Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data
Michael Behringer
, Pascal Hirmer
, Alejandro Villanueva
, Jannis Rapp
and Bernhard Mitschang
Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universit
atsstr. 38, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Data Quality, Explorative Data Analysis, Human-in-the-Loop, Data Mashups.
The volume of data to be analyzed has increased tremendously in recent years. To extract knowledge from
this data, domain experts gain new insights using graphical analysis tools for explorative analyses. Hereby, the
reliability and trustworthiness of an explorative analysis are determined by the quality of the underlying data.
Existing approaches require a manual inspection to ensure data quality. This inspection is frequently neglected,
partly because domain experts often lack the necessary technical knowledge. Moreover, they might need many
different tools for this purpose. In this paper, we present a novel interactive approach to integrate data quality
into explorative data analysis in an unobtrusive manner. Our approach efficiently combines the strength of
different experts, which is currently not supported by state-of-the-art tools, thereby allowing domain-specific
adaptation. We implemented a fully working prototype to demonstrate the ability of our approach to support
domain experts in explorative data analysis.
Nowadays, more data are generated than ever before
in history (Reinsel et al., 2018), and data are the foun-
dation of almost all business processes and strategic
decisions (Grover and Kar, 2017). Oftentimes, at the
beginning of the analysis, the exact methodology is
still unclear. One speaks of an explorative analysis
in which it must first be decided which data sources
to use, which data cleaning steps to conduct, and so
on (Polyzotis et al., 2018). Here, data analysis pro-
cesses, such as the KDD process (Fayyad et al., 1996)
or CRISP-DM (Shearer, 2000), provide guidance on
how to proceed with the analysis and are structured in
a highly iterative manner, i.e., with a high number of
feedback loops to incorporate new findings and con-
tinuously improve the analysis.
In many cases, however, the exploratory anal-
ysis is not performed by Data Scientists with
in-depth technical knowledge but by domain ex-
perts (Behringer et al., 2017). For this purpose, there
are, for instance, the approaches Self-Service Busi-
ness Intelligence (Alpar and Schulz, 2016) or Visual
Analytics (Thomas and Cook, 2005). However, the
former follows predefined analysis paths while the
latter only solves specific challenges (Keim et al.,
2010; Stodder, 2015). To provide more freedom for
domain experts, graphical data analysis tools are of-
ten used. With the help of these tools, data sources
are graphically connected with operators (e.g., con-
ducting data preprocessing) in an intuitive way, thus,
specifying the analysis workflow. However, a signif-
icant challenge here is to assess the underlying data
quality since the validity of the analysis results can-
not be guaranteed if the data quality is insufficient. In
common data analysis tools, the data quality can be
evaluated, but this is not intuitive, and not achievable
without manual effort.
Data Source Data Cleaning
Statistics Statistics
Data Mining
Figure 1: Manual evaluation of data quality in
state-of-the-art approaches.
Behringer, M., Hirmer, P., Villanueva, A., Rapp, J. and Mitschang, B.
Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0011998100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 276-285
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1 shows such an analysis workflow en-
riched by data quality inspection. As can be seen,
an additional operator ”Statistics” has to be added in
each step of the analysis to evaluate the data quality.
Two major problems arise with this approach:
(1) the statistics displayed here are not customized to
the data, but generic and, thus, interpretation requires
appropriate knowledge and (2) a domain expert will
tend to be convinced of their own analysis, so this re-
view is rather neglected.
Accordingly, it is essential that data quality is con-
stantly monitored without explicit attention from the
domain expert and that, in case of critical low data
quality, the domain expert is made aware of quality
issues and is able to react to these.
Data Source Data Cleaning Data Mining
refine refine
Figure 2: Possible integration of data quality indicators in
graphical data analysis tools.
A possible approach is illustrated in Figure 2,
showing how data quality can be integrated in an un-
obtrusive manner. The main contributions of this pa-
per are: (i) a set of requirements for integrating data
quality into interactive exploratory analysis, (ii) the
results of a comprehensive literature review concern-
ing the implementations of these requirements in dif-
ferent tools available on the market, (iii) our novel
approach for unobtrusive integration of data quality
into graphical data analysis tools and how different
experts can contribute their respective strengths in this
context, and (iv) a prototypical implementation of our
approach to illustrate how such a tool could look like
for domain experts.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we define requirements that are
necessary for the appropriate integration of data qual-
ity into the interactive analysis process. Next, we
evaluate related data analysis tools according to our
requirements in Section 3. In Section 4, we introduce
our novel approach for unobtrusive integration of data
quality into interactive data analysis. Then, we show a
brief overview of our implemented prototype in Sec-
tion 5 and discuss how this prototype fulfills the re-
quirements in Section 6. We present related work in
Section 7. Finally, we conclude this work and show
future work in Section 8.
In this section, we define several requirements that
are necessary to enable domain experts to be aware
of data quality at all times during exploratory analy-
sis and react to it when needed. In general, there are 5
requirements for user-centric data analysis processes
that should be fulfilled for an optimal involvement
of a domain expert in the analysis (Behringer et al.,
2017). In this paper, we adapt these requirements to
the specific circumstances related to data quality:
(R1) Integration into Entire Data Analysis Process.
For a successful analysis, a domain expert must be
informed about the data quality at all times. Further-
more, it is indispensable for assessing the performed
analysis steps to show their impact on the data qual-
ity. This is the prerequisite to understand the quality
of the underlying data, to improve it if necessary, and
finally to evaluate the reliability of the analysis.
(R2) Feedback at Different Levels of Detail. An
important criterion for the involvement of domain ex-
perts with regard to interactive data analysis is to
avoid information overload. Thus, information about
the current data quality has to be presented according
to the respective context, i.e., less detailed informa-
tion considering the entire analysis process and more
details on single analysis steps or on request. These
levels of detail should be separated into different data
quality dimensions, e.g., completeness or timeliness.
(R3) Involvement of Several User Roles. It can-
not be assumed that a domain expert has comprehen-
sive knowledge of all available data sources. Thus,
metadata related to data quality must already be pre-
annotated, e.g., by domain experts working within the
respective domain or technical experts residing in the
IT department. Hence, several user roles can con-
tribute the respective strengths to the analysis process
and support self-service analysis, leading to a clear
separation of concerns.
(R4) Automated Background Monitoring. Data
quality monitoring should require as less attention
from domain experts as possible. Instead, it should
take place primarily in the background. Then, if the
data quality decreases below a threshold, a domain
expert can be alerted, preventing the need to check
data quality and ensure appropriate surveillance.
(R5) Assisted Solving of Identified Issues. If the
data quality is insufficient, the reasons behind this
have to be communicated to the domain expert in
a comprehensible manner. Therefore, it is tremen-
dously important that suggestions are made to over-
come these deficiencies and to support the domain ex-
pert in this analysis process.
Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis
Table 1: Coverage of the identified requirements in various tools.
Data Wrangling Data Analysis Hybrid
R1: Integration into the entire data analysis process
R2: Feedback at different levels of detail
R3: Involvement of several user roles
R4: Automated background monitoring
R5: Assisted solving of identified issues
None or poor support [0%,25%] Medium support (25%,50%] Good support (50%,75%] High support (75%,100%]
In this section, we evaluate related tools according to
our requirements and we introduce foundations.
3.1 Evaluation of Related Tools
In order to emphasize the importance of our approach,
we analyzed and compared established tools in regard
to their consideration of data quality aspects. With re-
gard to the requirements introduced, we evaluated the
leading tools based on the respective Magic Quad-
rants of Gartner in the area of data wrangling/data
quality (Gartner Inc., 2021b) and data analysis (Gart-
ner Inc., 2021a). We also added tools that support
both data wrangling and data analysis. These tools
comprise Rapid Miner, KNIME as well as Tableau
including Data Prep and cover all steps of the data
analysis process. We evaluated these tools with re-
spect to our introduced requirements. An overview of
this comparison is shown in Table 1.
Regarding our first requirement R1, the integra-
tion into the entire data analysis process, we conclude
that data wrangling and data analysis tools offer very
limited support while hybrid tools offer good support.
However, in hybrid approaches, data quality needs to
be manually integrated into the data analysis process-
ing. In each step of the analysis workflow, domain ex-
perts need to define which data quality metric should
be evaluated and insert specific steps to do so. In more
complex processes, however, this can become a very
tedious task. Hence, a full integration without a large
amount of user interaction would be desirable.
The second requirement, the feedback at different
levels of detail, is supported very well by data wran-
gling tools, while data analysis and hybrid tools offer
nearly no support. In data analysis tools, user feed-
back regarding data quality is given in a very limited
scope, for instance, only on column level and not in
separate dimensions. In hybrid tools, it is necessary to
insert manual steps into the process which can provide
some kind of feedback regarding data quality. How-
ever, this also means that feedback is only contained
in these inserted steps and not integrated into the over-
all user interface of the tools.
Regarding the third requirement, the involvement
of different user groups, we did not find any higher
support in the analyzed data analysis and hybrid tools.
With regard to data wrangling tools, it should be noted
that these are usually utilized by a different expert
than for the subsequent data analysis. This in turn
means that although different user roles work together
as part of the entire data analysis process, the data
quality is predetermined in this case, irrespective of
the analysis. Hence, there is a gap regarding R3.
The fourth requirement specifies that a calculation
in the background is desirable, without interrupting
domain experts while specifying data analysis pro-
cesses. The analyzed tools do not offer sufficient sup-
port for this. While data wrangling tools have another
focus, data analysis tools usually do not provide inte-
grated solutions or lack of required metadata to cal-
culate data quality. Hybrid approaches require insert-
ing data quality assessment steps which need to be
actively triggered. Hence, there is no sufficient back-
ground calculation possible in these tools.
Finally, regarding requirement five, the interac-
tive correction, a good support was provided by data
wrangling tools. Here, interaction is possible, how-
ever, this is solely focused on the data level and not
on contextual level regarding the entire data analy-
sis process. Considering meta data as well would be
beneficial. For data analysis and hybrid tools, it is
observed that most tools offer some functionality to
correct data quality. Regarding analysis tools, some
offer limited functionality to interactively remove du-
plicates or fill in missing values, however, here the
tools differ greatly in their powerfulness. In hybrid
tools, this interaction has to be manually configured
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
by adding an additional step to the data analysis pro-
cess which requires deeper knowledge.
3.2 Foundations
As our paper aims to measure the underlying data
quality, we need to specify metrics that allow assess-
ing whether data quality can be considered as low or
high. In the following, assembled from a literature
review, metrics are introduced to measure established
data quality dimensions.
3.2.1 Accuracy/Correctness
Calculating how syntactically or semantically cor-
rect data is, is a very difficult task. We either re-
quire correct reference data or plausibility rules for
this (Loshin, 2010), e.g., a birth date is not in the fu-
ture. Hence, the following approaches assume that
incorrect data can be identified:
Ratio of incorrect values The easiest way to calcu-
late correctness is by comparing the amount of correct
values to the total amount of values (Azeroual et al.,
2018; Serhani et al., 2016; Juddoo, 2015).
Distance function A more sophisticated way to cal-
culate correctness is using distance functions, which
take into consideration the degree how correct or in-
correct data is by calculating the similarity of data.
To do so, a distance function is used depending
on the type of data. For string values, the Leven-
shtein distance (Levenshtein, 1966) or Hamming dis-
tance (Hamming, 1950) could be used.
3.2.2 Consistency/Integrity
This dimension specifies how consistent the set of
data is, i.e., whether a data set has contradictions
within itself. So-called consistency rules are used to
define what is considered as consistent. An example
of a consistency rule is that a zip code has to match
the respective city (Azeroual et al., 2018; Batini and
Scannapieco, 2016). We can use the following met-
rics to measure consistency:
Ratio of consistent and inconsistent data: The easi-
est way to calculate this metric is once again compar-
ing the amount of inconsistent data entries to the total
amount of data entries checked for consistency (Lee
et al., 2006).
Weighted sum: A more accurate approach is using
a weighted sum, which considers the consequences
of violating or fulfilling consistency rules. This ap-
proach is described in detail by (Alpar and Winkel-
ater, 2014; Hipp et al., 2007).
3.2.3 Completeness
The dimension completeness calculates how com-
plete the data is or, in other words, if data is miss-
ing. Hereby, one must decide if only values within
the dataset (closed-world assumption) or missing but
correct values which are not contained in the dataset
should be considered (open-world assumption) (Ba-
tini and Scannapieco, 2016). For instance, based on
this decision, a dataset with 30 states of the U.S. could
be seen either as complete or incomplete if we con-
sider the remaining 20 states as well. We can calcu-
late this dimension by the following metrics:
Missing value ratio Here, the ratio of present data to
the missing data is calculated to measure complete-
ness (Batini and Scannapieco, 2016; Scannapieco
et al., 2005).
NULL tuple ratio Instead of focusing on features, an-
other approach is to compare the ratio of tuples con-
taining at least one NULL value with tuples contain-
ing no NULL values (Blake and Mangiameli, 2009).
Note that multiple NULL values within a single tuple
are not considered.
3.2.4 Timeliness
The dimension timeliness measures the probability
that data being processed at a certain point in time
still reflects the reality and, hence, is not outdated.
This dimension may change over time as it is strongly
dependent to the use case (Wang and Strong, 1996).
Probabilistic approach In the probabilistic approach,
we assumed that timeliness decreases exponentially.
To calculate this dimension, it is necessary to define
how fast the timeliness of data decreases in a spec-
ified amount of time, e.g., the timeliness dimension
decreases by 10% each month (Heinrich and Klier,
Time-limited approach Another means to measure
this dimension is the time-limited approach. Here,
it is assumed that data can be considered invalid at
a fixed point in time. This approach then calculates
the decay of data quality in regard to timeliness from
data creation to the point in time of invalidity (Ballou
et al., 1998).
Hybrid Approach: Finally, in the hybrid approach,
timeliness is calculated using the time-limited or
probabilistic approach depending on the current use
case. The probabilistic approach is used if it is not
possible to define a fixed time limit, i.e., it cannot be
foreseen when data become invalid. Otherwise, the
time-limited approach is used (Even and Shankara-
narayanan, 2005).
Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis
In this section, we present our novel approach to over-
come the aforementioned limitations of existing ap-
proaches and, thus, to enable domain experts to eas-
ily maintain an overview of data quality without re-
quiring additional effort while conducting an explo-
rative analysis. To achieve this, (a) different user
roles need to collaborate and contribute their respec-
tive strengths, (b) generic data quality metrics need to
be defined, (c) depending on the analysis context, the
data quality metrics have to be adapted, and (d) issues
in data quality need to be identified and solutions have
to be recommended.
Figure 3 shows an overview of our approach. As
described above, a popular approach to involve do-
main experts in exploratory analysis is the use of
graphical data analysis tools. These provide a range
of data sources and allow domain experts without
deeper technical knowledge to combine these data
sources and specify transformations in a graphical
manner. To keep the necessary effort for domain ex-
perts at a minimum, these data sources should be pro-
vided in advance by an IT expert. In our approach,
this is done in the preparation phase (Figure 3, 1).
Here, an IT expert first adds a new data source to the
repository (Figure 3, 1a), e.g., by specifying a connec-
tion to the respective database. In a subsequent step,
the IT expert has to create a domain-agnostic ground
truth for this data source (Figure 3, 1b). This ground
truth comprises various data quality metrics that must
hold in order to consider the data as qualitative. For
instance, if we consider the data quality dimension
completeness under the closed-world assumption for
one data feature, the IT expert has to specify which
values have to be included in the data, e.g., the 50
states of the USA are defined and each differing value
or missing value would decrease the quality. When
this ground truth is specified for each data feature, the
task of the IT expert is done and the ground truth is
stored as a data quality artifact in the repository. At
this point, the IT expert’s task ends for the time being.
This phase is decoupled from the explorative anal-
ysis of domain experts to facilitate flexibility without
the need to reach out to an IT expert. To support do-
main experts in their exploratory analysis with regard
to data quality, we describe our approach based on
graphical data analysis tools. For a domain expert,
the first phase is the specification phase (Figure 3, 2),
in which the analysis workflow is created.
First, the required data sources are selected (Fig-
ure 3, 2a). Since a data quality artifact is provided
in the repository for all available data sources in this
phase, the data quality can be determined by means
of this artifact (Figure 3, 2b). These calculated data
quality metrics are then displayed to the domain ex-
pert and allow for a direct assessment (Figure 3, 3a)
whether this data source is qualitatively sufficient or,
if it is not, where possible problems may be located,
e.g., if there are data completeness concerns. Subse-
quently, it can be decided to either change the data
source(s) (Figure 3, 2a) or to proceed with the speci-
fication of the analysis workflow (Figure 3, 2c), e.g.,
preprocessing or data mining transformations.
If the latter is chosen, the workflow is being exe-
cuted (Figure 3, 2d), which is necessary because these
transformations affect the data and, thus, influence the
data quality. In both cases, the data quality is calcu-
lated again based on the data quality artifacts (Fig-
ure 3, 2b) and displayed for review (Figure 3, 3a). Up
to this point, all data quality metrics are calculated
based on the data quality artifact defined by the IT
expert in the preparation phase and are, therefore, in-
dependent of the context of the domain expert’s anal-
ysis. Although this is a significant advance over state-
of-the-art approaches without automatic data quality
monitoring, it is still insufficient in many cases. For
instance, it is possible that the data timeliness dimen-
sion has been defined in advance in such a way that
the data must be up-to-date on a daily basis, but for
the current analysis, historical data is required.
In this scenario, the definition of data quality by
means of the data quality artifact is no longer suitable
and has to be adapted to the intended analysis. This
is supported by our approach in the adaptation phase
(Figure 3, 4), where the domain-specific quality met-
rics are defined (Figure 3, 4a). This can be a wide va-
riety of different measures, which is why our architec-
ture is generic and extensible in this respect. Possible
adjustments include, for instance, adding or remov-
ing quality dimensions, adjusting thresholds, or even
weighting the different dimensions according to their
importance. With each adjustment, the now domain-
specific data quality is immediately calculated (Fig-
ure 3, 4b) and again visualized for assessment by the
domain expert (Figure 3, 3b).
By this stage of the process, data quality metrics
have been predefined by an IT expert and/or adapted
to the context by a domain expert. However, if the
calculated data quality is still insufficient, or if a more
reliable analysis should be performed, the domain ex-
pert is required to focus on the data itself and use the
improvement phase (Figure 3, 5) to enrich or clean the
data until a sufficient data quality is achieved.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Adaptation Phase
quality metrics
quality metrics
data quality
data quality metrics
Specification Phase Improvement Phase
Specify Rules
Remove Tuples
Impute Tuples
Data Source(s)
Execute Workflow
quality metrics
quality metrics
Data Source
Data Source
quality metrics
quality metrics
data sources
Data Sources Data Quality Artifacts Domain-driven Backlog
2 4 5
Feedback Loop
Preparation Phase
Integration Phase
Control Flow
User Interaction (steer process / perceive feedback)
Repository Request / Contribution
3a 3b 3c
2a 2c 4a
2b 4b 5c
Figure 3: Different phases to unobtrusively integrate data quality in explorative analysis.
Therefore, our approach uses data quality artifacts
to automatically identify common data quality prob-
lems (Figure 3, 5a) and indicate these problems to the
domain expert. At the same time, possible solutions
are suggested, such as how to deal with null values
or duplicates. A domain expert can now accept these
suggestions (Figure 3, 5b) or take more in-depth ac-
tions, e.g., specify further rules for data imputation.
Next, there is a further loop consisting of the
(re)calculation of data quality metrics (Figure 3, 5c)
and the follow-up assessment of whether the data
quality is now sufficient (Figure 3, 3c). However, this
process is not straightforward. Instead, it can require
several iterations depending on the complexity and
suitability of the data. Consequently, a domain expert
must be able to switch between the phases, e.g., if it
turns out during the improvement phase (Figure 3, 5)
that the calculation of the domain-specific data qual-
ity metrics is still insufficient and the metric calcu-
lation needs to be refined. For this reason, our ap-
proach includes a feedback loop (Figure 3, 3) to en-
able the domain expert to leverage knowledge from
completed phases and use it to make adjustments in
previous phases.
Once these phases are completed, the domain ex-
pert’s analysis is finished and new insights have been
gained. Due to the prior integration of an IT expert, it
is expected that the effort for domain experts remains
manageable. Nevertheless, it is also feasible that the
data quality artifacts are no longer up-to-date, e.g., be-
cause the focus of the necessary analyses has shifted
since the data quality artifact has been created or the
data itself has changed over time. For this reason,
our approach comprises one more phase, the Integra-
tion Phase (Figure 3, 6), in which feedback is pro-
vided back to the IT department (Figure 3, 6a), e.g.,
domain-specific adjustments made in the adaptation
phase (Figure 3, 4) or data cleaning transformations
performed in the improvement phase (Figure 3, 5).
An IT expert may later adapt and refine the initial data
quality artifacts or perform additional data cleaning in
advance, provided that this makes sense for the ma-
jority of the analyses. Furthermore, additional data
sources can be requested if no suitable data sources
are available in the repository (Figure 3, 6b). Either
way, the domain expert’s tasks end at this point, and
the possible additional activity of an IT expert is again
decoupled in terms of time.
Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis
Detailed Report:
Overall Quality
Timeliness: 61%
Completeness: 79%
Consistency: 86%
Accuracy: 93%
170 idle26710 PremLaser 6721
2021-11-27 12:25 720 30.94 unknown22451 O2-Laser 500S
2020-10-11 12:21 720 error (71144)7108 O2-Laser 500S
2018-06-08 04:55 9840 working74.233098 PremLaser 6710
2017-07-12 22:03 30.45C idle29340 PremLaser 6710
2017-05-13 17:51 working45.91650 O2-Laser 500S
ID machine_id type date RPM temp status
Overview of Production Data (ID: df71c38a-84fa-4044-b510-5a0f32cd1f0f)
Accuracy: 93
Completeness: 97
Timeliness: 62
Consistency: 100
# Null Values: 191520
# Unique Values: 340780
Feature Overview:
Accuracy: 81
Completeness: 80
Timeliness: 100
Consistency: 100
# Null Values: 110971
# Unique Values: 6
Feature Overview:
PremLaser 6710
O2-Laser 500S
A large portion (19%) of the feature values
are missing.
Ignore empty rows
Remove affected rows
Accuracy: 100
Completeness: 64
Timeliness: 35
Consistency: 72
# Null Values: 191520
# Unique Values: 340780
Feature Overview:
Multiple values not conform to selected
format "DateTime"
Convert to DateTime
Remove affected rows
A large quantity of outdated data with low
Adjust age requirements
Remove outdated rows
Accuracy: 87
Completeness: 80
Timeliness: 100
Consistency: 87
Median: 4356
Mean: 5278
Maximum: 17213
Minimum: 0
# Null Values: 353398
# Unique Values: 384031
Feature Overview:
Multiple values contradict the dened rule:
machine_type=""L2750" -> RPM=null
Remove contradicting rows
Adjust the dened rule
Accuracy: 100
Completeness: 73
Timeliness: 100
Consistency: 62
# Null Values: 143721
# Mixed Datatypes: Text and Numerical
Feature Overview:
Accuracy: 100
Completeness: 92
Timeliness: 100
Consistency: 100
# Null Values: 191520
# Unique Values: 340780
Feature Overview:
error (73265)
error (71144)
A small portion (11%) of the column values
are missing.
Ignore empty rows
Remove affected rows
a b c
Figure 4: Detail view in the user interface of our approach.
We have implemented the presented concepts in a
fully functional prototype to provide more insight into
what such a system would look like for domain ex-
perts This was accomplished by first extending a data
mashup tool to provide an overview of the overall data
quality during the workflow specification (cf. Fig-
ure 2). By clicking on one of the quality indicators for
the overall data quality, a small overlay is displayed,
which lists the respective data quality dimensions sep-
arately and offers the possibility to display more de-
tails to the domain expert.
If the domain expert decides to proceed with more
details, the user interface depicted in Figure 4 will be
opened. In the upper part of this user interface, the
overall data quality achieved is shown first of all and
is color-coded (Figure 4, a). Thus, it can always be
seen at first glance whether the desired data quality
has already been achieved. Next to this, this overall
data quality is divided into its dimensions, for the data
source in this figure, thus, the accuracy, the complete-
ness, the consistency, and the timeliness (Figure 4, b).
Now, a domain expert can quickly identify which di-
mensions are critical at the moment. According to the
presented approach, these dimensions are either the
domain-agnostic data quality metrics defined by the
IT expert or the domain-specific, refined settings of
the domain expert. Furthermore, within the top sec-
tion of the dashboard, a small sample of the dataset is
visualized in order to give the domain expert a better
feeling about the data characteristics (Figure 4, c). In
many situations, however, an assessment at the data
source level is not sufficient. For instance, it is not
yet possible to tell whether the value of the timeliness
dimension is caused by individual features with very
low data quality or whether all features have medium
data quality instead.
For this reason, the data quality is also calculated
at feature level (Figure 4, d) and visualized in color-
coded form. Here, once again, it is possible to see at
a glance which features exhibit critical data quality,
both overall and again subdivided into the individual
data quality dimensions (Figure 4, e).
Below this overview, the most common values are
indicated for each feature as value distribution (Fig-
ure 4, f), as well as additional statistical key indicators
(Figure 4, g), e.g., the number of null or unique val-
ues, as well as minimum, maximum, or the average.
The respective indicators depend on the data type of
the feature, i.e., the average is not calculated for cate-
gorical data.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In order to increase the data quality, identified is-
sues and potential countermeasures are suggested be-
low these metrics (Figure 4, h). For instance, for
the feature date, one finding is that many records are
older than the specified policy. In this case, our proto-
type suggests, among other things, that this outdated
data should be removed from the dataset resulting in
a higher quality dataset according to the requirement.
Here, it is up to the domain expert to judge whether
this would corrupt the analysis results. An alternative
would be the second suggested action that the policy
for the timeliness dimension is adjusted, i.e., older
data is also considered as qualitative. For the same
feature, an additional problem with the data in this
figure is that the date format does not match the spec-
ified format. For this, a transformation to the correct
date format is suggested, which the domain expert can
trigger with just a single click.
A further example can be seen when considering
the feature RPM (rotations per minute). Here, ei-
ther the IT expert or the domain expert has defined
a rule according to which the RPMs for a specific
machine type must be within a given range. If indi-
vidual records violate this rule, this is either an in-
dication of underlying issues with the machines or
anomalies in the data, which should, therefore, not
be considered for the current analysis. As a possible
solution in this scenario, our prototype suggests that
either these entries are discarded or the corresponding
rule is adapted. Any of these adjustments made is im-
mediately applied to the data in the background. The
user interface is updated after the calculation has been
Alternatively, the detail view can be closed at any
time to proceed with the analysis. Here, the system re-
turns to the workflow specification overview (cf. Fig-
ure 2) and the displayed overall data quality value is
temporarily replaced with an unobtrusive warning un-
til the calculation of the adjustments has been com-
pleted. To enable a wide range of possible adjust-
ments, our prototype is built based on a generic ar-
chitecture and allows to be extended with additional
functionalities to increase data quality in an explo-
rative analysis.
In order to evaluate the introduced approach to inte-
grate data quality assessment unobtrusively into the
data analysis process, we use the five requirements
defined earlier in Sect. 2.
(R1) Integration into the Entire Data Analysis Pro-
cess. The first requirement specified that it is essen-
tial to integrate data quality assessment into the en-
tire data analysis process, i.e., a domain expert must
be informed about the data quality at all times. By
adding a data quality assessment through calculation
of domain-agnostic metrics into each step of the data
analysis process and by allowing to adjust process
steps through feedback loops, we can fulfill the first
requirement R1. In our approach, domain experts are
always informed about possible data quality issues.
(R2) Feedback at Different Levels of Detail. The
second requirement was to avoid information over-
load of domain experts. Thus, showing less de-
tailed information considering the entire analysis pro-
cess and more details on individual analysis steps or
by specific user request. In our approach, we real-
ized this by providing direct user feedback first in
an aggregated overview and then allowing domain
experts to request more details on demand in each
step. Thus, we follow the popular Information Seek-
ing Mantra (Shneiderman, 1996).
(R3) Involvement of Several User Roles. The third
requirement was the consideration of multiple user
roles. While domain experts have knowledge about
the specific goals of the analysis process and know
the meaning of the data very well, they usually lack
technical knowledge and IT expertise, e.g., to inte-
grate new data sources into the process. Thus, we
clearly extinguish the roles of domain experts and IT
experts and we tried to keep the communication over-
head between these roles as minimal as possible since
the steps of these user roles can be clearly separated,
i.e., a clear separation of concerns.
(R4) Automated Background Monitoring. The
fourth requirement was that the data quality assess-
ment should be done in the background without being
obtrusive for domain experts in workflow specifica-
tion. As can be seen in Figure 3, our approach fulfills
this requirement by calculating data quality metrics
fully in the background without blocking workflow
specification for domain experts. Once the assess-
ment is finished, the results are shown to the domain
experts in the frontend.
(R5) Assisted Solving of Identified Issues. Finally,
requirement five was that users should be assisted
in improving data quality by applying different mea-
sures. This is realized in our approach in two ways:
(a) by identifying typical data quality issues when
Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis
they arise and proposing possible solutions that can
be accepted with one mouse click by a domain expert,
and (b) by showing the impact of operations, e.g., data
preprocessing tasks, on the resulting data quality for
more complex data quality issues.
In conclusion, our approach fulfills the specified
requirements. In contrast to existing approaches, the
resilience of the data analyses can be predicted better
since the domain expert is informed about the data
quality in the process at all times.
Many different process models have been published
to describe the methodology for data analysis. The
two most popular representatives are the KDD pro-
cess (Fayyad et al., 1996) and CRISP-DM (Shearer,
2000), which schematically represent the various
phases required to transform raw data into knowl-
edge in a structured way. The implementation of
these processes is generally performed by technical
experts and based on domain-specific knowledge of
domain experts. As a consequence, however, these
predefined analyses tend to become a black-box and
changes can rarely be made independently by a do-
main expert (Behringer et al., 2017). Therefore, spe-
cific domain-knowledge cannot be considered during
the analysis process and it is the way to go for well-
understood analyses.
Approaches to integrate domain experts are: (i)
Visual Analytics (Thomas and Cook, 2005), which
extends common visualization through repetitive
analysis steps, and (ii) Self-Service Business Intelli-
gence (Alpar and Schulz, 2016), which is designed to
enable self-directed analysis. Thereby, Visual Ana-
lytics is mainly focused on solving a specific prob-
lem (Keim et al., 2010), while Self-Service Busi-
ness Intelligence offers a generic analysis approach,
but follows predefined analysis paths (Stodder, 2015),
e.g., choosing the features to use, and lack of ad-
vanced data mining tasks.
Another approach is based on graphical data anal-
ysis tools (Daniel and Matera, 2014), e.g., KNIME
or RapidMiner
. Here, a domain expert specifies an
analysis workflow step-by-step starting with the se-
lection of data sources, continuing with data prepara-
tion, and finally data mining and reporting.
An important issue when it comes to data pro-
cessing and analysis is data quality. Data quality
is oftentimes reduced to accuracy of data, i.e., ty-
pos or incorrect data (Firmani et al., 2016). How-
ever, data quality should be considered in numer-
ous dimensions. Yet, this understanding is not uni-
form as a literature review shows, e.g., the recom-
mended dimensions differ between standards (e.g.,
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015), practice (Askham et al.,
2013) and scientific literature (Azeroual et al., 2018;
Batini and Scannapieco, 2016; Firmani et al., 2016;
Wang and Strong, 1996). Nevertheless, there is
a certain consensus with regard to dimensions that
occur more frequently. These include, in particu-
lar, accuracy/correctness, completeness and consis-
tency (Askham et al., 2013; Azeroual et al., 2018;
Batini and Scannapieco, 2016; Firmani et al., 2016;
Wang and Strong, 1996), timeliness (Askham et al.,
2013; Azeroual et al., 2018; Wang and Strong, 1996)
as well as trustworthiness/credibility/reputation (Ba-
tini and Scannapieco, 2016; Firmani et al., 2016;
Wang and Strong, 1996). In many cases these dimen-
sions are summarized under generic terms.
According to Wang and Strong (Wang and Strong,
1996) these are: (i) intrinsic quality, which by defini-
tion is present in the data, e.g., accuracy, objectivity
or trustworthiness of the origin, and (ii) data quality
which depends on the task at hand and is therefore
contextual, e.g., timeliness, relevancy or complete-
ness. Furthermore, data quality can also be evaluated
with regard to availability and security (accessibility
data quality) or in terms of interpretability (represen-
tational data quality). In particular, for interactive
data analysis, the first two categories, i.e., intrinsic
and contextual data quality, are to be considered.
In this paper, we present a new approach to assess
data quality during explorative analysis in an unobtru-
sive interactive manner. In a first step, we conducted
a comprehensive literature review to identify short-
comings of existing tools in regard to detecting data
quality issues in the analysis process. By doing so,
we compared different data wrangling, data analysis,
and hybrid tools based on a set of requirements. Af-
ter identifying the shortcoming of the existing tools,
we introduced an approach that shows how data qual-
ity can be assessed during the entire life cycle of a
data analysis process while keeping the domain ex-
pert in the loop. The goal is to integrate domain-
agnostic and optional, domain-specific data quality
metrics into each step of the data analysis process.
This approach helps by considering data qual-
ity early, i.e., during the specification of the analy-
sis workflow, which enables data quality by design.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Hence, a domain expert recognizes timely if the qual-
ity of data sources is high enough or if the data
sources need to be extended or replaced. Detecting
such issues in an early phase of process creation re-
duces costs and efforts of the entire process. Further-
more, the process contains several feedback loops in
each step, which allows returning to an earlier step in
the life cycle in case a data quality issue is detected.
This could, e.g., lead to an adaptation or enrichment
of the used data sources.
Overall, our introduced approach offers a continu-
ous and unobtrusive integration of data quality assess-
ment in the entire life cycle of a data analysis process,
easily understandable by domain experts. We eval-
uated our results through the identified requirements
and a prototypical implementation showing its appli-
cability. In future work, we plan to conduct extensive
user studies to evaluate our concept and prototype.
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