An Innovative Approach to Develop Persona from Application Reviews
Dylan Clements, Elysia Giannis, Fi Crowe, Mike Balapitiya, Jason Marshall, Paul Papadopoulos and
Tanjila Kanij
Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia
Persona, E-commerce, Application Reviews.
Software end users are diverse by nature and their different facets influence the way they use software. An un-
derstanding of the users and their needs are achieved by engaging with the users during requirement engineer-
ing. However, sometimes recruiting users during requirement engineering phase can be very challenging. An
accessible way to understand a user’s perspective and traits is through user application reviews. This research
paper proposes an innovative approach to develop user personas from a data set of e-commerce application
user reviews by using GPT-3 and PATHY. This enables the development teams to see different demographic
data, as well as overall frustrations and expectations that users of their platform possess, so developers know
how to enhance their software solutions. This is also helpful to developers of new e-commerce applications.
Most software solutions provide an inadequate user
experience due to the developers lacking the under-
standing of enduser needs, as Mathews et al. states
“end user diversity is not sufficiently contemplated”
(Mathews et al., ). This ultimately limits the suc-
cession of these platforms. As such understanding
the endusers of a software is essential. Generally
this is done through rigorous user research during
the requirement engineering phase. However, the
enduser characteristics, as well as their preferences,
keep changing and software needs to take these into
account throughout the development as well as after
Understanding end users through rigorous re-
search, is most of the times time, cost and effort-
consuming. Another major challenge is to establish
communication with the end users and get valuable
insight from them. To address these challenges, we
propose an innovative approach to understanding the
end user of software from an alternative source of in-
formation - application reviews provided by the end
users. By collecting a large volume of application re-
views and evaluating a range of characteristic traits of
users, a chance to visualise and assimilate what a par-
ticular user of software would resemble, is presented.
This is what a user persona entails. A persona is a
description of a fictional character who will use the
software (Cooper, 1999). By collating particular user
facets and outlining their frustrations, we are able to
develop insightful personas which describe the key
user information and their feelings towards the soft-
ware. This then helps software developers understand
their users better.
To develop the proposed framework we selected
e-commerce as our application domain. It has been
shown that age bias is found in various e-commerce
software solutions, meaning it is harder for people
of certain ages to proficiently use these applications
(McIntosh et al., 2021; El Shamy and Hassanein,
2018). Yet, it is unclear which other facets beyond
age affect the way people use e-commerce platforms.
E-commerce is a domain where people of different
demographics purchase goods and services and these
users can also share their experiences of the applica-
tion being used (Obie et al., 2021). This information
can be leveraged, and act as a valuable source of prob-
lem statements, ideas and requests from users, which
could ultimately help development teams understand
potential issues with their software, as well as find
ways in which they can be mitigated. Additionally,
e-commerce application usage has risen vastly due
to the evolution of online marketing and changes in
economic and environmental factors (Grundy et al.,
2018). For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic forced
many people to use these platforms out of obligation.
With the population’s increasing interaction with e-
Clements, D., Giannis, E., Crowe, F., Balapitiya, M., Marshall, J., Papadopoulos, P. and Kanij, T.
An Innovative Approach to Develop Persona from Application Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0011996000003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 701-708
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
commerce applications, it is imperative that the user
experience is critically considered when developing
and improving these applications to reduce any nega-
tive impacts of insufficiently understanding users.
Given the volume of reviews sent to app stores,
many developers do not have the capacity to extract
and analyse meaningful insights from all of them
(Mathews et al., ). Therefore, an automated machine
learning tool that can be used to accurately capture
the user’s experience to get a clearer understanding of
the platform’s end users would be advantageous to de-
velopment teams. This would enable software devel-
opers to focus more on implementing improvements
for the application, rather than manually analysing
their platforms’ reviews (Mao et al., 2005). To assist
e-commerce developers in understanding their end
users more extensively, we can extract certain facets
from the user application reviews of the platforms be-
ing assessed using GPT-3, and segment the responses
based on their characteristics to investigate possible
trends between the sentiment and user facets. This
will help developers discern what types of users are
avidly or apathetically using their application, which
can lead to further investigation on how the sentiment
for users that show lower interest to the platform can
be restored. This also increases the potential for ac-
commodating more diverse users.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 details the review of related research
and background of this research. Section 3 describes
our approach in detail. Section 4 presents the results
of analysing e-commerce app reviews and developing
persona. Section 5 illustrates the results of the evalua-
tion of our proposed method, Section 6 demonstrates
the possible threats to the validity of the research. Fi-
nally, section 8 concludes our findings and outlines
any future research.
