DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and
Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale
Mohamed Ez-zaouia
1,2 a
and Rubiela Carrillo
3 b
Le Mans Universit
e, LIUM, Le Mans, France
Faculty ITC, University of Twente, Netherlands
CP Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
Concept Maps, Assessment, Concept Mapping, Diagrams, Creativity, Visualization.
Visualization of interrelated ideas and concepts, widely known as concept maps, is a ubiquitous technique
for knowledge inquiry in many areas, such as learning, design, problem-solving, and creativity. While the
effectiveness of concept maps is well documented in research and practice, comprehensive methods and tools
for concept map assessments are scarce. Assessing concept maps is challenging, time-consuming, and prone to
errors. DotWrangler builds upon previous research and proposes a method to assess concept maps qualitatively
and quantitatively at scale. We present a visual assessment authoring tool demonstrating the DotWrangler
approach and show its utility through a case study. The utility of DotWrangler is to enable the design of a
reliable method of concept maps’ assessments, facilitate the execution of assessments at scale, and reduce the
burden on instructors during the assessment process.
Concept maps are node-link representations, where
nodes represent concepts, such as ideas, people,
places, events, etc., and links, implicit or explicit, rep-
resent relationships among concepts. They refer to
a wide range of representations, such as “webs, spi-
der maps, clusters, mind maps, semantic maps, cog-
nitive maps, story maps, diagrams, templates, and
graphic organizers” (Hyerle, 2009, p. 37). Substan-
tial research has shown that studying or constructing
a concept map can enhance significantly learners’ per-
formance (Schroeder et al., 2018). Given their well-
documented benefits, concept maps are increasingly
used for knowledge inquiry in a variety of educational
activities, such as note-taking (D’Antoni et al., 2010),
problem-solving (Wang et al., 2018), creativity (Sun
et al., 2019), graphic elicitation (Crilly et al., 2006),
scaffolding (Chen et al., 2012), to name a few.
While the effectiveness of concept maps is well-
documented by researchers, practitioners, and com-
missions, methods for concept map assessments are
not well examined, especially not for large-scale as-
sessment (Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson, 1996). There
exists a wide variety of heuristics to score concept
maps (Strautmane, 2012). However, existing heuris-
tics are somewhat fragmented and do not provide a
comprehensive framework for a reliable assessment
(Mcclure and Sonak, 1999).
We identified three challenges in assessing con-
cept maps. Additionally, we identified three barriers
to designing reliable assessment methods in existing
research. DotWrangler builds upon previous research
and proposes a novel method to assess concept maps
qualitatively and quantitatively at scale. We designed
a visual authoring tool demonstrating the DotWran-
gler approach and showed its utility through a case
study. The utility of DotWrangler is to enable the de-
sign of a reliable method of concept map assessment
at scale, and reduce the burden on teachers during the
assessment process.
Meaningful and Productive Learning. Con-
cept maps can support meaningful learning of
the structures and transformations within a prob-
lem/knowledge area versus rote learning (Council,
2012, p. 72). Meaningful learning can foster produc-
Ez-zaouia, M. and Carrillo, R.
DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale.
DOI: 10.5220/0012037400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 442-450
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tive thinking, which can help learners generate novel
solutions to new problems. Rote learning might only
enable reproductive thinking. Novak et al., (Novak
and Gowin, 1984) and others developed this line of
thinking by using concept maps as an (external) repre-
sentation technique to tape into and build upon, learn-
ers’ (internal) knowledge. Concept mapping culti-
vates meaningful learning because learners can bridge
the gap between new knowledge and relevant knowl-
edge they already have. Concept mapping can be
an effective technique to direct users’ attention, e.g.,
signaling, focal points (Crilly et al., 2006); support
productive thinking, e.g., creative thinking, reason-
ing, meta-cognition (Sun et al., 2019; D’Antoni et al.,
2010); organize actions, e.g., sequences, processes,
scaffolds, (Chen et al., 2012); engage users and in-
crease dwell time (Sun et al., 2019).
Cognitive Scaffolding and Offloading. The effec-
tiveness of concept maps resides in three main fac-
tors. First, the act of externalization of concepts and
relationships in a visual artifact support thinking and
reasoning (Crilly et al., 2006). Externalized ideas can
prime one another and generate new ideas and asso-
ciations (Sun et al., 2019). Second, the simplicity of
the technique accommodates users with varying back-
grounds (e.g., computer science, social science, lib-
eral art) as well as various needs and uses (learning,
problem-solving, creativity, design). And finally, the
expressiveness of the concept maps elicits and com-
municates literal and metaphoric content, structure,
and relationships directly.
Existing Assessments. In education, assessment or,
as defined: “a systematic method with which stu-
dents’ concept maps can be evaluated accurately and
consistently” is important, yet not thoroughly exam-
ined (Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson, 1996, p. 581). As-
sessment can be holistic, relational, and structural.
It can combine qualitative and qualitative analyses
(Besterfield-Sacre et al., 2004; Carrillo et al., 2017).
A main challenge of assessment is that it should
be objective, reliable, and capture unique insights
into the subjects’ knowledge (Mcclure and Sonak,
1999). Traditionally, concept mapping assessments
are achieved using posthoc tests, often conducted
through questionnaires and essays (e.g, Wang et al.,
2018; Chen et al., 2012). Although posthoc tests
might facilitate the assessment, they might not be au-
thentic and reliable because the test structure might
impose cognitive biases on learners. Furthermore,
such tests do not capture learners’ differences in struc-
turing and communicating their conceptual knowl-
edge in a subject area.
Other ways of concept map assessments are
achieved through scoring heuristics. A review iden-
tified more than 42 heuristics and measures (Straut-
mane, 2012). However, existing heuristics are frag-
mented; some are context-depend (e.g., “amount of
help used” when concept mapping); others are appli-
cable to specific types of concept maps (e.g., “fre-
quency of branching” in tree-based concept maps)
(Strautmane, 2012). The result is that only a few
heuristics are adopted in practice, namely Novak’s
heuristics concerning the validity of propositions, hi-
erarchies, and cross-links (Novak and Gowin, 1984).
However, Novak’s heuristics capture a narrow set of
concept maps’ features. In addition, concept maps
might differ substantially from one learner to another
(Hyerle, 2009). Existing heuristics, do not capture
fine-grain measures of individual differences among
learners. Furthermore, such heuristics are mainly de-
signed to be conducted by users manually, which can
be tedious and time-consuming. There is still a lack
of comprehensive approaches to assess concept maps
reliably and at scale (Mcclure and Sonak, 1999).
We build upon previous research and design a
method to assess concept maps’ qualities in a flexi-
ble manner and at scale. In particular, Fardhila and
Istiyono (2019) work was inspiring to us. The au-
thors developed a 10 items instrument to assess cre-
ative thinking skills using mind maps for biology
subjects. The instrument spans fluency, originality,
flexibility, and elaboration. However, the 10 items
were designed for manual assessment and are context-
dependent. In contrast, we aim to design a generaliz-
able approach that maximizes the assessment’s reli-
ability by (1) combining quantitative and qualitative
measures and (2) optimizing the assessment consis-
tency using a tagging system. Our approach can sup-
port at-scale assessments and assess items from vari-
ous instruments.
Following a Design-Based Research (Barab and
Squire, 2004), we first report three assessment chal-
lenges from our fieldwork. We then report three bar-
riers to designing reliable assessment methods in ex-
isting research. And finally, we present our method.
3.1 Field Challenges of Assessments
Given the widespread use of concept maps in edu-
cation, during the academic year 2021-2022, we de-
signed four activities to engage the students in learn-
ing by constructing concept maps. In total, 88 stu-
dents (N=88) participated in the four activities in in-
dividual and group work (see examples in the ap-
DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale
). Yet, after each activity, we faced three main
C1: There Is a Lack of Well-Defined Methods for
Assessing Diverse Students’ Concept Maps. A con-
cept map leverages three main facets: conceptual con-
tents, relationships, and structures. Students’ pro-
ductions differ substantially from one to another in
these three facets. There is a wide range of aspects
that we can assess about concept maps, whether ex-
ternalization processes, cognitive processes, and out-
comes. Comprehensive measures of the contents, re-
lationships, and structures of a concept map are not
C2: Assessing Students’ Productions Is Challeng-
ing, Time-Consuming, and Prone to Errors. Ex-
ploring and making sense of all the concept maps
made by the students can be challenging due to the
difficulty of maintaining awareness of the overall out-
come at the group level (e.g., classroom) and the in-
dividual level (e.g., a student). Additionally, a con-
cept map can be challenging to grasp at a glance by
someone other than the creator. In addition, we can
only allocate a few information items at a time in
our working memory for active cognitive processing
(e.g., when comparing and contrasting different con-
cept maps). Thus, assessing numerous concept maps
at a time is prone to errors. Further, subjectivity can
easily build up and might lead to overlooking or over-
seeing aspects of concept maps.
C3: Tools That Relieve Some of the Burdens of
Assessing Students’ Concept Maps Are Scarce.
Teachers might lack the time and resources to objec-
tively design methods and tools that assess students’
concept maps. Authoring tools for concept map as-
sessments can support users in the assessment pro-
cess. However, apart from spreadsheets and ad-hoc
analyses, we found no commercial or academic tools
to effectively ease the assessment for teachers who
might have a lower digital and analytical literacy.
3.2 Barriers to Reliable Assessments
We identified three barriers to designing reliable as-
sessment methods in existing research.
B1: There Are Varying Conceptualizations of
“what is a concept map”. Researchers draw upon
varying conceptualizations for concept maps. This
spans: (1) the visual artifacts, (2) the cognitive pro-
cesses, and (3) the semantics and knowledge orga-
nizations. For example, in relation to the visual ar-
tifacts, a concept map was defined as “drawing pic-
Online supplementary examples:
tures”, “visual form” (Sun et al., 2019), and “arrange-
ment of the graphical objects (e.g. proximity, inclu-
sion, and adjacency)” to represent and communicate
knowledge (Crilly et al., 2006, p. 7). In relation to
cognition, concept mapping is often referred to as a
technique to support a wide range of cognitive pro-
cesses, namely higher-order thinking (D’Antoni et al.,
2010), visual thinking (Crilly et al., 2006), spatial
thinking (Hou et al., 2016), and creative thinking (Sun
et al., 2019). And finally, concept maps are often re-
ferred to as techniques to communicate semantics and
knowledge organizations (Wang et al., 2018). A con-
cept map carries semantics and organizations, such as
hierarchy (e.g., part of, kind of), centrality, similarity,
connectedness (e.g., tightly connected information),
and ordering (e.g., sequence, process, procedure).
One main challenge is that, often, the assessment
differs depending on the researchers’ considered con-
ceptualization. For example, when a concept map
was designed to support higher-order thinking, such
as critical thinking (D’Antoni et al., 2010), the focus
was more on assessing the knowledge that students
gained and less on the visual artifact itself. However,
when a concept map was designed to support visual
thinking, such as graphical elicitation (Crilly et al.,
2006), the focus was more geared towards the visual
B2: Concept Maps Have Various Context-
Dependent Uses, and So Does the Assessments. Re-
searchers leverage concept maps for various contexts.
One context of use is to support comprehension of
learning materials (e.g., text passages) through both
studying and constructing concept maps (Schroeder
et al., 2018). A second use relates to guided and
adaptive learning, where concept maps are designed
to guide learners in acquiring knowledge incremen-
tally through scaffolding and fading strategies (Chen
et al., 2012). Another use relates to capturing learn-
ers’ knowledge and understanding of a subject for
feedback and assessment (e.g, Amadieu et al., 2009).
And finally, concept maps are used for graphic elici-
tation (Crilly et al., 2006), such as brainstorming (e.g,
Sun et al., 2019), problem-solving (e.g, Wang et al.,
2018), and note-taking (e.g, D’Antoni et al., 2010).
While the usefulness of concept maps for the ac-
tivities mentioned above is interesting, existing as-
sessment methods follow the context of use, mak-
ing the assessment’s design harder to generalize. For
example, when a concept map was designed to sup-
port comprehension, the evaluation focuses on learn-
ers’ understanding, which is usually achieved through
posthoc tests (e.g, Wang et al., 2018). However, tests
are limited because they do not capture individual
differences in structuring knowledge (Mcclure and
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Sonak, 1999). Similarly, scaffolding strategies, are
often used to help learners in concept mapping activ-
ities (e.g, Chen et al., 2012) and they might ease the
assessment because the learners follow a well-defined
structure. However, they might hinder learners’ cre-
ativity and advancement (e.g, Amadieu et al., 2009).
B3: There Is Less Consensus on Measures and
Heuristics of “what is a good concept map”. Well-
known heuristics were proposed by Novak, which
relate to the validity and significance of (1) propo-
sitions, (2) hierarchies, (3) cross-links, (4) exam-
ples, and (5) comparison (to experts’ maps) (Novak
and Gowin, 1984). Although Novak’s heuristics are
widely used, they have subtle limitations. They do
not capture attributes of the artifacts that communi-
cate meaning (e.g., similarities, relatedness, order-
ing, prominence, adjacency, proximity, etc.). Addi-
tionally, Novak heuristics focus mainly a hierarchi-
cal (top-down) concept maps. As the supplemen-
tary demonstrates
, we found that students use vary-
ing ways to structure concept maps (e.g., networks,
mind maps, grids, etc.). And finally, existing heuris-
tics do not capture critical relational qualities, such
as (i) fluency, i.e., ease in generating concepts, rela-
tions, and relations’ types; (ii) originality, i.e., unique-
ness, rarity, the relevance of concepts and associa-
tions; and (iii) flexibility, i.e., conceptual categories,
themes, depth/breadth of thinking underlying a con-
cept map.
3.3 A New Method for Assessments
To overcome the challenges mentioned earlier, we de-
cided to instantiate the practice of concept mapping
as a cognitive and creative activity of externaliza-
tion of concepts and associations (Crilly et al., 2006).
Here, a concept map can be seen as technique of
brainstorming (Al-Samarraie and Hurmuzan, 2018).
Brainstorming is an act of externalization of ideas and
associations that leads to the production of spatial, vi-
sual, and conceptual artifacts (e.g., ideas, concepts,
designs, diagrams, writings, etc. (Crilly et al., 2006)).
Research into brainstorming as a tool for problem-
solving, creativity, and concept generation, has
yielded measures to evaluate the results of a brain-
storming activity. Primary measures involve the quan-
tity of ideas, quality of ideas, novelty of ideas, re-
source utilization (e.g., initial ideas), redundancy of
ideas, and categorization of ideas, among others (Al-
Samarraie and Hurmuzan, 2018). Quantity of ideas,
also known as fluency, represents the degree of ease
in processing inputs, such as understanding a prob-
lem, or the degree of ease in producing outputs, such
as generating ideas, concepts, or solutions (Thomp-
son et al., 2013). Fluency is widely quantified as the
number of ideas generated for a given situation.
Additionally, ideas can have several qualitative at-
tributes. One quality is originality, which refers to the
pertinence, novelty, and rarity of ideas (Puccio and
Cabra, 2012). Originality can be essential to quantify
unique, clever, and less frequent ideas but still valu-
able and appropriate for the subject. Another qual-
ity is flexibility, which refers to the conceptual cat-
egories and shifts in thinking underlying ideas, and
indicates heuristics and strategies adopted when re-
solving a problem or a challenge (Puccio and Cabra,
2012). Qualities of flexibility are primarily the results
of thematic analysis of the content. Thus, flexibility
can be an umbrella for concept maps’ qualities. Qual-
ities can be conceptual, relational, structural, or visu-
ospatial, which can be framed depending on the con-
text. In this view, we can define qualitative and quan-
titative measures for fluency, originality, and flexibil-
ity of concept maps.
• Fluency Measures. We quantify three fluency mea-
sures for concept maps. Concept fluency (CFlue):
the number of generated concepts. Relation fluency
(RFlue) the number of generated relations. Relation-
type fluency (RTFlue): number of generate relations’
types (i.e., unique relations’ labels). Fluency mea-
sures are quantitatively quantified.
• Originality Measures. We quantify five originality
measures for concept maps. We do so in two ways.
First, we qualitatively quantify originality through
novelty, uniqueness, or rarity of ideas. Thus we quan-
tify concept originality (COrig): the number of orig-
inal concepts, relation originality (ROrig): the num-
ber of original relations, and relation-type originality
(RTOrig): number of original relations’ types (i.e.,
unique relations’ labels). Second, we use Natural
Language Processing (NLP) approaches to quantita-
tively quantify the rarity scores of ideas. We quan-
tify the rarity score of ideas as the sum of the fre-
quency of each idea’s stem words. After cleaning up
misspellings and abbreviations, we tokenize each idea
using 1-gram (one word). We remove stop-words. In
NLP, stop words are common words of a language,
such as articles and prepositions. We generate the
stem of each word using a dictionary of stems. Stem-
ming unifies the wording used for all ideas, which is
appropriate for computing the frequency of words in
a corpus of ideas. And finally, we compute the rar-
ity score of each idea as the sum of the frequency
scores of its stem words. A lower rarity score means
that the words used for ideas are unique or less fre-
quent. Using this approach, we quantify concept-stem
originality (CSOrig): the rarity score of concepts and
relation-stem originality (RSOrig): the rarity score of
DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale
Flexibility Measures. We refer to flexibility as a
placeholder for any qualitative measure of a concept
map, whether contents, structures, or relations. We
use tagging, a widely used technique for knowledge
organization, categorization, and thematic analysis, to
quantify flexibility measures. A tag is a code that we
associate with a piece of data. Tags capture insights
into the information at hand. The tagging system is
often context-depend. In addition, tags can have dif-
ferent weights. We do so by associating a weight mul-
tiplier with a tag, which is set to one initially. There-
fore, tagging is a flexible way to map out the qual-
ities of a concept map with varying granularity and
weights. We can tag a concept map as a whole. We
can tag components of a concept map. We can tag
fine-grain elements of a concept map, such as con-
cepts and relations. Once a concept map is tagged,
we compute quantitative measures of the frequency
of tags, whether they are related to a concept map as a
whole or its elements. A tag
flexibility is the number
of occurrences (frequency) of a tag
times the multi-
We designed an assessment tool using our approach.
We derived four design principles to guide our design.
4.1 Design Principles
DP1: Reduce the Burden of Assessing Multiple
Concept Maps. The assessment process is a time-
consuming task and might require the user to perform
several iterations on different graphs. Such a process
requires maintaining a considerable amount of infor-
mation in the working memory, such as information
about the graph under assessment and contextual in-
formation about other graphs, which is prone to er-
rors. Depending on the need, users need to seamlessly
navigate between views that aggregate all concepts
and relations in a workspace and views of a selected
graph or selected concepts and relations.
DP2: Promote Data Entry and Ability to Modify
Information. Data entry and modifying relational in-
formation are essential to support powerful analysis,
such as natural language processing and tagging. A
common use case is to unify the wording, such as ab-
breviations, the naming of concepts, the naming of
relations, etc. Users need to be able to add notes, de-
scriptions, and conceptual tags to concepts and rela-
tions while performing assessments. Some data en-
tries need to alter the underlying data. Other data en-
tries (e.g., descriptions) can serve as annotations for
later examination, collaboration, or feedback.
DP3: Promote Interactivity and Highlighting. As-
sessing a vast number of concepts and relations can
be overwhelming. Thus, users usually scaffold the
assessments of concept maps over several incremen-
tal iterations. Users make decisions to navigate and
explore further information based on what they are
focusing on or interacting with at a given time. Thus,
users need to be able to explore information in context
while navigating between different views. Users’ in-
teractions, such as hovering over, selecting, or search-
ing concepts and relations, should be highlighted in
different views. Using coordinated views, users can
explore relational content, in a linear (i.e., interactive
lists) and non-linear way (i.e., graph view).
DP4: Promote Qualitative and Quantitative Anal-
ysis. Qualitative assessments are important because
a concept map can differ in several ways. DotWran-
gler aims to strike a balance between qualitative and
quantitative analysis. Quantitative measures, namely
fluency and originality of concepts, relations, and
relations types need to be computed automatically.
Additionally, all the qualitative analyses need to be
achieved using a unified tagging system. We informed
tagging based on thematic analysis of content. A tag
is a theme that captures some insight into a concept
map. Users can use tags to perform various analyses
(e.g., conceptual, visual, structural, relational, etc.).
Quantitative measures about tags should be computed
4.2 User Interface and Interaction
Using our prototype learners can create concept maps.
Teachers can assess learners’ productions. The con-
cept map is rendered on an interactive canvas view
that supports data entry and manipulation (Figure 1-
(a) DP2-3). We can zoom in/out on the graph using
the mouse wheel. We can select multiple concepts or
links by holding the shift key down while selecting
using the mouse, or brushing on the canvas. We can
explore neighboring concepts and relations by hover-
ing over a concept (Figure 1-(e)). We can use a con-
textual menu to edit, delete, and tag concepts and re-
lations. We can select multiple concepts and tag them
The Contextual Sider (Figure 1-(b)), has four
main coordinated views: graphs view, tags view, con-
cepts view, and dashboard view. The Graphs View
(Figure 1-(a)) lists all the graphs in the workspace.
We can create, delete graphs, and edits their details
(DP2). We can open one graph or all the graphs in a
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: (a) a Graph View, (b) Contextual Sider, (c) Tags View, (d) Concepts View, (e, f) Tagging view, and (g) Dashboard
View. We can open one graph at a time, or all the graphs combined. A higher resolution Figure :
workspace. Similarly, the Tags View (Figure 1-(c))
lists all the tags in the workspace. We can create
and delete tags. We can edit tags’ details, such as
label, description, multiplier, and color (DP2). The
multiplier is the weight coefficient parameter of a tag
(equals 1 by default).
The Concepts View (Figure 1-(d)) lists all the
concepts in the workspace using an interactive table
(DP2-3). The table enables (1) navigating between
different graphs in the workspace, (2) exploring con-
cepts and relations, and (3) tagging concepts and re-
lations (DP1). The table lists concepts or relations
in rows with three main columns: Label, Tags, and
Graph label. We can switch between rendering con-
cepts or relations in the table. We can hover over
the labels to edit them. We can expand the rows to
explore or edit the descriptions of the concepts and
relations using a rich text editor. We can click on
a graph label to open it in the graph view. We can
sort, filter, and search the table. The table is coor-
dinated with the graph view. When we hover over a
row in the table, we highlight the item and its rela-
tions with other items in the graph view. Similarly,
when we text search in the Label column, we high-
light the search results in the graph view. The table
enables adding/removing tags to concepts and rela-
tions in two ways (DP2). First, while exploring the
graph using the table, we can tag concepts and rela-
tions by selecting tags from the Tags column. The list
of the tags is automatically populated from the Tags
view. Also, when selecting multiple concepts or rela-
tions in the graph view, we can tag them simultane-
ously using the contextual menu (Figure 1-(e, f)).
The Dashboard View (Figure 1-(g)) presents qual-
itative and quantitative indicators about the concepts
and relations for each graph in the workspace, namely
fluency, originality, and flexibility (DP4). We use
flexibility as an umbrella for qualitative and custom
indicators needed to evaluate a concept map, which
we can achieve using tagging. The Dashboard view is
coordinated with other views of the Contextual Sider.
Added tags are automatically added to the dashboard.
The dashboard is populated and updated automati-
We implemented our tool using Typescript, Re-
actjs (UI), G6 (graph), NLPJs (NLP), and supabase
We conducted a case study using our approach.
Participants. The participants were 40 third-year
graduate students, of two classes of 21 and 19 stu-
dents (N = 40), enrolled in the course “Information
Systems Modeling, 2021-2022”, (gender: [M = 38,
F = 2], age: [>25 = 1, 20-25 = 33, <20 = 6]). The
participants were French native speakers. They vol-
untarily participated in the study as part of the course.
They signed an informed consent for analyzing their
data for research.
Procedure. The activity focused on the conception of
a design using collaborative concept maps. We used
Miro for the collaborative concept mapping
. We
We could not use our tool for concept mapping because it was not designed at the
time of conducting the learning activities. We designed our tool thereafter because of the
challenges (section 3) that we faced with assessing a large number of concept maps using
DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale
provided nine initial concepts (ideas) to the students
in each class to stimulate their thinking, referred to
as initial ideas. Each concept mapping session took
about 2 hours. For this case study, we collected the
participants’ results: 15 concept maps. We manually
typed the collected concept maps into our tool for as-
sessment. The two authors assessed collaboratively
the 15 concept maps in videoconferencing meetings
and wrote down notes about the assessment process.
5.1 Findings: Assessment Process
F1: Explore and Develop Initial Insights. We used
the Graph view in the Contextual sider panel to ex-
plore graph by graph. We looked for visual and con-
ceptual features, themes, and meanings. We wrote
down a few notes about each graph’s salient features
(in the description field). Initial notes were related to
differences between graphs, overall structures, dupli-
cated concepts, the naming of concepts (e.g., abbrevi-
ations), and the use of initial ideas —provided to the
students for stimulation. As we noticed that students
rarely labeled the relationships between concepts, we
focused our assessment on the concepts.
F2: Perform a Fine-Grained Review of Ideas. We
performed a fine-grained review of concepts for va-
lidity using the Concepts view in the Contextual sider
panel. We sorted the Label column in the Concepts
view alphabetically. We filtered the Graph column
to focus on the graphs of each class because the two
classes had two slightly different subject statements.
We corrected some spelling issues to unify the word-
ing. This step is important for quantitative originality
measures because we use Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP). We tagged concepts that were not mean-
ingful using DotWrangler tag Invalid. Invalid con-
cepts are not included in the fluency and originality
measures, but shown under the flexibility measures
(see Figure 1-(g)).
F3: Evaluate Ideas. We checked concepts to re-
move duplicated concepts. Sorting the Label column
and filtering by a graph in the Concept view helped
spot duplicated concepts. The graph view on the left-
hand side was useful for exploring concepts in con-
text as we hover over them in the Concepts View. For
each duplicate, we selected one concept to keep and
tagged the remaining occurrences using DotWrangler
tag Duplicate. Similar to Invalid tag, duplicated con-
cepts are not included in the fluency and originality
measures, but the number of duplicated concepts is
shown under the flexibility measures.
F4: Quantify Resource Utilization. We examined
adhoc methods.
whether the students used the initial ideas (concepts)
that we provided them for stimulation. We tagged the
initial ideas using a new tag Reuse. In the Concepts
view, we filtered the graphs of each class and searched
by labels for the initial ideas. Because the concepts
resulting from the search are selected in graph view,
we used the textual menu to tag multiple concepts si-
F5: Quantify Originality and Flexibility of Ideas.
We iterated on the concepts in the Concepts view, and
we tagged unique, original, and relevant concepts us-
ing a new tag, Unique. Similarly, we quantified the
level of structure, flow, and clarity of each concept
map. We created a new tag Structure on a scale of
1 (less structured) to 5 (highly structured). For each
graph, we tagged up to five selected concepts using
the Structure tag, depending on the level of structure
that we assessed.
F6: Review the Assessment Results. Along the way,
we kept reviewing the dashboard which displays au-
tomated measures out of the box, namely fluency and
originality of concepts, relation, and relation type.
The dashboard is automatically updated as we added
tags or updated wordings of concepts. The tagging
approach and the dashboard make it easier to con-
duct and capture important aspects of students’ con-
cept maps in a flexible manner.
Reflections and Limitations. Future studies with
learners and teachers are needed to further exam-
ine our approach. It might prove useful to design
a collaborative process (and tool) for our approach
so that multiple users can collaborate on the assess-
ment, perhaps with a built-in inter-rater agreement.
Future studies can engage with the design and use
of a dashboard systematically (e.g., teacher-centered
design (Ez-Zaouia, 2020)). Similarly, future studies
can combine measures (e.g., using formulas) to build
holistic ratings/rankings of students (e.g., Ez-zaouia.
et al., 2020). And finally, other measures can be ex-
amined, such as comparisons with expert maps, topic
mining, and sentiment and emotion analysis (e.g., Ez-
Zaouia et al., 2020).
Case Study Applications. We envision that our ap-
proach can support the assessment of concept maps
(and diagrams in general) for activities spanning vari-
ous domains of (1) art, design, and creativity; and (2)
STEM and non-STEM.
Art, Design, and Creativity. During art, design, or
creative problem-solving, students are usually tasked
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to produce design concepts by analyzing, summa-
rizing, and representing design thinking processes.
Node-link diagrams are common productions for this
work. Measures of fluency, originality, and flexibil-
ity of DotWrangler can make it easier for teachers to
evaluate students’ work and devise informed interven-
STEM and non-STEM. In France, for example, the
reform of the UBT level (University Bachelor of
Technology) that took place in 2022, has put forth
a new learning form, referred to as “situation of
learning and assessment (SLA). Writing documents
and diagrams are common productions of SLA. We
engaged with one UBT teacher to understand how
DotWrangler can help them in the assessment pro-
cess. The teacher shared with us the assessment grid
they used in 2022. Four out of eight (4/8) criteria
of assessment involved diagramming. This includes
“completion of functionalities and diagrams, “read-
ability of UML diagrams”, “respect of UML rules”
and “overall design concept. The teacher shared with
us a total of 101 (N=101) anonymous diagrams. We
hypothesize that assessing the 101 diagrams manu-
ally with respect to the four assessment criteria would
be difficult to perform objectively and reliably. Fol-
lowing a DBR (Barab and Squire, 2004), we plan to
conduct studies with teachers to examine how this ap-
proach can support assessing concept maps in differ-
ent contexts.
Conclusion. In this work, we formulated a method
to assess concept maps, designed an assessment tool
demonstrating our approach, and showed its utility
through a case study. We discussed our findings and
envisioned future case study applications. We hope
our work help spark new ideas for generalizable and
reliable methods that reduce the burden and facili-
tate large-scale assessments of concept maps and dia-
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education