The Transition from Kanban to Scrum and Risk Prevention in
Big Telco Corporation
Dragan Stankovski
University of Telecommunication and Posts, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Agile, Scrum, Project Management, Risk Assessment, Kanban, SAFe, Risk Management.
Abstract: One of the biggest challenges to driving and managing projects in a big telco corporation is to define the right
approach and moment of switching from Kanban to Scrum modelling and way of working. Unfortunately, in
the real world, this slim line by some rules basically is ignored or established at a very late stage. There is no
clear definition and exact power to be pointed out and used while projects are running. The aim of this paper
is to give basic rules and advanced directions to find them including the right moment establishment without
any impacts on the work and the project itself. A clear definition of this approach will ensure a smooth
transition in full transparency in the already established agile culture and project execution.
Nowadays the most important part of running a
successful telecommunication corporation in the
world is to have the exact equation of success. Most
of the big players in the telecommunication market
are trying to apply the agile approach and be one of
the first and faster telcos and launching new offers
and attractive packages for the end customers. The
high efficiency of working with agile in the right
perception is not always easy to be implemented
across big corporations such as telecommunication
companies. The telecommunication market is very
challenging and full of continuous and rapid changes
that need to fit all requests from the end customers
including such that sometimes look like not necessary
to be implemented for the global market (Titova,
2018). When all telcos are doing this digitalization or
transformation from the regular way of working to the
agile style, they have a huge challenge selecting the
right approach and exact methodology in order to fit
not only the employees in the company but also the
market which is so a bit caprice. In this journey, most
of them slightly choose the wrong turn and
unfortunately, the end goals and results are not as
expected. While we're leaving in a world full of
information and easy access to everything over the
internet, sometimes this advantage actually became a
disadvantage and misleading to finding the right
approach and way of working. The aim of this paper
is to provide the right path and define the criteria for
choosing the right agile approach combining the
company the size and the product that was developed.
In the next chapters, special attention will be
dedicated to the risks and prevention in order to
establish the right approach and perfectly fit for telco
Like all changes when the big telecommunication
companies start with a transformation, the challenges
are always starting with pushback questions like why
we need the transformation. In most cases, the
confirmation itself is always improving the flexibility
to find discover and manage the customer experience
in this dynamic time also with the transformation in
most of the cases the organizational barriers including
service are bypassed and the team is working in value
streams to complete on time I'm at work, develop and
deploy without technical depts and ship on time the
offers available to the market. All of these criteria are
related to improved quality and flexibility to be a
successful and aggressive market. The second
challenge is why we need to go agile. Compared to
Stankovski, D.
The Transition from Kanban to Scrum and Risk Prevention in Big Telco Corporation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012048600003485
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2023), pages 102-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-644-6; ISSN: 2184-5034
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the standard waterfall the market is very dynamic and
long-term projects are not resolutions to be on top.
Except deliver faster the agile approach and Culture
is putting the customer and the end customer
experience at the core of developing the products and
products, creating more transparency, melting the
barriers into the teams, and making the work more
enjoyable and fun. The biggest thing that should be
under one here is to make a clear definition and
distinguish what exactly is agile. In most resources
and papers agile is mentioned as a methodology or
method but the actual declare definition is that agile
is simply a mindset that is described by the 12
principles from the agile manifesto (Fowler, 2001).
2.1 Values and Focus of Agile over the
Traditional Ways of Working
When we talk about values there is always a way of
improvement for individuals and interactions, the
way of developing the software, the collaboration
with the customer, and maybe most important the
speed and response to changes are very often in this
market of telecommunication. Challenging those
values there is always a place to be improved and how
to make things better with the implementation of
Agile. So while there is value in the topics mentioned
above, agility is focused to improve the process and
tolls, which are one of the best parts in the
establishment and execution of the projects. Also, the
contract is always negotiable due to the duration and
changes, so it can be modified to fit the current market
needs. Special focus is dedicated to the follow the
established schedule and plan and doing the
comprehensive documents that will require a more
visual then readable view.
Figure 1: Reasons to move and work in Agile.
2.2 Think and Implement Agile
It was already pointed out that Agile is not a
methodology or model, but it is a mindset that
changes teams to focus more on what is important and
right instead of who should be right. From the very
beginning of Agile implementation there is base
thinking as a base and focus on the values that need
to be completely accepted by all telecommunication
companies as organizations like Accountability,
Innovation, Trust, Courage, and maybe in the very
first place Transparency. Counting and aligning those
directions there is always a place to set up the proper
mindset at all levels of the organization, execution,
Figure 2: Values and Practices over the Principles.
operational or managing in order to set up the proper
goals (Jennifer, 2016), make the propriety
collaboration, introduce the synergy in the teamwork,
make it simple as is possible, be flexible and much
more. More granular explanations and ideas are
presented in fig. 2
2.3 The Power and Clear Line Between
Project and Product
In order to get real value while planning and
executing projects, there is one main issue that
prevents us from reaching our goals in most telcos
and the big corporation is referring to the Complexity
due to the size and amount of the scope combined
with the short term of execution. Most worthwhile
things that bring value require non-linear, complex
implementations that have not been done in the
organization before and with this transformation,
there is always a place for the pushback. In the
traditional mindset “predict and plan” the
complexity is acknowledged, and we are trying to
predict upfront as much as possible. This approach
with customer
Negotiation and
Stick to the
official plan
Tools and
Bussiness value
•Team work
Agile process
Values Practice
The Transition from Kanban to Scrum and Risk Prevention in Big Telco Corporation
The future in most cases is predictable –
Projects should have covered planning
Change needs some time and cannot happen
overnight Set scope early on and tightly
We should focus to know as much as
possible in advance.
Usually, a lot of work goes into building the
infrastructure, front end, back end, documentation,
training, etc before the product goes live. But what if
we need to change something?
The alternative approach to complexity is an
“inspect and adapt” mindset:
1. We cannot accurately predict the future
We need to be ready to plan as we go
2. Change is to be expected Decide and adapt
as we learn on the road
3. We cannot know everything in advance
We should rely on the empirical process.
This is the trigger and start point of the
implementation and moving of Scrum because
instead of building the complete solution we release
it in increments.
Table 1: Differences between Project and Products.
Projects Products
Fixed dates and timeboxes
Until product is ready to
Teams are established
specifically for project
Long term and cross-
functional teams
Focus only to internal Focused to external
Value delivered at end of
Continues value and
delivering and improving
Fixed scope Flexible scope
Waterfall Agile
Lead by a Project
Lead by a Product
Manager or Product
Solutions and system
Customer focused
Learning often lost
Learning remain in the
Increment one will contain just enough done work
from the front end, back end, testing, and architecture
work to start serving the customer even if not all
planned functionality is implemented, also known as
MVP or minimum valuable product can be
implemented and bring value to the customer while
the rest of the puzzle is still in development.
One of the major issues, while transitions and
transformations are happening in the
telecommunication companies, is the lack of
understanding and making differences between
project and product, this and using Kanban or Scrum
is also not clear when it’s come to the moment of
decision. Table 1 are presented the differences and
main touchpoints when there is a need to have such
separation because in agile the focus is always related
to the customer, and this is why the most proper is to
say that we are delivering products and not projects.
In all Telecommunication companies, the agile
transformation usually is a huge and massive change
that needs to be adopted by the entire organization
and implemented in all departments to work and get
all benefits that are presented in every written proof
for Agile. As mentioned that is complex and should
be applied to several phases, which may even be
different depending on which level of the
organization one is focusing on and of course
modified with the terminologies that are close to the
telco companies. One of the most common stakes that
are always presented while such transformations are
in progress is to adopt the old company structure and
terminology and replace it in the agile processes, and
this usually is deviating the understanding of the
joiners or external members. The timeline of the
transformation and changes is depending on the level
of knowledge of the team members and most
important the wheal nest to transform and make their
life easier and mainly is combined into 4 phases,
figure 3.
The major goal of the assessment is to do the
analyses for the operational model and what the telco
is doing AS-IS. The next approach is present in a
human-readable view with clear points to the weak
spots and places where improvements need to be done
called TO-BE operational model. After the kick-off,
the transitions should be established with the
implementation of the suggestions and the transition
of teamwork. In the end, the most powerful tool and
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
feedback of the job done is the stabilization where all
continuous improvements will be presented including
the missed ones during the Assessment phase.
Figure 3: Investigation flow.
3.1 Transformation of Organization
The Telcos and huge organizations usually need to
pass full transformation across the entire internal
structure, usually, this is a long process, and
transformation is executed with different
organizational units or departments, tribes who are
the main focus. The end goal is to make sure that
different organizational units (both, external and
internal) will start the transformation at different
times so there will be moments for correction and
synchronizing the best practices without impacting
the development of the products. Also, the units are
unique by themselves so the duration of the
transformation is always different and the most
problematic part is always the cross-team work and
communication keeping the cybersecurity
requirements and regulation (Bikov, T, 2021). This
collaboration is the key to success and the right
implementation of Agile (Kanban or Scrum) because
the teams can learn and adapt effectively.
Unit or department level of transformation from the
high level is following 4 major subsequent stages they
are focusing mainly on the needs and stakeholders.
- Engage: usually related to commitments and
readiness to start with Agile transformation;
- Prerequisite: preparation of the thing that
needs to be changed and nominating teams
that will start first with the implementation of
the transformation;
- Start: lunching the actual transformation with
selected teams in the unit. This process is
always related to the execution, monitoring,
and real feedback from the teams;
- Operation: ongoing feedback and
Figure 4: Stages of Departments/Unit transformation.
It's important to note that the transformation and
the changes can be significant at multiple levels
usually, they are related to structure, internal
processes, ownership, delegation, etc. To have better
control and keep as much transparency the
transformation is recommended to take place in
"stages". The stages will give the flexibility to
experiment in the beginning while the real approach
is written on the stone. Duration and start are
different depending on the team's maturity, and
capability to identify the risks and dependencies
including impediments.
3.2 Team-Level Transformation Stages
Those stages are very easy to be implemented
because the biggest part of the transformation is
already done in the Unit transformation and the most
problematic spots are identified so now is the right
moment to be just practiced and see the results.
As presented in fig. usually stages are 4, where
most of the time is dedicated to the preparation phase.
On the team level usually, preparation, adoption,
and optimization are equal, and part of the unit start
and lunch part. And the Operation is ongoing and the
same for all projects and transformations. The
practice is recommending this transition to be not
more than 4 sprints (Stankovski, 2022).
Figure 5: Team level transformation steps.
In previous chapters, the main focus was to explain
the complicated process and the transition when
telecommunication companies are moving to agile
Wave -1
Engadge Prerequisite
Wave 0
Wave 1
Start Operation
Wave n
Prepare Adopt Optimization Operation
The Transition from Kanban to Scrum and Risk Prevention in Big Telco Corporation
working. The practice is showing that the telco itself
is searching for information mostly in the internet
space or paying external companies to establish
internal processes and stages for this transaction.
When it came to the company deciding on the
external ones as was described in the previous
chapter there are you there using analysing methods
to find the best brooch and make this transition
smooth and most efficient for the company
including the employees and the market. Opposite to
this approach are randomly written suggestions that
are trying to generalize the approach, and, in most
cases, they are not fit or they're absolutely not
applicable to the telecommunications needs and the
companies. There are a lot of examples where the
processes are agile, but a gel has a couple of sub-
methods like Kanban, SAFe, Scrum, Lean, etc
(Wanner, 2019). Each of them is specific and two of
them exactly are most used in the implementation
and telecommunication companies. Kanban or
Scrum is the most common topic under discussion
and in most cases wrongly established process of
implementation. Some of the companies prefer to
work with Kanban but unfortunately, their real need
is to work in the scrum, the same goes for vice versa
some of the telcos are working in the scrum which
is absolutely not necessary because the projects are
not requiring such complexity. The final goal is to
provide a definition of the right moment when
companies as a real need to work in Kanban and
when actually they need to switch the scrum when
the business starts to grow, and the development of
the project and product is more complicated
(Torado, 2019).
4.1 Kanban in Telco Corporations
Using Kanban will bring benefits in projects related
and especially require visualization of development
including continuous brainstorming about design.
This automatically is referring that Kanban as an
approach is more appropriate when UI is designing
or some of the R&D parts are developing
(Vasiliauskas, 2019). In other words, if need clear to
define when Kanban should be implemented as an
approach there is plenty of cases but the most
important of them are related to the continuous work
understanding alone items or when things are
dedicated to the specific work and they're focusing
only on the dedicated items in most cases went there
tidy related to the research and development
including the u x design that needs to be visualized
and maybe one of the most important things is when
the teams are more or less handling with the
operational things managing tickets resolving
problem racing defects etc. Referring to the duration
of the project execution and development there are
no strict lines they're going to put the project itself
into the framework but compared to the time when
we talk about the size of the teams usually in the
practice the recommendation for this approach is
work to be done in smaller teams not extending the
size of 7 squads or split accordingly to hybrid model
of work (Stankovski, 2022).
4.2 Scrum in Telco Corporations
When the scope of the project starts to increase, and
the launching of the minimum viable product is the
most required frequently to go on the market and
then the Kanban approach is not fitting to all those
requirements which leads telecommunication
companies to switch to more flexible agile work
called SCRUM. Here also plenty of cases can be
defined when exactly scrum needs to step in and
when the transition from Kanban to Scrum needs to
be done, but the most important is to underline that
when the project is required to achieve some
predictability and to release value very fast on the
market then the Scrum is a must. Scrum is also used
when the teams are committing the something that
will be on production after dedicated time called
Springs or Project Increments, including the
importance when running projects where velocity
and the pace of the deliverables should be stabilized
to be more productive for a longer time. And maybe
one of the most important details is when there is a
large number of dependencies between the pieces
and they need to be managed among third parties
that are requiring synchronization or simply
4.3 Definitions and Risks of Transitions
from Kanban to Scrum
All previous chapters describe the benefits and
suggestions for which of those 2 approaches need to
be used Kanban or Scrum. In real work and practice,
there is no clear definition or direction of where is the
border and when telecoms need to switch between
them. This is one of the reasons for late lesson
learning or in the worst case failure of the projects.
The final aim of this paper is to set up those
frameworks, so there will be a clear vision and
expectations when it comes to such a decision. The
major condition is to have two of the 3 main criteria
presented in Table 2 below:
COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 2: Crosslines to do switching from Kanban to Scrum.
Condition Kanban Scrum
Duration of the
Short Term (<3
Long Term (>3
Size of the teams <7 7 an
Integration / work
with 3
Only Internal
>1 vendor /
stakeholders for
If 2 conditions are presented then the telecommu-
nication companies should not doubt if they need to
move to Scrum. That will give them the all benefits
of managing the project and the scope in time,
reducing the technical dept and being sure that the
minimum valuable products will be on the market.
Talking about risks and not being on time to step in
and start with the transition there are a couple of
topics that need to be taken into consideration. The
first and most important is to understand the key
elements of Agility like trust, courage, openness,
focus, and respect. This will prevent and eliminate
tonnes of issues related to internal struggling between
Table 3: Crosslines to do switching from Kanban to Scrum.
Product Owner
Responsible for maximizing the
value of the product and the work
of the Development Team. How this
is done may vary widely across
organizations, Development Teams,
and individuals
Prepares “user stories” and
refines them with the squad
Maximizes value by prioritizing
backlog of user stories
Continuously interacts with the
Maximizing the value of the
product and the work of the
Development Team. How this is
done may vary widely across
organizations, Development
Teams, and individuals.
Is NOT a Product manager; is
NOT responsible for deliveries
(but is responsible for value)
Is NOT Project Manager
team members, jeopardizing the deliverables and
most important the quality of the work. The second
important factor is a clear understanding of the roles
and responsibilities of the actors and team members
inside of the projects and especially during the
transition from Kanban to Scrum. The practice is
showing that understanding the roles of team
members is not a problem with most of them, the
telecommunication companies usually straggling
with the understanding and definition of the major
role of the product owner. To make things much clear
the definition of PO (Product Owner) is presented in
the next table (O’Connell, 2013):
The thresholds and direction when the telecommuni-
cation companies need to switch from Kanban to
Scrum are providing a better stage and understanding
of the needs and exact moment of this event. This will
bring not only value but also put the space to bring
the real values and best practices of Agile and
especially the smooth transition avoiding risks and
jeopardizing the projects. Same as previous when the
moment should happen and there will be frequently
deliverables on time without compromising the
quality of the work, the focus will remain on the
customer side with continuous improvements and
feedback. This situation and the full transparency will
always eliminate the waste of the team's time and
work including encouraging and balancing the
workforce. In another word the agile keys of the
mindset will always be in the first position:
Transparency, Empowerment, Collaboration,
Interaction, Trust, Responsibility, Accountability,
Communication, Adaptability, and Respect (
O, 2012).
Also one of the conclusions that should be taken
is that failures are not options this is given and we
need to get the maximum and turn them into
advantage so we can learn fast, change the culture of
the telecoms and of course find the exact moment of
the transition for the other Units/ Department of
Teams based on lessons learned and stakes that we
should avoid and nor repeat.
The results presented in this paper are based on the
empiric collections and experiments in the real
project delivered to different customers in
The Transition from Kanban to Scrum and Risk Prevention in Big Telco Corporation
telecommunication companies over the globe in the
period of 4 years between 2018 and 2022. The results
are not impacted by the lockdowns during the COVID
restrictions based on the previous and after numbers
of total deliverables in the dedicated timeframes. The
results end suggestions are focused on the
Telecommunication companies and their business,
implementing in other industries may provide slightly
different results.
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COMPLEXIS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk