Insights from Big Data Economy of Finnish Company Trust,
Consumer Confidence and Data Exchange: An Empirical Evidence of
Structural Equation Modelling
Sunday Adewale Olaleye
Business School, Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Rajakatu 35, 40200, Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Big Data Economy, Company Trust, Consumer Confidence, Data Exchange, Structural Equation Modelling,
Abstract: In the emerging development of the big data economy, data exchange under management information systems
is increasingly relevant in society and organizations. Recent studies have contributed to the literature on data
exchange by investigating security, privacy, errors, and risk issues. However, there is less attention on the
impact of company trust and consumer confidence on data exchange. Interoperability is a panacea to data
exchange, and it refers to the capacity of information systems to share data and information, reducing the
likelihood of information gaps and blind spots. This study fills the gaps in the literature on data exchange and
the big data economy by giving a deeper understanding of data exchange through the influence of company
trust and consumer confidence with the lens of structural equation modelling, thus, consolidating the big data
economy and management information systems. The results from the model tested indicate the direct
relationship between the path coefficient of company trust, consumer confidence and data exchange. The
study emphasized the theoretical contribution and managerial implications and gave future research direction.
The earlier research emphasised the importance of
data across different business sectors and discovered
a gap for further investigation of data exchanges
(Elsaify & Hasan, 2021). Data exchange is a tool that
facilitates the sharing of information between
different stakeholders, and it is an offshoot of
information management systems. A data exchange
provides access to data points from all over the world,
which is used to power data-driven marketing and
advertising campaigns worldwide. By gaining access
to a Data Management Platform (DMP), companies
will harness previously outdated or inaccessible data
to power their marketing campaigns. The utilization
of a data exchange offers the companies and
customers a limitless number of information points,
which data stakeholders can use to close any gaps in
their current audience's profile and learn about their
interests even when they are not on their site. On the
other hand, a considerable amount of data
management might assist businesses and their clients
in increasing their target audience prospects. Despite
the goodness of data exchange, security, privacy, and
errors are some challenges that call for the data
stakeholders' urgent attention. There is a need for a
standardized, unified privacy computing framework
(Jianpeng, Zheng, Du & Boran, 2022) to have the
maximum benefits of safe data circulation in data
trading marketing.
Interoperability is a panacea to data exchange,
and it refers to the capacity of information systems to
share data and information, reducing the likelihood of
information gaps and blind spots. Interoperability
refers to a method that is both focused and intelligent
in its use of current data to achieve the best practices
in information management while ensuring that all
fundamental rights, those about data protection
regulations, are fully respected. To better secure and
strengthen the company's internal security, the
management of data within companies needs to be
made more effective and efficient while also taking
into consideration fundamental rights.
Olaleye, S.
Insights from Big Data Economy of Finnish Company Trust, Consumer Confidence and Data Exchange: An Empirical Evidence of Structural Equation Modelling.
DOI: 10.5220/0012060100003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 241-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
A recent study posits that data relay through
mobile nodes is subject to security attacks due to
openness in vehicular delay-tolerant networks
(VDTNs). The study utilized the proximity-based k-
nearest neighbour (kNN) classification model as a
panacea for trust estimation to calculate the global
trust values (Chourasia, Pandey & Kumar, 2022).
Corroborating the challenges of data exchange
(Ritter, et al. (2022) highlight the risk of silent errors
in the reactor design while engaging with manual data
exchange and proffers transforming the solution of
the digital engineering ecosystem to the engineering
teams. Further, Sukiasyan, Badikyan, Pedrosa &
Leitao (Sukiasyan, Badikyan, Pedrosa & Leitao,
2022) examined the secured data exchange in the
context of the Industrial Internet of Things and
created a threat model as a panacea with spoofing
identity, tampering with data, repudiation threats,
information disclosure, denial of service and
elevation of privileges (STRIDE) approach and
likewise (Freeman & Garcia, 2022) in the context of
Urban Air Mobility Environments.
Recent studies have contributed to the literature
on data exchange by investigating security, privacy,
errors, and risk issues. However, there is less attention
on the impact of company trust and consumer
confidence on data exchange. This study fills the gaps
in the literature on data exchange and the economy by
giving a deeper understanding of data exchange
through the influence of company trust and consumer
confidence in the Finnish environment. This study
answers the following research question: what impact
do company trust and consumer confidence have on
Finnish data exchange? The second part of the study
reviewed the literature on company trust and
consumer confidence and formulated two hypotheses
that connect data exchange. The third method
discussed the methodology employed, the fourth part
discussed the data analysis and results, and the fifth
part concluded with the study implications,
limitations, and future studies.
An understanding of the company's target audience
and potential new segments is gained through this
study, which benefits both the companies and the
customers involved. Through meaningful data
exchange, it is possible to identify and exploit
behavioural patterns, demographic similarities,
frequently used devices, and interests or affinity
groups among a company's customers. This pattern
allows a company to understand its target customers
better and extrapolate potential customers based on its
data and exchanges with other companies or
customers. It is advised that businesses use data
exchanges to ensure that their data is reliable and of
high quality to ascertain that their efforts yield
tangible results and an outstanding return on
Data exchange is a critical resource for publishers,
advertisers, agencies, and others who either lack
sufficient first-party data to make broad campaign
decisions or seek additional information on their
existing consumers. Rather than that, companies can
rely on data exchange to provide them with the
information necessary to optimize their strategy and
go forward confidently. Here are a few ways
agencies, marketers, publishers, and other data
stakeholders can maximize their outcomes by
utilizing a data exchange. A data exchange helps the
stakeholders rise above the competition, target
potential customers, find new customers, learn about
the target audience, extend reach, and increase
conversions. It also helps companies develop
personalized product offers from their DMP with data
exchange. Data Exchange enables the company to
manage and restrict business data internally and
externally with suppliers, partners, and customers. It
is critical to grant and revoke access to data via
standard and personalized listings.
This section focuses on the proposed theoretical
model and the construct definition.
2.1 Company Trust
A company is like a leader with whom people wish to
connect. Based on this analogy, a company expects to
live an exemplary life for the customer and the
consumer. For companies to act in a leader's capacity,
it is essential to develop trust stores with the core three
drivers of authenticity, logic, and empathy (Frei &
Morriss, 2020). Company trust is multidimensional.
Malkamäki, Hiltunen & Aromaa, (2021) examined
trust as a strategic management process in the context
of grocery trade business based on the dimensions of
trust of ability and competence, benevolence,
integrity, affective-based and cognitive-based trust.
The authors indicate the prominence of trust at the top
management level to pave the way for innovation,
engagement, and efficiency in company strategic
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
2.2 Consumer Confidence
Consumer confidence is an essential indicator that
explains the possible amount the consumer is willing
to spend. Between 1995 and 2022, there is a history
of declining consumer confidence in Finland, and
there was negative consumer confidence of -10.5 in
March 2022, according to Statistics Finland (2022).
Consumer confidence measures either optimistic or
pessimistic consumer financial expectations. Juhro &
Iyke, (2020) investigated the consumption-
confidence relationship of the Indonesians based on
combined data on consumer and business confidence
and found that sentiments contribute to the forecast
accuracy of consumption between four and thirteen
per cent. Similarly, Zorio-Grima & Merello, (2020)
examined the causality relationship between
consumer confidence and the economic information
ecosystem in Spain and discovered a causality
influence of consumer confidence and financial
information on each other. Also, Vanlaer, Bielen &
Marneffe, (2020) worked on the financial information
of the global financial crisis for thirteen years and
probed how the European financial crisis can defect
consumer confidence. The duo results from the study
show that confidence in the household financial
situations had a more significant effect on household
savings than confidence in the general economic
The term "data economy" refers to an economy in
which several different operators work together in the
same environment to ensure the accessibility and
usability of data, as well as to make use of data and
use it as a basis for the creation of new applications
and services. This concept is widely accepted and
growing steadily. The data of this study was collected
as an online questionnaire. It was commissioned by
Sitra through an international IHAN project and made
available as open data. Innolink, an international data
consultant, undertook the data collection as a business
decision-maker panel between April and May 2019.
Large enterprises and SMEs in Finland, France,
Germany, and the Netherlands participated in the
survey. The study sample size accounts for n=1667
responses, and the questionnaire focuses on
companies' awareness, attitudes, and commitment to
business potential enabled by a fair data economy.
The study focused on the Finnish data economy, one
of the leading global data economy countries. Only
Finnish data was extracted from the total responses,
and the sample size for Finnish data accounts
for n=427. The questionnaire captured the company's
descriptive information such as the accompanies
attitudes towards data sharing, capabilities for using
data economy, the margin between attitudes and
commitment to fair data principles, data economy
challenges and its potential. Through the data
cleaning process of the data, six variables emerged as
independent and dependent variables (variable
pricing, customer experience, company trust,
consumer confidence, privacy, and data exchange).
Subject to more rigorous Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM) assumptions such as common
method bias, multivariate normality,
multicollinearity, linear relationship between the
observed variables and their constructs, and no
missing data, only three variables met the criterion of
SEM. This study used company trust and consumer
confidence as independent variables to predict data
exchange as a dependent variable. The study utilized
Warp Version 7.0 to conduct SEM analysis.
3.1 Hypotheses Development
A belief in another person or entity's dependability,
integrity, and honesty is referred to as trust. It is
essential to social capital and promotes teamwork,
collaboration, and cooperation between people and
Trust is the cornerstone of intimacy and the secret
to creating lasting bonds in interpersonal interactions.
Trust is essential for partnerships and transactions to
succeed in business since it establishes credibility and
reduces uncertainty. In societal and institutional
environments, trust is also crucial. People depend on
institutions like governments, legal systems, and
financial systems for stability and security. People are
more likely to obey these institutions if they have
their trust.
The study of Malkamäki, et al. (2021; Fregidou-
Malama & Hyder, 2021), shed more light on
multilevel trust as a means of strategic international
marketing for healthcare services, and the study
culminates multilevel trust as individuals, company
performance, and context. This multilevel trust will
help companies increase their business relationships
and achieve consumer acceptance. Resolving
consumer sentiments is one of the ways of building a
company's trust. Istanbulluoglu & Sakman, (2022)
spotlights five dimensions of handling based on
timeliness, redress, apology, credibility, and
attentiveness with consumer's trust mediation. The
authors conclude that the credible perception of
consumers about the company will be high in
Insights from Big Data Economy of Finnish Company Trust, Consumer Confidence and Data Exchange: An Empirical Evidence of
Structural Equation Modelling
handling the complaint, and this situation determines
the consumer's repurchase intention. Based on the
literature reviewed, a company's trust is an antecedent
of data exchange. This study hypothesized that (H
the lower the company's trust, the lower the intention
for data exchange; (H
): the higher the company's
trust, the higher the intention for data exchange.
On the other hand, the construct of confidence
refers to an individual's belief in their abilities, skills,
and competencies to accomplish a particular task or
achieve a specific goal. It is a psychological concept
that reflects a person's self-assurance and conviction
in their abilities. It can manifest in various domains
of life, such as personal, social, academic, and
professional contexts.
Confidence varies from situation to situation. For
example, an individual may feel confident in their
ability to give a presentation but need more
confidence in their ability to perform well in a sports
competition. Factors such as past experiences,
feedback, social comparison, and personal beliefs can
also influence confidence.
Confidence is often associated with positive
outcomes such as high motivation, resilience, and
effective performance. On the other hand, low
confidence or self-doubt can have negative
consequences such as anxiety, avoidance, and
underperformance. Confidence is a complex and
multidimensional concept that significantly shapes an
individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in
various situations.
Macready, et al. (2020) combined consumer trust
and consumer confidence to assess the food value
chain in five countries across Europe and discovered
that consumer trust beliefs predict confidence in food
and technology integrity. Diffey, (2020) reflected on
the possibility of sunscreen product development
jeopardizing consumer confidence and concluded
that retention of consumers' confidence in the
veracity of products is paramount. The synthesized
literature shows that consumer confidence could be
optimistic or pessimistic, and this study hypothesized
that (H
): the lower the consumer confidence, the
lower the intention for data exchange; (H
) the higher
the consumer confidence, the higher the intention for
data exchange.
3.2 Data Analysis
This study tested the hypothesis showcased in the
proposed conceptual framework in Figures 1 and 2
with WarpPLS 7.0 statistical software. WarpPLS is
suitable software for Variance Structural Equation
Modelling (VSEM). This software has been used in
earlier studies (Sanusi, Olaleye, Agbo & Jatileni
(2021; Olaleye, Sanusi, Mark & Salo, 2020).
3.3 Measurement Model
This section ascertains the quality criterion of the
tested model. The variables adopted reliability and
validity were tested, and the model fit was evaluated,
and the results are shown in Table 1. The results were
satisfactory based on the algorithm of WarpPLS
(Kock, 2020). Further, the Composite Reliability
(CR), Cronbach Alpha (CA) and Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) of all the variables were found
satisfactory in comparison to the thresholds of 0.7 and
0.5. Similarly, the factor loading of all the items was
more significant than 0.5 (See Table 2). Variance
inflation factor (VIF) that measures the level of
multicollinearity is below 3.5, which conforms to the
acceptable thresholds and variance inflation factors
(VIFs) that ascertain the extent of correlation between
one predictor and the other predictors are less than
1.5, which certify the acceptable boundary. All these
criteria certify the model’s internal consistency,
reliability, and proper loading of the variable’s items.
This statistical model shows the relationship
between trust and confidence as independent
variables and data exchange as dependent variables.
Further, the model provides valuable information for
understanding the causal relationships between key
data variables.
This study confirmed that the adopted variables and
their items align with their thresholds as specified in
the existing literature. The study formulated two
hypotheses to understand the relationship between
Company Trust, Consumer Confidence, and Data
Exchange. The results from the model tested indicate
the direct relationship between the path coefficient of
company trust, consumer confidence and data
exchange. Hypothesis (H
) company trust data
exchange ( β = 0.48, t = 10.62, p <0.001). H
consumer confidence data exchange (β = 0.17, t
= 3.58, p <0.001). The null hypotheses (H
) were
rejected for trust, confidence, and data exchange
against the alternative hypotheses (H
). Company
trust is the highest predictor of data exchange and has
the largest effect size of 0.25. The entire model
explained R
= 30% variance, while 70% could not be
explained. This R
is higher than the weak threshold
of 0.25.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Data Quality Assessment.
ath coefficient
=0.326, P<0.001
e R-s
=0.298, P<0.001
Average adjusted R-squared (AARS)=0.295,
Average block VIF (AVIF)=1.052, acceptable if <=
5, ideally <= 3.3
Average full collinearity VIF (AFVIF)=1.287,
table if <= 5, ideall
<= 3.3
Tenenhaus GoF (GoF)=0.443, small >= 0.1,
medium >= 0.25, large >= 0.36
Sympson's paradox ratio (SPR)=1.000, acceptable if
>= 0.7, ideally = 1
R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR)=1.000,
table if >= 0.9, ideall
= 1
Statistical suppression ratio (SSR)=1.000,
table if >= 0.7
Nonlinear bivariate causality direction ratio
(NLBCDR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.7
Note: APC - Average path coefficient; ARS - Average R-squared; AARS -
Average adjusted R-squared; AVIF - Average block VIF; AFVIF - Average
full collinearity VIF; GoF - Tenenhaus GoF; SPR - Sympson's paradox ratio;
RSCR - R-squared contribution ratio; SSR - Statistical suppression ratio;
NLBCDR - Nonlinear bivariate causality direction ratio; A - Acceptable.
Table 2: Measurement Quality Assessment.
Note: DE – Data Exchange; CT – Company Trust; CC – Consumer
Confidence; ES – Effect Size
This study combined the theories of fragments of
company trust and consumer confidence to examine
the viability and the impact of data exchange in
Finnish context. Finland is one of the countries in the
world that is leading in data economy hence the study
focusses on Finland as a case country. The study
shows that company trust and consumer confidence
have very strong impact in data exchange. To be more
specific the higher the perception of the company
Figure 1: Proposed Model Hypotheses.
Figure 2: Data Exchange Model Path-Coefficient Results.
Table 3: Tested Hypotheses Results.
Connection T Ratio
Results Remark
CT → DE 10.623 0.001 Significan
CC → DE 3.579 0.001 Significan
Note: DE – Data Exchange; CT – Company Trust; CC – Consumer
trust, the higher the data exchange and the perception
of consumer confidence also increases the data
exchange. Earlier researchers examined the data
exchanges among firms and found that data
exchanges took place between firms in similar
industries with relevant data science capabilities
(Elsaify & Hasan, 2021). This study only focused on
bilateral data exchanges without considering
company trust and the consumer confidence.
Similarly, to this result, the study of Nicolaou &
McKnight, (2006) confirmed the significant
relationship of trust and the intention to use exchange
data. This study theoretically contributes to the
literature of data exchange and the emerging data
economy literature by explaining how company trust
and consumer confidence impact the data exchange.
This result is consistent with the existing study that
mentioned that trust is a key predictor for customer
retention (Olaleye, et al. 2020).
The exchanging of data between different systems
is what data exchange is all about. It establishes an
instance of target data based on the data received after
Insights from Big Data Economy of Finnish Company Trust, Consumer Confidence and Data Exchange: An Empirical Evidence of
Structural Equation Modelling
it has been delivered from the source and obtained
through a data link. The enormous amount of data
produced due to the modern digital transformation is,
for the most part, locked away in proprietary silos. Data
exchange has become increasingly important as a
means of accomplishing effective information sharing
and fostering the efficient use of valuable data because
of the tremendous improvements that have been made
in information and computing technologies. Sharing
information in a trusted, compliant, secure, auditable,
and accessible way is necessary for a successful data
exchange. Managerially, suggest that the data
stakeholders should pay close attention to trust and
confidence through security assurance, privacy
concern data ethics.
This study is not without a limitation. The
coefficient of determination of this study indicates
30% variance. The future research should extend this
study by adding and tested more relevant variables
hypothetically. Also, the future researchers combine
the artificial intelligence and blockchain to examine
trustworthiness of data exchange. Further, the future
researcher should examine the blockchain-based data
This work was supported by the Foundation for
Economic Education (Liikesivistysrahasto), Finland
[grant numbers: 16-9388], and [18-10407].
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DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications