Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle
Daniel Tebernum
and Falk Howar
Data Business, Fraunhofer ISST, Emil-Figge-Strasse 91, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Chair for Software Engineering, TU Dortmund University, Otto-Hahn-Strasse 12, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Data Engineering, Delete Data, Taxonomy, end of Data Life Cycle.
Data is an important asset and managing it effectively and appropriately can give companies a competitive
advantage. Therefore, it should be assumed that data engineering considers and improves all phases of the
data life cycle. However, data deletion does not seem to be prominent in theory and practice. We believe
this is for two reasons. First, the added value in deleting data is not always immediately apparent or has a
noticeable effect. Second, to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of structured elaboration on the topic
of data deletion that provides a more holistic perspective on the issue and makes the topic approachable to a
greater audience. In this paper, an extensive systematic literature review is conducted to explore the topic of
data deletion. Based on this, we present a data deletion taxonomy to organize the subject area and to further
professionalize data deletion as part of data engineering. The results are expected to help both researchers and
practitioners to address the end of the data life cycle in a more structured way.
Data is an important asset that can offer enormous
added value if managed, processed, and used in a
strategic way. There is a general consensus in the
literature and practice that well-managed and high-
quality data influences business agility for the better
(Otto, 2015; Tallon et al., 2013). It allows for fur-
ther improved business processes, enhances organiza-
tional development, and supports business innovation
(Amadori et al., 2020; Azkan et al., 2021). It is there-
fore not surprising that the phases of the data lifecycle
that directly add value, such as the selection, use and
transformation of data, are the very ones that are be-
ing researched in theory and practice.
We believe that data deletion is also an important
part of the data life cycle and should be studied as ex-
tensively as the other more prominent phases. In our
previous work, we found evidence that deleting data
gets little attention in the literature (Tebernum et al.,
2021), as well as in practice (Tebernum et al., 2023).
One reason for this could be that deleting data rarely
provides any visible economic value. We argue that
dealing professionally with the end of the data life cy-
cle is an important prerequisite for addressing current
and future challenges that affect not only companies
but also government institutions and private individu-
als. To name just a few where data deletion has sig-
nificant relevance: Legal regulations like the EU Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) (European Commis-
sion, 2016) that forces companies to have a complete
overview of their data and to be able to delete data
in accordance with the law. The energy Crisis 2022
(Council of the EU, 2022) brings topics such as green
IT and digital decarbonization into focus, where top-
ics such as the ever-growing amount of data and the
associated waste of resources are explored. It is as-
sumed that much of the data generated will be used
only once (Trajanov et al., 2018), but will continue
to cost energy. Also, when we look into the realm of
data sovereignty, we find good reasons to delete data,
as e.g., it is of utmost importance that one retains con-
trol over one’s own data.
These and many other motivations underline the
need for further professionalizing and structuring the
end of the data life cycle. To the best of our knowl-
edge, there is a lack of structured elaboration on the
topic of data deletion that provides a more holistic
perspective on the subject. We argue that such an
overview of the subject area is important as more and
more requirements on data management are imposed,
which also affect the deletion. To achieve this goal,
this paper addresses the following research questions:
RQ1: To what extent is data deletion currently re-
flected in literature?
RQ2: What are the key building blocks that de-
Tebernum, D. and Howar, F.
Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle.
DOI: 10.5220/0011999300003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 207-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
scribe the end of the data life cycle?
RQ3: How can the field of data deletion be struc-
tured in general?
To answer these questions, we conducted an ex-
tensive systematic literature review, which allowed us
to gain an overview of the current state and focus
of research. We were able to identify key building
blocks of data deletion and associated subtopics. The
results led to a general structuring of the subject area
in the form of a data deletion taxonomy. The taxon-
omy is intended to help researchers and practitioners
gain an overview of the aspects of data deletion and
subsequently integrate them into their own work in a
structured manner. Finally, research gaps were iden-
tified and presented as possible future work.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we describe our research method-
ology in great depth. Then, in Section 3, we present
our novel result, a data deletion taxonomy. Here we
go into detail about all aspects that are a part of the
taxonomy and also extend the evaluation. In Section
4, we review and discuss our research findings. We
are guided here by the given research questions. Fi-
nally, in Section 5, we summarize our results and pro-
vide an outlook for future work.
This section presents a detailed description of the re-
search methodologies applied in this work. As de-
scribed previously, we were able to find indicators
that data deletion in the field of data engineering has a
low level of maturity. However, deleting data was not
studied as a main subject in these publications (Teber-
num et al., 2021; Tebernum et al., 2023). It is there-
fore necessary to provide a more general overview of
the state of research regarding this topic. For this pur-
pose, a systematic literature review (SLR) was per-
formed. It is intended to identify the extent to which
data deletion, and thus the end of the data life cycle,
has received attention in literature and to identify the
key building blocks. The SLR performed follows the
process shown in Figure 1. Additional The process
can be divided into four phases.
Phase #1: The first phase deals with the generation of
the corpus that will be studied. First, a bibliography
suitable for the project had to be identified. Meta bib-
liographies are particularly useful for this purpose, as
they index a number of available bibliographies. Sco-
was chosen because of its flexibility in formulat-
ing a search string. The search string (see Listing 1)
itself has been continually improved over several iter-
ations to find the most comprehensive range of topic-
related publications.
TITLE - ABS - KEY (( des tro y * OR des tru ct * OR
del et * OR rem ov * OR e r as * OR w ip *) W /0
data ) AN D (LIMIT -TO ( SRCT YP E , "p ") ) AND
( LIMIT - TO ( PUBST AG E , " fin a l ") ) AND (
TO ( LANGU AG E , " E ngl ish " ) )
Listing 1: Scopus search string.
After running the search, 596 conference papers were
Phase #2: The second phase deals with cleaning the
corpus. Despite filtering the search results, there were
still publications that were not papers, were not acces-
sible, or were not written in English. These and some
duplicates have been removed. The resulting corpus
was reduced to 586 papers. To decide which papers
were relevant to determine the state of the research, all
abstracts were read by the authors. Papers that did not
focus on deleting data were removed. This resulted in
121 relevant papers remaining.
Phase #3: The third phase involves the analysis of
the papers remaining in the corpus. To be able to
determine the state of research, the grounded theory
methodology (GTM) is applied according to Glaser
(Glaser et al., 1968) and Corbin (Corbin and Strauss,
1990). Due to the number of papers left, open coding
was performed on the abstracts. Since the abstracts
should already contain the essence of the papers, this
is sufficient to generate an overview of the state of
the research. Open coding was performed in an itera-
tive process. The codes were written using the in-vivo
method. During iterations, codes that meant the same
thing were merged. After the last iteration, 141 codes
To further enrich the analysis, on top of the man-
ually extracted codes, additional codes were system-
atically extracted by an automated mechanism. For
this task, algorithms used for keyword extraction,
such as TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004), RAKE
(Rose et al., 2010), and PositionRank (Florescu and
Caragea, 2017), can be applied and were considered
by the authors. Thushara et al. showed in their work
that PositionRank is slightly superior to the other al-
gorithms (Thushara et al., 2019). Therefore, Position-
Rank was chosen by the authors. As with the manual
coding process, the algorithm was applied to the ab-
stracts of the papers. To reduce the number of key-
words and boost their quality, only those keywords
that had a PositionRank score above 0.15 were con-
sidered. The codes were deduplicated and reduced,
resulting in 69 additional codes. In total, 210 codes
were generated.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Remove Duplicates Remove Proceedings
Remove non-English
Remove non-accessible
Remove Papers without
Delete DataFocus
Build Search Query
Open Coding
Select Bibliography Execute and Save
Axial Coding Selective Coding
Corpus Axial Codes Selective Codes
RQ1, RQ2, RQ3
Figure 1: Research Methodology.
Subsequently, an axial coding was carried out. In
this process step, open codes were grouped and as-
signed to higher-level terms. Again, this was an it-
erative process that was repeated by the authors until
a satisfactory knowledge saturation was reached. A
total of 44 axial codes could be identified.
Finally, selective coding was performed based on
the axial codes found. In this phase, the found cate-
gorizations and supergroups are further combined into
overarching ideas. A total of 6 codes were identified.
Phase #4: In phase four, the previously generated cor-
pus and GTM codes are further analyzed. For this
purpose, several evaluations were performed. The re-
sults are discussed in Section 5. First, we looked at
whether the topic of deleting data had any anomalies
in publication density and quantity. For this, we have
aggregated the corpus in buckets per year. For refer-
ence, we used the general publications related to data
engineering from Scopus. This dataset was cleaned of
publications present in data deletion. The trends were
calculated using the ordinary least squares method.
Next, we examined how frequently the axial and se-
lective codes in our corpus were assigned during cod-
ing and over the years. The values were rendered in a
heat map to visualize clusters and increase well (see
Figures 3 and 4). Finally, with the gained insights, the
topic of data deletion was structured by generating a
A listing of all 121 relevant papers and the GTM
codes is available online
In this section, we present our novel result; a data
deletion taxonomy. The taxonomy can be seen in Fig-
ure 2. The creation of the taxonomy is closely ori-
ented to the GTM codes found. In general, the selec-
tive codes were used as starting points. The remaining
taxonomy was created by the appropriate insertion of
the axials or matching open codes. Where appropri-
ate and the corpus seems to have gaps, the content
was added by the authors. Not all subtopics can be
enumerated exhaustively. Such cases are indicated
by ...”. The taxonomy answers RQ3 by providing
a general structuring of the data deletion topic. In the
following, the parts of the taxonomy are explained in
3.1 What
The most important question that needs to be an-
swered in the context of data deletion is the ques-
tion of what data is under consideration. This means,
that the data to be deleted must be identified and ad-
Identify Data: Identifying/finding the data to
be deleted represents an important issue. Tools,
methods, or languages can be used. Tools pri-
marily include holistic systems that can analyze
data and relate them to each other or the envi-
ronment. In particular, data catalogs that store
metadata about the data should be mentioned here
(Ehrlinger et al., 2021). The metadata can be used
as a decision-making tool for deleting data. E.g.,
the catalog may have stored information about
technical representations or data quality metrics
that provide a reason for the data to be deleted.
Methods include everything that creates an indi-
cator for or against the deletion of data. These
can be, e.g., solutions that determine data quality,
or similarities (Long et al., 2020) to data already
marked for deletion. In particular, duplicates
(Chen and Chen, 2022; Rashid et al., 2012; Pach-
por and Prasad, 2018) and sensitive data (Pecherle
et al., 2011) are often mentioned in our corpus for
deletion. Languages include anything that allows
data to be identified by giving a set of instructions
according to a given grammar. E.g., SQL can be
used to identify/find data. One could select data
whose age exceeds a certain level.
Address Data: The addressing must be unam-
biguous to avoid any confusion and to possibly
enable automation of the deletion process. By ad-
Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle
address data
identify data
responsible executive
data owner
deletion requestor
destruction level *
security/risk factors
technical factors
organizational factors
data quality factors **
compliance factors
by Value
by Reference
object id
groupe name
before point in time
after point in time
employee leaves company
message published
storage quota reached
certication method
deletion priority
silent/noisy deletion
manual/automatic deletion
physically destroyed
metadata destroyed
integrity & reliability
intrinsic data quality
contextual data quality
representational data quality
accessibility data quality
data usage policies ***
base64 encoded data
containing fragment
creation date
content hash
data catalog uri
data catalog
recommender system
rule-based system
collaborative ltering
Gutmann method
DoD 5220.22-M
reverse deletion
signature by responsible executor
proof of deletion
discard/sell hardware
missing encryption
storage location
clear traces
change of scope
social engineering
malicious data
unintended changes
malicious executable data
invalid data
improve eciency
improve ecacy
free storage space
save time
save costs
lack of value
green it
appropriate amount of data
ease of undrstanding
representational consistency
concise representation
access security
rights restricted Usage
event restricted Usage
interval restricted Usage
purpose restricted Usage
content restricted Usage
role restricted Usage
location restricted Usage
duration restricted Usage
number of uses restricted Usage
data protection
contract violation
expired retention period
service level agreement
external standards
internal standards
betrayal of secrets
NDA violation
employee guides
* According to Cantrell and Through, 2019
** According to Wang and Strauss, 1996
*** According to Steinbuss S. et al., 2021
Figure 2: Data Deletion Taxonomy (DDT).
dressing we do not mean any kind of data locator,
but a one-to-one identification of the data to be
deleted. E.g., if we consider files, a unique ad-
dress could be a hash of the contents. When we
look at data in a database, we need, e.g., the con-
nection endpoint, the specific database, and, e.g.,
in relational databases, an SQL statement that se-
lects exactly the data to be deleted.
Describing the data accurately and unambigu-
ously is a difficult undertaking. The heterogeneity
of the data sources complicates this. For this rea-
son, it is recommended to reference the object to
be deleted. This, e.g., can be done by using a data
catalog uri. The data catalog must be able to map
individual data assets and also just parts of them
via URIs. These URIs can then be used to look up
exactly what data is involved within the data cata-
log itself. If we follow the previous examples, the
data catalog would provide the file’s content hash
or the database endpoint and SQL statement. This
does not solve the problem of heterogeneity and
almost infinite description and addressing possi-
bilities. But in this case, we leave the description
to the technology that knows best how to address
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
3.2 Why
Deleting data is not always easy to undo. For this
reason, it is crucial to be confident about what you
are doing. This confidence is supported in part by
the existence of good reasons for deletion. In other
words, the why plays an important role here. If there
were no reasons for deletion, data would hardly ever
be deleted, because there is no such thing as the nat-
ural selection here. To establish a common ground
of why certain data should or must be deleted, we
need a shared understanding of the reasoning. Dur-
ing the SLR, serveral reasons have been identified that
may necessitate the deletion of data. In practice, these
standardized reasons can be used to achieve some ef-
fects. E.g., depending on the reason for deletion, other
processes can be triggered. In addition, a common un-
derstanding of the reason can increase the acceptance
of deletion requests. The following subchapters go
into detail about the reasons for deleting data.
Security/Risk Factors
This category includes all security reasons for which
data should be deleted, i.e., all aspects where attack-
ers could cause undesired effects, in this case through
Confidentiality: This refers to all situations
where the unwanted disclosure of the content of
the data can be prevented by deleting the data it-
self. This includes reasons such as the hardware,
on which the data is stored, being discarded or
sold. Data on discarded hardware, be it hard
drives, optical media, or flash storage, can be
a major risk. The research literature includes a
plethora of papers that cover the topic of secure
data erasure on various storage media. In this
case, it makes sense to delete the data beforehand.
However, a security risk can also exist if the data
is missing encryption or is located in storage ar-
eas where it can be accessed by unauthorized per-
sons. By deleting the data, we may still be able
to intervene in time here. Likewise, data should
be deleted if it is unintentionally possible to use it
to trace events or persons. Furthermore, if people
still have access although they are no longer au-
thorized due to changes in access rights, the data
should be deleted.
Integrity & Reliability: This category includes
everything where data itself would lead to im-
proper alterations or malicious behavior of our
systems, data, or services. One subcategory
would be malicious data. This is data that is in-
tended to achieve undesirable effects when ap-
plied in specific applications. This data is not ex-
ecutable but develops its effect only in the con-
text of its application. Depending on the charac-
teristics, it can represent a servere security risk.
This data, if known to exist, should be destroyed
so that it is not accidentally deployed or ap-
plied. Poisoning attacks are one example where
we want to delete malicious data (Chiba et al.,
2020). Here, corrupted data is introduced into the
machine learning training process to weaken the
resulting model. Another class is represented by
the malicious executable data. This refers to data
that can act as an executable program and cause
damage. This includes, e.g., viruses, trojans, or
worms. Also, many situations from the area of
social engineering can be a reason to delete data.
There, data can only unleash its dangerous poten-
tial in combination with a human actor. Exam-
ples are phishing, baiting, or scareware that is sent
as email or over other communication channels
and that should be deleted. Also covered by the
point of integrity are unintended changes to data
that, e.g., trigger unwanted and possibly safety-
relevant effects in the environment.
Technical Factors
Here, all reasons to delete data, that have a primar-
ily technical nature, are included. This can be di-
vided into reasons that lie in the data itself and reasons
where the deletion of data affects the environment.
Data-Focused: This category includes reasons
where the data itself is the reason why technically
something is not working and the data should be
deleted. This includes, e.g., data that is syntacti-
cally correct but in a representation that the sys-
tem cannot process. Another reason would be
if we have corrupted data that is simply broken,
e.g., blocks were lost during transmission, Also
invalid data, whose content negatively affects the
behavior of the system, could be the target of dele-
tion (Othon et al., 2019). This could be, e.g., test
data that needs to be removed from a system.
Environment-Focused: This category includes
deletion reasons that affect the environment. This
includes, e.g., to free storage space. Even though
memory is cheap, in certain areas such as embed-
ded systems it may be necessary to delete data to
provide memory. Sometimes deletion can also im-
prove efficiency (Lin et al., 2009; Reardon et al.,
2012; Gao et al., 2019; Pachpor and Prasad, 2018)
and improve efficacy of the system, e.g. because
unimportant data is no longer included in calcula-
Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle
Organizational Factors
This includes reasons for deletion that are primarily
shaped by human actors in the context of companies.
It can be subdivided into economic reasons, in which
the deletion of data offers an economic advantage, and
principles or values, which can be represented and ac-
cording to which one acts.
Economics: One reason to delete data can be to
save costs. This can be the case if, e.g., the costs
for data storage are significant. Another reason
can be to save time. E.g., processes such as back-
ups can be accelerated. Sometimes it turns out
that data has a lack of value for one’s own project
or has completely gotten irrelevant. This can also
be a reason for deletion.
Principles: This category deals with principles
that one can follow. Ethics represents a sub-item.
If not already regulated by law, it may be neces-
sary to delete data because it does not generate
fair models during machine learning training. The
topic of green IT can also play an important role
(Van Bussel and Smit, 2014). E.g., deleting data
on a large scale can benefit the environment by
reducing the amount of hardware needed for stor-
age, or by reducing the amount of power needed
for network transfers. This is a very important is-
sue as we look at the EU energy crisis in 2022
(Council of the EU, 2022).
Data Quality Factors
This category includes all reasons for which data
should be deleted due to quality aspects. This cate-
gory includes metrics that describe dimensions of data
quality. The listing for data quality used in this work
is guided by the work of Wang and Strong who cre-
ated a conceptual framework for data quality (Wang
and Strong, 1996). The data quality metrics identified
there as part of the "Conceptual Framework of Data
Quality" can be used one-to-one as reasons for why
one could want to delete certain data. E.g., one could
encourage the deletion of data if the accuracy and cor-
rectness of a data set is not good enough (Othon et al.,
2019). It can be important when the data produces a
bad result in processes such as machine learning train-
ing and one wants to prevent further accidental use of
the data set. A detailed explanation of the metrics can
be taken from the work of Wang and Strong.
Compliance Factors
Compliance can be an important reason for deleting
data. There are several types of compliance factors
that can be distinguished. The subpoints are described
in more detail below.
Data Usage Policies: Cross-company data ex-
change will play an increasingly important role
in the future. Maintaining sovereignty over one’s
own data is an important goal in order to moti-
vate the participants to disclose their data. This is
a niche for projects such as Gaia-X
and IDSA
which aim to create an environment in which
trustworthy data exchange is possible. One aspect
of this is data usage policies, which regulate the
use of data. From a data deletion perspective, the
invalidity of a usage policy may be a reason to not
only stop using data, but to delete it. E.g., the role
restricted usage policy allows data to be used if
a user has a specific role. If a user is stripped of
this role, it would be logical to also delete the data
from the users system. The data usage policies
shown here are taken from the work of Steinbuss
et al., who managed to collect a set of important
policies in regard to data usage (Steinbuss et al.,
Laws/Contracts: First, there are mandatory reg-
ulations issued by the legislature within the frame-
work of laws. The applicable laws differ depend-
ing on the location and must be adapted appro-
priately. Deleting data may become necessary if
the data violates a law and constitutes a criminal
offense or is otherwise illegal in some way. This
may be the case, e.g., in the event of a copyright
infringement or the disclosure of government se-
crets. In this case, the data may be deleted. Un-
der many personal data protection laws, like the
EU GDPR (European Commission, 2016), dele-
tion may also be necessary upon request of the
owner of the data (Sarkar et al., 2018; Kuperberg,
2020). In some cases, data must be retained for a
certain period of time. When this time is over, the
data may be deleted accordingly.
Second, contracts also establish a binding na-
ture in this way between business partnerns, often
backed up by laws. It may be part of the contract
to delete data in certain situations, e.g., at the end
of the contract period. However, the breach or end
of a contract may also result in data having to be
Standards: Standards are another type of regula-
tion that, unlike laws, are not always mandatory.
External Standards are often used to maintain a
certain specified quality and are developed and
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
published by organizations or groups like DIN
, or NIST
. E.g., there is the ISO 27000 se-
ries, which deals with information security. In the
sub-specifications, e.g., the deletion of data can be
defined as a standard in response to certain events.
Another type of standards are Internal Standards,
which are only used within a company or a certain
area. Here, too, situations may arise that require
the deletion of data.
3.3 Who
When it comes to the topic of who, both a natural per-
son or a legal entity are possible. In addition to this
general establishment, the question of who has three
aspects to it that must be answered depending on the
context. The first aspect deals with the description of
persons that should delete the data described in what.
This must be described if the data is to be deleted
only for certain persons. An example would be if a
license for use has been purchased, but the duration
was different for various users. The second aspect
deals with who is responsible for deleting the data in
the first place. It is recommended to model this aspect
of who, so that the executing instances have a contact
person for inquiries. Specifying such a person can
also increase confidence that the deletion of data is
reasonable and should be carried out. Last, it may be
important to indicate the person responsible for the
data itself if different from the previous person. This
person can also serve as a contact to answer questions
and to strengthen trust. Cross-role topics should also
be addressed, such as the understanding of data dele-
tion (Murillo et al., 2018) or the formal modelling
of the user (Del Tedesco and Sands, 2009). User-
friendliness can also be an important topic here when
it comes to human actors. Among other things, this
involves the perception of the users (Diesburg et al.,
3.4 When
The questions about when to delete can be divided
into two subcategories, time-based and event-based.
It must only be considered whether it is not already
known by convention or implicitly.
Time-Based: When(ever) time is the focus of
consideration, we speak of a time-based reason-
ing. Here, a point in time can be meant. E.g.,
data must be deleted from or up to a certain point
in time. However, time intervals or recurring
events, such as "every Monday", can nevertheless
be modeled if appropriate. When modeling times,
it must also always be clearly defined which time
is meant. The time zone for the deleting person or
tool can be different than the time zone in which
the physical copy of the data is located.
Event-Based: Sometimes data should be deleted
when certain conditions have been met. Here, a
specific event is the trigger and time is not the
primary focus. These events can be defined very
broadly. E.g., one could model that data should be
deleted when a certain percentage of memory on
the hosting system is occupied or if a new version
of the data is made available.
3.5 Where
The answer to this question has two different aspects
in it, physical and logical. These two modeling possi-
bilities, physical and logical, can also be combined so
that more complex requirements can be addressed. If
the where is not already implicitly determined by the
context, e.g. because the data is only located in one
place or every copy of the data should be deleted, the
question of where must be answered.
Physical: First, the question of where can be an-
swered with regards to something physical. E.g.,
it is possible to specify that data from a specific
region should be deleted. If data is located in a
certain cloud region, e.g., outside of Europe, it
is possible to specify that data should be deleted.
It is also possible to model areas where data is
to be deleted by accurately specifying the geo-
coordinates in using points, polygons, or other
shapes. Sometimes addressing a physically exist-
ing object like a smartphone is also sufficient if
the data contained on or in it is to be deleted.
Logical: Second, the question of where can be an-
swered with a logical response. E.g., data should
be deleted from computers that belong to a spe-
cific group or a department. There can also be a
selection based on device classes, storage classes,
and many others.
3.6 How
This question is primarily about modeling specific
deletion methods, overarching deletion strategies, and
the level of destruction that will be applied for this
particular data. The how does not describe how the
data can be accessed to technically perform the data
deletion in practice. In the following, we will take a
Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle
closer look at which aspects of the question play an
important role when deleting data.
Methods: Methods are standardized procedures
that are intended to achieve a certain result when
deleting data. This includes, e.g., the applica-
tion of special deletion algorithms to be used
(Wang and Zhao, 2008; Subha, 2009; Xu et al.,
2014). One could think of different methods to
wipe data on hard drives (Wei et al., 2011; Chen
et al., 2019). In the last couple of years, methods
for deleting data from machine learning models
have also become of interest (Nguyen et al., 2022;
Graves et al., 2021; Nguyen et al., 2020; Ginart
et al., 2019). Sometimes deleting data requires
the use of special tools (Riduan et al., 2021; Mar-
tin and Jones, 2011; Žulj et al., 2020; Sahri et al.,
2018). This can be the case, e.g., when users are
asked to delete data manually and are provided
with software that removes data according to cer-
tain criteria. In certain situations, it is necessary
for the deletion of data to be documented by a
certification (Guo et al., 2019). In this case, the
certification method to be used should be speci-
fied. This is necessary if you need to guarantee
or prove (Klonowski et al., 2019) that data has re-
ally been deleted. Another point that falls under
methods is the secure deletion of data. Here, it
should be modeled how it is ensured that the dele-
tion happens comprehensively and correctly.
Deletion Strategies: This includes aspects that
have no direct technical relation, but can implic-
itly influence them. The aspects are viewed from
a higher-level perspective. The deletion priority
indicates how urgently a deletion job must be ex-
ecuted. A lower priority can, e.g, save costs in
the cloud area if only free, cost-effective capac-
ities of the provider are used. Another strategy
is to cut costs as much as possible. This can
be achieved through various solution approaches
mentioned before like by reducing the priority
to favorable computing contingents or, e.g., by
trade-offs between different algorithms. Some-
times it may happen that you can choose be-
tween manual and automatic execution. Depend-
ing on the selection, this may result in further ef-
fects. If manual deletion is desired, the persons
involved should be notified. In the case of auto-
matic deletion, the specific automatism may still
need to be specified. Another possible strategy
deals with how much deletion needs to be com-
municated. There are situations where deletion
can be done silently through automated processes.
E.g., if the data is stored on the computers of em-
ployees, the user can be informed that the data is
being deleted in the interest of trustworthy work.
Users should always have the option of preventing
(semi-)automated deletion on their end devices.
This could otherwise be perceived as an infringe-
ment of one’s own sovereignty.
Destruction Level: These levels are taken from
the work of Cantrell and Through and origi-
nally describes the level of recoverability of data
(Cantrell and Through, 2019). In the context of
this taxonomy, the meaning is adapted to the ques-
tion of the degree to which the data should be
deleted. Generally speaking, the lower the level
of destruction, the easier it is to recover the data.
Recycled means, e.g., that the data is only moved
to the recycle bin for the time being. This can
be easily undone by any user. In the next step, the
data is marked as deleted by the operating system.
The data and metadata is still mostly left in the file
system. Data can be recovered using special tools.
When we reach the level of metadata destroyed,
there is no more indication that data may have ex-
isted. One needs to check the whole storage us-
ing specific tools. By wiped, the data in the stor-
age was overwritten using specific methods. This
makes it almost impossible to recover data. The
most effective way to delete data is when the stor-
age is physically destroyed. Done right, no data
can be recovered. While the reliability of data
deletion continues to increase with each level, it
also has an increasing impact on cost, time, and
In this section, the previously gained results will be
discussed. The discussion is structured around the
research questions established in Section 1.
RQ1: First, we wanted to identify to what extent data
deletion is reflected in the literature. We compared
the publication quantities from data deletion with
those from the field of data engineering from 2000
to 2022. The publications of the International Con-
ference On Data Engineering were used as a compar-
ison dataset. When performing the interpretation, it
should be noted that the papers from the data dele-
tion corpus come from various conferences. Thus,
it cannot be ruled out that the popularity of the con-
ference influences the trend more than the interest in
data engineering itself. Also, growth may be limited
by the conference itself. We could see that both sub-
ject areas have experienced growth. A general growth
can easily be explained by the fact that overall, the
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
volume of publications has increased over the years.
Although data deletion is showing slightly stronger
growth than data engineering publications, the topic
is not currently experiencing a real trend. The still
very small number of publications, ranging from 0
to 15 per year, indicates a general weariness towards
the subject. The small number of 121 publications in
23 years that have data deletion as their core theme,
compared to about 3000 publications at just one sin-
gle data engineering conference, cannot do justice to
the subject area. It can be assumed that an increasing
number of publications is necessary for the profes-
sionalization of data deletion.
The next step is to examine how the topics are dis-
tributed in the publications found. For this purpose,
we used the axial codes found. As can be seen from
Figure 3, there are several frequently discussed topic
areas, while others fall far behind. The leading codes
are method. security, and hardware. We believe that
these topics are addressed particularly frequently
because they are often addressed together and offer
the greatest value when implemented. Methods con-
tains e.g. work on algorithms and processes. These
works are necessary as a basis in the first place to
delete data. When it comes to security, a lot of work
deals with deleting it in such a way that it cannot
be recovered by third parties. The hardware plays
a decisive role here since appropriate methods must
be developed based on the hardware in use. Another
important reason for deleting data is data quality.
The main aim is to identify data with insufficient
quality and then delete it. When it comes to laws,
there is a great interest in complying with them to
avoid fines. The introduction of GDPR in 2018 has
certainly contributed to the increase in the volume
of publications. This assumption is supported by
the increasing number of laws publications starting
around 2017. Perhaps the reason that the topic of
efficiency comes up so often is that people are always
trying to do things more economically. Another
trend can be found in the machine learning area.
The deletion of data from already trained models has
experienced increased interest for the last 3 years.
Regarding the other codes, we see a possible need
for action, particularly in the fields that are poorly
represented or even not represented at all. These are
often topics that do not directly concern the deletion
process but topics of structuring, standardization, and
management of deletion. Overall, it can be said that
many topics are severely underrepresented in this
research area.
RQ2: Second, we wanted to identify the key building
blocks of data deletion. By analyzing the literature,
Figure 3: Axial code distributions over years.
these could be identified during the selective coding
process. In order to describe the deletion of data
extensively, the questions of what, why, who, when,
where, and how must be answered. When it comes
to describing the deletion of data in particular, it is
not always necessary to answer all questions. Often,
questions about, e.g., the method or the location
where data is to be deleted arise from the context.
Also, we looked at the distribution of the selective
codes. The distribution can be seen in Figure 4. The
evaluation clearly shows that the deletion of data is
not only considered as an end in itself, but that there
is always a reason (why) that makes the deletion
of data necessary in the first place. In 96 papers,
the abstract already motivated why data should be
deleted at all. The how is also highly prominent.
This is primarily due to the fact that the how is
composed of, among other things, methods. These
have already been assigned most frequently in the
axial codes. Surprisingly, the where is also prominent
to such an extent. We believe this is mainly due to
the fact that many papers write about deleting data
on hard drives or in the cloud. Much less often the
papers deal with the more organizational topics of
what, who, and when. In particular, the fact that very
few papers report on the influence of or impact on
Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle
human actors (who) (e.g. (Diesburg et al., 2016)
and (Murillo et al., 2018)) is a major research gap.
Deleting data is an experience that every person who
operates a computer has. The fact that more and more
people are working with data that will have to be
deleted at some point should also be reason enough
to investigate the human factor more closely. A
further area that almost no work has to its core is the
when. We believe this is due to the fact that the time
at which one wants to delete data is very individual
and there are few generalizable situations that would
justify a research contribution. Nevertheless, it would
be interesting to see what generalizations are possible
here. As can also be seen, the what shows increased
publications in the last 4 years. This growth can
be attributed in particular to work where parts from
trained models are to be deleted within the machine
learning domain. In addition to the deletion methods,
these works also describe exactly the data that is to
be deleted. Unfortunately, with the available data, it
is not possible to predict how trends might develop
Figure 4: Selective code distributions over years.
RQ3: Third, we wanted to structure the field of data
deletion in general. We provided an answer to this
question with a novel data deletion taxonomy pre-
sented in Section 3. The taxonomy structures the sub-
ject areas found in the SLR in a hierarchical order.
The taxonomy itself shows how extensive the sub-
ject area of data deletion is (see Figure 2). Also, the
taxonomy serves as a foundation on which the data
engineering community can build. It shows research
directions and helps to create a uniform understand-
ing of data deletion. We believe that the taxonomy
will support both researchers and practitioners. For
researchers it serves as a research map, describing the
topic areas and indicating the direction of efforts to
further improve data deletion. Also, by structuring
the subject area, future research projects can be better
planned and constructed. For practitioners, the taxon-
omy can be used as a blueprint for developing real-
world applications so that important aspects are not
neglected. At this point it should be noted that the
taxonomy was spit from the codes derived from the
current literature. Therefore, it is possible that this
taxonomy will change over further iterations.
We believe that data deletion represents an important
part of the data life cycle and data engineering field.
Despite the increasing importance of this area through
topics like GDPR, green IT, or data sovereignty, pre-
vious works indicate that data deletion is underrep-
resented in the literature (Tebernum et al., 2021) and
in practice (Tebernum et al., 2023). To get a better
overview of the subject area, data deletion was ex-
plored through a SLR. We discovered that the topic
of data deletion is indeed poorly represented in liter-
ature. In fact, with only 121 publications in 23 years
that deal with data deletion at their very core, the topic
has been woefully neglected. The few publications in
existence were primarily about the actual methods of
deletion or security considerations. Work that takes
an overarching view of the deletion process, struc-
tures it, standardizes it, or takes human actors into
account is rare or even non-existent.
The analysis of the literature was also used to fun-
damentally structure the subject area for the first time.
Such fundamental structuring is required by every do-
main in order for the community to describe and un-
derstand the research object in a fundamental way
in the first place. Only with this foundation, further
work can be motivated. To the best of our knowledge
such work does not exists and this paper addresses the
issue by providing a data deletion taxonomy. We be-
lieve that this novel contribution can help researchers
and practitioners to look at the end of the data life cy-
cle from a more global perspective. It allows to iden-
tify aspects of data deletion that may not have been
considered before. In addition, the taxonomy repre-
sents a contribution to the data engineering commu-
nity to improve communication among each other. A
limitation that should not go unmentioned here is that
the taxonomy to a large extent reflects the current state
of the literature. In the future, we will need to evolve
the taxonomy so that it evidentially reflects the very
nature of data deletion.
Finally, we want to give an outlook on possible
future research topics. As the evaluations of the axial
and selective codes show, there are subject areas that
are rarely addressed or not addressed at all. This of-
ten concerns topics that do not represent the deletion
method or process itself, but address the surrounding
area. E.g., there is little work on data deletion respon-
sible (who). Future work should explore how to con-
sider the human factor in deleting data. Also, many
other questions arise regarding the identification and
addressing of the data to be deleted (what). There
should be a larger contribution on how to identify data
to be deleted in an automated and secure way.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
The authors acknowledge the financial support by the
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate
Action of Germany in the project Smart Design and
Construction (project number 01MK20016F).
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