Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of
Carlo Bellettini
1 a
, Michael Lodi
1,2,3 b
, Violetta Lonati
1,3 c
, Mattia Monga
1,3 d
and Anna Morpurgo
1,3 e
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Laboratorio Nazionale CINI ‘Informatica e Scuola’, Rome, Italy
Bebras, GPT-3, Large Language Models, Computer Science Education.
In this paper we study the problem-solving ability of the Large Language Model known as GPT-3 (codename
DaVinci), by considering its performance in solving tasks proposed in the “Bebras International Challenge
on Informatics and Computational Thinking”. In our experiment, GPT-3 was able to answer with a majority
of correct answers about one third of the Bebras tasks we submitted to it. The linguistic fluency of GPT-3
is impressive and, at a first reading, its explanations sound coherent, on-topic and authoritative; however the
answers it produced are in fact erratic and the explanations often questionable or plainly wrong. The tasks
in which the system performs better are those that describe a procedure, asking to execute it on a specific
instance of the problem. Tasks solvable with simple, one-step deductive reasoning are more likely to obtain
better answers and explanations. Synthesis tasks, or tasks that require a more complex logical consistency get
the most incorrect answers.
Natural language processing, after decades of intense
research, is now at a point in which it has the po-
tential for impacting education heavily, since many
cognitive tasks such as text summarization and trans-
lation to other natural languages or computer code
can be effectively assisted by machine learning sys-
tems. Computer science educators should be prepared
for this forthcoming revolution which will probably
change many traditional learning objectives, such as
code writing (Finnie-Ansley et al., 2022; Raman and
Kumar, 2022).
Large Language Models (LLMs) are currently one
of the most promising technology in this area; they are
systems trained on a large corpus of human texts and
are designed to perform text generation. LLMs have
also been used to answer common sense and reason-
ing questions (Kojima et al., 2022; Clark et al., 2018).
In this paper we study the problem-solving ability of
LLMs and consider their performance in solving tasks
proposed in the “Bebras International Challenge on
Informatics and Computational Thinking” (from now
on, Bebras, http://bebras.org).
Bebras is a yearly contest organized in several
countries since 2004 (Dagien
e, 2010; Haberman
et al., 2011), with almost three million participants
worldwide. The contest, open to pupils of all school
levels (from primary up to upper secondary), is based
on tasks rooted on core informatics concepts, yet in-
dependent of specific previous knowledge such as
for instance that acquired during curricular activities.
Having in mind the goal of proposing an entertain-
ing learning experience, tasks are moderately chal-
lenging and solvable in a relatively short time (three
minutes on average). They are often based on multi-
ple choice questions, but it is also common to have
semi-open questions or even interactive ones. Be-
bras tasks were also used to measure improvements
of students’ attitude to computational thinking (Straw
et al., 2017) and they are used in many computer sci-
ence educational activities beyond the contest (Bel-
lettini et al., 2019; Chiazzese et al., 2018; Lonati
et al., 2017; Dagien
e and Sentance, 2016). There-
Bellettini, C., Lodi, M., Lonati, V., Monga, M. and Morpurgo, A.
Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3.
DOI: 10.5220/0012007500003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 59-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
fore, Bebras tasks, with their focus on computer sci-
ence and computational thinking education, provide a
good benchmark to assess the potential of natural lan-
guage processing in this context: can LLMs be used
to answer Bebras tasks?
LLMs’ approach to text generation is based on
word prediction: they estimate the likelihood of a spe-
cific token (a word or even just a short sequence of
characters) given a (very long) text prefix, and repeat
this operation indefinitely to generate complex texts.
The strategy has a long history, since it has its roots in
Shannon’s seminal work (Shannon, 1948), but in re-
cent years it has reached a new level of sophistication
and results.
One of the most popular LLM systems is GPT-
3, developed by OpenAI (Brown et al., 2020). It
is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Trans-
former) architecture and it achieves strong perfor-
mance on many benchmark datasets focused on trans-
lation, question-answering, and cloze tasks. An im-
proved version of GPT-3 is also the basis of ChatGPT
(https://chat.openai.com), a system fine-tuned for
conversation that can be used to generate human-like
responses. ChatGPT has demonstrated the capabil-
ity of performing professional tasks such as preparing
legal documents, and it is considered able to receive
a B/B- grade in a Wharton MBA exam (Terwiesch,
2023). Although ChatGPT made the headlines for its
remarkable performances, in this paper, we focus on
GPT-3, that is probably less powerful, but better doc-
umented by scientific publications and available with
an API, making it easier to do automated experiments.
We used the version nicknamed text-davinci-003
(from now on, DaVinci), trained on 570GB of Internet
texts in order to tune 1.75 · 10
parameters (Brown
et al., 2020), thus being one of the largest LLMs pub-
licly available. DaVinci was able to correctly answer
half of the challenging questions of a common sense
reasoning dataset of multiple-choice questions col-
lected from 3rd to 9th grade science exams, and two
thirds of the easy questions (Brown et al., 2020). Thus
we wanted to test how well DaVinci would perform at
tasks designed to elicit problem solving and compu-
tational thinking abilities, such the ones proposed in
the Bebras contest.
As the first impromptu attempts we did with
DaVinci were rather impressive, we decided to test
DaVinci performance with several Bebras tasks in or-
der to study the following research questions:
RQ1: How often is DaVinci able to answer correctly
on a collection of Bebras tasks?
RQ2: Are DaVinci’s answers consistent among dif-
ferent runs?
RQ3: Does DaVinci perform better with some spe-
cific types of tasks?
RQ4: Are DaVinci’s explanations sound and on-
Problem solving is hard to learn and teach and
LLMs could be useful with their ability to simplify
texts, expand explanations, or even suggest recurring
patterns. However, the effort required to produce reli-
able answers and the level of discerning competence
needed by the user of generated texts is still not clear.
We thus believe the answer to the proposed research
questions is needed to understand the current state of
the potential of LLMs in education.
Section 2 reviews some related works; Section 3
describes the design of the experiment we conducted;
the results of the experiment are detailed in Section 4,
and are then summarized and discussed in Section 5;
finally Section 6 draws our conclusions.
In this section we review related work, mainly con-
cerning the Bebras challenge and tasks (Section 2.1),
and the use of LLMs to accomplish reasoning tasks
(Section 2.2).
2.1 Bebras
The Bebras contest (Dagien
e, 2010; Haberman et al.,
2011), open to pupils from primary up to upper sec-
ondary schools, is based on tasks rooted on core in-
formatics concepts and computational thinking, yet
independent of specific previous knowledge such as
for instance that acquired during curricular activities:
Bebras tasks avoid the use of jargon and are especially
aimed at a non-vocational audience, focusing on that
part of informatics that should become familiar to ev-
eryone, not just computing professionals. The Bebras
community (which includes delegates from more than
50 countries) yearly organizes an international work-
shop devoted to proposing a pool of tasks to be used
by national organizers in order to set up the local con-
tests. National organizers then translate and possibly
adapt the tasks to their specific educational context.
Figures 1–5 show examples of Bebras tasks. The
answer can be semi-open (as in the task of Figure 1),
have a multiple choice (as for the tasks in the other
figures) or even require a complex interaction with
the contest platform (see for example (Bellettini et al.,
2018)), but all the tasks are suitable for automatic cor-
rection. In most cases the text is complemented by
some graphics, but in many cases the role of the pic-
tures is only decorative. For this study, we considered
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Beaver Xavier wants to represent some letters with
binary digits 1 and 0. He notices that letters T and
E are more frequent. He thus decides to give them
a shorter representation and thus code the letters T,
E, A, K, C, and R as follows:
T -> 1
E -> 00
A -> 0010
K -> 0110
C -> 1010
R -> 1110
Xavier sent this coded message to Yvonne:
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Yvonne has already found that this messages ends
with the letter E.
In letters, what is the complete message written by
Figure 1: A semi-open Bebras task (Bebras id:
2021-CH-06, authored by the Swiss Bebras team. The cor-
rect answer is ‘TAKECARE’. In our classification (see Sec-
tion 3.1) it was labelled as EX and AE.
only textual tasks, since a LLM is aimed at natural
language processing activities.
2.2 LLMs and Reasoning Tasks
GPT-3 has been presented in (Brown et al., 2020) as a
new autoregressive language model with 175 billion
parameters, 10x more than any previous non-sparse
language model. Its performance was tested in the so
called “few shot” setting, in which the model is given
a few demonstrations of the task, but the neural net-
work weights are not updated (as would happen in-
stead in a “fine tuned” setting): a question typically
has a context and a desired completion, and few-shot
works by receiving 10–100 examples of context and
completion, and then one final example of context,
with the model expected to provide the completion.
In particular, GPT-3 was tested on ARC (Clark et al.,
2018), a common sense reasoning dataset of multiple-
choice questions collected from 3rd to 9th grade sci-
ence exams. On the ‘Challenge’ version of the dataset
(filtered to questions which simple statistical or in-
formation retrieval methods are unable to answer cor-
rectly), GPT-3 is able to correctly answer 52% of the
questions, 70% for the ‘Easy’ version.
(Kojima et al., 2022) shows that a careful choice
of the prompt can greatly affect the performance.
In particular, adding a “chain-of-thought” prompt
(“Let’s think step by step:”) can improve GPT-3 per-
formance on arithmetic word problems from 18%
to 79%, or even 93% with the additional help of
“few shots”. However, the performance on com-
mon sense and other reasoning tasks datasets remains
much lower (52–68%) and rather independent of the
“chain-of-thought” prompt.
(Terwiesch, 2023) tested ChatGPT, an improved
version of GPT-3 (GPT-3.5) “fine-tuned” to conversa-
tional tasks (i.e., the model was specifically trained on
conversational examples), on five questions of the Op-
erations Management course whithin the MBA pro-
gram at Wharton. ChatGPT did very well at basic op-
erations management and process analysis questions
including those based on case studies, providing cor-
rect answers and excellent explanations. However, it
made surprising mistakes in relatively simple calcula-
tions at the level of 6th grade math. Moreover, Chat-
GPT was not capable of handling more advanced pro-
cess analysis questions, even when they were based
on fairly standard templates, in particular with multi-
ple products and problems with stochastic effects.
(Saparov and He, 2022) studied the performance
of GPT-3 with respect to logical (deductive) reasoning
and they found it capable of making correct individ-
ual steps, but when multiple valid deduction steps are
available, GPT-3 is not able to systematically explore
the different options.
OpenAI also offers a version of GPT-3 fine tuned
on publicly available code from GitHub, known as
Codex (Chen et al., 2021). Codex has been found
rather effective on typical introductory programming
problems, scoring within the top quartile of CS1 stu-
dents (Finnie-Ansley et al., 2022). However, it failed
on problems which placed restrictions on what fea-
tures could be used in the solutions. (Sarsa et al.,
2022) found that Codex can also be very useful in
helping create programming exercises that are sensi-
ble, novel and applicable, althought the explanations
provided might contain several inaccuracies.
(Raman and Kumar, 2022) starts from the as-
sumption that LLMs will soon have a great impact
on education, and especially computer science edu-
cation. Thus they suggest to reduce the emphasis
on code writing which characterizes current CS pro-
grams, since this skill will become less useful when
LLMs will be able to write sensible code.
In this section we illustrate how we selected the tasks
to submit to DaVinci, the queries we asked, and the
analysis methods we used.
Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3
3.1 Selection of Tasks
We submitted to DaVinci 54 tasks, written in English.
All tasks were selected from the pools of tasks pre-
pared during the International Bebras Task Workshop
2022 and 2021 (317 tasks overall).
As DaVinci is a language model, we needed tasks
that do not rely on graphical information. We looked
textual tasks, i.e., tasks in which all information
needed to solve them is expressed in the text,
without referring to charts or interactive elements.
Images, if present, have a decorative role only;
quasi-textual tasks, i.e., tasks that contain an im-
age/diagram whose informative content can be
easily put into textual format (for example, in task
2022-CA-03 a simple textual description of the
food present in each plate was used to replace the
pictures of the plates).
When we selected a task, we also tagged it ac-
cording to the cognitive task it requires to be solved,
using macro levels inspired by the revised Bloom tax-
onomy (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001):
Execution (EX): a typical EX task describes a pro-
cedure, and solvers are asked to execute it on a
specific instance of a problem;
Analysis/Evaluation (AE): a typical AE task re-
quires to analyze a situation or a procedure and
draw some conclusion, e.g., establishing what is
the best solution to a problem, given certain con-
Synthesis/Creation (SC): a typical SC task asks to
invent a solution or sometimes a program, given
some general specifications or an interpreter.
Among the 54 selected tasks, 18 of them were clas-
sified as EX, 42 as AE, 17 as SC (note that each task
could be categorized with more than one level). In
our pool there are fewer SC and EX tasks because
they often require a formalization with some graphi-
cal notation/block language; adapting them for a tex-
tual model would have been a too-deep distortion of
the original tasks. The summary of the classification
is shown in Table 1.
Moreover, we tagged with MC the Multiple
Choice tasks, which ask for a choice among a short
list of options, to distinguish them from the ones with
a semi-open question; 38 tasks were tagged as MC.
3.2 Queries
We used the OpenAI API to query DaVinci. Since
a query does not give a deterministic answer, we re-
peated each query 10 times with the same parameters.
Table 1: Classification of the tasks
Labels # MC tasks # semi-open tasks
AE 16 5
EX 7 2
SC 2 0
EX, SC 1 0
AE, SC 6 7
AE, EX 6 1
AE, EX, SC 0 1
Total 38 16
Each query consisted in fact of two API calls with
two prompts. The first prompt was:
Q: <Bebras task>
A: Let’s think step by step.
Note that «Q:» and «A:» are part of the prompt.
The introduction of «Let’s think step by step» fol-
lows (Kojima et al., 2022) and it stimulates a chain-of-
thought completion, in order to get an “explanation”
of the answer, not just an answer. Then the second
prompt asks to produce exactly one answer in a given
form, for example «an arabic numeral» or «a letter
among A through (for MC tasks), or «a string of
six alphabetic characters»:
Q: <Bebras task>
A: Let’s think step by step.
<previous step by step explanation>
Therefore the answer (<form of the
answer>) is
The repetition of the first prompt and answer is
needed, because the system has no memory of pre-
vious calls.
A parameter of the model called temperature reg-
ulates the “creativity” of the generated answer (the
higher the temperature, the more verbose and varied
the answer). We tried with values of temperature of
0.0 (almost a deterministic system), 0.1, 0.7 (the value
known to be used in ChatGPT), and 0.9. In total we
did 2160 queries, 40 per each of the 54 tasks, ten for
each temperature.
3.3 Analysis Methods
To answer to RQ1. RQ2, and RQ3 we analyzed
only the final answer provided by DaVinci (e.g., the
answer to the second prompt) and did not consider
the explanation obtained with the first prompt («Let’s
think step by step»), which instead was instrumental
in stimulating a chain-of-thought completion and im-
prove the performance (Kojima et al., 2022). We au-
tomatically checked the correctness of DaVinci’s an-
swers over the 40 queries for each of the 54 tasks. In
particular we counted the number of tasks such that
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
all answers are correct, the majority of answers is cor-
rect, there is at least one correct answer, all answers
are wrong.
For RQ2, we also counted how many differ-
ent answers each task received. As for RQ3, we
considered the format of questions (multiple choice
MC or semi-open), and the cognitive classification
(EX, AE, SC), as defined in Section 3.1). In or-
der to assess their impact on answers’ correctness,
we fitted the following logistic regression model (1)
which posits that the probability p
of answering cor-
rectly to task i is a function of the linear expression
α + β
+ β
+ β
+ β
, where α
is a parameter used to take into account unknown
factors, EX
, AE
, SC
, MC
are 1 if i is marked re-
spectively as EX, AE, SC, MC, 0 otherwise, and
, β
, β
, β
are the parameters that measure
the impact of the marking and that we want to esti-
mate, giving to the model uninformative prior distri-
butions (see (Gelman et al., 2020) for further details
on this approach).
α Normal(0, 5) (1)
Normal(0, 5) β
Normal(0, 5)
Normal(0, 5) β
Normal(0, 5)
= logit
(α + β
+ β
+ β
For RQ4, we did not perform a systematic anal-
ysis of the explanations provided by DaVinci, which
would require full manual inspection and qualitative
analysis. However we looked at a sample of them and
started collecting some observations about issues oc-
curring with DaVinci’s explanations.
In this section we present the results of our experi-
ment: first, in Section 4.1 we consider the answers
obtained by DaVinci, then in Section 4.2) we focus
on the explanations.
4.1 DaVinci’s Answers
RQ1. How often is DaVinci able to answer cor-
rectly on a collection of Bebras tasks? The results
of the queries are summarized in Table 2. Over-
all DaVinci was correct 612 times over 2160 queries
(28.3%); considering only the queries at temperature
0.0 (the most deterministic ones), DaVinci was cor-
rect 165 times over 540 queries (30.6%). The tasks
with a majority of correct answers are 16 (29.6%).
There are 35 tasks (64.8%) with at least one correct
answer (out of 40 tries), the average number of cor-
rect answers being 17.5 (standard deviation: 14.9).
Conversely, the answers were all wrong for 19 tasks
RQ2. Are DaVinci’s answers consistent among dif-
ferent runs? Most tasks received different answers
on the various queries; Table 3 shows the variabil-
ity of the answers, which increases with the temper-
ature. Sometimes this variability is useful to find a
correct solution, but in general it makes the answer
more uncertain: overall only 2 tasks received 40 cor-
rect answers, whereas, with temperature 0.0, 15 tasks
always received the correct answer (out of 10 tries).
The number of different answers was high even for
multiple-choice tasks. In fact, the number of variants
can be even higher than the proposed choices, since
DaVinci sometimes puts together more options (e.g.,
A and B’, even if the answer was supposed to be only
one among A, B, C, and D).
The number of different answers increases with
the semi-open questions, e.g., for task 2021-CH-06
presented in Section 2.1 (see Figure 1). In this
case, the answer obtained by DaVinci was always
wrong; overall, the answers given were 21 (in
order of decreasing frequency: TEAKCR, AK-
cases over 40, the explanation does not even match
the hint given in the text (“Yvonne has already found
that this messages ends with the letter E”).
RQ3. Does DaVinci perform better with some spe-
cific types of tasks? The results concerning the cog-
nitive classification of tasks (EX, AE, SC, see Sec-
tion 3.1) are summarized in Table 4: the probability to
get a correct answer increases when a task is marked
as EX, and decreases when is marked with SC; the
impact of an AE marking is less clear. The table con-
tains also the result for the tasks marked as MC, for
which the probability to get a correct answer increases
as well.
One of the task that was solved correctly in all tri-
als is 2022-CZ-05 (see Figure 2); the task mostly re-
lies on linguistic skills, as it could be solved by simply
associating ‘people live’ with ‘population’.
Another task with a high rate (80%) of correct an-
swers is task 2022-PK-01 (see Figure 3). The task
Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3
Table 2: Correct answers by temperature, ten queries per temperature, 40 in total for each of the 54 tasks, divided in 38 MC
and 16 semi-open.
Overall temperature
MC semi-open 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.9
Always correct 2 0 15 11 2 3
Majority correct 12 4 16 17 11 12
At least one correct 29 6 20 22 31 30
Table 3: Number of different answers per task (irrelevant typographical differences such as spaces, punctuation, spelling were
not considered). The number of options in MC tasks is normally 4, but there is one task with 8 and one with 5.
Overall temperature
all tasks MC semi-open 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.9
mean 5.5 3.2 11.0 1.4 2.1 3.4 3.5
std. dev. 5.7 1.3 8.0 0.9 1.4 2.3 2.4
max. 26 7 26 6 6 10 10
Table 4: Posterior distributions of logistic regression param-
mean 95% high density interval
from to
α -1.1 -1.5 -0.8
0.7 0.4 0.9
-0.1 -0.3 0.2
-0.7 -0.9 -0.5
0.2 0.0 0.5
Pavel has an access to a database of the United
Nations. This database contains the following data
about each country:
- Area [km
- Population [2015]
- Density [1/km
- Life expectancy
Pavel wants to compare how many more people
live in other country than his.
What data Pavel needs to use to find this out?
A) population
B) life expectancy and area
C) density and life expectancy
D) life expectancy
Figure 2: Task 2022-CZ-05, authored by the Czech Repub-
lic Bebras team. The correct answer is A) population’. In
our classification (see Section 3.1) it was labelled as AE.
was marked as EX, and the correct answer can be ob-
tained with a simple, one-step deductive reasoning.
4.2 DaVinci’s Explanations
RQ4. Are DaVinci’s explanations sound and on-
topic? When reading DaVinci’s explanations, we rec-
Puffy has a pile of six clean shirts on her bed. She
has to put them into her four drawers. She takes
one shirt at a time from the top of the pile, and puts
into a drawer. She starts with the top drawer, then
uses the second from the top, and so on. When she
has put a shirt into the bottom drawer, she starts
again from the top.
Into which drawer will she put the last shirt? (Note
that the top drawer is labeled with 1, the second
from the top with 2, the third from the top with 3
and the last one with 4)
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Figure 3: Task 2022-PK-01, authored by the Pakistan Be-
bras team. The correct answer is ‘B) 2’. In our classification
(see Section 3.1) it was labelled as EX.
ognized some recurring features. We will summa-
rize and illustrate them in the next paragraphs, by us-
ing excerpts concerning the Bebras tasks presented in
Figures 1–5. In order to appreciate the presentation,
before continuing readers are invited to read the tasks
and try to solve them on their own.
There Are Cases Where Both the Answer and the
Explanations Are Flawless.
Task 2022-CZ-05 (see Figure 2) was solved correctly
in all trials. In at least one case, the explanation pro-
duced was indeed flawless:
Pavel wants to compare how many more peo-
ple live in other countries than his. To do
this, he needs to compare the population of his
country with the population of other countries.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Beavers Ben and Tom exchange messages consist-
ing of 12 digits 0 and 1. Because Beaver Bonnie
understands their messages they decided to encode
them. In the first encoding step they replace a pair
of consecutive digits by a character A, B, C or D:
| 00 | A |
| 01 | B |
| 10 | C |
| 11 | D |
In the second step they replace a pair of consecutive
characters using the system below:
| AA | 0 |
| AB | 1 |
| AC | 2 |
| AD | 3 |
| BA | 4 |
| BB | 5 |
| BC | 6 |
| BD | 7 |
| CA | 8 |
| CS | 9 |
| CC | A |
| CD | B |
| DA | C |
| DS | D |
| DC | E |
| DD | F |
yielding the final encoded message.
If the final message is C13, what was the initial
message in digits 0 and 1?
A) 110000010011
B) 101010101111
C) 101010111011
D) 101011001001
Figure 4: A Bebras task that DaVinci solves correctly in
all the 40 queries (Bebras id: 2021-RS-04, authored by the
Serbian team). The correct answer is A) 110000010011’.
In our classification (see Section 3.1) it was labelled as EX,
Therefore, the data Pavel needs to use is pop-
ulation. The answer is A) population.
Another task with a high rate (80%) of correct an-
swers and consistent explanations is task 2022-PK-01
(see Figure 3) . With temperature 0.0 and 0.1,
DaVinci always produced the same correct answer
and the same rigorous explanation (with minor varia-
She will put the first shirt into drawer 1, the
second shirt into drawer 2, the third shirt into
drawer 3, the fourth shirt into drawer 4, the
fifth shirt into drawer 1, and the sixth shirt into
drawer 2. Therefore, the last shirt will be put
into drawer 2. The answer is B) 2.
Contradictions and False Statements.
The examples above are more an exception than a
rule. Even when the answer is correct, in many cases
the explanations are incomplete, contain errors, con-
tradictions, or false statements.
Charithra wants a red, electric car. It needs to be
able to drive at least 150km without needing to be
Colour: Red
Range: 120km
Fuel: Electric
Colour: Black
Range: 250km
Fuel: Electric
Colour: Red
Range: 200km
Fuel: Electric
IT Car
Colour: Red
Range: 350km
Fuel: Petrol
Which car should Charithra get?
A) Shopper
B) Comet
C) AG12
D) IT Car
Figure 5: Task 2022-UK-06, authored by the British team,
classified by us as AE, see Section 3.1. The correct answer
is ‘AG12’.
For instance, let us consider task 2022-UK-06 (see
Figure 5), where DaVinci often correctly identified
the AG12 car as the solution. The following explana-
tion (obtained at temperature 0.1), does not explained
why the IT Car is excluded (which is however cor-
rect, as the IT Car, also a red car, is not electric as
Charithra wants a red car, so the Shopper
and AG12 are both good options. However,
Charithra needs a car that can drive at least
150km without needing to be recharged, so
the AG12 is the best option as it has a range
of 200km. Therefore, Charithra should get the
Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3
Another explanation for the same task (temperature
0.1) introduces false statements and novel constraints,
to justify the (correct) answer:
Charithra wants a red, electric car that can
drive at least 150km without needing to be
recharged. The Shopper does not meet the
range requirement, so it is not the right choice.
The Comet and AG12 both meet the colour
and fuel requirements, but the AG12 has a
higher range of 200km, so it is the best choice
for Charithra. The IT Car does not meet the
fuel requirement, so it is not the right choice.
Therefore, the answer is C) AG12.
The emphasis on the false statements (it is not true
that the Comet meets the color requirement, it is not
true that the AG12 has a higher range) and the new
constraint (Charithra does not need the highest range).
For task 2022-PK-01 (see Figure 3), sometimes
DaVinci gave a wrong answer, and the explanations
contain inconsistencies (either self contradictions, or
contradictions w.r.t. the task’s text, or both), e.g.:
The last two shirts will go into drawer 4 and
then drawer 1 again. So, the answer is D) 4.
She will first put a shirt in the top drawer (1),
then the second from the top (2), then the third
from the top (3), and finally the last one (4).
So, the last shirt will be put in Drawer 1. The
answer is A) 1.
It is worth mentioning that in all the examples
above, despite the explanations are incomplete or con-
tain errors, they propose in fact a reasonable approach
to tackle the tasks.
There Are Cases with Correct Answer and Plainly
Wrong Explanation.
Task 2021-RS-04 (see Figure 4) is one of the two that
DaVinci always got right. The explanations given,
however, are plainly wrong. For example (tempera-
ture 0.0):
The final message is C13, so the second
step must have been CD and AB. This means
that the first step must have been 11 and 01.
Therefore, the initial message in digits 0 and
1 was 110000010011.
Or even (temperature 0.9):
First of all, we know in the second step
that C13 corresponds to AA00. Then, in the
first step we know that AA would correspond
to 00 and 00 would correspond to A. There-
fore, 110000010011 was the initial message
in digits 0 and 1.
The 100% of right answers seems to be an arti-
fact of the options given. This was confirmed by
querying DaVinci with a semi-open version of the
task, asking for a string of 12 digits 0 and 1: in
this case the answer was never the expected one.
The alternatives were: 110011001100 (20 times),
101100000000, 110011000000, 001001000000,
1100110000, 110101110000, 110101000000,
11010010, 1100DDAA, 110011011100, 110010
1100, 001100000000, 101100001111, 1001110000,
100100000000, 100100000000, 10001011,
0011010000, A011B001F; 8 times out of 40 the
12 digits requirement is not satisfied. These results
were obtained in post-hoc queries with the same
experimental setting described in Section 3.2 and
were not counted in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
Explanations Sound Coherent and On-Topic.
Overall DaVinci’s linguistic ability (syntax, glossary,
rhetoric) is impressive; at a first reading, the explana-
tions sound coherent, on-topic, authoritative. As seen
above, however, this apparent coherence of explana-
tions does not go along with their logical accuracy,
consistency, and rigor.
Here is an example of an apparently sound ex-
planation, used to justify a wrong answer for task
2022-UK-06 (see Figure 5):
Charithra wants a red car, so the Shopper
and AG12 are both good options. However,
Charithra also wants an electric car, so the IT
Car is not an option. Finally, Charithra needs a
car that can drive at least 150km without need-
ing to be recharged, so the Comet is the best
option. Therefore, Charithra should get the
The explanation is contradictory since the Comet car
is considered after it was not even selected in previous
Our study is able to give a first answer to the research
questions we posed in Section 1, as summarized in
what follows.
RQ1. In our experiment, DaVinci was able to an-
swer with a majority of correct answers about one
third of the Bebras tasks we submitted to it (16 out
of 54). This is not much, especially when one con-
siders that 36 tasks require a choice between 4 op-
tions, so even a randomized solver would get the
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
right answer approximately one fourth of the time.
This performance is poor, but it actually confirms
previous results: both (Kojima et al., 2022) and
(Brown et al., 2020) report similar figures for “com-
mon sense”, “reasoning” and “multistep arithmetic”
tasks. Even (Terwiesch, 2023) reports problems with
simple mathematical operations.
RQ2. DaVinci answers are also rather erratic, and
even when they are not, there is no guarantee that they
are correct. On average one gets 5.5 different answers
to the same question, 3.2 even considering only mul-
tiple choices.
RQ3. DaVinci seems to be better suited for tasks
which describe a procedure, asking to execute it on
a specific instance of the problem. Synthesis tasks,
instead, are harder. Tasks which require a simple,
one-step deductive reasoning, an ability exhibited by
LLMs (Saparov and He, 2022), are more likely to ob-
tain better answers and explanations.
RQ4. DaVinci linguistic fluency is remarkable, and
it is too easy to be fooled by such a competent conver-
sationalist. In general, the text generated by an LLM
often appears to be coherent and on-topic. Some-
times the explanations are indeed remarkably good,
in other cases they are questionable or plainly wrong.
A deeper scrutiny is needed to recognize inconsisten-
cies, errors, gaps in the chain of thoughts, that occur
frequently. In fact, DaVinci produces plenty of con-
nectives (so, therefore, but, however, we can assume,
this means, since . . . must, etc.), and the reader must
pay close attention to discern when they are justified
and when they contribute to make an argument look
sounder than it is.
As we showed, the apparent coherence of DaVinci’s
answers and explanations does not go along with their
logical accuracy, consistency, and rigor. The per-
ceived logical soundness of the explanations is in fact
only in the “eye of the beholder” (Bender et al., 2021).
Humans tend to attribute intentions and beliefs to any
interactive entity, even when by construction the in-
terlocutor does not have any. Indeed human-human
communication is a jointly constructed activity and
we use the same facilities for producing language that
is intended for audiences not co-present with us (read-
ers, listeners, watchers at a distance in time or space)
and in interpreting such language when we encounter
it (Bender et al., 2021). However, DaVinci (and in
fact all LLMs) is nothing more than a “stochastic par-
rot” which somewhat repeats the patterns seen during
its training, and yet it is almost impossible to avoid to
see in its answers a straighforward reasoning process.
DaVinci’s authoritative style can be deceptive and
it requires a developed critical thinking attitude to de-
bunk. On the one hand, this is worrisome because it
adds to the already imperative need for critical sense
and ability to research and verify sources imposed by
the modern digital society, in which there is plenty
of information made public to a broad audience by
people with malicious intent or simply not experts in
that field. On the other hand, this very need can be
exploited to implement more active and constructive
teaching activities, in which students are required pre-
cisely to develop such critical sense by challenging
themselves in analyzing and correcting the seemingly
sensible answers of an LLM.
All in all, we believe DaVinci and its underlying
GPT-3 system is an outstanding achievement for natu-
ral language processing, with human-like fluency and
a surprising ability to generate on-topic sentences.
But this should not be confused with understand-
ing, even in its limited sense of framing an object of
knowledge in order to support consistent inferences.
The generated sentences do not need to comply with
any coherent model, although often they in fact seem-
ingly do. From an educational viewpoint this seems
to be the greatest danger. Any user of such systems
should be fully aware of its intrinsic limitations, even
if its surface features are, by design, aimed at blurring
the border between what can be done automatically
and what instead requires actual ingenuity.
An almost gone generation of engineers some-
times still complains about the replacement of slide
rules with pocket calculators: the former tool required
an expert guess before the calculation, thus improving
the number sense of its users. Stochastic parrots may
be useful to understand better when a problem does
not, in fact, require full fledged reasoning with a con-
sistent chain of though. Or, their generated content
can be a challenging training ground for discovering
rhetorical explanations that do not stand up to an an-
alytical screening. We should expect that LLMs will
improve, maybe mixing the stochastic part with some
kind of model-based inference. But currently the hype
is bigger than the actual performance: despite the
impression of obsolescence that traditional education
methods give when compared to this new technology,
the benefits of introducing it in mainstream practice
are all to be proven.
We can also say something about Bebras tasks,
since they appeared to hard to grok by a LLM: they
Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3
still require a cognitive effort that is still not easily
automated. In other words, notwithstanding their toy
size, they are a useful educational playground to prac-
tice problem solving and computational thinking.
M. Lodi’s work has been supported by the Spoke 1
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ter on High-Performance Computing, Big Data and
Quantum Computing (ICSC) funded by MUR Mis-
sione 4 Componente 2 Investimento 1.4: Potenzia-
mento strutture di ricerca e creazione di “campioni
nazionali di R&S (M4C2-19)” Next Generation
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Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3