2.1 Automation
Gao et al. attempted to analyse application reviews to
identify existing issues (Gao et al., 2018) and found
that “noise words” (e.g., misspelled words) made it
challenging to identify new app issues through au-
tomation. They derived an approach information ex-
traction removing the noisy words. Similarly, Mal-
gaonkar et al. reduced the burden of human involve-
ment by using natural language processing, feature
engineering, and word sense disambiguation, to au-
tomatically generate the taxonomy(Malgaonkar et al.,
2022). Mcilroy et al. analysed large app reviews and
found that up to 30% of the reviews raise various is-
sues in a single review, including “feature requests”
and “bug reports” (Mcilroy et al., ).
2.2 Facet Research
Grundy outlines that age and gender are some of the
characteristics that need to be better incorporated into
requirements engineering and design (Grundy, 2021).
Tekin and Sebnem support Grundy’s analysis of the
characteristics that influence one’s use of e-commerce
and amount of online expenditure, with research dis-
playing the effects of gender and age on users (Kose
and Arslan, 2020). An initial study has looked at the
facets of risk aversion, technical proficiency, visual
impairment, and attention among people of different
ages while interacting with e-commerce (McIntosh
et al., 2021). Middle-aged individuals were found
to be more likely to engage in e-commerce activities,
compared to relatively younger and older individuals
by Tekin and Sebnem (Kose and Arslan, 2020).
2.2.1 GPT-3 Overview
Generative Pre-Trained Model 3 (GPT-3) by Ope-
nAI is the largest language model constructed to date
(Dale, 2021). The model is trained on 499 billion to-
kens of web content, including all of Wikipedia, a
variety of books, and a large portion of web pages
(Singh et al., 2021). GPT-3 consists of 12 layers of
transformer decoder blocks with 175 billion trainable
parameters (Acheampong et al., 2021). Text weight
embeddings and positional embeddings are passed
as inputs into 96 attention layers, then into a feed-
forward layer, which then outputs a probability distri-
bution (Acheampong et al., 2021).
Advantages. Although GPT-3’s main application
is in automated text generation (Acheampong et al.,
2021; Dale, 2022), GPT-3 can be used in a range of
scenarios, including text classification (or sentiment
analysis) (Mathews et al., ). The extensive training
data set for GPT-3 (Mathews et al., ) and its computa-
tional power (Alexandridis et al., 2021) alone makes
it a prime candidate for our application of NLP on
bulk user review data sets.
Limitations. Despite GPT-3’s computational power
and access to a large training set, the model does
have some limitations. GPT-3’s large training set
means that text classification is very costly to run and
requires significant processing power (Dale, 2021).
This is why GPT-3 is currently only available via API
(Alexandridis et al., 2021; Ashraf and Perez, 2020), as
the typical machine could not handle the large & com-
plex processes of GPT-3 (Acheampong et al., 2021).
In addition to this, given that the training data set
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
is comprised of a wide collection of books, all of
Wikipedia, and an abundance of web pages, the model
will be slightly biased, and reflect predictions similar
to that of the training data (Mathews et al., ; Dale,
2021; Ashraf and Perez, 2020).
2.3 Persona Development
The fundamental idea behind persona development
is gathering information about the users and group-
ing those into personas. Guo and Ma use a tech-
nique that focuses mainly on three pillars of a per-
sona: biographic background; archetype and person-
ality (Guo and Ma, 2018). Ferreira et al. and Marr
summarise that the key steps to developing personas
for e-commerce platforms are to gather demographic
data, general attitudes toward the application, main
goals and frustrations they bear, and finally common-
alities between the respective facets so they can be
grouped into personas (Ferreira et al., 2017)(Marr,
2020). All these techniques require rigorous user re-
PATHY is another technique of persona develop-
ment, that is based on empathy mapping (Ferreira
et al., 2016). The PATHY technique bridges the gap
between empathy maps and personas themselves and
elicits theoretical user requirements for an applica-
tion (Ferreira et al., 2016). To improve the support
provided to software developers, a second component
was added in the PATHY technique to deal with issues
related to identifying application features and charac-
teristics (Ferreira et al., 2016). An advantage of the
PATHY technique is that it found more potential ap-
plication requirements than Acu
na et al.s technique
na et al., 2012). Given its clear strengths, we
have chosen to use the PATHY technique for this re-
Application reviews were extracted with an auto-
mated script written in Python, from 25 different e-
commerce applications. The applications domains in-
cluded: departmental stores, supermarket, pharmacy,
retailer, food, fashion, and so on. A variety of types
of domains ensures a variation of reviews and subse-
quently a variation of personas.
3.1 Development Environment
A development environment was configured to al-
low for collaborative execution and near-full automa-
tion of the execution of the research methodology.
This environment included a private GitHub repos-
itory, Python installations (including dependencies)
and JSON files. The OpenAI python API (OpenAI,
) was used to communicate with GPT-3 to perform
the analysis.
3.2 Facet Extraction
In order to extract user facets and identify their age,
gender, expectations and frustrations from the ex-
tracted reviews, we used Open AI’s deep learning
platform, Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, or
For setting up the environment we turned the tem-
perature to zero that ensures most deterministic out-
put is produced by GPT -3. We also selected text-
davinci-2 algorithm since this was the most ad-
vanced algorithm implemented by GPT-3 at that time.
The following code snippet shows the queries we ex-
ecuted against each review.
prompts = [
”Rate the author’s sentiment on a scale of -1 to 1: ”,
”Predict the author’s age: ”,
”Predict the author’s gender: ”,
”What are the author’s expectations?: ”,
”What are the author’s frustrations?:
For example review “I’m incredibly unhappy with
how slow this app runs. I can barely use it.”, if we
run the following code Rate the author’s sentiment
on a scale of -1 to 1: ”, we get output as “-1”, which
indicated negative sentiment.
Three of the facets we intended to capture were to
be expressed quantitatively in our review characteris-
tics data set. We found that age, gender and sentiment
were most of the times expressed quantitatively how-
ever sometimes those were expressed qualitatively.
e.g.: for age, instead of “30-40”, the output would
be “The author’s age is likely to be between 30 and
40”. This was highly unusual despite setting GPT-3’s
temperature to 0, which was said to produce entirely
deterministic results.
To work around this challenge, we developed
intermediate analysis scripts using natural language
processing tools such as NLTK. The intermediate
scripts were used to extract the key points from each
of the qualitative responses. Where any qualitative re-
sponses lacked keywords such as age, gender or sen-
timent scores, it was assumed that there were none
found for that review.
Another challenge was that, some facets review
characteristics were empty. This is most likely due to
two main reasons. The first being that requests to the
OpenAI API could have failed, despite the back-off
An Innovative Approach to Develop Persona from Application Reviews
Figure 1: Persona development Diagram.
mechanism working successfully. The second, being
that GPT-3 outputted a result that could not be cap-
tured as a valid review characteristic. For example,
GPT-3 could output “There is not enough informa-
tion to determine the author’s gender”. As a result,
the author’s gender would be marked as null and dis-
counted from further analysis. 3.28% of review facets
analysed reported null values.
3.3 Persona Development
Given that various persona development techniques
are complex to implement and do not explicitly guide
designers in identifying development relevant infor-
mation, we decided to utilise a more methodical tech-
nique - PATHY. PATHY utilises empathy map check-
list questions to create customer segment profiles, and
a template to simplify its implementation. An em-
pathy map reveals the rationale underlying users’ ac-
tions, decisions and choices; therefore it helps in de-
signing for users’ real needs (Ferreira et al., 2016).
Matthews (Gray et al., 2010) proposed four dif-
ferent areas that should be covered when creating an
empathy map: What does the person hear? What does
the person think and feel? What does the person see?
What does the person say and do? Bratsberg, H.M.
(Bratsberg, 2012) mentioned Pain and Gain as impor-
tant areas to look for. Based on these we adopted the
following approach for persona development:
1. Found the most common age and gender within
each e-commerce category and added this infor-
mation to a persona.
2. Identified the pains and gains of said persona from
the most common expectation and frustrations in
user reviews.
3. Given these facets, the team prepared answers to
Matthews’ questions which contributed to their
biography and character understanding.
We extracted 4999 app reviews from open source app
store and play store. Among those, 4931 reviews were
analysed. 68 reviews were discarded due to extrane-
ous errors. Figures 2 outline the number of reviews
analysed per category.
Figure 2: Number of reviews per category.
4.1 Facet Extraction
Three of the facets we intended to capture were to be
expressed quantitatively in our review characteristics
data set. We found that age, gender and sentiment
were most of the times expressed quantitatively how-
ever sometimes those were expressed qualitatively.
e.g.: for age, instead of “30-40”, the output would
be “The author’s age is likely to be between 30 and
40”. This was highly unusual despite setting GPT-3’s
temperature to 0, which was said to produce entirely
deterministic results.
To work around this challenge, we developed
intermediate analysis scripts using natural language
processing tools such as NLTK. The intermediate
scripts were used to extract the key points from each
of the qualitative responses. Where any qualitative
responses lacked key words such as age, gender or
sentiment scores, it was assumed that there were none
found for that review.
Another challenge was that, some facets review
characteristics were empty. This is most likely due to
two main reasons. The first being that requests to the
OpenAI API could have failed, despite the back-off
mechanism working successfully. The second, being
that GPT-3 outputted a result that could not be cap-
tured as a valid review characteristic. For example,
GPT-3 could output “There is not enough informa-
tion to determine the author’s gender”. As a result,
the author’s gender would be marked as null and dis-
counted from further analysis. 3.28% of review facets
analysed reported null values.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
4.2 Persona Development
We developed eight personas for the eight categories
of e-commerce applications. In order to develop the
Pharmacy persona in Figure 3, we began by identify-
ing the most common age and gender of reviewers of
the pharmacy mobile applications that we analysed.
We found that this was 40-year-old men. Hence, our
persona was given this gender and age.
To create this persona’s pains and gains, we se-
lected common expectations and frustrations which
were generated from relevant apps. This included that
the pharmacy should stock NDSS products and that
they should be able to add a favourite store to get the
Given this information, we were able to determine
what this person hears, thinks, feels, sees, says and
does. This included giving him a medical condition
(diabetes) that would require NDSS products. Addi-
tionally, we outlined his occupation which might lead
to him expecting certain features such as the ability to
add a favourite store. Also, we believe that in order to
maintain a job and have a condition like this, one most
likely would be quite stoic, think logically, and be in-
active and introverted. While these were assumptions
made by us, and may not be precise, they are guided
by the information we extracted and add to the char-
acter of the developed persona. Consequently, the de-
veloped persona has increased empathy from devel-
opers and allows them to gain a deeper understanding
of the end user.
Due to space limitations, all the personas are not
presented in this article. Another example persona is
the departmental store user persona - Makaylah 4.
Assessing the accuracy of our results, and hence the
accuracy of our subsequently developed personas re-
quires consideration of two aspects. Firstly, we must
assess the accuracy of GPT-3. To do so we must de-
termine the precision and accuracy of GPT-3’s Natu-
ral Language Processing model. Secondly, we need
to ensure that our extracted reviews have enough data
in them to extract the information we need, and the
quality of discussion within these reviews needs to be
high enough to add value to our persona.
