Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for
Electricity Price Forecasting
ao Borges
, Rui Maia
and S
ergio Guerreiro
Instituto Superior T
ecnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
INESC-ID, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisbon, Portugal
Extreme Events, Electricity Price Forecasting, Machine Learning.
Forecasting electricity prices in the face of extreme events, including natural disasters or abrupt shifts in
demand, is a difficult challenge given the volatility and unpredictability of the energy market. Traditional
methods of price forecasting may not be able to accurately predict prices under such conditions. In these
situations, machine learning algorithms can be used to forecast electricity prices more precisely. By training
a machine learning model on historical data, including data from extreme events, it is possible to make more
accurate predictions about future prices. This can assist in ensuring the stability and dependability of the
electricity market by assisting electricity producers and customers in making educated decisions regarding
their energy usage and generation. Accurate price forecasting can also lessen the likelihood of financial losses
for both producers and consumers during extreme events. In this paper, we propose to study the effects of
machine learning algorithms in electricity price forecasting, as well as develop a forecasting model that excels
in accurately predicting said variable under the volatile conditions of extreme events.
Electricity price forecasting (EPF) is a broad sub-
ject, with numerous contemporary studies that set
out to provide valuable insight to understand what
mechanisms drive this highly volatile system (Weron,
2000). In this work, we set out to contextualize the re-
spective research, to focus on studying extreme phe-
nomena that shock the energy system and the corre-
sponding impact it has on energy price and load fore-
casting. Consequently, we will follow up with intro-
ducing the relevancy of this topic, as well as outline
clear objectives to accomplish with this paper.
In the context of EPF, an extreme event is an in-
stance of abnormally low or high energy prices that
can be caused, according to Liu et al. (Liu et al.,
2022), by an oversupply of renewable energy and the
exercise of market power. However, some of these in-
stances are a reflection of the psychological expecta-
tions of bidding companies within the electricity mar-
ket that is influenced in mid-term scope (Wen et al.,
2021). On this note, and in light of the contemporary
events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russian
invasion of Ukraine, this position paper will focus on
studying such occurrences.
The graph in Fig. 1 solidifies the idea that specific
(extreme) events induce sharp variation in electricity
prices, and studying its effects on price forecasting is
a valuable asset. In the graph, we showcase two ex-
treme events of recent history that are in the basis of
the current energetic crisis, namely, COVID-19 pan-
demic and Russian war on Ukraine, represented by
the gray and teal lines, respectively.
Since the occurrence of the COVID-19 outbreak,
we note a steady, minimal, increase in electricity
price, until we reach the beginning months of 2021,
displaying a growing trend of electricity price by the
time of international economy wake following the end
of global pandemic. This is further intensified by the
Russian war on Ukraine, which diminished overall
electricity and natural gas supply for Europe.
What differentiates the electricity market, making
it unique, is mainly the grid-based nature of electricity
as a good. The lack of economically viable electric-
ity storage options (Weron, 2014) pressures supply
and demand to be constantly balanced in accordance
to each other. In turn, at the wholesale level, the elec-
tricity price manifests great volatility throughout each
day, to accommodate for the difference in demand at
the respective peak and off-peak hours.
This variation is also present within the medium-
term and long-term progression of the wholesale mar-
Borges, J., Maia, R. and Guerreiro, S.
Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for Electricity Price Forecasting.
DOI: 10.5220/0012038700003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 683-690
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: European day-ahead electricity price (Adapted from: (ENTSO-E, 2021)).
ket. Shifts in electricity price due to behavioral
changes of consumers get diluted within larger de-
grees of data granularity, but other variables pose
interesting correlations for being the foundation of
acute increases in electricity price. Following the
COVID-19 pandemic, the wake of international econ-
omy and rise of global energy demand both coincide
with sharp increases in electricity price, aggravated
by the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine and
cessation of gas supply (Council, 2022) that also co-
incide with increased energy prices. This bases the
significance of this position paper.
For the following section, we will be laying out
the significance of this problem, followed by section
3, where we dive into researching similar projects of
related literature, then section 4 where we propose a
solution framework for the existing problem, backed
up by the theoretical foundation, and finally section 5
for the conclusion of this position paper.
Due to the nature of the electricity spot market, which
requires parties to submit bid prices the day before
buying and selling energy, the value of accurately pre-
dicting electricity price is great. Furthermore, the ex-
istence of extreme events that greatly influence the
market from a short-term perspective opens up the re-
search possibility of achieving greater forecasting ac-
curacy by investigating the most suitable models for
this subject, and what variables have greater influence
within these sporadic situations, thus defining our re-
search objective.
Our proposition for the development of this pa-
per is to have three different deliverable stages that
reflect the respective states of our projects develop-
ment. Data descriptive analysis is the first one, in
which we gather our data from different sources and
transform/clean it to fit our models. Additionally, we
sustain an exploratory analysis on the data to extract
the most suitable features as well as some data visual-
ization to support our analysis and speculations. The
second stage (model development) is for devising our
forecasting models to be applied for our data, and the
final stage (result evaluation) is where we analyze the
results of our models and develop an hypothesis for
explaining their results.
The following section will focus on structuring rele-
vant background work to support our proposition of
a solution for this position paper, starting with theo-
retical contextualization, followed by state-of-the-art
modelling research.
3.1 Theoretical Contextualization
The liberalization of the Internal European energy
market (IEM) aims, first and foremost, towards low-
ering electricity prices. This liberalization introduces
a competitive force that stimulates firms to develop
innovative technologies and achieve a more cost ef-
ficient operation (Pepermans, 2019), and be able to
ensure business continuity.
Pepermans (Pepermans, 2019) represents the en-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ergy market liberalization clearly, where electricity
generation companies used to encapsulate transmis-
sion and distribution roles, promoting market mo-
nopolisation and overseeing the definition electricity
prices. After the IEM liberalization, companies were
split (functionality wise), differentiating generation
and distribution companies. Companies with the lat-
ter roles would bid in the electricity spot market (day-
ahead) to balance supply and demand with generation
companies and compete for lowest operational cost,
culminating in an overall reduction in electricity cost.
That being said, electricity price has shown a decreas-
ing trend since 2011 while cross-border trade flows
steadily increase, pointing to the idea that this trend
is not only a consequence of the liberalization of the
market, but instead the combination of several exter-
nal variables and events.
The author highlights that we can’t attribute the
successful electricity price decline to the existing in-
tegration. A combination of other factors also influ-
ence this decreasing trend, namely the economic cri-
sis of 2008 that drove electricity demand 6.8% lower
and climate change and renewable policies pushing
out thermal plants with higher marginal costs, further
contributing to the existence of extreme events that
have high short-term impact on electricity price
As we stated previously, according to Liu et al.
(Liu et al., 2022), extreme events - such as natural
catastrophes, epidemics, financial crises, and so on
- reflect on the energy market as meaningful spikes
on electricity prices (low or high) and can cause sub-
stantial damage to the economy. They can have long-
lasting repercussions and are highly difficult to pre-
dict, making it necessary to study the impact of these
events in different fields of research. The increased
frequency of such events, added to the higher degree
of magnitude they manifest incentives market bidders
to take these events’ effects into account in their fore-
casting models, as it will prove ever more useful for
the future where conditions for extreme events are
ever more likely to occur.
The unpredictable nature of these events causes
sudden electricity price crashes in the market, usually
with an intense degree of magnitude (as stated previ-
ously), which makes typical point forecasting models
showcase low accuracy scores when accounting for
occurrences of extreme events (Liu et al., 2022).
3.2 Prediction Modelling
Achieving accurate forecasting of time series has a
plethora of characteristics that need to be taken into
account, which we will be exploring before tackling
specific models to develop. To begin, an ordered set
of values that are measured at regular intervals of
time is referred to as a time series. It is very useful
in several fields, including finance, economics, and
meteorology, and it is used to forecast short-term to
long-term changes based on its data (Che and Wang,
On this topic, we define the scope of our forecast-
ing objective. Within the context of EPF, the defi-
nition of time intervals for making predictions is not
well established. Weron (Weron, 2014) states that
short-term forecasting accounts for predicting values
a few minutes to a few days ahead, medium-term for a
few days to a few months and long-term for anything
External factors that influence the electricity mar-
ket in short-term to medium-term are related to unex-
pected events that provoke fluctuations in the energy
price due to psychological market expectations, while
factors that affect the market long-term are more
closely related to the basic supply and demand rela-
tionship of electricity as a good (Wen et al., 2021).
This work focuses on assessing the effects of extreme
events on EPF, as such, the time period for making
predictions for EPF suits a medium-term scope, ac-
cording to Weron’s definition.
Exogenous features require careful consideration
before developing a forecasting model. Several stud-
ies point to the existence of variables that heavily
correlate with electricity price, specifically calendar
variables, such as seasonality, and electricity demand
(Weron, 2014) that constantly show a strong relations
with electricity price. Other variables, depending on
the context, can also be relevant. Bento et al. (Bento
et al., 2022) discriminate another select group of vari-
ables that prove useful in this context: weather con-
ditions, fuel costs and long-term trends, as well as
broadening the seasonality variable into different ones
of independent granularity (weekly, monthly, yearly).
The importance of variable correlation is high for
EPF, and constructing a robust dataset that incorpo-
rates important variables promises positive results for
our predictions. The variables mentioned previously
showcase positive results within the overall field of
EPF, but under our different circumstances of extreme
events, results can differ.
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2022) detail two different
types of variables that are included in their MLgR
model, being: historical prices and market character-
istics. The purpose of this model is EPF in extremely
low and high price situations. In both cases, market
characteristic variables have the most weight for their
predictions. For the lowest prices, reserve capacity
has the most weight (33.94%), followed by intercon-
nector flow (28.27%), VRE proportion (25.25%) and
Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for Electricity Price Forecasting
load demand (12.54%). For the highest prices, re-
serve capacity has, too, the most weight (37.00%),
followed by reserve capacity (30.56%), VRE propor-
tion (19,49%) and interconnector flow (12.95%).
According to their structure, Lu et al. (Lu et al.,
2021) divide EPF models into four categories: a com-
bination of a data cleaning method, optimizer, and
basic model; a combination of data cleaning method
and basic model; a combination of optimizer and ba-
sic model; and just the basic model. Typically, the
most popular structure is the basic model alone, fol-
lowed by the model with prior data cleaning. The hy-
bridization of models and prediction architectures us-
ing multiple techniques is becoming a research focus
and may be a future development direction.
EPF research is gathering noteworthy research
popularity since the early 2000s (Weron, 2014),
providing us with a vast amount of insights for the
most suitable forecasting models within this context.
Models that employ variable segmentation (separat-
ing models for each period), neural networks, which
simulate nonlinear behavior, and forecast combina-
tions are greatly endorsed by researchers in the field
(Bunn, 2000).
3.3 Statistical Modelling
Statistical models are used to forecast future values, in
this case of electricity price, by using a mathematical
of historical data of electricity price and other exoge-
nous variables that might be suitable (Weron, 2014).
Additionally, according to Weron R., the attractive-
ness of these models stems from the requirement of
physical interpretation that may aggregate to their re-
spective components, facilitating the understanding of
this type of model’s behavior. Nevertheless, they are
still criticized for their limited ability to model nonlin-
ear behavior of electricity price and respective related
variables. Still, their independent performance com-
petes to the models that excel in nonlinear modelling.
Lu et al. (Lu et al., 2021), in their decade re-
view of data-driven models for price forecasting, di-
vide these models for EPF into 5 different categories,
namely: TS models, regression models, ANN-based
models, SVM-based models and decision tree-based
models, where the first two categories belong in statis-
tical forecasting models. According to these authors,
TS forecasting is the prediction of future market de-
velopment based on past market trends, whose pri-
mary models are the AR (Autoregressive) mode, the
MA (Moving average) model, the ARMA model and
the ARIMA model. ARMA is the combination of the
AR and MA models and can be used to achieve sim-
pler models the more the data is similar to a good-
ness of fit. The ARIMA model, which is based on
the ARMA model, solves non-stationary sequence
problems, allowing the original sequence to be distin-
guished. They state that the EPF works developed in
the decade prior to this review (2021), the most pop-
ular statistical models are the ARMA, ARIMA and
GARCH models, the latter being a regression model
tailored for financial data. TS models are widely used
for the short-term prediction of oil prices and elec-
tricity price, often as the dominant model, as well as
auxiliary, illustrating the potential of their inclusion
in hybrid models of machine learning and statistical
According to these authors, regression forecasting
is referred as the construction of a regression equa-
tion between variables and using it as a forecasting
model based on market analysis. When employing
these prediction methods it is vital to identify and col-
lect data on the main market factors that influence the
prediction objects. In this context of EPF, popular re-
gression models are linear regression (LR), ridge re-
gression (RR) and LASSO regression. Some common
uses for these techniques include hourly prediction of
electricity price, prediction of natural gas and crude
oil daily prices and hybrid models.
Some authors defend that, in the context of EPF,
hybrid models outperform the component models in-
dependently (Bissing et al., 2019). The hybridization
of ARIMA and the multiple regression model com-
bines the benefits of the two, by maintaining the mag-
nitude of the values and the proper shape of the price
per hour plot, respectively. Moreover, the combina-
tion of ARIMA and Holt-Winters was the best per-
forming model in most situations, even when compar-
ing to other hybrid models present in the literature.
3.4 Machine Learning Modelling
Multiple machine learning algorithms are well suited
for EPF. Weron R. (2014) (Weron, 2014) studies the
most common ones to execute this task, and in terms
of machine learning models, defined by the author
as ’computational intelligence models’, two types are
described: Deep learning models and Support Vector
Machines (SVM).
According to Weron (Weron, 2014), an SVM is a
classification and regression (SVR) tool that performs
a nonlinear mapping of the data into a high dimen-
sional space before utilizing simple linear functions
to build linear decision boundaries between the data
points in the new space, providing a less complex so-
lution that is based on a global minimum of the opti-
mized function and has a more flexible structure, less
based on heuristics (i.e. an arbitrary choice of the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
However, the usage of an SVM in EPF is usu-
ally a component of an hybrid model for predicting
electricity price (Weron, 2014). Che et al. (Che
and Wang, 2010) combine both ARIMA and SVR,
that have shown to be effective in linear and nonlin-
ear modelling, respectively, into a new model called
SVRARIMA. The authors state that, due to the nature
of electricity price time series, which include both lin-
ear and nonlinear components, forecasting electric-
ity price using an hybrid model such as this is the
best path to achieve accurate results. They conclude
that, individually, their neural network model has the
best average value for the evaluation metrics (RMSE
and MAPE) when compared to ARIMA and SVR in-
dependently. However, the SVRARIMA model has
the best results overall, even when compared to the
hybridized model of NN and ARIMA. The authors
explain that this can be expected due to the nature
of SVR to maintain linear patterns undamaged, con-
trary to NN models, making week-ahead forecasting
of electricity price more accurate for the hybrid model
SVRARIMA. Nevertheless, Che et al. propose that
simply combining the best individual models doesn’t
necessarily produce the best results, promoting, in-
stead, a structured selection of the hybrid model.
Common variables that are included in EPF mod-
els, such as electricity load, showcase non-linear be-
havior (Busseti et al., 2012) which might lower the
effectiveness of statistical models which excel at fore-
casting linear behaviour. The authors demonstrate
that a deep learning architecture ensures more accu-
rate predictions for large datasets with nonlinear pat-
ters when compared to linear and kernelized regres-
sion models. This supports the potential of using
machine learning techniques for EPF under extreme
event circumstances, which causes high degrees of
volatility to the data. The deep recurrent neural net-
work model was the authors’ model with the best per-
formance, outperforming both linear and kernalized
regression as well as a feedforward neural network
(FFNN). Busseti et al. state that the accuracy level
achieved by their deep learning model approaches the
same accuracy level of private sector demand fore-
casting services, which demonstrate a MAPE value of
0.84%-1.56%, further more supporting the usage of
machine learning models under nonlinear conditions,
which are aggravated by extreme events.
The potential of deep learning models is not ex-
clusive to its inclusion into hybrid models. To pre-
dict the day-ahead price of electricity in the Turk-
ish market, Ugurlu et al. (Ugurlu et al., 2018) de-
veloped several neural network architectures (CNN,
ANN, LSTM and GRU) and tested their results in-
dependently, while using state-of-the-art statistical
methods (Naive method, Markov regime-switching
auto regressive model, self-exciting threshold auto-
regressive model and SARIMA) as benchmark mod-
els to assess the accuracy of their own. The results
show a success of the neural network based mod-
els in comparison to the statistical one, with special
attention to LSTM and GRU. In both seasonal and
monthly comparison of results, GRU finds success in
both analysis, and LSTM only in the latter. Both of
these variables are important for time series forecast-
ing, which can prove useful for developing a success-
ful framework to predict electricity prices in short and
Following the work of Zhang et al. (Zhang et al.,
2020), we can identify a successful implementation
of a hybrid framework for EPF, based on deep learn-
ing models. This framework is divided in four main
modules: Feature preprocessing, deep learning-based
point prediction, error compensation and probabilistic
prediction. Feature preprocessing consists of detect-
ing outliers and find the best correlating features. The
second module is for extracting nonlinear features
by means of deep belief networks, LSTM and CNN
models. The following model, error compensation,
is aimed towards reducing the residual error between
forecasting and actual prices, and the final module is
for calculating uncertainty at different levels of confi-
dence. This proposed hybrid framework aims to over-
come the underlying limitations that physical, statis-
tical and machine learning methods have, combining
multiple machine learning techniques that results in a
competitive advantage of the model for point forecast-
ing in terms of high-speed performance, simplicity
and convenience as well as uncertainty risk control,
both important features for a model in circumstances
of high volatility and risk of the consequences of ex-
treme events.
Other authors have developed hybrid models to for
EPF. SEPNet (Huang et al., 2021) is the hybridiza-
tion of a Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD),
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Gated Re-
current Unit (GRU). Due to the seasonal variation in
the electricity price time series, the authors use elec-
tricity pricing data from New York City from 2015
to 2018 and divide it into four seasons (spring, sum-
mer, autumn, and winter). A CNN architecture is
used to extract time-domain features from these in-
trinsic mode functions (IMFs) with varying center
frequencies. The GRU is then used to process and
learn the features collected by the CNN, producing
the final prediction. Once again, the hybridization
of these models outperform their accuracy indepen-
dently, whereas the VMD-CNN algorithm, on the
Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for Electricity Price Forecasting
same data, has an improved MAPE and RMSE of
84% and 81%, respectively.
Regarding hybrid models, one interesting ap-
proach for EPF utilizes a fully neural network-based
architecture developed by Kuo et al. (Kuo and
Huang, 2018). Their model (EPNet) takes the price
of electricity in the prior 24 hours and generates, as
the output, the prediction of electricity price for the
next hour. In this approach, they utilize a CNN for
feature extraction and an LSTM for forecasting prices
by analyzing the features extracted by the CNN. This
CNN includes two 1D convolutional layers to im-
prove training efficiency and batch normalization is
used after the second convolutional layer, while using
ReLU as the overall activation function.
The data preprocessing phase of this model’s sys-
tem flow begins with the original dataset being nor-
malized, with values restricted to the range of 0 and
1, and then being divided into a training set and a test
set. The optimizer then adjusts the EPNet parame-
ters using backpropagation based on the resulting loss
value. Following training, EPNet enters the testing
phase, where the testing set is used as an input and
the output is compared to real-world electricity prices
to assess performance. EPNet’s results are compared
to those of SVM, RF, DT, MLP, CNN, and LSTM ar-
chitectures separately, and EPNet obtains the lowest
MAE and RMSE scores, confirming the potential of
neural network architectures in EPF.
A fully neural-network based framework for EPF
has also been proposed by Yang et al. (Yang and
Schell, 2022), in the context of modelling extreme
events, with highly volatile behavior. They state
that the most popular statistical models for this pur-
pose (ARIMA and GARCH) are falling out of use,
given their inadequacy for high frequency time se-
ries, which is even more important under extreme
events’ conditions. Therefore, they propose a tri-
branch CNN-GRU model (GHTnet) for forecasting
electricity price, in real-time, under extreme condi-
tions. The three distinct branches that make up the
general model architecture—two GRU modules and
one fully connected dense layer—share the same sub-
architecture. To transform the output of the branches
into the required prediction, all branches output to two
successive dense layers.
The three branches that comprise the previous
framework are: the sliding window branch, the day
interval branch and the time series branch. The first
one is based on GoogLeNet, which is a mature deep
learning model based on CNNs. The interest of
GoogLeNet for this framework is that the parallel lay-
ers of CNN provide the ability of extracting features
on a different scale of the input, as well as alleviat-
ing overfitting, gradient explosion and gradient van-
ishing. The second branch takes historical price data
as input and its purpose is to model long-term changes
in the time series data, which can be ignored by gra-
dient vanishing. The last branch takes time series
statistics as inputs, since the inclusion of these fea-
tures has been proven, in the author’s work, that it can
increase the ability of the model to capture extreme
events. This is done by stacking CNN modules in or-
der o extract date information and reduce the feature
Results showed that GHTNet outperformed state-
of-the-art deep learning algorithms according to the
MAE and MAPE criterion. It also outperformed pop-
ular statistical methods for EPF. The performance of
each branch was evaluated, arriving at the conclusion
that the GoogLeNet branch was the most important
in achieving good prediction accuracy, and increas-
ing the number of parallel CNNs further improved the
performance of the model
To conclude, the definition of a model that can
fit our needs in EPF under extreme events can be
done through a plethora of ways. From fully statis-
tical frameworks, machine learning models or the hy-
bridization of the two, we can expect accurate pre-
dictions. However, understanding the context of our
paper, regarding the volatility of extreme events, nar-
rows down the definition of a suitable model for our
paper regarding the consequences of extreme events
in EPF.
The proposed solution is to develop an hybrid fore-
casting framework with predictions based on neu-
ral network architectures. This framework has been
proven to be effective in EPF, as stated previously, so
it will be the base for the development of this position
paper. This solution will incorporate a combination of
data cleaning, preprocessing, and optimization, given
that the main model for predictions will be based on
neural network architectures.
In figure 2, we indicate said functional architec-
ture of this proposed solution, to be explained further.
The data cleaning and transformation will be done
by a thorough descriptive analysis of our original data
and respective transformation into a single set. Af-
terwards, preprocessing methods will be incorporated
(feature extraction and normalization) to allow for
accurate predictions and standardization of the input
data, with additional archetypal scaling techniques of
the same input data. Afterwards, for all phases of
model development, we propose two methods. One
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Proposed solution functional architecture.
that is fully based on neural network architectures and
another that incorporates the benefits of linear mod-
elling of statistical methods with the nonlinear ca-
pabilities of a neural network model, as both archi-
tectures have been achieved great results in related
projects in EPF.
For the fully neural network-based architecture,
we propose a similar approach to Kuo et al. (Kuo
and Huang, 2018). In the context of extreme events,
electricity prices have additional volatility, which may
indicate that algorithms for modelling nonlinear be-
havior, based on machine learning, may be better
suited for this specific scenario. A CNN architecture
has been proven successful for feature extraction pur-
poses of the models, being potential candidates for
it. For making the predictions, LSTM and GRU are
popular for this purpose and have also been proven
successful, therefore being the foremost candidate to
incorporate in this model.
Given that the main purpose of this project is to
investigate the effects of extreme events in EPF, we
propose another framework, one that has the addi-
tional hybridization of a statistical method with the
LSTM/GRU module for forecasting. As a statistical
method, ARIMA seems the most popular choice, that
has been extensively used in the field to great effec-
tiveness. As a machine learning model, we will incor-
porate the previous architecture, of neural network-
based preprocessing and prediction with CNN and
LSTM/GRU respectively.
The development of these two models, and the
comparison between the two, will allow us to better
grasp if a fully machine learning-based framework is
better suited for predictions in such an environment
of extremely high and low electricity price spikes, or
if the incorporation of statistical models, that are his-
torically well suited to model linear behavior, is still
beneficial. Furthermore, machine learning models,
with special attention to neural networks in more re-
cent years, have been showcasing great potential for
modelling in EPF, and are stated by various author in
the referenced works as an unexplored subject in this
field, being greatly encouraged for future projects.
Prior to the development of said frameworks, and
just as important, is the establishment of a robust
and fitting set of data. To gather said data, we in-
tend to on using, mainly, public electrical grid data,
from ENTSO-E, and meteorological data from spe-
cific weather institutes that can provide fitting data to
our problem. We have established, in previous sec-
tions, that extreme events have an underlying effect on
the price of electricity, in turn effecting the electrical
grid and its components. By including such variables
in our framework, we speculate to successfully model
the behavior of these events, as a creative variable.
For the subject of EPF, the amount of research that
has been done in recent years is great. Multiple mod-
els have been developed that excel in this task, even
during extremely volatile events. Developing a neural
network based architecture for this solution was cho-
sen because of the, relative, novelty of this types of
models in the area, but also because of the great po-
tential it seems to have. We want to research deeper
into the capabilities of neural networks in this subject,
and the great value they can contribute to electricity
market bidding strategies. Furthermore, including a
statistical model, like ARIMA, as it is popular in the
field, will allow us to better assess the neural network
potential, since we can gauge the performance of each
framework independently.
Figure 3: Training results of time series forecasting of elec-
tricity price (Adapted from: ENTSO-E).
The line graph that is showcased in figure 3 ref-
erences the very incomplete and initial stages of the
model development. The orange line represents the
real training values for energy price, and the blue
line represents the predicted training values, of the
day-ahead market electricity price data, gathered from
ENTSO-E (ENTSO-E, 2021). These predictions
where made by developing a simple LSTM model
Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for Electricity Price Forecasting
for forecasting electricity price time series from July
2021 to November 2022. It is clear that the model
lacks the capacity of correctly modelling the most
volatile behavior, stating the express need for cor-
rectly modelling it.
This position paper provided the necessary contextu-
alization of extreme events in the context of EPF, and
state-of-the-art models and frameworks that fit the de-
sired purpose of modelling the highly volatile behav-
ior of electricity price.
Theoretical background regarding the electricity
market was done for understanding the importance of
researching forecasting frameworks for this subject.
Research into state-of-the-art statistical and ma-
chine learning models was done afterwards, with the
purpose of understanding what are the most suitable
models and frameworks that are available to success-
fully create a forecasting model of EPF during ex-
treme events.
Ultimately, the proposed solution is the develop-
ment of a forecasting framework that incorporates
data cleaning and transformation, the inclusion of a
CNN architecture for feature extraction prior to the
basic forecasting model.
This latter model is to be based on a LSTM/GRU
architecture, with optimization. To better study the
effects of extreme events in EPF, the additional in-
clusion of an ARIMA model will be added to the
forecasting model, to compare the benefits of statis-
tical model inclusion in hybrid neural network-based
This work was supported by national funds through
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia (FCT) with
reference UIDB/50021/2020 (INESC-ID).
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems