Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive
Francesco Buccafurri
, Vincenzo De Angelis
and Sara Lazzaro
Department of Information Engineering, Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy (DIIES), Universit
a Mediterranea di
Reggio Calabria, Via dell’Universit
a 25, 89122 Reggio Calabria, Italy
Mixnet, Anonymous Communication.
Anonymity in Web and Internet communication is a widely investigated problem. Mixnets represent certainly
the most concrete and effective approach to achieving the above goal. In general, the drawback of these
approaches is that anonymity has a price in terms of traffic overhead and latency, when the global adversary
model is adopted. On the Internet, to achieve scalability and not to require relevant infrastructure and network-
protocol changes, only P2P overlay protocols can be used. In recent years, we are seeing a change in Internet
traffic. Due to IoT, cloud storage, WSN, M2M, etc., uplink traffic is increasingly growing. An interesting
problem to address is whether this new traffic configuration may enable new strategies for improving the
effectiveness of P2P mixnet-like approaches. In this paper, we investigate this problem, by considering the
most representative Internet-scale P2P mixnet, called Tarzan, which is designed to obtain strong anonymity
while preserving low-latency applications. We experimentally demonstrate that changing the cover traffic
from bidirectional to unidirectional by making tunnels cyclic is advantageous in the case of uplink-intensive
applications. The outcomes of the paper can thus give a contribution to improve mixnet-based approaches in
the future Internet.
Anonymity in Web and Internet communication is a
widely investigated problem (Shirazi et al., 2018).
The most known and used anonymous protocol is Tor
(Dingledine et al., 2004). However, as well-known,
anonymity is easily broken under even weak threat
models (Karunanayake et al., 2020). As a matter of
fact, very severe threat models are realistic in which
global (i.e., with a global view of the network traf-
fic) passive adversaries or malicious participants are
allowed. The most effective approaches existing in
the literature that achieve the above goal are based
on the concept of mixnet (Chaum, 1981) including
cover traffic. Mixnet protocols rely on intermedi-
ate servers (called mix-nodes) that mix the messages
coming from different sources to hide the relationship
between the incoming messages to and the outcoming
messages from the mix-nodes.
On the Internet, to achieve scalability and not to
enforce relevant infrastructure and network-protocol
changes, only P2P overlay routing protocols can be
adopted. Moreover, with P2P approaches, we avoid
the risk of the adversary gaining control of the servers,
and, thus, more robust solutions can be implemented.
In recent years, we are seeing a drastic change
in Internet traffic. Due to IoT, cloud storage, Wire-
less Sensor Networks (WSN), Machine-to-Machine
networks (M2M), etc., uplink traffic is increasingly
growing (Oueis and Strinati, 2016; Yang and Larsson,
2019; Shafiq et al., 2013; Berger et al., 2015).
Among other use cases, a relevant application
context is file storage in the cloud. The trend is to
have the entire local disk uploaded to the cloud (or
not to have a local disk at all). The amount of infor-
mation uploaded to the cloud is much greater than the
information downloaded by the user. An interesting
question to pose is whether this new traffic configu-
ration may enable new strategies for improving the
effectiveness of P2P mixnet-like approaches.
In this paper, we study this problem, by focus-
ing our attention on the anonymity trilemma (Das
et al., 2018), which states the existence of a trade-
off between three metrics: anonymity, latency, and
cover traffic. For P2P-based mixnets, we consider the
Buccafurri, F., De Angelis, V. and Lazzaro, S.
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0012077100003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 73-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
most representative one, called Tarzan (Freedman and
Morris, 2002), which is designed to be used at Inter-
net scale, for web and other low-latency applications.
The result achieved in our paper is that chang-
ing the cover traffic from bidirectional to unidirec-
tional, by making tunnels cyclic, is quite advanta-
geous in the case of uplink-intensive applications.
The above claim has been demonstrated experimen-
tally by choosing Tarzan as a reference mixnet.
We argue that the choice of a specific mixnet for
our study is not critical for the contribution given
in this paper, due to the fact that all mixnets have
the same structural functioning. Actually, our con-
tribution should be seen not as an improvement of
an existing protocol (i.e., Tarzan) but as a proposal
of a new paradigm of mixnet suitable for an emerg-
ing application context. On the other hand, despite its
age, Tarzan is the only effective proposed P2P anony-
mous routing protocol guaranteeing low latency even
in large-scale Internet scenarios. Indeed, the proto-
col allows a client to anonymously contact a server
through a tunnel whose length is independent of the
number of nodes participating in the P2P network.
Tarzan implements a P2P overlay network at the IP
layer, in which peers collaborate with each other to
implement anonymous tunnels through which a client
may reach a proxy node (called PNAT) from which
the server is reached. Another advantage of Tarzan
with respect to recent state-of-the-art approaches is
that, unlike the emerging mixnets that adopt central-
ized and explicit shuffling nodes (Piotrowska et al.,
2017), the P2P approach makes the solution more ro-
bust against possible attacks on the nodes of the route
(or their collusion). Indeed, all the nodes of the net-
work are potentially sender or relay nodes and then
there are no few explicit targets for the attacker. The
only relevant approach that implements a P2P overlay
network is (Shen et al., 2021). However, it does not
work at the IP layer and, moreover, the length of each
tunnel is log n, where n is the number of nodes of
the network. Therefore, unlike Tarzan, the latency is
growing with the number of nodes. Hence, the proto-
col is not suitable for low-latency applications when
the number of users scales at huge values, as may hap-
pen in Internet scenarios. The study conducted in this
paper leads to the definition of a new P2P overlay
anonymous protocol, called C(yclic)-Tarzan, which
outperforms Tarzan in the case of uplink-intensive
applications. Specifically, regarding the anonymity
trilemma, we show that for uplink-intensive applica-
tions, by fixing the same latency and the same cover
traffic volume, C-Tarzan offers a greater cardinality
of the anonymity set than Tarzan.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we investigate the related work. In Section 3, we pro-
vide the background notions about the Tarzan proto-
col. In Section 4, we formulate the problem addressed
in this paper and give the intuition of our approach.
The detailed protocol is presented in Section 5. We
perform an analytical study of the latency in Tarzan
and C-Tarzan in Section 6 and provide an experimen-
tal validation of our approach in Section 7. The secu-
rity of the proposed approach is examined in Section
8. Finally, in Section 9, we draw our conclusions.
Anonymous Communication Networks (ACN) (Xia
et al., 2020; Shirazi et al., 2018) are networks in
which users are provided with anonymity services
protecting their privacy also against possible cen-
sorship. An ambitious goal to achieve is to offer
anonymity guarantees against passive eavesdroppers
(including a global adversary) and malicious partic-
ipants. As stated in (Danezis and Diaz, 2008), to
achieve this goal, dummy traffic needs to be injected
into the network to hide the actual traffic.
In the literature, two main approaches leveraging
dummy traffic are available. The first is based on
buses (Hirt et al., 2008; Beimel and Dolev, 2003;
Young and Yung, 2014). In this solution, a prede-
termined route is used by the sender to anonymously
communicate with the destination. However, this
technique is not scalable on a large network, since
it requires an Eulerian path passing through all the
nodes, which leads to a prohibitive cost in terms of
latency. The second approach is represented by the
mixnets (Chaum, 1981) which, in general, offers a
lower latency with a price in terms of cover traffic.
Some recent mixnet proposals exist (Kotzanikolaou
et al., 2017; Van Den Hooff et al., 2015; Piotrowska
et al., 2017; Ben Guirat et al., 2021). Anyway, some
drawbacks should be taken into account. For exam-
ple, as recently stated in (Alexopoulos et al., 2017),
the work proposed in (Kotzanikolaou et al., 2017) suf-
fers from very large communication overhead. Re-
garding (Van Den Hooff et al., 2015), as stated by
the authors themselves, the high end-to-end latency
makes the protocol not suitable for low-latency appli-
cations such as web browsing. Moreover, these ap-
proaches rely on a server-oriented architecture, which
is known to be less robust against possible attacks on
the nodes of the route (Shen et al., 2021) and less scal-
able than P2P architecture (Shirazi et al., 2018).
Therefore, the state of the art of P2P approaches
for low-latency applications is represented by Tarzan
(Freedman and Morris, 2002), which is a work with
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
high impact in the (even current) scientific literature.
Actually, another P2P mixnet proposal, less recent
but adopted in practice, is I2P (Zantout et al., 2011).
However, it suffers from different vulnerabilities such
as brute-force attacks or timing attacks. Then, the
authors suggest adopting some mitigations, such as
constant-rate cover traffic.
Our paper strongly refers to (Freedman and Mor-
ris, 2002), which is chosen as a reference P2P-mixnet
to prove the claim that, for uplink-intensive applica-
tions, a new paradigm of mixnet that includes only
unidirectional cover traffic is advantageous. Observe
that uplink-intensive applications are becoming more
and more common in recent years (Oueis and Stri-
nati, 2016; Yang and Larsson, 2019). Some exam-
ples of uplink-dominant applications are represented
by M2M (Nikaein et al., 2014; Centenaro and Van-
gelista, 2015), Industrial IoT (Kwon et al., 2016),
and Wireless-Sensor-Network (Dester et al., 2018).
Furthermore, intrinsically, cloud-based applications
increase the uplink bandwidth demand with respect
to traditional client-server applications (Sun et al.,
2020). Finally, the evolution of social networks to-
ward the so-called metaverse will result in significant
growth in uplink-traffic demand (Cheng et al., 2022).
In this section, we provide the main background no-
tions about the Tarzan protocol (Freedman and Mor-
ris, 2002). Tarzan is a P2P anonymous IP network
overlay. Each node, in order to communicate anony-
mously with a destination, builds a tunnel composed
of a sequence of nodes in which the last node commu-
nicates with a special node, called PNAT, which acts
as a proxy towards the destination. Being Tarzan a
mixnet, as shown in Section 4, the cardinality of the
anonymity set increases exponentially with the length
of the tunnel. Each intermediate node of the tunnel
acts as a relay by forwarding the messages coming
from the previous node. Anyway, since it does not
know its position in the tunnel, it is not able to iden-
tify the originator of the traffic. Each node is asso-
ciated with a group of nodes called mimics, which
are used for the construction of the tunnel. Mimics
are selected by using a gossip protocol and a lookup
function based on a distributed hash table (DHT).
Specifically, each node maintains a three-level hier-
archy DHT in which the peer nodes are inserted in a
given position according to their IP addresses. This
table offers a lookup function that, given a string as
input, returns as output an IP address of a node of the
network. Observe that the input can be any arbitrary
string. To select k mimics, each node a invokes the
function lookup
(a.ipaddr) for 1 < i k + 1 where
a.ipaddr represents the IP address of a. If each node
selects k mimics, we expect, on average, that each
node has 2k mimics. The DHT offers two advantages.
First, since the DHT is shared by all the nodes, mimic
selection is publicly verifiable and then this prevents
an adversary node from selecting more than k mim-
ics. The second advantage is that the mimics for a
node are randomly selected in different IP domains,
so that if an adversary controls an entire domain, by
generating a huge number of malicious nodes in that
domain, it does not increase the probability that a ma-
licious node of such domain is selected as a mimic.
To send messages through this tunnel, the initiator
exchanges a symmetric key with each node of the tun-
nel. Moreover, a hop-by-hop symmetric key between
any pair of adjacent mimics is exchanged. This proce-
dure is similar to the construction of a virtual circuit
in the Tor protocol (Dingledine et al., 2004). Once ex-
changed these keys, the messages can be sent through
the tunnel encrypted in a layered fashion. Further-
more, the hop-by-hop communications are encrypted
with hop-by-hop symmetric keys. The same tunnel is
used also for the response. A node establishes with
each of its mimics a bidirectional cover traffic flow
into which real data can be indistinguishably inserted.
As stated in the introduction, this paper aims to study
how to adapt P2P mixnets to uplink-intensive appli-
cations. To do this, we refer to Tarzan.
In mixnets (and in Tarzan too), there are three
main metrics to consider (Das et al., 2018): la-
tency, amount of cover traffic, and cardinality of the
anonymity set. Often, the latency is a project con-
straint as well as the anonymity degree. Therefore,
adapting Tarzan to our setting means to find a solution
that, under the same cover traffic level (that cannot be
increased for the above reasons) and a fixed latency,
offers a better anonymity degree than Tarzan.
As a measure for the cover traffic, the degree of
the nodes can be considered. Indeed, the more links
occur in the network the more cover traffic has to be
generated. Moreover, Tarzan requires bidirectional
cover traffic in each link to use the same path as the
forward and response route. This also allows Tarzan
not to have to exclude possible candidate nodes from
the anonymity set due to traffic direction incompat-
ibilities. Therefore, a challenge could be to elimi-
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications
nate the bidirectionality of cover traffic still preserv-
ing the Tarzan-like approach. This is the purpose of
our proposal. The idea is that unidirectional traffic
could still be enabled in Tarzan protocol by rearrang-
ing the mimics of a node in such a way that they form
a cycle. Once mimics are so organized, we can build
a tunnel as in Tarzan, but requiring that two adjacent
nodes in the tunnel belong to a cycle. This way, the
response can be routed by moving back, at each hop
between two nodes, by traveling the entire cycle in-
volving these nodes. Thus, no bidirectional traffic is
needed. This idea is sketched in Figure 1, in which
the red lines represent the forward path and the green
lines represent the cycles traveled by the response.
Figure 1: Forward path (red arrow) and return path (green
However, there might be a price in terms of la-
tency to pay when applying this cyclic approach,
since, in general, the response would go through a
longer path than the forward path. Instead, in Tarzan,
forward and return paths are the same. Therefore, the
application of this idea deserves to be studied. This is
just the aim of this paper. The first immediate consid-
eration is that it is convenient to minimize the size of
cycles. Being Tarzan bidirectional links equivalent to
2-node cycles, the minimum dimension for non-trivial
cycles is the case of 3-node cycles. On the other hand,
it is intuitive to understand that no advantage can de-
rive from having bigger cycles. A much less clear
point is to understand whether we have to pay a price
also in terms of anonymity set. This question derives
from the following qualitative analysis.
We start by considering the uncertainty at two
hops in the standard Tarzan topology and a two-hop
equivalent topology in which cycles are enabled. This
is represented in Figure 2. Specifically, in Figure 2a,
we represent the standard Tarzan topology in which
each node has three mimics. Suppose that the gray
node receives a message from the red node. In this
case, the candidate senders, at a maximum distance of
two hops, are the red node and the two green nodes.
The same uncertainty is obtained in the cyclic topol-
ogy represented in Figure 2b in which, again, the can-
didate senders, at a maximum distance of two hops,
are the red node and the two green nodes.
Regarding the cover traffic, we observe that in Fig-
ure 2a, we have three bidirectional links while in Fig-
ure 2b we have four unidirectional links, thus saving
two unidirectional links. Therefore, it appears that
keeping the same uncertainty, we have a significant
(a) Tarzan
topology with
(b) Cyclic
topology with
(c) Cyclic
topology with
Figure 2: Uncertainty at two hops.
Figure 3: Extension of Figure 2a.
reduction in cover traffic.
Unfortunately, we can realize that the growth of
the cardinality of the anonymity set for the cyclic ap-
proach is slightly slower than that of standard Tarzan.
We can understand this just by considering the case of
tunnel length equal to four. To see this, we extend the
topologies of Figures 2a and 2b, in Figures 3 and 4 re-
spectively, to include tunnels with a maximum length
of four hops. In this case, the anonymity set of Figure
3 contains 15 nodes, while the anonymity set of Fig-
ure 4 contains 11 nodes. Observe that, even though
the cardinality of the anonymity set of the cyclic ap-
proach is smaller than that of Tarzan, the growth of
both is exponential in the length of the tunnel. More-
over, we have to take into account also the price
in terms of latency required in the cyclic approach.
However, the advantage in terms of cover traffic is
maintained with respect to Tarzan. Therefore, it is in-
teresting to understand what happens if we compare
the standard Tarzan with the cyclic version by consid-
ering two topologies that determine the same cover
traffic. The effect at two hops is highlighted in Figure
2c in which there are 6 unidirectional links equiva-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 4: Extension of Figure 2b.
Figure 5: Extension of Figure 2c.
lent to three bidirectional links of Tarzan. Therein,
we can see that the candidate senders are the red node
and the three green nodes. Therefore, the uncertainty
at two hops is increased. The extension to four hops
of Figure 2c is represented in Figure 5 in which the
anonymity set contains 30 nodes. Therefore, under
the same cover traffic, the cyclic approach offers a
greater cardinality of the anonymity set. However,
the price in terms of latency still remains. Clearly, in
Tarzan, the latency depends only on the tunnel length.
In the cyclic approach, it mostly depends on the tun-
nel length, and in a small measure also depends on
the node degree. Moreover, the disadvantage of the
cyclic version depends also on the balance between
downlink and uplink traffic (the more the weight of
the downlink, the more the disadvantage). In fact, the
price we pay in terms of latency is related to the down-
link traffic for the return path, which is in general
longer than the forward path. Thus, the problem we
want to study is the following: In the cyclic approach,
can we reduce the tunnel length to reduce latency and
still be able to have a cardinality of the anonymity set
greater than Tarzan? Though in general the answer
to this question might be negative, it is interesting to
understand what happens when there is an unbalance
between the amount of uplink and downlink traffic.
As we will describe in the sequel of the paper, the re-
sult we achieve is that for uplink-intensive networks,
the above approach is definitely advantageous.
In this section, we propose a new protocol, called
Circular Tarzan (C-Tarzan), based on the cyclic ap-
proach introduced in the previous section. The idea is
to move from bidirectional links (adopted in Tarzan)
to unidirectional links. This is possible if the response
is routed through the cycles to which the mimics be-
long. As discussed above, we consider cycles of three
nodes to minimize the price in terms of latency.
To build the cycles among mimics nodes, we de-
sign a new mimic selection algorithm that differs from
that of Tarzan. We assume that the same Tarzan DHT
table (with the lookup function) is used in C-Tarzan
for the mimic selection. Each node a chooses k
ics through the lookup function (see Section 3) as in
Tarzan. Specifically, a selects b
= lookup
for 1 < i k
+ 1. Each chosen mimic b
can verify
the correctness of the selection. Anyway, differently
from Tarzan, a unidirectional link directed from a to
is established. At this point, each b
will choose a
mimic c
= lookup
.ipaddr) and a uni-
directional link directed from b
to c
is established.
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications
Observe that since the function lookup accepts any
arbitrary string as input and returns an IP address of a
node of the network, it is guaranteed that the node c
always exists in the network. c
can verify the correct-
ness of the mimic selection started by a, involving the
node b
. Finally, to close the cycle, a unidirectional
link is established from c
to a.
It is easy to see that each node has on average 6k
mimics. Indeed, each node A selects directly k
ics B
,.. .B
to build k
cycles. In each cycle involv-
ing the node B
, there will be a node C
that establishes
a link with A to close the cycle. Then, A will have fur-
ther k
mimics C
,.. .C
, for a total of 2k
At this point, on average, A is selected directly by k
nodes to build further k
cycles. This leads to further
mimics for A. Finally, on average, A is selected in-
directly by k
nodes that, in turn, are selected directly
by other k
nodes to build cycles. As before, further
mimics for A are obtained. Therefore, since unidi-
rectional links are established between pairs of mim-
ics, each node has, on average, 6k
unidirectional links
outgoing and 3k
We recall that, in Tarzan, if a node selects k mim-
ics, it has, on average, 2k mimics and then 2k bidirec-
tional links corresponding to 4k unidirectional links.
Therefore, by considering the number of links as a
measure of cover traffic, we have that, to obtain the
same level of cover traffic in Tarzan and C-Tarzan,
we have to set k
such that 6 · k
= 4 · k i.e., k
· k.
At this point, we discuss how the messages are
forwarded anonymously towards the destination and
the latter can reply to the initiator. As in Tarzan,
we assume that a symmetric hop-by-hop key is ex-
changed preliminarily between mimics. To enable the
communication, we need to redefine the entire build-
ing process of the tunnel. Specifically, the initiator a
selects, as first relay, one of its outgoing mimics b
i.e., a mimic b
such that a directed link from a to b
exists. Similarly to the standard Tarzan protocol, a
needs the set of the (outgoing) mimics of b
and to ex-
change a symmetric key with b
. Anyway, since the
link between a and b
is unidirectional, a reply can-
not be sent directly from b
to a, because it would be
not covered by dummy traffic. Therefore, to enable
the reply, we define the function that can be
invoked by a node C. This function receives as in-
put a node B and returns as output the node A, such
that there exist: (i) a direct link from B to C, (ii) a
direct link from C to A, (iii) a direct link from A to
B. Observe that, the next function leverages the fact
that each node locally stores all the cycles it belongs
to. Therefore, for a node C, given a node B as input,
it is straightforward to compute the next of the node
C (i.e., A = in the cycle BCAB.
(a) Second relay in the same cycle of
the initiator.
(b) Second relay in a different cycle from the ini-
Figure 6: Second relay selection.
Then, b
encrypts the response for a by using
the hop-by-hop key exchanged with a and forwards
this message to c
= b
.next(a). This encrypted mes-
sage is encrypted, in turn, by b
with the hop-by-hop
key exchanged with c
. At this point, c
the message, invokes the function next to retrieve
a = c
), encrypts the message again with its
hop-by-hop key exchanged with a, and forwards it to
a. Observe that, even though c
knows that real traffic
has to be forwarded to a from b
, c
does not know the
content of it, and then it has no more information than
about the fact that a is the actual initiator or just an
intermediate node of the tunnel. Once obtained the
outgoing mimics of b
, a selects a new mimic among
them, say d
, and needs to exchange a symmetric key
and the set of outgoing mimics of d
. Now, two cases
may occur. The first case is that d
= c
i.e., a,b
are in the same cycle and d
coincides with c
. In this
case, the list of mimics of c
can be communicated
directly through the link between c
and a.
The second (complementary) case occurs when d
has no common cycle with a. In this case, the list
of mimics has to be forwarded from d
to a through
. To enable the communication between d
and b
since no direct link exists from d
to b
, we apply the
approach discussed above. Specifically, d
this list through another node e
= d
These two cases are represented in Figures 6a and
6b, respectively. Therein, we represent by a red arrow
the forward communication between the initiator and
the second relay of the tunnel, and by a green dashed
arrow the backward communication from the second
relay to the initiator. The building of the tunnel pro-
ceeds iteratively until the last node. Once the tunnel
is set, the initiator can communicate with the recipient
through this tunnel as in the standard Tarzan protocol.
Regarding the response by the recipient, the ap-
proach used to enable the exchange of information
between a node of the tunnel and a previous node is
applied. Specifically, at each hop of the tunnel start-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
ing from the last node until the initiator, if a direct link
exists between a node and a previous node of the tun-
nel, then the response is directly forwarded through
this link, otherwise the response is forwarded through
an intermediate node.
Concerning the security of C-Tarzan, as we will
see in Section 8, the security results obtained for
Tarzan are still valid in C-Tarzan. As a matter of fact,
our protocol extends Tarzan with a feature that only
changes the way in which the tunnel is built (includ-
ing mimic selection), but preserves all the other fea-
tures of the protocol, including the way the ingoing
and outgoing traffic is set at each link (Freedman and
Morris, 2002) to guarantee unobservability.
In the previous sections, we mentioned that our solu-
tion introduces a price in terms of latency, assuming
the same cover traffic and the same tunnel length in
Tarzan and C-Tarzan. To give an answer to the ques-
tion of Section 4, we have to quantify this price.
To perform an analytic analysis, we use as a mea-
sure of this metric the number of hops traveled by a
message in the forward path and in the return path.
We introduce the following notation. We denote
by τ the average delay of the links of the network. We
start by evaluating the latency for Tarzan. We denote
by h the tunnel length of Tarzan and by L
and L
the latency of the forward path and the latency of the
return path of Tarzan, respectively. Since the same
tunnel is used both for the request and the response, it
is easy to see that L
= L
= (h +2)·τ, where the term
2 derives from the fact that there is one hop between
the last node of the tunnel and the PNAT and one hop
from the PNAT and the destination.
Consider now C-Tarzan. We denote by h
the tun-
nel length and by L
and L
the latency of the forward
path and the latency of the return path, respectively.
For the forward path, no difference with Tarzan exists
and then L
= (h
+ 2) · τ. On the other hand, for the
return path, it is not trivial to estimate the number of
hops, since it depends on the tunnel construction. We
can provide an approximation of the return latency
representing an upper bound of its actual value.
We omit the calculation and report the obtained
results. For h
even, the latency of the return path
of C-Tarzan is: (
· (
· 1 +
· 4) + 2) · τ = (h
) + 2) · τ. On the other hand, for h
odd, the
latency is: ((h
1) · (2
) + 4) · τ. By consid-
ering equally likely the events that h
is odd and h
even, we conclude that the return latency for C-Tarzan
is: L
= (h
· (2
) +
+ 2) · τ. Observe that L
increases as d increases. Indeed, as d increases, the
probability that a mimic of the tunnel is selected in a
different cycle increases. Then, the response requires
more hops and the return latency increases.
Through this section, we perform an experimental
validation of C-Tarzan by highlighting the conditions
under which it outperforms Tarzan.
Metrics and Experiment Setting. As already intro-
duced, we consider three metrics: cover traffic, la-
tency, and cardinality of the anonymity set. Regarding
the cover traffic, we use as a measure the number of
ingoing and outgoing links of the nodes, by consider-
ing that every link concurs, on average, with the same
portion of cover traffic. As discussed in Section 5, to
obtain the same cover traffic in Tarzan and C-Tarzan,
we have to set k
· k. Regarding the latency, as
seen in Section 6, to obtain the same total latency
(forward latency plus return latency) we need to set
such that L
+ L
= L
+ L
i.e., h
. How-
ever, since we are interested in studying what happens
when the balance between uplink and downlink traf-
fic varies, we introduce two coefficients w
and w
such that w
+ w
= 2, to associate with the forward
latency and the return latency, respectively. For exam-
ple, w
= w
= 1 represents a balanced traffic between
uplink and downlink, while w
= 2 and w
= 0 repre-
sents only uplink traffic. Therefore, the condition to
satisfy is w
= w
, that leads
to: h
Now, we denote by AS(k,h) the cardinality of the
anonymity set of Tarzan obtained as a function of k
and h. Furthermore, we denote by AS
) the car-
dinality of the anonymity set of C-Tarzan obtained as
a function of k
and h
. Thus, the question now is
whether, by setting k
and h
according to the previ-
ous equations, it holds that AS
is greater than AS. If
this is the case, then our approach introduces an ad-
vantage with respect to Tarzan.
The values of AS and AS
are computed via sim-
ulation. Furthermore, in order to obtain realistic re-
sults, we do not use directly the upper bound provided
in Section 6, but we find experimentally the values of
h and h
leading to the same latency for Tarzan and
C-Tarzan, respectively (actually, verifying the results
obtained in Section 6). To summarize, we find the
values (h,k,h
) that satisfy the following system.
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications
· k
+ w
= 2
· L
+ w
· L
= w
· L
+ w
· L
In detail, the simulation has been performed in
JAVA as follows. We considered a network of
100,000 nodes. First, we set some values of w
then, w
= 2 w
), k
, and h
for C-Tarzan and, then,
we generated a topology (the links are obtained con-
sidering that each node selects directly k
mimics to
build cycles). On this topology, we measured the av-
erage degree of each node counting both the actual in-
going and the outgoing links (cover traffic), the actual
number of hops that a request and the corresponding
response have to cross on a path of height h
of latency), and the cardinality of the corresponding
anonymity set. We repeated the experiment with the
same parameters for 100 rounds (by varying the topol-
ogy) to obtain steady results.
At this point, by the first equation of the system
(1), we set k =
· k
. Then, by using the value w
obtained experimentally for C-Tarzan and
by recalling that L
= L
= (h + 2) · τ, by the second
and third equations of the system (1), we found the
proper value of h =
Then, we performed again 100 rounds of simula-
tion with k,h to measure the cover traffic, latency, and
anonymity set of Tarzan. We confirmed that the ob-
tained values of cover traffic and latency are the same
as C-Tarzan (with an error of less than 1 % for both).
Therefore, we obtain an experimental validation of
the fact that the first three equations of (1) hold.
Results. In this section, we compare Tarzan and C-
Tarzan in terms of cardinality of the anonymity set,
by setting the same cover traffic and same latency.
In the first analysis, we show as the cardinality
of the anonymity set for both protocols varies as the
cover traffic increases. We plot in the y-axis the ra-
tio between the cardinality of the anonymity set of
C-Tarzan AS
and the cardinality of the anonymity
set of Tarzan AS. In the x-axis, we consider the de-
gree d representing the number of outgoing (or ingo-
ing) links in C-Tarzan (as defined in Section 6) that
is equal to the number of bidirectional links in Tarzan
(to obtain the same cover traffic). The results of this
analysis are reported in Figures 7,8,9, for different
values of h
and w
We represent with a dashed black line the ratio
equal to 1. When the plots exceed this line, C-Tarzan
outperforms Tarzan (in terms of the cardinality of the
anonymity set). We observe that our performance (for
a fixed h
) decreases as d increases. This happens
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Figure 7: Anonymity set ratio vs cover traffic d with h
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Figure 8: Anonymity set ratio vs cover traffic d with h
because, as d increases, the latency of C-Tarzan in-
creases, then the tunnel length of Tarzan h (that offers
the same latency of C-Tarzan) increases too. There-
fore, the cardinality of the anonymity set of Tarzan in-
creases. Even though the cardinality of the anonymity
set of both protocols has a polynomial growth with
d, the exponential growth of the cardinality of the
anonymity set of Tarzan with h is dominant. There-
fore, as d increases, the ratio between AS
and AS de-
creases. Regarding w
, as it increases (by considering
the same d), the performance of C-Tarzan increases.
This happens because an increasing weight w
sents predominant uplink traffic that leads to lower
total latency for C-Tarzan (since the return path is
longer than the forward path). This implies that the
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Figure 9: Anonymity set ratio vs cover traffic d with h
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Anonymity Set
Tarzan wf=1.9
Tarzan wf=1.5
C-Tarzan wf=1.5
C-Tarzan wf=1.9
Figure 10: Anonymity set vs h
with d=4.
tunnel length h of Tarzan, which offers the same la-
tency, decreases and then AS decreases too.
We observe that, until a certain level of cover
traffic (corresponding to some d), it is advantageous
to employ the C-Tarzan protocol, while when this
threshold is exceeded, Tarzan is more convenient.
Moreover, in the condition of increasing uplink traf-
fic, this threshold also increases by making C-Tarzan
suitable within a higher range of cover traffic level.
Observe that lower values of d are desirable since
they represent cover traffic injected in the network.
But, lower values of d result in an acceptable cardi-
nality of the anonymity set in absolute terms (in rela-
tive terms C-Tarzan outperforms Tarzan). Indeed, as
we discuss in the sequel, the anonymity set increases
exponentially with h and h
. Then, with a small incre-
ment of h
, we are able to obtain a good cardinality of
the anonymity set still outperforming Tarzan. Just an
example, with d = 4 and h
= 4, we obtain a cardinal-
ity of the anonymity set of about 100.
We conclude this section, by showing as the per-
formances of C-Tarzan vary with respect to Tarzan as
varies. The plot in Figure 10 shows AS and AS
as h
varies with two different values of w
and d = 4. As
expected, AS
increases exponentially with h
. More-
over, when h
increases, h increases too (to offer the
same latency), and then also AS increases exponen-
tially. Observe that AS
with w
= 1.5 is essentially
(modulo experimental error) the same as AS
= 1.9. Indeed, AS
does not depend on w
. On
the contrary, h depends on the total latency of Tarzan,
which is equal to the total latency of C-Tarzan that,
in turn, depends on w
. Therefore, as w
increases, h
decreases and AS decreases too.
To conclude this section, in Figures 11, 12, and
13, we show the ratio between the anonymity set of
Tarzan and C-Tarzan as h
varies for different values
of w
and d.
According to the previous analysis, C-Tarzan out-
performs Tarzan for low d and for increasing w
Regarding h
, we observe a fluctuating behaviour in
which there are some ranges of h in which there is an
3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure 11: Anonymity set ratio vs tunnel length h
with d=3.
3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure 12: Anonymity set ratio vs tunnel length h
with d=4.
increasing trend of the ratio and other ranges in which
there is an opposite trend. This is due to a compen-
sation effect between the growth of the cardinality of
the anonymity set and the latency. In particular, for
C-Tarzan, when h
increases, AS
increases, and the
total latency increases too. Anyway, in some ranges,
the increment of latency is limited. This leads to an
increment of the tunnel length of Tarzan h that is not
sufficient to obtain a cardinality of the anonymity set
AS which compensates for the growth of AS
. On the
contrary, once h
reaches a peak value, the effect of
the growth of the latency assumes a more relevant role
by leading to values of h corresponding to the cardi-
nality of the anonymity set AS able to compensate for
the growth of AS
. As a final remark, observe that, in
this analysis, we show the advantage of our approach
3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure 13: Anonymity set ratio vs tunnel length h
with d=5.
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications
just in terms of cardinality of the anonymity set (un-
der the same latency and cover traffic level). Clearly,
this advantage can be translated into an advantage in
terms of latency or cover traffic, by fixing the same
cardinality of the anonymity set for both protocols.
In this section, we analyze the security of C-Tarzan by
following the same approach as the security analysis
of Tarzan (Freedman and Morris, 2002).
P2P Model. As in Tarzan, we start by analyzing the
security aspects related to the P2P nature of the pro-
tocols. As in (Freedman and Morris, 2002), our pro-
tocol aims to hide: sender activity, sender content,
recipient activity, and recipient content. We say that
an adversary detects sender activity when it discov-
ers that the sender is sending something. Instead, it
detects sender content when it links sender activity to
the plaintext of a message. By definition, the exposi-
tion of sender content implies the exposition of sender
activity. Similar definitions apply to recipient activity
and recipient content.
Now, we consider two attackers: static adversary
and adaptive adversary. A static adversary has the
capability to corrupt a certain number of nodes in the
P2P network before observing any system behavior. It
can inspect packets and it can conduct timing analyses
to determine the correlation between packets from the
same tunnel seen at different relays. Clearly, the same
happens for C-Tarzan. As for the adaptive adversary,
in addition to the capabilities of a static adversary, it
is able to choose which machine to compromise after
observing any system behavior. Obviously, in prin-
ciple, such an adversary would be able to discover
sender (recipient) activity and sender (recipient) con-
tent if it has the capability to compromise nodes in
a very short time. Hence to protect against an adap-
tive adversary, (Freedman and Morris, 2002) suggests
choosing the duration of the tunnel to be less than
the time to compromise a single node in the P2P net-
work. Moreover, each tunnel should be built includ-
ing different nodes each time. For C-Tarzan, there
is no reason to require a tunnel lifetime greater than
Tarzan tunnels. Moreover, also for C-Tarzan, nodes
for tunnels can be refreshed each time. Therefore, the
above mitigations can be applied also in the case of
C-Tarzan. Coherently with the analysis of Tarzan, for
the above reasons, the security analysis only consid-
ers the static adversary. Since all nodes can both orig-
inate and forward traffic, a malicious node included in
a tunnel can just guess that its predecessor in a tunnel
is the actual sender of an observed message with some
confidence. This confidence is estimated in (Freed-
man and Morris, 2002) via probabilistic analysis. Due
to space reasons, in this paper, we cannot include a
similar analysis for C-Tarzan. However, given the
fact that more mimics are present in C-Tarzan (to ob-
tain the same cover traffic), we can argue that also the
level of confidence obtained from a malicious node
in C-Tarzan is lower than in Tarzan. Although we
do not have space to prove this claim, we can give
the intuition. When a malicious node is selected as a
member of a tunnel, having more mimics in the net-
work implies more nodes as possible predecessors (of
the malicious node) in the tunnel. Even though in C-
Tarzan, not all the possible predecessors of a node
have the same probability to be the actual predeces-
sor, in our case, we can say that this probability is
at least the same as in Tarzan. Then we can conclude
that the level of confidence regarding the sender activ-
ity provided by C-Tarzan is at least the same as that
provided by Tarzan. We can state that C-Tarzan of-
fers the same protection as Tarzan to sender (recipi-
ent) activity and sender (recipient) content. Specifi-
cally, if a node included in a tunnel is compromised,
sender activity can be exposed only by guessing that
its predecessor is the actual sender and this can only
be done with a certain confidence level. Concerning
sender content, since only a PNAT can read the plain-
text content of a sender’s message, it can only be ex-
posed if the first and last nodes of a tunnel are both
compromised. However, regarding the compromise
of the first node, the same reasoning as above applies.
Therefore, sender content can only be discovered with
a certain probability. Finally, as for recipient content
and recipient activity, it is sufficient to compromise
the last relay to expose them both. The next aspect an-
alyzed in (Freedman and Morris, 2002) regards mimic
selection. Considering C-Tarzan, we first show that
our mimic selection process does not introduce any
threat with respect to the original Tarzan protocol. To
this aim, we first introduce some notations. Say M
the number of malicious domains and N the overall
number of domains in the P2P network.
The authors in (Freedman and Morris, 2002) show
that, for Tarzan, the following holds: Claim 1: No-
body can bias an initiator’s choice of relays; and
Claim 2: A node selects a malicious mimic with
probability M/N.
In the following, we show that these claims hold
for C-Tarzan too. Regarding Claim 1, malicious
nodes may attempt to bias the initiator’s mimic se-
lection to increase its frequency of using malicious re-
lays in its tunnel. However, we can demonstrate that if
Claim 1 holds for Tarzan, it also holds for C-Tarzan.
To show this, let us consider a node a that has to
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
select its mimics. Recall that, for each mimic, say b,
directly selected by a, a mimic c is indirectly selected
by b to close the cycle. As for b, there is no difference
with respect to Tarzan. In other words, it is chosen
through the same publicly verifiable procedure (i.e.,
the lookup function with the IP address of a as input).
Therefore, no control on the choice of b is given to a.
Therefore, we have to check if the selection of c in-
troduces some threats. Observe that also c is selected
by using the same publicly verifiable procedure. This
time, the lookup function is computed with a||b as in-
put. Clearly, there is no difference with respect to the
previous selection in terms of capability of the adver-
sary (even in the case of collusion between a and b) of
the node c, because everyone (including c) can verify
the expected output of the lookup function. Hence,
we conclude that Claim 1 holds also for C-Tarzan.
Concerning Claim 2, we make the following con-
siderations. In Tarzan, the probability to select a mali-
cious mimic is M/N. This is due to the fact that, as ex-
plained in Section 3, mimics for a node are randomly
selected in different IP domains via a three-level hier-
archical DHT. Hence, an adversary controlling an en-
tire domain M (thus generating a huge number of ma-
licious nodes in that domain), does not have a greater
probability that a malicious node of such domain is
selected as a mimic. This also holds for C-Tarzan,
since we also adopt the same DHT for the mimic se-
lection process. Moreover, being Claim 1 also true
for C-Tarzan, the selection of a malicious mimic in a
cycle does not increase the likelihood to include an-
other malicious mimic in the same cycle. Therefore,
Claim 2 holds for C-Tarzan.
Traffic Analysis. Another security aspect investi-
gated in (Freedman and Morris, 2002) is Traffic anal-
ysis. This analysis focuses on: (1) the way in which
the traffic is managed by nodes and (2) the likelihood
that the adversary may guess the position of the ini-
tiator in a tunnel via traffic analysis.
Concerning (1), in C-Tarzan we adopt the same
strategies as Tarzan (i.e., the management of ingo-
ing and outgoing traffic flows as in Section 3.7.3 of
(Freedman and Morris, 2002)), then no security issue
arises in C-Tarzan not already addressed in Tarzan.
Regarding (2), we observe that in C-Tarzan the
forward message is sent through a Tarzan-like tun-
nel. Then the adversary capabilities to perform traffic
analysis on the forward path are the same as Tarzan.
Unlike Tarzan, the return path involves only a sub-
set of nodes involved in the forward path, plus some
additional nodes. First, observe that the power of traf-
fic analysis attacks (aimed at identifying the initia-
tor) performed by multiple malicious nodes in a tun-
nel is highly increased when these nodes are able to
correlate forward packets with the corresponding re-
sponses. This is possible, in principle, in Tarzan, be-
cause forward and return paths coincide. Conversely,
this capability appears much less likely in C-Tarzan,
in which forward and return paths differ from each
other and involve different sets of nodes.
In this paper, we propose an approach to improve
the effectiveness of P2P mixnet-like approaches for
uplink-intensive applications. The core idea of our
proposal consists of moving from bidirectional to uni-
directional cover traffic by arranging cyclic tunnels
from the sources to the destinations. To show its ap-
plicability, we take as a reference mixnet the Tarzan
protocol and study how it can be extended by adopt-
ing our cyclic approach. This led to the definition of
a new protocol, called C-Tarzan. The performance
of C-Tarzan is evaluated according to the three main
metrics in the field of anonymous communications:
latency, amount of cover traffic, and cardinality of the
anonymity set. We performed an in-depth experimen-
tal validation highlighting the conditions under which
it is more advantageous to employ C-Tarzan instead
of Tarzan. The main result, arising from the con-
ducted analysis, is that C-Tarzan outperforms Tarzan
in terms of cardinality of the anonymity set above
uplink-traffic thresholds, depending on the value of
the other parameters, until a relevant improvement
for uplink-intensive applications. This confirms the
general validity of our cyclic approach, even though
the computed thresholds are referred to the chosen
mixnet (i.e, Tarzan). Obviously, if we keep the same
anonymity set, cover traffic is reduced. This is rel-
evant, because cover traffic means overhead, also in
terms of energy consumption. Being the solution (and
Tarzan too) designed for large-scale networks, this as-
pect has a practical impact and is meaningful. As
resulting from the experiments, this advantage is ob-
tained for low degrees of mixnet. However, this is
coherent with the above consideration, because in-
creasing the degree of the nodes of the mixnet in-
volves either increasing the overall cover traffic or (if
the cover traffic is not increased) reducing the band-
width of each tunnel, thus increasing latency. Thus,
with our solution, we are able to keep the degree low
in favor of bandwidth and overall cover-traffic saving,
obtaining better results in terms of anonymity.
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications
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