GPT-3 has extracted four facets for us, therefore
we must assess the accuracy of each of these aspects.
The four aspects were the reviewers age, gender, sen-
timent, frustrations, and expectations. Thankfully
these tests have already been conducted which ver-
ify the accuracy of transformer-based models. Since
Figure 3: A user persona of Joseph.
Figure 4: A user persona of Makaylah.
GPT-3 is the largest and most advanced transformer-
based model at the time of writing we can assume
the findings of previous studies would carry over. In
particular we can look at the PAN Author Profiling
task. As discussed earlier this competition proved,
through 2016-2019 (Rangel et al., 2016; Rangel et al.,
2017; Rangel et al., 2018; Rangel and Rosso, 2019),
that age, gender and sentiment could be determined
from twitter tweets. Therefore, we know that we are
able to determine implicit information such as age
An Innovative Approach to Develop Persona from Application Reviews
and gender from short term text. Hence, GPT-3 can
be utilized to estimate a reviewer’s demographics and
sentiment. Next is determining the explicit informa-
tion of the reviewer’s expectations and frustrations.
Since this information is explicit, to determine GPT-
3’s accuracy, we would simply have to compare the
expectation/frustration against the review and deter-
mine whether that aspect was present. Therefore, our
verification for this process involved sampling 100 re-
views and manually identifying their expectations and
frustrations. We then analysed the expectations and
frustrations derived by GPT-3. We found that in 87%
of cases, the expectations and frustrations manually
identified aligned with those identified by GPT-3.
Apart from the accuracy of GPT-3, we also had
to ensure that there was enough detail in our reviews
to afford GPT-3 the highest probability of extracting
accurate information. Therefore, to assess the qual-
ity of our reviews, we used information power. In
doing so we would assess our extracted reviews, be-
fore being passed into GPT-3, against five criteria
items: “study aim, sample specificity, use of estab-
lished theory, quality of dialogue, and analysis strat-
egy” (Malterud et al., 2016). Firstly, the study aim in
this case was to develop user personas from app re-
views. As a persona consists a user’s demographics
and expectation/frustration and the nature of a review
is for a user to express their expectation/frustration,
and we have determined that we can accurately find
their demographics, hence the information power is
higher. Secondly, our sample specificity was sparse
as situations occur where insufficient data was pro-
vided in the review, hence this lowers our information
power. Thirdly, for established theory, we considered
the quality of dialog or in other words how detailed
the reviews were. In many cases we found that re-
views were one sentence at maximum, hence we had
a very low quality of dialog. This severely impacted
the information power. Lastly for analysis strategy,
considering all of the above, we opted to conduct
cross-case studies. This involved collating all of the
data in each app into one or two identifiable personas.
Again, this reduced our information power. There-
fore, with these considerations, identifying the most
prevalent age, gender, sentiment, frustrations, and ex-
pectations, and creating larger, overarching categories
for the apps was the strategy we followed. In doing
so, our developed personas will more accurately rep-
resent the most prominent aspects we could extract.
To further access the accuracy of our developed
personas, we can analyse how well it resembles ex-
isting personas that developers have already devel-
oped. We collected some e-commerce personas and
compared those with the ones we developed. For ex-
ample, the retail customer persona of “Suggestible
Sally” (biz, 2015) shared many commonalities with
our developed Makaylah persona, seen in Figure 4,
who represented a department store shopper. Some
key items were the positive response to marketing and
engagement with support staff. Therefore, we can
have higher confidence in the information we have ex-
tracted from our reviews.
Although our methods produced reasonable results,
there are a few threats to the validity of our findings.
6.1 Internal
Due to the training data set used for GPT-3, the re-
sults will contain some bias. Given that GPT-3 is
trained on almost all of the public internet, it will con-
tain the biases found in public web content (Mathews
et al., ; Dale, 2021; Ashraf and Perez, 2020). Further-
more, we were only able to analyse a sample set of
4931 reviews from various categories of mobile apps.
This implies that our findings may not apply to all e-
commerce applications. Moreover, some of the GPT-
3 analysis has required further manual analysis of the
data set. This has caused potential for further internal
errors on the data set due to incorrect classification
of information. As we are using the PATHY persona
development technique (Ferreira et al., 2016), there
is some subjective analysis of information. However,
we have taken steps to ensure these risks are mini-
mized by automating as much analysis as possible.
Moreover, we have also ensured that all personas were
reviewed and agreed upon by all researchers.
6.2 External
In terms of the external validity of our research, this
method is not directly transferable to be used on re-
views written in languages other than English. How-
ever, the tooling we used to extract reviews can be
used to obtain reviews from app stores across the
world, and GPT-3 is capable of identifying the lan-
guage in which a text is written (Chiriatti, 2020).
Therefore the tooling we used can be extended to
work with reviews in different languages, however, it
would require changes to the methodology.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Implication for Software Development. To improve
e-commerce applications and ensure that end users
are satisfied with their experience, it is beneficial to
understand the characteristics and pain points of users
that might effect their use of the platform. Grundy
states that characteristic factors of users should be in-
corporated in engineering and design requirements at
an early stage to ensure the success of the product af-
ter its development life cycle (Grundy, 2021). It is
also supported by Kose and Arslan that when these
characteristics are taken into account, it can directly
impact the use of e-commerce and online expendi-
ture, showing how particular facets had a blunt cor-
relation to them (Kose and Arslan, 2020). To assist
e-commerce developers in understanding their end
users more extensively, we could extract certain facets
from the user application reviews of the platforms be-
ing assessed using GPT-3, and segment the responses
based on their characteristics to investigate possible
trends between the sentiment and user facets. We de-
veloped eight personas based on the findings. We be-
lieve this will help developers discern what types of
users are avidly or apathetically using their applica-
tion, which can lead to further investigation on how
the sentiment for users that show lower interest in the
platform can be restored. This will also be beneficial
for developers of new e-commerce platforms to un-
derstand the diverse user facets and their needs.
Implication for Research. The research presents an
important perspective of collecting enduser data and
effectively using those for software development. We
conducted a small-scale research with one selected
domain such as - e-commerce. The findings of this ap-
proach indicate a number of things - firstly, the use of
existing machine learning tools (eg. GPT-3) make it
easy, efficient and less time consuming for analysing
small-scale app reviews in order to understand end
users’ facets, frustrations and expectations. The initial
promising results indicate that a customised machine
learning algorithm can be also developed for this pur-
pose if needed. Secondly, it was apparent that the
app reviews contain a lot of information about end
users, especially their expectations and frustrations
about the software. This can be an excellent source
of information about the end users. This framework
can be further investigated and developed as a fully
automated tool that can give developers information
about their end users.
This research has shown that it is possible to de-
velop user personas from e-commerce mobile appli-
cation reviews. By using the PATHY persona devel-
opment technique and the GPT-3 machine learning
model, we were able to extract user facets, expecta-
tions and frustrations from a data set of 4931 Aus-
tralian e-commerce app reviews. These findings can
be used by software developers to better understand
the users of their platforms. However, there are some
threats to the validity of these findings, which should
be considered in future work.
There are a number of ways in which this research
can be extended. Firstly, by amending the methodol-
ogy, we could extend this model to work with reviews
written in different languages. This ability would al-
low us to work with a more diverse data set, resulting
in more widely-application findings. Secondly, with
a larger sample size, the validity of the research can
be improved. If more reviews from different mobile
applications are used to develop personas, it would
lead to stronger results. Thirdly, our research takes
a holistic approach to developing personas from mo-
bile application reviews. More specific research can
be conducted by sorting results by each application.
This would allow us to investigate how personas re-
late to specific applications, and potentially see trends
in personas from similar application categories. Fi-
nally, while we focused on e-commerce mobile ap-
plication reviews, this model could be extended to
process and analyse reviews from different platforms
such as web applications.
Kanij is supported by ARC Laureate Fellowship
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering