GUIDO: A Hybrid Approach to Guideline Discovery & Ordering from
Natural Language Texts
Nils Freyer
, Dustin Thewes
and Matthias Meinecke
FB7 Operations Management, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, Germany
Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Process Model Extraction, Business Process Intelligence.
Extracting workflow nets from textual descriptions can be used to simplify guidelines or formalize textual
descriptions of formal processes like business processes and algorithms. The task of manually extracting pro-
cesses, however, requires domain expertise and effort. While automatic process model extraction is desirable,
annotating texts with formalized process models is expensive. Therefore, there are only a few machine-
learning-based extraction approaches. Rule-based approaches, in turn, require domain specificity to work well
and can rarely distinguish relevant and irrelevant information in textual descriptions. In this paper, we present
GUIDO, a hybrid approach to the process model extraction task that first, classifies sentences regarding their
relevance to the process model, using a BERT-based sentence classifier, and second, extracts a process model
from the sentences classified as relevant, using dependency parsing. The presented approach achieves signifi-
cantly better results than a pure rule-based approach. GUIDO achieves an average behavioral similarity score
of 0.93. Still, in comparison to purely machine-learning-based approaches, the annotation costs stay low.
To fulfill a task or execute a process in a predeter-
mined way, especially when lacking the respective ex-
pertise, one often needs to follow guidelines. Guide-
lines are commonly given as unstructured texts. Ex-
amples from their domain space are business pro-
cesses, technical standards, cooking recipes, medical
guidelines explaining the standard procedures to med-
ical professionals, or the description of algorithms.
Understanding, updating, and conformance-checking
a guideline requires sufficient proficiency in the lan-
guage, adequate reading comprehension, and often
adequate domain expertise (e.g., a medical degree).
In contrast to unstructured texts, process models
may be described using formalized process model-
ing. Process models encode order, decision rules,
and loops in the notation, only requiring labeling of
the activities, constraints, and decision rules as texts
(Mendling et al., 2014). However, transforming un-
structured text into structured process models requires
expertise in process modeling and thus, yields an ex-
pensive task (Friedrich et al., 2011; Frederiks and
van der Weide, 2006).
The assisted extraction of formalized process
models from text is an active field of research and
could alleviate those problems (L
opez et al., 2019).
Contemporary approaches are either pure rule-based,
usually specific to a domain, or purely machine-
learning-based, requiring large amounts of annotated
data for a specific domain and language. As ex-
tracting process models manually is time-consuming
and expensive, using pure machine-learning-based
approaches is either restricted to domains with a suf-
ficient amount of annotated data or requires large
corpora to be annotated, making it inapplicable for
smaller extraction domains.
We propose GUIDO, a Guideline Discovery & Or-
dering approach that extracts process models from
natural language text (cf. section 4). GUIDO first
uses a BERT sequence classifier to identify and fil-
ter sentences relevant to the process. Second, it
uses a language rule-based model to extract the pro-
cesses’ activities, interactivity relations, and tempo-
ral order. Finally, GUIDO uses the extracted rela-
tions to formalize the process model as a workflow
net. We demonstrate the proposed approach with Ger-
man recipes, achieving an F1-score of 0.973 for sen-
tence classification and an average behavioral simi-
larity score between generated process models and
human-expert-made process models of 0.93 (cf. sec-
Freyer, N., Thewes, D. and Meinecke, M.
GUIDO: A Hybrid Approach to Guideline Discovery Ordering from Natural Language Texts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012084400003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 335-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tion 5). The code and data for this project are publicly
available at
While this paper investigates extracting process mod-
els on German recipes, the approach applies to a more
extensive section of the domain space, including more
safety- and security-relevant domains. The approach
introduced in this paper merely offers assistance in
extracting process models. Both the rule-based com-
ponent and the machine-learning-based component of
the approach may not generalize to use cases out-
side the evaluation scenario. Furthermore, pre-trained
BERT models will introduce biases to the text classi-
fication (Liang et al., 2021). Depending on the ap-
plication domain, discriminatory outcomes should be
examined carefully.
Process Model Extraction (PME) is considered a
Text to Model challenge, including identifying ac-
tivities and their sequence or concurrency (Mendling
et al., 2014). PME approaches can be categorized
broadly as rule-based, machine-learning-based, or
hybrid, combining rule and machine-learning-based
Rule-Based Approaches. Rule-based approaches
mainly use grammatical features of a text and are
applied to both extracting declarative (Aa et al.,
2019; Winter and Rinderle-Ma, 2018) and imperative
(Zhang et al., 2012; Walter et al., 2011; Schumacher
et al., 2012) process models. Although they perform
domain-specifically well, restrictions have to be made
to identify activities as, e.g., verb centrality (Walter
et al., 2011; Qian et al., 2020) or constraint mark-
ers (Aa et al., 2019; Winter and Rinderle-Ma, 2018,
2019) requiring domain-specific knowledge on poten-
tial heuristics.
Machine-Learning-Based Approaches. Machine-
learning-based approaches such as conditional ran-
dom fields, support vector machines, and neural text
classification was used for the detection of the process
relevant sentences (Leopold et al., 2018; Qian et al.,
2020). Furthermore, Qian et al (Qian et al., 2020)
identified process model extra as a multi-grained text
classification task. They developed a hierarchical
neural network to classify relevant sentences and gen-
erate the extracted process model. While the results
are promising, a multi-grained, annotated dataset is
needed. Additionally, to the related task of extract-
ing linear temporal logic from natural language texts,
a neural machine translation approach was proposed
(Brunello et al., 2019).
Hybrid Approaches. Little work has combined
rule-based and machine-learning-based PME ap-
proaches. Relatedly, Winter and Rinderle-Ma (2019)
used constraint markers as shall, must, should, to
identify sentences containing declarative process
information and used sentence embeddings and
clusterings to find related constraints. However, these
examples do not implement hybrid approaches for
the extraction of process models.
To the best of our knowledge, there were no
implementations and evaluation on German texts
yet. Especially rule-based approaches will differ
language-wise. Furthermore, GUIDO is the first
hybrid PME approach, using generally known ap-
proaches in a novel hybrid way in order to reduce
labeling costs and maximize generalizability and
As described by Qian et al. (2020), the PME task can
be formulated as a hierarchical information extraction
task. That is, we can subdivide the task into sentence
classification, activity extraction and activity order-
ing. This section introduces basic preliminaries, no-
tations and outlines the proposed solutions to each of
the sub-tasks.
4.1 Preliminaries
Within our research, we chose to use Petri nets (Chen
and Marwedel, 1990) and more specifically workflow
nets (Van der Aalst, 1998) to formalize imperative
process models.
Definition (Workflow Net). A Petri net is a tuple
N = (P, T, F), where P is a set of places, T is a set
of transitions, P T =
0, and F (P × T ) (T × P)
is the flow relation of the network.
A workflow net is a Petri net W = (P, T, F), such
that there is a unique source and a unique sink to all
paths in the net. Especially in our domain, work-
flow nets, as a subclass of Petri nets, are a reason-
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
able choice, as any recipe has a dedicated set of end
states and thus, can be converted to a workflow net.
The transitions of the Petri net describe the activities
of the process. An activity is typically constituted by
the act (verb), its subjects and objects, as well as its
Definition (Activity). Given a vocabulary V , an activ-
ity is a tuple a = (v, s, o, m) P (V )
, where v is a set
of verbs, s is a set of subjects, o is a set of objects and
m is a set of modifiers declaring the activity. Given a
text T = (S
, . . . , S
) with sentences S
, . . . , S
m N, A (T ) denotes the set of activities in T and
consequently A(S) denotes the set of activities in a
given sentence S.
For instance (”foam”, ”butter”,
0, ”in a hot pan”),
is the activity we want to extract from the sentence
”Foam butter in a hot pan”. Therefore, if we want to
extract a workflow net W from a text T we derive the
following extraction task.
Definition (Process Model Extraction Task). Given
a text T = (S
, . . . , S
), extract a workflow net N =
(P, T, F), s.t. T = A(T ) and F spans the temporal
relation of A(T ) in T .
4.2 Model Architecture
Understanding PME task as a hierarchical informa-
tion extraction task, first, we need to classify whether
a particular sentence S of a text T contains an activity
a A(T ). Second, we need to extract all a
, . . . , a
A(S). Finally, we need to extract the temporal order
T of A (T ) (cf. Figure 1), in order to derive the flow
relation F of the workflow net.
T = (S
, . . . , S
BERT Sentence Classifier
DP Activity Extractor
Activity Ordering
Process Model Generation
Figure 1: Hierarchical model architecture.
Each sub-task was implemented and evaluated
separately in addition to the total evaluation of the ex-
tracted workflow nets. Therefore, they can be used
independently to create baselines for the hybrid ap-
4.3 Sentence Classifiers
The sentence classification level of GUIDO has to
perform the binary classification task A (S) =
0, given
a sentence S in a text T , i.e., whether a sentence con-
tains an activity or not. We implemented and tested
three different classification strategies and compared
them to a rule-based baseline strategy.
VVIMP Rule-Based Baseline. As a rule-based ap-
proach, we implemented a heuristic that classifies a
sentence as process relevant if there is no subject that
is not a child of an imperative in the dependency tree.
LSTM Classifier. A simple LSTM (Hochreiter and
Schmidhuber, 1997) with a text-classification head
was implemented and fully configured by hydra con-
figurations. The LSTM was optimized by a hyper pa-
rameter search with 5 workers. The documents were
vectorized using either pre-trained and fine tuned
vectors or pre-trained FastTexts
Logistic Regression. A binary logistic regression
classifier was implemented using tfidf document vec-
BERT Sequence Classifier. The huggingface’s
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) for sequence classification
was used
, using a linear layer for classification on the
pooled output of the BERT model. The pre-trained
German BERT transformer model (Chan et al., 2020)
was used to initialize the model. The German BERT
model was chosen over the multilingual pre-trained
BERT, as it has shown superior performance on com-
mon evaluation sets (Chan et al., 2020).
4.4 Activity Extraction by Dependency
The next level of GUIDO performs the task of activ-
ity extraction. Given a sentence S with A(S) ̸=
we want to extract all activity relations a
, . . . , a
A(S). Machine-learning-based relation extraction
models require complexly annotated corpora. There-
fore, to reduce annotation costs, we chose to imple-
ment a rule-based relation extraction approach, us-
Pre-trained glove vectors taken from: https://www.
Pre-trained FastText vectors taken from: https://
v4.26.0/en/model doc/bert#transformers.
GUIDO: A Hybrid Approach to Guideline Discovery Ordering from Natural Language Texts
ing dependency grammar (Nivre, 2005). Dependency
grammar is a school of grammar that describes the hi-
erarchical structure of sentences based on dependen-
cies between words within a sentence. NLP frame-
works such as spaCy have incorporated dependency
parsers into their pipelines (Honnibal et al., 2020),
trained on large news corpora. Thus, using depen-
dency parsers, POS tags, and STTS tags (Albert et al.,
2003), does not require further manual labeling. De-
pendency grammar-based approaches were proposed
to be used for the extraction of process activities from
text (Sintoris and Vergidis, 2017; Kolb et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2012) as well as for similar tasks such
as the translation of sentences to linear temporal logic
(Brunello et al., 2019) or the extraction of declara-
tive process constraints from natural language texts
(Winter and Rinderle-Ma, 2018; Aa et al., 2019). A
major pitfall of using a dependency grammar for ac-
tivity extraction are non-relevant sentences and sub-
ordinate clauses. Therefore, it was primarily applied
to documents with strict language norms, e.g., laws,
where rule-based classifiers, taking markers as must
or should as indicators of a relevant sentence, work
particularly well. As we use a sentence classifier
to avoid irrelevant sentences, handling subordinate
clauses remains on the activity extraction level of the
PME task.
Extraction Rules. By assumption, we extract activ-
ities from relevant sentences only. Therefore, activi-
ties are expressed as verbs with dependent subjects,
objects, and modifiers. In rare cases, activities may
be expressed as passivized subjects(Aa et al., 2019).
Figure 2 shows the exemplary dependency tree
of a sentence S = ”Butter in einer heißen Pfanne
aumen lassen. (Engl.: ”Foam butter in a hot
pan.) of a text T = (S). By traversing the depen-
dency graph for all verbs in S we obtain the activity
set A(T ) = {(v, s, o, m)} with:
v = {aufsch
aumen, lassen}
s =
o = {Butter}
m = {in einer heißen Pfanne}
o a
m o
n k
n k
n k
o c
Figure 2: Dependency tree of a German recipe sentence.
Negations. The negation of an activity constitutes a
special case. Figure 3 illustrates the dependency tree
of S with negotiation. The dependency parser tags
negation dependencies as ng and thus, allows us to
extract negations (Aa et al., 2019; Albert et al., 2003).
We omit negations in our extraction approach. How-
ever, negations could easily be added to the activity if
Figure 3: Dependency tree of a negated German recipe sen-
Quantification. Not every activity described in a
text is mandatory. While constraint-markers, as de-
clared by (Aa et al., 2019; Winter and Rinderle-Ma,
2019, 2018), do not suffice for the generic classifi-
cation of sentences containing process information,
they indicate, if present, whether there exists a path
in the supposed workflow net W of a text T contain-
ing a related activity a or if all paths of the work-
flow net contain a. We used GermaNet (Hamp and
Feldweg, 1997) to obtain a more complete list of con-
straint markers as given in Table 1. By default, if not
Table 1: Quantifying constraint markers.
Marker Word
onnen, d
urfen, m
ogen, sollten,
kann, vielleicht, optional, eventuell,
further specified, we assume an activity to be manda-
Irrelevant Subordinate Clauses. Although we
may assume to extract activities from relevant sen-
tences only, we may not assume every sentence’s
verb to be relevant. For instance, the sentence S =
Butter in einer heißen Pfanne aufsch
aumen lassen,
das schmeckt mir am besten contains the relation
= a as in Figure 2. However, simply extract-
ing all verbs and their dependents would also yield
= ({schmeckt}, {das},
0, {am besten}). A simple
heuristic to handle such clauses is to use the VVIMP
tag from (Albert et al., 2003) as incorporated into the
spaCy framework. However, as recipes are not for-
malized, some are written in a descriptive form or a
first-person narrative. Therefore, such recipes would
not be handled well. A second heuristic may be the
recognition of a switch in writing style. If a sentence
contains an imperative and a non-imperative verb, we
may assume the imperative verb to be an activity and
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
the non-imperative to be descriptive. The effect of the
heuristic is examined in section 6.
4.5 Activity Ordering: Interactivity
Relation Extraction
By default, we implicitly assume the described activ-
ities in the process model to be ordered as their ap-
pearance in the text orders them. However, interactiv-
ity relations explicitly describe the activity ordering
and can be classified as AND, OR, or BEFORE rela-
tions. To obtain the order in which the activities de-
scribed in the text should be executed, we need to be
able to extract these interactivity relations. In the sim-
pler case, these relations are expressed within a sen-
tence. Coordinating conjuncts in combination with
synonym databases such as WordNet (Miller, 1998)
or the German GermaNet (Hamp and Feldweg, 1997)
as tagged by the dependency parser can be used to
identify conjunctions and disjunctions of activities to
extract AND or OR relations. Temporal adverbs can
be identified using WordNet/GermaNet as well (cf.
(Aa et al., 2019)). BEFORE relations that are de-
scribed across sentences can be handled using coref-
erence resolution to identify the referenced activities
from previous sentences, or using simple heuristics.
For instance, it is reasonable to assume that a tempo-
ral adverb as inzwischen (Engl. meanwhile) indicates
an AND relation to the activities of the previous sen-
tence. In sum, we identified the following heuristics:
coordinating conjuncts within sentences
temporal adverbs within sentences (if not depen-
dent on the first activity):
1. if indicating AND relation: add AND relation to
previous activity
2. if indicating BEFORE relation: add BEFORE
relation to activities in the previous sentence
temporal adverbs across sentences (if dependent
on the first activity in the sentence):
1. if indicating AND relation: add AND relation to
activities of previous sentence
2. if indicating BEFORE relation and only one ac-
tivity within sentence: add BEFORE relation to
activities in the previous sentence
The indicator synonyms are given in Table 2
4.6 Generating Process Models
From the previous steps, we obtain a set of activities
and a set of binary relations between activities. The
remaining task is the creation of a workflow net. To
do so, we first, create a workflow net for each sentence
Table 2: Temporal Adverbs for the extraction of interactiv-
ity relations.
Adverb Adverb
BEFORE zuvor, davor, vorab, vordem,
vorher, vorweg, zuerst, zun
anglich, anfangs, eingangs, erst,
AND inzwischen, dabei, w
dazwischen, inzwischen, mittler-
weile, solange, zwischenzeitlich,
derweil, einstweilen
by applying patterns (cf. Figure 4) for OR, AND, and
BEFORE relations extracted as described in subsec-
tion 4.4.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) OR pattern (b) AND pattern.
Then, the sub nets are merged to the final work-
flow net W of the recipe T by either appending the
sub net to the previous sub net or, if the the first ac-
tivity in a sentence indicates a parallelization, the sub
net is added using AND pattern as a parallel to the
previous sub net (cf. Algorithm 1).
Algorithm 1: Workflow net generation.
2: pn := NewPetr iNet()
3: last sn := pn
4: N := len(T )
5: for i {1, . . . , N} do
6: sn := get sub net(A(S
7: if parrallel(S
) then
8: pn.add parallel(last sn, sn)
9: else
10: pn.append(sn)
11: end if
12: last sn := sn
13: end for
14: end function
Rule-based and machine-learning-based approaches
to PME formulate a trade-off. While rule-based ap-
proaches require the adoption of rules to suit domain-
specific formulations and conventions, machine-
learning-based approaches require large corpora of
GUIDO: A Hybrid Approach to Guideline Discovery Ordering from Natural Language Texts
complexly annotated data. Thus, as formulated by
e.g. (Qian et al., 2020), we may divide PME into
different tasks to be solved either machine-learning-
based or rule-based.
5.1 Data & Data Preparation
Recipes from the German recipe website Chefkoch
were used to train the sentence classifiers and evaluate
GUIDO. The dataset contains 44672 unique sentences
from 4291 recipes, from which we sub-sampled and
annotated 2030 recipes for binary classification and
50 mutually exclusive recipes for workflow net anno-
tation, to compare the extracted process model to.
For the sake of training the BERT text classi-
fier, we identified and replaced URLs by a unique
$URL token, using regular expressions. The rule-
based PME levels do not require further text normal-
Table 3: Sentence corpus statistics where S denotes Sen-
tences after balancing by down-sampling.
Set # S % S # Relevant % Relevant
Train 1533 60% 773 50.42%
Dev 512 20% 240 46.86%
Test 511 20% 265 51.75%
Sentence & Workflow Net Labeling. A sentence
dataset was build using the spaCy dependency-parser-
based sentence tokenizer (Honnibal et al., 2020). Two
annotators labeled the sentences. To increase the
process quality of the labeling process and increase
the quality of the labeled dataset, labeling guidelines
were written before labeling
. If there was uncer-
tainty in assigning a label in a given sentence, the an-
notator discussed the label with the other annotator
and updated the labeling guidelines with the result of
the discussion. Subsequently to the sentence annota-
tion process, the sentences were further sub-sampled
to obtain a balanced dataset of 3150 annotated sen-
tences, as irrelevant sentence make about 10% of the
sentence population only. The sub-sampled sentence
corpus was split into train, test and dev sets for train-
ing and evaluation. The statistics of the annotated sen-
tence corpus are given in Table 3. A set of 50 recipes
with 616 sentences in total was annotated with corre-
sponding workflow nets by a single annotator.
5.2 Evaluation
To evaluate the performance GUIDO, the text clas-
sification and the PME task are evaluated separately.
The text classification task was evaluated according
to its F1-Score on a validation set of size N = 512.
A total of 50 recipes were annotated manually using
, in order to obtain similarity metrics. As, in
the case of PME, we need a metric that compares
the behavior of workflow nets rather than the syn-
tactical equivalence of the output to the annotation,
we implemented a behavioral similarity score based
on causal footprints, an abstract representation of a
Petri net’s behavior. (Mendling et al., 2007). We
applied the similarity metric to a rule-based baseline
model, GUIDO with heuristics to handle subordinate
clauses and GUIDO without additional heuristics. All
experiments were done on using a single machine
with an Intel Xeon processor, a NVIDIA GeForce
RTX-A5000 GPU with 16 GB of VRAM, and 64
GB of RAM, running on Ubuntu 20
04, which has a
estimated carbon efficiency of 0.432 kgCO
A cumulative of 0.5 hours of computation was per-
formed on hardware of type RTX A5000 (TDP of
230W) for training. A cumulative of 30 hours of
computation was performed on hardware of type Intel
Xeon W-11855M (TDP of 45W) for evaluating. Total
emissions are estimated to be 0.65 kgCO
eq of which
0 percents were directly offset. Estimations were con-
ducted using the MachineLearning Impact calculator
presented in Lacoste et al. (2019).
To conduct our experiments, we fully parameter-
ized the project using a hydra-config
. A parallelized
grid search was used for parameter tuning. Further-
more, we used the mlflow framework
for visualizing
training and evaluation metrics.
In this section, we first compare the proposed BERT
sentence classifier with three baseline models, eval-
uated on 512 unseen sentences. Then, we evaluate
GUIDO on 50 unseen recipes, containing 616 sen-
Sentence Classification. Multiple approaches were
evaluated in addition to the BERT sentence classifier
and compared to the VVIMP baseline (cf. Table 4).
The simple VVIMP heuristics classifies a sentence as
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 4: Classifier F1-Scores for the base line heuristic
(VVIMP), the logistic regression classifier (Log Reg), the
LSTM classifier with FastText (LSTM FT), the LSTM clas-
sifier with GloVe (LSTM GloVe) and the BERT sentence
Score VVIMP Log
F1 0.58 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.973
process relevant, i.e., containing at least one activity,
if there is no subject that is not a child of an imperative
in the dependency tree, resulting in an F1-Score of
0.81. Further, the documents were tfidf-vectorized.
A binary logistic regression classifier was trained and
obtained an F1-Score of 0.90. A simple LSTM with
a text-classification head obtained an F1-Score of
0.91 on fine-tuned GloVe vectors and 0.92 on pre-
trained multilingual fasttext vector. Finally, the BERT
sentence classifier outperformed the baseline models
with a final F1-Score of 0.973 with batch size 16, 5
epochs and learning rate 3e
Process Model Extraction. We compared the 50
annotated workflow nets to the extracted workflow
nets by GUIDO + VVIMP heuristic, GUIDO -
VVIMP heuristic, and to the extracted workflow nets
of a purely rule-based approach. The results (cf. Ta-
ble 5) show significant improvements for the rule-
based process extractor when adding the text classifi-
cation level with an average similarity score of 0.93
over 0.84. The usage of a VVIMP heuristic to han-
dle subordinate clauses did not have a significant ef-
fect on the performance of GUIDO, as only one verb
was classified as an imperative by the tagger.
Table 5: CFP behavioral similarities.
Model Rule-
CFP-Sim 0.84 0.93 0.93
The proposed PME model GUIDO shows good
performance given a reduced labeling effort of
2030 binary annotated sentences compared to purely
machine-learning-based approaches. The additional
step of a sentence classifier significantly improves the
performance of rule-based PME models compared to
purely rule-based PME models and therefore, formu-
lates a compromise to the annotation cost and speci-
ficity trade-off. The rule-based level of GUIDO was
designed in a generic way, applicable to multiple do-
mains. Additionally, the approach is easily transfer-
able for rule-based Declarative PME tasks (Aa et al.,
2019; L
opez et al., 2019).
The most common errors of GUIDO were miss
classifications of sentences and irrelevant subordinate
clauses. Common taggers perform poorly on process
data, as they were mostly trained on news data (Han
et al., 2019). In particular, news data rarely contains
imperatives and thus has a high miss classification
rate for the VVIMP tags we use for handling irrele-
vant subordinate clauses. A further limitation to the
PME task and results is the fine graindness of the de-
sired process model. Throughout this paper, we as-
sumed repetitive activities to be a single activity. For
instance ”wiederholt umr
uhren” (Engl.: ”stir repeat-
edly”) would not result in a cycle in the Petri net but
be a single transition. Such cycles should be incor-
porated and evaluated in future work. GUIDO was
trained and applied to German recipes only in this pa-
per, containing imperative process models only. In
future work, we will evaluate our approach on declar-
ative guidelines. While there is a lack of comparison
for German workflow net extraction, the behavioral
similarity scores achieved by GUIDO seem compet-
itive to related work in other languages (Qian et al.,
2020). Especially the rule-based level of GUIDO is
grammar specific, which is specific to the German
language. Thus, we will adopt and evaluate GUIDO
on English recipes in the future to get further insights
on it performance compared to existing state of the art
This research has been developed and funded by the
project (grant number 16KN090726) of the
German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Climate Action (Bundesministerium f
ur Wirtschaft
und Klimaschutz (BMWK)).
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