Exploring the Viability of Digital-Only Banking: An Empirical
Investigation Using the Push-Pull Model
Avus Hou
Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology, No.58, Sec.2, Sihchuan Rd. Banciao District 220, Taiwan
Keywords: Digital-Only Bank, Alternative, Push-Pull Model.
Abstract: Fintech has the potential to revolutionize the banking industry through various digital channels. Digital-only
banking is one such channel emerging as a potential disruptor of traditional banking business models. This
study applies the push-pull model as a theoretical framework to examine digital-only banks as an alternative.
Our sample consists of 214 respondents assessed using component-based structural equation modeling. The
results show that low service quality and inconvenience more than customers’ perceived advantage affect
digital-only banks as an alternative. This study’s findings provide valuable insights into the design of digital-
only banking services.
The adoption of Internet-based banking services in
Taiwan has significantly increased recently.
According to the Financial Supervisory Commission
of Taiwan (FSC), the number of online banking users
in Taiwan reached 16.3 million in 2023 (FSC, 2023).
This represents a significant increase from the
previous year and is a result of the COVID-19
pandemic, which has accelerated the adoption of
online banking services. Taiwanese consumers have
turned to online banking and mobile banking apps to
manage their finances during the pandemic, resulting
in a surge in online banking accounts. The growth in
online bank accounts in Taiwan can be attributed to
the increasing popularity of digital banking services
and the convenience they offer customers.
Most online banks are dependent on the
traditional banking system. Specifically, online banks
are associated with their parent banks, such as brands,
physical branches, and technology infrastructure.
However, digital-only banks, also known as Internet-
only or virtual banks, operate exclusively through
digital channels such as websites, mobile apps, and
other online platforms. All banking services are done
on the Internet (Windasari et al., 2022).
As Taiwan’s most popular mobile instant
messaging, LINE has opened a digital-only bank to
extend its business boundaries. However, in a well-
developed financial infrastructure island, a fresh
Digital-only bank could be an alternative for people
still unclear. It is a big challenge for people to accept
Digital-only banks as alternative banking services.
Therefore, we discuss the following research question
RQ1: What factors affect digital-only banks as an
alternative for users?
The Push-Pull migration model has been effective
in various switching contexts in previous studies
(Hou et al., 2011; Hou & Shiau, 2020; Liao et al.,
2021; Sun et al., 2017). The model explains how
customers switch from one service provider to
another, where one provider “pushes” customers to
switch while the other “pulls” customers toward its
service. This model can also be applied to adopting
digital-only banks as an alternative. We aim to
address the following RQ.
RQ2: How to categorize these factors into the
Push-Pull migration model?
The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows.
The next section describes the theoretical
background; section three shows the hypotheses;
section four presents the methodology; sections five
and six show results and discussions.
Hou, A.
Exploring the Viability of Digital-Only Banking: An Empirical Investigation Using the Push-Pull Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0012053000003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 26-31
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 Alternative Service
Alternative refers to an option or choice distinct from
the mainstream or standard. Alternative service and
service switching intention are related constructs in
relationship marketing (Hou & Lu, 2023). Alternative
service refers to consumers considering and possibly
switching to other service providers instead of using
their current service provider but could come back to
their current preference (Reiter & Matthes, 2021).
This can happen when the consumer is dissatisfied
with the quality of service or perceives that the
alternative service provider offers better values. On
the other hand, service switching intention refers to a
consumer’s intention to switch to an alternative
service provider (Hou & Shiau, 2020).
Customers choose an alternative for various
reasons, such as dissatisfaction with the current
service provider, better offerings by the other
provider or technology, or changes in personal
circumstances (Bansal et al., 2005). In the context of
online game switching, Hou et al. (2011) posited that
online game service providers can attract new
customers by providing attractive alternative online
games. The alternative games need to offer better
value propositions, such as more entertainment, better
customer services, and lower price or free-to-play. At
the same time, incumbent service providers can also
try to retain their customers by identifying the factors
that drive service alternatives and addressing them to
improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
2.2 Digital-Only Bank
The term Digital-only banks do not have the same
meaning as online banks. Online banks mean
traditional banks provide their part services by
Internet-based system. Digital-only banks are similar
to online banks in delivering customer services via
the Internet but without physical branches. That is,
customers of digital-only banks use all banking
services that operate solely online without assistance
from any physical branches and staff. Thus, trust and
usage habit becomes a big issue for customers (Nel &
Boshoff, 2021).
Digital-only banks provide all services through
mobile platforms, which include opening accounts,
depositing and withdrawing funds, loan, and
conducting transactions 24/7 from anywhere. It
provides customers with a fast, convenient, and cost-
effective alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar
banks. Digital-only banks expect many changes to the
banking industry and financial markets (Windasari et
al., 2022).
However, concerns have been raised about the
lack of physical branches and face-to-face customer
service. Some countries are still working on creating
legal and regulatory frameworks to oversee digital-
only banks (Nel & Boshoff, 2021). Despite these
challenges, the digital-only banks are growing
globaly, and some traditional banks are even creating
their own digital-only banking brands. This trend
highlights the growing importance of digital
transformation and innovation in the banking industry
and suggests that digital-only banks will continue to
be a viable option for customers seeking a more
streamlined banking experience.
2.3 Push-Pull Model
The Push-Pull (PP) model was initially developed to
study human migration patterns. Its application has
since extended to various analyzing switching
behavior intentions (Bansal et al., 2005; Jung et al.,
2017; Sun et al., 2017). The PP model proposes that
both push and pull effects influence individuals’
decisions to switch from one provider to another.
Push factors, such as dissatisfaction with the current
provider, poor quality of service, and inconvenience,
create negative perceptions and drive customers away
from their current provider. In contrast, pull effects,
such as attractive service offerings, perceived
advantages of the alternative provider, and
convenience, create positive perceptions and attract
customers toward alternative providers (Hou et al.,
2011; Hou & Shiau, 2020).
In analyzing switching behavioral intentions, the
PP model provides a comprehensive framework for
identifying and analyzing the underlying factors that
drive customer behavior (Hou & Shiau, 2020; Jung et
al., 2017). The model recognizes that switching
behavior intentions are influenced by push and pull
effects, providing a holistic view of the customer’s
decision-making process. Therefore, the PP model
can be helpful for traditional banks to identify the
factors that drive customers away from their services
and develop strategies to attract and retain customers.
On the other hand, PP model also helpful digital-only
banks attract new customers by their technology
innovation or mobile Apps design.
Exploring the Viability of Digital-Only Banking: An Empirical Investigation Using the Push-Pull Model
3.1 Push Effects
Inconvenience. Inconvenience is a critical factor
influencing customers’ perceptions of service and
intention to switch to an alternative provider.
Inconvenience can be defined as the waste of time and
efforcustomers experience while using banking
services (Ferreira et al., 2014). The effort
minimization aspect of convenience is essential for
service providers as it covers saving customers’
cognitive, emotional, and physical activities while
purchasing and using a service.
Studies have shown convenience is a significant
variable in service-switching contexts (Jebarajakirthy
& Shankar, 2021; Keaveney, 1995). Customers are
likely to switch to alternative service providers if they
perceive that the current provider is inconvenient or
does not meet their convenience requirements.
Several studies have highlighted the importance of
convenience in service-switching contexts,
emphasizing the need for service providers to
prioritize convenience in their service offerings (Nel
& Boshoff, 2020; Vyas & Raitani, 2014). Therefore,
it is essential for service providers to understand the
factors that contribute to inconvenience and to take
steps to minimize inconvenience for their customers
(Kim et al., 2020).
Low Service Quality. Scholars define service quality
as the degree to which an institution meets customer
expectations consistently (Lebdaoui & Chetioui,
2020). Service quality is a critical determinant of
customer loyalty, as customers are more likely to
remain loyal to a bank if they perceive that it provides
high-quality services. In the traditional banks, service
quality includes face-to-face and other service
channels such as ATMs, online banking, and mobile
apps (Windasari et al., 2022). All above factors
could affect customers’ perceptions of the quality of
services provided. A customer may choose digital-
only banks as an alternative due to perceived low
service quality from tranditional banks.
Service quality plays a crucial role in customers’
switching behavior intentions. Customers are more
likely to switch to alternative service providers if they
perceive that the current provider does not meet their
expectations in terms of service quality (Vyas &
Raitani, 2014). Therefore, service providers need to
focus on meeting customer expectations consistently
and providing high-quality services across all
channels to retain customers and prevent them from
switching to alternative providers (Hou & Shiau,
2020). Thus, we hypothesize as follows:
H1: Push effects (inconvenience and low service
quality) positively associate with digital-only banks
as an alternative.
3.2 Pull Effects
Perceived Advantages. Perceived advantages refer
to the efforts, cost, and time savings customers
perceive when using digital-only banking services.
Hou (2015) perceived advantages are essential factors
that attract customers to adopt a new technology or
service. In the context of digital-only banks as an
alternative, when customers perceive that using a
digital-only bank will provide them with costs and
time savings, they are more likely to be driven
towards adopting the service (Hou & Lu, 2023).
More, suppose customers perceive advantages such
as ease of use of Apps, higher interest rate, online
quick loan, and cost-effectiveness (Windasari et al.,
2022). In that case, they are more likely to choose a
digital-only bank as an alternative . This is why
perceived advantages are associated with a high pull
effect. Thus, we hypothesize that:
H2: The pull effect (perceived advantages)
positively associated with digital-only banks as an
Figure 1: Research model.
We developed a survey instrument for our study on
Digital-only banks, drawing on prior research. To
ensure contextual relevance, we made slight
modifications to all questionnaires. The survey
comprises four constructs with a total of 15 items.
To measure digital-only banks as an alternative,
our dependent variable, we adapted a scale with three
items from (Hou & Lu, 2023). We assessed the push
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
effects of digital-only banks using two factors:
inconvenience and low service quality. To measure
inconvenience, we used a scale with four items
developed by (Ameen et al., 2021). We used a scale
with four items to measure low service quality (Vyas
& Raitani, 2014). A scale with three items that Hou
(2015) developed for perceived advantages,
representing the pull effect. All items were measured
using a 5-point Likert scale.
To ensure the validity of the questionnaires in the
alternative context of digital-only banks, we had two
experts from the banking industry review
questionnaires before initiating the survey process.
Additionally, we conducted a pilot test to evaluate the
wording used in the questionnaires before
administering them.
For data collection, we conducted an empirical
field survey with a subjective selection of
participants. Researchers placed messages on
Taiwan’s most popular online forum, specifically
PTT (https://term.ptt.cc/), and invited respondents to
participate in the study. As an incentive, we offered
each participant a gift certificate worth US$3 for
completing the questionnaire. In total, we collected
data from 214 respondents who completed the
5.1 Measurement Model
To assess the reliability of the survey instrument, we
calculated Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to determine
the internal consistency of the constructs. Cronbach’s
alpha value of 0.6 or higher is acceptable (Nunnally,
1994). As shown in Table 1, our results indicate that
Cronbach’s alpha values for alternative,
inconvenience, low service quality, and perceived
advantages are 0.91, 0.87, 0.88, and 0.78,
respectively. Therefore, the reliability of all
constructs is acceptable.
Table 1: Reliability.
Constructs Cronbach
0.91 0.87
0.87 0.90
Low service quality
0.88 0.92
Perceived advantage
0.78 0.93
To evaluate the convergent validity of the
measurements, we adopted the criteria proposed by
scholars (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Specifically, we
assessed the factor loading and the Average Variance
Extracted (AVE). A factor loading of 0.7 or higher
and an AVE exceeding 0.5 are considered appropriate
indicators of convergent validity. Table 2
demonstrates that all four constructs met these
criteria, with factor loadings exceeding 0.7 and AVE
values exceeding 0.5. Hence, the convergent validity
of our survey instrument is acceptable.
Table 2: Confirmatory factor Analysis.
Constructs items Factor loading AVE
Alternative 3 0.96; 0.97; 0.95 0.92
Inconvenience 4 0.83; 0.92; 0.82;
Low service
4 0.88; 0.92; 0.87;
4 0.86; 0.88; 0.92;
5.2 Structural Model
Our analysis treated the push construct as a reflective-
formative format second-order construct with no
items. This means the construct was created based on
underlying latent variables rather than directly
measured using items (Hair et al., 2013).
The researchers utilized Partial Least Squares
(PLS) software to test their research hypotheses, as
recommended by prior research (Hou et al., 2019).
The results are presented in Figure 2, which shows the
relationships between the push effect, pull effect, and
The results are presented in Figure 2. Our findings
indicate that the push effect, operationalized by
inconvenience and low service quality, had a
significant positive association with alternatives, thus
supporting H1 (β= 0.371, p<0.01). On the other hand,
the pull effect, formulated by perceived advantages,
had a significant positive association with
alternatives, thus supporting H2 (β= 0.286, p<0.01).
Figure 2: Results.
Exploring the Viability of Digital-Only Banking: An Empirical Investigation Using the Push-Pull Model
6.1 Discussion
The study applies the Push-Pull model to investigate
the constructs influencing users’ consideration of
digital-only banks as an alternative. Both push and
pull effects significantly affect users’ decisions.
Push effects, such as inconvenience and low
service quality, make users dissatisfied with their
current bank services. Hence, they are more likely to
consider digital-only banks as an alternative. On the
other hand, pull effects, formulated by perceived
advantages, attract users to adopt digital-only banks
as an alternative. These factors could include a better
user interface to fit the smartphone, innovative
features, or a better interest rate (Windasari et al.,
2022). By addressing these pull effects, digital-only
banks can enhance their appeal to users and increase
the likelihood of users considering their services.
Based on the study’s findings, it can conclude that
the push effect has a more decisive influence than the
pull effect on users’ consideration of digital-only
banks as an alternative. The study found that push
factors, such as inconvenience and low service
quality, were positively associated with users’
consideration of digital-only banks. On the other
hand, while pull effects, such as perceived
advantages, were also positively associated with
users’ consideration of digital-only banks, their
influence was weaker than push factors. Our findings
differ from prior studies that apply the PP model as
the theoretical framework (Hou & Shiau, 2020). They
found pull effect is stronger than push effect in social
media switching context.
This suggests that when users experience push
factors, such as inconvenience or low service quality
in their current banking service, they are more likely
to consider digital-only banks as an alternative
option, regardless of the perceived advantages of
these digital-only banks. However, perceived
advantages still attract users to digital-only banks,
particularly when push factors are not present or are
not significant enough to prompt users to consider
alternative options.
6.2 Academic Implications
The present study’s proposal of service alternatives
instead of service switching is a novel academic
contribution as it extends the existing literature on the
Push-Pull (PP) model. The PP model has been widely
used to explain the factors influencing consumers’
decisions to switch from one service provider to
another. However, the focus has been mainly on
switching behavior rather than considering
By introducing the concept of service alternative,
the present study provides a more nuanced
understanding of consumers’ decision-making
processes in the context of service consumption. This
extension of the PP model is valuable as it
acknowledges that consumers may not necessarily
switch to an alternative service provider but may
consider doing so.
6.3 Practice Implications
The purpose of the present study is to apply the Push-
Pull model to explain users’ alternatives in the
context of digital-only banks, which is essential for
management policy. Digital-only banks can use these
findings to design their services to address users’
push factors and enhance their pull effects. For
example, traditional banks can improve their
services’ convenience and service quality to reduce
the likelihood of users considering alternatives.
Additionally, digital-only banks can highlight the
advantages of their services, such as higher interest
rates, quick loan services, and all services on Apps, to
increase the likelihood of users considering using
their services as an alternative.
It is vital to acknowledge the limitations of this study.
Firstly, the sample size is relatively small and may not
be representative of the entire population.
Additionally, the study is limited to a specific
geographic region and may not be applicable to other
regions or countries. Finally, the study only considers
three constructs as dimensions and other constructs
may provide more insights into the viability of
digital-only banking.
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Exploring the Viability of Digital-Only Banking: An Empirical Investigation Using the Push-Pull Model