Enterprise-Level IS Research:
Challenges and Potentials of Looking Beyond Enterprise Solutions
Robert Winter
Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, Mueller-Friedberg-Str. 8, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Enterprise Systems, Enterprise Level of Analysis, Information Systems Management, Information Systems
Complexity, Information Systems Coordination, Information Systems Governance.
Abstract: For more than 40 years, enterprise solutions, specifically enterprise systems, allowed companies to integrate
enterprises’ operations throughout. Starting with integrating core operational functions, the integration scope
of enterprise solutions has increasingly widened, now often covering customer activities, activities along
supply chains, and business analytics. IS research has contributed a wide range of explanatory and design
knowledge dealing with this class of IS. During the last two decades, however, not only technological
innovations, but also managerial / organizational innovations not only extend the affordances of enterprise
solutions, but also challenge traditional approaches to their design and coordination. Particularly in large
enterprises or complex business ecosystems, many IT/business alignment issues have not yet been
fundamentally addressed, and novel, more decentralized (aka agile) forms of coordination have not yet been
integrated with mainstream IS design and management practice. At the same time, IS complexity is not
harnessed at all, and is increasingly threatening to impose limits to IS efficiency and flexibility gains. This
position paper presents a cross-solution (= enterprise-level) perspective on IS, discusses the challenges of
complexity and coordination for IS design and management, presents selected enterprise-level insights for IS
coordination and governance, and explores avenues towards a more comprehensive body of knowledge on
this important level of analysis.
The history of enterprise systems can be traced back
to the 1970ies. In the beginning, the integration scope
was limited to a functional domain such as production
planning, invoicing, payroll processing, or inventory
management. Since functional integration cannot
provide efficient support for cross-functional, end to
end business processes (e.g., order-to-cash), the
1990ies brought a wide adoption of integrated
enterprise systems as core component of corporate IT
(Scheer & Schneider, 2005). Process-oriented
enterprise systems facilitate cooperation and
coordination of work across functional and
organizational silos, thereby enabling significant
efficacy and efficiency gains. Extending integration
scope and leveraging such gains, later not only
internal operative functions were integrated, but also
customer activities and activities of partners along
supply chains (Österle et al., 2001). Modern
Enterprise Systems (e.g., SAP S/4 Hana) go even
further by integrating operational functions of the
‘extended enterprise with advanced business
analytics. Figure 1 illustrates the principle of
integration, the common denominator of all evolution
stages of traditional enterprise systems.
IS research has contributed a wide range of
explanatory and design knowledge dealing with
enterprise systems. During the last two decades,
however, this (predominantly integration and
adoption related) knowledge has been challenged not
only by technological, but also by organizational
innovations. On the technology side, cloud computing
can enable easier and more flexible integration of
functionalities across solutions, platforms, and / or
vendors (Maliza Salleh et al., 2012). Digital
innovation platforms (e.g., the Salesforce platform)
enable to use customized complex services (of the
platform core and complementors) without having to
deal with their integration (Staub et al., 2021). On the
Winter, R.
Enterprise-Level IS Research: Challenges and Potentials of Looking Beyond Enterprise Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0012078800003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 9-14
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
managerial side, decentralized control approaches
(e.g., agile operations and agile development) not
only influence the way organisations are structured,
but also allow faster changes and concurrent
variations of processes and supporting systems. The
new ‘ecosystem’ level of management creates new
integration affordances, but also induces a higher
heterogeneity of data and supporting systems.
Figure 1: Integration Principle of enterprise systems (Murer
et al., 2010, p. 127).
Over almost 50 years, the enterprise systems
journey enabled ever increasing opportunities for
efficacy and efficiency gains. The integration scope
extended from function to process to ‘extended
enterprise’ to ecosystem, while successively adding
conceptual integration layers such as a shared
operational data layer, a workflow management layer,
an infrastructure integration layer, or a business
networking layer. Not only computational power and
digital proficiency in companies exploded over this
long period, but also did enterprise system
complexity - and thus IS complexity in general. Since
many fundamental issues of IT/Business alignment
seem to have not been fundamentally addressed yet
(Luftman et al., 2013), complexity and governance
challenges may increasingly impose limitations to the
current and future efficacy and efficiency gains of
enterprise integration. A more holistic, truly
perspective “beyond enterprise systems” would allow
for IS insights and designs that help to continue the
success story.
Before discussing challenges for IS design and
management and avenues towards a more
comprehensive body of knowledge on the enterprise-
level of IS research, we need to specify how the
enterprise-level differs from other levels of analysis
and how enterprise-level IS themes relate to existing
IS discourses.
If IT/Business alignment and integration are
considered to be essential perspectives for
understanding and designing enterprise systems (and
their interplay), the enterprise-level of analysis should
include primarily concepts that (1) link business
aspects to IT aspects and (2) are significant enough to
be relevant on this ‘global’ level of analysis (i.e., are
relevant beyond ‘local’ IS views by individuals,
workgroups, functions, projects, etc.). While a
business process, a software system, an
organizational role or a business function are
certainly relevant on other levels of analysis, they
serve only as references on the enterprise level. The
most relevant concepts on this level are (A) how
software functionalities are used or could support
business activities and (B) which functional
capabilities are relevant to run the business and thus
need to be supported by organizational as well as
business technology (usually IT) solutions. Since in
complex organizations, thousands of business
activities, software functionalities and functional
capabilities exist (with a magnitude more
interrelationships and references to business and
technology concepts), multi-level aggregate views
need to be established to keep enterprise-level models
accessible to humans and to support ‘architectural’
coordination in line with TOGAF’s definition of
enterprise architecture that focuses on “fundamental”
components, their inter-relationships, and the
principles and guidelines governing their design and
evolution over time.“ (The Open Group, 2022).
Figure 2: Principle of alignment models (Aier & Winter,
2009, p. 4).
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Based on general systems theory and in analogy
to design theories from Computer Science, Aier and
Winter (2009) proposed “alignment” architecture
concepts that (1) represent interdependencies
between business and technology concepts and (2)
can be aggregated to global models that are accessible
for humans (Figure 2). They differentiate for aspect
(A) “applications” as clusters of links that represent
software support of business activities and (B)
“capabilities” as aggregates of elementary
capabilities. Capabilities constitute a common
language for business concepts (e.g., activities) on the
one side, and IT concepts (e.g., supporting IT
functionalities) on the other. While the aggregation of
applications is determined by the integration scope of
respective enterprise systems, the aggregation of
capabilities is based on their semantic closeness.
In practice, enterprise-level models of
applications and enterprise-models of capabilities are
frequently used in the context of Enterprise
Architecture Management. Figure 3 illustrates how
the references of an application architecture model to
business concepts (in “business architecture” model)
and IT concepts (in “infrastructure architecture”
model) can be used to analyse and improve
IT/Business alignment.
Figure 3: Enterprise-level analysis Illustrated for
application architecture (Source: Ernst, A.: Guest Lecture
“Business Engineering Navigator”, University of St.Gallen,
Based on requirements (1) and (2), the difference
between enterprise-wide analysis and enterprise-level
analysis can be defined: Enterprise-wide models
represent entities across different units of an
enterprise, but not necessarily linking business and IT
aspects. In contrast, enterprise-level models are
enterprise-wide models focusing on that linkage.
Consequently, process architecture or software
architecture models are enterprise-wide models, but
(aggregate) application architecture and capability
architecture models are enterprise-level models.
From the perspective (1) of IT/Business alignment
and (2) significance to the entire enterprise,
particularly the need for “architectural” coordination
and the need to harness complexity stand out. Both
challenges cannot be sufficiently approached in a
decentral way, and both challenges have significant
impact on enterprise performance. In the following,
we present exemplary approaches to deal with these
challenges from two contexts: large enterprise IS and
digital platform-based business ecosystems.
3.1 Coordination and Governance
IS components generally do not act in isolation, but
are interdependent with other IS components (Bernus
& Schmidt, 2006). Not only needs component design
to consider operational dependencies adequately, but
also any changes to a single IS component may have
unintended effects on multiple related IS components
(Mocker, 2009) both on the same architectural layer
and on other layers.
Local business entities, such as project teams,
tend to advocate for IS solutions that fit their specific
needs and individual preferences. In contrast, global
business entities, such as strategic initiatives, aim to
improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of
the entire IS from an overarching, organization-wide
perspective (Beese, Haki, et al., 2023). Consequently,
concurrent ‘local’ change projects and increasing
design / management autonomy lead to potentially
inconsistent or redundant solutions (Hanseth &
Lyytinen, 2010). In response to this challenge,
researchers have investigated how to better restrain
and control local change activities (Cram et al., 2016;
Wiener et al., 2016)
In practice, many organizations
employ enterprise architecture management (EAM)
for that purpose (Ross et al., 2006). While EAM
activities aim at aligning local short-term, project-
related activities with long-term, organization-wide
objectives (Sidorova & Kappelman, 2011), e.g., by
design sign-offs or architectural principles, decentral
business structures and the prioritization of local
project goals constantly create incoherencies. Large
enterprises and digital platforms serve as two themes
for illustrating how IS research can contribute to
address this challenge.
Enterprise-Level IS Research: Challenges and Potentials of Looking Beyond Enterprise Solutions
3.1.1 Large Enterprise IS
Since traditional, coercive control mechanisms for
architectural coordination appear to have reached
their peak effectivity (Winter, 2014) and more formal
control appears to be dysfunctional, clan control and
self-control have been “discovered” by EAM and,
combined with insights from digital nudging,
implemented in the form of informal coordination
interventions in large enterprises (Beese, Haki, et al.,
2023). An example is the design and evaluation of an
“architectural compliance label” that, instantiated for
a change project, indicates the level of harm that
project could create for the rest of the organization
(Schilling et al., 2019). Published enterprise-wide, it
has been shown that such labels have a coordinative
aspect as they prevent local decision makers to
deviate too much or too often from architectural
principles and guidelines.
3.1.2 Digital Platforms
In digital platform-based business ecosystems,
platform orchestrators often struggle to facilitate co-
innovation whilst simultaneously retaining control
over third-party complementors. To address this
challenge, platform owners can deploy a variety of
governance mechanisms such as platform boundary
resources (with interfaces and programming
resources as mechanisms), platform rules (with
gatekeeping, decision rights, intellectual property
sharing, pricing, revenue sharing as mechanisms) and
ecosystem identity (with relational control as
mechanism) (Staub et al., 2022). Staub et al. show
that all except two mechanisms impact both,
generativity and control, so that platform governance
requires a complex design that cannot be solely based
on a simple combination of mechanisms, but instead
needs to be based on deeper insights on how
platform/ecosystem types, platform strategies and
governance configurations relate.
3.2 Harnessing Complexity
Xia and Lee (2005) propose distinguishing structural
and dynamic, as well as technological and
organizational aspects of complexity for change
projects. Beese et al. (2023) show that this
conceptualization of complexity is also useful on the
enterprise level as it goes beyond a purely technical
view on IS architecture and also includes
organizational aspects. Complexity causes the overall
IS architecture to become difficult to maintain and
organizations struggle to flexibly respond to required
or desired changes (Schmidt & Buxmann, 2011).
Structural complexity is positively associated with
dynamic complexity, organizational complexity is
positively associated with technological complexity,
and EAM moderates the relations between
organizational complexity and technological
complexity and thus can improve IT/Business
alignment (Beese, Haki, et al., 2023).
3.2.1 Large Enterprise IS
For large companies, Ross et al. investigate the
relation between IS governance practices and
business value, and propose a maturity development
path (Ross, 2006; Ross et al., 2006): Starting with
understanding business impacts of IT projects and
establishing IT project standards in organizations
with significant IT/Business disalignment, enterprise-
level steering bodies and the development of
enterprise-level systems constitute stage 2, along with
establishing architecture standards and project sign-
offs. On that basis, stage 3 is characterized by
enhancing integration on the business side, business
leadership of change initiatives, and establishing
architectural guidelines. In any stage, governance
practices need to be constantly adapted to changing
context, technological and organizational change, and
changing ambitions (Beese, Haki, et al., 2023). As
this enterprise-level governance process is not only
open-ended, but also implemented by a large number
of (mostly local) interventions, this process has been
appropriately designated as “managed evolution”
(Murer et al., 2010).
3.2.2 Digital Platforms
According to the theory of platform leverages
(Thomas et al., 2014), digital (innovation) platform-
based business ecosystems promise to reduce
complexity on the user side by providing mechanisms
to flexibly integrate core platform service
components with complementor’s service
components. Complexity on the user side is however
reduced at the expense of significant complexity on
of the supply side, both for platform design /
orchestration and for complementor integration.
Complexity has a pivotal role for determining the
conditions under which innovation platforms
outperform direct transactions between users and
complementors (Schmid et al., 2021). Since these
systems are relatively new objects of analysis, it has
however yet to be clarified which complexity
management mechanisms shall be applied to which
aspects of complexity in digital platforms.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The presented examples evidence that the enterprise
level of analysis not only implies specific practical
and research challenges, but also allows to develop
specific insights and designs. Looking at large,
complex systems does not necessarily enforce taking
a macroscopic perspective – like much of traditional,
descriptive IS research does. Approaches like agent-
based simulation allow to study complexity and
emergence of even large systems and derive novel
insights. An example is how agent-based simulation
of the interplay of large-scale social, business, and IT
systems yield not only novel theoretical insights how
different combinations of control intervention
influence enterprise-level IS flexibility and efficiency
(Haki et al., 2020). Such insights can also be
translated into guidelines how to deal with
complexity and emergence not only in development
teams or business processes, but also on the enterprise
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems