Integrating Autoencoder-Based Hybrid Models into Cervical
Carcinoma Prediction from Liquid-Based Cytology
Ferdaous Idlahcen
, Ali Idri
1,2 b
and Hasnae Zerouaoui
Al Khwarizmi College of Computing, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, 43150 Ben Guerir, Morocco
Software Project Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, 10000 Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Liquid-Based Cervical Cytology (LBCC), Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC),
Negative for Intraepithelial Lesion or Malignancy (NILM), AI-Assisted Screening, Digital and Computational
Pathology (DCP).
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted cervical cytology is poised to enhance sensitivity whilst lessening bias,
labor, and time expenses. It typically involves image processing and deep learning to automatically recognize
pre-cancerous lesions on a given whole-slide image (WSI) prior to lethal invasive cancer development. Here,
we introduce autoencoder (AE)-based hybrid models for cervical carcinoma prediction on the Mendeley-
liquid-based cytology dataset. This is built on fourteen combinations of AE, DenseNet-201, and six state-of-
the-art classifiers: adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), support vector machine (SVM), multilayer perceptron
(MLP), decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), and random forest (RF). As empirical evaluations,
four performance metrics, Scott-Knott (SK), and Borda count voting scheme, were performed. The AE-based
hybrid models integrating AdaBoost, MLP, and RF as classifiers are among the top-ranked architectures, with
respective accuracy values of 99.30, 99.20, and 98.48%. Yet, DenseNet-201 remains a solid option when
adopting an end-to-end training strategy.
Cervical cancer (CxCa) is a prominently occurring
gynecologic neoplasm (Dasari et al., 2015). It implies
an unregulated cell cycle and invasiveness of the
cervix uteri (Dasari et al., 2015) the lower, narrow
end of the uterus. Precancerous cervical lesions are
strongly associated with human papillomavirus
(HPV), a viral infection spread at an 80% rate via
skin-to-skin or skin-to-mucosa contact (Hu et al.,
2018; Petca et al., 2020). While 80%–90% of HPV
infections are transient/latent and regress by host
immunity within two years spontaneously, persistent
or repeated infections with strains of high-risk HPV
(HR-HPV) evolve into high-grade lesions or
invasiveness (Huber et al., 2021). With such a well-
known causal agent and a slower disease progression,
cervical cancer is regarded as preventable and the best
candidate for screening principles; its morbimortality
appears thereof to be declining with the licensure of
HPV- vaccines and mass-screening programs (Dasari
et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2018). Howbeit, CxCa persists
to be a heavy global burden, largely encountered by
women in low- and middle-income countries
(LMICs) accounting for 9 out of 10 deaths and an
estimated 27% rise by 2030, while increasing by only
1% in high-income countries (HICs) according to the
World Health Organization (WHO) (Ginsburg et al.,
2017; Woo et al., 2021). Still, cervical cancer remains
the second most prevalent malignancy in women
under the age of 45 in HICs despite its disparity trend
(Koliopoulos et al., 2017). Reckon with the status
quo, by 2030, vaccine alone would have little effect
on CxCa mortality with just a 0.1% decline, yet
accelerated twice-lifetime screening in conjunction
with treatment would lower mortality by 34.2%,
sparing 300,000–400,000 lives lost (Canfell et al.,
2020; Gangopadhyay, 2022).
Liquid-based cervical cytology (LBCC) has
evolved as the gold standard of CxCa screening,
owing to its superior sensitivity and specificity over
traditional smear cytology (SC) (Sanyal et al., 2019).
Idlahcen, F., Idri, A. and Zerouaoui, H.
Integrating Autoencoder-Based Hybrid Models into Cervical Carcinoma Prediction from Liquid-Based Cytology.
DOI: 10.5220/0012084600003541
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2023), pages 343-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-664-4; ISSN: 2184-285X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
LBCC procedure not only offers the advantage of
lessening artifacts caused by low cellularity and blood
contamination, yet it permits pathologists to conduct
ancillary tissue assays previously restricted to
histological material (Sanyal et al., 2019; Zhang et al.,
2021). Nonetheless, cervical screening is generally
labor-intensive. It highly demands skilled cytologists,
with conflicting findings attributed to (i) population
diversity, (ii) inter-examiner discrepancy in both
sampling and preparation processes, and (iii) inter-
observer variability in interpreting specimens (Bao et
al., 2020; Sanyal et al., 2019; Thakur et al., 2022).
Modern pathology practice is shifting toward a
digital scheme. Herein, computer displays are used to
evaluate scanned cytology glass slides, enabling
automated AI image-analysis on tissue sections (Bao
et al., 2020). In contrast to shallow machine learning
(ML), the strength of neural networks resides in their
ability to extract highly representative features over
several layered architectures, letting them suit high-
dimensional data. A performance overview achieved
by various deep convolutional neural networks
(dCNNs) in both branches of cervical cancer
pathology, i.e. histo-and cyto- pathology, can be
found in (Idlahcen et al., 2022). As ML algorithms
rely heavily on optimal feature extraction and
selection schemes, a hybrid learning model (HLM)
built on dCNN and ML remains more appealing than
single learners (SLs) due to more robust features and
classification lifting both performance and
interpretability (Qaid et al., 2021). Still, the amount
of training data continues to have a strong impact on
models’ performances (Fan et al., 2022).
In tumor pathology, gathering a large amount of
noiseless data with correct labeling is quite tricky due
to plenty of issues that impede automated WSI
analysis, such as (Khened et al., 2021): stain
variability, tissue artifacts, limited representative
training samples, lack of labeling during acquisition,
and extraction of clinically relevant patterns. The
scarcity of expert-labeled and artifacts-free data poses
barriers to the broadly adopted supervised learning
approaches in computational pathology (Försch et al.,
2021). Another less apparent challenge is the large
dimensionality of WSIs compared to existing medical
imaging modalities. Typically, a glass slide of 20 mm
× 15 mm yields at least a 4.8 gigapixel image at an
extremely high resolution equivalent to 40×
magnification on a microscope, limiting end-to-end
training (Khened et al., 2021).
To handle the above drawbacks, the present paper
explores (i) the use of an unsupervised learning
strategy, the autoencoder (AE), to overcome
supervised feature learning limitations in digital
cytology, and (ii) whether HLMs surpass SLs (end-
to-end) in cervical LBCC smears classification.
Herein, we built and assessed fourteen architectures
for differentiating healthy controls from cervical
carcinoma patients on the Mendeley- LBCC WSIs.
Recall that all the empirical evaluations were
performed under Scott-Knott (SK) and Borda count
voting schemes. Various domains, including software
engineering (Idri et al., 2016; Ottoni et al., 2019),
adopted the SK algorithm to compare clusters when
scoring ML techniques for parameter tuning. Ergo,
we applied the SK test since (i) it selects the top non-
overlapping sets and (ii) surpasses past statistical
methods. Likewise, the Borda count is used to score
optimally the SK-selected techniques.
The present study addresses three key research
questions (RQs):
- RQ1: Do dCNN-based HLMs outperform
end-to-end dCNN architecture for classifying
cervical cytology WSIs?
- RQ2: Do AE-based HLMs outperform end-
to-end AE architecture for classifying
cervical cytology WSIs?
- RQ3: Do dCNN-based HLMs outperform
AE-based HLMs?
The major contributions of this study are three-
- As far as we know, this work adopts for the
first time autoencoders to (i) automatically
extract robust features from cervical liquid-
based cytology whole-slides and (ii) address
supervised feature learning limitations.
- Analyze the effect on cervical cytology
classification performance by modeling
fourteen various combinations of AE, dCNN,
and ML/DL classifiers on the same dataset.
- Assess the performances of the proposed
architectures through four measures, SK
clustering, and Borda count schemes.
This document is organized as follows. Data
acquisition and pre-processing are described in
Section 2. Section 3 reports the implemented
empirical scheme. The experimental findings and
discussion are provided in Section 4. Section 5 sums
up this study.
Data preparation is a key asset in an ML pipeline,
consisting of (i) data acquisition, (ii) data pre-
processing, and (iii) data augmentation, as depicted in
Fig 1.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Data preparation scheme.
2.1 Data Acquisition
A total of 963 hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) -stained
SurePath™ liquid-based cytology WSIs were
retrieved from the Mendeley data repository (Hussain
et al., 2020). The specimens were collected from 460
patients in the Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Department of Gauhati Medical College and
Hospital. All slides were captured at 400x
magnification using a Leica ICC50 HD microscope
and sampled into four sets as per The Bethesda
System (TBS) standards: negative for intraepithelial
lesion or malignancy (NILM, 613 slides), low-grade
squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL, 163 slides),
high-grade SIL (HSIL, 113 slides), and squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC, 74 slides). A board-certified
pathologist reviewed patient reports as ground truth.
As our purpose is to identify which patients are
healthy and which are diagnosed with cervical
carcinoma, we regard SCC as the “case or carcinoma”
class, whereas NILM is labeled “control or healthy”.
2.2 Stain Normalization
H&E-stained tissue sections are the main pillar of
anatomic pathology (Idlahcen et al., 2020). It
highlights the cellular structures, allowing for
convenient differentiation of the nuclear,
cytoplasmic, and extracellular matrix components
(Chan, 2014). While hematoxylin binds to nucleic
acid and stains it blue-purple, eosin grants the
cytoplasm a bright pink hue that contrasts the nuclear
color (Idlahcen et al., 2020). But uneven stains are
ubiquitous in samples, posing one of the biggest
hurdles to whole-slide image analysis (Khened et al.,
2021). To avert such color variations, tissue stain
normalization techniques are required. In this study,
we implemented the (Macenko et al., 2009) stain
normalization approach from the StainTools (Otálora
et al., 2022) Python package on all the Mendeley-
LBCC slides as a preprocessing step to avert color
variation-driven biases.
2.3 Data Augmentation
In this study, we applied six augmentation techniques
as follows: 90-degree rotation, horizontal flip,
vertical flip, random scale, gaussian noise, and
A class imbalance in the Mendeley- LBCC
dataset is perceived since 63% of WSIs pertain to a
“control” class. As it stands, all the samples
underwent data augmentation using the six aforesaid
techniques for resampling to avert such limitations as
well as a misleading classification. Accordingly, we
generated new data from every single slide making an
overall total of 2000 images for each class.
This section depicts the empirical design of the
present study. The designed architectures were
shortened using acronyms.
3.1 Performance Measures
We used four metrics: accuracy (Acc), precision (Pr),
recall (Re), and F1-measure (F1). Accuracy is defined
as the ability to correctly detect cases from controls.
While precision denotes the proportion of the cases
out of the total noted cases instances, recall indicates
the number of cases successfully identified out of the
instances of the total case; it reduces the total controls
declared under cases. F-measure ranges from 0 as its
worst value to 1 as its best one and refers to the
harmonic mean of precision and recall.
As for evaluation, we adopted (k=5)-fold cross-
validation (fCV). Recall that cross-validation
schemes give better insights into complex and unseen
data at every level, averting bias issues.
3.2 Scott-Knott & Borda Count Voting
Scott-Knott is proposed by Scott and Knott in 1974 as
a hierarchical clustering algorithm (Ottoni et al.,
2019). Its core use is variance analysis (ANOVA)
although it is extensively used to achieve multiple
comparisons of treatment means for distinct
homogenous overlapping groups due to its simplicity
yet robustness. Further, Borda count is adopted to
pick the ideal architecture given four metrics with
equal weight. Although other candidates or options
could be picked instead of the bulk-favored option -
the consensus-based voting process is the inverse of
Integrating Autoencoder-Based Hybrid Models into Cervical Carcinoma Prediction from Liquid-Based Cytology
the majority system. Recall that the Borda count
voting system was performed to guarantee that no
biases existed in the selection of any metric.
3.3 Experimental Scheme
The empirical scheme followed throughout this study
is inspired by prior research in (Idri et al., 2016;
Lahmar et al., 2022), involving three steps as follows:
- Assess the accuracy of each variant of the 14
architectures through Mendeley- LBCC
dataset: one dCNN end-to-end architecture,
six dCNN-based hybrid architectures, one AE
end-to-end architecture, and six AE-based
hybrid architectures.
- Cluster the designed architectures using the
Scott-Knott algorithm, then select the SK top-
cluster as per accuracy.
- Rank the designed architectures of the SK top-
cluster using the Borda count voting system as
per four performance measures, i.e. accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-measure. At last,
select the top architecture.
3.4 Configuration
We built 14 architectures consisting of (i) end-to-end
DenseNet-201. (Idlahcen et al., 2022) reports on
preliminary work over the same dataset that led to the
selection of DenseNet-201 as dCNN for this study.;
(ii) six dCNN-based hybrid architectures involving
DenseNet-201 as FE with respective six classifiers
(AdaBoost, SVM, MLP, DT, k-NN, and RF); (iii) an
end-to-end AE; and (iv) six AE-based hybrid
architectures involving AE as FE with the same
classifiers. All are designed to achieve a binary
classification on the Mendeley- LBCC dataset.
Herein, the following configurations were adopted:
- Since the default input size differs amongst
dCNNs, we downsized all the images from
an original size of 2048×536 px. into
224x224 px. to match the processed size
when implementing a DenseNet-201
- To avoid repetitions throughout the process,
NumPy files (.npz) were used to store the
resized images.
- We used Keras and TensorFlow frameworks
as deep learning backends - particularly for
end-to-end architectures. As per hybrid
ones, we used the Scikit-learn library to
implement the default configuration of the
six classifiers.
All empirical schemes were performed using Google
Colab's TPU.
3.5 Acronyms
For the convenience of the reader, we shorten the
name of each variant as follows: DesNet for
DenseNet-201; DERF for DenseNet-201 + RF;
DEAda for DenseNet-201 + AdaBoost; DEMLP for
DenseNet-201 + MLP; DETREE for DenseNet-201 +
DT; DEKNN for DenseNet-201 + k-NN; DESVM for
DenseNet-201 + SVM; AuEn for AutoEncoders;
AuEnRF for AutoEncoders + RF; AuEnAda for
AutoEncoders + AdaBoost; AuEnMLP for
AutoEncoders + MLP; AuEnTREE for
AutoEncoders + DT; AuEnKNN for AutoEncoders +
k-NN; and AuEnSVM for AutoEncoders + SVM.
This section presents the empirical findings of the
proposed designs. As stated, four performance
metrics were used for assessment. Initially, the
accuracy of DenseNet-201is compared against the
hybrid architectures by a set of classifiers, each of
which is conducted individually in conjunction with
DenseNet-201 as a feature extractor. Likewise, end-
to-end AE with hybrid architectures and dCNN-based
hybrid architectures with those based on AE
respective per each classifier. Then, the SK statistical
test is performed to cluster the elected techniques. At
last, the architectures of the SK top-cluster are ranked
using the Borda count voting system.
4.1 Do dCNN-Based HLMs
Outperform End-to-end dCNN
Architecture for Classifying
Cervical Cytology WSIs?
Table 1 displays the accuracy values of (i) end-to-end
DenseNet-201 and (ii) dCNN-based HLMs, on
augmented Mendeley- LBCC dataset. Through the
results obtained:
- The end-to-end outperformed the others
with an accuracy value of 99.66%.
- The HLM integrating SVM scored the
worst, with an accuracy value of 83.04%.
- The remaining architectures, i.e. DenseNet-
201 + AdaBoost, DenseNet-201 + MLP,
DenseNet-201 + DT, DenseNet-201 + k-
NN, and DenseNet-201 + RF, had an
accuracy rating greater than 95%.
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Accuracy values of dCNN-based and AE-based
end-to-end and hybrid architectures.
Acc [%] AE Archi. Acc [%]
Based on accuracy values, the seven architectures
were clustered using the SK test as displayed in Fig
2. Through this figure, we notice that:
- Cluster 1 got just one architecture, i.e. end-
to-end DenseNet-201, which performs the
best out of all our models.
- The elements of the second cluster comprise
three dCNN-based HLMs, (i) DenseNet-201
+ RF, (ii) DenseNet-201 +AdaBoost, and
(iii) DenseNet-201 + MLP, all of which have
an accuracy greater than 96%.
- The third and fourth clusters each feature
one architecture only, namely (i) DenseNet-
201 + DT and (ii) DenseNet-201 + k-NN
respectively. The two models' accuracy
range from 95.12 to 96.38%.
- The last cluster is made up of the dCNN-
based HLM integrating SVM, which
performs the worst out of all our models.
Recall that Borda Count is not required to rank the
models since the first cluster contains just one
4.2 Do AE-Based HLMs Outperform
End-to-end AE Architecture for
Classifying Cervical Cytology
Table 1 displays the accuracy values of (i) end-to-end
AE and (ii) AE-based HLMs, on augmented
Mendeley- LBCC dataset. Through the results
- The HLM integrating RF scored the best,
with an accuracy value of 99.30%.
- The HLM integrating SVM scored the
worst, with an accuracy value of 51.06%.
- Except for theAE + SVM, a significant
variance in performance between end-to-end
and hybrid architectures is perceived.
- The hybrid performance has improved in
comparison to some of the prior dCNN-
based HLMs, notably for AdaBoost, MLP,
and RF.
Figure 2: SK test results for the dCNN-based architectures.
In this sub-section, the SK test serves the same
purpose as in RQ1. Through Fig 3, we notice four
clusters including:
- The best cluster comprises three AE-based
HLMs, (i) AE + RF, (ii) AE + MLP, and (iii)
AE + AdaBoost, all of which have an
accuracy greater than 98%.
- BothAE + DT andAE + k-NN come
second given an accuracy range from 94.14
to 95.4%.
- The third cluster features the end-to-end AE
given an accuracy value under the 80%.
- The last cluster features also one
architecture only, i.e. the AE-based HLM
integrating SVM, which performs the worst
out of all our models.
- Except for theAE + SVM, HLMs
outperform the end-to-end architecture.
Figure 3: SK Test results for the AE-based end-to-end and
hybrid architectures.
Table 2: Performance criteria values and Borda count
ranking of the AE-based architectures belonging to the SK
Archi. AE + RF AE + MLP AE +
Rank 12 3
Scores 11 9 4
Acc [%] 99.30 99.20 98.48
Pr [%] 99.65 99.10 98.35
Re [%] 98.96 99.30 98.60
F1 [%] 99.30 99.20 98.47
Next, the Borda count voting system was used to
rank the proposed architectures belonging to the SK
top-cluster. Herein, HLMs integrating AdaBoost,
MLP, and RF as classifiers are statistically similar as
Integrating Autoencoder-Based Hybrid Models into Cervical Carcinoma Prediction from Liquid-Based Cytology
per cluster 1, indicating that all were used for the
ranking according to the four performance measures.
The related performance scores and Borda count
ranking are depicted in Table 2. The findings are as
- HLM with RF is ranked top.
- HLM with MLP comes second with a close
- HLM with AdaBoost is ranked last.
4.3 Do dCNN-Based HLMs
Outperform AE-Based HLMs?
Table 1 summarizes the obtained accuracy values on
the augmented Mendeley- LBCC dataset. Through
the results, we notice that:
- Except for (i) end-to-end AE, (ii) AE +
SVM, and (iii) dCNN + SVM, all the
proposed architectures have an accuracy
value superior to 95%.
- Among the 14 designs, DenseNet-201
performs the best with an accuracy value of
- AE-based HLMs integrating RF, AdaBoost,
and MLP, perform as well favorably, with
accuracy values ranging from 98.48 to
- All the HLMs incorporating SVM perform
poorly, with the paring 'AE + SVM' yielding
the worst accuracy value of 51.06%.
- Except forAE + k-NN, the remaining
HLMs yielded accuracy values ranging from
95.12 to 98%.
- End-to-end AE performs poorly in contrast
to DenseNet-201, with an accuracy rating of
The SK test fulfills the same purpose as in
RQ1/RQ2. Through Fig 4, we notice five clusters
- The best cluster is made up of seven designs.
All, apart from end-to-end DenseNet-201,
are HLMs particularly built with
AdaBoost, MLP, and RF classifiers.
- The second cluster comprises four HLMs of
k-NN and DT as classifiers only.
- The last clusters are made up of poorly
performing architectures, namely end-to-
end AE and HLMs built on SVM.
Next, the Borda count voting scheme was
performed. Table 3 summarizes the performance
scores and ranking of the SK top-cluster-related
models. The findings are as follows:
- AE-based HLMs are highly ranked, with the
RF classifier performing the best.
Figure 4: SK test results for all the proposed architectures.
- The ‘AE + MLP’ receives a similar score as
DenseNet-201, ranking both seconds.
- AE-based HLM with AdaBoost is ranked
- The remaining are built on DenseNet-201
with RF, AdaBoost, and MLP.
Here, incorporating AE demonstrated its efficacy
in classification tasks within cervical computational
pathology. It is consistent with the fact that extracted
features supplied as input to the classifiers are more
informative and, ergo, cervical lesions are better
distinguished. When paired with RF, the
classification accuracy improves. One of the
appealing benefits of RF is it searches for the relevant
features among a random subset of pathological ones,
in which complex nuclear elements (intended to
identify abnormalities) could be wasted. Instead,
DenseNet-201 remains a viable choice as an end-to-
end strategy over whole-slide imaging for its structure
adapted to prevent feature redundancy while
employing fewer parameters.
The present paper proposed AE-based hybrid
learning models for cervical cancer screening and
investigated the impact of fourteen combinations on
classification performance. All the architectures were
evaluated under four key metrics, Scott-Knott, and
Borda count schemes over Mendeley- LBCC WSIs.
The main findings are as follows:
- RQ1: Do dCNN-based HLMs outperform
end-to-end dCNN architecture for
classifying cervical cytology WSIs? As per
accuracy, the end-to-end dCNN outperforms
the hybrid architectures. The SK test
revealed the optimum cluster as having just
such one architecture.
- RQ2: Do AE-based HLMs outperform end-
to-end AE architecture for classifying
cervical cytology WSIs? Except for the AE-
based hybrid architecture integrating SVM
as a classifier, the AE-based HLMs surpass
DATA 2023 - 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
the end-to-end AE by a wide margin. Recall
that AE with RF, MLP, and Adaboost
classifiers come first, second, and third in
the Borda count ranking, respectively.
- RQ3: Do dCNN-based HLMs outperform
AE-based HLMs? As per Borda count, the
AE-based HLMs are among the top 3 ranked
architectures, whereas dCNN-based HLMs
are all rated after the AE-based designs.
Ergo, the feature extractions are more
successful when the AE is implemented.
Table 3: Performance criteria values and Borda count
ranking of the architectures belonging to the SK top-cluster.
Archi. R.;
99.30 99.65 98.96 99.30
99.66 99.89 98.53 99.10
99.20 99.10 99.30 99.20
98.48 98.35 98.60 98.47
98.00 98.35 97.67 98.01
6; 8 97.88 97.85 97.91 97.87
7; 6 97.80 97.90 97.74 97.80
The present study is limited by the cost of training
DL models and the difficulty of interpreting their
predictions. Further validation is required to ensure
their reliability. Another weakness is the total number
of images remains relatively small. Although the
slides used were collected from three distinguished
medical diagnostic centers, most of the study
population was Indian, locally trained, so
generalizability to other populations and settings is
not known. To be objective, the usefulness of the
proposed architectures will be concretely evaluated in
future work on the Herlev dataset to confirm or refute
this study’s findings regarding conventional
cytology. Extending it toward a multi-class problem
mimicking pathologists for screening cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia is also necessary.
This work was conducted under the research project
“Machine Learning based Breast Cancer Diagnosis
and Treatment”, 2020-2023. The authors would like
to thank the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education
and Scientific Research, Digital Development
Agency (ADD), CNRST, and UM6P for their
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