Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility
Mehmet Cihan Sakman
1 a
, Panagiotis Gkikopoulos
1 b
, Francesco Martella
2 c
Massimo Villari
2 d
and Josef Spillner
1 e
School of Engineering, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Technikumstrasse 9, Winterthur, Switzerland
MIFT Department, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Smart Shopping, Product Search, Digital Companion.
Consumers in brick-and-mortar stores are increasingly expecting a personalised shopping experience and dig-
ital assistance in finding the right products. The retail industry has already undergone a shift towards more
ubiquitous in-store technology but smart shopping assistance for consumers is notably absent. Whether physi-
cal product search, localisation and navigation could work with contemporary technology is an open question.
In an applied research setting conducted on behalf of a retail technology provider, we have analysed the feasi-
bility of introducing a smart shopping workflow based on product search and indoor navigation. In this paper
we provide our findings with key contributions in workflow design, mobile application design, and technology
fitting concerning localisation and notification of customers.
In the retail industry, physical stores are turning from
merely places to sell products towards spaces for con-
sumption experience. Technology is a key driver be-
hind personal recommendations and other contribu-
tors to that experience. The targeted use of technology
turns shopping places into networked cyber-physical
deployments with the involvement of access points,
mobile devices, smart shelves and dispensers, elec-
tronic shelf labels (ESL) and point of sales (POS)
stations, cameras and other sensors, and industry-
specific software such as Enterprise Resource Plan-
ning (ERP) for dynamic stock management, label
designers, rule engines and campaign dashboards
(Kellermayr-Scheucher et al., 2022). The more tech-
nology is installed, the more options there are for ex-
ploiting it in terms of providing a smart shopping ex-
perience; yet at the same time, store owners are cost-
conscious and prefer low-cost, low-maintenance solu-
tions. Moreover, the added value of the technologisa-
tion of stores is not always clear to owners, although
it becomes more clear when it translates into higher
customer engagement and satisfaction. Letting the
customer find the right product with technology assis-
tance, and not missing out an opportunity of purchase,
is contributing to the added value as evidenced by re-
cent empirical studies (Gong et al., 2022; Linzbach
et al., 2019).
The focus in this paper is specifically to investi-
gate the feasibility of cost-effective augmented prod-
uct search within the stores. Consumers interested
in fully defined products, brands or less defined cat-
egories need assistance in expressing their interests,
getting an overview situation about the availability,
and receiving guidance through signalling and navi-
gation to ensure that the chosen products end up in the
basket. From a technology perspective, this requires
a complex workflow encompassing an interactive de-
vice (usually the consumer’s mobile phone), beacons
for indoor positioning, and shelf labels associated to
products. Building an unconstrained lab-level tech-
nology could address this problem but would not have
chances of being adopted on the market. Instead, we
opt for a real-tech approach, intending to design and
validate a solution that works in the constrained en-
vironments found in real stores and matches real cost
Our key contributions in this space are: (i)
An abstract workflow for personalised and privacy-
Sakman, M., Gkikopoulos, P., Martella, F., Villari, M. and Spillner, J.
Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012085100003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 43-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
preserving physical product search in a shop, (ii) a
concrete mobile application to realise this search with
hybrid notifications based on plausible technologies,
and (iii) a validation in a lab environment with real-
tech equipment and processes.
The paper is structured as follows: First, we
review existing approaches towards product finding
and indoor navigation, and introduce additional pre-
liminary knowledge. Then, as first contribution we
present a custom abstract workflow for personalised
shopping that takes the technological constraints into
account. Next, we explain the customer interaction
with the mobile device and its backend service, and
in this context introduce the application as second
contribution and explain the indoor navigation algo-
rithm which reproduces state-of-the-art results. Fi-
nally, we discuss the technology fitting, validating
the personalised shopping with real-tech infrastruc-
ture as third contribution, outlining potential improve-
ments depending on technological evolution, before
concluding with remarks on possible adoption of the
results in industry.
Research on digital shopping assistance especially
around navigation to products in the physical space
has been a niche topic for a long time but has seen
progress in the recent years. For visually impaired
people, assistance is obligatory and can be addressed
with autonomous navigation based on computer vi-
sion, text recognition and text synthesis (Miralles
et al., 2022) as well as combinations of computer vi-
sion and barcode detection (Deshmukh et al., 2022)
and the combined use of accelerometer, gyroscope
and magnetometer (Perera et al., 2020). The effec-
tiveness of search increases with the data and suitable
data structure modelling and visualisation, and there-
fore research has also been conducted on taxonomies
and ontologies such as OntoNavShop (Ruijgrok et al.,
Researchers have also investigated the use of con-
nected devices in shops for other purposes beyond im-
pairment such as smart shopping carts that follows
the consumer autonomously (Heyns et al., 2021),
technology-enabled personalisation (TEP) (Riegger
et al., 2021), and the effects of using mobile de-
vices with augmented reality on consumer behaviour
(Chen et al., 2022). A previous work studied product-
awareness shopping through RFID (Chen et al., 2014)
but required the consumer to be already close to the
product to retrieve its information. Many of the stud-
ies are conducted with an economics background and
do not dive deep into technical matters of feasibil-
ity and realisation. In contrast, our work combines
physical product finding and hybrid notification about
products of interest, an aspect lacking from many of
the proposed approaches, and establishes a techno-
logical grounding. The hybrid notifications exploit
the growing deployment of electronic shelf labels, a
technology already investigated from a psychological
perspective in terms of revenue effects (Boden et al.,
2020) and customer acceptance (Garaus et al., 2016)
but not yet in the context of navigation.
From an innovation perspective beyond the re-
search, indoor navigation and physical product search
is increasingly commercialised by startups such as
MobiDev and Hyper, and attracting the interest of
large mobile platform operators and advertisement
brokers such as Apple and Google.
Localisation of moving entities, such as customers in
a store, is possible with multiple techniques. Recent
research reports about a precision of around 2 cm
that can be achieved with a high number of Ultra-
Wide Band (UWB) nodes, for instance (Vey et al.,
2022). High deployment cost, low mobile device
adoption and less stringent application requirement
however lead to more balanced decisions on localisa-
tion technologies. Moreover, privacy concerns have
been raised in the camera-based first smart shopping
discussions (Bermejo et al., 2020), even leading to
broad media coverage
, leading to further trade-offs.
QR codes alleviate these concerns but require active
scanning, similar to NFC tags. Bluetooth Low Energy
(BLE) beacons are another contender in this space but
require dense deployments to achieve tolerable preci-
sion and expose a highly device-specific performance
urst et al., 2018). BLE technology is affected by the
influence of obstacles (Li
zbetin and Pe
cman, 2023).
Limitations of precision or acceptance have little ef-
fect on the use case analysed in this paper. In our
high-level workflow, we do not make any specific as-
sumption and instead merely assume the presence of a
suitable localisation subsystem. Table 1 gives a high-
level indication of advantages and disadvantages of
the main method families.
Similar to the localisation, there is an open design
space concerning the notification channels for search-
ing as well as guiding and navigating users. Technolo-
gies should be inclusive, not requiring any particular
device (assuming the search could be initiated with a
e.g. Swiss railways shops
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Table 1: Localisation methods and technologies.
Method Indoor Cost Precision
GSM tracking yes high low
Camera tracking yes high med-good
GPS/GNSS no low medium
BLE beacons yes medium med-good
BLE AP yes high medium
UWB yes high good
QR codes, NFC yes low
kiosk at the entrance or via a service robot), and be of
low cost from the store owner perspective. The cor-
responding overview is given in Table 2. It is evident
that using the personal mobile phone has the advan-
tage of supporting both visual and audible notifica-
tions. Electronic shelf labels (ESLs) are less intrusive
and, despite having a certain installation and main-
tenance cost as well as potential security challenges
(Mandyam et al., 2023), can be a suitable choice if
already installed especially due to their proximity to
the products. Again, our workflow abstracts from
the possible notification options and only assumes the
presence of at least one.
Table 2: Notification methods and technologies.
Method Inclusive Cost
Mobile phone no low
Mobile scanner yes high
Earplugs no low
ESL LED yes medium (battery)
ESL pageflip yes low
Kiosk screen yes high
This section describes our first contribution, the work-
flow that allows customers to search for a product
in the shop. The workflow shall be characterised by
combining personalisation, i.e. considering the con-
sumer’s search preferences, and privacy preservation,
i.e. allowing anonymous use. These characteristics
furthermore relate to the coupling of search and no-
tification through temporarily assigned numbers or
colours, depending on the notification channel, in or-
der to support multiple concurrent physical product
search activities within a store.
In conjunction with the various options for local-
isation and notification, the scoping of the workflow
is determined according to Fig. 1. It connects the
three main activities with the necessary data struc-
tures, indicating an initial data curation effort by the
Figure 1: Scope for the personalised shopping workflow.
store owner which can however draw on what stores
using shelf labels already have, thus not causing addi-
tional cost related to the input data.
Referring to the detailed workflow specification
expressed as sequence diagram in Fig. 2, each phase
will be described with greater attention to the most
innovative technological components. The workflow
either starts from the consumer who desires to search
for a product in the shop, or by the system upon the
consumer entering the shop with previous preferences
saved. For simplicity, we focus on the first variant
(Step 1 - User search product in the shop). The user
types a text reference of the product (possibly us-
ing voice recognitition and speech-to-text conversion)
and chooses the one that interests him/her from the
list of available products, or a set of products match-
ing a desired category. Again, for simplicity, we fo-
cus on the single product search case. At this point
the application sends the data with the searched prod-
uct to the Backend server (Step 2 - Receives user re-
quest through API). The server checks the availability
of the product in the database (Step 3 - Looking for
product availability). The database is updated by the
shop owner or automatically from the shop manage-
ment system. The Backend Server responds to the
User App with a positive or negative ack of the re-
search (Step 4a - Send Response). If successful, it
returns the position of the product and some infor-
mation. In parallel, the indoor navigation algorithm
calculates the initial route to reach the product (Step
4b - Call indoor navigation system). Map and naviga-
tion information is then sent to the User App (Step 5
- Send map information).
The User App communicates via API with the po-
sitioning devices installed in the store; again for sim-
plification, we refer to one option, BLE beacons (Step
6 - Exchange BLE info). The data exchange allows
the indoor navigation algorithm to guide the user to-
wards the shelves with the product (Step 7 - Navigate
the shop). The User App is updated indicating the
distance from the product which is recalculated dur-
ing navigation (Step 8 - Calculate product distance).
When the user arrives within ”visibility” distance of
Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study
Figure 2: Sequence diagram of indoor consumer interaction.
the labels on the shelves, the User App via API passes
the information to the Cloud Label Controller (Step 9
- Call API for blinking label). This component knows
the position of the labels for each product. Moreover,
depending on the chosen notification method, it is
aware of the assigned color of the LED or number on
the flipped label itself that the user expects to see. If
the label exists and is working, the Cloud Label Con-
troller sends a command to the label to make it flash
or pageflip (Step 10 - Send command for blinking la-
bel). At this point, the label containing the informa-
tion on the product sought flashes with a specific color
or number which will be recognised by the User (Step
11 - Blink for user). The workflow described allows
a user who is looking for a specific product in a shop
to check its characteristics and availability and search
for it on the shelves without wasting time physically
searching for it. The flexibility of the workflow opens
up the possibility of future developments that can, for
example, suggest a product to the user on the basis of
a profiling process and allow him/her to reach it, take
it and paying the product directly in the app.
This part of the paper discusses customers’ interac-
tion with the mobile application and underlying tech-
nologies. For the purpose of a better understanding
of the technologies, the case of the search for a sin-
gle product is reported. The functionality can be ex-
tended to a list of products. The mobile application is
designed for the user’s smartphone. Nowadays many
people use smartphones on a daily basis. These de-
vices are designed to work with different technolo-
gies including BLE-optimising battery consumption.
There are three subsections through this section: Lo-
cate User, the part where the navigation process takes
place; Search Product, where the customers search
for a specific product they want to buy; and Navigate
to Product, detailed information about the searched
product. Each of those refers to a subprocess from the
previously explained workflow, providing a concrete
realisation for the mobile device side while remaining
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
flexible for the infrastructure side in terms of beacons
and ESLs. The interaction-centric discussion is based
on a distributed software architecture connecting the
necessary system components for search, localisation
and notification as shown in Fig. 3.
5.1 Locate User
On the mobile application home screen, there are two
main paths on with which customers interact: Lo-
cate User and Search Product. On the Locate User
path, there is a straightforward process: indoor nav-
igation using BLE and locating the customer on the
floor map of the shopping store. Depending on the
physical deployment, the Bluetooth signals may ar-
rive from a ceiling-mounted access point; in this case,
either a single AP provides angle-of-arrival support
to determine the direction (and the user’s mobile de-
vice supports the necessary BLE protocol version), or
multiple APs are used for trilateration. Alternatively,
if no AP is available or does not provide a suitable
API, a mesh of BLE beacons can be deployed, cal-
ibrated and used for the same purpose, with config-
urable density to balance deployment cost and locali-
sation precision. In our implementation, based on ex-
isting research we provide a Neural Network-based
navigation algorithm which is competitive in accu-
racy. Combination of Bluetooth fingerprinting, a Neu-
ral Network, and a Kalman filter to predict the posi-
tion of a user is used for the navigation, as expressed
in Fig. 4. The algorithm is separated into two phases,
which we refer to as the preparation and localization
phases. For the preparation phase, training data is col-
lected by moving a Bluetooth receiver device between
as many different points on the shop floor as possible
and collection signal strength (RSSI) measurements
from the BLE beacons. This data forms our BLE fin-
gerprint database and serves as the training data for
a feed-forward neural network. It should be noted
that by conventional terms this model is over-fitted,
as all the training data is collected from the same lo-
cation and so it would not work in a different location
unless retrained. This is however the state-of-the-art
in neural network-based fingerprint localisation, and
the traditional alternative of multilateration based on
the RSSI measurements (Cant
on Paterna et al., 2017)
also requires manual calibration on location. The
model can then predict the location of the receiver (a
user’s smartphone) and the prediction passes through
a Kalman filter for smoothing in between measure-
ments to reduce the jittering of the position the user
sees on their screen.
5.2 Search Product
The Search Product path in the application is designed
for sending search queries to the database where all
the products are stored, typically an ERP, but alterna-
tively a Firestore database with generic schema that
works out of the box in our implementation. Cus-
tomers can easily search for any products they want
on this page and then connect to the localisation to
Figure 3: Mobile application architecture.
Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study
Figure 4: Beacon-based navigation algorithm.
correlate both the customer position and the product
position. In addition to the search query feature of this
page, the other important function is the personalised
assignment of an anonymised results indicator, in the
form of a colour or number related to the notification
The ESLs available on the market and used in
that research have limited flashing colours for flash-
ing commands, and limited preloaded e-ink pages for
pageflipping. To avoid customer confusion, each cus-
tomer should have a unique flashing colour or display
number to track the ELSs applying to the appropri-
ate search results. Nevertheless, it is impossible to as-
sign unique colours or numbers to each customer with
the current hardware technology. Colours are usu-
ally limited to single-digit amounts, and e-ink pages
to low double-digit amounts. Therefore, each cus-
tomer will be assigned different colours or numbers
temporarily during the product search, with the mo-
bile application informing about the assignment. If all
possible colours or numbers are occupied, customers
will be informed and move to the standby list if they
wish. Other possible approaches to increase the phys-
ical notification options beyond the phone itself are
possible, but not currently implemented by us, such
as combinations of colours and numbers, or different
blinking LED frequencies or patterns.
A sample view of the Search Product entry page
for a hypothetic store associated to our physical re-
search lab premises, as outlined in the validation sec-
tion below, is shown in Fig. 5.
5.3 Navigate to Product
Customers will arrive at the Navigate to Product Page
if they search for a product and click that product on
the Search Product page. The Navigate to Product
step is the final yet potentially longer-run destination
of the customer. Here, customers can find informa-
tion about the product, such as product location on the
floor map, distance from the product, price, and a de-
scriptive image. In case no assignment was performed
yet, the assigned colour or number will be first dis-
played on the Navigate to the Product page. The same
assignment is then shown as a reminder on the Navi-
gate to the Product page. In case of all colors are oc-
cupied, customers will see that in the pop-up screen,
and if they wish, they will move to the standby list un-
til a color becomes available. Even without assigned
colour, the map-based navigation on the mobile de-
vice itself provides a suitable fallback, although it ex-
cludes customers without a phone or without the ap-
plication installed.
Again, a sample view of this subprocess is pro-
vided in Fig. 6. It shows the floor map on the left
side, with an overlay for navigation consisting of two
to three main items of information: The current loca-
tion of the customer, the location(s) of the product(s)
resulting from the search, and possibly, although not
presently implemented by us, a preferred path to col-
lect all products, for instance based on the shortest
path navigation. The addition of the path would be
more useful in practice in larger stores or malls. On
the right side, the page shows the next product in the
results list along with navigation information and the
assigned personalised indicator.
To determine the feasibility of our approach, we
have validated it under realistic conditions, in a re-
search laboratory for smart technologies, following a
real-tech approach by using commercial technology
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 5: Search Product sample view.
widely deployed in stores today as integration points.
This concerns especially the ERP to obtain product
information, the ESLs, and the label controller to in-
teract with the ESLs. Due to proprietary commu-
nication protocols, the tight coupling between ESLs
and label controller is unavoidable, whereas the other
technological choices permit a degree of flexibility.
Table 3 contains the details on all chosen integration
points. The table also informs about an approximate
and rounded price point in C in order to facilitate
the discussion on how economic the resulting solu-
tion can be especially for smaller stores. Of particular
research interest in this context is the ability to replace
existing functionality with an open source implemen-
tation that can be used to foster innovation. This anal-
ysis provides our third contribution.
6.1 Experiment Testbed
Our testbed setup resembles a small store with three
longer shelves, a total of 30 ESLs in use to mark prod-
ucts, and 12 BLE beacons. The one-time hardware
cost is around 200
C for the ESLs, 200 C for the IoT
adapter, 700 C for the AP and 120 C for the beacons.
In order to have greater flexibility for investigating
Table 3: Integration points (APIs, portals) for end-to-end
validation and comparison.
Category Solution Cost
ERP ExtendaGo 100 C/y
Label designer Vusion Studio 400 C/y
Label controller Vusion Optipick 350 C/y
Self-localisation Mist API 300 C/y
Self-localisation our approach
Mobile application our apporach
mobile device behavior, we have used a Linux-based
notebook instead of a mobile phone to interact with
the system.
By interacting with the ERP and generating label
images dynamically on our backend system, both for
the product and the numbered pageflip pages, we are
in a position to discard the label designer. Moreover,
by being able to tap into beacon-based positioning, we
are also able to discard the existing localization API.
Store owners who prefer to use those online platforms
will still be able to do so with our implementation.
We set up the products on the shelves with a 1:1
mapping to ESLs. For labels that emit BLE signals,
these could be used as a high-density grid for the nav-
igation. However, most products on the market do not
Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study
Figure 6: Navigate to Product sample view.
emit signals. Therefore, in our testbed, we assume
one beacon per running shelf meter, with the aim to
lure customers nearby the target shelf area. Once
nearby, the local notifications such as label flashing
and pageflipping can occur. An impression of the
testbed is given in Fig. 7.
Figure 7: Schematic view of physical experiment layout,
and impression of a product.
In the experiment environment, 12 BLE beacons
were positioned in the research lab space at specific
places to create a 4m x 7.2m grid spaced by 2m rep-
resenting the shopping store along room dividers rep-
resenting the shelves. The schematic grid is shown
in Fig. 7, left side. RSSI measurements were then
collected at different positions to collect a finger-
print dataset to train the Neural Network model. The
dataset was used as training data to generate a Neu-
ral Network model that predicts customers’ positions
based on RSSI readings. The RSSI readings are col-
lected in the background from the 12 beacons in the
grid every 4 seconds. The frequency of 4 seconds was
selected to ensure all beacons are given the chance to
advertise and be received by the mobile device. The
neural network inference itself is actually much faster.
Since that technology will be used in shopping stores,
the Neural Network model is purposefully overfitted
to get more accurate predictions, meaning the model
is only usable in the location it is trained in. Once the
model is trained, it is used to predict a position which
then passes through a Kalman filter to smoothen the
value and rule out spikes. The output of the filter is the
final output exposed by the localisation service. The
final result represents the location of the customer on
the floor map.
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
6.2 Software Implementation
The implementation of the web application used for
validation purposes was built using several underly-
ing technologies. For the front end, React JS was
used to create the user interface. React JS is a widely
used JavaScript library for building user interfaces
and allows for the efficient and scalable development
of complex web applications. The back-end service
was built using Flask API, a microweb framework
written in Python. Flask API allowed for the cre-
ation of RESTful APIs that could be used to inter-
act with physical devices (label controller for ESLs,
beacon/WiFi scanner). Requests sent through the Re-
act front-end were able to interact with these APIs to
retrieve data from and send data to the IoT devices.
Finally, the Google Firebase platform was used as
the database for the web application. Firebase is a
cloud-based database service that provides real-time
updates, secure user authentication, and scalability,
making it a reliable and effective choice for the web
application’s database needs.
The software implementation resulting from our
research is available as open source (Sakman et al.,
2023). We expect that it helps accelerating the setup
of real-labs for personalised shopping and product
search in the future.
6.3 Experiment Findings
Our findings cover both economic and technological
considerations. Concerning the localisation, we can
confirm that indoor navigation based on beacons is
feasible for a shop environment concerning the nav-
igation precision towards an area close to the target
shelf, and that despite additional investment, the over-
all cost may be lower if such a deployment is planned
from the start.
The mean positioning error of the model is typi-
cally 50–100cm (the resolution of the grid), although
spikes occasionally occur (Step 6 - Exchange BLE
info and Step 7 - Navigate the shop). The accuracy
is generally higher than RSSI-based multilateration as
used in the state-of-the-art and comparable with more
advanced solutions such as angle-of-arrival-based de-
tection (Paulino et al., 2022) or UWB (Vey et al.,
2022) which is more expensive to install and also
incompatible with the majority of customer smart-
phones. With further training rounds, which could be
automated by piggy-backing on cleaning or restock-
ing robots in stores, the precision can be expected to
increase slightly.
Assuming a write-off period of five years for per-
sonalised shopping equipment, store owners today
will have to invest 6850 C (including all hardware
except for the beacons) to get production-grade sup-
port for introducing ESLs and for being able to access
a raw positioning API. At this cost, they would still
need an on-top solution for personalised navigation
and physical product search. In contrast, our solution
requires the beacons but is able to discard two exist-
ing platforms and the AP as mentioned above. If WiFi
is required in the store, a more reasonably priced AP
could replace it, with a presumed cost of 200 C. This
results in a total cost of 2970 C, equivalent to 43% of
the comparative investment, and with the added ben-
efit of obtaining an integrated solution for search and
With our work, we have achieved to demonstrate
technical and economic feasibility of physical prod-
uct search and navigation to these products in stores.
Through conscious technological choices, our result
has proven to work in a real-tech environment, can
be implemented with low-cost hardware and a min-
imum set of online platforms, and works with low
power consumption. For the customers in the store,
a privacy-preserving and inclusive experience is pro-
vided, increasing the likelihood to boost sales and re-
vive physical shopping across target populations such
as digital natives, elderly people or tourists. As a
tangible result of our work, we have published an
open source software implementation (Sakman et al.,
Our research has focused on support for hybrid
notifications including navigation on the mobile de-
vice. From a human-computer interaction perspec-
tive, additional modalities to receive nagitation advice
and notifications could be built on top of our work.
This includes augmented reality (AR) navigation to
maintain the overview in larger shops with multiple
separate shelves hosting the desired products. Our im-
plementation is prepared for this modality and we are
in the progress of building the first AR-based naviga-
tion as sketched in Fig. 8.
Our research moreover leads to a unique economic
value proposition. According to our interation with
store owners, especially for high-value stores there is
a high need for such a solution. The economic po-
tential is therefore in commercialising the research re-
sults. If a price tag of around 8000 C is aimed at, only
slightly above the current mark but with better func-
tionality, this would imply a possible range of more
than 5000 C, divided into both the development cost
and sales profits.
Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study
Figure 8: Ongoing augmented reality integration prototype.
In our follow-up work, we will therefore focus on
the following directions. First, we will study the per-
formance and price point for AR-based navigation.
Second, we will investigate the scalability of the solu-
tion in larger stores, and the operational/maintenance
perspective including the adoption of more sustain-
able technology such as solar-powered ESLs and bea-
cons that are technically suitable for indoor shopping
lighting conditions. As a third research direction, in
order to support both customer and shop owner we
will investigate additional features. For that matter,
we expect an emerging mobile application to incor-
porate cutting-edge technology that enables users to
search for a product and receive recommendations for
related items. Once the customer has added all de-
sired products to their basket, the application will gen-
erate the shortest walking path from their current lo-
cation to the cash service, including all products in the
route. The path precision will be increased by lever-
aging multi-sensor fusion and multi-perspective con-
sensus voting (Gkikopoulos et al., 2022). Along this
path, the application will suggest additional products
nearby to the customer as they navigate through the
market. If the customer accepts any of the recom-
mended products, the application will automatically
generate a new walking path with the same logic. This
feature will provide a seamless shopping experience
for users, helping them discover new products while
efficiently navigating through the store.
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I - Action I.1 ”Dottorati innovativi con caratteriz-
zazione industriale” CUP: J75F20000100007.
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Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study