the ma-
nipulation of charts and images. More specifically,
it enables users to analyze the data by interacting
directly with a visual representation of it. In this
work, the Web Portal component is a web application
developed using Python programming language and
Django 3 framework, which explores relational (from
PostgreSQL) and textual (from Elasticsearch) data.
The last two components of the Data Visualization
Layer, WhatsApp Bot and Telegram Bot, are proac-
tive chatbots, which automatically detects and alerts
the presence of misinformation in social chats. Ini-
tially, they need to be added to a certain group. Then
it will automatically monitor and analyze the content
that travels in the group. Finally, if they detect that
a certain content has a high probability of containing
misinformation, an alert message is sent to the group.
3.6 Monitoring Management Layer
The main purpose of this layer is monitoring the oper-
ation of the BATMAN platform as a whole and alerts
a human administrator by email and SMS (short mes-
sage system) in case of failures. Besides, this layer
maintains a set of logs, which can be used to audit,
troubleshooting and repairs.
To evaluate the BATMAN platform, we performed an
exploratory case study using two different datasets,
covering the Brazilian general elections campaign in
2022, collected by WhatsApp and Telegram, respec-
tively. Next, we will describe these two datasets in
Brazilian general elections on WhatsApp: This
dataset contains 798,882 messages, obtained from
17,717 users (cell phone chips), which partici-
pated of 331 WhatsApp public groups, in the pe-
riod from August to November 2022.
Brazilian general elections on Telegram: This
dataset contains 561,449 messages, obtained from
14,866 users, which participated of 180 Telegram
public groups, in the period from September to
November 2022.
BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring
Listing 2: An Example of a JSON Caught from Telegram.
i d m e s s a g e : 1 0 49 8 1 9 ” ,
m e s s e n g e r : ” t e l e g r a m ” ,
m e s s a g e t y p e : U r l ” ,
” i d p e r s o n a : ######### ,
d a t e m e s s a g e : 2022 09 28 T16 : 1 8 : 0 9 + 0 0 : 0 0 ,
” t e x t c o n t e n t : Banco M u n d i a l c o n f i r m a f a l a de P a u l o Guedes : PIB do
B r a s i l t e n d e a c r e s c e r m a is que o da China \ u261b h t t p s : / /
t e r r a b r a s i l n o t i c i a s . com / 2 0 2 2 / 0 9 / banco mundial −c o n f i r m a f a l a a de p au l o
g u e d e s −pib −do b r a s i l t e n d e a c r e s c e r mais que oda c h i n a / \ n\nBom d i a
\ ud83d \ udd25 \ ud83d \ udd25 \n\n@FYIBRASIL ” ,
i d m e m b e r t e l e g r a m : ######### ,
” i d
g r o u p : ##### # # # # ,
media ” : c a 9 a 6 c 2 5f 2 9 5 2 6 9 3 0 d 60 8 52 a 7 4 a b 6 94 0 ( 1 ) . j p g ” ,
media name ” : ,
m e d i a t y p e : ” u r l ,
” m e d i a u r l : ” h t t p s : / / t e r r a b r a s i l n o t i c i a s . com / 2 0 2 2 / 0 9 / banco m u n d i a l −
c o n f i r m a − f a l a a de p a u l o − guedes −pib −do b r a s i l t e n d e −a c r e s c e r mais que
oda c h i n a / ,
media md5 ” : c a9 a 6c 2 5 f 2 9 5 26 9 30 d 6 0 8 5 2 a 7 4 ab 6 94 0 ” ,
d i s p l a y n a m e : Banco Mund i a l c o n f i r m a f a l a de P a u l o Guedes : PIB do
B r a s i l t e n d e a c r e s c e r m a is que o da China T e r r a B r a s i l Not \
u 0 0 e d c i a s \ n C o m p a r t i l h e : A nova p r e v i s \ u00e3o do Banco Mundi a l \ u00e9
de que o PIB ( P r o d u t o I n t e r n o B r u t o ) ” ,
a d d r e s s m e s s a g e : ,
” l a t i t u d e m e s s a g e : 0 ,
” l o n g i t u d e m e s s a g e : 0 ,
” c o n t a c t s m e s s a g e : n u l l
Using the Web Portal component of the the Data
Visualization layer from the BATMAN Platform, the
user can choose a specific dataset or all data from all
datasets to build a set of visualizations.
4.1 Messages Characterization
In general, messages created to spread misinforma-
tion include a URL, often from a little-known website
or blog, to give it credibility. Thus, the presence of a
URL can be a criterion for selecting messages to be
analyzed by fact-checkers. We observed that a signif-
icant proportion of the caught Telegram (29.85%) and
WhatsApp (20.16%) messages contains some URL.
Currently, audios, images, and videos are com-
monly used to spread misinformation. Therefore, the
messages associated with these files are potential can-
didates to undergo a verification process. We ob-
served that a significant proportion of the caught Tele-
gram (63.32%) and WhatsApp (62.60%) messages
contains some media file.
