Dynamic Numerical Model for a Geothermal Well
Francesco Calise
, Francesco Liberato Cappiello
, Luca Cimmino
and Maria Vicidomini
DII, University of Naples Federico II, P.le Tecchio, 80, 80125 Naples, Italy
Keywords: Geothermal Well, Downhole Heat Exchanger, Renewable Source of Energy, Dynamic Model.
Abstract: The paper proposed a detailed mathematical model that uses the TRNSYS environment to dynamically assess
the thermodynamic performance of a geothermal well. This research aims to provide a fast and reliable
dynamic mathematical model able to mimic the real-time operation of a geothermal well, given the depth of
the well and the temperature of the surrounding soil. In addition, this model can simulate the energy
performance of the downhole heat exchangers installed into the geothermal well. The results of the model
indicate that the proposed model can accurately assess and simulate the performance of the geothermal well
also including the energy performance of the downhole heat exchangers. In addition, this model may be
exploited for dimensioning proper control strategies able to manage the temperature of the downhole heat
The growing concerns due to the impacts of climate
change on the worldwide communities (Tapia, 2017)
is increasing the interest in renewable energy sources
(Calise, 2022). Geothermal energy source is constant,
predictable, and reliable (Glassley, 2014, McClean
and Pedersen, 2023). In addition, it is unaffected by
significant seasonal variations, which dramatically
affect other renewable energy sources, such as solar
and wind (Glassley, 2014, McClean and Pedersen,
2023). The main issue with geothermal energy is
related to the excessive costs of drilling and the
complexity of the plants (Stefánsson, 2002). In this
framework the development of a proper simulation
model able to mimic the dynamic performance of a
geothermal plant is crucial, for assessing the
feasibility (Calise, 2020). Thus, the mathematical
modelling of the geothermal well performance is
useful for accurately describing the energy
performance of geothermal plants (Buonomano,
2015). Several numerical models were developed for
assessing the thermal performance of geothermal
wells including downhole heat exchangers. In this
framework, Ref. (Yuan, 2023) modelled vertical and
inclined wellbore to assess the profitability of
advanced geothermal systems. The authors developed
a 3-D model using the COMSOL software. The
results provided by such model are validated against
experimental measurements. The proposed model
resulted reliable in evaluating the thermal energy
performance of a closed-loop geothermal technology-
based plants. Ref. (Yuan, 2023) proposed a 3-D
mathematical model of a deep borehole heat
exchanger (DBHE), developed in MATLAB
environment. The main assumptions of such model
are that: i) the underground thermal reservoir is
isotropic and homogeneous; ii) the underground
thermal reservoir physical parameters are constant
over the times; iii) the heat transfer along the axis of
the heat exchanger is negligible; iv) no contact
thermal resistance between the pipe of DBHE and the
thermal reservoir; v) the soil temperature is constant
over the time. The results of such model are validated
against experimental data. In conclusion, this work
assessed that for the selected boundary conditions the
heat transfer rate per unit of buried depth is equal to
21.99 W/m with a heat exchanger water flow rate of
60 m
/h. Ref. (Dalala, 2022) proposed a novel 1-D
multi-segment model able to simulate the deep and
Calise, F., Cappiello, F., Cimmino, L. and Vicidomini, M.
Dynamic Numerical Model for a Geothermal Well.
DOI: 10.5220/0012007900003491
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2023), pages 144-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-651-4; ISSN: 2184-4968
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
superhot geothermal wells. This model is validated by
a code-to-code approach, particularly the results
provided by the commercial software Eclipse are
assumed as benchmark. However, the study resulted
almost generic and more relevant results would be
provided applying this model to more realistic and
detailed cases study. Ref. (Lamy-Chappuis, 2022) in
detail models the heat transfer phenomena occurring
in a geothermal well. The main assumptions of this
model are: i) 1-D approach; ii) constant temperature
at an infinite distance from the geothermal well; iii)
heat transfer does not occur in the extraction zone and
injection zone; iv) constant working fluid velocity; v)
the heat exchange occurs only in radial way; vi) the
heat exchange along the axis of the pipe is neglected.
The simulation model is developed using MATLAB
software. This model simulates a desalination plant
which exploits the geothermal energy for producing
drinkable water. The proposed model resulted
extremely sensitive to: i) the geothermal gradient; ii)
geothermal well depth and iii) water to be desalinated
dissolved solids. The model proved that a geothermal
well of a depth of 4000 m, featured by geothermal
gradient of 0.05°C/m, may produce roughly 600
/day of freshwater.
1.1 Aim and Novelty
As investigated in the literature review, many works
simulate the performances of geothermal wells,
comparing with experimental data. Unfortunately, in
the framework of geothermal well mathematical
modelling, none of the available models is focused on
the dynamic response of the well and on the coupling
with a detailed geothermal plant. Therefore, the aim
and novelty of the present work are:
Present a model which is suitably detailed but
not too computationally heavy to carry out
dynamic simulations in complex and detailed
geothermal plant layouts.
Investigate the behavior of the transient model
when the operating parameters are varied.
Evaluate the optimal control strategies for the
different operating conditions analyzed, during
transient operation.
This work presents the evaluation of the performance
of a geothermal well, focusing on the heat exchange
phenomena, by means of a thermodynamic model
developed in a previous work by some of the authors
of this paper. Note that the focus of this work is on
the heat exchange phenomena that occur within the
well, which are important for assessing the overall
energy performance of the well and the related
geothermal plant. In addition, the thermodynamic
model will be used to simulate the heat transfer and
fluid flow within the well, and to predict the thermal
response of the well under different operating
conditions. This model simulates a stratified well,
including two downhole heat exchangers and ten
potential double ports. The double ports are employed
for describing the water withdrawn from the well, by
means of a submerged pump, which can be located at
any well depth. However, in the framework of this
research the submerged pumps are located at a
selected height (close to the well top). The internal
heat exchangers are used with the aim of modelling
the downhole heat exchangers installed inside the
well. Figure 1 displays the simplified scheme of the
geothermal well. In particular, only two heat
exchangers and one double port are considered. A
double port represents a couple of inlet/outlet to/from
the well. The mass balance must be maintained
through the double port. This means that the amount
of mass flowing into the well through the inlet port
must be equal to the amount of mass flowing out of
the well through the outlet port. When the geothermal
brine is withdrawn from the top of the geothermal
well by means of the submerged pump, the
geothermal brine simultaneously enters the bottom of
the well from the geothermal ground. Thus, the heat
continuously enters the well by inlet groundwater
openings. The two heat exchangers (Figure 1) are
linked for modelling the performance of a downhole
heat exchanger inside the geothermal well. The
geothermal well is divided in a suitable number of
nodes (N
). Each node represents a layer of the
stratified well as a function of the vertical gradient of
the temperature. In each layer the volume is assumed
fully mixed. The energy balance is performed for
each layer of the well to perform a detailed
calculation of each node's temperature. Obviously,
this approach leads to a discrete temperature
stratification. The nodes temperatures are evaluated
by solving a set of differential equations. The data
necessary for describing the well thermodynamic
performance are stored in a N
×3 array. The first
column (j=1) consists of the data about the first heat
exchanger, the second one (j=2) includes the data of
the well, and the last column (j=3) consists of the data
of the second heat exchanger. The energy balance of
each well (j=2) node (i) is displayed in the following
Dynamic Numerical Model for a Geothermal Well
, 1 1,2 , 2 2 ,2 1,2
1, 2,
3,1,24 ,3,2
node 1,2 ,2 1,2 ,2 ,2
dp p w i i i i
hw h w
ii i i
con i i i i i ww
mc t t t t
tt tt
Ntttt tt
⋅= + +
−+ −+
⋅⋅ +
where: n
is the number of nodes occupied by the
heat exchangers 1; U is the overall heat transfer
coefficient; A is the exchange area; n
is the number
of nodes occupied by the heat exchangers 2; λ
is the
effective thermal conductivity in the well.
A mass flow from the top to the bottom counts
negative, and vice versa positive, the logical
variables, ξ
are evaluated as follows:
= 0 if
<0, else ξ
= 1;
= 0 if
> 0, else ξ
= 1;
= 0 if the store node i is not in contact with the
node i of heat exchanger 1, else ξ
= 1;
= 0 if the store node i not is in contact with the
node i of heat exchanger 2, else ξ
= 1.
The first term of equation 1 described the internal
energy variation of each node as function of the time.
Considering the right-hand side of the equation, the
fist sum describes the heat transfer due to the mass
flows throughout the nodes. The second and third
term describe the heat transfer between well node and
heat exchanger node. The fourth represents the
thermal conduction between the layers in the well.
The last term describes the heat losses to the well
surroundings, i.e. the rock of the groundwater. The
energy balance of heat exchanger nodes is described
by the following equation:
() ()
5 , 1, , 6 , , 1,
,2 , ,
hy hy p hy i j
hy p hy i j i j hy p hy i j i j
hw hw
ij ww
hy h
mc t t mc
tt tt
⋅= + +
⋅− ⋅−
where t
represents the inlet (i+1) and outlet (i-1)
temperature of the heat exchanger. In particular:
= 1 if
> 0, else
= 0;
= 1 if
< 0, else
= 0.
Note that (UA)
, which describes the heat loss
capacity rate from the heat exchangers to
surroundings, is assumed equal to zero. The heat
exchangers are totally immersed into the geothermal
Obviously, this model dynamically describes the
energy performance of the geothermal well and of the
considered heat exchangers. The temperature of the
well is selected according to experimental
measurements carried out by INGV (Kiaghadi, 2017)
(Italian National Institute of geology and
volcanology). The main simulation assumptions are
displayed in Table 1.
Table 1: Geothermal well data and simulation assumptions.
Definition Value Unit
Temperature of the well 96 (http://terremoti.ingv.it/contact2018) °C
Mass flow rate of HE 500 kg/h
Brine mass flow rate 0 kg/h
Height of the well 69 m
Number of nodes 150 -
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 1: Scheme of the proposed model of the geothermal well.
The processor Interl(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 with a ram
of 8 GB is used for carrying out the simulations.
Adopting a time step of 0.01 h, and a time horizon of
100 hours a simulation time of 180 s is detected.
Figure 2 displays the outlet temperature of the
downhole heat exchanger (T
) as a function of the
time, for two different user thermal load, i.e., P
5 kW
and P
= 8 kW
. With a withdrawn thermal
flow rate of 5 kW
, the temperature decreases from
the initial value of 95.90 °C to 91.98 °C, reaching the
steady state. Note that the steady state is reached in
about 25 hours for both the analyzed cases (Figure 2).
These results show that the model can mimic the
dynamic evolution of a geothermal well in operation.
Note that the selected submerged pump is supposed
to be switched off (Table 1).
Figure 3 shows dynamic response of the geothermal
well under several different operative conditions, i.e.,
different user thermal loads (P
), without
activating the submerged pump. Obviously, the
greater the withdrawing of thermal flow rate, the
lower the outlet temperature of HE (T
). In
particular, with a withdrawn thermal flow rate of 15
, the HE outlet temperature falls below 85 °C in
about 8 hours. Thus, the proposed model is quite
responsive to the thermal load. This feature could be
useful for predicting whether a thermal load would
dramatically reduce the well temperature beyond an
assumed threshold temperature. It is worth nothing
that the selected geothermal well is mainly heated by
the hot groundwater. In fact, the rocks surrounding
the geothermal well have a hot temperature, i.e.,
roughly 90-96°C, but the convective and conductive
heat transfer phenomena are not able to balance high
heat transfer rate loads. Conversely, the withdrawal
of geothermal brine makes the hotter brine located
beyond the geothermal well enter the geothermal
well, heating it up. Therefore, to increase the
available heat, without reducing the heat exchanger
outgoing temperature, a suitable amount of
geothermal brine should be withdrawn. In this
framework, a parametric analysis is carried out to
analyze the combined effect of brine flow rate and
downhole heat exchanger thermal load on the
geothermal well performance (Figure 4). The growth
of the brine mass flow rate (m
) increases the
thermal energy charged in the geothermal well,
increasing the thermal capacity of the geothermal
well. In fact, as discussed before, the increase in the
brine flow rate makes higher amount of hot water
= 97°C) to enter the well. Thus, the well can
match extremely high thermal load without a
significant reduction of the heat exchanger outlet
temperature. For example, T
is equal to 90°C with
a withdrawn thermal flow rate of 50 kW
and a m
of 4100 kg/h, (Figure 4). In addition, this figure may
be useful for dimensioning the geothermal well plant.
To match a thermal load of 21 kW
, without reducing
the heat exchanger temperature below 90°C, the
submerged pump should withdraw a brine flow rate
) greater than 2100 kg/h.
Dynamic Numerical Model for a Geothermal Well
Figure 2: Geothermal well model dynamic thermal performance.
Figure 3: Well discharging as function of different operative conditions.
In addition, this model provides useful guidelines for
the development of proper control strategies to ensure
the correct operating conditions of the geothermal
well. Figure 5 displays the dynamic response of the
geothermal well under two different control
strategies: C1 proportional control strategy and C2 on
off control strategy. In particular, control strategies
C1 and C2 are designed for keeping the heat
exchanger outlet temperature within the range 85-
90°C. Then, the controlled variable is the temperature
of the water leaving the downhole heat exchanger,
while the control signal of the controller manages the
submerged pump, withdrawing geothermal brine
from the geothermal well. Note that a constant
thermal load of 10 kW
is withdrawn from the
download heat exchanger and the rated mass flow rate
of the submerged pump is equal to 2100 kg/h.
According to C1, m
resulted equal to 1152 kg/h,
with a T
equal to 87.3°C. Therefore, the
controller achieves the goal of keeping the downhole
heat exchanger outlet temperature within the assumed
range. Regarding control strategy C2, when the T
decreases to 85°C the submerged pump is activated,
withdrawing the rated brine flow rate, equal to 2100
kg/h. This allows the surrounding water, which is at a
higher temperature level, to enter the well and
increase its temperature. Then, when the T
reaches the selected upper bound (95°C), the pump is
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 4: Parametrical analysis changing both brine mass flow rate and heat exchanger withdrawn power.
Figure 5: Downhole heat exchanger outlet water temperature, under two different geothermal well control strategy, namely
C1 dead band on-off controller and C2 proportional controller.
switched off. Figure 6 displays the response of the
proportional controller when the thermal energy
demand of the user fluctuates. In particular, two
different forcing functions are selected for testing the
geothermal well model and the controller. The first
one consists of a sinusoidal thermal energy demand
with an amplitude of 1 kW and a period of 14 hours,
the second one consists of a sinusoidal thermal energy
demand with an amplitude of 5 kW and a period of 20
hours. This figure proves the stability and reliability
of the proposed model and of the controller. In fact,
the controller can keep the temperature within the
selected range, i.e., 85-90°C. In particular, the
controller follows the fluctuating thermal energy
demand properly modulating the brine flow rate,
leading to very slight oscillation of the temperature.
In fact, T
varies between 86.9-87.4°C for the first
forcing function, while T
varies between 88-
86.4°C for the second forcing function. In conclusion,
thanks to the great accuracy and sensibility of the
proposed model, this could be also adopted for
developing proper control strategies to manage
geothermal well dynamic operations.
This work deals with a numerical model of a
geothermal well, allowing one to dynamically
simulate the energy performance of the well and the
related downhole heat exchangers. The model of the
geothermal well is developed in TRNSYS
environment. In addition, this model is designed for
being reliable and computationally fast, to integrate
Dynamic Numerical Model for a Geothermal Well
Figure 6: Heat exchanger outlet temperature controlled by means of proportional controller, under two different user thermal
energy demands.
such model in more detailed dynamic model of
geothermal power plants. The results show that the
model can mimic the dynamical performance of the
well under several operative condition and control
strategies. In particular, the model resulted extrimely
responsive to the user termal load and to the
withdrawn brine.
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SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems