Automatic Generation of an Informative Marketing Technological
Francesco Pilotti
, Daniele Di Valerio
, Martina Marinelli
, Gaetanino Paolone
, Samanta Vellante
and Daniela D’Alessandro
Gruppo SI S.c.a.r.l., 64100 Teramo, Italy
Scacco Malto S.r.l., 64100 Teramo, Italy
Keywords: Automatic Code Generation, Information, Informative Marketing, Model-Driven Architecture, Model
Transformation, Technological Platform.
Abstract: In the current global context, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) must face challenges in order to
reach and maintain a fitting competitive level, and improve their performance. Today, information is one of
the most important resources for them. Being able to correctly manage information is a key factor, also with
reference to digital marketing activities. The paper presents InfoMkBuilder, a tool able to automatically
generate Informative Marketing (IM) technological platforms, i.e., digital platforms for SMEs, in order for
them to carry out IM campaigns and strategies. IM is a novel digital marketing model based on valuable
information definition and delivery. InfoMkBuilder supports SMEs in overcoming and/or sidestepping their
limitations and barriers in adopting digital technologies. The tool implements Model-Driven Architecture
(MDA) transformations and a Unified Process (UP) methodological approach to generate the IM
technological platforms, and is able to deploy them on the Cloud.
In the current global context, any company or
organization must face challenges in order to reach
and maintain a fitting competitive level and improve
its performance by adopting digital technologies
(Martínez-Caro et al., 2020). In such a scenario,
Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
generally face limitations and barriers to a greater
extent than other firms. For instance, limited
resources are one of the primary factors affecting
SMEs capability to compete globally (Masroor and
Asim, 2019). The lack of international experience
(Pereira et al., 2022), and the low levels of digital
skills among firms (Scuotto et al., 2021) are other
primary factors. The Covid-19 pandemic has
impacted on the scenario depicted above as well
(Thorgren and Williams, 2020).
Today, information is one of the most important
resources for any company or organization, including
SMEs (Mutula, 2010). If information is not
adequately managed and processed, it risks resulting
useless for the business structure. Being able to
correctly manage information is a key factor, also
with reference to digital marketing activities
(Ismoilova et al., 2021). Information is one of the
main means by which it is possible to transfer the
value of a proposal to potential customers (Tafesse
and Wien, 2018). An increasing number of people are
spending more and more time on the Web searching
for information about products and services (Dwivedi
et al., 2020). This search is essential for the final
choice they make. Concerning this point, (Clark et al.,
2009) stated that providing basic information should
be the dominant role of advertising.
The importance of information in digital
marketing enhances the need for digital solutions in
order to manage, create, and spread valuable contents.
(Di Valerio et al., 2020) proposed a new digital
marketing model, named Informative Marketing
(IM), in order to stress the importance of information
to be delivered to customers while setting up and
implementing digital marketing strategies. The
adjective “informative” is meant to point out that the
information purposely gathered and structured is
targeted to a specific segment; therefore, it can be
assumed that it is relevant for the selected audience.
The IM is implemented by means of a technological
platform derived from (Sun et al., 2015).
Pilotti, F., Di Valerio, D., Marinelli, M., Paolone, G., Vellante, S. and Dâ
ZAlessandro, D.
Automatic Generation of an Informative Marketing Technological Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0012075900003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 295-302
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In order for a SME to implement digital solutions,
it must overcome and/or sidestep the limitations and
barriers previously mentioned. In this regard, model-
driven techniques (Brambilla et al., 2017) are a
relevant solution: model-driven refers to a set of
methodologies and instruments based on models and
model transformations, which prove to be effective in
designing and developing software systems. Using
model-driven development approaches allows for
automatic code generation, though they’re not widely
adopted yet to generate whole systems (Whittle et al.,
2014). The Unified Modeling Language (UML), and
the Use Case construct in particular, is another means
able to simplify system designing and development.
UML diagrams are often used in automatic code
generation. According to (OMG, 2017), Use Cases
are a means to capture the requirements of systems,
i.e., what systems are supposed to do. A Use Case
exists in a business context regardless of the
automation process. (Paolone et al., 2010) proposed a
model-driven methodological approach for ensuring
continuity among business modeling, system
modeling, design, and implementation. The work is
part of a long-term industrial project, whose last main
pillar is (Paolone et al., 2020), regarding the
automatic generation of enterprise web applications.
(Paolone et al., 2010) adopted a Use Case-driven
approach (Paolone et al., 2008), based on the Unified
Process (UP) (Kruchten, 2003).
This paper presents a new tool, called
InfoMkBuilder, based on (Di Valerio et al., 2020) and
(Paolone et al., 2010). InfoMkBuilder is an automatic
code generator of IM technological platforms, based
on model-driven techniques and able to deploy the
generated solution on the Cloud. InfoMkBuilder is
meant to be a tool that actually supports SMEs in
enhancing their digital visibility and competitiveness
in the global scenario, helping them overcome the
well-known limitations and barriers in implementing
digital technologies in their structure and processes.
As far as we know, there are no proposals in the
literature concerning automatic code generators for
creating digital marketing platforms.
This paper consists of five sections: after the
Introduction, Section 2 summarizes the background;
Section 3 describes our proposal. A case study is
given in Section 4. Section 5 contains the conclusions
and the future work.
The background concerns: 1. the IM, a new marketing
model which aims to use valuable information as
primary marketing instrument; 2. the automatic code
generation by means of model-driven approaches
(Model-Driven Architecture - MDA in particular) and
2.1 The IM Technological Platform
(Di Valerio et al., 2020) investigated the state of the
art of digital platforms, identifying the model
proposed in (Sun et al., 2015) as starting point for
building up an IM technological platform (Figure 1).
Figure 1: The IM technological platform.
The IM technological platform is composed of
four add-ons (e-commerce, social media, search
engine, App mobile) and a technological base (Figure
2). The latter is composed of a DB, an Autoresponder,
and the following subsystems: Opt-in page, Thank
you page, Landing page, and Sales page.
Figure 2: The IM technological base.
The IM technological platform can be used to
promote and sell any kind of product or service.
2.2 Automatic Code Generation
From a technological perspective (in addition to UML
as modeling language, and Cloud Computing as
deployment environment), the MDA model
transformations and UP are the foundations of our
proposal. A short description of the well-known basic
concepts above mentioned is given below.
To better clarify what a model transformation is,
the definitions of model and metamodel are provided.
A model is “a simplification of a system built with an
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
intended goal in mind” (Bézivin and Gerbé, 2001). A
model is an abstract and simplified view of a system,
however complex. A metamodel is “a model that
consists of statements about models (Jeusfeld,
2009). Essentially, a metamodel is a model of a
model. A model transformation converts models
between different abstraction levels, gradually adding
more details by means of transformation rules and
transformation languages. Transformations are
defined at a metamodel level (Magalhaes et al., 2019).
Transformations are categorized as Model to Model
(i.e., between models) or Model to Text (i.e., from a
model to the code written in a programming
Model-driven refers to software development
paradigms that emphasize the use of models as
primary artefacts in the software development
lifecycle. According to (Jörges, 2013) Model-Driven
Engineering (MDE), Model-Driven Development
(MDD), and Model-Driven Software Development
(MDSD) are largely used synonymously, although
some distinctions can be made regarding these
acronyms, as in (Brambilla et al., 2017). The goal of
model-driven is to automate different steps in
software development and improve the software
overall quality. MDA is an approach defined by the
Object Management Group (OMG) (OMG, 2014),
that provides guidelines to perform model
transformations across three levels (progressively
decreasing the abstraction level): Computation
Independent Model (CIM); Platform Independent
Model (PIM); Platform Specific Model (PSM).
(Sebastián et al., 2020) is a systematic mapping study
of MDA. UML is a standard used to specify models
in MDA, although it is not mandatory.
UP is an iterative and incremental process for
planning and managing software projects (Kruchten,
2003). It includes disciplines (Business Modeling;
Requirements; Analysis and Design; Implementation;
Test; Deployment; Configuration and Change
Management; Project Management; Environment),
and phases (Inception, Elaboration, Construction,
Transition). UP can be applied to any type of system
to be automated.
This section starts by briefly discussing about
implementing an IM technological platform with a
non-generative process, then gives an overview of
InfoMkBuilder: model transformations and the
related UML diagrams are provided. Next, a
subsection about how-to use the prototype of
InfoMkBuilder follows.
3.1 Developing an IM Technological
According to a non-generative development process,
the creation of an IM technological platform requires
that an IM Manager (i.e., a SME manager/employee
who has previously learned the basics of IM) relies on
a development team for implementing the software
solution. A development team (or a single developer)
is needed to develop each subsystem of Figure 2; the
development process has to be repeated for each of
them. The subsystems of the technological base can
be developed in Java technology,
technology (C# language), PHP, etc. The DB can be
developed in Microsoft SQLServer, PostgreSQL, etc.
In order to improve the process and make SMEs
autonomous in creating their own IM technological
platforms, we propose an automatic generation
process and a tool, InfoMkBuilder, able to return the
solutions and deploy them on a Cloud environment.
Thus, only the IM Manager is needed: he could use
InfoMkBuilder without relying on developers and
with no programming skills. The IM Manager must
know: 1. IM principles; 2. what a UML Business Use
Case is.
3.2 InfoMkBuilder Overview
InfoMkBuilder is a tool developed in
technology, C# language, according to the
specifications of the Microsoft Model View
Controller (MVC) pattern. InfoMkBuilder
implements the model transformation defined at a
metamodel level, and adopts the OMG vision about
MDA (see Subsection 2.2).
InfoMkBuilder is meant to generate the IM
technological platform in (Di Valerio et al., 2020),
and deploys it on the Cloud. According to (Paolone et
al., 2010), the model transformations occur across the
MDA levels as shown below. At a high level of
abstraction, the IM technological platform can be
modeled as described in Figure 3. The design of an
IM technological platform is a complex process, since
it represents the automation of a web system. The
most delicate part of this process is identifying the
Use Cases, which express the interactions between
end-users and the system according to the IM process
and establishing the communication between all
stakeholders. The solution we developed starts from
the business modeling with business analysis,
distinguishing between business Use Case modeling
Automatic Generation of an Informative Marketing Technological Platform
and business analysis modeling: business modeling
layers remain the same, with a realization process that
connects them. Instead, during the system analysis
phase, we introduce a trace operation of both business
modeling layers (Business Modeling in Figure 3) into
the two system modeling layers (System Modeling in
Figure 3).
Figure 3: The methodological process.
The Business Use Case Realizations (BUCRs)
diagram presents the Business Actors (for example,
Manager and Customer) and the BUCRs - those that
are directly instantiated and generated by
InfoMkBuilder. BUCRs describe a behavior from the
user’s perspective. The diagram is the CIM of the
automatic generation process, concerning the
system’s behavioral aspect. This diagram has to be
manually realized. Using InfoMkBuilder, all the other
subsequent Use Case diagrams don’t have to be
realized: InfoMkBuilder performs the automatic
model transformations. The PIM and PSM diagrams
are simulated by the generator, that returns the
software code and deploys the application.
The System Use Cases (SUCs) diagram presents
the System Actors and the SUCs corresponding to the
BUCRs. This diagram is the PIM of the automatic
generation process. The PIM is directly related to the
IM technological platform model in Figure 1. Each
BUCR is to be traced to a SUC. The Business Actor
is traced to the System Actor and is named with the
same name of the Business Actor with the addition of
“Admin”. The “communicate” action in the business
model is replaced by “use”, to specify that the Actor
will use the Use Cases in the software system
according to UML. In fact, A use case is a
description of sequences of actions that a system
performs that yield observable results of value to a
particular actor.” (Booch et al. 2005).
The PSM is described by means of a System Use
Case Realization (SUCRs) diagram. SUCRs describe
the behavior from the machine’s perspective.
Technological Use Cases can be added to SUCRs, for
example login.
Then, InfoMkBuilder transforms the PSM into
code. The transformations output is described in
Section 5, where a generated case study is shown. The
Opt-in page, Thank You page, Landing page, and
Sales page subsystems are generated in
technology (C# language); they are built on top of a
Microsoft SQLServer DB.
3.3 How It Works
This subsection describes the process for generating
an IM technological platform. We describe
InfoMkBuilder from a user perspective. Since the tool
and the approach are in an early development stage,
we provide an abstract description of both, to be
expanded and detailed in the future research
activities. InfoMkBuilder is, in fact, still a prototype,
which is able to perform the model transformations
across MDA levels.
The Admin, i.e., the InfoMkBuilder general
manager, creates a Company and enables an IM
Manager see Subsection 3.1 - to use the tool. The
Admin Use Cases are shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Admin Use Cases.
The Admin, who has a comprehensive view of all
the Use Cases of InfoMkBuilder, registers the SME
of the IM Manager (Company Use Case in Figure 4)
and enables him to create a number of Projects, up to
a maximum of 10 (Enabling Use Case in Figure 4).
The Admin can also assign multiple SMEs (networks
or company group) to a single IM Manager.
The IM Manager receives a notification by email,
and then, by clicking on the link in the email, he can
set his credentials and start creating his Project(s).
The IM Manager Use Cases are shown in Figure 5.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 5: IM Manager Use Cases.
The IM Manager can view and manage only his
Project(s) and his Company(ies). The Project Use
Case is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Project Use Case.
For each Project, the IM Manager Actor has the
included Use Cases shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Project included Use Cases.
The IM Manager can choose the subsystems to be
generated by the tool, by means of the View
Associated Pages Use Case (Figure 8). He can also
upload the information regarding the
products/services to be promoted and sold, by means
of the View Associated Products Use Case (Figure 9).
Each Sales page subsystem is directly linked to a
single product.
Figure 8: View Associated Pages Use Case.
Figure 9: View Associated Products Use Case.
The IM Manager can choose whether to enable a
Designer – an employee of the IM Manager’s SME –
as responsible for the definition of a Project’s digital
contents, linking him to the Project. The Designer can
only view and manage the Project he is in charge of.
The IM Manager chooses and gets an URL actually
identifying an instantiated domain to deploy the IM
technological platform. It’s possible to get a preview
of the subsystems by using the Preview Use Case
(Figure 10).
Figure 10: Preview Use Case.
Automatic Generation of an Informative Marketing Technological Platform
With the Generate Use Case, the IM Manager
generates the IM technological base subsystems. The
scenarios sequence of the Generate Use Case is
Shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Generate Use Case.
The tool deploys the subsystems on the Cloud (on
the domain chosen by the IM Manager) and at the
same time creates an empty DB and an
Autoresponder associated with the IM technological
platform. Since the purpose of InfoMkBuilder is to
generate a working website, the tool generates also
the Cookie Policy, Conditions, and Privacy web
pages by default.
The section describes a case study that shows the
automatic generation process with InfoMkBuilder.
The case study is the Project “Natural Wine”. The
Project concerns an IM campaign to inform potential
stakeholders about the features of natural wine. In this
Project, we create two Opt-in pages for two different
stakeholder classes, three Landing pages to describe
the peculiar features of three different products
(natural wines), and the related Sales pages. The
Thank You pages have to be generated both after the
Opt-in pages and the Sales pages (after a purchase).
As stated in Subsection 3.1, the IM Manager must
know the UML Business Use Case construct and a
UML modeling tool. All the following diagrams are
realized with StarUML (
The BUCRs diagram in Figure 12 presents the
Business Actors (Web User and Potential Customer)
and some of the BUCRs. As stated in Subsection 3.2,
this diagram is the CIM of the automatic generation
process, concerning the system’s behavioral aspect.
This diagram has to be manually realized.
Figure 12: Natural Wine BUCRs diagram
The SUCs diagram in Figure 13 presents the
System Actors and the SUCs corresponding to the
BUCRs. This diagram is the PIM of the automatic
generation process. Each BUCR is to be traced to a
SUC. The Business Actors are traced to the System
Actors and keep the same name. The “communicate”
action is transformed into “use”.
Figure 13: Natural Wine SUCs diagram.
The PSM is described by means of SUCRs in
Figure 14. Technological Use Cases can be added to
SUCRs. In our example, for the sake of simplicity, a
one-to-one correspondence is shown.
Figure 14: Natural Wine SUCRs diagram.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
InfoMkBuilder generates the code by
implementing the automatic model transformation
from CIM to PIM (from Figure 12 to Figure 13), from
PIM to PSM (from Figure 13 to Figure 14), and from
PSM to code (from Figure 14 to C# code).
InfoMkBuilder also creates the deploy unit on the
domain defined by the IM Manager. A couple of
screenshots of the generated Natural Wine IM
subsystems are shown in Figure 15 (Opt-in page) and
Figure 16 (Landing page).
Figure 15: Opt-in page.
Figure 16: Landing page.
As recently stressed in (Farida and Setiawan, 2022),
innovation is one of the most effective drivers to
foster SMEs competitiveness. The best use of
digital platforms, adopting technology, digital
marketing, and innovations, according to (Hossain et
al., 2022), ensured the peak of success and
profitability for enterprises during the Covid-19
pandemic. With InfoMkBuilder, the proponents
intend to release a tool specifically tailored to SMEs
needs, in order for them to innovate their
infrastructures and be able to implement digital
marketing activities with little economic investments
and no programming skills, and so compete - and
hopefully thrive - in a globalised scenario. By using
InfoMkBuilder, interested SMEs will be facilitated in
instantiating by themselves an IM technological
The IM and InfoMkBuilder prototype are part of
an ongoing industrial research project. Future work
concerns primarily the improvement and
formalization of the model transformation rules
(digital transformation semantics), and subsequently
the tool full development. At present, the prototype is
able to automatically generate the subsystems of the
IM technological platform. The automatic generation
of the add-ons in Figure 1 will have to be
implemented, to make the tool able to automatically
generate a whole IM technological platform. Then,
testing activities and validation of the tool through
case studies in real contexts (in different sectors) will
be carried out.
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies