Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic
Literature Review
Sebastian Petter and Stefan Jablonski
University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
Business Process Management, Recommender System, Systematic Literature Review, Goal-Based Process
Recommender systems have the potential to enhance decision-making and to improve business process exe-
cution in the domain of Business Process Management (BPM). By analyzing data and providing personalized
recommendations, these systems can assist users in making profound decisions and so foster the achievement
of their business goals. In our study that is based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
reviews and Meta-Analyses) methodology, we examine the usage of recommender systems in BPM, focusing
on the objectives, methods, and input data utilized. We searched eight databases and included papers that focus
on process execution and recommendation methods while excluding those that are not digitally available, not
in English, patents, miscellany, or proceedings, or focused solely on business process modeling. This results
in 33 papers, addressing the research questions, that are analysed in detail. The discussion highlights research
gaps related to user preferences and input data, suggesting that further investigation is needed to enhance the
effectiveness of recommender systems in business process management.
The core elements of Business Process Management
(BPM) are processes that reflect sequences of work-
ing steps having to be executed in a specific order
(Dumas et al., 2018; Weske, 2007). For process mod-
elling process models in a business process modelling
language are defined. Each working step is repre-
sented by an activity within a process model. Fur-
thermore, control flow (i.e., the order of the activi-
ties), data used, and resources eligible to execute the
activities are specified in the process model. Process-
aware Information Systems (PAISs) interpret process
models and execute them (Reichert and Weber, 2012).
A PAIS determines which activities to be performed
next can be executed next by what process partici-
pant. Tasks ready for execution are provided to the
process participants in so-called worklists. Once a
task is completed, information about its execution is
stored in a process event log (van der Aalst, W, 2016).
A process event comprises information about the task
itself, the resource, i.e. process participant, executed
the task, and further details like date, duration, and
optional customer data. Events belonging to the ex-
ecution of a specific instance of a business process
constitute a so-called (event) trace.
Since all kinds of enterprises rely on BPM pro-
cess improvement is a major success factor for them.
Various approaches for process improvement have
been developed. Typically, they aim to optimize
a business process execution in respect of certain
goals. Respective goals are reduction of process cy-
cle time, improvement of process outcomes, or in-
crease of user satisfaction (Jablonski and Bussler,
1996; Koulopolous, 1995; Lawrence, 1997; Petter
et al., 2022). It is common practice to deploy recom-
mendations in PAISs that support process participants
to better achieve those goals.
Recommender systems are mainly known from
e-commerce. A recommender system is a software
system that provides personalized recommendations
to users (Aggarwal, 2016). They have become in-
creasingly popular in e-commerce due to their poten-
tial to increase customer engagement and sales and
to improve customer experience. Three main meth-
ods have been developed to generate recommenda-
tions: collaborative filtering, content-based filtering,
and knowledge-based filtering. Collaborative filter-
ing relies on users’ past explicit (e.g., issuing ”stars”)
and implicit (e.g. chosen actions) ratings and based
on that constitutes classes of users with similar pref-
erences. Personalized recommendations are then de-
Petter, S. and Jablonski, S.
Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012039500003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 431-442
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
rived from the behavior of an associated user class. In
content-based filtering attributes of things (e.g. activ-
ities) a user likes are referred to as ”content”. A rec-
ommender system recommends similar things to user,
i.e. things that coincide in all/most of the content at-
tributes. Knowledge-based filtering uses a user profile
and evaluates whether a particular item is likely to be
of interest to a user, again based on the contextual at-
tributes of items. Furthermore, these three methods
can mutually be combined, forming what is known as
hybrid filtering.
Over time, different methods of recommender sys-
tems have been integrated into BPM. These methods
vary concerning - among others - the objectives they
are aiming at, the input data they are exploiting, and
the algorithms they install. In some cases, different
methods aim at achieving the same objective but in
different ways.
Currently, there are two systematic literature re-
views regarding recommendations in BPM (Kubrak
et al., 2021; Yari Eili and Rezaeenour, 2022). Kubrak
et al. consider the recommendation of interventions
at runtime to prevent negative outcomes or poorly
performing cases. That means, this review focuses
on predictive process monitoring. They provide an
overview of recent research papers regarding per-
formance objectives with a focus on control flow,
resource allocation, and other perspectives (Kubrak
et al., 2021). In a second literature review, Yari Eili
and Jalal Rezaeenour focus on the usage of event logs
as source for recommendations. These approaches
rely on process mining techniques to exploit event
log information. The authors discuss different types
of recommendations and evaluation metrics applied
in the considered research papers (Yari Eili and Reza-
eenour, 2022).
We broaden the perspective of a systematic litera-
ture review compared with the above introduced pre-
decessor reviews. We neither restrict ourselves to pre-
dictive process monitoring as objective, nor do we ex-
clusively focus on event logs as information resource.
To the best of our knowledge, we present a first sys-
tematic literature review on the application of recom-
mender systems in the realm of BPM without any re-
strictions. To address this we focus on the following
research questions:
. What is the objective of applying recommen-
dation methods, respectively recommender sys-
tems, in the context of BPM?
. What data provided by a PAIS is used to gener-
ate recommendations?
. Which methods known from RS are applied?
focuses on the objectives the approaches fos-
ter applying RS during process execution. Many
research papers focus on optimizing process perfor-
mance (e.g., shortening processing time, increasing
quality), whereas few papers consider other goals like
improving user satisfaction (Petter et al., 2022). RQ
and RQ
consider the methods used to generate rec-
ommendations and the input input data they require.
For example, the trace of a currently executed process
instance can be used, as well as the complete event
log provided so far by the PAIS.
To answer the above research questions, we con-
duct a systematic literature review following the Pre-
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method (Page et al., 2021)
as far as applicable. After establishing the research
questions, the search strategy to identify research pa-
pers is defined, including all accessed databases and
applied search queries. Furthermore, inclusion and
exclusion criteria are defined to qualify the results of
such queries. Extracting data from the found records
leads to a detailed analysis of the remaining records.
The last step is the interpretation of the papers accord-
ing to the research questions.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 gives a detailed overview of the meth-
ods used to identify relevant research papers. The
step-wise execution of the literature review and the
obtained results are presented in Section 3. Section 4
provides a discussion of the results, and finally, Sec-
tion 5 concludes the systematic literature review and
highlights essential directions for future research.
This paper describes a systematic literature review
conducted according to PRISMA guidelines (Page
et al., 2021) to identify and analyse existing research
integrating recommender systems into BPM systems.
More specifically, we investigate why recommender
systems are used in the context of BPM (RQ
), what
data is used (RQ
), and which methods known from
genuine recommender systems come into use (RQ
The PRISMA method includes guidance on plan-
ning, conducting, reporting, and disseminating sys-
tematic reviews and meta-analyses transparently. It
involves formulating an appropriate research ques-
tion, performing comprehensive searches, selecting
studies that meet predefined inclusion criteria, ex-
tracting relevant data from each study, synthesizing
results, and interpreting results critically with respect
to limitations of included studies and the quality of
evidence provided by them. This process allows re-
searchers to draw reliable conclusions about existing
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: The search queries applied.
ID Search Query
Recommender System” AND
Business Process Management
Recommender Systems” AND
Business Process Management
Recommendation System” AND
Business Process Management
Recommendation Systems” AND
Business Process Management
evidence on any given topic while minimizing bias in
the review process.
According to the PRISMA checklist, first, we de-
fine the databases to access. A total of eight different
data sources are searched to find as many relevant re-
search as possible: ACM Digital Library, Emerald,
Google Scholar, IEEE Explore, ScienceDirect, Sco-
pus, SpringerLink, and Web Of Science. We apply
the software Publish or Perish (Harzing, 2007) for
the search with Google Scholar and Scopus. Since
Google Scholar limits the number of results for each
query to at most 1000 results, we split the query
into multiple queries according to different periods
and unified them afterward. The queries posted are
shown in table 1. Notice that we post four sepa-
rated queries for every database instead of connect-
ing the keywords by the logical operator OR since
some databases cannot handle this operator properly.
Furthermore, a distinction is made between Recom-
mender System and Recommender Systems, respec-
tively Recommendation System and Recommendation
Systems, as many databases provide different results
due to the plural form of the terms.
Second, eligibility criteria (e.g., inclusion and ex-
clusion criteria) must be defined. In our literature re-
view, we address the objectives of the considered lit-
erature, the data used, and the methods applied. From
this basis, two inclusion criteria are derived:
. Process execution
. Recommendation methods (content-based filter-
ing, collaborative filtering, knowledge-based fil-
tering, hybrid filtering)
Inclusion criterion IC
requires that papers con-
sidering process execution must be included. Also,
all papers that explicitly apply certain methods from
the domain of recommender systems to the domain of
BPM must be taken into account (IC
Furthermore, the following exclusion criteria are
defined to exclude papers from the evaluation:
. Not digitally available
. Not written in English
. Patents, miscellany, and proceedings
. Only one domain is considered: BPM or RS
. Business process modeling optimization
Exclusion criteria EC
and EC
ensure that papers
are generally available and are written in English, so
they can be accessed by the majority of researchers.
says that patents, miscellany, and proceedings
”as a whole” are excluded. Nevertheless this does
not exclude the contents of these sources. For exam-
ple, papers of a proceeding are included as long as
they fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Exclu-
sion criterion IC
stipulates that both domains must
be considered, BPM and recommendation systems.
This criterion excludes papers that only cover one of
the two domains. Finally, EC
excludes those papers
that solely focus on optimization of process modeling
without looking at process execution.
In summary, the inclusion criteria IC
and IC
provide the basis for our systematic literature anal-
ysis, while the exclusion criteria EC
to EC
help to
narrow down the scope and focus of the study.
After having defined search strategy and inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria (eligibility criteria), re-
spectively, we define our selection process. We
first capture the metadata of a publication (title, au-
thor, publication venue, year, keywords, year, DOI).
Based on the metadata, duplicate entries are removed
semi-automatically (tool support from Microsoft Ex-
cel (Microsoft Corporation, 2022)). In order to con-
sider a found record in future steps, the record must
not violate the exclusion criteria. To ensure this, all
authors of this study check the title of each record in-
dependently. The resulting records are checked ac-
cording to their abstract afterwards, again indepen-
dently by each author of this paper. The records left
are entirely read by the authors. Depending on the
content, they are excluded because they violate one or
more exclusion criteria, or they are sorted into a table
and classified according to their objectives, data used,
and methods applied. To identify even more relevant
research, we conduct backward referencing (snow-
balling) to the papers found (Okoli and Schabram,
3.1 Applying the PRISMA Method
To get an overview of the existing research combin-
ing recommender systems and BPM, we applied the
PRISMA method described in Section 2. This method
comprises a flow diagram (Page et al., 2021) that pro-
vides a visual representation of the search process and
Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic Literature Review
the number of studies included or excluded at each
stage. It offers a rigorous and transparent view on
the literature finding and selecting process and clearly
illustrates the results of the systematic review. The
adapted PRISMA flow diagram for our study is shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: PRISMA flow diagram of our study.
Identification. The search process is initiated by
searching eight different databases: ACM, Emerald,
Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Sco-
pus, Springer, and WebOfScience. For each database
we run the four queries introduced in Table 1. On Jan-
uary 10th, 2023 we conducted our search and iden-
tified a total of 8780 records. Table 2 depicts de-
tailed results of the query execution. The columns
represent the search queries, the rows identify the dif-
ferent databases considered. Each cell shows the re-
sults of query execution for the particular databases.
Notice that the number of entries found for Recom-
mender System and Recommender Systems, respec-
tively, and for Recommendation System and Recom-
mendation Systems, respectively, is the same for the
databases Emerald, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and
Scopus, whereas in the remaining databases differ-
ent numbers of entries are found for the singular and
plural forms of these terms. This highlights the im-
portance of applying a consistent and standardized
search strategy, as different databases may have dif-
ferent ways of indexing and categorizing literature.
According to the PRISMA method in the next step the
8780 papers have to be screened for duplicate entries.
4567 of these records are identified as duplicates and
are therefore excluded, leaving 4213 unique records.
Screening. Out of these, 65 are not available in digital
form and are also excluded from the study (EC
). The
remaining 4148 papers are subject to further screen-
ing. Another 300 papers are excluded since they are
not written in English (EC
). 892 additional entries
are excluded because they are either patents, miscella-
nies, or proceedings (EC
). 2872 papers are excluded
as they either do not consider both, BPM and recom-
mender systems, or have an inadequate focus on these
topics (EC
). Finally, 54 papers are excluded as they
focus on recommender systems in the context of pro-
cess modeling, which is also outside the scope of the
present study (EC
). This results in 30 papers that are
included in our study.
Included. A total of 3 papers are added through back-
ward referencing, resulting in a final list of 33 papers
to be analyzed in this research.
3.2 Classification of the Result
For a better overview of the 33 papers we have an-
alyzed and classified them as depicted in Table 3.
We identified three superior columns referring to the
research questions defined in Section 1: Objectives
), Input Data (RQ
), and Methodology (RQ
Each row of the table represents a study or a paper
to be analyzed.
Objectives. The Objectives column lists the most
frequently mentioned objectives that the reviewed pa-
pers are aiming at when applying recommender sys-
tems in the BPM context. Process performance goals,
such as shortening processing time and minimizing
costs, are the most frequently mentioned goals. Addi-
tionally, the papers consider flexible goals that can be
customized based on a target function provided. For
example, a flexible goal may aim at the optimization
of different KPIs, such as process completion time,
resource utilization, and customer satisfaction. Often,
process performance goals and flexible goals over-
lap. Enhancing user experience and user satisfaction
is one of the original goals of recommender systems.
This goal is still relevant in the field of Business Pro-
cess Management and is pursued by researchers. The
column Others summarizes goals that do not fit into
the above categories. For example, a paper may aim
at the reduction of process errors.
Input Data. The Input Data column of the table lists
the different types of data exploited by the reviewed
papers as input for recommendations. The data listed
in this column can be divided into six sub-areas:
Event log, partial traces, worklist, resource informa-
tion, process model, and others. Many approaches
require the event log, which records the events that
occur in a business process, to generate recommen-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Published articles in journals and conferences.
ACM DL 16 37 18 23 94
Emerald 54 54 48 48 204
Google Scholar 961 1442 1293 792 4488
IEEE XPlore 199 199 576 576 1550
ScienceDirect 81 81 62 62 286
Scopus 24 24 15 15 78
SpringerLink 547 563 474 469 2053
Web Of Science 8 7 6 6 27
Sum 1890 2407 2492 1991 8780
dations. The event log can be extended to include
additional information such as process attributes or
resource preferences (Petter et al., 2022). Addition-
ally, partial traces (e.g., sequences of events) can be
used to generate recommendations based on the his-
tory of events in a process. A worklist contains in-
formation about the tasks that must be performed in a
business process. Recommendations can be generated
based on the information contained in such a worklist.
Furthermore, resource information, such as the avail-
ability of a resource, is often necessary to generate
adequate recommendations. A process model (con-
taining information about the activities that need to
be performed) and additional attributes, such as con-
textual information for activities, are used in some
reviewed papers to make recommendations. For in-
stance, recommendations are derived that are based
on the similarity of these task attributes. Any other
input data that does not fit into the previously men-
tioned categories is grouped under Others. The use
of different types of input data can significantly influ-
ence the accuracy and efficiency of the recommenda-
tions. Furthermore, the methodology used to calcu-
late recommendations is depending on the input data
Methodology. The Methodology column of the ta-
ble categorizes the different methods applied in the
reviewed papers for recommendations in the field of
BPM. Content-based filtering uses the attributes of the
items being recommended (e.g., tasks in a business
process) and the execution history of the user consid-
ered to generate recommendations. A collaborative
filtering method generates recommendations based on
users’ past behavior and preferences. It assumes that
users who have similar preferences in the past will
have similar preferences in the future. Knowledge-
based filtering is based on knowledge representation
and reasoning to generate recommendations. It can
take into account various factors, such as user pro-
files. As the name suggests, hybrid filtering combines
the advantages of multiple filtering methods to gener-
ate recommendations. For example, a hybrid method
uses content-based filtering to generate initial recom-
mendations and then refine these recommendations
using collaborative filtering. In addition to these stan-
dard methods, the column Others accommodates all
papers that do not fit into the previously mentioned
3.3 Presentation of the Classified
In the following section the results are discussed re-
garding their objectives. In this study, the authors an-
alyzed a total of 15 papers with the aim of optimizing
process performance goals. Out of the analyzed pa-
pers, 100% aim at shortening processing time, 40%
aim at minimizing costs, and 33% aim at improving
the quality of process outcome. Furthermore, 13 pa-
pers consider flexible optimization goals, four papers
regard user preferences as optimization goal, and 14
papers are assigned to the column of ”other” objec-
Shorten Processing Time. The majority of the
papers focuses on the optimization of process per-
formance goals by shortening processing time (15
papers). This list comprises (Arias et al., 2016),
(Schobel and Reichert, 2017), (van der Aalst et al.,
2010), (van der Aalst et al., 2010), (Setiawan and
Sadiq, 2011), (Setiawan et al., 2011), (Agarwal et al.,
2022), (Branchi et al., 2022), (Huber et al., 2015),
(Weinzierl et al., 2020), (Bozorgi et al., 2021), (Scho-
nenberg et al., 2008), (Barba et al., 2012), (Barba
et al., 2013), (Aalst et al., 2009), and (Haisjackl and
Weber, 2011). These papers analyse an event log to
extract the potential process execution time. Some
papers, such as (Barba et al., 2012) and (Barba et al.,
2013), use the event log to derive information about
contextual information like execution times for the
single activities in a process model. Enacting the
model with such information during build time leads
to simple generation of recommendations during run-
time. During process execution, the trace with the
shortest remaining processing time can be recom-
Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 3: Overview of the analyzed research papers.
Research Paper Objectives Input Data Methodology
Shorten processing time
Minimize costs / Increase profit
Flexible goal
User experience
(Enhanced) Event log
Partial traces
Resource Information
Process model
Content-based filtering
Collaborative filtering
Knowledge-based filtering
Hybrid filtering
(Yang et al., 2017)
(Arias et al., 2016)
(Pika and Wynn, 2021)
(Arias et al., 2017)
(Schobel and Reichert, 2017)
(Conforti et al., 2015)
(Zhao et al., 2016)
(van der Aalst et al., 2010)
(Petter et al., 2022)
(Di Valentin et al., 2014)
(Khan et al., 2021)
(Leoni et al., 2020)
(Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011)
(Setiawan et al., 2011)
(Mertens et al., 2015)
(Agarwal et al., 2022)
(Arias et al., 2018)
(Branchi et al., 2022)
(Huber et al., 2015)
(Liu and Wu, 2018)
(Bidar et al., 2019)
oger et al., 2014)
(Weinzierl et al., 2020)
(Bozorgi et al., 2021)
(Arias et al., 2016)
(Schonenberg et al., 2008)
(Barba et al., 2012)
(Trabelsi et al., 2021)
(Barba et al., 2013)
(Pika and Wynn, 2020)
(Aalst et al., 2009)
(Cabanillas et al., 2013)
(Haisjackl and Weber, 2011)
mended. The remaining 13 papers are calculating rec-
ommendations by deriving the potential process ex-
ecution time by comparing the current partial trace
with similar traces in the event log. In addition to
the event log and the partial trace, some papers con-
sider contextual information such as user expertise
(Arias et al., 2016; Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011; Seti-
awan et al., 2011), resource availability (Arias et al.,
2016; Barba et al., 2012; Barba et al., 2013), and ex-
plicit domain knowledge (Aalst et al., 2009) to opti-
mize the process execution time. None of the papers
regarding shortening processing time can be assigned
to the methodology of content-based filtering or hy-
brid filtering. The method of collaborative filtering is
used in (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011), (Setiawan et al.,
2011), and (Branchi et al., 2022), where the executed
events of the current user are compared to the exe-
cuted events of other users. Knowledge-based filter-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ing can be found in (Barba et al., 2012) and (Barba
et al., 2013). Both papers enhance the process model
with contextual information providing recommenda-
tions during runtime. The remaining papers in the
section apply methods that cannot be assigned to the
standard methods known from recommender systems
since they are not user-specific.
Flexible Goals. Flexible goals that can be defined
during build- or run-time have become increasingly
important for many organizations due to the chang-
ing nature of business requirements and goals. To
achieve these flexible goals, different techniques and
approaches have been proposed and investigated in
the literature. In this study, we review 13 papers that
consider flexible goals in their research and provide a
summary of the techniques and methods used: (Yang
et al., 2017), (Arias et al., 2016), (Khan et al., 2021),
(Leoni et al., 2020), (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011), (Se-
tiawan et al., 2011), (Agarwal et al., 2022), (Branchi
et al., 2022), (Liu and Wu, 2018), (Weinzierl et al.,
2020), (Schonenberg et al., 2008), and (Haisjackl and
Weber, 2011). Most of the papers reviewed use Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) to define their objec-
tives. These KPIs are metrics that are used to mea-
sure the performance of a process, system, or orga-
nization. For instance, minimizing costs (Agarwal
et al., 2022; Branchi et al., 2022), shortening pro-
cessing time (Agarwal et al., 2022; Branchi et al.,
2022; Weinzierl et al., 2020), and increasing customer
satisfaction (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011) are some of
the common KPIs used to define objectives in the
reviewed papers. However, in (Schonenberg et al.,
2008), the objective is defined via a target function.
To calculate recommendations for achieving the ob-
jectives, all papers use event log information. Some of
the papers use an enhanced event log that includes ad-
ditional information, such as customer satisfaction, to
generate more accurate recommendations. For exam-
ple, (Leoni et al., 2020), include customer satisfaction
information in their enhanced event log to generate
recommendations that can improve customer satisfac-
tion. Partial traces are used by 70% of the papers to
generate recommendations (Yang et al., 2017; Arias
et al., 2016; Leoni et al., 2020; Setiawan and Sadiq,
2011; Setiawan et al., 2011; Agarwal et al., 2022;
Branchi et al., 2022; Weinzierl et al., 2020; Schonen-
berg et al., 2008; Aalst et al., 2009; Haisjackl and We-
ber, 2011). By analyzing partial traces, recommenda-
tions can be generated that can help achieve the objec-
tives defined in the KPIs. Worklists of current users
are also used in some papers to generate recommen-
dations (Khan et al., 2021; Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011;
Setiawan et al., 2011; Agarwal et al., 2022; Scho-
nenberg et al., 2008; Haisjackl and Weber, 2011).
Since worklists contain information about the tasks, a
user can potentially work on, this information can be
used to generate recommendations that can help the
user achieve their objectives. Less frequently consid-
ered input data for generating recommendations dur-
ing process execution are business data (Liu and Wu,
2018), domain knowledge (Aalst et al., 2009), and re-
source information (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011; Seti-
awan et al., 2011). For example, (Aalst et al., 2009)
use domain knowledge to generate recommendations
that can improve the quality of a process. Collabora-
tive filtering is a method used by some of the papers
to generate recommendations. Collaborative filtering
is a technique that is commonly used in recommender
systems to provide recommendations to users based
on the behavior of similar users. In the context of
flexible goals, collaborative filtering can be used to
provide recommendations to users based on the be-
havior of other users who have similar objectives. For
instance, (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011), (Setiawan et al.,
2011), and (Branchi et al., 2022) use collaborative fil-
tering to generate recommendations. Finally, some of
the papers use methods that cannot be assigned to the
standard methods known from recommender systems.
Minimizing Costs. The objective of minimizing
costs during process execution is in the focus of six re-
search papers, namely (Arias et al., 2016), (Setiawan
and Sadiq, 2011), (Setiawan et al., 2011), (Branchi
et al., 2022), and (Aalst et al., 2009). The com-
mon approach adopted by these papers is to use event
logs and partial traces to generate recommendations.
While some of the papers consider the current work-
list of the user such as (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011),
(Setiawan et al., 2011), and (Haisjackl and Weber,
2011), others like (Yang et al., 2017) incorporate in-
formation about resources to calculate recommenda-
tions. It is worth noting that the methods used by
these papers cannot be directly mapped to the existing
methods known from recommender systems. Only
three papers, namely (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011),
(Setiawan et al., 2011), and (Branchi et al., 2022), can
be classified under the collaborative filtering method.
Quality. The key research area of (Setiawan and
Sadiq, 2011), (Setiawan et al., 2011), (Agarwal et al.,
2022), (Schonenberg et al., 2008), and (Haisjackl and
Weber, 2011) is to improve the quality of the pro-
cess outcome. The authors of these research papers
analyse event logs and partial traces to generate rec-
ommendations, while also making use of the cur-
rent user’s worklist. (Setiawan and Sadiq, 2011) and
(Setiawan et al., 2011) deploy methods of collabora-
tive filtering to improve process outcomes, applying
this technique to event logs and partial traces to de-
velop recommendations for process improvement. On
Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic Literature Review
the other hand, the other papers utilize non-standard
recommendation methods to achieve their objectives.
These papers suggest that there are several methods
that can be used to generate recommendations for pro-
cess improvement, and that different methods may be
more efficient in different contexts.
User Experience. The original goal of recommender
systems is to provide personalized recommendations
to users based on their preferences, behaviors, and
context information. In this study, we review four re-
cent studies that focus on improving user experience
in BPM through recommender systems: (Arias et al.,
2017), (Petter et al., 2022), (Di Valentin et al., 2014),
and (Bidar et al., 2019). These studies differ in their
focus, methodology, and application domain, but they
all share the common goal of enhancing user experi-
ence through personalized recommendations. The re-
search papers (Arias et al., 2017), (Petter et al., 2022),
and (Bidar et al., 2019) interpret event logs to gener-
ate recommendations for users. Event logs are used
to infer user preferences and behavior patterns. (Pet-
ter et al., 2022) enhances the event log with explicit
user preferences which are collected through surveys
or questionnaires. This approach allows for a more
accurate representation of user preferences and leads
to better recommendations. (Arias et al., 2017), (Pet-
ter et al., 2022), and (Bidar et al., 2019) consider ad-
ditional information beyond the event log to improve
recommendations. (Arias et al., 2017) incorporates
resource information, such as availability and cost, to
filter out irrelevant recommendations. (Petter et al.,
2022) and (Bidar et al., 2019) analyse the worklist of a
current user, which contains tasks that the user can ex-
ecute, to generate recommendations that are aligned
with the user’s goals and priorities. In addition to
these approaches (Petter et al., 2022) examines ad-
ditional attributes of activities to calculate similar ac-
tivities. This approach allows for more fine-grained
recommendations that take into account the specific
characteristics of different activities, such as their du-
ration, location, or complexity. (Bidar et al., 2019)
also extracts implicit user preferences from the event
log, such as the frequency or actuality of certain ac-
tions, to recommend activities that are more likely to
be of interest to the user. The fourth study reviewed,
(Di Valentin et al., 2014), focuses on supporting em-
ployees in carrying out business processes under the
consideration of their personal profile and context in-
formation. This study deploys a knowledge-based fil-
tering approach, which involves the use of domain
knowledge to make recommendations. Specifically,
the study considers the employee’s role, skills, and
context information to generate personalized recom-
Other. Objectives, summarized in the column Others
are considered in the following. One of the considered
objectives during process execution is the allocation
of work teams. (Arias et al., 2017) propose a content-
based filtering approach to dynamically allocate work
teams based on historical process execution data and
expertise information. Another important objective is
to maximize flexibility. (Mertens et al., 2015) pro-
pose a technique that allows the user to retain max-
imum flexibility by considering partial traces and a
declarative process model. This technique enables
users to divert from recommendations later on and
to perform tasks in their own preferred way. (Arias
et al., 2018) and (Arias et al., 2016) propose tech-
niques to recommend the best fitting resource for a
task. In (Arias et al., 2018), the authors use contex-
tual information, historical information, and weights
to calculate recommendations using content-based fil-
tering methods. In (Arias et al., 2016), the authors
use resource information (e.g., expertise) and histori-
cal information about past process executions to make
recommendations. These approaches can help orga-
nizations to allocate resources more effectively and
reduce operational costs. Finally, another important
objective during process execution is to reduce the
risk of process failure. (Conforti et al., 2015) and
oger et al., 2014) propose techniques to avoid pre-
dicted metric deviation, such as a process running out
of time. The goal is achieved by comparing running
process instances with historical process data and rec-
ommending next best actions according to the results.
These approaches can help organizations to avoid pro-
cess failure and improve their overall efficiency.
The integration of recommender systems in the con-
text of BPM has gained significant interest in recent
years due to its potential to optimize process perfor-
mance goals. In the context of BPM, these systems
can be used to improve process performance by sug-
gesting the best possible next steps for the process.
This literature review provides an overview of ex-
isting approaches using recommender systems in the
context of BPM. The overview unveils several gaps
and associated implications for future research.
The main objective of the reviewed studies is
to optimize process performance goals using recom-
mender systems. The primary focus is on shortening
processing time; however, other performance objec-
tives are represented in only a few examples. The
use of various methods and techniques highlights the
diversity of research in this area and the potential
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for new and innovative approaches to be developed.
While there is still much work to be done, the re-
search conducted recently provides a strong founda-
tion for further exploration and development in this
exciting field. The results from this study suggest
that using event logs and partial traces can effec-
tively optimize process execution regarding different
goals. While the methods used by most papers can-
not be directly mapped to existing methods known
from recommender systems, content-based filtering is
the most widely used approach for the remaining pa-
pers. We observe that the majority of previous studies
use the event log to calculate recommendations. Ac-
cording to the domain of recommender systems, de-
pending on historical information is not good at all
since often there is no historical information available
(cold-start problem).
The review highlights several gaps in the current
literature. First, there needs to be more common ter-
minology for using recommender systems in BPM re-
search. Second, the majority of methods in the field
aim to improve processes along the temporal perspec-
tive (e.g., cycle time, processing time, deadline viola-
tions); other performance dimensions are represented
in only a few examples. Thus, another research direc-
tion is to investigate other performance objectives that
could be enhanced via recommender systems. Third,
recommender systems are essential for businesses that
aim to improve the user experience. The primary goal
of these systems is to provide personalized recom-
mendations to users by analyzing their past behav-
ior, preferences, and interests. However, the use of
recommender systems in BPM is currently limited,
and there is significant space for one of the critical
challenges yet to be considered is recommending the
next best actions according to the user preferences. To
achieve this, there is a need for explicit feedback from
users and the use of this feedback to generate rec-
ommendations. According to this feedback, content-
based and collaborative filtering methods might be
used to generate recommendations to improve user
experience during process execution. Another pos-
sibility is using knowledge-based filtering regarding
user-profiles and contextual information for the busi-
ness process.
In the following paragraph, we will address and
provide answers to the research questions. Answer-
ing RQ
, we found that most research papers con-
sider process performance goals as main objectives
followed by flexible goals, improving process qual-
ity, and improving user experience. The input data
the most analyzed papers use to generate recommen-
dations (RQ
) are event logs next to partial traces.
Furthermore, the worklist of the current user, re-
source information, and the process model are con-
sidered. The methods known from recommender sys-
tems are hardly considered to generate recommenda-
tions in the context of business process management
). Hybrid filtering is used by only one paper
whereas content-based filtering and collaborative fil-
tering methods are used in seven, respectively, ve
papers. Most papers calculate recommendations us-
ing other methods.
Overall, these studies demonstrate the impor-
tance of developing personalized recommender sys-
tems that can take into account a wide range of fac-
tors, such as user preferences, behavior patterns, con-
text information, and domain knowledge. While the
approaches and methodologies used in these studies
vary, they all share the goal of enhancing user support
and providing relevant, useful, and engaging recom-
mendations. As the use of recommender systems con-
tinues to grow in various applications, researchers and
practitioners must continue exploring new approaches
and methods for developing effective recommender
systems that can meet the evolving needs of different
users and applications.
Systematic literature reviews have several typical
pitfalls and threads to validity (Ampatzoglou et al.,
2019; Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). One po-
tential threat is missing relevant publications during
the search. This risk is mitigated by conducting a
two-phase search that includes a broad range of key
terms as well as backward referencing. Another po-
tential threat is to exclude relevant publications during
screening. This threat is mitigated by using explicitly
defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Additionally,
all unclear cases are examined and discussed by all
authors of this paper. A potential bias is subjectiv-
ity in applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria to
determine the subsumed studies and possible inaccu-
racies in data analysis. To mitigate these threats, each
article is independently assessed against the inclusion
and exclusion criteria by all authors. To provide va-
lidity, all articles are thoroughly reviewed by two au-
In this paper, we present a systematic literature re-
view of recommender systems deployed in the context
of BPM. The paper categorizes the research based on
the objectives, methodology, and input data. The first
goal of the paper is to provide a comprehensive review
of the existing literature on the use of recommender
systems in the context of BPM. The paper identifies
the research conducted in the past, categorizes the re-
Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic Literature Review
search, and analyzes the findings. The second goal
is to identify the research gaps in the field of recom-
mender systems in BPM.
The first gap is the need for more detailed con-
sideration of user preferences in the process execu-
tion phase. Most of the studies focus on process im-
provement, ignoring the preferences and experiences
of the users. This gap presents an opportunity for fu-
ture research to explore the use of recommender sys-
tems to personalize the process execution for individ-
ual users. The second gap is the reliance on event logs
as input data. While event logs provide a rich source
of data for analyzing the process, they suffer from
the cold-start problem. This problem arises when a
new process or employee is introduced, and no data
is available to train the recommender system. Future
research can explore the use of other types of input
data, such as process models and user preferences, to
overcome this problem.
Finally, this paper is limited to process execution
and does not consider other research fields like us-
ing recommender systems in the context of business
process modeling. To the best of our knowledge, sev-
eral recommender systems have been proposed to as-
sist process designers in modeling business processes.
However, these approaches are not examined in this
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