Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing
Cristiano A. K
1 a
, Edson L. Padoin
2 b
and Philippe O. A. Navaux
1 c
Informatics Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul, Iju
ı, Brazil
Cloud Computing, TPU, High-Performance Computing, Diabetic Retinopathy.
Deep learning techniques have grown rapidly in recent years due to their success in image classification,
speech recognition, and natural language understanding. These techniques have the potential to solve complex
problems and are being applied in various fields, such as agriculture, medicine, and administration. However,
training large and complex models requires high-performance computational platforms, making accelerator
hardware an essential tool and driving up its cost. An alternative solution is to use cloud computing, where
users only pay for usage and have access to a wide range of computing resources and services. In this paper,
we adapt a Diabetic Retinopathy neural network model for TPU-based training in the cloud and observe
promising results, including reduced training time without code optimization. This demonstrates the potential
of cloud computing in reducing the burden on local systems that are often overwhelmed by multiple running
applications. This allows for training larger and more advanced models at a lower cost than local computational
Machine learning techniques have grown rapidly fol-
lowing their success in image classification. Cur-
rently, models for speech recognition and natural
language understanding improve the functionality of
smartphones, while autonomous vehicles are being
tested and robotic consultants work in the financial
market (Hatcher and Yu, 2018; Abiodun et al., 2018).
These techniques have the potential to solve com-
plex problems and are being applied in different ar-
eas, such as agriculture, medicine, forensic science,
theoretical and applied physics, administration, and
Studies in machine learning and deep neural net-
works indicate a link between the size/complexity of
models and their ability to generalize, learn and ob-
tain efficient results in complex tasks (Amodei et al.,
2016; Hestness et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2017). Hence,
there is an increasing demand for ever bigger deep
learning models with more parameters, trained with
more data, and high-resolution data.
The training of increasingly large and complex
models is making high-performance computational
platforms an important tool. As a result, the hard-
ware accelerator has become essential for speeding up
the training of deep learning models because it is one
of the tasks that consume the most computational re-
sources and can take several days to complete without
proper hardware support. However, the growing de-
mand for this type of hardware is increasing its price,
making it unfeasible for many researchers.
Cloud Computing is an alternative to high hard-
ware costs for training deep learning models. With it,
you only pay for usage (Roloff, 2013), and have ac-
cess to a wide range of computing resources and ser-
vices. In addition, cloud providers regularly update
their resources, including GPUs and TPUs, which al-
lows for training larger and more advanced models at
a lower cost. This type of benefit is difficult to obtain
with local computational centers since this equipment
is costly, and the renewal of the computational center
in small companies and universities does not occur
with the frequency that new versions of this equip-
ment are released.
In this context, we suggest offloading the model
training to the cloud, reducing the burden on sys-
tems often overwhelmed by multiple running appli-
Künas, C., Padoin, E. and Navaux, P.
Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0012017300003488
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2023), pages 316-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-650-7; ISSN: 2184-5042
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
. As a case for evaluation, we adapted a Di-
abetic Retinopathy neural network model for TPU-
based training and observed promising results, includ-
ing reduced training time even without code optimiza-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 covers existing work on cloud-based training
of large neural networks using TPUs and TPU Pods.
Section 3 provides an overview of the TPUv3 archi-
tecture used in the experiments and explains the topic
of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), our use case. In Sec-
tion 4, we describe the methodology, detail the appli-
cation, and outline the hardware and software setup
used. The results of the performance evaluation are
presented in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes
the paper and outlines future work.
You et al. investigate supercomputers’ capability of
speeding up DNN training (You et al., 2019b). The
approach is to use a large batch size powered by
the Layerwise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LARS) algo-
rithm for efficient usage of massive computing re-
sources. They empirically evaluate the effective-
ness on five neural networks: AlexNet, AlexNet-BN,
GNMT, ResNet-50, and ResNet-50-v2 trained with
large datasets while preserving the state-of-the-art test
accuracy. Using 2,048 Intel Xeon Phi 7250 Proces-
sors, they reduced the 90-epoch ResNet-50 training
time from hours to 20 minutes. They implemented an
approach on Google’s cloud Tensor Processing Unit
(TPU) platform, which verifies your previous success
on CPUs and GPUs (You et al., 2018). They scaled
the batch size of ResNet-50-v2 to 32K and achieved
76.3 percent accuracy. They applied the approach to
Google’s Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) appli-
cation, which helps to achieve a 4x speedup on the
cloud TPUs.
Wongpanich et al. explore techniques to scale
up the training of EfficientNets on TPU-v3 Pods
with 2048 cores, motivated by speedups that can be
achieved when training at such scales (Wongpanich
et al., 2021). Currently, EfficientNets can take on
the order of days to train. EfficientNets are a family
of state-of-the-art image classification models based
on efficiently scaled convolutional neural networks.
They discuss optimizations required to scale train-
ing to a batch size of 65536 on 1024 TPU-v3 cores,
such as selecting large batch optimizers and learning
rate schedules and utilizing distributed evaluation and
Projects in progress on the SDumont Supercomputer: statistics.php
batch normalization techniques. Additionally, they
presented timing and performance benchmarks for
EfficientNet models trained on the ImageNet dataset
to analyze the behavior of EfficientNets at scale. With
the optimizations, they could train EfficientNet on Im-
ageNet to an accuracy of 83% in 1 hour and 4 minutes.
Deep learning is computationally intensive, and
hardware vendors have responded by building faster
accelerators in large clusters. Training deep learn-
ing models requires overcoming both algorithmic and
systems software challenges. Ying et al., discuss
three systems-related optimizations: (1) distributed
batch normalization to control per-replica batch sizes,
(2) input pipeline optimizations to sustain model
throughput, and (3) 2-D torus all-reduce to speed up
gradient summation (Ying et al., 2018). They com-
bined these optimizations to train ResNet-50 on Im-
ageNet to 76.3% accuracy in 2.2 minutes on a 1024-
chip TPU v3 Pod with a training throughput of over
1.05 million images/second and no accuracy drop.
The paper of Jouppi et al. evaluates a Tensor Pro-
cessing Unit (TPU) (Jouppi et al., 2017). They com-
pare the TPU to a server-class Intel Haswell CPU and
an Nvidia K80 GPU. The workload, written in the
high-level TensorFlow framework, uses production
neural networks (NN) applications (MLPs, CNNs,
and LSTMs) that represent 95% of NN inference de-
mand. Despite low utilization for some applications,
the TPU is, on average, about 15X to 30X faster than
the GPU or CPU.
There is an industry-wide trend toward hard-
ware specialization to improve performance, prin-
cipally deep learning models which are compute-
intensive. To systematically benchmark deep learning
platforms, Wang et al. introduce ParaDnn, a bench-
mark suite for deep learning that generates models for
fully connected (FC), convolutional (CNN), and re-
current (RNN) neural networks (Wang et al., 2019a).
Along with six real-world models, they benchmarked
Google’s Cloud TPU v2/v3, NVIDIAs V100 GPU,
and an Intel Skylake CPU platform. They deeply
dive into TPU architecture, reveal its bottlenecks, and
highlight valuable lessons learned for future special-
ized system design. They also provide a thorough
comparison of the platforms and find that each has
unique strengths for some types of models.
You et al. studied a principled layerwise adapta-
tion strategy to accelerate the training of deep neu-
ral networks using large mini-batches (You et al.,
2019a). Using this strategy, they developed a new
layerwise adaptive large batch optimization technique
called LAMB. The empirical results demonstrate the
superior performance of LAMB across various tasks,
such as BERT and ResNet-50 training, with very lit-
Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing Unit
tle hyperparameter tuning. In particular, for BERT
training, their optimizer enables the use of huge batch
sizes of 32,868 without any degradation of perfor-
mance. By increasing the batch size to the memory
limit of a TPUv3 Pod, BERT training time can be re-
duced from 3 days to just 76 minutes.
Most of these works address training large deep-
learning models using TPU Pods. Differently from
the related works, we used a single TPU with eight
cores, and although we didn’t explore optimization
techniques, we achieved interesting results. In addi-
tion, we also performed a cost analysis and showed
that the preemptive TPU can achieve better cost effi-
ciency than the local cluster.
This Section provides an overview of the TPUv3 ar-
chitecture used in the experiments and presents con-
cepts about Diabetic Retinopathy (DR).
3.1 The Google Cloud TPU
In this section, we introduce the TPU architecture
developed by Google, which is utilized in our ex-
periments. TPUs, or Tensor Processing Units, are
application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that
are specifically designed to accelerate machine learn-
ing workloads. As shown in Figure 1, a TPUv3 de-
vice has a structure of four internal chips, each of
which comprises of two cores. Each core is equipped
with scalar, vector, and matrix units (MXU) that are
connected to the on-chip high bandwidth memory
(HBM) of 16 GB per TPUv3 core. The TPUv3 of-
fers a peak performance of 420 TFlops of floating
point throughput (Ying et al., 2018). The cores of
the TPU device perform calculations independently,
and the high-bandwidth interconnections enable the
chips to communicate with one another within the
TPU device. These TPUs can be used to train and run
large machine learning models and also can be used
for other high-performance computing tasks (Google,
When working with the Cloud TPU model, it is
important to configure it correctly in order to take
advantage of the distributed training capabilities of
the device. One strategy for doing this is to scale
the batch size by the number of TPU cores that are
available. For example, if the batch size is 32, the
global batch size will be 256 (8 cores x 32 = 256)
unas et al., 2021). This means that each core will
process a batch of 32 examples, and the results will
be combined across all cores to form the final out-
Figure 1: The architecture of TPUv3 device with four chips,
420 TFlops of peak floating point throughput and 128 GB
of HBM.
put. The global batch size is then automatically frag-
mented across all replicas, which allows for efficient
processing of large data sets. This approach allows for
the parallel processing of multiple examples at once,
which can greatly speed up the training process.
3.2 Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder character-
ized by an abnormal increase in blood sugar levels.
The patient will be subject to complications such as
heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, hard-to-heal in-
juries, and vision problems when not appropriately
treated (Zheng et al., 2018). Vision problems oc-
cur because diabetes affects the circulatory system,
including progressive vascular ruptures, and can de-
velop regardless of the severity of the patient. One
specific vision problem caused by diabetes is diabetic
retinopathy (DR) (Janghorbani et al., 2000). DR can
be seen in Figure 2, which illustrates a comparison
between a healthy retina and a retina affected by the
Figure 2: Comparison of a healthy retina and retina with
diabetic retinopathy.
The Global Diabetic Retinopathy Project Group
(Wilkinson et al., 2003) has proposed a five-stage
classification protocol for PDR and NPDR. The
stages are as follows:
No Apparent Retinopathy: no abnormalities are
Mild Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy:
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
the presence of retinal microaneurysms.
Moderate Non-Proliferative Diabetic
Retinopathy: more than just microaneurysms,
but less severe than stage IV.
Severe Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopa-
thy: the presence of more than 20 intra-retinal
hemorrhages in each of the four quadrants, venous
pearling in at least two quadrants, and intra-retinal
microvascular abnormalities in at least one quad-
rant, in the absence of PDR.
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: character-
ized by neovascularization and vitreous or pre-
retinal hemorrhage.
Regular eye examinations are crucial in tracking the
severity level of diabetic retinopathy (DR) for people
with diabetes mellitus. Timely diagnosis and treat-
ment of DR are essential (Network, 2010), as the con-
dition can progress to advanced stages without pro-
ducing any immediate symptoms, thereby increasing
the risk of vision loss (Stitt et al., 2016).
The goal of this research is to offload the DL model
training by using the cloud. Our inspiration codebase
is the Voets reproduction
(Voets et al., 2019). Our
model uses the Inception v3 architecture to transfer
learning. We initialized the network with imagenet
weights. In Figure 3, the 42 layers of the Inception v3
architecture are detailed.
After loading the imagenet weights, we add a
Global Average Pooling 2D layer and two Dense lay-
ers, the first fully connected with 1024 units using
Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function, and
the second using Softmax activation function and five
units, one to each of 5 classes.
The model uses Adam optimizer, a gradient de-
scendent algorithm based on the adaptive estimation
of first and second-order moments. The learning rate
value was 0.0014. The accuracy was collected to
judge the model. The loss function calculates the log-
arithmic loss between actual and predicted labels. In
this paper, we use the Sparse Categorical Crossen-
tropy function.
As input, we used Kaggle’s EyePACS dataset
This database is commonly used for deep learning
applications in DR detection and is divided into two
subsets, train and test. The training dataset contains
35,126 images, where 25,810 have no signs of dis-
ease; 2,443 present mild retinopathy; 5,292 present
moderate retinopathy; 873 present grave retinopathy;
and 708 present proliferative retinopathy. We split
these images into training and validating datasets.
Thus, we perform a 5-class classification.
First, we process all images by locating the center
and radius of the eye fundus and redimensioning
every picture to 256x256 pixels. The images dataset
was converted to TFRecord format and then uploaded
to the bucket on Google Storage for the training
in the TPU device. Each TFRecord file contains
2,000 images (except the last one which has 1,126
images). We split the TFRecord files into training
(80%) and validating (20%) datasets. Therefore,
the training dataset consists of 28,000 images,
and the validating dataset consists of 7,126 im-
ages. The dataset is public and available on Kaggle at
TFRecord, TensorFlow’s custom data format, is
a powerful tool. It’s natively supported by the
high-performance API, can handle distributed
datasets and takes advantage of parallel I/O. Working
with large datasets can greatly benefit from using a
binary file format for storage. Binary data consumes
less space on disk, is faster to transfer, and can be read
more efficiently. Using a binary file format can lead
to a faster import pipeline and ultimately reduce the
training time for your model. In addition to perfor-
mance benefits, the TFRecord file format is also opti-
mized for use with TensorFlow. It simplifies combin-
ing multiple datasets, and seamlessly integrates with
the data import and preprocessing features of the li-
brary. This is particularly useful for datasets that are
too large to fit in memory (88.29 GB for the EyePACS
dataset), as only the necessary data (e.g. a batch) is
loaded from the disk and processed at a time. Over-
all, the TFRecord file format provides a convenient
and efficient way to work with large datasets in Ten-
4.1 Software Setting
A recent survey showed that Python remains the top
language for deploying, executing, and integrating
ML/DL algorithms and related tasks like data trans-
formation (Wang et al., 2019b). Its popularity stems
from its ease of learning, fast implementation, and
rich environment, including popular ML/DL frame-
works like Caffe, Tensorflow, Torch, and MXNet.
Our application was deployed using Python 3.7.3
and the embedded frameworks Tensorflow (2.6.0) and
Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing Unit
Figure 3: Inception V3 architecture. Source:–oview.png.
Keras (2.6.0). We used CUDA Toolkit 11.8 and
cuDNN 8.7 for GPU versions, following each devel-
oper’s recommended installation procedures.
4.2 Experimental Platforms
The experiments described in this paper were con-
ducted on the computational resources available at
the Google Cloud
, in the PCAD infrastructure at
, and Santos Dumont Supercomputer
at the National Laboratory for Scientific
Computing (LNCC)
Cloud TPUv3: We use a single TPUv3 with 8
cores and 128 GB memory. The TPU device pro-
vides 420 Teraflops performance. This environ-
ment is named TPUv3 throughout the rest of this
Blaise: A single compute node composed of
two Intel Xeon E5-2699 v4 Broadwell (2.2GHz)
CPU, 44 physical cores (22 per socket), 256 GB
of RAM, and four NVIDIA Tesla P100-SXM2-
16GB. All the experiments conducted used only
one GPU. This environment is named P100
throughout the rest of this paper.
Bull Sequana X1120 (GPU): A single compute
node composed of two Intel Xeon Cascade Lake
Gold 6252 (2.1GHz) CPU, 48 physical cores (24
per socket), 384 GB of RAM, and four NVIDIA
Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB. All the experiments
conducted also used only one GPU. This environ-
ment is named V100 throughout the rest of this
In this section, we showcase the performance evalua-
tion results obtained from the experimental platform
mentioned in the previous section. We present metrics
for execution time for different architectures. The re-
sults presented are an average of at least 10 runs, with
a relative error of less than 5% and a 95% confidence
level using the t-Student distribution. We also present
the accuracy achieved by our model and perform a
cost efficiency analysis when using TPUs compared
to a local cluster.
5.1 Performance Evaluation
As mentioned previously, we use the Inception V3 ar-
chitecture. After loading and initializing the network
with the imagenet weights and adding all layers de-
scribed in the previous section, we trained the model
on 28,000 samples and validated it on 7,126 samples,
with a batch size of 32 and limiting to 25 epochs. For
the TPU, we use the strategy presented in Section 3.1,
where each core processes 32 examples, resulting in
a global batch size of 256.
The performance results of our study are pre-
sented in Fig. 4, showcasing that the V100 outper-
formed the P100 in terms of average training time,
with a 1.63× improvement. The TPUv3, on the other
hand, showed a remarkable performance with an aver-
age training time that was 3.48× faster than the V100.
This result is even more significant when compared
to the P100, where the TPUv3 demonstrated an im-
provement of 5.63× in terms of average training time.
This gain is achieved without any code optimiza-
tion. Furthermore, although there is a time spent to
transfer the dataset to the cloud to run on the TPU
device, the performance of TPUv3 is still quite con-
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
P100 V100 TPUv3
Time (s)
P100 TPUv3 V100
Figure 4: Neural Network Training times in different hard-
siderable, about 4.95× and 3.06× more effective than
P100 and V100, respectively. The information about
the transfer is presented in Table 1. The measure-
ments demonstrate that the average throughput was
12.2 MBytes/second, with an average size of 20.73
MBytes per TFRecord file.
Table 1: Dataset transfer measurements to the cloud. The
edge location is in the PCAD infrastructure at INF/UFRGS.
The cloud location is in the Google Cloud Storage - Iowa
Parameter Edge to Cloud
Time 106.510 seconds
Average throughput 12.2 MBytes/second
Total Tranferred 932.2 MBytes
The results of this study are important in the field
of deep learning, where the ability to process large
amounts of data in a timely and efficient manner
is crucial. TPUs have a higher computation den-
sity, meaning they can perform more operations in a
smaller space. This allows for more efficient use of
the chip’s power and results in faster training times.
Our findings demonstrate that the TPUv3 outperforms
the other devices in average training time, making it
an attractive option for researchers and practitioners
looking to improve their deep-learning models.
Increasing the global batch size is necessary to
fully utilize the TPU cores when training deep learn-
ing models. This is because the TPU cores operate
on the XLA memory layout (Google, 2023b), which
requires each tensor’s batch dimension to be a multi-
ple of 8 (Jouppi et al., 2017) to more optimally utilize
the memory of each TPU core and increase through-
put. However, it’s important to note that training with
large batch sizes can lead to a degradation in model
quality due to the ”generalization gap” (Keskar et al.,
2016). This has been observed compared to models
trained with smaller batch sizes.
Although we did not explore optimization tech-
niques for scaling training to large batch sizes, such
as selecting large batch optimizers and learning rate
schedules, as well as utilizing distributed evaluation
techniques and batch normalization, we still achieved
good performance on the TPUv3.
5.2 Accuracy Evaluation
This section compares the accuracy collected from ten
executions of the Neural Network model on the P100,
V100, and TPUv3 architectures. All values shown are
averages, and the t-test (Kim, 2015) is used to com-
pare them. The model’s average accuracy achieves
85.45%, 81.59% and 81.43% for TPUv3, V100, and
P100, respectively, with a standard deviation of less
than 1% on both architectures. Fig. 5 depicts the ac-
curacy when running in each architecture.
TPUv3 V100 P100
P100 TPUv3 V100
Figure 5: Neural Network Accuracy in different hardware.
The 85% accuracy of the diabetic retinopathy de-
tection model is deemed appropriate. This is rein-
forced by the fact that other studies have shown sim-
ilar accuracy rates (Lin et al., 2018; Ghosh et al.,
2017), including using the Inception V3 architecture
(Mohammadian et al., 2017). It is important to high-
Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing Unit
light that the early detection of diabetic retinopathy
is crucial to avoid serious vision complications. A
model with an accuracy of 85% can provide reliable
results and significantly contribute to the accurate di-
agnosis of the disease.
5.3 Cost Evaluation
We also analyze the cost efficiency of using the cloud
for model training by scaling the performance value
with the price per hour. Table 2 shows the cost
per hour for a local cluster and the Google Cloud
. The value for the cluster was calculated as fol-
lows. We consider the hardware cost for a machine
of $25, 000 and that the machine will be used for one
year, so we arrive at a hardware cost per hour of $2.85.
We do not measure the price for facilities, person-
nel, and power consumption and do not include them
in the total price. The TPUv3 cost per hour is about
2.8× higher than the local cluster. However, the
performance achieved was 3.48× better.
Table 2: Cost (in Dollar/hour) of each solution.
Device Cost
TPUv3-8 $8.00
Local cluster $2.85
On the local cluster, our estimated cost would be
$2.13 to train the model. On the other hand, TPUv3,
costing $8 per hour, gives us an average cost per train-
ing of $1.72. TPU is about 19% more efficient, i.e., it
costs 19% less to perform the same amount of work in
the cloud than in the local cluster. This indicates that
Cloud TPU can be a good choice for training deep
learning models, especially for our case, the Diabetic
Retinopathy model.
Additionally, the cost per training can be further
reduced by using preemptible TPUs. Preemptible
TPUs cost much less than non-preemptible ones,
about 70% less. However, it can be interrupted at
any time. In this case, the application must be restart-
resilient to save model checkpoints regularly and re-
stores the most recent one upon restart. In our case
study, the estimated cost of using preemptible TPUs
is $0.52. This is 3.3× better than the on-demand TPU
and represents a cost efficiency of around 75% com-
pared to the local cluster.
TPUs are specialized hardware devices designed to
accelerate machine learning workloads, especially
matrix operations used in deep learning algorithms.
TPUs are considered better for deep learning tasks
because they provide a high computational perfor-
mance, efficient and cost-effective solution for accel-
erating these workloads.
In this paper, we sought to evaluate the perfor-
mance of the Diabetic Retinopathy model training by
asynchronously offloading the training to the cloud
using TPU devices. Such an approach aids in alle-
viating the contention for high-demanded local HPC
resources, allowing them to be focused on running ap-
plications. We adjusted the neural network model to
be trained on TPUs, and have seen encouraging out-
comes, including shorter training time, with gains of
up to 5.63× in the best case, even without any op-
timizing the code. Our results provide a good start-
ing point for those interested in improving the perfor-
mance of their deep-learning models.
Future work will extend the performance evalua-
tion to the Cloud TPUv4 and the TPU Pods, exploring
optimization techniques, such as selecting large batch
optimizers and learning rate schedules, to scale train-
ing to large batch sizes.
This study was partially supported by the
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior Brasil (CAPES) Finance Code
001, by Petrobras grant n.º 2020/00182-5, by
CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT - Universal 18/2021 under
grants 406182/2021-3, MCTIC/CNPq - Universal
28/2018 under grants 436339/2018-8, by CIARS
RITEs/FAPERGS project and by CI-IA FAPESP-
MCTIC-CGI-BR project. Some experiments in this
work used the PCAD infrastructure, http://gppd-, at INF/UFRGS. The authors
acknowledge the National Laboratory for Scientific
Computing (LNCC/MCTI, Brazil) for providing HPC
resources of the SDumont supercomputer, which
have contributed to the research results reported
within this paper. URL:
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Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing Unit