A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads
Morten Mathiasen, Jacob Nielsen and Simon Laub
EAAA, Aarhus, Denmark
Transformers, Analyzing Online Job Ads, Skills, Alignment of Educational Courses.
To benefit educational adaption and guidance of the unemployed, we report on our study of automated mon-
itorization of labor market demands by analyzing online job ads. We identify and measure two categories
of competence demands, “technical competences” and “personal competences”, as well as competences de-
scribed by Bloom’s taxonomy. Ads are labelled, both by humans and by natural language processing (NLP)
transformers. Within all competence categories and levels of Bloom’s taxonomy we demonstrate how the
automated NLP transformer process do a semantic search with the same level of precision as the humans.
Designing educational programs and specific courses,
demands substantial consideration and continual re-
vision. Stakeholders need to address questions like
what specific content should be included in the course
and what competences do the students need to acquire
to fit the job market after graduation?
Semantic analysis of job ads is valuable for adapt-
ing educational programs and guiding the unem-
ployed towards the demands of the labor market.
Each job ad typically asks for one or more compe-
tences, which can be identified and analyzed by read-
ing the job ads. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
is a means of automating this process (Chowdhary,
2020), and NLP transformers have generally in re-
cent years been seen to improve semantic analysis of
texts. In this study we investigate how and to what ex-
tend transformers are helpful, in the context of com-
petences described in educational courses, for analyz-
ing demands in Danish job ads.
1.1 Educational Development
Traditionally, educational institutions have tried to
acommodate the job marktets demands by conduct-
ing surveys and interviews with industries. However,
these approaches are time-consuming, and often at
risk of providing a biased insights into the general
demand for competences. Additionally, changes in
curricula are substantial and long processes, so there
is a consistent need for rapid input into this process
to prevent the initial improvements becoming redun-
dant when finally completed. Therefore, monitoring
labor market demands is essential when adapting edu-
cational programs and when guiding the unemployed
towards the demands of the labor market.
1.2 Monitoring Labor Market Demands
The project “European Skills, Competences, Qualifi-
cations and Occupations” (ESCO, 2023) monitor all
labor markets in the Europe Union and identify all
competences in demand. Statistics on job vacancies
and labor market structure is monitorized by another
european project ”Labour Market, including Labour
Force Survey” (eurostat, 2023) which provides sta-
tistical tools for analyzing the european job market.
Market research institutes such as Gartner (Gartner,
2023) provide yearly reports on emerging technolo-
gies and general market trends. Furthermore, analy-
ses from government agencies (STAR, 2023) are valu-
able sources of information when identifying job mar-
ket areas with shortages of qualified work force.
However, there is a lack of large-scale automated
tools that monitor the changing demand of compe-
tences by the labor market. Such tools would contin-
uously support adapting educational programs to bet-
ter fit the labor market and guiding the unemployed
towards the labor markets demands.
1.3 Job Ad Analytics
In Denmark, most job ads are posted online, which
means that it is possible to monitor demanded com-
petences and market changes through the ads. Au-
Mathiasen, M., Nielsen, J. and Laub, S.
A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads.
DOI: 10.5220/0012008400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 359-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tomated harvesting and analysis of online job ads is
therefore a means to overcome the challenges of time-
consuming and small sample qualitative job market
analyses. Additionally, these challenges of automa-
tion do primarily apply to analyses of job markets as
the amount of job market data is much more extensive
than data of courses within educational programs.
Analyses of job ads as a means to identify labor
market demands is applied in multiple studies (Gro-
mov et al., 2020; Boehler et al., 2020). Manual
text mining by researchers who read, label, and an-
alyze texts is a common approach to job ad analyt-
ics. But analyses of Danish ads supported by mono-
lingual and multilingual tools (Strømberg-Derczynski
et al., 2021)(SBERT, 2023) are also commonplace
now. Automated text mining are supported by meth-
ods such as quantitative analysis based on dictio-
naries, and some forms of semantic analysis using
machine learning are also emerging (Salloum et al.,
2020; Pejic-Bach et al., 2020).
1.4 Transformers to Monitor the Labor
Following the introduction of NLP transformers in
2017 (Vaswani et al., 2017), they now appear to be
ubiquitous in contemporary technology. BERT (De-
vlin et al., 2018) helps Google improve contex-
tual understanding of unlabeled text across a broad
range of tasks, and the company OpenAI (Ope-
nAI, 2023) creates transformer based chatbot prod-
ucts (Adamopoulou and Moussiades, 2020) that
clearly illustrate the possibilities of these models.
Transformer-based semantic textual similarity so-
lutions have been proposed for tasks ranging from
“technological trouble shooting” (Alfeo et al., 2021)
to healthcare, “Clinical Sentence Pairs” (Ormerod
et al., 2021) and more.
Following this development, we expect that NLP
transformers can monitor demanded competences on
the Danish labor market using ongoing automated
analysis of online job ads. This hypothesis is the foun-
dation of this study, which verifies the possibility of
using NLP transformers for semantic analysis of de-
manded competences in Danish job ads.
1.5 Research Question
Given competences described in a educational cur-
riculum and described demands in job ads, we want to
monitor the trends of necessary competences to meet
the demands in the labor market.
To what extent are NLP transformers able to identify
and monitor competences in Danish job ads, match-
ing with competences described in course materials.
In addressing this research question, this will also in-
dicate whether a solution based on transformer tech-
niques can be said to be an improvement over existing
techniques for job ad analytics. I.e. to what extent can
transformer based semantic analyses reveal and mon-
itorize Danish labor market demands compared to ex-
isting techniques like human manual text analysis, au-
tomated text mining by dictionaries and more tradi-
tional machine learning techniques (Salloum et al.,
2020; Pejic-Bach et al., 2020).
2.1 Case
Considering the possibilities of aligning job mar-
ket demand and educational supply of competences,
our point of departure is an investigation of Dan-
ish jobs ads that illustrate the demand for compe-
tences. Specifically, in order to examine to what ex-
tent a transformer based semantic approach can reveal
and monitorize Danish job market demands, our case
study revolves around Danish job ads that mentions
”Multimedia designer” from 2018-2022. These spe-
cific job ads constitute a job market area that is cen-
tral to graduates from the multimedia designer educa-
tion in Denmark. The job ads provide competences
that are demanded by the specific job market area.
We manually identified competences from a repre-
sentative sample of 300 ”Multimedia designer” job
ads from the period 2018-2022. The competences
were categorized using Bloom’s revised Taxonomy
(BRT) (Krathwohl, 2002) as our analytical frame-
work, and to adequately identify and categorize all
competences in the job ads, including competences
outside the scope of the BRT framework, additional
categories were created. These additional categories
include personal competences, technical skills, and
The categorized competences constitute the data
for the following analyses.
2.2 Finding Sentences Describing
Competences in the Course Material
The focus of this study is analyses of job ads. Where
the competencies we are searching for will usually
come from course materials. In the testing phase
we search for competencies that have already been
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
manually analyzed. In the educational programs for
danish academies and colleges in focus here, the
competences taught in each course are listed in the
curriculum as “learning objectives” under headlines
with different taxonomic levels, ordered according to
BRT (Krathwohl, 2002). A typical course will have
approximately ve bullet point entries under each of
these taxonomic level. Easily extracted by a manual
or an automated process. The match of these com-
petences with the demand-side competences will then
help us examine the educational fit.
2.3 Analyzing the Semantic Content of
Job Ads
Sentence semantic textual similarity is the core of this
project, and it revolves around sentences describing
demanded competences.
Ideally, all sentences containing competences in
the curriculum are matched against all similar sen-
tences mentioned in job ads. Sentence similarity
will thereby reveal a match between competences
obtained through courses and competences demands
in job ads. Periodization of the number of found
matches reveals trends in labor market demands
within the analyzed periods 2018-2022.
In order to determine sentence similarities, trans-
formers takes center stage here. Certainly, varia-
tions over bag-of-words (BoW) techniques such as
countvectorizer (NLTK, 2023b), or term frequency
inverse document frequency, tf-idf (NLTK, 2023b),
techniques are useful, when it comes to an analysis
based on a corpus vocabulary. However, these tech-
niques are less relevant here, when we move on to
matching on semantic sentence similarity, as these
techniques do not capture word positions in a text,
word semantics etc.
So, we are led to the use of word embeddings that
makes it possible to represent words in the form of a
vector (Albrecht et al., 2020). Where the vector en-
codes the semantic meaning of the word, and where
words with similar vectors are expected to have simi-
lar semantic meanings.
After having decided which ads to analyze, we
then move on to look at sentences in the ads. Where
the transformer models are used to make a measure-
ment of similarity of semantic meanings. A sim-
ilarity metric, e.g. cosine similarity, that can be
used to compute similarity scores for words or texts,
whether two texts have similar or more different syn-
tax. Many pretrained transformer models based on
BERT / RoBERTa networks are available. In this
case, we use multilingual SBERT (SBERT, 2023)
sentence transformers, which allows for calculating
similarity scores for the danish curricula and course
materials compared against job ad texts.
The structure of the overall method is: 1) Scrape
online job ad text and preprocess the ads by ex-
tracting the parts that request competences, 2) From
educational curriculum and course materials, extract
sentences describing taught competences, 3) Use the
transformer model to calculate the cosine similarity
scores between sentences from the two sources.
The analysis takes its starting point in the cate-
gories of competences explicit stated in relevant ed-
ucational curriculum and course material. And we
assume that the course material is described (or re-
worked) in such a way that it generally matches the
competency granularity in job ads. Further along in
the project, additional categories of competences can
be added to the analysis, if needed.
2.4 Comparing Automated and Manual
Labeling of Competences
To test our approach, we have manually analyzed 300
multimedia job ads using a revised edition of Blooms
taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956; Krathwohl, 2002).
As such, we categorized job ad demands by the
categories “Knowledge”, “Comprehension”, Appli-
cation”, Analysis”, “Synthesis”, and “Evaluation”.
Additionally, for the scope of this study, two addi-
tional categories “technical competences” and “per-
sonal competences” were used to get a deeper under-
standing of the demands in job ads.
Two people categorized the competences in job
ads and the inter-coder reliability yielded a kappa
statistic of .75. Our goal is to achieve at least same
precision by automated labeling.
The thorough manual analysis of the jobs ads has
throughout our project been a necessary component,
guiding our own understanding of achieved manual
and automated labelling results. But for testing pur-
poses, the agreed upon competencies is then only used
as a starting point for the following analysis. Most of
our experiments will use, a subset of, around 30 sen-
tences, describing competencies in a certain category,
matching the number of competencies we usually find
described in course materials, and making both the
following manual and automated test process more
tractable. Next, the selected competencies are used in
a new process of manual labelling of multimedia ads,
which is then compared with an automated labelling.
Where the hope is that the manual and automated la-
belling will achieve similar results.
A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads
3.1 Shortcomings of Word Search and
Bag-of-Words (BoW) Techniques
Before we began using transformers for sentence sim-
ilarity, we worked on various bag-of-words models,
but it quickly became apparent that making small syn-
tactically changes in ad texts, e.g. replacing one word
with another with a similar meaning, would have
significantly weakened our ability to identify these
competences and introduce classification errors (Git,
2023). We did similar observation when searching for
specific words using dictionaries as done by Pejic-
Bach et al. (2020). In our test, these small changes
in the words used in ads, e.g. replacing a word with
another, made it impossible to match sentences repre-
senting the same semantic meaning.
3.2 Transformer Based Search for
“Personal Competences”
Competences. No Preprocessing of
Job Ad Texts
In all tests using transformers, we first split the job ad
text into separate sentences. This was done assisted
by the (Python) NLTK library (NLTK, 2023a). The li-
brary spaCy (spaCy, 2023), or functionality with reg-
ular expressions, gave similar results.
In a first test of the prototype setup, we started
by searching for personal competences. Our job ad
data yielded 310 sentences describing personal com-
Different subsets of these competences where then
experimentally matched against a number of subsets
of job ads. Thereby giving test results with many or
few hits, as expected.
In one scenario we used 32 sentences about skills,
that could also be identified by the manual labelling,
to various degrees in different subsets of job ads. One
of these subsets of job ads, any will do, then gives
us a starting point for the automated analysis. Us-
ing the multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1 sentence trans-
former model (HuggingFace repository, 2022), de-
signed for semantic search, and applicable for simi-
larity search for Danish sentences, this approach re-
sulted in 95 out of 100 ads are classified similarly
to the manual labelling of competences (does the ad
contain some of the 32 personal competences compe-
tences that we are searching for, given a 0.7 cosine
similarity threshold). See figure 1.
The ROC curve (Geron, 2022) visualizes the
classification with different classification thresholds.
Figure 1: Confusion matrix for sentence transformer based
classification of ads. Without preprocessing of the ad texts.
Where the true positive rate is given vertically, and
false positive rate, horizontally. Figure 2 shows that
we barely have no threshold allowing for labeling job
ad sentences correctly. At most, we were able to label
approximately half of all relevant sentences without
reaching a high degree of false positive labeling of
irrelevant sentences. Figure 2 shows that it was diffi-
cult in this setup to raise the true positive score further
without also raising the false positive score.
Figure 2: ROC curve without preprocessing of the ad texts,
false positive rates becomes unacceptably high for high true
positive rates.
3.3 Transformer Based Search for
”personal Competences”. With
Preprocessing of Job Ad Texts
Looking more carefully at the ads, it became ap-
parent that many contained headers and footers that
were not relevant to this analysis of competences,
Therefore, they were removed. Additionally, the ver-
sion of our scraping process replaces line breaks,
bullet points and more html tagging with the char-
acter for space, that makes the subsequent separa-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tion of the job ad texts into sentences more difficult
(for the NLTK library (NLTK, 2023a)). Correcting
this, we obtained the following confusion matrix and
ROC curve, using the the multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-
v1 transformer (HuggingFace repository, 2022)). See
figure 3 and 4.
Figure 3: Confusion matrix for sentence transformer based
classification of ads, using a 0.7 classification threshold
upon preprocessed ad texts.
Figure 4: ROC curve for sentence transformer based classi-
fication of ads. With preprocessing of the ad texts.
The additional preprocessing demonstrates that it
is possible to get to a higher true positive score before
the false positive score also begins to increase.
We achieved similar results when we focused on
e.g. comprehension competences, experience compe-
tences, personal competences etc. Where results from
test with comprehension competences can be found in
the Appendix.
4.1 Case: Adapting Educational
To test the use of NLP transformers for analyzing
Danish job ads, we did a case study aiming at adapt-
ing the Multimedia educational program by analyzing
300 job ad texts. We labelled competences manually
and automatically by NLP transformers.
Our case study has afterwards been supporting
the adaption of the Multimedia educational program,
as we have identified a discrepancy in this specific
supply and demand for competences. Additionally,
we have outlined trends of the labor market demands
which helps foreseeing future demanded competences
in the upcoming years.
Other authors have investigated the area of com-
petences extraction from job ads (Zhang et al., 2022),
but our investigation of “non-English” Danish job ads,
where we use transformers to categorize ads, along
with the use of Blooms taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956;
Krathwohl, 2002), for the distinct purposes of align-
ment of courses in educational programs is novel.
And much needed in the ever changing job mar-
ket, where many educational institutions experience
increased pressure, from the surrounding society, to
make sure that courses are aligned with the demands
of the labor market. Making us confident that there is
need for the analysis that our prototype can provide,
even in this initial stage.
4.2 Job Ad Analytics by NLP
Using a multilingual transformer model, we can then
automatically run sentences (from the course mate-
rial) through a batch of job ads. And generate a report
that list highest similarity match for each competence,
as well as number of matches above a certain thresh-
old. Which can serve as a starting point for further
analysis. Should competences in the course mate-
rial be described differently, are these competences no
longer in demand in the job market? Or should other
competences taught in the course be highlighted?
Looking at the 300 manually labelled multime-
dia job ads, our prototype has been able to re-
produce the labeling for categories “technical com-
petences”, “personal competences”, “Knowledge”,
“Comprehension”, Application”, Analysis”, “Syn-
thesis”, and “Evaluation”, using a selection of sen-
tences that describe these categories.
This brings us a step closer to our goal, which is
to let our prototype run through jobs, and return a
A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads
report on whether the ad contains sentences that de-
scribe competences equivalent to the competences we
are looking for.
In handling this problem, we have been follow-
ing a very general approach, which allows us to easily
take in an array of sentences, and search for this set of
strings (describing competences) in job ads. Where
we assume that the responsibility for listing accu-
rate sentences, describing competences in the course
material, lies solely with those responsible for the
courses. If the search turns up empty handed, then
it is easy to add more sentences, or reformulate inac-
curate sentences, that better describe the competences
taught and search again. But it is of course also pos-
sible that the competences are no longer mentioned
in job ads. Which is exactly the purpose of the pro-
totype, to be able to come up with an indication of
whether competences are in demand in the local job
Working with the classification of 300 multime-
dia ads, we find that the new transformer based solu-
tion is more robust than earlier versions of our clas-
sification tool. I.e. looking at a personal qualifi-
cation like “taking responsibility in a project” this
could, in Danish, be stated as “Du tager ansvar for
dine projekter” or “Du har stor pligtfølelse omkring
projekterne”. Looking at the sentences, it is immedi-
ately clear that the sentences do not have many words
in common, which make similarity search classifica-
tion with single words, regular expressions, or various
bag-of-words (BoW) techniques difficult, or impossi-
However, with the distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-
v2 transformer (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) the two
sentences have a 0.75 similarity score (using cosine
similarity), and is therefore similar given a 0.7 thresh-
old for sentence similarity.
So, for such changes (to sentences about competences
in the ad texts), where the semantical meaning of the
sentences are preserved, we find that the transformer
based solution will be able to classify the altered sen-
tences correctly,
Online job ad texts are formatted using HTML,
bullet lists, tables etc. Our NLP transformers per-
formed much better when the ad texts were prepro-
cessed by removing HTML tags and adding missing
punctuation. So, in general we advise that the web-
scraped texts are preproccessed before applying NLP
4.3 Further Research
We have considered adding a general text classifica-
tion system to our system, that would be able to clas-
sify ads based on the competences described in the
ads, and thereby provide valuable input to later pro-
cessing steps. To some extend, this would follow in
the footsteps of many other systems for text classifi-
cation. The challenge is that we have approximately
14,000 described competences just in the European
labor market (ESCO, 2023). Most text classification
systems usually deal with far fewer classes. For in-
stance, a classical classification task like the Reuters
newswire task contains only 46 topics
, and many
classifications tasks on job ads often just classify ads
as being either X or not-X. Following this pattern
of binary classification, we had some success with a
deep neural net technique that could classify our ads
as being either IT ads, or non-IT ads. Ads looking for
people with a technical background or not, etc. How-
ever, working on this, we found that classification ac-
curacy quickly dropped as more classes for the classi-
fication task were added. Therefore, more research is
needed to scale our NLP transformer solution to han-
dle 14.000 categories (for the 2.5 million job ads) and
not just BRT.
Letting our prototype analyze job ads using trans-
formers is a rather time-consuming process, with the
hardware that has so far been available in this project.
Using a Tesla T4 graphic card, it takes the prototype
about 2 minutes to run through 100 job ads searching
for just one category of competences (comparing with
approximately 30 sentences that describe that com-
petence). Nevertheless, it is significantly faster com-
pared to the existing manual labeling process. But,
it is problematic when looking at the 2.5 million job
ads that we have scraped from the internet. There-
fore, we have worked on various preprocessing steps
to speed up the overall processing. Regular expres-
sion search can establish whether an exact text match
for a competence description is found in the ad text.
Potentially, stopping the need for further processing.
Processing with removal of stop words (spaCy, 2023),
and lemmatization (Khyani et al., 2021), and a count
of tokens in a whole document text can give us word
frequencies in ad texts, which can be useful in estab-
lishing a very general classification of the ad texts,
stopping further processing on ads that doesn’t con-
tain any words usually found in say multimedia de-
signer job ads etc.
Indeed, improvements are possible by leveraging
human knowledge of the ad text domain. But, fo-
cusing on a simple solution that can correctly cate-
gorize sentences, speed of processing has for now not
been a major concern though. And the AI researcher
Richard Sutton probably also had a point, when he
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
commented: “The only thing that matters in the long
run is the leveraging of computation” (Sutton, 2019).
Certainly, as this project has progressed, we have only
found better hardware and new improved language
models very helpful.
This study demonstrates that NLP transformers have
the capability to do semantic analysis of Danish job
ad texts. Optimization led to labeling precision in the
95% range compared to human beings labeling com-
petences in demand in the same ads. The inter-coder
reliability for two people manually categorizing the
same job ads competences yielded a kappa statistic
of k = .75. Therefore, the findings of this paper sup-
port the claim that NLP transformers can do semantic
analysis at a precision level comparable to humans.
The demonstration of semantic text analysis done by
NLP transformers used on Danish job ad texts en-
ables the possibility to automate the monitorization
of demanded competences at the Danish labor mar-
ket. Such monitorization will benefit adaption of edu-
cational programs and guidance of employed towards
We are now able to fully analyze smaller batches
of preselected job ads. However, further improve-
ments to our current prototype are needed before we
can realisticly approach full-scale monitorization of
the Danish labor market. Where a future system needs
to analyze approximately 500,000 yearly Danish job
ads, each to be compared with skill sets described in
educational course materials, and categorized accord-
ing to the approximately 14,000 competences pro-
vided by the project ”European Skills, Competences,
Qualifications and Occupations” (ESCO, 2023).
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As further examples of transformer based search,
results from searching for ”comprehension” com-
petences, as well as results from search with
the distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 trans-
former (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) can be found
in this appendix. Both cases show results that
includes preprocessing of the job ad texts.
Transformer Based Search for
”Comprehension Competences”. With
Preprocessing of Job Ad Texts
Searching for 35 “comprehension competences” in
100 manually labelled (preprocessed) job ads gave the
following ROC curve with the multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-
cos-v1 transformer (HuggingFace repository, 2022).
See figure 5.
Also showing for “comprehension competences” that
preprocessing makes it possible to get to a relatively
Figure 5: For the category ”comprehension”, ROC curve
for sentence transformer based classification of ads. With
preprocessing of the ad texts.
high true positive score before the false positive score
also begins to increase.
Test of Other Transformers for the
Similarity Search. Here, Search for
“Personal Competences” Competences
With preprocessing of job ad texts many multilingual
transformers (SBERT, 2023) seem to work. As long
as they have also been trained on Danish sentences,
at least to some extent. E.g. with the distiluse-base-
multilingual-cased-v2 (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019)
transformer, in a test where we search for 32 per-
sonal competences competences in 100 labelled job-
ads, gave the following ROC curve, figure 6. Which
can be compared with results shown in figure 3 and 4.
Figure 6: For the category ”personal competences”, ROC
curve for sentence transformer based classification of ads.
With preprocessing of the ad texts.
Figure 6 shows that it it possible to select a thresh-
old which enable a high true positive rate, while still
maintaining a relatively low false positive rate.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education