A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable
Safety-Critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts
Richard May, Jyoti Gautam, Chetan Sharma, Christian Biermann and Thomas Leich
Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode, Germany
Security, Configurable Systems, Software Product Lines, Safety-Critical Systems, Systematic Mapping Study.
Safety-critical systems are becoming increasingly configurable. However, as the number of features and con-
figurations grows, the systems’ complexity also increases, making cyber attacks more likely. Nevertheless,
we miss an overview of security in configurable safety-critical systems which are based on product-line en-
gineering. Thus, we conducted a systematic mapping study in which we analyzed 44 papers (2008–2022)
to discuss relevant properties and to identify 8 research opportunities. Our key finding is that security in the
context of variability and safety-critical systems needs more consideration and research. We emphasize that
safety-critical systems, especially those with networking capabilities, cannot be safe if they do not provide
techniques to ensure security and do not consider the systems’ configurability. Our study is aimed to guide
both researchers and practitioners in understanding the importance of security for configurable safety-critical
systems, relevant properties, and open issues.
Safety-critical systems (SCS), i.e., systems whose
execution can result in fatalities or extensive dam-
ages to a system, its users, or environment, are be-
coming increasingly predominant in various indus-
tries, e.g., manufacturing (Knight, 2002). SCS are
quite software-intensive (Ne
c et al., 2019), mak-
ing the software engineering process highly challeng-
ing as its main goal is to provide software that func-
tions reliably and predictably in the event of a system
breakdown, failure, regular system operation (Gut-
garts and Temin, 2010). As modern SCS usually rely
on networking technologies, addressing security be-
sides safety is more important than ever before. Ex-
ploiting system vulnerabilities or even software bugs
can not only lead to unauthorized data access but also
to fatal system errors, and thus a compromised system
safety (Mubeen et al., 2020). SCS are becoming in-
creasingly configurable (Lohm
uller and Bauer, 2019),
i.e., they are composed of diverse customizable com-
ponents to meet requirements, e.g., stakeholder de-
mands (Jamshidi et al., 2017). Precisely, they are
based on variability concepts comprising similar but
adapted variants built on the same assets but with
varying features, e.g., based on product-line engineer-
ing (PLE) (Fægri and Hallsteinsen, 2006). However,
as the configurability of software systems increases,
they also become more complex, e.g., due to configu-
ration options or feature interactions (Jamshidi et al.,
2017). This situation also leads to a growing attack
surface, making the overall engineering process even
more challenging (Wolschke et al., 2019). However,
there is currently no systematic review of recent re-
search focusing exclusively on the security of PLE-
based SCS, while covering a comparable body of
the literature landscape. By conducting a systematic
mapping study, we address this research gap to pro-
vide an understanding of the intersection of security,
PLE, and SCS. This way, our goal is to explore what
and to what extent security- and variability-related
properties have already been covered by existing re-
search and what topics still need more research. With
our study, we contribute the following:
A systematic overview of recent research regarding
security of configurable SCS in PLE.
A discussion of relevant properties of the investi-
gated topics and research opportunities.
A replication package to ensure a higher compre-
hensibility and replicability of the study.
Our results can help researchers and practitioners in
selecting research topics and emphasize the impor-
tance of security in the development of variant-rich
software in safety-critical environments.
May, R., Gautam, J., Sharma, C., Biermann, C. and Leich, T.
A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable Safety-Critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012006700003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 217-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In this section, we provide relevant background infor-
mation on configurable systems, SCS, and security.
2.1 Configurable Systems
Today’s systems typically offer the ability to be cus-
tomized (i.e., including or excluding functionalities)
according to stakeholder demands, hardware limita-
tions, or legal regulations (Iqbal et al., 2022). In
this context, system variants comprising individual
features can be developed to meet relevant require-
ments. To ensure that all features have been success-
fully configured and that they are actually functional,
it is necessary to verify them usually based on 3
different strategies, i.e., feature-, product-, or family-
based (Th
um et al., 2014). Configurable systems are
usually based on techniques and tools allowing the or-
ganization, modeling, documentation, and implemen-
tation of their configuration options (i.e., features). A
well-known method to manage these variability me-
chanics is PLE (Schaefer et al., 2012). Configurable
systems are typically classified by their projection.
The problem space refers to the abstraction of the do-
main, while the solution space addresses a system’s
implementation. If both spaces are connected it is
called mapping (Apel et al., 2013a).
2.2 Safety-Critical Systems
The term safety-critical refers to the loss of human
lives, economic losses, or environmental damage,
e.g., in avionics (Knight, 2002). So, the main goal in
the development of SCS is to ensure safety, i.e., im-
plementing functions that protect the overall system,
parts of the system, or their users against undesirable
events that could cause harm (Rausand, 2014). One
of the most common safety standards is IEC 61508
(2010). According to this standard, there are 2 failure
categories, precisely hardware failures and systematic
failures. Both categories can be measured by the 4-
level software integrity level (SIL) which is the basic
measure that needs to be considered when develop-
ing safe SCS (IEC 61508, 2010). Nevertheless, due
to increasing software complexity, networking, and
growing data amount, ensuring the minimum possi-
ble safety risk for SCS is becoming quite challenging.
Precisely, safety is sensitive to system changes, e.g.,
system configurations (Debbech et al., 2019). Fur-
thermore, ensuring safety also implies ensuring secu-
rity of a system (Hatcliff et al., 2014), meaning the
presence of security issues has a major impact on the
safety of SCS (Ebnauf et al., 2019).
2.3 Security
Security is a software quality property, aiming to pro-
tect data against unauthorized access of persons or
systems which are not allowed to (Fægri and Hall-
steinsen, 2006). It is usually characterized by as-
sets (e.g, sensitive data), threats, risks, and mea-
sures (Myll
arniemi et al., 2015). A threat is defined
as an unwanted but potential event that could harm
a system. A risk arises when a threat can poten-
tially be exploited, e.g., attacks, bugs, or environ-
mental errors. Overall, there are 6 security goals for
software systems, including confidentiality, integrity,
availability (i.e., the CIA triad), accountability, au-
thenticity, and non-repudiation (i.e., information se-
curity goals) (ISO/IEC 27000, 2018).
To accomplish our main goal, we conducted a system-
atic mapping study according to Petersen et al. (2015)
(cf. Figure 1).
IEEE Scopus
abstract selection
data extraction/synthesis
research opportunities
full-text selection
insights &
Figure 1: Methodological study overview (numbers indi-
cate the amount of selected papers).
3.1 Study Design
Search String. First, we created the following search
string for a search in IEEE XPLORE, SCOPUS, and
consisting of relevant keywords of PLE and SCS:
(“product line*” OR “SPL” OR “SPLE”) AND
(“product famil*” OR “system famil*” OR “soft-
ware famil*” OR “config*” OR “variab*” OR
“variant*” OR “feature” OR “model*”) AND
The term security or related terms are intentionally
not included to be able to also find papers only im-
plicitly dealing with security.
We are aware of a mapping study by Kenner et al.
(2021) focusing on safety and security in the context
of configurable software systems. However, they an-
alyzed safety and security separately (i.e., articles re-
trieved from Scopus that are either about safety or se-
curity) without focusing exclusively on SCS. Thus,
we cover a larger body of knowledge with another re-
search focus.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Selection Criteria. Papers were only selected if they
were published between 2008 and 2022 at a peer-
reviewed conference or journal provide with at least
4 pages and are concerned with security of config-
urable SCS. We intentionally excluded work focus-
ing on configurable SCS but not considering PLE, as
well as work describing safety-oriented approaches
but does not explicitly fall within the scope of SCS.
Extraction Criteria. To extract data, we defined cri-
teria oriented towards PLE and security. We do not
focus on safety but only on security with regard to
our research objectives.
1. Publication
Publication year of the paper.
Contribution type as classification of a paper,
i.e., open items, method, model, metric, or
tool (Engstr
om and Runeson, 2011).
Domain of the SCS, e.g., automotive, avionics.
Perspective indicates whether the paper’s focus
is on security of a system or on a security con-
cern based on PLE (Kenner et al., 2021).
2. Configurable SCS
Variability type specifies whether the software,
or both software and hardware are config-
urable (Queiroz and Braga, 2014).
Projection reflects if the SCS addresses the prob-
lem space, solution space, or a mapping between
both (Apel et al., 2013a).
Verification, classifies the SCS regarding verifi-
cation strategies (Th
um et al., 2014).
Evolution indicates whether system evolution
aspects are considered (Apel et al., 2013a).
3. Security
Security standard addressed in the paper.
Security goals of the software related to the SCS,
including goals of the CIA triad, information se-
curity, and further goals (e.g., reliability).
Security threats and risks which are addressed
in the publication, including the description of
Security measures discussed or suggested to
tackle security risks.
3.2 Study Conduct
The automated search was conducted on November
, 2022 and yielded in 564 publications (534 af-
ter duplication removal). Then, papers were selected
by the first author according to the selection criteria
(109 papers). However, we first considered all papers
regarding PLE-related SCS even when they did not
mention security in the title or abstract. After read-
ing full-texts, we selected 37 papers which mention or
describe security to a certain degree. To increase the
number of publications, we did 1 iteration of forward
and backward snowballing. So, we found 7 more pa-
pers resulting in 44 papers in total (cf. Figure 1).
Next, the data extraction was carried out by the first,
second, and third author. We used open-coding to la-
bel the identified data and open-card-sorting to fit re-
curring data into common data categories. Finally, all
data was discussed by all authors to derive both well-
covered topics and future research opportunities.
In this section, we present the results of the literature
analysis (cf. Table 1).
4.1 Publication
Publication Years. We did not find any work that ad-
dressed security concerns until 2010. In the following
4 years (2011–2014), the number of papers is consis-
tently low (average of 2 papers per year). From 2015–
2018, the number of papers increased to 4 papers per
year. After a peak of 8 papers (2019), the number of
papers decreased to an average of 4 papers per year
(2020–2022). Surprisingly, we identified only 2 pa-
pers in 2022.
Contribution Type. In most papers (17) a method
was introduced. 12 papers described open items. In
11 cases, models as problem solutions are described.
However, we did not identify an approach focusing
on metrics, especially in the context of security. In 4
cases, authors introduced tools.
Domain. The publications covered various domains.
The most common domains are cyber-physical sys-
tems (8), avionics (5), automotive (5), medical (4),
and production (3). 13 papers deal with general con-
figurable SCS.
Perspectives. Most publications (32) are concerned
with security for configurable systems, e.g., se-
curity as quality property for secure communica-
tion (Heikkil
a et al., 2016). In 6 papers, the authors
realized security functions based on variability tech-
niques, e.g., secure PLE in cloud environments (Kri-
eter et al., 2018). Moreover, we extracted 6 ap-
proaches focusing on both perspectives.
4.2 Configurable Safety-Critical
Variability Type. We identified that half of the pa-
pers (22) address only the configurability of SCS soft-
ware. The other half is focused on the configurability
of both software and hardware components.
A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable Safety-Critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts
Table 1: Overview of the extracted data related to security and PLE.
Security goals
CIA triad
Projection Verification
PLE for security
Security for PLE
Security standard
Further goals
Threats and risks
Problem space
Solution space
Trujillo et al. (2010)
Dordowsky et al. (2011)
Cichos et al. (2011)
Li and Yang (2012)
Apel et al. (2013b)
Ubayashi et al. (2013)
Andel et al. (2014)
Cleland-Huang et al. (2014)
Hatcliff et al. (2014)
Gallina and Fabre (2015)
Ayala et al. (2015)
Vogel-Heuser et al. (2015)
Arrieta et al. (2015)
Barron et al. (2016)
Etigowni et al. (2016)
Kuhrmann et al. (2016)
a et al. (2016)
Barner et al. (2017)
Carpenter et al. (2017)
Nicolas et al. (2017)
Pessoa et al. (2017)
Gannouni et al. (2018)
Islam and Azim (2018)
Krieter et al. (2018)
c and Nyberg (2018)
Bennaceur et al. (2019)
de Oliveira et al. (2019)
uller and Bauer (2019)
Ebnauf et al. (2019)
Meixner et al. (2019)
Wolschke et al. (2019)
Shaaban et al. (2019)
Chumpitaz et al. (2019)
Burow et al. (2020)
Ghamizi et al. (2020)
Bressan et al. (2020)
Freitas et al. (2020)
Fischer et al. (2021)
Castro et al. (2021)
c et al. (2021)
White et al. (2021)
Bressan et al. (2021)
Zampetti et al. (2022)
Prikler and Wotawa (2022)
Fulfilled Not fulfilled
Projection. We found 15 papers in the problem space
and 14 paper in the solution space. 15 publications
covered a mapping.
Verification. We discovered that 26 publications de-
scribed verification. Usually, the authors presented
a feature-based verification (15). In 8 cases, we
found information regarding product-based verifica-
tion. Authors described family-based verification
strategies in 3 cases.
Evolution. Software evolution is addressed in 16 pa-
pers. However, we note that evolution is usually only
mentioned and not described in detail. In 28 papers,
evolution was not mentioned at all.
4.3 Security
Standards. We found only 3 papers covering secu-
rity standards. These include AAMI TIR57 as a se-
curity management guidance document in the medi-
cal domain to meet the requirements of ISO 14971,
the general guidelines of the NIST cyber-physical
systems program, and the production-related security
standards IEC 62443 and IEEE 1686.
Goals. The goals of the CIA triad were only described
by 3 papers. Integrity (16) is the most common secu-
rity goal. However, note that integrity may also re-
fer to the SIL. Confidentiality was described by a to-
tal of 12 papers. Only 1 paper referred to account-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
ability (Hatcliff et al., 2014) and 2 papers to non-
repudiation (Shaaban et al., 2019; Burow et al., 2020).
Authorization was mentioned or described in 8 cases.
Threats and Risks. The publications showed diverse
security threats (30) or risks (11). Most common
threats are system complexity (9), trust (7), general
vulnerabilities (6), bugs (3), and configurability (3).
Mentioned risks include unauthorized access (4), cy-
ber attacks (2), or manipulation (2).
Measures. The identified security measures can be
organized in 3 groups: threat and risk prevention (11),
system architecture (11), and mitigation techniques
(10). Threat and risk prevention involves risk as-
sessment strategies (7), security policies (2), certifi-
cation (1), and security testing (1). System architec-
ture refers to isolation techniques (4), decentraliza-
tion (2), program partitioning and diversity (2), dy-
namic variants (1), system hiding (1), and changing
library locations (1). The mitigation techniques cover
a wide range and are usually described in a more gen-
eral way, e.g., encryption (2).
Next, we discuss the study results to provide 8 rele-
vant research opportunities (RO).
5.1 Configurable Safety-Critical
Referring to the publication years, there is a trend to-
wards the number of papers related to configurable
SCS since 2015. Interestingly, until 2017, most pa-
pers focused on proposing methods, while since 2018,
there is a trend regarding open items. This may be due
to the evolving IoT technologies, which offer a vari-
ety of opportunities but also challenges related to sys-
tem architectures as well as security and safety risks.
Consequently, there is an increasing number of papers
which are more related to the problem space or the
mapping. So, we argue that (RO
) more research is
needed focusing on the actual solution of problems or
configurations (i.e., mappings) of configurable SCS.
The selected configurable SCS were not veri-
fied in most cases. However, while general config-
urable software and storages refer more to product-
based verification (Kenner et al., 2021), configurable
SCS focus much more on the verification of fea-
tures. This fact may refer to the safety-critical prop-
erties of SCS, meaning their great dependence on
safety-related functionalities, e.g., the manipulation
of assets such as sensors. Nevertheless, the propor-
tion of papers referring only to safety-related verifi-
Goal classification
CIA triad: 42
Information security: 11
Confidentiality: 12
Integrity: 16
Availability: 14
Authorization: 8
Accountability: 1
Non-repudiation: 2
PLE for Security: 6
Security for PLE: 32
Both: 6
Goal Perspective
Figure 2: Distribution of security goals and perspectives
(numbers indicate the amount of papers which can exceed
100% due to possibility of multiple goals per paper).
cation is most common. In this context, we empha-
size that (RO
) SCS should be verified regarding both
safety and security functionalities.
64% of the papers do not refer to evolution, e.g.,
feature updates. It is often not clear how such changes
are handled, how they influence each other, or how
they influence the security and thus safety of SCS.
So, we argue that it is essential to (RO
) explore the
dependencies of evolution processes, e.g., vulnerabil-
ities caused by evolutionary changes.
5.2 Security
Although security issues have an impact on the safety
of SCS (Ebnauf et al., 2019), no reference was found
to the ISO/IEC 27000 series as a major security stan-
dard. However, security requirements as well as
safety requirements (e.g., SIL) should be taken into
account according to standards. So, we recommend
to (RO
) consider both safety and security standards.
Not surprisingly, information on security, i.e.,
goals, risks, or measures, is usually missing or only
given in a superficial way. However, threats are of-
ten named, albeit from a high-level perspective. For
instance, while complexity or trust are mentioned as
properties that may threaten the security of SCS, ac-
tions to exploit these threats are not described. So,
the existence of threats and their relevance is known
but (RO
) ideas of actual prevention strategies and
the relationships between the IoT as a major driver,
configurability, and safety seem quite under-explored.
Referring to goals, these are mainly oriented towards
A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable Safety-Critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts
requirements which are most relevant for applications
with IoT capabilities, i.e., the CIA triad and autho-
rization (cf. Figure 2).
5.3 Security in Configurable
Safety-Critical Systems
Research on SCS focuses rather on safety (52%) than
on security (21%) or both equally (27%). Although
this finding is not surprising, it highlights that the rel-
evance of security and its configurability is underesti-
mated. Since the number of attacks is constantly in-
creasing and the possible consequences of a success-
ful attack are even more fatal for SCS, the number of
papers addressing safety and security equally should
be significantly higher. Thus, (RO
) both the config-
urability of security and the equal consideration of
safety and security for SCS needs more research.
Although 30% of the papers are designed for gen-
eral domains, 25% are developed for industrial appli-
cations, e.g., cyber-physical systems. Consequently,
there is a huge potential for SCS-related research
in this area, emphasizing the dependence of safety-
related industrial applications on security. The failure
of SCS can not only endanger people and the environ-
ment in this context but the economic damage, i.e.,
time, quality, and costs, may also be considerable.
However, only 2 of these papers refer to (domain-
related) security standards (e.g., IEEE 1686). Thus,
it is usually not clear, how these standards are applied
and which interactions or dependencies regarding po-
tential configurations may occur. So, it is essential
to (RO
) provide an understanding of security stan-
dards and implementation possibilities.
Moreover, new requirements based on potential
dependencies or configuration options may occur
when considering both safety and security require-
ments in the SCS development process, e.g., cyber-
physical systems and the application of IoT technolo-
gies. Although the interplay of safety and security
is already discussed in research (Lyu et al., 2019),
the consideration of variability aspects influencing
the implementation of these requirements is missing.
Thus, (RO
) there is a need for analyzing emerging
dependencies between safety and security in the con-
text of configurability.
5.4 Threats to Validity
We lack comprehensive information about the accu-
racy of results (e.g., evaluations) as well as term un-
derstandings (e.g., integrity regarding safety or secu-
rity). Some authors explain their work in great detail
while others describe their approach from a high-level
perspective. Another issue arises regarding the fulfill-
ment of the extraction criteria. Specifically, the papers
usually provide only a few details on security. Both
issues regarding the internal validity caused several
assumptions on our side and might have led to misin-
terpretations. We are aware that our automated search
and manual filtering strategy may have resulted in the
unintended exclusion of publications. This issue may
pose threats to the external validity. We aimed to miti-
gate these threats by systematically extracting data by
several researchers relying on established definitions
and criteria. All results were discussed until consen-
sus was achieved, especially in the context of data in-
terpretation and assignments. Overall, we argue that
our results are valuable and provide highly interesting
insights as we covered 15 years of research relying on
3 well-established literature databases.
We found several papers dealing with the analy-
sis of security in the context of configurable sys-
tems. For instance, Hammani (2014) analyzed non-
functional requirements in the context of PLE. The
review of Queiroz and Braga (2014) is concerned with
approaches dealing with PLE and SCS (2006–2013),
however, without considering security. Geraldi et al.
(2020) analyzed papers which are concerned with the
IoT as well as PLE (2006–2018). SCS are men-
tioned as domain while security is considered as a
non-functional requirement.
Overall, most related work covers rather software
engineering in general, is focused either on security,
safety, or SCS, is not related to PLE, or is not as com-
prehensive as our study (i.e., number of analyzed pa-
pers or literature databases). In contrast to these stud-
ies, we provide a comprehensive review with a differ-
ent focus than any related work, i.e., security of PLE-
related configurable SCS. The closest work related to
ours is a mapping study by Kenner et al. (2021) which
is focused on security and safety of configurable soft-
ware systems (2011–2020). However, they did not
exclusively focus on security of SCS.
In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping
study on security concerns in configurable SCS
(2008–2022). We identified relevant insights and
presented 8 research opportunities in the context of
secure, configurable SCS. Overall, the intersection
of security, configurability, and SCS needs more
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
research to create an understanding of how security
is related to configurability and which dependencies
exist between security and safety in this context.
We emphasize that SCS cannot be safe if they do
not provide techniques to ensure security which
also takes into account variable features. So, when
modeling or configuring SCS, security features and
their strategies must be as dynamic as the system fea-
tures are. Further research is strongly recommended,
e.g., analyzing relevant security requirements in
accordance to current security and safety standards.
Andel, T. R., Whitehurst, L. N., and McDonald, J. T. (2014).
Software security and randomization through program
partitioning and circuit variation. In MTD. ACM.
Apel, S., Batory, D., K
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Apel, S., Von Rhein, A., Wendler, P., Gr
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Beyer, D. (2013b). Strategies for product-line verifi-
cation: Case studies and experiments. In ICSE. IEEE.
Arrieta, A., Sagardui, G., and Etxeberria, L. (2015). Cyber-
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Ayala, I., Amor, M., Fuentes, L., and Troya, J. M. (2015).
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Barner, S., Diewald, A., Migge, J., Syed, A., Fohler,
G., Faugere, M., and P
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criticality systems. In MODELS. IEEE.
Barron, S., Cho, Y. M., Hua, A., Norcross, W., Voigt, J.,
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Bennaceur, A., Ghezzi, C., Tei, K., Kehrer, T., Weyns, D.,
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Bressan, L., de Oliveira, A. L., and Campos, F. (2020).
An approach to support variant management on safety
analysis using chess error models. In EDCC. IEEE.
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Burow, N., Burrow, R., Khazan, R., Shrobe, H., and Ward,
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