A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram
Ivandro Claudino, Thiago Gadelha, Tiago Vinuto, José Wellington Franco, José Maria Monteiro
and Javam Machado
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
jose.monteiro@lsbd.ufc.br, javam.machado@lsbd.ufc.br
Misinformation, Monitoring, Telegram, Social Media.
The large-scale dissemination of misinformation through social media has become a critical issue, harming
public health, social stability and democracy. In Brazil, 79.9% of the population uses social networks, and
the Telegram is present in 65% of the country’s smartphones. Due to its popularization, many groups have
used this instant messaging application to spread misinformation, especially as part of articulated political or
ideological campaigns. Telegram provides two essential features that facilitate the spread of misinformation,
public groups and channels. Through these resources, false information can deceive thousands of people in
a short time. In this context, we present MST, a Real-Time platform to find, gather, analyze and visualize
misinformation on Telegram. To evaluate the proposed platform, we built a dataset from the Brazilian general
election campaign in 2022, obtained from Telegram public chat groups and channels.
In 2022, the proportion of smartphones with Telegram
installed grew in Brazil from 45% to 60%. Currently,
Telegram instant messaging application is present in
65% of Brazilian’s smartphones
. If on one hand, this
platform offers security and privacy to its users, on
other hand it is an environment with weak or no mod-
eration, which has contributed to the spread of mis-
information. Through Telegram, misinformation can
deceive thousands of people in a very short time and
cause significant harm to individuals and society. In
this context, misinformation has been used to change
political scenarios, contribute to the spread of dis-
eases, and even cause deaths (Martins et al., 2022;
Silva and Benevenuto, 2021).
Telegram is a quite popular application due to its
versatility and ease of use. It make it possible to in-
stantly share different media types, such as images,
audios, and videos. Besides, it provide two signifi-
cant features: public chat groups and channels. They
are accessible through invitation links and, usually,
they have specific topics for discussion, such as pol-
itics and health. Telegram allows users to join or
even share their public groups and channels to simul-
taneously connect to hundreds of people at once, and
quickly receive and share content among themselves.
In this way, public groups and channels are very
similar to social networks. They have been used to
spread misinformation, especially as part of articu-
lated political or ideological campaigns. Furthermore,
misinformation spreads faster, deeper, and expansive
than legit information. Further, due to the high vol-
ume of information that we are exposed to, we have a
limited dexterity to distinguish true information from
misinformation (Martins et al., 2022; Martins et al.,
2021a; Silva and Benevenuto, 2021).
In this context, monitoring the content that circu-
lates in Telegram public groups and channels is a fun-
damental task to identify and understand the spread of
misinformation and get insights to address this prob-
lem. However, collecting a database of messages al-
ready in circulation on Telegram is a challenging task.
To fill this gap, we built the MST, a real-time platform
to monitoring the Misinformation Spreading on Tele-
gram. To evaluate the MST platform, we used it to
build a dataset, concerning the Brazilian general elec-
tions campaign in 2022, obtained from public chat
groups and channels on Telegram.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the main related work. Sec-
tion 3 describes the MST platform. Section 4 details
a case study performed in order to evaluate the pro-
posed platform. Conclusions and future work are pre-
sented in Section 5.
Claudino, I., Gadelha, T., Vinuto, T., Franco, J., Monteiro, J. and Machado, J.
A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram.
DOI: 10.5220/0012039100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 271-278
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Recently, some efforts towards research involving
Telegram instant messaging application have been de-
veloped. A detailed analysis of Iranian users’ behav-
ior in Telegram was presented in (Hashemi and Cha-
hooki, 2019). More than 900,000 Persian channels
and 300,000 Persian supergroups have been discov-
ered, crawled and inspected in this study. Besides, the
authors devised a method to measure group qualities
in Telegram. In (Ng and Loke, 2021), the authors ana-
lyzed a Singapore-based COVID-19 Telegram group
with more than 10,000 participants focusing on ve
dimensions: participation, sentiment, negative emo-
tions, topics, and message types. In (Baumgartner
et al., 2020), the authors collected a large volume of
data composed of almost 28,000 channels on Tele-
gram, giving rise to a useful data set that can be used
to study politics, protests, online social movements
and disinformation in the context of mobile applica-
tions. During the process the authors collected data
and metadata from public channels and from this they
built a list of channels focused on important topics,
such as right-wing extremist politics. In the Baum-
gartner et al.s work (Baumgartner et al., 2020) both
the data and the source code used to collect it, were
made available.
Paz et al. (de Paz et al., 2022) performed an anal-
ysis about disinformation spreading on Telegram and
proposed a way to identify the origin of the published
content. The work presented in (Nobari et al., 2021)
provided an in-depth look at how messages conveyed
from telegram go viral. The authors performed a
study based on a real dataset obtained from Telegram.
They looked several aspects such as, the information
flow and the characteristics of viral messages. In
(de Paz et al., 2023), the authors presented an anal-
ysis of misinformation cross-platform dynamics by
focusing on communications published by COVID19
negationists on Twitter and Telegram. Herasimenka et
al. (Herasimenka et al., 2022) analyzed 200,000 Tele-
gram posts and observed that links to known sources
of misleading information are shared more often than
links to professional news content, but the former
stays confined to relatively few channels. They also
concluded that, contrary to popular received wisdom,
the audience for misinformation is not a general one,
but a small and active community of users. Akbari et
al. (Akbari and Gabdulhakov, 2019) investigated the
Telegram ban in Russia and Iran, when both govern-
ments demanded access to the content shared by the
users and the platform refused to provide it. Besides,
they provided an overview of the actors, methods, and
tools that are instrumentalized against Telegram.
In (Júnior et al., 2021) the authors collected
1,405,997 messages from 122 Brazilian political
groups and channels on Telegram, covering the pe-
riod from January 2018 to April 2021. Besides, using
this dataset, they performed some data analysis tech-
niques, observing the network created in the platform
as well as a closer look in the dynamics of messages
and members in this platform. Their findings showed
that the political discussion on Telegram took a leap
in the beginning of 2021 (up to 3 times compared to
the end of 2020 in the number of messages). In addi-
tion, the authors observed a significant volume of re-
ferrals on Telegram, as well as a significant amount of
links to content on other platforms such as YouTube,
evidencing the use of Telegram as a vector for con-
tent sharing. They concluded that the large groups
structure of Telegram are effective in spreading the
messages through the network, with the content be-
ing viewed by numerous users and forwarded mul-
tiple times. Furthermore, they observed a relevant
amount of messages attacking political personalities
and spreading unchecked content about COVID-19
In (Dargahi Nobari et al., 2017), the authors de-
veloped a crawler to collect public data from Tele-
gram, including messages, users, groups, channels
and their relationships. In addition, they created a
mention graph and applied the page rank algorithm
in order to understand the differences concerning
link patterns between Telegram and other networks.
In (Paschalides et al., 2020), the authors presented
MANDOLA, a big-data processing system that mon-
itors, detects, visualizes, and reports the spread and
penetration of online hate-related speech using big-
data approaches. MANDOLA consists of six com-
ponents that intercommunicate to consume, process,
store, and visualize statistical information regard-
ing hate speech spread online. They also proposed
a novel ensemble-based classification algorithm for
hate speech detection. Khaund et al. (Khaund et al.,
2021) presented a methodology to collect and analyze
data from Telegram. They conducted both text and
network analysis to gain insights into political dis-
course and public opinion. Their findings included
the use of Telegram by politicians to connect with
their voter, promote their work as well as ridicule their
peers. Besides, the channels were actively used to
disseminate information on political affairs while the
chat groups to discuss views about the government.
Benevenuto et al. presented in (Júnior et al., 2022a;
Júnior et al., 2022b) the “Telegram Monitor”, a web-
based system that monitors the political debate in this
platform and enables the analysis of the most shared
content in multiple channels and public groups.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The MST (Misinformation Spreading on Telegram)
platform architecture comprises nine components, as
illustrated in Figure 1. Next, we will discuss in detail
each one of these components.
3.1 Telegram Connector
The main goal of this component is make possible
gathering data from Telegram using a common inter-
face. It converts each captured message to the JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation) format and send it to
the Message Broker (Redis). We chose JSON be-
cause it is a language-independent, standard format
for storing and exchanging data. Besides, the Tele-
gram Connector sends each captured media file to the
File Server component. In order to avoid storing du-
plicate media files, we apply the MD5 hash algorithm
on the file content and generate a unique identifier,
which is used as the name of the media file. Thus, we
avoid wasting disk space, as well as making it pos-
sible to aggregate similar content and quantify how
many times each one was shared by the users, with
the purpose of understand the popularity of each con-
tent. Listing 1 illustrates an example of JSON “file”
caught the Telegram Connector.
3.1.1 Finding Groups and Channels
The first step in collecting data from Telegram is to
find groups and channels of interest. We divide this
task into seven steps:
Step 1: Initially, a manual search is per-
formed on Telegram grouping links of pub-
lic channels and chat groups based on a list
of keywords (as our case study aims to inves-
tigate the Brazilian far-right groups, we used
terms such as: bolsonaro, captain, patriots).
So, based on how Telegram group invitation
links are structured, we searched for URL pat-
terns such as https://t.me/joinchat/<GroupID>
and https://telegram.me/<GroupID> on popular
search engines (e.g. Google), besides we also
looked for the terms in the keywords list using
Telegram’s search feature. Then, we insert the
found links in a file called “CandidateGroups”;
Step 2: We performed a search for Telegram invi-
tation links in public datasets of Whatsapp mes-
sages like (Martins et al., 2022; Martins et al.,
2021a; Martins et al., 2021b; de et al., 2021).
Then, we insert the found links in the “Candidate-
Groups” file;
Step 3: In this step, from the “CandidateGroups”
file a manual selection of groups and channels that
are inline with the research goals was performed,
that is, the selected groups should be focused on
the Brazilian far-right themes.
Step 4: We then joined the selected groups with a
new Telegram account.
Step 5: We collect the messages that travel in the
selected groups through the Telegram API.
Step 6: Weekly, we parse the collected messages
searching for new invitation links, that is links
that re are not previously collected, and insert the
found links in a new version of the “Candidate-
Groups” file.
Step 7: Finally, we repeat the steps 3 to 6 for the
“CandidateGroups” file built at the previous step.
3.1.2 Gathering Data
This subsection briefly describes how the MST plat-
form collects the content that travel in groups and
channels using the Telegram official API. So, to col-
lect these contents, we created a Telegram account
for this research and developed an application
ten in Python using the Telethon library
(library that
aims to facilitate integration with the Telegram API).
This Python applications obtains metadata concerning
groups and/or channels and users, besides text mes-
sages a media files (images, audios and videos).
The Telethon library allows the creation of a client
to establish a connection between the MST platform
and the Telegram environment. The purpose of this
connection is to keep the client running as long as
the connection is not interrupted. As we aim to cap-
ture text messages and media content in real time, we
chose to keep the client running constantly. An event
handler in the client is triggered when there is a no-
tification of a new message. Thus, the client receives
the identifier and the textual content of this new mes-
sage. Next, the client uses Telethon library to ob-
tains more detailed information, including text mes-
sage, date, time, among others. With this informa-
tion, the client builds a JSON file and send it to the
Message Broker, as illustrated in Listing 1. Despite
Telethon library abstracts and simplifies interactions
with the Telegram API, it uses a specific class for dif-
ferent type of content (images, audio/video, URLs,
among others) and for each type of chat. In addition,
these different classes have some distinct attributes.
This fact was an important challenge for coding the
Telegram Connector.
A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram
Figure 1: MST Architecture.
3.2 Message Broker
Message Broker is a software that make it possible
that applications, systems and services communicate
with each other and share information. It is respon-
sible for validating, storing, routing and delivering
messages to the appropriate destinations. In the MST
platform, the Message Broker acts as an intermediary,
allowing the Telegram Connector to send messages to
the ETL Application. This facilitates the decoupling
of components within the proposed architecture. The
Message Broker allows reliable storage and ensures
message delivery. It has a set of message queues,
which store and sort messages until the ETL Appli-
cation can process them. Furthermore, it ensures that
each queued message is consumed only once. To im-
plement the Message Broker, we use Redis, which is
an in-memory, key-value, open source, versatile and
easy-to-use storage system. In addition, it provides
high performance, persistence and data replication.
3.3 ETL Application
The ETL Application is responsible for text mes-
sages processing, which includes different tasks, such
as parsing, anonymization, misinformation detection
and sentiment analysis. Many of these tasks use the
services of the Data Processing API. We took into
consideration privacy issues by anonymizing users’
names and cell phone numbers. For this, we create
an anonymous and unique ID for each user by using
an MD5 hash function on their username. Similarly,
we create an anonymous alias for each group. Af-
ter a text message processing, the ETL Application
component sends the resulting data to a Relational
Database Server (PostgreSQL) and a Search Engine
3.4 File Server
The File Server component is responsible for store the
media files (e.g. audios, images and videos) captured
by the Telegram Connector in a persistent and safe
manner. In order to avoid to store several copies of
the same content, we used the following strategy:
First, we apply the MD5 algorithm on the bytes of
the media content, which are present in the meta-
data provided by the Telegram API, and generate
a hash code (an unique identifier) that is used as
the name of the media file on the server;
Next, we verify if there is a file with the same
name of the hash code generate previously. In
negative case, we download and store the media
file. In affirmative case, we don’t download the
media file, since it is already stored in our server,
avoid processing and storing overhead.
However, this strategy doesn’t work for some con-
tent types, such as SVG images and MKV videos,
since their bytes are not present in the metadata pro-
vided by the Telegram API. In this case, we down-
load the media file, generate the hash code, and then
we check if this content has been previously down-
loaded. In affirmative case, we delete this media file.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
" id_ me ss ag e ": "104 981 9 " ,
" mes s e n g e r ": " tel eg ra m " ,
" mes sa g e _ ty pe ": " Ur l ",
" id_ pe rs on a ": #### ### # # ,
" dat e_ m e s sa ge ": "202 2 - 09 -28 T16 : 1 8: 09 + 00 :0 0" ,
" tex t_ c o n te nt ": " Banc o M un di a l con fi r ma fala de Pa ulo Gue d es : PIB do Br a si l t e nde
a c re sc er ma is que o da Chin a \ u26 1b h ttp s :// t er r a b ra s il n ot i c i as . c o m /2 02 2/ 09 /
banco - m undial - c onfi r ma - falaa -de - p aulo - guedes - pib -do - br a s il - t ende -a - cr escer - mais
- que - o - da - china /\ n \ n Bom dia \ u d83 d \ udd 2 5 \ ud8 3d \ ud d 25 \n \ n@ F Y IB RA SI L ",
" id _ m em b er _ t e le g ra m ": ### ### # ## ,
" id_g ro up ": ## # ### ### ,
" m edi a ": " c a9 a 6 c 2 5 f 2 9 52 6 93 0 d6 0 8 5 2 a 74 a b6 9 40 (1) . jp g ",
" med ia _n am e ": "" ,
" med ia _t yp e ": " url ",
" med i a _ u r l ": " https :/ / ter r ab r a s il n ot i ci a s . com / 20 22 /0 9/ banco - mund ial - co n firm a -
falaa - de - paulo - guedes - pib - do - bra s i l - t ende -a - cr escer - mais - que -o - da - ch i na /" ,
" med i a _ m d 5 ": " ca 9 a6 c 25 f 2 9 5 2 69 3 0d 6 08 5 2 a 7 4 ab 6 94 0 ",
" dis pl a y _ na me ": " Banc o M un di a l con fi r ma fala de Pa ulo Gue d es : PIB do Br a si l t e nde
a c re sc er ma is que o da Chin a - Te rra Bra s il Not \ u 00 ed ci as \ nCo mp a r t il he : A
nova prev is \ u 00e 3o do Ba nco Mun di a l \ u 00e 9 de que o PIB ( P ro dut o Inte rn o B rut o )
" add r es s_ m es sa g e ": "" ,
" lat i tu d e _ me s s a ge ": 0 ,
" lo n g it u d e _m e ss ag e ": 0 ,
" con t ac t s _ me s s a ge ": nu l l
Listing 1: Example of a JSON Caught from Telegram.
In negative case, we don’t need do anything.
3.5 Database
The Relational Database Server supports storing and
querying data on the traditional flat model. There-
unto, it uses PostgreSQL
, a free and open-source re-
lational database management system (RDBMS) em-
phasizing extensibility and SQL compliance. It is
important to highlight that the audios, images, and
videos are stored by the File Server. The PostgreSQL
database stores only the path to these files.
3.6 Search Engine
The Search Engine component aims to provide tex-
tual queries directly on the captured messages. For
this, it uses Elasticsearch
, a search engine based
on the Lucene library that provides a distributed,
multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an
HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON docu-
3.7 Web Portal
Today, there is a great need for displaying massive
amounts of data in a way that is easily accessible and
understandable. In this context, data visualization is
a way to represent information graphically, highlight-
ing patterns and trends in data and helping to achieve
news insights. It enables the data exploration via the
manipulation of charts and images. More specifi-
cally, it enables users to analyze the data by interact-
ing directly with a visual representation of it. In this
work, the Web Portal component is a web application
developed using Python programming language and
Django 3 framework, which explores relational (from
PostgreSQL) and textual (from Elasticsearch) data.
3.8 Telegram Bot
Telegram Bot is a proactive chatbot built from Tele-
gram which automatically detects and alerts the pres-
ence of misinformation in social chats. Initially, they
need to be added to a certain group. Then it will auto-
matically monitor and analyze the content that travels
in the group. Finally, if they detect that certain content
has a high probability of containing misinformation,
an alert message is sent to the group.
A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram
To evaluate the MST platform, we performed an ex-
ploratory case study using a dataset covering the
Brazilian general elections campaign in 2022 col-
lected by Telegram. We used the MST platform to
monitor right-far Telegram groups and channels in the
period between September 27, 2022, and November
15, 2022, which comprises part of the electoral pe-
riod of the 1st round and all of the 2nd round of 2022
general Brazilian elections. This case study was in-
fluenced by (de et al., 2021; Júnior et al., 2022a).
So, many data analysis techniques were applied to this
dataset to get insights about misinformation spread-
ing. The dataset built contains 513,961 messages ob-
tained from 14,085 users from 180 Groups/Channels.
4.1 Messages Characterization
Initially, we will present some visualizations to char-
acterize the built dataset. Figure 2 shows the distri-
bution of messages sending time by the day hours on
Telegram. As we can imagine, the peak of sending
messages occurs at the time reserved for lunch (be-
tween 12 and 15 hours) and in the early evening, just
after work hours. Figure 3 shows the distribution mes-
sages sent time by day on Telegram. As we can imag-
ine, the peak of sending messages occurs on October
2nd (the date of the first round of elections) and Oc-
tober 30th (the date of the second round of elections).
Figure 2: Number of Messages by Hour.
Figure 3: Number of Messages by day.
4.2 Vocabulary Characterization
Another aspect that needs to be analyzed is the char-
acteristics of the vocabulary used in the text messages
since there is a strong relationship between the used
vocabulary and the social network, in this case, Tele-
gram. Figure 4 shows the word cloud highlighting the
most popular words on monitored Telegram public
chat groups and channels. Deserve mention the terms
related with the Brazilian far-right, such as: Bol-
sonaro, presidente, Brasil, forças armadas, exército,
direira, verdade, Deus and família. Furthermore, we
can highlight terms related with the far-right oppo-
nents, such as: Lula, esquerda, petista, comunista,
bandido and ladrão. Finally, we can observe terms
related to conspiracy theories, such as: TSE, fraude,
urna, voto and Alexandre de Moraes.
Figure 4: Word Cloud on Telegram.
4.3 Misinformation Analysis
In order to evaluate the misinformation potential in
the used dataset, we applied the misinformation clas-
sifier proposed in (Cabral et al., 2021) on the text mes-
sages caught by MST. It is important to highlight that
this classifier was trained with a dataset collected and
labelled during the 2018 Brazilian General Elections.
This misinformation classifier receives a text message
as input and generates as output a value between 0 and
1, indicating the probability that the text contains mis-
information. Texts with values greater than 0.5 were
considered misinformation, messages with values be-
tween 0.3 and 0.5 were designated inconclusive (neu-
tral), while texts with values less than 0.3 were treated
as non-misinformation. Figure 5 shows that the used
classifier considered that 25.31% of the caught text
messages contained misinformation. Figure 5 shows
the distribution of the misinformation probability.
The creators of misinformation use various stylis-
tic tricks to promote the success of their contents,
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Proportion of Misinformation.
Figure 6: Distribution of the Misinformation Probability.
with one of them being to excite the sentiments of the
recipients. Often, misinformation is associated with
the presence polarity (positive and negative), which is
used by content producers to misdirect readers. Con-
sequently, Sentiment Analysis (SA) provides crucial
information on the content of a Telegram message to
determine whether it is trustworthy or should be con-
sidered as misinformation.
In this context, we applied the LeIA tool on the
text messages caught by MST platform. LeIA re-
ceives a text message as input and generate as output
a value between -1 and 1, called sentiment score. Val-
ues close to 1 indicate high positivity, values close
to -1 denote high negativity, and values close to 0
imply neutrality. Figure 7 shows the proportion be-
tween positive, negative and neutral messages. Texts
with sentiment score greater then 0.3 where consid-
ered “Positive”. Messages with sentiment score less
then -0.3 where designated “Negative”. Texts with
sentiment score between -0.3 and 0.3 were treated as
“neutral”. Analyzing Figure 7, we can note that al-
most half of the messages have high polarity (“Pos-
itive” or “Negative”). Messages with high polarity
could be used to generate alerts or should be given
priority when going through veracity verification pro-
cesses. Figure 8 illustrates the sentiment score distri-
Figure 7: Proportion of Sentiment Analysis.
Figure 8: Distribution of the Sentiment Analysis.
Due to its popularization, many groups have used
Telegram to spread false information, especially as
part of articulated political or ideological campaigns.
The large-scale and fast spread of misinformation
through Telegram messages poses a significant social
problem, harming public health, social stability and
democracy. Telegram provides two essential features
that facilitate the spread of misinformation: public
groups and channels. Through these resources, misin-
formation can deceive thousands of people in a short
time. In this context, we presented MST (Misinfor-
mation Spreading on Telegram), a Real-Time plat-
form to find, gather, analyze and visualize misinfor-
mation on Telegram. To evaluate the proposed plat-
form, we built a dataset from the Brazilian general
election campaign in 2022, obtained from Telegram
public chat groups and channels. The MST platform
and the built dataset are available at our public repos-
. We hope that MST platform can help journal-
ists and researchers to understand the misinformation
propagation in Telegram. As future works, we want
to analyze how misinformation spread among the chat
groups using complex networks.
A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram
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