Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning
In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?
Emilia-Loredana Pop
and Manuela-Andreea Petrescu
Department of Computer Science, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Database, SQL, Computer Science, Student, Expectation, Challenge, Career Path, Basic Knowledge, Learning
In-Depth, Getting The Work Done.
This study explores and analyzes the learning tendencies of second-year students enrolled in different lines of
study related to the Databases course. There were 79 answers collected from 191 enrolled students that were
analyzed and interpreted using thematic analysis. The participants in the study provided two sets of answers,
anonymously collected (at the beginning and at the end of the course), thus allowing us to have clear data
regarding their interests and to find out their tendencies. We looked into their expectations and if they were
met; we concluded that the students want to learn only database basics. Their main challenges were related
to the course homework. We combined the information and the answers related to 1) other database-related
topics that they would like to learn, 2) how they plan to use the acquired information, and 3) overall interest
in learning other database-related topics. The conclusion was that students prefer learning only the basic
information that could help them achieve their goals: creating an application or using it at work. For these
students, ”Getting the work done” is preferred to ”Learning in-depth”.
Databases have become very important over the last
decade, with an increasing impact on human’s life, in
almost all all fields of activities. Databases (DB, for
short) mean various manners to save, access, modify
and process data information, in or without combina-
tion with different applications/software, for the com-
panies, public and private sectors of activity, educa-
tion, students/people career path and personal life.
In education, even if it is about prestigious uni-
versities, or the other ones (like, Anadolu Univer-
sity from Turkey (Kamis¸li, 2004), Ghana (Kwami
Takramah and Atiwoto, 2015), the Databases have a
significant place in student management and in the
knowledge process. The online databases allow ac-
cess to documentation for work (see, for example,
(Kumar and Singh, 2021)), open usage of the online
learning journals and many other useful information,
available in real-time.
The high impact of Databases in our activities re-
quires a specialized and dedicated human factor, such
that this subject connected to SQL / NoSQL became
mandatory for the students of Mathematical and Com-
puter Science, Technical and Engineering specializa-
tions. Due to (Kahraman, 2022; Spieler et al., 2020),
the student’s socioeconomic status, their motivation,
performance and self-efficacy, the task value beliefs
and the engagement in Computer Science, are also
important aspects that influence the knowledge and
involvement to obtain performance in Databases.
Nowadays, in the labour market, due to the high
number of students enrolled in Computer Science
specializations, start seeing changes related to how
the learning with passion and involvement was trans-
formed in search on the Internet or just want to cre-
ate the application. The modifications became more
and more visible, like, the learning in-depth trend
was transformed in get the work done trend. Be-
cause Databases are of actual interest, our research,
which involves it, could be addressed to the entire
community, giving different perspectives and alterna-
tives from the student’s points of view, our new gen-
eration, that will lead us to the future, being the new
employees and employers.
Our analysis related to Databases involves the stu-
dents enrolled in the second year in different spe-
cializations and lines of study. Our faculty, Faculty
of Mathematics and Computer Science, from Babes¸-
Pop, E. and Petrescu, M.
Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?.
DOI: 10.5220/0012008100003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 750-757
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is directly
connected to the IT domain of activity and it is spe-
cialized in learning the students, the basics of IT, like
programming languages and Databases. We have ap-
plied a survey to our Databases course, in which the
participation was optional and anonymous (we only
asked them to choose their specialization and their
gender), to increase the freedom of the student’s re-
sponses. The scope of the paper is to present the
student’s expectancy related to Databases and SQL-
related domains and how could be correlated with the
requests from the labour market. We analyzed their
interests and knowledge about Databases/SQL at the
beginning of the course (some of them, had previous
experience, but others did not know the notions) and
also at the end of it (we performed a final survey in
the last week of the course). Then, we also wanted to
find out if the students prefer a dedicated career path
in Databases/SQL, database security, or efficiency, or
they just want to make use of it seldom. In order to ob-
tain the desired answers, we have asked the students
to complete the following open questions: R1: Do
you have other DB-related topics that you would like
to learn about, besides the ones from the Databases
course?; R2. Did your expectations related to the
Databases course been covered? How do you plan to
use the learned information?; R3. Are you interested
in learning other Database-related topics, or working
in DB-related fields (as Database Administrator, SQL
Data Analyst, or Database Developer)?.
The paper has the following structure: it starts
with an Introduction and a Literature Review, in
which are presented articles and papers on the same
topic subject, followed by the Methodology section,
the Threats to Validity section, that include the pos-
sible threads of validity and the actions performed in
order to minimize and mitigate them, and it ends with
the Conclusion and Future Work section, in which is
summarized the work with the obtained results and
also are mentioned some future approaches. The most
important section, Methodology, presents the meth-
ods used for this survey to obtain the results, start-
ing with the participant’s set, course curricula, asked
questions, and continuing with the data analysis of the
received responses, and then, for each of the research
questions, were provided relevant conclusions, like,
the student’s expectations in the Databases course
proved to be satisfied and their achieved knowledge
being focused only on the basics (for most of the
students), homework proved to be one of the chal-
lenges (for most of the students), a career path of
Databases/SQL seemed to be uninteresting, and the
most important aspect, learning concepts in-depth
trend transformed in get the work done trend.
During the last decades, Databases came closer to
people’s careers, by bringing the possibility of storing
and accessing, in different perspectives and alterna-
tives, big amounts of data easier, more efficiently, and
in an useful manner. Connected with the Computer
Science field of activity, Databases are represented in
the industry with career positions like: Database Ad-
ministrator, Database Migration Operator, Relational
/ Non-Relational / SQL / NoSQL Database Developer,
Database Manager / Architect / Engineer, Data Op-
erator, Data Scientist / Data Analyst, Business An-
alysts / Business Intelligence Developer, and many
other more (see, for example, (Jaiswal, 2022)).
In the process of choosing the desired career path
a very important aspect has to be given to efficiency
and also should be taken into account the comparisons
between the genders involved (Mann et al., 2020). For
the students from the Technical University of Iasi, Ro-
mania, have been identified their career aspirations,
as: lifelong learning, desire of continuing their stud-
ies after finishing the actual ones, and participation
in different training courses (Anghel, 2015). For the
undergraduate IT students of an Australian university,
were analyzed the career aspirations, by using an on-
line self-assessment of study and career confidence
referring the discipline and of a survey about short-
term and longer-term career aspirations and prior ex-
perience (Mckenzie and Bennett, 2022), revealing the
best motivation as being the intrinsic interest and en-
joyment of IT, without considering the time involved
in such a position. Another analysis, based on ques-
tions and involving a variety of disciplines, was per-
formed, in Australia, for the students (undergraduate,
postgraduate) of a representative university, and con-
cluded that, before graduation students proved to be
uncertain about their careers, but after graduation, the
career path became clear and quite easy to be identi-
fied (Kinash et al., 2017).
For the Databases field of activity could be iden-
tified studies that contain relevant aspects and argu-
ments, some of them obtained from applied surveys
to the students, professors, and various members of
the institutions involved (Dehghani et al., 2018; Uzun
et al., 2020). The educational methods and their lim-
itations were analyzed, for postsecondary education,
in a survey of the published articles from 2015, a pro-
cess performed by the United States’ National Center
for Education Statistics (Mendoza et al., 2017). Hy-
brid learning (online and onsite) was proved to be the
optimum learning method for sixty-two college stu-
dents in the U.S., after an online survey was applied,
one year after the outbreak of COVID-19 (Zhou and
Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?
Zhang, 2021). Databases proved to generate a high
degree of satisfaction in the activities performed by
the students and by the faculty members and also in
their lives, at the Shahid Beheshti University, where
a survey with a descriptive approach (questionnaire
and log files) was proposed (Dehghani et al., 2018).
At the Department of Computer Education and In-
structional Technology, Faculty of Education, Uludag
University, Turkey, was applied a semi-structured in-
terview in which participated 25 students from the
second year, having as final result the analysis of the
problem-based learning method applied to the course
Database Management Systems, that revealed the im-
portance of a basic level of knowledge in the imple-
mentation of the problem-based method for designing
the classroom environment (Uzun et al., 2020).
Connected to the Databases field of activity, in
Computer Science and Software Engineering, Struc-
tured Query Language (SQL) skills are manda-
tory. SQL represents the most important element of
Databases that provide relevant data information for
a potential user of any database and also it is used
in education, being the basic language of Databases.
Besides the knowledge of SQL, in education is also
required pedagogical skills. Some teaching practices
in SQL education and also a systematic map of edu-
cational SQL research with a future research agenda
are presented in (Taipalus and Sepp
anen, 2020), with
recommendations for the educational SQL research
to include studies on advanced SQL concepts and on
aspects not related to data retrieval and also replica-
tion studies. For some people, Databases mean SQL,
NoSQL, and Big Data, but for others can mean job
positions, like, Data Analyst, Data Science, and Busi-
ness Intelligence. What’s for sure, is the fact that
Databases store big amounts of data information in
simple or complex and different ways and assure ac-
cess to them. Both SQL and NoSQL Databases are
in search nowadays to complete the business trends
and patterns, and near to them are the Data Ware-
houses used for the technological skills and strategi-
cal and statistical competencies. An analysis related
to the presentation of the coordinates used in pro-
cessing data and implications for the academic cur-
ricula that also provide arguments for Data Analyst
and Business Intelligence job positions in the idea of
acquiring a corresponding level of SQL and of Data
Warehouses knowledge is presented in (Fotache and
Strimbei, 2015). To learn Databases, SQL / NoSQL
is easy, because everywhere the information is avail-
able: online training, documents/courses (for exam-
ple, (Halvorsen, 2017; IBM, 2010)), articles, videos,
and their presentations contain and present in various
manners the basic and complex notions involved.
Table 1: Fundamentals of Databases syllabus.
Lecture 1. Introduction to DBs. Fundamental Concepts.
Lecture 2. The Relational Model.
Lecture 3. SQL Queries.
Lecture 4. Functional Dependencies.
Lecture 5. Normal Forms.
Lecture 6. Relational Algebra.
Lecture 7. The Physical Structure of DBs.
Lecture 8. Indexes.
Lecture 9. Binary trees. ISAM. 2-3 trees. B-tree. B+
Lecture 10. Object Oriented Databases.
Lecture 11. Query Optimization in Relational
Databases. Evaluating Relational Algebra Operators.
Lecture 12. Transactions. Concurrency Control.
Lecture 13. Conceptual Modeling. Data Streams.
Lecture 14. Short review: Relational DBs. Appendixes.
How: According to ACM Sigsoft Empirical Stan-
dards for Software Engineering Research (Ralph,
2021), our method is classified as survey research.
We used surveys that contained open and closed ques-
tions, closed questions were used to assure partic-
ipant representations related to the study line or to
measure their intentions and the open questions were
used to obtain relevant and in-depth information. The
students were asked to answer closed questions that
could allow us to measure their intentions, for exam-
ple To which extend do you plan to use the acquired
knowledge? having a scale from 1 to 5 (Definitely
NOT Use to Definitely Use), but also open questions:
How do you plan to use the acquired knowledge? to
have a better understanding of their intentions. We
wanted to see how students’ perception changes over
time, so we had two surveys, at the beginning and dur-
ing the last week of the course. We were interested
in the student’s challenges related to the course, how
their perception of following a career in database-
related fields after taking the course evolved, and to
what extent they plan to use the acquired knowledge.
To find out we asked the students enrolled in the
Databases course from different lines of study (Com-
puter Science - English, Computer Science - native
language, and Mathematics and Computer Science -
native language); as the course syllabus was identical
for all the lines of study. The course topics (or, course
syllabus) are the ones given in Table 1.
Research Ethics: The survey was optional and
anonymous, and the students were informed about
these aspects and also about the purpose of collecting
and using the information they provided (there were
no other purposes than the mentioned ones). We had
79 answers from 191 students enrolled in the course.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
3.1 Participants
Being an optional survey, only 79 students from 191
enrolled students participated in the survey and pro-
vided answers, 42% of all the students. The partic-
ipants were students enrolled in the first semester of
the second year of study. The survey was open for two
weeks every time, thus allowing students to submit
their responses, after two weeks we closed the survey,
as we considered that the students who did not an-
swer, probably don’t want to participate in the study,
so no other answers will be collected. We considered
that in terms of percentage and numbers, the num-
ber of answers is comparable with the number of an-
swers from other studies from the Computer Science
domain (Marwan et al., 2020; Motogna et al., 2021;
Petrescu and Sterca, 2022), thus making this study a
valid one from this point of view.
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
The responses were collected using Google forms,
we send the survey link to the students, who com-
pleted it, at their own pace (even if completing the
survey took approximately 5 minutes). We saw an
advantage in the short answers provided by the stu-
dents, sometimes the answers contained typing mis-
takes because we considered their answers to be gen-
uine, without too much thinking and analyzing, thus
providing more accurate data. The answers were col-
lected anonymously, and most of them were submit-
ted on the same day when they were asked to par-
ticipate in the study. We used quantitative methods
(questionnaire survey according to ACM community
standards specifications (Ralph, 2021)) to obtain the
data and for interpreting the text we used thematic
analysis (Braun et al., 2019). Other Computer Sci-
ence related studies used the questionnaire survey
method (Redmond et al., 2013; Petrescu et al., 2022)
and thematic analysis (Kiger and Varpio, 2020; Mo-
togna et al., 2021). According to the methods men-
tioned, we organized this study in two steps: the first
one was to obtain the data (taking into consideration
research ethics) and the second step was to analyze it:
1. Analyzed the answers and restructured them if
necessary. Sometimes parts of the answers/whole
answers were more appropriate as answers to
other questions.
2. Found specific keywords and grouped them
into classes (tasks performed by one author).
3. The classification was analyzed by the other
author, and both authors discussed if changes are
Table 2: Fundamentals of Databases syllabus.
Qg1. Line of study (choice of Computer Science /
Mathematics and Computer Science
Qg2. Gender (Choice of Male / Female / I don’t want
to answer)
Quiz 1 questions:
Q1. What are your expectations related to the Database
Q2. Do you have DB-related knowledge? Do you know
what is an SQL statement?
Q3. How do you plan to use the learned information?
Are you interested to work in DB-related fields (for ex-
ample as Database Administrator, SQL Data Analyst,
or Database Developer)?
Quiz 2 questions:
F3. How did the Databases course meet your expecta-
tions? (closed answers using a five points scale from:
under expectations to exceeded expectations)
F4. What challenges did you encounter during the
Databases course?
F5. What other topics related to Databases are you in-
terested in (and were not studied in the course)?
F6. How do you plan to use the Databases course
F7. Do you see yourself working in the Databases (as
the main field of activity)?
Some answers were short (with just one or two
words), others were more descriptive, and we iden-
tified more than one or two keywords in a specific
answer. Due to this aspect, the total number of spe-
cific keywords mentioned is greater than the number
of students participating in the study. We asked the
same closed questions in both surveys, to aggregate
the groups (Qg1, Qg2), but the open questions were
different, as we wanted to analyze how student’s per-
ceptions changed, what were the major course chal-
lenges and how they envision themselves as working
with knowledge acquired in this course (see, Table 2).
3.3 Q1: What Were Your Expectations
Related to the Databases Course
and Were the Expectations Met?
The Databases course was an introductory one, so ba-
sic notions were introduced. The course was deliv-
ered with the assumption that students did not work
or learn Database notions, but the reality was a lit-
tle bit different as there were students that previously
worked with SQL and databases: ”I had an internship
as a software engineer where I worked with SQL”, ”I
currently use some of the principles at work”. How-
ever, most of the students did not work with database
and/or SQL queries”My database knowledge is prac-
tically nonexistent”, or ”I have NoSQL or Database
Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?
knowledge”. Due to this aspect, 84% of them stated
that they want to learn databases basics. Analyzing
the answers, we found out that students don’t want
to learn in-depth, to learn about complexity, security,
or efficiency, their expectations are related to acquir-
ing knowledge that would allow them to use SQL
and databases. Only 31% mentioned that they would
like to learn about database administration, as most of
them wanted to learn SQL: 58% and 84% basic con-
cepts. At the end of the course, we wanted to find
out if their expectations were met, the question was a
closed one, allowing us to measure their perception;
the results can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Course Expectations.
In conclusion, students’ expectations were related
mainly to achieving basic knowledge in the database-
related field, and SQL instructions; The course meet
their expectations.
3.4 Q2: What Were the Course’s Main
At the end of the course, we wanted to find out what
challenges were encountered by the students, taking
into consideration that the course involved lectures,
seminars, laboratory work, and homework. Each
homework assignment was graded and the average
grade was a part of the final course grade, so the
students had an interest in solving their homework
correctly and on time. By analyzing their answers,
we found out that their challenges can be aggregated
into four main groups related to course organization -
15.79%, course content - 21.05%, course applicabil-
ity /homework - 42.11%, and some students reported
that they did not encounter any challenges - 10.53%.
The results can be seen in Figure 2.
The students mentioned organizational issues:
”the seminars are not posted on time, before the lab.
We need the information during the lab, so it would
be nice to have access to it before the lab.”, ”there
are a lot of communication channels: team chan-
Figure 2: Course Challenges.
nels and the site”. In terms of course content, the
major complaints were related to triggers and proce-
dures, or even to definitions: ”triggers were not easy
to understand” and ”procedures were a headache to
go through and understand, but other than that the
course support materials were really helpful and de-
scriptive”, ”The definitions which were with greek
letters, those were very complicated to understand”.
The major challenges reported were related to home-
work, some students mentioned the text was not as
clear as expected: ”Some homework text was a bit
obscure” or the task was not trivial: ”some parts of
the homework were somehow difficult”, ”Slight diffi-
culty with some of the subpoints from the last lab”.
In conclusion, most of the students encountered chal-
lenges related to homework, and some of the obser-
vations can be implemented (such as defining more
clear assignments). As for the homework difficulty,
we consider that it’s beneficial for a student to have
”slightly” difficult homework as solving the problems
is a step in acquiring knowledge.
3.5 Getting the Work Done or Learning
Concepts In-Depth?
To find out the answer to this inquiry, we asked two
questions and correlated the answers: ”What other
topics related to Databases are you interested in (and
were not studied in the course)?” and ”How do you
plan to use the Databases course knowledge?”. The
students understood the importance of being able to
work with databases: ”things that could help me in
the future”, ”to create a database having a good table
structure” or ”I’ll need this information when I will
develop my applications/sites”, even if some aimed
to learn only the most basic information: ”SQL state-
ments are not important as I can find them on inter-
net. We should know only that they exist, how are
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
called and used for, and then we could search for
them on the internet”. To the question ”How do
you plan to use the Databases course knowledge?”,
we group their answers into ve categories: ”Def-
initely NOT use database knowledge”, ”Probably
NOT use”, ”Maybe”, ”Probably use” and ”Definitely
NOT use”. The percentages can be seen in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Use Intentions.
Some students stated that they don’t know how
or when will they use database-related knowledge ”I
don’t know”, some stated that they plan to use them
”only tangential when I have to”, ”when I have to
develop an application”, and most of the students
that mentioned how will they use it was for ”personal
projects” and ”at work”. A few answers stated that
”I already use them a lot at work”. The low inter-
est in learning in-depth is correlated to their low in-
terest in following a career path in database-related
fields. However, in total, the percentage of students
that would not choose to work in a DB-related field
was 25% in the first quiz compared to 31.58% in the
second quiz (end of course). The percentage of stu-
dents that want to work in a database-related field in-
creased from 17.43% in the beginning to 26,32%. The
number of students that did not decide increased from
28.5% at the beginning of the course to 42.11% at the
end of the course, probably the group of students that
planned to decide at the end of the course, did not
take any decision. The percentages and evolution are
reflected in Figure 4.
Figure 4: DB Related Work Interest.
Based on these values, we can assume that stu-
dents are not interested to follow a career in DB-
related fields, and consequently, they do not want to
learn in-depth database mechanisms. To the question
”What other topics related to Databases are you in-
terested in (and were not studied in the course)?”, we
group their answers into seven categories: ”Practical
Examples”, ”NoSQL”, ”Deployment”, ”Efficiency”,
”Security”, ”Request Based”, ”Nothing”. Some an-
swers contained more than a keyword, so the sum-
marised keywords’ percentage appearance is greater
than 100%. The percentages can be seen in Figure 5:
Figure 5: Knowledge Interest.
Students’ answers come in all lengths, from the
shortest ones: ”NoSQL”, ”Cloud Database” to a
maximum of 183 words, but the average answer was
about 16 words. Some stated that no other informa-
tion should have been taught in the course ”Nothing,
it was perfect. to a demand for getting the work done
”to create a database as simple and fast as possible”,
”database deployment”, to a pledge for other topics
”we should quit Microsoft SQL and learn something
that can work on multiple platforms, maybe some
non-relational stuff. However, a large part of the
students (36,84%) mentioned they wanted more prac-
tical examples, asking for a solution to a particular
situation: ”We should do more practical examples
related to BLOB types and how are they used in a
database” or ”I was expecting to connect a database
to a known language (Java for example)”. As a con-
clusion for the last question, the students were not that
interested in learning new concepts (the students’ per-
centage that mentions new technologies and concepts
is significantly lower compared to the percentage of
students that wanted to get ”the work done”). We con-
sidered that ”get work done” includes the request for
practical examples (31.82%), the request for deploy-
ment (22.37%), and request-based percentage (based
on the needs of the current project 15.91%). The
mentioned aspects appear as keywords in 70.45% of
the answers compared to the summarized percentage
for ”No SQL”, ”Security” and Efficiency” which
Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?
is 34.09%. We analyzed the results and we took into
consideration the following major arguments related
to the database introductory course:
Argument A. Students Are Interested in Learning
only the Basics. A large majority of students 84%
mentioned that they want to learn and know the ba-
sics, but the interest in learning (complexity, security,
etc.) was minimal, given by 13,46% of the students.
Argument B. Students’ Challenges Regarding
Were Mainly Related to Homework/Practical
Part. The information presented at the course rep-
resented a challenge only for a small part of them, no
one mentioned reading or having challenges with im-
plementing more than was requested by the teacher.
The students were interested to do their homework but
at the bare minimum.
Argument C. Students Want to Learn Only ”what
is needed to create my app”. We analyzed the an-
swers received regarding how they plan to use the
information, most of them stated practical examples
and wanted to know just enough to create and work
with a database in an application, or when needed ”at
work”. They just want ”to get the work done”.
Argument D. What Do They Want to Learn Next?
The students’ percentage satisfied with the acquired
information level is doubled compared to the percent-
age of students who want to learn advanced features/
other topics related to databases. In conclusion, a
large part of them in not interested in learning more
database-related topics.
Based on the previous arguments, we concluded
that most of the students prefer to ”get the work done”
without learning or making too much effort in acquir-
ing new knowledge and skills, as they expect to learn
”without stress” because ”we can search for informa-
tion on Google”. Learning in-depth or Getting the
work done? For these students, the answer is ”Get-
ting the work done”.
We focused on mitigating the threats to validity as
they were defined in (Ralph, 2021) and we analyzed
the following topics: target participant set, partic-
ipants selection, contingency actions for drop-outs,
and also research ethics. The target participant of our
survey was represented by a set of students, from the
second year, enrolled in the Databases courses, on the
specializations Computer Science and Mathematics
and Computer Science, in the Romanian and English
lines of study. The students that participated were or-
ganized in groups of study, alphabetically ordered by
their surname. The groups were randomly selected, so
each participant could be part of the survey, without
any other selection criteria. Because of the random
selection of the student groups, no other threats of the
participant set and participant selection were need it.
As the involvement of the students in the survey was
optional, the methods used by us were limited to en-
large the number of participants. Our best option was
to explain clearly and deeply the survey purpose and
its final results, which could significantly increase the
quality of our activities in Databases (27 versus 52 re-
sponses). As for research ethics, the students knew
the purpose of the survey and also that their participa-
tion was optional (shown by the response rate). More-
over, the students were able to choose the questions
from the survey that they wanted to answer. Another
threat taken into consideration refers to our approach
to processing the data, that we tried to make it less
subjective, by following the recommendation for the
data processing and also by checking others’ work.
For the second-year students, enrolled in Computer
Science and Mathematics and Computer Science
specializations, we wanted to analyze their percep-
tion related to Databases, their importance, and how
attractive could be a job position in a database-related
domain. A survey was applied, to all the 191 students
that participated in the course. We required informa-
tion related to their expectations, knowledge level,
and interest in working in a database-related field of
activity, at the beginning of the course and also at the
end of it. The survey was optional and anonymous
and all the students were encouraged to participate
in it. The analysis of the responses was performed
as the community standards recommended, and all
the possible threats to validity were handled, by
having a diverse set of participants (given only by
specialization and gender). We concluded that most
of the students are interested in a basic level of
Database knowledge and they preferred to focus only
on the SQL knowledge part. The challenges met
during the semester, proved to be, for most of them,
related to the homework. Most of the students, that
were undecided if they want or not a job related to
Databases/SQL (DB administrator, SQL developer,
and so on), in the beginning of the course, concluded
that are not interested in a database career path, in the
end of the course. They just want to consider the job
positions available in the labour market, even if are
or are not connected to the database-related domain.
They also consider the knowledge of Database basics
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
as being enough for their career path. Our main
conclusion, of this survey, was identified, as being,
the replacement of the learning in-depth concept with
the get the work done concept, a principle applied
by the students during the semester. In the future,
we want to find out if the same trends and aspects
could be found in other courses, too, to provide
comparisons related to the gender of the students
involved and also to analyze a long-time perception.
FUNDING The publication of this article was
supported by the 2022 Development Fund of the
Babes¸-Bolyai University.
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Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?