Security for Next-Gen Analytics for Cross-Organisation Collaboration
Laurent Gomez
, Francesco Capano
and Patrick Duverger
SAP Labs France, SAP Security Research, Mougins, France
Chief Information Officer, City of Antibes, France
Privacy Enhancing Technique (PET), Blockchain, Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), Cross- Organisation
With the global economic and energy crisis, businesses are under pressure to create more financially sustain-
able and environmentally-aware industries. To that extent, organizations rely on advanced analytics to optimize
their business operations and mitigate risks. However, the increasing complexity of cross-organizational col-
laboration and ever-stricter data protection obligations pose two conflicting objectives: achieving transparency
in collaborative processes - mandatory for data and process mining - while adhering to data protection obliga-
tions. In this paper, we elaborate on an approach for privacy-preserving analytics, on data shared along cross-
organization collaborations. Our strategy is two-fold: (1) transparency and traceability in cross-organization
collaboration, leveraging distributed ledger technologies, and (2) privacy-preserving data and process analyt-
ics, using hardware-assisted PET, Privacy Enhancing Technology. In a co-innovation with the city of Antibes,
we evaluated the feasibility and performance of our approach on a public procurement use case, demonstrating
a 5% decrease in late payment penalties.
1.1 Context
As a result of the global economic and energy crisis,
companies are confronted with new business impera-
tives for a more financially viable and sustainable in-
dustry. However, as cross-organization collaborations
become more complex, organizations face increased
financial burdens due to the lack of transparency.
Cross-organization collaboration can be defined
as the business networks of a collaborative organiza-
tion aiming at a common business objective. Legally
framed by contracts, those collaborations leverage in
strengths of each organization, sharing information,
resources, or knowledge.
The lack of transparency and traceability slows in-
ternal transactions, impedes cross-organization pro-
cess mining, or exacerbates conflict occurrence. All
are caused by non-compliance with legal and con-
tractual obligations disrupting the objective of cross-
organization collaboration.
1.2 Problem Statement
The digitalization of contract management enables in-
creased transparency and traceability. However, it
comes at the expense of publicizing sensitive busi-
ness information like transaction volume or contrac-
tually agreed-upon prices. This openness requirement
forces organizations to share private information with
various internal and external collaborators, including
contractual, master, and transactional data.
Consequently, the openness imperative directly
conflicts with the compliancy duty with laws, regu-
lations, or contractual obligations. Next-gen contract
management must find a way to reconcile openness
and non-disclosure of sensitive business information
and processes to reduce costs and mitigate inherent
risks associated with those collaborations.
1.3 Approach
In this paper, we target privacy-preserving analytics
on sensitive data shared along cross-organization col-
laborations. Our strategy is twofold:
We implement immutable end-to-end col-
laboration management for transparency and
traceability of cross-organization processes, us-
Gomez, L., Capano, F. and Duverger, P.
Security for Next-Gen Analytics for Cross-Organisation Collaboration.
DOI: 10.5220/0012044900003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 604-609
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing distributed ledger technologies, namely
public permissioned distributed ledger (e.g.,
Blockchain (Nakamoto, 2008)).
We enable Privacy-preserving data and pro-
cess analytics on sensitive shared data making
use of hardware-assisted PETs, Privacy Enhanc-
ing Technology, (e.g., Trusted Execution Environ-
ment (Sabt et al., 2015)).
1.3.1 Immutable End-to-End Collaboration
At the execution of a cross-organization collabo-
ration, each involved stakeholder - organization
- commits transactions and their associated at-
tributes within a transaction distributed ledger.
Each transaction is encoded as an immutable block,
cryptographically linked to the previous one. This
guarantees the integrity and immutability of transac-
tions, regardless of the distributed ledger technology
used. The ledger serves as a shared and decentralized
database of transactions for further data and process
1.3.2 Privacy-Preserving Data and Process
Before committing a transaction and associated at-
tributes in the ledger, organization
encrypts it with
its own managed cryptographic material. Leveraging
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), we target
here data and process analytics over protected data.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. We study state-of-the-art in section 2, followed
by a detailed description of our approach in section 3.
In section 4, we introduce a public procurement use
case. In section 5, we evaluate the results of our ap-
proach. Finally, we summarize our findings and dis-
cuss future research directions in section 6.
In this article, we propose a novel approach for en-
abling privacy-preserving data and process analytics
in cross-organization collaborations. We prioritize
here data protection without compromising the sys-
tem’s functionalities. To the best of our knowledge,
no similar approach have been reported in the litera-
Our approach is closely associated with Privacy
Enhancing Technology (PET) (Van Blarkom et al.,
2003) research field. In this section, we study state-
of-the-art on PETs, categorizing them into two dis-
tincts groups: techniques relying on cryptographic
primitives (crypto-based PETs) and those leveraging
on hardware security mechanisms (hardware-assisted
2.1 Crypto-Based PET
Crypto-based PETs such as Homomorphic Encryp-
tion (Viand et al., 2021), Multi Party Computa-
tion (Evans et al., 2018), and Functional Encryption
(Boneh et al., 2011) can be formally proven to offer
privacy guarantees. However, they introduce signif-
icant resource consumption overhead and lack scal-
ability when considering the diversity of processing
capabilities required by data and process analytics.
2.2 Hardware-Assisted PET
Hardware-assisted PETs, such as Trusted Execu-
tion Environments (TEEs) (Intel, 2021), leverage
hardware-based security mechanisms to guarantee
private computations. However, existing implemen-
tations have drawbacks, such as reliance on a Trusted
Third Party for key management and function ac-
cess control, and vulnerability to side-channel attacks
(Kim, 2019) (Fei et al., 2021). Solutions that provide
privacy-preserving function evaluation leveraging on
TEE, such as IRON (Fisch et al., 2017) and STEEL
(Bhatotia et al., 2021), do not meet our decentralized
security requirements as they rely on a Trusted Third
Party for key management and analytic access con-
Our proposed approach allows each party to main-
tain ownership of its cryptographic material and ana-
lytics access control policy in cross-organization col-
Depicted in Figure 1, we organize our overall pro-
cess in three phases: data and process analytics profile
management, cryptographic profile management, and
data and process analytics evaluation.
3.1 Data and Process Analytic Profile
The Data&Process Analytics Distributed Ledger
serves as a distributed and immutable repository for
all agreed Data and Process Analytic Profile.
Security for Next-Gen Analytics for Cross-Organisation Collaboration
Figure 1: Architecture.
This phase includes generating and deploying the
Data and Process analytic profile in the Data and Pro-
cess Analytics Distributed Ledger. It defines each an-
alytics’ required input, pseudo-code and access con-
trol policy. Each stakeholder, owning processed data,
needs to agree to deploy this profile on the Data and
Process Analytics Distributed Ledger. We consider
agreement on available analytics as out of the scope
of this work. But few technologies, such as Quorum
blockchain (Consensys, ), can be used to deploy a pro-
file as an immutable block based on a majority voting
consensus mechanism.
3.2 Cryptographic Profile Management
All cryptographic profile are embedded within Cryp-
tographic Profile Enclaves, and deployed within a
joint Trusted Execution Environment.
The Cryptographic Profile Repository API en-
ables the data owner to securely deploy those en-
claves. This phase includes generation and deploy-
ment of cryptographic profiles within secure enclaves
on a joint Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) plat-
This profile defines a cryptographic context per
data type (e.g., purchase order amount) or per
data group (e.g., purchase order-related information).
Each stakeholder is responsible for generating and
deploying those cryptographic profiles. In addition,
each stakeholder must protect their encryption ma-
terial (e.g., encryption key, salt). We leverage re-
mote attestation (SSLab Georgia Tech, 2023), as de-
fined by TEEs, for the deployment of cryptographic
profiles through the Cryptographic Profile Repository
API over a secure channel. We consider the cloud-
based TEE platform to be trusted by all collaborative
participants. This platform enables the deployment of
cryptographic profiles within secure enclaves.
Prior to transaction commitment into the Trans-
actions Distributed Ledger -transactional, master, or
contractual data are encrypted with their mapped
cryptographic profile.
3.3 Data & Process Analytic Evaluation
Data owner persists any transactions, and associ-
ated -encrypted- data, to the Transaction Distributed
Ledger. Through the Data&Process Analytics API,
a querier requests the evaluation of an agreed Data
and Process Analytics - stored in the Data&Process
Analytics Distributed Ledger. The required data are
extracted from the Transactions Distributed Ledger.
Over local attestation, the Data&Process Analytics
Interpreter retrieves required decryption keys from
Cryptographic Profile Enclaves.
We evaluate Data and Process Analytics over
shared encrypted data. A querier initiates a Data and
Process analytic evaluation via the Data & Process
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Analytics API. Optionally, the query provides its pub-
lic key for encrypting the evaluation output. The Data
& Process Analytics API first retrieves the Data and
Process Analytic profile from the Data&Process Ana-
lytics Distributed Ledger. The secure enclave Data &
Process Analytics Interpreter starts with access con-
trol enforcement based on querier authentication. The
required input is collected from the transaction dis-
tributed ledger if access is granted. Over local at-
testation, cryptographic profiles are collected of each
required data type. Required -encrypted- data is de-
crypted within the secure enclave, and pseudo-code is
interpreted. The outcome of this evaluation is option-
ally encrypted with the querier public key and sent
back to the querier. We consider the above process
of Data and Process analytic profile evaluation by the
Data & Process Analytics Interpreter as a contribu-
tion to this work.
We illustrate our approach with a public procure-
ment use case In this cross-organization collabora-
tion, three organizations are involved: a Public Actor,
a Supplier, and a Transport Management. Public Ac-
tor requests supplies via a Purchase Order sent to a
Supplier. The latter prepares requested supplies and
delegates delivery to Transport Management. After
validation, Public Actor pays the Supplier.
Contracts define the business interactions between
public procurement stakeholders. Contractual terms
and conditions, such as delivery, payment obligations
(e.g., due-time delay, fixed penalties), or agreed-upon
prices, are typically documented by public actors and
suppliers in contracts. If any party does not fulfill its
obligation accordingly, penalties are applied.
4.1 Transparency
Transparency-wise, public actors need to demonstrate
efficient and optimized public funds spent while max-
imizing their services to citizens. A few examples of
analytics requirements are as follows:
Obligation management with late delivery or
payment penalties triggering, computation of due
penalties amount;
Data mining with the evaluation of late delivery
percentage, the impact of late payment penalties
on global spent budget;
Process mining with evaluation of average pro-
cessing time per transaction;
4.2 Privacy-Preserving
Privacy-preserving wise, involved stakeholders have
the non-transferable obligation to be compliant with
the data protection regulation (e.g., GDPR (EU Com-
mission, 2016), HIPAA (US Congress, 1996)) and
contractual obligations. They must guarantee the pro-
tection of contractual, master, and transactional data.
A few examples of sensitive shared data are as fol-
Contractual data, including any trade secret,
contractually agreed, such as penalties formula,
due-time delays for delivery or payment, negoti-
ated supplies prices;
Transactional data such as Purchase Order de-
tails, transaction volume;
Master data such as Purchase Order unitary
prices or delivery details (e.g., address, contact
name, email, or phone number).
In this section, we evaluate the feasibility and perfor-
mance of our approach applied to the public procure-
ment scenario introduced in section 4.
5.1 Technical Background
We utilized Azure Cloud Confidential Comput-
ing (Microsoft, 2023) and Open Enclave SDK (Ope-
nEnclave, 2023) to develop our demonstrator on
a cloud-based TEE, reducing the attack surface of
our enclaves. The Cryptographic Profile Repos-
itory API and Data&Process Analytics API were
developed as REST API using Python. The dis-
tributed ledgers, Data&Process Analytics Distributed
Ledger and Transaction Distributed Ledger, were de-
ployed on a custom deployment of the public per-
missioned blockchain, Hyperledger (The Linux Foun-
dation, 2023). All data was encrypted with AES-
256 prior to deployment on the ledger, and Crypto-
graphic Profile Enclaves were deployed on the Azure
Cloud Computing platform. We implemented a key
exchange and secure channel for exchanging Crypto-
graphic profiles between enclaves using the local and
remote attestation protocols from OpenEnclave (Ope-
nEnclave, 2022).
5.2 Evaluation
In collaboration with city of Antibes, we evaluated
our approach’s impact on communication and pro-
Security for Next-Gen Analytics for Cross-Organisation Collaboration
cessing time introduced by the use of distributed
ledgers and TEE enclaves.
We used approximately 8000 historical transac-
tions for the evaluation of 5 analytics. Table 1 lists
the outcome of those evaluated analytics.
Before our experimentation, the city encrypted,
using AES-256, and persisted 8000 public procure-
ment transactions within the Transactions Distributed
Ledger. The above-mentioned analytics has been
evaluated 100 times with four transaction dataset
sizes: 1, 100, 1000, and 8000.
5.2.1 Communication Time Overhead
Our approach adds two potential communication time
overheads that impact response time: Data&Process
Analytics API to Data&Process Analytics Interpreter
enclave and Data&Process Analytics Interpreter en-
clave to Transactions Distributed Ledger. Figure 2
shows communication time and enclave communica-
tion overheads. Enclave communication cost is neg-
ligible (a few milliseconds) due to the establishment
of TIPC(TIPC Working group, 2015) sockets. How-
ever, communication between the enclave and the dis-
tributed ledger has a significant impact on perfor-
mance. This occurs when the Interpreter gathers data
from the transactions ledger for analytic evaluations.
Figure 2 shows that communication overhead in-
creases depending on the size of the collected data,
up to 0.2-0.3 seconds.
Figure 2: Communication time overhead.
5.2.2 Processing Overhead
In addition to network communication overhead, we
also measured processing overhead within the inter-
preter enclave. Figure 3 shows the execution times
for analytics on encrypted data, both inside and out-
side of the enclave. The gap between the two ap-
proaches grows linearly, with a larger gap after eval-
uating around 10
samples. This is due to processing
overhead in the enclave, but we consider it negligible
as the impact is only a few milliseconds for two years
of processed transactions.
Figure 3: Processing Overhead.
5.2.3 Accuracy Loss
Hardware-assisted PET, such as Intel SGX, can im-
prove the accuracy of privacy-preserving analytics by
allowing computations on clear text data within se-
cure enclaves. This eliminates approximation errors
associated with cryptographic techniques, resulting in
more accurate and sophisticated analytics while pre-
serving privacy. Decryption within secure enclaves
prevents accuracy loss, and the absence of added
noise ensures the processed data and its outcome re-
main unaltered.
Process mining over encrypted historical data en-
abled the city of Antibes to detect late delivery and
payment obligations triggering penalties, despite the
absence of such data in the encrypted shared histori-
cal records. The Data&Process Analytics Interpreter
used date comparison and penalty formula evaluation
on encrypted data, expanding the range of processing
beyond simple statistics. This capability allowed the
city to perform a root cause analysis on late payments,
resulting in a 5% decrease in such transactions.
In this paper, we elaborate a secure approach for the
next-gen of analytics for cross-organisation collabo-
ration. We target privacy-preserving data and pro-
cess mining on sensitive shared data along cross-
organizational transactions, improving their trans-
parency and traceability. To that extent, we combine
hardware-assisted PETs and distributed ledger tech-
nologies. With our public procurement prototype, we
demonstrate the negligible impact of TEE on the eval-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Public Procurement Evaluated Analytics.
Analytic Description Result
Late deliveries (%) Percentage of over-due time deliveries 32.80 %
Late payments (%) Percentage of over-due time payments 17.47 %
Small purchase order (%) Percentage of Purchase Orders below 100C 65.75 %
Late deliveries impact (%) Impact of late deliveries penalties on suppliers’ total budget spent 0.36 %
Late payments impact (%) Impact of late payments penalties on city’s total budget spent 19.45%
uation of analytics over encrypted data. However, we
significantly enhance the adherence to regulations and
contractual security obligations. Our prototype en-
ables city of Antibes to decrease by 5% their late pay-
ment penalties.
This work paves the way to further ML-based pro-
cessing for prescriptive and predictive analytics. We
foresee the deployment of analytics capabilities for
both recommendations on the best course of actions
at run-time and predictions on the future of evolution
of those cross-organization collaborations.
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Security for Next-Gen Analytics for Cross-Organisation Collaboration