A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera
Kooshan Hashemifard
1 a
, Francisco Florez-Revuelta
1 b
and Gerard Lacey
2 c
Department of Computing Technology, University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain
Department of Electronic Engineering, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland
Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL), Privacy-Preserving Camera, Fallen Person Detection, Edge-AI.
As the population ages, Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) environments are increasingly used to support older
individuals’ safety and autonomy. In this study, we propose a low-cost, privacy-preserving sensor system
integrated with mobile robots to enhance fall detection in AAL environments. We utilized the Luxonis OAK-
D Edge-AI camera mounted on a mobile robot to detect fallen individuals. The system was trained using
YOLOv6 network on the E-FPDS dataset and optimized with a knowledge distillation approach onto the more
compact YOLOv5 network, which was deployed on the camera. We evaluated the system’s performance
using a custom dataset captured with a robot-mounted camera. We achieved a precision of 96.52%, a recall
of 95.10%, and a recognition rate of 15 frames per second. The proposed system enhances the safety and
autonomy of older individuals by enabling the rapid detection and response to falls.
The ageing population has led to a growing demand
for technologies that can support independent living
and enhance the safety of older individuals in their
homes. Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) environ-
ments, where smart devices and sensors are used to
assist with daily tasks and monitor safety, have gained
significant attention as a potential solution. In AAL
environments, sensor systems and mobile robots can
play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and ex-
tending the independence of older persons.
The widespread adoption of these technologies
has been hindered by cost and privacy concerns. To
address these challenges, it is essential to develop
low-cost and privacy-preserving solutions that can be
integrated into existing AAL environments.
Responding quickly to falls in AAL environments
is of the utmost importance. Falls are a leading cause
of injury and death among older adults. Additionally,
older adults who fall and cannot get up on their own
may face a long wait for help to arrive. This can re-
sult in physical and emotional distress and also risk
further health deterioration.
In this study, we describe the development of a
low-cost, privacy-preserving fallen person detection
system on an edge AI camera, Luxonis OAK-D. Our
focus is not to detect the fall while it occurs but to
detect when a person has fallen and cannot get up
on their own. The system’s performance was evalu-
ated using a robot-mounted camera, and the results
demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we review existing research related to fallen person
detection in AAL environments. Section 3 outlines
the design and implementation of the system includ-
ing details on data collection, network architecture,
and training. In Section 4, the results of the evalua-
tion are presented, along with a discussion. Finally,
Section 5 provides a conclusion of the paper, high-
lighting its key contributions and offering directions
for future work.
In this section, we discuss research on fallen per-
son detection in AAL environments, emphasising
AAL environments and highlighting some privacy-
preserving approaches.
2.1 Fall Detection Technologies
Several technologies have been developed for detect-
ing falls, including wearable devices, pressure mats,
Hashemifard, K., Florez-Revuelta, F. and Lacey, G.
A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera.
DOI: 10.5220/0012037200003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 262-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and other assistive technologies.
Pendants, also known as personal emergency re-
sponse systems (PERS), are wearable devices that can
be worn around the neck or wrist and equipped with
a fall detection button (Mann et al., 2005). When a
fall is detected, an alert is automatically sent to a des-
ignated caregiver or emergency services. Pendants
are easy to use, portable, and reliable, making them
a popular choice for older adults who are at risk of
falling. However, they can be easily misplaced or
damaged, and the fall detection button may not be
within reach if the person falls in a different position.
Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, activ-
ity trackers, and mobile phones, can also detect falls
by analyzing movement patterns (Ramachandran and
Karuppiah, 2020). The benefits of wearable devices
include the ability to monitor health and activity lev-
els, as well as provide fall detection. However, their
effectiveness may be limited in complex and clut-
tered environments, leading to errors and frustration
for users.
Pressure mats are another type of fall detection
technology that can detect changes in pressure and
alert a caregiver or emergency services when a fall
is detected (Ariani et al., 2010). Pressure mats are
easy to use and can detect falls even when someone
is not wearing any other assistive technology. How-
ever, they can generate false positives when objects
are placed on the mat and create a trip hazard in some
AAL settings.
Another type of fall detection technology is the
use of infrared sensors, which are commonly used in
motion detectors and can detect changes in body heat
and movement. These sensors can be placed through-
out a home or care facility to monitor activity and de-
tect falls. However, they are not as accurate as other
types of technology and may generate false positives
when detecting movement unrelated to a fall.
2.2 Computer Vision for Fallen Person
Computer vision has been increasingly used to de-
tect falls and fallen individuals. Survey papers such
as (Alam et al., 2022) and (Gutiérrez et al., 2021)
provide an overview of the different approaches used
in fallen person detection. These approaches can be
broadly categorized into two types: those that use
body posture analysis through techniques like Open-
Pose (Cao et al., 2018) and those that use object detec-
tion methods like YOLO (Redmon et al., 2015) and its
later versions. To evaluate the performance of these
systems, researchers can use benchmark datasets such
as VFP290K (An et al., 2021), IASLAB-RGBD (An-
tonello et al., 2017), Multicam (Auvinet et al., 2010),
Le2i (Charfi et al., 2013), FPDS (Maldonado-Bascón
et al., 2019), and its extension E-FPDS (Lafuente-
Arroyo et al., 2022). These datasets vary in terms
of their focus, with some focusing on spatio-temporal
aspects like Le2i, while others incorporate depth in-
formation like Multicam or focus on large-scale out-
door settings like VFP290.
Skeleton segmentation is a common approach,
and in (Asif et al., 2020) it achieves an accuracy of
84-97 % on the Multicam and Le2i datasets, albeit
with a high computational load. Another study by
(Antonello et al., 2017) uses a Kinect mounted on
a robot to detect fallen individuals and develops the
IASLAB-RGBD Fallen Person Dataset. This study
claims 90% accuracy when training in one lab envi-
ronment and testing on another using two SVMs to
classify the skeletons of fallen persons.
(Maldonado-Bascón et al., 2019) developed a
YOLO-based people detector with an SVM-based
fallen person classifier with high accuracy based on
their FPDS dataset. This study used a low-cost robot
but required sending images to a cloud server for im-
age processing and fall detection, serving as the pre-
decessor to our work. (Solbach and Tsotsos, 2017)
provides a more comprehensive context for fall de-
tection using wearable and CCTV video. They used
fixed versus mobile cameras and Lidar. They used
ground plane analysis and pose analysis to detect
fallen individuals. This study achieved 93% true pos-
itive accuracy in an office setting and 91% true pos-
itive accuracy in home settings. However, the false
positive rate was mentioned but not enumerated, and
the system had a high computational load.
In (Feng et al., 2020), YOLOv3 is used to de-
tect individuals, and an LSTM is used to determine
if they are falling. Similarly, (Iuga et al., 2018) uses
YOLO for person detection with UAV. Another study
by (Lafuente-Arroyo et al., 2022) uses the Nvidia Jet-
son TX2 on a robot to perform image processing and
classification. They use +/- ROT90 for face detection
and two fall detection approaches and test their re-
sults on the "IASLAB-RGBD" and "UR-Fall Detec-
tion Dataset (URFD)." This paper also provided the
E-FPDS dataset used in our research.
2.3 Privacy Preserving Sensors
The privacy-preserving approach in image processing
can be achieved by moving the processing tasks to
the edge of the network. This means that the image
processing is done locally on the device, such as a
wearable device or a camera, before only high-level
information is transmitted via the network. This ap-
A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera
proach, known as edge-AI, has gained attention from
researchers, who have demonstrated its potential in
various applications.
Sarabia et al. (Sarabia-Jácome et al., 2020) ex-
plored the use of wearable 3-axis accelerometers to
capture motion information, which was then pro-
cessed on the device to extract high-level features
such as posture and activity recognition. By doing
the processing on the edge of the network, they were
able to protect the privacy of the user’s personal in-
formation, while still achieving high accuracy in the
recognition of activities.
Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2020) proposed a cam-
era network based on Raspberry Pi (RPi) devices, but
they used a server to carry out the image processing.
They found that the approach was effective but not
privacy-preserving since the images had to be sent
across the network for processing.
Similarly, Maldonado et al. (Maldonado-Bascón
et al., 2019) used an RPi camera mounted on a robot
to capture images, which were then transmitted across
the network for processing. However, in their more
recent work, they implemented edge-AI image pro-
cessing using an Nvidia Jetson TX2, which allowed
them to do the processing on the device itself, thus
protecting the privacy of the images.
Overall, edge-AI is a promising approach to
privacy-preserving image processing since it allows
for local processing of data, reducing the risk of data
breaches and ensuring that only high-level informa-
tion is transmitted across the network.
There is a growing interest in assistive robots for mon-
itoring and aiding older people in Ambient-assisted
living (AAL) environments. However, privacy con-
cerns related to the cloud processing of CCTV images
from the home are still a barrier to their widespread
adoption. Recent advances in smart cameras can ad-
dress this issue by performing image analysis in the
camera. The Luxonis OAK-D camera is one exam-
ple of this approach. It uses deep learning models and
real-time computer vision to provide a low-latency,
privacy-preserving solution. We used the OAK-D
cameras with custom object detection models fine-
tuned on fall datasets to detect fallen persons in real-
time with high accuracy.
In this study, transfer learning techniques were
used to train the algorithms on the E-FPDS fallen per-
son dataset. The trained models were then converted
into the DepthAI format and deployed on the Luxonis
camera. The performance of the models was eval-
Figure 1: Luxonis OAK-D camera.
uated in real-life conditions and compared in terms
of accuracy, resource requirements, and processing
speed. The findings and insights from this evaluation
will be discussed in the next section.
It is important to note that not only is accuracy
highly critical, but we also need the camera to quickly
detect a fallen person. This is particularly relevant for
edge devices, which, although more affordable com-
pared to full processors and common GPUs utilized in
deep learning, still have limitations in terms of com-
putational resources. Additionally, as a single device
may be responsible for managing multiple concurrent
tasks, efficiency becomes even more valuable.
The remainder of this section will cover the selec-
tion of the network architecture and the transfer learn-
ing to detect fallen persons. To achieve a high framer-
ate on the camera using a compact network, we used
a knowledge distillation step to simplify the model.
We will then discuss the steps required to transfer the
model onto the camera.
3.1 Selection of the Backbone Network
and Pre-Trained Model
The first step in the methodology involves selecting a
pre-trained network for fine-tuning. Various models
and architectures for general object detection, trained
on large datasets such as ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009)
and COCO (Lin et al., 2014), are available in Ten-
sorFlow model zoo or PyTorch repositories. These
models are usually evaluated and compared based on
metrics such as speed, mean average precision, and
output type.
Although all these pre-trained models can recog-
nize the "person" class, their accuracy evaluations
may not be entirely reliable because detecting fallen
individuals is the primary focus of this work. More-
over, fallen individuals can assume various positions,
such as twists, fetal positions, or abnormal poses,
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
which may not be commonly represented in normal
human detection datasets, leading to lower detection
rates for these poses.
To select the best initial network and address this
issue, experiments were conducted to evaluate the
detection rates of several candidate networks on a
fallen person dataset. The candidate networks in-
cluded well-known and popular architectures such
as MobileNet SSD (Howard et al., 2017), Efficient-
Det (Tan et al., 2020), CenterNet (Tan et al., 2020),
and YOLO (Duan et al., 2019).
3.2 Transfer Learning for Fallen Person
While pre-trained object detector networks have the
ability to detect more than 90 different object classes,
the specific objective of this study is to identify indi-
viduals and differentiate them based on their fallen
or upright status. Some existing approaches deal
with one-class detection and rely on binary classifiers
or aspect ratio measurements of the bounding box
for classification (Vaidehi et al., 2011; Charfi et al.,
2012). In contrast, this study takes an end-to-end ap-
proach where the detector output directly produces re-
sults as two classes: fallen and upright individuals.
To accomplish this, the top layer of the object de-
tector network was replaced with two output neurons
for each status (fallen and upright) while retaining the
pre-trained parameters, except for the last layer. The
model was trained on fallen person images using the
best-performing networks from the previous step and
evaluated using COCO metrics.
3.3 Knowledge Distillation for
Efficiency Improvement
Deep learning has greatly advanced object detec-
tion, but state-of-the-art CNN-based networks can be
computationally expensive and difficult to deploy on
smaller devices, especially in real-time and multi-
tasking scenarios (Zhou et al., 2019). To address this
challenge, knowledge distillation has emerged as a
promising approach to directly learn compact mod-
els by transferring knowledge from a large model
(teacher network) to a smaller one (student network)
while reducing computational costs without sacrific-
ing validity. In this work, we investigate the use of
Fine-grained Feature Imitation (Wang et al., 2019) for
object detection, which is based on the idea that the
local features in the object region and near its anchor
location contain important information and are more
crucial for the detector and how the teacher model
tends to generalize. These regions are estimated, and
the student model imitates the teacher on them to im-
prove its performance.
The objective of this work is to enhance the perfor-
mance of object detection for fallen person dataset by
applying the knowledge distillation method. The ap-
proach comprises two stages: first, training a smaller
network conventionally, and second, fine-tuning a
smaller student detector by incorporating knowledge
from multiple large candidate models in the previous
section, which were trained on the fall dataset and re-
ferred to as teacher networks.
The smaller student detector is trained by using
both ground truth supervision and feature response
imitation on object anchor locations from the teacher
networks. The performance of the student detector is
then evaluated by comparing its results before and af-
ter knowledge distillation. The aim of this study is
to demonstrate the effectiveness of knowledge distil-
lation in improving object detection for fallen person
detection, and thereby achieving the same or accept-
able performance with a smaller and more efficient
3.4 Deploying on Luxonis Camera
When deploying a trained model to a camera device,
it is important that the model is compatible with the
supported frameworks such as Caffe, MXNet, Ten-
sorFlow, TensorFlow 2 Keras, Kaldi, and ONNX.
However, these models cannot be used directly by
the DepthAI platform. Instead, they need to be con-
verted into a MyriadX format blob file, which opti-
mizes them for the best inference on the MyriadX
VPU processor inside the device. The conversion pro-
cess involves two steps: first, the model is converted
to the OpenVINO Intermediate Representation (IR),
and then the IR model is compiled into a MyriadX
blob file using either an online server or a local con-
version tool. It is crucial to ensure that all the layers
and loss functions are compatible and supported by
OpenVINO to make the conversion successful.
4.1 Dataset
While many fall detection datasets focus on the entire
falling process, which may not be practical for a pa-
trol robot to observe, it is crucial to consider datasets
that align with the goal of detecting fallen individuals.
For fallen person detection in this work, we used
the E-FDPS dataset (Maldonado-Bascon et al., 2019).
This dataset contains 6982 images captured in indoor
A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera
Figure 2: E-FDPS sample images.
environments, with 5023 instances of falls and 2275
instances of non-falls in various scenarios, including
variations in pose, size, occlusions, and lighting. The
dataset also includes an "Elderly set", which consists
of 272 fallen individual images captured in a home
environment that is highly relevant to our task. We
divided the dataset into different sets for training, val-
idation, and evaluation purposes.
4.2 Results
To identify an effective backbone network for fallen
person detection, pre-trained models were evaluated
on the Elderly set. The performance of each model
was measured by calculating the detection accuracy
on the "person" class. Table 1 summarizes the re-
sults of this evaluation, comparing the person detec-
tion rates of different pre-trained models. The YOLO
architecture was found to have the highest average
precision and average recall, indicating that it is better
equipped to handle the variability in pose and appear-
ance of fallen persons. These findings suggest that
pre-trained YOLO models are well-suited for fallen
person detection.
In the next experiment, all of the previously eval-
uated models were fine-tuned on the E-FDPS training
set and evaluated on the Elderly set to validate the
conclusion that YOLO models are more suitable for
detecting fallen persons. The performance of these
fine-tuned models was evaluated not only in terms
of detecting fallen bodies, but also in terms of cor-
rectly classifying them. The results of this evaluation
are shown in Table 2, which further supports the use
of YOLO models, as they perform more balanced in
terms of precision and recall.
On the other hand, although the other networks
may perform well on one metric, their results are
skewed and unsuitable for real-case scenarios. This
highlights the importance of selecting a model that
can perform well on precision and recall to achieve
accurate and reliable fallen person detection.
This study tested different versions of YOLO
models, such as YOLOv5 and 6 in small, medium,
Table 1: Initial performance evaluation of pre-trained mod-
els over detecting the "person" class in Elderly set.
Model Detection
F1-score Average
MobileNet SSD 84.02% 71.04% 76.98% 72.92%
EfficientDet 88.64% 76.32% 82.02% 73.41%
CenterNet 83.33% 51.53% 63.68% 73.57%
YOLOv6 S 90.61% 74.22% 81.60% 72.72%
YOLOv6 M 95.50% 72.35% 82.32% 72.43%
YOLOv6 L 92.50% 85.71% 88.97% 72.82%
Table 2: Fallen person detection performance on Elderly set
by fine-tuned models.
Model Precision Recall F1-score Average
MobileNet SSD 85.41% 86.52% 85.96% 49.25%
EfficientDet 75.28% 94.88% 83.95% 53.28%
CenterNet 92.60% 92.50% 92.54% 67.75%
YOLOv6 S 85.30% 88.5% 86.87% 66.49%
YOLOv6 M 88.10% 86.50% 87.29% 70.41%
YOLOv6 L 98.42% 92.25% 95.23% 71.44%
and large sizes. The evaluation was performed on
the test set of the E-FDPS dataset which included 140
non-fall and 719 fall instances. The results, presented
in Table 3, show that the YOLOv6 large version gen-
erally performs better in terms of performance, but it
requires more computational resources. To make the
smallest YOLO model more effective, the knowledge
distillation approach was used, where the YOLOv6
large model was used as a teacher network. The per-
formance of the YOLOv5 small model was compared
before and after the knowledge distillation approach,
which showed an improvement in its performance.
Given the difference in the number of parameters, this
approach makes the small YOLO model more practi-
cal for deployment on edge devices with limited re-
4.3 Implementation Details
In this work, the implementation of YOLO networks
was performed using PyTorch framework. On the
other hand, the remaining networks were trained us-
ing TensorFlow Object Detection API and its corre-
sponding repository. The training was conducted on
a single NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090Ti GPU for 150
epochs, using ADAM optimization algorithm with an
initial learning rate of 0.001 and decay rate of 0.96.
The duration of the training process varied between 6
to 12 hours depending on the network size.
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 3: Fallen person detection performance of YOLO ver-
sions on E-FDPS test set and paramter numbers.
Model Precision Recall mAP50 mAP50-
YOLOv6 L 98.02% 98.25% 98.31% 61.84% 59.6M
YOLOv6 M 96.55% 96.63% 97.41% 62.86% 34.9M
YOLOv6 S 95.71% 96.78% 97.32% 60.04% 18.5M
YOLOv5 L 97.67% 96.29% 98.65% 62.91% 46.5M
YOLOv5 S 93.91% 91.17% 95.11% 56.80% 7.2M
YOLOv5 S-v6 L 96.52% 95.10% 97.22% 61.52% 7.2M
4.4 Evaluation on the in-the-Wild
A set of in-the-wild videos was employed to assess
the model’s performance in real-world settings. These
videos, captured using the Luxonis OAK-D cam-
era, featured individuals who had fallen and those
who had not in an indoor office environment. The
dataset comprised 38 videos recorded from various
angles by the patrol robot, featuring diverse actors
of different ages and genders and displaying differ-
ent poses and falls from various perspectives. The
RoboFlow (Dwyer and Nelson, 2022) platform was
used to annotate the videos, resulting in 500 high-
quality images, including 368 falls and 132 non-falls.
This step was necessary to determine the model’s ef-
ficacy in real-world conditions while accounting for
potential performance reduction caused by changes in
the source domain or model conversion. The results
are presented in Table 4.
In this study, we have evaluated the effectiveness of
different pre-trained and fine-tuned object detection
models for detecting fallen persons, with the ultimate
goal of enabling assistive robots to detect and respond
to fall incidents. Through a series of experiments,
we have shown that YOLO-based models generally
outperform other models in terms of detection ac-
curacy and balanced precision and recall, especially
YOLOv6 large which offers high performance but
with increased computational requirements. More-
over, we have demonstrated that through knowledge
distillation, we can achieve close to realtime perfor-
mance levels using smaller models, such as YOLOv5
small, which are more practical for deployment on
edge devices with limited resources.
To test the models in real-world scenarios, we
used a set of in-the-wild videos recorded by a patrol
robot, resulting in 500 high-quality images, including
Table 4: Fallen person detection performance of YOLO ver-
sions on in-the-wild set and the FPS on camera.
Model Precision Recall mAP50 mAP50-
YOLOv6 L 99.12% 98.64% 99.45% 65.58% 1
YOLOv6 M 94.95% 98.21% 98.64% 65.33% 5
YOLOv6 S 92.71% 95.22% 98.10% 62.67% 10
YOLOv5 L 93.48% 88.36% 94.89% 58.12% 1
YOLOv5 S 83.67% 86.44% 93.37% 46.77% 15
YOLOv5 S-v6 L 94.46% 91.83% 95.04% 57.29% 15
Figure 3: Samples of in-the-wild recording.
368 falls and 132 non-falls, and we achieved promis-
ing results that highlight the potential for the use of
these models in practical applications. Overall, our
results show that choosing the appropriate model for
detecting fallen persons depends on the specific use
case and the trade off between computational speed
and error tolerance. In more critical and high-risk sce-
narios, stronger models may be preferred. In contrast,
smaller models with faster computational speed may
be more suitable in scenarios where multiple tasks
need to be performed by a single edge device.
The present study aimed to evaluate the perfor-
mance of RGB-based object detection methods for
fallen person detection using the Luxonis OAK-D
edge AI camera. Although the results obtained were
promising, it should be noted that the camera is ca-
pable of capturing depth data as well. Therefore,
this work could serve as a baseline for future studies
that incorporate both RGB and depth-based methods,
which could potentially lead to the development of a
highly reliable and robust fallen person detection sys-
tem that could be implemented at an industrial scale.
A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera
This work has been part supported by the visuAAL
project on Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Video-
Based Technologies and Services for Active and As-
sisted Living (https://www.visuaal-itn.eu/) funded by
the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agree-
ment No. 861091. The project has also been
part supported by the SFI Future Innovator Award
SFI/21/FIP/DO/9955 project Smart Hangar. Thanks
also to Luke Casey and Chizubere Lovelyn Ulogwara
for their help in deep learning and data capture.
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