Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool
Sara Nikula
, Pekka Koskela
, Outi-Marja Latvala
and Sami Lehtonen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
Quantum Key Distribution, Quantum Key Distribution Network, Light Security Tool, Security Estimation.
Quantum key distribution offers a way to create and distribute secure encryption keys based on the laws of
quantum physics, which means that these protocols are secure even in the presence of an adversary with
unlimited computing power. These keys can be forwarded over several hops in quantum key distribution
networks (QKDN). At the moment, any established solutions to assess the security of these networks don’t
exist. This paper describes a concept of light tool for security status estimation, which provides a holistic
estimation of quantum key distribution network systems’ security status, especially concentrating in quantum
issues that might not arise when assessing classical networks. Our approach is to make high abstraction level
questions concerning the status of specific security issues. Rather than providing detailed questions, we try to
reach a holistic view of QKDN security, where the questions will also guide the future security development.
We present sets of questions which concern different areas of quantum key distribution network security. With
the help of these questions, we offer a high-abstraction level tool for estimating the security of quantum key
distribution networks.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols offer a
way for two users, who have an access to a quantum
and a classical communication channel, to form and
distribute keys securely. These can be used to encrypt
the subsequent communication. The quantum chan-
nel is needed for transmitting key information in the
form of, for example, photon polarization. The main
difference to classical key agreement protocols is that
the security of QKD protocols is not based on math-
ematical problems, but rather on the laws of quantum
physics, such as the fact that the quantum state of a
single photon cannot be cloned. Hence, any attempt
to eavesdrop the quantum channel will lead to an in-
creased error rate in the resulting bit string, and thus
the communicating parties will be able to infer that
something has gone wrong. (Huang et al., 2016; Ben-
nett and Brassard, 2014)
The advantage of utilizing QKD is that its security
doesn’t depend on the assumed computing power of
the potential adversary. This means that it remains as
a secure key distribution protocol even though quan-
tum computers are developing rapidly and even if
some new mathematical break-throughs would ques-
tion the security of quantum-resistant key exchange
Quantum key distribution protocols are defined
as point-to-point interaction between two adjacent
nodes. In order to manage and distribute the produced
keys in a practical way, these nodes can be connected
with each other to form a quantum key distribution
network in which keys can be transmitted over sev-
eral hops. These networks need two types of chan-
nels. Quantum channels are used for creating secure
keys via quantum key distribution protocols. Clas-
sical channels are needed for the post-processing of
these keys and for passing control information, which
is needed to maintain the network.
For example, we might want to create and trans-
mit secure keys to an application, which would use
them for communicating securely with another ap-
plication over the internet. We would start by cre-
ating these keys in a quantum link, using some quan-
tum key distribution protocol. Then, we would create
the final secure keys out of the raw bits in the post-
processing (also called key distillation) phase, and fi-
nally, we would pass these keys forward in the key
distribution network to the target applications. Under
transmission, the data can be secured by decrypting it
in a trusted node and encrypting it again for the next
Nikula, S., Koskela, P., Latvala, O. and Lehtonen, S.
Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0012022100003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 587-596
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
hop in some quantum-safe manner, using a key pro-
duced in a QKD protocol previously conducted with
the next node. (Takahashi et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2017)
General tools to assess the information security
status of an organization do exist, e.g., (Kybertur-
vallisuuskeskus, 2021). There are also well-known
frameworks for assessing the maturity of processes
or organizations, e.g., Capability Maturity Model
(CMM) (Paulk et al., 1993) or Cybersecurity Capabil-
ity Maturity Model (C2M2) (Christopher et al., 2014).
QKD is a relatively new technology that has not yet
been utilized in a large scale. At the moment, estab-
lished solutions to assess the security of a QKDN sys-
tem do not exist. Existing tools to assess information
security of a network may not be sufficiently detailed
to be applied to quantum key distribution networks,
because these include special infrastructure and pro-
tocols deviating from classical networks. This paper
aims to provide a tool to estimate the security of a
quantum key distribution network specifically. We
focus on aspects concerning quantum threat, because
quantum key distribution protocols are aimed to be a
safe key distribution method even in the presence of
a quantum attacker, and assume that classical infor-
mation security is well implemented. This is because
tools to assess classical information security already
exist, and covering all classical information security
aspects of a network would be redundant. Our tool
can be realized for example as a spreadsheet.
In the next section we describe the QKDN archi-
tecture. In Section 3 we present our tool. The tool is
divided into parts that concentrate on different secu-
rity aspects of the QKDN. Security of the network is
estimated with the help of high abstraction level ques-
tions, which help to assess and improve the security
of the system. In Section 4 we discuss the strengths,
weaknesses and improvement and expansion poten-
tial of our tool. Section 5 concludes the paper.
Quantum key distribution network architecture can be
separated into three layers. At the bottom we have the
infrastructure layer, which usually consists of a clas-
sical and a quantum part integrated with each other,
see Figure 1. The classical section consists of routers,
servers and classical links, and the quantum section
consists of switches, splitters, relays, and quantum
links. Above the infrastructure layer is the manage-
ment and control layer, which is used for orchestra-
tion of resources and devices of the QKDN. At the
top there is the user and application layer, where the
key services of the QKDN are provided and used.
The security of a QKDN can be inspected and es-
timated by concentrating on different sectors of the
system, which together form the holistic security of
the whole system. These sectors are discussed more
carefully in Section 3. Based on a generic network ar-
chitecture, Figure 1, the security critical parts can be
defined as the security of physical assets, integration,
response capability of the system, orchestration and
management, and the skills of human resources, see
Figure 2. The security level can then be estimated
through known vulnerabilities and threats with risk
analysis according to the extent of provided services
and how critical these services are.
Several international standardisation organisa-
tions, such as ITU and ETSI, provide standards and
recommendations concerning quantum key distribu-
tion protocols, their security levels and their imple-
mentation. These standards can be exploited to esti-
mate the maturity level of the security solutions and
technology. Appendix gives a brief overview of some
of the currently available standards and recommenda-
tions concerning QKDNs.
In the following sections, we present nine short sets of
questions which enable a security expert to assess se-
curity of a QKDN. The sets of questions are divided
according to the different sections of the whole sys-
tem. Each part is covered in its own subsection to-
gether with a table of security questions. We have
structured the tool so that the answer to a question
can be flexibly expressed as a percentage. The 0 and
100 % answers are provided in the tables, and the user
compares their system to these extremes to get a re-
sult, e.g., ”75% complete”.
3.1 Protocols
Protocols are the main component of the quantum key
distribution process. In order to perform quantum
key distribution, two kinds of protocols are needed: a
quantum protocol, which consists of transmitting the
key information in quantum states, and classical pro-
tocols, which are needed to extract the classical key
material from the quantum information and ensure the
security of the process. Quantum protocols can be
divided into discrete variable (DV-QKD) protocols,
such as BB84 (Bennett and Brassard, 2014) and B92
(Bennett, 1992), and continuous-variable (CV-QKD)
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Generic QKD network architecture.
Figure 2: Generic QKD security architecture.
protocols, such as the protocol used in (Huang et al.,
2016). These two protocol types differ from each
other in their working principles and security proofs,
but both are based on utilizing quantum physics for
detecting possible attacks. Classical protocols are
used for post-processing the data and assessing the er-
ror rate of the channel, and they have a significant role
in the security of the final secret keys. An example of
a classical post-processing protocol is (Brassard and
Salvail, 1994).
The security of the used protocols can be assessed
with the help of the questions in Table 1.
Table 1: Assessing the security of protocols, answer scale
0–100 %.
Has the quantum security of the used protocols
been theoretically proven?
Does the implementation of the protocols comply
with quantum theory in such a way that the secu-
rity of the protocols is maintained?
Do the devices available enable implementing the
chosen quantum protocols correctly?
Has the security level of the final secure keys been
Has information leakage during the quantum and
classical protocols been taken into account when
assessing the security level of these keys?
3.2 Infrastructure
Infrastructure refers to the devices that form a net-
work. In a QKD network, this usually includes classi-
cal network devices, such as routers and servers, and
Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool
QKD specific devices, such as relays, switches and
mirrors (Tayduganov et al., 2021; Arteaga-D
ıaz et al.,
2022). The free space and optical links are similar
or same for both classical and quantum side. These
devices together form a QKD network. The choice
of the used quantum protocol is dependent on the in-
frastructure. As stated in (ETSI, 2010b), some chan-
nel types only allow secure implementation of certain
protocols, due to the noise rate of the channel.
Security of the infrastructure should be considered
from two viewpoints: for every device individually
and for the network infrastructure as a system. The
system and devices will have different security threats
and vulnerabilities, and they need to be studied sepa-
rately. Relations and paths between the different com-
ponents of the network can be assessed. For example,
if an attacker has compromised a single device, this
will not necessarily threaten the whole system, and
the event may stay hidden. But in some cases, access
to one device can lead to access to another, more crit-
ical, device in the same system. These kinds of paths
are depicted as attack graphs in (Wang et al., 2007).
In the case of a system wide attack, the impacts may
be noticed widely. For example, a successful DDoS
attack will cause a slowdown of the operation of the
whole system.
Information security, consisting of confidentiality,
integrity and authenticity of the data, must be ensured
in all parts of the infrastructure. Data must be secured
against tampering, and the privileges to see and use
the data need to be controlled. This covers all data
travelling through the infrastructure, and it can be ei-
ther control data or data of different services. For ex-
ample, in trusted relay QKD networks, session keys
to be shared are decrypted and re-encrypted at trusted
nodes so that they can be securely sent through a clas-
sical channel (Yu et al., 2017). This ensures the con-
fidentiality of the data. Similarly, the infrastructure
needs to enable ensuring authenticity and integrity of
the data.
The information security status of the infrastruc-
ture and data can be assessed with the help of the
questions in Table 2.
3.3 Human Capability
QKD networks include devices and protocols, which
deviate from classical networks. Supervising the se-
cure functioning of this kind of a system requires
knowledge from several different fields: knowledge
of physics in order to assess and set up the quan-
tum key distribution infrastructure, knowledge of in-
formation security to prepare for possible threats, and
knowledge of classical communication and network-
ing infrastructure in order to build and maintain the
Table 2: Assessing the security of the infrastructure, answer
scale 0–100 %.
Is control traffic encrypted with a quantum safe
Is data traffic encrypted with a quantum safe
Have quantum safe access control and authentica-
tion protocols been implemented in the network?
Has the quantum security of individual devices
been estimated and tested?
Has the quantum security of the whole infrastruc-
ture consisting of these devices been estimated?
Is the estimation method tested or based on some
Are security critical devices placed in such a se-
cured place that they can be considered as trusted
For the maintainer of a QKDN, this might be a
challenge from a personnel point of view. For ex-
ample, assessing the sufficient signal-noise-ratio of a
CV-QKD link requires both knowledge of possible at-
tacks and ability to assess the properties of the quan-
tum link (Huang et al., 2016). Furthermore, (ETSI,
2010c) states that operating QKD related equipment
in unsuitable conditions, such as excess humidity or
temperature, can increase the failure probability of a
device, and this can be a security threat. The person-
nel in charge of this equipment must be aware of these
limitations and requirements. These kind of QKD
specific areas of knowledge may be outside the ex-
pertise of many specialists otherwise capable of mon-
itoring network security.
The ability to prevent and recover from attacks de-
pends on how well the organization is prepared for the
attacks. Preparation includes for example assessing
possible threats, training employees, and the everyday
security routines and practices. For maintaining this
ability, skills of employees and resources for develop-
ing these are important. If the organization in charge
of the QKDN lacks competent personnel of its own,
these human capability resources can also be obtained
from third party consultants.
Human capability resources can be assessed with
the help of the questions in Table 3.
3.4 Integration to Classical Network
Security assumptions on QKD protocols concentrate
on the security of the quantum channel, over which
the raw key bits are being transferred. However, if we
wish to use the resulting keys in classical communica-
tions, it is not enough to guarantee the security of the
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Assessing the capabilities of human resources, an-
swer scale 0–100 %.
Are secure practices developed and followed?
Is quantum security expertise available whenever
Does this expertise cover all critical areas (quan-
tum specific technologies, information security,
classical networking)?
Are human and funding resources sufficient?
Are there means and plans to prevent possible at-
tacks, especially quantum specific?
Has the personnel been trained to act in case of
possible attacks?
quantum channel. Because QKDN systems need to
have a classical part and they can provide services to
classical networks, the integration between the classi-
cal section and the quantum section will be one source
for attacks and affect the achieved security level of the
whole system. This interface between the quantum
channel and the classical network is specific to QKD
networks, as in classical networks we don’t need to
do this kind of transition.
Essentially, in QKD, the keys are transferred from
quantum signals to classical bits in a sifting process.
This depends on the chosen QKD protocol, e.g. (Ben-
nett and Brassard, 2014) or (Bennett, 1992). The
sifted key bits are further processed in error correc-
tion, using for example LDPC codes (Limei et al.,
2020), and privacy amplification, which is meant to
enhance the security of the final key (Tang et al.,
In order for the QKD protocol to be secure, a reli-
able authentication mechanism is needed. QKD pro-
tocols are used to distribute secure encryption keys,
but authentication of the discussing parties is manda-
tory to make sure that the keys are being shared with
an intended party. Authentication can be either real-
ized through pre-shared keys (Kiktenko et al., 2020)
or using a public key infrastructure and digital signa-
tures (Wang et al., 2022). This also means it’s a criti-
cal intersection between quantum and classical chan-
nels, as the signal sent through the quantum channel
is authenticated via the classical channel.
Integration to a classical network can be assessed
with the help of the questions in Table 4.
3.5 Vulnerability Status
Vulnerability status refers to surveying the possible
vulnerabilities in the different parts of the network.
Vulnerabilities in a QKD network can arise either
from QKD specific protocols and infrastructure or
classical software and infrastructure. In some cases,
Table 4: Assessing the integration to a classical network,
answer scale 0–100 %.
Have the interfaces between the classical and
quantum network been listed?
Have the possible security issues in these inter-
faces been analyzed?
Has the method used in this analysis been tested or
based on some standards?
Is the authentication method used in the post-
processing phase of the key bit strings quantum se-
even though a vulnerability would have been detected
in some part of the system, there exists a known fix,
which can mitigate the caused threat. According to
(Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams,
2019), an official fix, meaning a complete vendor so-
lution, is the most preferable option in these cases.
Deviations between theoretical and practical secu-
rity are one prominent source of vulnerabilities, as
stated in (ETSI, 2010b). Immaturity of the current
quantum key distribution technology leads to contra-
dictions between theoretical security and practical im-
plementations of these protocols. Even though dis-
crete variable protocols, such as BB84 (Bennett and
Brassard, 2014) and B92 (Bennett, 1992), in theory
offer unconditional security, their current physical re-
alizations are still imperfect due to e.g. challenges
in emitting only single photon at a time (L
1999). This is characteristic for current QKD tech-
niques and should be taken into account when assess-
ing the security of a QKDN, regardless of which pro-
tocols are used. Also (ETSI, 2018c) states that devi-
ations between implementation and theoretic security
should be assessed and, if possible, reduced.
The vulnerability status can be assessed with the
help of the questions in Table 5.
Table 5: Assessing the vulnerability status of the system,
answer scale 0–100%.
Is there a list of the main vulnerabilities in the
QKD protocols deployed in the network?
Is there a list of the main vulnerabilities in the
physical infrastructure of the network from the
quantum computing point of view?
Is there a list of the main vulnerabilities in the clas-
sical software protocols deployed in the network?
Have these vulnerabilities been further assessed?
For example, does exploiting them require some
kind of special equipment?
Has the probability of each of these vulnerabilities
being exploited been estimated?
Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool
3.6 Threat Status
Threat status refers to surveying the possible threats
towards the QKDN. (International Telecommunica-
tion Union, 2020b) divides threats into three cate-
gories: intentional threats posed by a malicious ac-
tor, threats caused by administration, and accidental
threats. Administrative threats are caused by a failure
in administration, and accidental threats result from
technical failures. Malicious threats include for ex-
ample eavesdropping, corruption of data, denial of
service attacks or unauthorized physical access to the
Maintenance situations can also be a security
threat. As stated in (International Telecommunication
Union, 2020b), interests and aspirations of operators,
users and third parties related to the QKDN should
be identified. Also (Kyberturvallisuuskeskus, 2021)
states that organizations should be aware of depen-
dencies on suppliers, subcontractors and other rele-
vant third parties, as these can be relevant from infor-
mation security point of view.
Attacks directed especially towards QKD proto-
cols usually require an access to the physical channel,
as in (Shao et al., 2022). Other, software-including
parts of the QKDN can possibly be attacked online,
without physical access to the device. (Forum of In-
cident Response and Security Teams, 2019) classifies
attacks requiring physical access to the devices as less
severe than attacks that can be realized through a net-
work. QKD protocols and their implementations are
still under development, and this means that new at-
tacks and vulnerabilities are probable. This is why a
list of possible threats needs to be actively maintained
and updated.
Survey of security threats can be done, e. g., as
in (International Telecommunication Union, 2020b),
where the threats are grouped according to whether
they threaten confidentiality, integrity or availability
of the data, as well as the type of the attack. In
QKDN, one of the critical assets are the keys deliv-
ered to the client applications. The security of QKD
protocols is based on the fact that eavesdropping of
the channel can be detected, but it does not provide
any means to prevent this kind of attacks; thus avail-
ability of keys can be destroyed by disturbing the net-
work. Confidentiality and integrity of the assets can
be destroyed by attacks on other, classical, parts of the
key management system, where the produced keys are
being transmitted and stored. One aspect of threats to
availability is the QKDN capacity to provide key ma-
terial to its users and applications. When the system
isn’t able to create keys needed anymore very little
can be done. The actual need must be measured in
advance. High utilization rate might be a vulnerabil-
Threat status can be assessed with the help of the
questions in Table 6.
Table 6: Assessing the threat status, answer scale 0–100 %.
Have the possible threats towards the QKDN been
Have all protocols, devices and other parts of the
QKDN been covered in this list?
Have these threats been further analyzed?
Have the probabilities of these threats been as-
Is this list of threats and their probabilities actively
maintained and updated?
Have the suppliers and clients associated with the
QKDN been reviewed?
3.7 Response Capability of the System
Response capability of the system refers to its ability
to detect realized attacks and respond to them. De-
tection of an attack requires knowledge about pos-
sible attacks and means to measure them. For ex-
ample, in ideally realized classical DV-QKD proto-
cols, eavesdropping of a quantum channel can be de-
tected in an increased error rate (Bennett and Bras-
sard, 2014; Bennett, 1992). On the other hand, some
attacks targeted to CV-QKD protocols enable eaves-
dropping without increasing the error rate (Jouguet
et al., 2013). Some attacks only become possible with
imperfections or errors in implementation (Pereira
et al., 2021). As mentioned in Section 3.2, sometimes
the origin of the attack is hard to locate as the effects
can be seen in the whole network.
Some of the attacks targeted at QKD protocols are
more probable than others. Some are currently hard to
realize and thus improbable in practice, but develop-
ments in technology can change this. After detecting
an attack, the system should be able to respond to it
by mitigating further damages and preventing the at-
tacker from gaining access to the rest of the network.
Response capability of the system can be assessed
with the help of the questions in Table 7.
3.8 Risk Status
Risk status refers to the role of the QKD network as
a key service provider. According to (Kyberturval-
lisuuskeskus, 2021), the organization should identify
critical services it is producing, as well as all infras-
tructure, devices and processes needed for it. The or-
ganization should be aware of how long its customers
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 7: Assessing the response capability of the system,
answer scale 0–100 %.
What is the status of attack and threat analysis, es-
pecially in sense of quantum computing?
Do you have tools to detect realized attacks, in-
cluding quantum specific attacks?
How mature are these tools?
Are these tools justified, i.e., based on reliable re-
Do these tools cover all possible attacks towards
the quantum specific parts of QKDN?
Is there networking with other companies or asso-
ciations having quantum security know-how?
Does the network contain redundancy, enabling the
network to recover from possible attacks and con-
tinue providing key services?
can survive without these services and have plans for
dealing with this kind of disturbance situations.
Defining the risk status of a QKD network does
not deviate much from any other kind of a network.
QKD networks’ function is to provide secure key ma-
terial for some application domain. Depending on this
domain, realization of information security threats
can have different impacts. For example, if a QKDN
is assumed to provide keys for a critical national in-
frastructure, a realized threat will have more severe
impact than if the QKDN delivers keys for private
IoT devices at homes. The risk will also increase if
the service is widely used and therefore covers a wide
operation or business area. Severity of a risk can be
thought of as a combination of its probability and ef-
fect, where the effect consists of extent and criticality
of impacts.
Risk status can be assessed with the help of the
questions in Table 8.
Table 8: Assessing the risks status, answer scale 0–100 %.
Has the main role of the QKDN been assessed?
Which are the main applications using it?
Does the QKDN maintainer have a plan for man-
aging disturbance situations?
Have the possible effects of a realized attack been
What are the possible worst-case-scenarios if the
QKDN is compromised?
How long can the QKDN be out of use before se-
vere damage is caused to the client?
3.9 Management Capability
Management capability refers to resources available
for maintaining the information security of the whole
QKD network. These resources can include, e.g., em-
ployees, devices, and software. Maintaining informa-
tion security can be viewed as three steps: having a
plan, deploying it, and keeping the plan and the de-
ployment up-to-date. New attacks and risks arise con-
tinuously, and the plan and the deployment must be
updated according to them.
Managing information security of an organiza-
tion has been covered in several papers and guide-
lines. (Kyberturvallisuuskeskus, 2021) refers to it as
an information security strategy or information se-
curity program. (International Telecommunication
Union, 2020a) provides a detailed description of a
recommendation for information security manage-
ment process. Management of information security
of a QKDN does not differ much from other organi-
zations, as it mostly covers the practices in the orga-
nization and is less dependent on the detailed infras-
tructure deployed. It can be based on the risks and
threats status defined in the previous sections, which
also cover the QKDN infrastructure in more detail.
Management state can be assessed with the help
of the questions in Table 9.
Table 9: Assessing the management of the system, answer
scale 0–100 %.
Is there a plan for maintaining the information se-
curity of the QKDN, which also takes into account
the development of quantum computing?
Has the information security maintenance plan
been designed according to the risk status of the
Has the information security maintenance plan
been designed according to the threat status of the
Is this plan deployed?
Is this plan and its deployment continuously up-
dated according to new emerging threats and at-
tacks, especially due to quantum computing devel-
In the current form, our network security assess-
ment tool does not specify details of the concerned
quantum key distribution network. The advantage
of this approach is that this tool serves as a simple
general-purpose tool to guide security work for dif-
Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool
ferent types of QKD networks, regardless of their de-
tailed infrastructure or organization behind the net-
work. QKDN technology is still being developed and
more advanced attacks against QKD protocols are be-
ing found, therefore it is impossible to cover all possi-
ble security issues in QKDNs. However, our approach
can point out main shortages in security and guide the
development work of network maintainers.
The strength of using high abstraction level ques-
tions rather than gathering every possible detailed
question makes our tool lightweight and time saving.
In spite of this, it covers many security topics and can
guide the security work to the right direction. The
downside of this approach is that some security as-
pects, which are not explicitly addressed, may remain
unnoticed. Security experts should be used to produce
answers to these questions, widening the coverage in
each security aspect and thus tackling the challenge of
possibly implicit issues. The enclosed paper presents
answers in a table format but also other kinds of user
interfaces could be considered, e.g. slide bars.
In the future, our tool can be made more accu-
rate by defining more detailed questions per different
QKD solutions and technologies. Doing so without
the trade off of losing simplicity of performing the
security estimation is a research topic. These ques-
tions would address the low-level implementation of
the network, security practices, possible threats and
other aspects addressed in this paper. The low-level
implementation questions could be grouped accord-
ing to the infrastructure type, QKD protocol and tech-
nologies, intended use cases of the distributed keys,
and so on. The proposed approach could also be part
of a security standard, providing a formal way to de-
fine security level of a system. The question patterns
could also be developed further for more careful con-
sideration and definition by adding weight of ques-
Regardless of the detailed structure of the ques-
tions used in analyzing the security level of a net-
work, it is important to document the results and use
the same questions and measurement methods in the
future. This ensures repeatability and enables to track
the development of the information security status of
the QKDN over time.
Quantum key distribution networks offer a way to de-
liver cryptographic keys in a secure way even in the
era of quantum computers. However, at the moment
no established solutions for assessing the security of
this kind of networks exist. Here we have introduced
an approach to assess the security of quantum key
distribution networks with our lightweight tool. Our
method is to divide the network security in different
domains, which are examined separately with the help
of a set of high-level questions. By answering these
questions, the network maintainer creates a view of
the security level of the network, as well as infor-
mation on how to enhance it further. In the future,
the tool can be developed further by adding more de-
tailed technical specific low-level questions about the
different domains presented in this paper. However,
adding accuracy leads to balancing between simple-
lightweight and accurate-complex with the trade off
of losing some simplicity and thus making the tool
more time consuming.
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An overview of the mainstream international stan-
dardisation organisations and groups (ITU, ISO, IEC,
CENELEC, IEEE, and ETSI) developing standards
for quantum technologies is provided in (Pitwon and
Lee, 2021). They also identify the areas where the
standards will have the highest relevance without im-
peding future innovations. Although the standards
and recommendations published by the different or-
ganizations discuss the same theme, they present
slightly different views of the structures and main el-
ements of quantum key distribution networks.
Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool
Recommendation ITU-T X.1710 provides a security
framework to identify and mitigate security issues in
quantum key distribution networks. The recommen-
dation only considers intentional threats posed by ma-
licious actors. Thus, security threats caused inadver-
tently by users or administrators are not covered. (In-
ternational Telecommunication Union, 2020b)
According to ITU, the main information assets of
QKDN are secure key data i.e. random bit strings,
data related to key management, and data related to
control and management information of QKDN. The
functional elements of QKDN are divided into the
following parts: QKD modules, which generate the
keys; links i.e. classical and quantum channels be-
tween the QKD modules; key management nodes;
QKDN controllers; and QKDN managers. For each
part of the QKDN, the following threats are identi-
fied: deletion/corruption of data, eavesdropping, de-
nial of service, spoofing, repudiation, and unautho-
rized physical access. This recommendation does
not cover QKD protocol specific attacks or attacks
towards the post-processing phase. (International
Telecommunication Union, 2020b)
ETSI provides many standards covering security of
QKD systems. These standards include the follow-
ing topics: interfaces (ETSI, 2022b; ETSI, 2022a;
ETSI, 2020); communication protocols for QKD net-
works for supplying cryptographic keys to applica-
tions (ETSI, 2019b); main communication resources
and arhcitectures related to fiber optical QKD net-
works (ETSI, 2019a); characterisations and specifica-
tions of optical components in QKD systems (ETSI,
2016); application scenarios of QKD (ETSI, 2010a);
vocabulary (ETSI, 2018b); common components and
interfaces in QKD systems (ETSI, 2018a); security
requirements for QKD modules and reference for
evaluating the security of practical quantum key dis-
tribution systems (ETSI, 2010b).
QKD Module Security Specification of ETSI
(ETSI, 2010c) specifies security requirements for
QKD modules. Complying with these requirements
aims to ensure that the system will with high prob-
ability notice potential attacks via physical channels.
The document specifies a secure physical structure of
a single QKD module, interfaces which enable com-
munication with the other parts of the system, require-
ments for software used in the module, provided secu-
rity services, other provided services, and authentica-
tion of operators for controlling access to the module.
Security Proofs document of ETSI (ETSI, 2010b)
classifies QKD devices after the security levels
achievable to them and clarifies their possible roles
in a larger system. Theoretical security refers to
the mathematical security proofs of the protocols,
whereas practical security refers to the implementa-
tion of these protocols.
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has a
working group called ”Quantum Internet Research
Group” (QIRG). The goal of QIRG is to study and
find solutions on designing and building quantum net-
works. Its research topics involve routing, resource
allocation, connection establishment, interoperability,
security and API design. One of the key focus areas
in the field of quantum networks will be cryptographic
functions, such as quantum key distribution or quan-
tum byzantine agreement. At the moment, QIRG has
not yet provided any proposal for internet standards,
i.e. RFC (Request for Comments), concerning quan-
tum internet. (Quantum Internet Research Group RG,
Quantum-safe Security working group of CSA
(Cloud Security Alliance) aims to support the cryp-
tography community in the development and deploy-
ment of a quantum-safe framework to protect data,
whether in movement or at rest (Working Group
Quantum-safe Security, ). The group has not yet pro-
vided any standards.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography