A Quantitative Analysis of Barriers to International Telemedicine
Education: The Case of the Philippines
Toru Oga
, Katherine Panganiban
, Kuriko Kudo
, Jocelyn Celero
, Shintaro Ueda
Shunta Tomimatsu
, Jeffrey Domino
and Tomohiko Moriyama
Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, Motooka 744, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-Shi, Fukuoka, Japan
Institute of Surgery, St. Luke’s Medical Center, 279 E Rodriguez Sr. Ave. Quezon City, 1112, Philippines
Telemedicine Development Center of Asia, Kyushu University Hospital, Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka-Shi,
Fukuoka, Japan
Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101, Philippines
Keywords: Telemedicine, International Telemedicine Education, Communication, Collaboration, The Philippines.
Abstract: A multitude of studies have investigated the opportunities and limitations of telemedicine pre- and post-
COVID-19 pandemic. However, most of the research has focused on telemedicine's constraints in the context
of international, regional, and developed nations, with few studies examining the specific challenges that may
affect telemedicine's progress in developing countries where the pandemic may have exacerbated existing
technological and geographical difficulties. This study takes the Philippines as a case study due to its
archipelagic location, use of English as an official language, and other factors that influence its adaptability
to international telemedicine. We assessed the barriers and challenges to the advancement of telemedicine
from four viewpoints: policy, organization, individual, and collaboration between organizations. Therefore,
the significance of this study is twofold: (a) to concentrate on international telemedicine education by
contrasting domestic and international practices, and (b) to newly reveal connections between each
component, as prior research highlighted barriers and difficulties but did not clarify relationships among
different elements. We surveyed and interviewed 38 physicians, technicians, coordinators, and staff involved
in telemedicine education in the Philippines. The study found that (1) public support yields favourable results,
(2) a strong correlation exists between domestic and international telemedicine, (3) communication and
technical obstacles are interconnected, (4) unity and cooperation in intra-hospital collaboration are critical,
and (5) comprehending the "significance of work" has a positive impact. This study underscores the
intersectionality of several barriers to telemedicine development. It also recommends providing greater
support for telemedicine education in developing nations and promoting collaboration between developing
and developed nations.
Since the global outbreak of COVID-19, telemedicine
has gained momentum as an increasingly popular
approach to the delivery of primary health care
conducted at a distance. While telemedicine has been
the subject of numerous studies in the past, focusing
on its limitations and possibilities for delivering
healthcare across space and scale, the pandemic has
magnified the challenges to the conduct of
telemedicine and telemedicine education among
practitioners. This study focuses on international
telemedicine education and identifies its barriers and
challenges, with particular attention to the
relationships among factors, which has not been
explored in previous studies.
Oga, T., Panganiban, K., Kudo, K., Celero, J., Ueda, S., Tomimatsu, S., Domino, J. and Moriyama, T.
A Quantitative Analysis of Barriers to International Telemedicine Education: The Case of the Philippines.
DOI: 10.5220/0011997600003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 75-80
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
International telemedicine education, as defined in
this paper, is an international video conference
connection between hospitals for training and
exchange of ideas. Through international telemedicine
education, healthcare professionals can consult with
medical experts from around the world, acquire
knowledge and skills, and see live demonstrations of
advanced surgical techniques performed by world-
class experts. This study aims to compare domestic and
international telemedicine practices and newly uncover
relationships between each element. While previous
studies pointed out barriers and difficulties, relation-
ships among different elements are not clear.
The survey covered in this paper includes both
domestic and international telemedicine, with the aim
of comparing the two to identify issues in the latter.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased
the growing need to examine how telemedicine can
be effectively implemented in local contexts, be it in
rural or urban areas, global or national, developed,
and developing countries.
This case study is focused on the Philippines, a
developing state with a high demand for international
and domestic telemedicine due to geographical and
technological factors. The conduct of telemedicine
becomes a challenge to provide health care to far-
flung areas that may have limited access to medical
and communication technologies, given its
archipelagic status. However, as English is an official
language in the country, international telemedicine
education is highly adaptable, allowing for
international cooperation among telemedicine
practitioners. This research explores the connection
between these barriers and further explores other
difficulties associated with creating a network
environment, especially during COVID-19, where
remote work has also progressed.
The existing literature has extensively explored the
challenges and barriers to the implementation of
telemedicine before the pandemic. Kruse et al. (2016)
identified organizational barriers such as cost,
liability, and efficiency, patient barriers such as
technological literacy, and staff barriers such as staff
shortages, aversion to change, and interoperability
that hinder telemedicine delivery. Weigel et al. (2020)
examined the development and evolution of
telemedicine policies by federal, state, and private
insurance companies. Kudo et al. (2022) found that
physicians and technicians face different barriers to
care in their study at a national university hospital in
Japan. Legler et al. (2021) discussed hospital-to-
hospital telemedicine collaboration in detail.
However, the relationship between these multiple
constraints has not been adequately explained.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, several studies
have assessed how the global health crisis has
exacerbated the existing challenges to telemedicine
delivery. However, these studies have mainly focused
on barriers specific to international/global (Bhaskar et
al. 2020; Legler et al. 2021), regional (Sabrina and
Defi 2021; David et al. 2021; Chu et al. 2022), and
developed country (Weigel et al. 2020; Kudo et al.
2022) contexts. Only a few studies have examined the
challenges specific to developing countries, notably
South Asian countries, during the pandemic, such as
Pakistan (Farooqi et al. 2022), Bangladesh, and India
(Agarwal et al. 2020; Das et al. 2020).
Considering the gaps in the existing literature, the
present research aims to explore the challenges that
hinder the implementation of telemedicine in the
Philippines during the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need
for telemedicine as a crucial tool for delivering
healthcare services remotely. However,
implementing telemedicine in developing countries
such as the Philippines comes with its own set of
challenges. The limited access to technology and
internet connectivity, inadequate infrastructure, and a
shortage of trained healthcare professionals are some
of the challenges that need to be overcome to
implement telemedicine successfully.
The study aims to identify these challenges and
prospects of implementing telemedicine in the
Philippines. The research will employ a mixed-
method approach, using surveys, interviews, and
statistical methods to collect and analyse data from
telemedicine professionals in the country. The study's
participants will include medical staff, technical staff,
and secretaries/coordinators involved in
telemedicine. The study will identify the specific
challenges that these professionals face based on their
professional characteristics and the level of policy,
organizational, and individual factors that contribute
to these challenges.
One of the critical areas that the study will focus
on is telemedicine education in the Philippines. The
study will assess the current status and issues related
to telemedicine education and examine how medical
staff, technical staff, and secretaries/coordinators
acquire the necessary skills for telemedicine through
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
activities such as medical conferences.
The study's findings will be used to develop
tailored policy recommendations and problem-
solving strategies for different professional categories
in telemedicine. By identifying and addressing these
challenges, the study aims to contribute to the
successful implementation of telemedicine in the
Philippines. This, in turn, will improve access to
healthcare services for the country's underserved
communities and help bridge the gap in healthcare
delivery between urban and rural areas.
In conclusion, this mixed-method study is critical
to identifying the challenges and prospects of
implementing telemedicine in the Philippines. By
collecting and analysing data from telemedicine
professionals, the study will provide insights into the
specific challenges faced by different professional
categories in telemedicine. The study's findings will
help develop tailored policy recommendations and
problem-solving strategies that can contribute to the
successful implementation of telemedicine in the
Philippines, ultimately improving access to healthcare
services for the country's underserved communities.
4.1 Survey Methods
To gather data for this research, an online survey was
conducted using Google Forms between July 17 and
August 7, 2022. The survey was targeted at medical
staff, technical staff, and secretaries/coordinators
who were involved in telemedicine education in
Japan and the Philippines. A total of 38 participants
were included in the survey and subsequent follow-
up interviews, consisting of 26 medical staff, four
technical staff, two secretaries/coordinators, and six
The survey was conducted in two stages.
(1) Respondents completed an online survey via
Google Forms.
(2) A follow-up interview was conducted with the
same respondents via Zoom to obtain more in-
depth information on the reasons and
background behind their answers in the
survey. During the interview, participants
were asked to elaborate on their survey
responses and provide additional insights into
their experiences with telemedicine education
in the Philippines.
Overall, the data collected from the survey and
interviews will be analysed using a combination of
statistical and qualitative methods to identify the
challenges and prospects of implementing
telemedicine in the Philippines. The findings of this
research will provide valuable insights into how
telemedicine education can be improved.
4.2 Analytical Methods
The data collected from surveys and interviews with
telemedicine professionals in the Philippines have
been analysed using statistical methods such as
regression analysis, factor analysis, and
correspondence analysis. These methods have been
employed to identify differences in the awareness of
problems related to telemedicine based on the
occupational attributes of the respondents, including
medical staff, technical staff, and
secretaries/coordinators. The results of the analysis
will provide insights into the specific challenges
faced by different professionals in the telemedicine
industry in the Philippines. This information can
inform the development of tailored policy
recommendations and problem-solving strategies to
address and overcome these challenges.
In this study, questions were categorized into three
levels: policy, organizational, and individual.
Respondents were asked to provide their opinions on
government support for telemedicine and public-
private partnerships, which were assessed using a
seven-point Likert scale to gauge their level of
agreement or disagreement. The results at the policy
level indicated that greater satisfaction with
international telemedicine education was associated
with more favorable evaluations of government
support for telemedicine. Additionally, positive
evaluations of domestic telemedicine education were
found to be correlated with positive evaluations of
international telemedicine education.
Variables= public support
disparity_world -.056
disparity_country -.107
Telemd_solution .237
info_disparity_world -.028
info_disparity_domestic .066
private_solution .251
education_cooperation_international .581*
education_cooperation_domestic .001
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
A Quantitative Analysis of Barriers to International Telemedicine Education: The Case of the Philippines
disparity_world .254
disparity_country -.414
Telemd_solution -.094
info_disparity_world .095
info_disparity_domestic -.079
private_solution -.160
public_support .271*
education_cooperation_domestic .564**
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
Organizational-level surveys illuminate the
relationship between individual and organizational
effort, as well as the connection between
collaboration and performance. Individuals who
appreciate organizational efforts are more likely to
value personal contributions. Respondents tend to
rate both individual and organizational performance
more positively when they value interdepartmental
collaboration or teamwork.
knowhow .239+
cost -.061
individual .580**
performance .139
collaboration -.188
collabo_hospital -.214
communication .369
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
knowhow .117
cost -.169
organization .098
individual .247
collaboration .559*
collabo_hospital -.078
communication .159
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
Participants experience similar communication
difficulties in international telemedicine as they do in
domestic telemedicine education. Communication
challenges in international telemedicine education are
also attributed to technical difficulties. Domestic
technological issues align with international
technological challenges. To establish cooperative
relationships within hospitals, unity and consultation
are crucial. However, collaboration within teams may
negatively impact cooperation at the hospital level.
communication_difficulty_domestic .376*
tec_diff_international .456*
tec_diff_domestic -.159
Overtime_international .300
Overtime_domestic -.270
Maintain .175
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
communication_difficulty_domestic .322*
tec_diff_international .111
tec_diff_domestic .528**
Overtime_international .150
Overtime_domestic -.124
Maintain -.147
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
Respect -.068
Unity .815*
Collaborate -1.215**
Consultation .638*
Voice .333+
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
Lastly, there are relationships with external
organizations. In order to build cooperative
relationships with other organizations, it is essential
to comprehend the importance of the work being
done, rather than focusing solely on responsibilities,
objectives, or the division of roles.
responsibility_other .056
importance_other .833**
goal_other -.203
role_other .096
** p < .01, * p < .05, + p < .10
This study, based on data analysis, emphasizes
several key points.
First, at the policy level, domestic and
international telemedicine education practices are
interconnected, and positive domestic telemedicine
practices impact international telemedicine practices.
Enhancing government support and promoting both
international and domestic telemedicine practices
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
will consequently increase satisfaction with
telemedicine at the policy level. Telemedicine
education aims to identify issues within various
professional categories to address problems and
develop policy recommendations.
Second, the organizational-level survey reveals a
correlation between individual-level efforts and
organizational-level initiatives. Collaboration and
teamwork lead to positive evaluations of both
individual and organizational performance.
Telemedicine education must emphasize the
importance of organizational collaboration and
individual effort.
Third, communication and technological
difficulties are evident at the individual level.
International communication challenges are similar
to domestic communication challenges, and technical
difficulties contribute to communication issues.
National and international telemedicine education, as
well as technical and communication aspects, are
evidently interconnected.
Fourth, to build cooperation within hospitals,
unity and consultation were found to be crucial.
However, intra-team cooperation was found to
negatively impact the development of cooperative
relationships at the hospital level. Consequently,
cooperation within small teams and larger groups
may have different contexts and adverse effects.
Lastly, the results highlight the importance of
forging relationships between organizations. The
significance of "the importance of the work" is
emphasized in this context. In telemedicine, where
collaboration with other organizations is essential,
sharing a macro-level understanding of the work
within the team is more important than focusing on
technical tasks alone.
Moving beyond previous studies that focus on
specific barriers to telemedicine delivery from global,
regional, and developed country perspectives, this
study investigates the interconnections between four
types of barriers affecting telemedicine in the
Philippines: policy, organizational, individual, and
inter-organizational collaboration. A questionnaire
and interviews were conducted with 38 physicians,
technicians, coordinators, and others involved in
telemedicine in the country. The results revealed that:
(1) public support generates positive feedback, (2) a
strong connection exists between domestic and
international telemedicine, (3) communication
barriers and technical barriers are linked, (4) unity
and cooperation are crucial for hospital collaboration,
and (5) the significance of the work is important.
Previous studies identified barriers and challenges to
telemedicine, but the relationships between factors
remained unclear. This study elucidates how multiple
barriers intertwine and suggests directions for
advancing telemedicine education in developing
countries. Future research should examine
comparisons or connections between developed and
developing countries and explore potential areas for
collaboration between them.
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health