Figure 3 shows the distribution messages sending
time by the day hours on Telegram. As we can imag-
ine, the peak of sending messages occurs at the time
reserved for lunch (between 12 and 15 hours) and in
the early evening, just after work hours.
Figure 4 shows the distribution messages send-
ing time by day on Telegram. As we can imagine,
the peak of sending messages occurs on October 2nd
(date of the first round of elections) and October 30th
(date of the second round of elections).
4.2 Geographic Distribution
In the 2020 Brazilian elections, some cell phone chips
from foreign countries were used in the electoral ad-
vertisement. Thus, monitor the messages sent by
these chips is an important task to identify misinfor-
mation spreading. We observed that 1,83% of What-
sApp messages were sent by cell phone chips of for-
eign countries.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: The PostgreSQL Database Schema.
Figure 3: Number of Messages by Hour.
Another relevant aspect to observe in the moni-
tored groups is the geographic location of users (cell
phone chips), both Brazilians and foreigners, besides
these users’ activity level. Figure 5 shows the Brazil-
ian states with more quantity of messages on What-
sApp. As might be expected, the most populous states
have the most significant amount of messages sent.
Figure 6 illustrates the Brazilian states with more
Figure 4: Number of Messages by day.
users’ on WhatsApp. The most populous states have
the most significant amount of users.
However, when analyzing the states with more
messages per user (Figure 7), we can observe that not
so populous states such as Paraiba, Alagoas, and Dis-
trito Federal, have the most active users.
BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring
Figure 5: States with more Messages.
Figure 6: States with more Users.
4.3 Vocabulary Characterization
Another aspect that needs to be analyzed is the char-
acteristics of the vocabulary used in the text messages,
since there is a strong relationship between the used
vocabulary and the social network, in this case, What-
sApp. Figures 8 and 9 show the number of messages
by the number of words contained in the message, for
the WhatsApp and Telegram datasets, respectively.
As we can note, there are few messages with a large
number of words and a high number of messages with
few words.
Figures 10 and 11 show the word cloud highlight-
ing the most popular words on WhatsApp and Tele-
gram, respectively.
Figure 7: States with more Messages per User.
4.4 Misinformation Analysis
The last aspect to be explored using the Web Por-
tal component on the Data Visualization layer of the
BATMAN Platform is the misinformation analysis. In
this context, various information about messages and
users are explored to identify text messages contain-
ing misinformation and super-spreaders, that is, the
users that most spread misinformation.
Table 1 contains the five most shared messages
on WhatsApp. The “Sharings” column indicates how
many times the message was shared. It is important to
highlight that all the five most shared messages con-
tain misinformation.
Finally, we can query the URLs most used in
the messages. Tables 2 and 3 contain the five most
shared URLs together with the number of messages
that refers each URL, on WhatsApp and Telegram,
The fast spread of misinformation through social net-
works, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, messages
poses a significant social problem. In this work, we
presented BATMAN, a platform for finding, gather-
ing, analyzing, and visualizing misinformation in so-
cial networks. To evaluate our methodology, we built
two different datasets. Besides, we presented a case
study using the proposed platform. We hope that our
platform can help journalists and researchers to un-
derstand the misinformation propagation in Brazil.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 8: Number of Messages by the Number of Words
in the Message on WhatsApp.
Figure 9: Number of Messages by the Number of Words
in the Message on Telegram.
Figure 10: Word Cloud on WhatsApp.
Figure 11: Word Cloud on Telegram.
Table 1: Most Shared Messages on WhatsApp.
Sharings Text
275 Pesquisa eleitoral para presidente da Rep
ublica em 2022. Vote https://financas-
190 Lula ou Bolsonaro? Quem est
a ganhando? Descubra a verdade e vote
173 Pesquisa eleitoral para presidente da Rep
ublica em 2022. Vote
79 AO VIVO: NOVA ENQUETE OFICIAL para Presidente da Republica 2022: Entre e Vote
77 Atenc¸
ao, Brasil! Chegou a hora de colocarmos fim aos abusos praticados pelo ministro
Alexandre de Moraes e mostrarmos aos demais ministros do STF que o povo n
ao aceitar
mais qualquer excesso praticado por eles. Como qualquer outro membro do Estado, eles de-
vem agir nos limites da lei e de sua compet
encia. Para isso, vamos fazer circular essa petic¸
pelo IMPEACHMENT de Alexandre de Moraes. O Brasil acordou e vamos mostrar que
e o POVO! Assine e compartilhe! Pra frente, Brasil! Vamos mostrar nossa forc¸a!
Table 2: Most Shared URLs on WhatsApp.
Qtd Site
3583 %20inter-
622 E7BOXf6Q
BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring
Table 3: Most Shared URLs on Telegram
Qtd Site
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems