A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course
Chukwuka Victor Obionwu
1 a
, Maximilian Karl
, David Broneske
3 b
, Anja Hawlitschek
1 c
Paul Blockhaus
and Gunter Saake
1 d
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Knowledge Transfer, Skill Acquisition, Interaction Analysis, Collaborative Platforms, Study Engagement,
Social Behavior, Team Assessment Strategy.
The increased demand in today’s work environment for individuals with diverse skill sets, fast skill acquisition,
and ability to collaborate is as a consequence of the rapidly evolving technological environments. Thus,
institutes of higher learning have increasingly adopted e-learning platforms, owing that one of the defining
aspects of these platforms is the capacity to facilitate collaborative engagement. This adoption has resulted
in curriculum changes, and the development of tools and further specialized platforms that are focused on the
acquisition and transfer of particular soft, and hard skill sets. One such specialized platform is Teams platform
of SQLValidator, a web-based interactive environment for learning, practicing, and acquisition of collaborative
problem-solving skills by way of projects centered around the Structured Query Language. In this paper, we
give insight into our platform, and the strategy we adopted to ensure the acquisition of SQL, and collaborative
skills. To assess its effectiveness, we monitored the activity and performance of our students on an SQL based
collaborative project. Our evaluation indicates that our strategy not only gave us practical insight into the
student level of SQL skill acquisition, and interaction, which is important for instructors, but is also proved
effective in facilitating the acquisition, and transfer of teamwork ethics and collaborative problem-solving skill
among students.
The challenge, structure, and requirements of the
21st-century work environment have made the acqui-
sition of teamwork and collaborative problem-solving
skills indispensable (Sundstrom et al., 1990). This
is most evident in the information technology sec-
tor, where the work is often split into well-defined
subtasks to create complex tools. Ergo, it requires
a team of individuals with different backgrounds and
skill sets. Usually, the basis for this skill acquisition is
set during a person’s studies. Due to the recent move
to online learning in most institutions of higher edu-
cation, curriculum administrators and developers are
resorting to online environments that can stimulate
task engagement, team collaboration, task reflection,
and the acquisition of teamwork skills. Early imple-
mentations of team-based learning showed that col-
laborative problem-solving within small groups was
effective in stimulating active learning (Michaelsen
et al., 2004; Gomez et al., 2010). As observed
in (Michaelsen et al., 2004), team members assumed
specific roles in an effort to efficiently solve the as-
signed tasks. While most team members were not ef-
fectively suited for the assigned roles, team leaders
took it upon themselves to ensure their peers’ learn-
ing. This challenge of fitting team members into de-
fined roles still persists in recent traditional lecture
settings (Michaelsen and Sweet, 2011).
Most recent efforts at orchestrating team collabo-
ration involved platforms designed to facilitate team
collaboration processes, such as planning, schedul-
ing, information lineage, brainstorming, data cre-
ation, gathering, and distribution (Gruba, 2004; Taras
et al., 2013; Gruba and Sondergaard, 2001). One
Obionwu, C., Karl, M., Broneske, D., Hawlitschek, A., Blockhaus, P. and Saake, G.
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0012075800003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 32-42
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of such learning platforms is SQLValidator (Obionwu
et al., 2021; Obionwu et al., 2022). SQLValidator is
an integral part of the database courses held in our
faculty, and encompasses exercises, questionnaires,
and tests to assess students’ SQL programming skills.
Up till 2021 academic year, the platform was used
mainly as an individual learning platform, where col-
laboration between students was not possible. Due
to the increasing importance of teamwork, we inte-
grated the Teams component of the platform. Ergo
It’s description, and workflow, is an important topic in
this paper. Further important is the facilitation of task
reflection, and acquisition of collaborative problem-
solving skills. Our initial results show that, when stu-
dents collaborate, their solutions of project tasks are
on average better than those without visible collabora-
tion within a team. Furthermore, our investigation of
different degrees of instructional designs shows that
an explicit indication for team self-organization helps
in completing collaborative tasks more efficiently. In
summary, we contribute:
a collaborative task design for SQL teaching
an evaluation showing that collaboration leads to
better results when accomplishing SQL tasks.
This paper is structured as follows: in Section 2,
we discuss related work and, in Section 3, we describe
the design of our system. A characterization of partic-
ipating students of our study through a survey is given
in Section 4. An overview of the collaborative project
is given in Section 5, and team activity results are dis-
cussed in Section 6. In Section 7, we summarize and
indicate directions for future research.
Traditionally, teams are formed as a strategy for tack-
ling difficult challenges, or hard deadline scenarios.
A survey conducted in 2019 by Slack,
a highly pop-
ular collaboration platform revealed that ease of com-
munication resulted in good collaboration while top
collaboration challenges centered around communi-
cation difficulties as not being able to convey gestures.
In the subsequent paragraphs, we discuss the es-
sential features of freely available, or open-source
collaboration platforms that are used in the educa-
tional sector. To select these studies and platforms,
we did a literature search and the following platforms
have been selected:
on-bad-collaboration-a-new-report-by-slack last accessed
on 25.02.2022
Schom (Berj
on et al., 2015) is a tool for commu-
nication and collaborative learning, which employs
mobile instant messaging for the exchange of infor-
mation between members of an institution. It of-
fers interaction via e-mail, chat, discussion boards, or
microblogging and ensures digital anonymity. Thus,
users can anonymously interact with other users and
groups. Our Teams’ platform, unlike Schom, is de-
signed for effective interaction between students of a
team and, thus, each user knows its teammates as in
traditional scenarios.
Flipgrid (Edwards and Lane, 2021) is an online
video discussion tool that offers students a platform
to discuss ideas, communicate with their peers, and
practice their language and presentation skills. Its
popularity among educators is driven by the ease
by which it is set up and used in classes, and stu-
dents quickly engage in recorded online video-based
conversations with the teacher. It can also be ac-
cessed via internet browsers. Our Teams’ platform,
unlike Flipgrid, emphasizes textual communications
as using a text-based medium in computer-mediated
communication creates a more equitable and non-
threatening forum for discussions, especially those
involving women, minorities, and naturally reserved
personalities (Warschauer, 1997; Ferris and Hedg-
cock, 2013; Warschauer, 2004).
In UniConnect, lecturers create private course
communities and invite enrolled students. Each com-
munity offers dedicated blogs, wikis, forums, li-
braries, IBM docs, task management tools, and the
possibility of viewing group activity streams. Further-
more, students can create workgroups for their assign-
ments and projects. Our Teams’ platform does not
have this level of customization, which opens up fu-
ture work for us. While both systems allow students
to collaborate within and outside lecture periods, Uni-
Connect unlike Our Teams’ platform also features vir-
tual research teams that facilitate research coopera-
tion among two or more universities.
Remote Technical Assistance (RTA) (Blake,
2000), developed at UC Davis, is a collaborative tool
that features a chat system that facilitates random tex-
tual interactions via a TextPad window. It also al-
lows users to record and forward digitized sound and
create shared whiteboards using screen capture. The
chat program also lets each user remotely manipulate
his or her partner’s Web browser, and permits both
point-to-point and multipoint/group chat. The collab-
orative pedagogy of Our Teams’ platform is different
from that of RTA. Furthermore, Our Teams’ platform,
as we describe in Section 3, features a chat system,
code editor, task management system, and an instruc-
tor oversight feature that allows the integration of in-
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects
Run / Run All
Clear query
Show saved
Add query to
Query Errors
Instructor Access
Student Access
Student Access
Instructor Access
Figure 1: Teams Overview.
structional feedback.
Canvas is an open-source cloud-based learning
management platform (Desai et al., 2021; Mulder
and Henze, 2014), developed by the US infrastruc-
ture company. This platform consists of features, such
as page view count visualization, sentiment / mes-
sage classification and analysis. It has a hierarchical
assessment architecture that streamlines the deploy-
ment of courses and respective assessment modules.
Apart from being free for educators whose university
has no subscription, it also serves as a collaboration
platform. Our Teams’ platform does not have this
level of customization, which opens up future work
for us. While both systems allow students to collabo-
rate within and outside lecture periods, Canvas unlike
Our Teams’ platform is a full-fledged learning man-
agement system.
Several systems have been developed to facilitate on-
line instructor / student interactions. One of such
web-based tools is SQLValidator (Obionwu et al.,
2021). The platform is an integral part of the database
courses held and encompasses exercises, question-
naires, and tests to assess students’ SQL program-
ming skills. Our Teams’ platform is the collaborative
environment for the platform. It is designed to facili-
tate high-level discussions, which are similar in qual-
PHP Server
Web Interface
instructorStudent Admin
Teams01 Sqlvali_data
fetch user
user task
interaction and
and task pool
Figure 2: Teams Architecture.
ity to discussions that take place in traditional collab-
oration settings. Fig. 1 shows an overview of the sub-
system, differentiated by access.
3.1 Teams Architecture
There are three main features when implementing a
web-based application, these are centralization, repli-
cation, and distribution. The Teams’ system uses
a centralized client-server architecture. The general
architecture of the application has been depicted in
Fig: 2. As depicted, users interactions via a web in-
terface by way of posting chats, creating submissions
in the group wiki, and executing queries in the edi-
tor, etc. is mediated by a PHP server. The relational
database management system is tasked with storing
and managing all the data resulting from student, and
instructor interaction. To achieve this objective, the
Teams’ platform interacts with two main databases:
db2 data contains all relevant data to maintain
the organization of the platform itself, such as user
management and task definitions.
db1 teams01 contains all standard tables and data
used to support project task submissions, chat
management, user query evaluations, and admin
Thus records of all user interaction is stored for ana-
lytical purposes.
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Survey Input
Task ?
Access to
& Update
Create &
next task
Tasks been
Instructional Feedback
Oversight Access
Figure 3: Teams Workflow.
3.2 Student Access
As communication is often an integral feature of col-
laboration tools, we made the chat persistent in the
group-wiki, and code editor pages. Students have the
option of updating and deleting their chat posts. To
keep teams focused on current milestones, we struc-
tured the chat in pages. Only the latest 10 chat posts
are visible. History buttons are available to provide
access to previous chat posts. Our strategy aims to
instill a culture of self-assessment and reflection and,
thus, we allow teams to improve their solutions, and
resubmit again. This feature is accessible in the group
wiki/task submissions. Unlike the chat system, where
team members can edit and delete their chat posts,
team members can only create, read, update, but not
delete task submissions. Since many tasks are based
on the Structured Query Language SQL, our platform
includes a query editor. The editor, apart from ex-
ecuting queries, allows collaborators to store previ-
ously used queries. Thus, if in the course of the mile-
stones, it is required to alter the solutions, and hence
the queries, the team can access all their previous
queries from the group wiki. It also allows selected
execution of related queries. The group wiki gives
them access to the project tasks, saved queries, and
submission pages.
3.3 Instructor Access
The instructor, apart from having access to adminis-
trative activities, can grant itself membership of any
team where his feedback is required. This is facili-
tated via the oversight access shown in Fig. 3. Thus,
the instructor can perform CRUD operations on chats
posts, and task submissions. However, all the queries
executed in the instructor profile are not transferred
to the teams profile. In general, the oversight feature
facilitates the integration of instructional feedback,
which is typical for traditional team project interac-
tions. The teams overview diagram further (Fig. 1)
shows the other activities specific to administrators in
Our Teams’ platform.
3.4 Teams Workflow
Given that individual students have completed the
personality survey, team are generated via the part-
ner recommendation system, which is described in
obionwu et al. (Obionwu et al., 2023a). The ad-
ministrator loads several tasks into each team profile,
and initializes the teams. The student members gain
access, introduce themselves, and immediately start
interacting with the tasks in the group wiki. The inter-
action will result in chat, and project report commits,
and they agree that the answer to a respective ques-
tion, the project report is updated again, after which
a submission is made. Once the first task is solved
and submitted, the next task is activated. This process
continues until the last task is activated. Once a sub-
mission event is registered, the system mails the re-
spective instructor and the review process starts. Once
the review is done, the instructor, via the oversight
link, gives a response in the teams chat. Depending
on the response, the entry in the project report will
either be updated or left as the final response to the
respective question. This process will continue until
the final task. A description of the task is shown in
section 5.1
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects
Fraction of Students
per Skill Level (%)
Excellent Very Good
Figure 4: Student’s Initial Practical Programming Knowl-
Being that the team projects were developed to stim-
ulate the cultivation of collaborative skills (Obionwu
et al., 2023b), having systems and structures gener-
ate collaborative behaviors alone is insufficient (Er-
bguth et al., 2022). Collaboration and team engage-
ment as a feature can be utilized to help learners co-
ordinate and communicate effectively to achieve a
common goal. Thus, to cultivate community learn-
ing and enhance collaboration, we designed tasks to
incorporate communication and not force them on
the students. We further sought to gain insight into
our student’s psychological affinity for collaborative
engagements, and behavioral dispositions to collab-
orative learning. To achieve these goals, we partly
adapted the ”Students’ Readiness for CSCL” ques-
tionnaire (Xiong et al., 2015). Eight items from this
questionnaire were selected from the ”Motivation for
collaborative learning” evaluation, and ten items were
selected from the ”Prospective behaviors for collab-
orative learning” questionnaire. In the 2023 winter
semester, we had 140+ enrollments in our teams’ plat-
form. Although we decided not to enforce survey
participation, 95 students from those enrolled in the
semester course participated in the surveys. Further-
more, we allowed the possibility of skipping sections
of the questionnaire. In the next subsection, we give
a description of the course participants based on the
survey results.
4.1 Participants
The pilot study was conducted in the context of
the 2021 database concept summer semester’s course
where students were required to form teams consist-
ing of 3 individuals as triads are typically more sta-
ble and engaging than other social network struc-
tures (Yoon et al., 2013), and well attuned to our
Experience with
group work (%)
Extremely familiar Moderately familiar
Somewhat familiar Slightly familiar
Not at all familiar
Figure 5: Student’s group work experience.
task structure as will be discussed in the next subsec-
tion. To increase trust among team members, team
formation took place at the beginning of the course.
But there were lots of teams breakdowns in the pi-
lot study. Thus, we developed a partner recommen-
dation system, which we currently employ to handle
team creation. The students completed personality
surveys, which allowed us to create the teams. These
new teams not only easily became acquaintance, but
showed willingness to deal with the team process. As
for the collaborative tasks, they are extracted from the
concepts described in the lectures, and theoretical ex-
ercises; thus, the teams are expected to have acquired
all the skills and information needed to engage with
the collaborative tasks.
Four exercise instructors oversaw the weekly ex-
ercise meetings and helped facilitate teamwork. To
estimate the participants perceptions and experiences
with respect to teamwork, and collaboration, we con-
ducted surveys. The result of our inquiry into their
self-perceived practical programming knowledge is
shown in Fig. 4. The results suggest that: about 1%
had extensive experience with general programming
15% were proficient, 33% had above-average expe-
rience, while 51% had rather limited programming
skills. Overall, a considerable number of the students’
population were beginners, and hence we taught them
the fundamentals of using SQL. Furthermore, Fig. 5
shows their team work experience. The results indi-
cate that: about 80% had worked in team projects or
tasks prior to enrolling in our course, while 20% had
limited team work experience and thus needed guid-
ance on how to work in team projects.
4.2 Collaboration and Team Interaction
Questioner Description
In the first survey among the participants of the
course, we aimed to elicit our participants’ self-
evaluation and experiences on team interaction, and
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Table 1: Motivation for collaborative learning Questionnaire.
Item Motivation for collaborative learning No. Mean SD
Mot.1 I like to work with other students in group activities. 65 2.8 1.21
Comparing with doing individual assignments, it is more effective to learn by doing
group work.
65 2.85 1.21
Mot.3 I will need teamwork skills in my future job. 65 3.2 0.89
Mot.4 Working in groups allows me to tackle more complex topics than working individually. 65 3.05 1.08
Mot.5 There are many opportunities for discussion and sharing ideas by working in groups. 65 3.08 1.00
Mot.6 I believe I can do well in the group work. 65 3.15 0.87
Mot.7 I believe I can support group-mates. 65 3.2 0.90
Mot.8 I believe I can play an important role in the accomplishment of the group task. 65 3.02 0.89
0 20 40
80 100
Strongly Agree
Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Figure 6: Motivation for collaborative learning feedback.
collaboration. A total of 65 of the participants re-
sponded to the optional voluntary survey at the begin-
ning of the course. Most of the users were between
the age of 27-31, and have previously not used our
collaboration platform.
We show descriptive statistics like the mean, the
standard deviation for the quantitative questions rated
on a 5-point Likert scale (in numeric representation: 0
= Strongly Disagree to 4 = Strongly Agree) in Table 1,
which contains questions and responses about their
motivation for teamwork, and in Table 2, we show
their self evaluation of their collaboration behavior.
The vast majority of quantitative replies were agree
(3) and Strongly Agree (4) on the scale. Therefore,
the standard deviations are fairly small for a vast ma-
jority of the questions. There were no questions that
were answered mostly negative, but there are several
questions with mixed replies. In general, questions
were prepared in such a way that not only percep-
tions about current team collaboration, and interac-
tion events are elicited, but also their previous col-
laboration and teamwork experiences, behavior, and
We observe from Table 1 and the correspond-
ing plot, Fig. 6, that more than 65% of the partici-
pants liked working in groups (item Mot.1), and 61%
agreed that it was more effective to work in groups
(item Mot.2). 79% of participants in item Mot.3 held
a notion that teamwork skill was important for their
future job, while in item Mot.4, 68% agreed that
complex tasks can easily be tackled by sharing the
workload with group members. Furthermore, in item
Mot.5, 75% agreed that working in groups provided
opportunities for discussion and sharing of ideas, and
in item Mot.6, 75% can perform well while in group
work. 76% believed that they can support their group
mates in item Mot.7 and in item Mot.8, 64% believed
they can play an important role in the accomplishment
of the assigned group task.
Considering Table 2 and corresponding feedback,
Fig. 7, 60 students participated in this survey group
of question as our survey questions are not obliga-
tory, out of which 77% of the participants indicated
that they liked to share ideas (item Beh.1), and in
item Beh.2, 87% indicated that they were open to
new ideas. In item Beh.3, 84% are tolerant of dif-
ferent ideas. 82% indicated that they can express
their thoughts appropriately (item Beh.4) and 75%
further indicated in item Beh.5 that they always par-
ticipated appropriately during group work. In item
Beh.6, 73% of the participants indicated that they
were able to provide feedback on individual team
member’s performance, while 70% in item Beh.7 in-
dicated that they were able to provide feedback on in-
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects
Table 2: Prospective behaviors for collaborative learning questionnaire.
Item Prospective behaviors for collaborative learning No. Mean SD
Beh.1 I like to share my ideas with others. 60 3.02 0.98
Beh.2 I am open to new ideas. 60 3.27 0.84
Beh.3 I am tolerant of different ideas. 60 3.25 0.88
I am able to express what I think in an appropriate way, not harming other group mem-
60 3.18 0.81
Beh.5 I always participate in an appropriate way. 60 3.13 0.83
Beh.6 I am able to provide feedback on overall team’s performance. 60 2.9 1.00
Beh.7 I am able to provide feedback on individual team member’s performance. 60 2.8 0.95
Beh.8 I am able to monitor my group’s progress. 60 2.87 0.98
Beh.9 I am able to implement an appropriate conflict resolution strategy. 60 2.77 0.95
Beh.10 I am able to recognize the source of conflict confronting my group. 60 2.87 1.02
0 20 40
80 100
Strongly Agree
Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Figure 7: Prospective behaviors for collaborative learning feedback.
dividual team member’s performance as well as mon-
itor their group’s progress in item 8. Furthermore, in
item 9, 63% indicated that they were able to imple-
ment an appropriate conflict resolution strategy and
in item 10, 68% indicated that they were able to rec-
ognize the source of conflict confronting their group.
In general, the standard deviations from the mean
were modest, as most of the participants indicated
that they either agreed or strongly agreed with the
perceptions on collaboration and teamwork that were
queried about in the survey. So, in general, all par-
ticipants have a positive attitude and motivation to-
wards the expected teamwork. This is reinforced by
Fig. 5 which showed that about 80% of the partici-
pants already experienced group work. Thus, around
20% of our participants have not experienced work-
ing in teams. Ergo, our project was a guide for this
group of participants on the basics of teamwork, and
5.1 Team Tasks
Our collaborative tasks are based on the Structured
Query Language SQL, a standard for performing
CRUD operations on a database. Thus, to create a
collaborative SQL project with reasonable level of
complexity, we employed the concept of roles. These
roles are known to affect how team members collab-
orate (Ruch et al., 2018), (Lyons, 1971), (Oke et al.,
2016), (Senior, 1997). Furthermore, regulating group
learning is important for learning processes and out-
Teams have to plan, monitor and evaluate, respec-
tively, reflect on their teamwork - a challenging task,
especially for novices in teamwork. A Collaboration
Script that guide the planning, monitoring, and re-
flection activities can support teams (N
aykki et al.,
2017). Based on this, we created two conditions,
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Table 3: Summary of our task description.
Collaborative Task Sections
Introduction and Objective
Motivates and stresses the importance of teamwork. Describes the expectancy of
each milestone.
Specification of Roles Explain the different roles to be assumed by participants of the team.
Teams, Role Formation, & Selection
Students form triad social units and choose either a stakeholder, an administra-
tor, or a developer role.
Planning and Task Sequence Explain the steps that teams should go through to achieve the objective.
Description of Tasks without reflection
A total of six tasks from database modeling to data definition and querying.
Description of tasks with reflection
In addition to the tasks with reflection script, it contains another first task, which
addresses project planning and an additional last task that inquires team reflec-
Reflection and Extension
Encourage teams with reflection script-based tasks to think about what has been
learned and how to apply that learning to different contexts.
Table 4: Sample tasks without reflection script.
Sample tasks without reflection script
Task Description
Task 1
ER modeling
The stakeholder(s) designs a use case for which the data management should be done. This use case
is described in a natural language formulation and an ER model is designed for it.
The created and described ER-diagram should contain at least 3 entities and two relations.
Please upload both in the project submission and discuss whether the solution needs adjustment.
structured, and unstructured projects, as we discuss
in Section 5.1.1. The general task description is de-
scribed in the next section.
Collaborative problem-solving facilitates not only
peer knowledge transfer but also several beneficial
skills, such as communication skills, teamwork, and
respect for others. It also stimulates independent re-
sponsibility for learning and sharing information with
teammates (Hung et al., 2008; Parker, 2006). Table 3
shows a summary of our task description. In general,
it is team-centered, and instructors do not dictate or
enforce any collaboration pattern. The overall scene
that we present in the part ”Introduction and Objec-
tive” is that students should follow the whole design
cycle within a data management project from use
case modeling over schema design to schema defi-
nition and data analysis. To facilitate collaboration
within this scenario, we define the three roles: (1)
stakeholder, who is responsible for defining a com-
plex use case and interesting analyses, (2) adminis-
trator, who should create the schema and execute the
ETL process, and (3) the developer who implements
the analyses. To this end, students individually and
collaboratively assume responsibility for solving dif-
ferent aspects of the project milestones. The tasks
also encourage team strategy reflection. Thus, teams
have the option of re-evaluating, and resubmitting a
previously submitted solution. The goal here is to
induce learning strategies adjustment considerations
and stimulation of self-reflection skills.
5.1.1 Project Type
We created two project types, groups working on
tasks with reflection script and teams working on
tasks without reflection script groups, in order to as-
sess the impact of instructional guidance on the ex-
tent of collaboration. The tasks with reflection script,
shown in Table 4, had a general description of the
task, which was assigned to one of the roles (respon-
sibilities change from task to task). Furthermore, the
last instruction always asked for a critical discussion
inside the group.
In contrast to teams with reflection scripted tasks,
teams with tasks that require reflection, Table 5, were
required to plan their team work before the first task
submission. We further described the planning pro-
cess and possible discussion points. In the preceding
tasks, we also described steps to take and last steps
within their tasks required the teams to reflection on
what they have done. With these explicit instructions,
we aimed at encouraging students to collaborate and
especially to regulate their teamwork more systemat-
Having described the platform, task groups, and their
respective tasks, we now provide a preliminary anal-
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects
Table 5: Sample tasks with reflection script.
Sample tasks with reflection script
Task Description
Task 0
Project Planning
1. Meet online in the Teams Chat. Briefly discuss the task.
Are there any problems of understanding?
Clarify any questions about the task.
2. Then discuss the concrete implementation: make a time plan and distribute the roles (Considera-
tion: Do you already have experience with a certain role or do you want to strengthen your skills
in a certain role?) Please also store the role distribution.
3. Also, briefly discuss what you find important about teamwork.
What do you expect from your team members?
As a team, write down three key points that the team members want to adhere to.
Task 1
ER modeling
1. The stakeholder designs a use case for which the data management should be done. This use case
is described in a natural language formulation and an ER model is designed for it. The created
and described ER-diagram should contain at least 3 elements and two relations. Please upload
both in the project reports.
2. The two team members provide feedback on the stakeholder
s solution (assessment and sugges-
tions for improvement). Through this review process, all team members intensively deal with
each task.
3. Discuss (stakeholders) the feedback with the team members and discuss how to proceed.
Revise the original solution and upload the final result to project reports.
ysis of the collaborative activity. For this analysis, we
selected 28 teams from the 2023 winter semester. We
further used two indicators, the first of which is based
on the number of individuals that submitted respec-
tive tasks. Consequent on the user activity view fea-
ture in the teams’ environment, tutors can know who
solved the tasks. Thus, we differentiate between the
number of students submitting within the project team
as an indication for collaboration. Thus, the label ”3
submitters” (13 teams) implies that each of the team
members submitted at least one task, while ”2 submit-
ters” (8 teams) and ”1 submitter” (7 teams) implies
that only one or two team members did all the sub-
missions. Hence, many teams distributed the tasks
among themselves, which is a positive sign for the
overall collaborative setup. Still, when taking a more
in-depth look into the data, only 6 teams strictly fol-
lowed the role distribution. This is a common prob-
lem that also (N
aykki et al., 2017) identified, as their
instructions were also often disobeyed. As a result,
we need to implement extra score credit incentives to
motivate collaboration among team members.
The second indicator is the project type (cf. Sec-
tion 5.1.1) as it should have an impact on the teams’
team work. In the charts, ”Str. stands for groups
with tasks that require reflection, (13 groups) and ex-
plicit collaboration instructions, while ”Unst. desig-
nates teams with tasks that required no reflection, (15
groups) with only recommendations for collaborative
practices. Notably, teams were shuffled in random
Figure 8: Scores in the Theoretical Exercise Submitted to
Moodle (thus, Moodle Points).
into one of both project types without them knowing
what task description they got.
In the following, we first analyze the skills and
motivation of the teams in forms of the Moodle sub-
mission, their messaging behavior, as well as their fi-
nal project grading.
6.1 Analysis of Team Skill and
Fig. 8 shows the group scores obtained from the theo-
retical part of the exercises which preceded the team’s
project. These scores range from 61 (minimum crite-
rion for exam qualification) to 100 and usually rep-
resent the motivation of the students and their under-
standing of the exercises because these points come
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 9: Team Messages.
from graded team submission of theoretical exercise
This analysis yields two insights. First, we can see
that student teams with a higher Moodle score (i.e.,
motivation) also tend to follow the rules of collabora-
tion more strictly, as we can see from the higher medi-
ans of Moodle points for the teams with two or three
submitters. Second, overall our random shuffling cre-
ated a small bias towards team tasks that required re-
flection where teams with tasks that required no re-
flection have, on average, better teams, which can in-
fluence the final points in the collaborative project.
6.2 Analysis of Chat Behavior
In Fig. 9, we show the messages sent through the in-
tegrated chat system. A positive result of this anal-
ysis is that when collaboration happens (i.e., two or
three people submitted tasks), teams working on tasks
with reflection requirement made more use of the in-
tegrated chats than teams working on tasks with no
reflection requirement. This is a positive sign that our
extra instructions for collaboration is fruitful. How-
ever, this result may also be as a consequence of the
extra score credit incentive they receive when instruc-
tors observe conversation in the team’s chat system.
Also, we observed that they used other social media
apps for communication, thus some of their real com-
munication may be hidden to us, and may follow a
different pattern.
6.3 Analysis of Project Results
At the end of the collaborative project, we graded the
submitted tasks of the teams. The maximum amount
of possible points is 50, with some teams having
achieved this, as visible in Fig. 10.
The score distribution leads to two insights. First,
comparing the median scores of all groups, teams
with more submitters also got better scores. Hence,
collaboration really helped students to reach better re-
Figure 10: Teams Project Scores.
sults in database-related tasks. Our second insight,
however, is that teams working on tasks with reflec-
tion requirement did not score as good as teams work-
ing on tasks with no reflection requirement, which is
against our initial goal. However, this could be ex-
plained by the results from Fig. 8, where teams work-
ing on tasks with no reflection requirement had more
Moodle points. This draws the conclusion that they
have better skill and motivation for the course, and
will, thus, lead to better results in the collaborative
project, and thus the acquisition and transfer of team-
work skills among team members.
In this paper, we introduced Our Teams’ platform, a
web-based interactive collaborative learning platform
for learning and practicing SQL. We evaluated stu-
dents’ exercise engagements and presented their ac-
tivities and scores. In general, we observed that plac-
ing a collaborative task at the core of a class lec-
ture leads to students achieving better project results
and thus, an effective strategy that induces learning,
knowledge evaluation, and respective skill acquisi-
tion. Furthermore, our students were inclined to use
other social media apps for communication compared
to the internal chat system, and incentives as extra
score credit increased the likelihood that students will
comply to the rules of collaborative team engagement.
Our Teams’ platform is pedagogically structured to
stimulate reflection, a sense of community, and col-
laboration. In the future, we plan to explore how
student’s activity patterns can best be used to pro-
vide instructors and researchers with a clearer picture
of which course aspects students find most challeng-
ing. We also plan to extend the Teams system further
with collaboration stimulation, retrospective evalua-
tion, and graph learning features for better partner
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects
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ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies