Regulating Cyber Incidents: A Review of Recent Reporting
Angelica Marotta
and Stuart Madnick
MIT Sloan School of Management, U.S.A.
Keywords Cybersecurity, Regulatory Compliance, Incident Reporting.
Abstract In today’s digital landscape, cyber incidents have become more frequent and sophisticated, posing significant
threats to organizations and individuals. To mitigate these risks, governments and regulatory bodies
worldwide have developed various incident reporting regulations for organizations to follow. However, the
effectiveness of these regulations in handling cyber incidents remains a point of debate. This paper focused
on examining current cyber incident reporting regulations and their characteristics, with the primary objective
of identifying the regulatory factors that impact the effectiveness of these regulations. Key aspects under
investigation included timing requirements, the clarity in defining cyber incidents, and the provision of
explicit guidelines regarding the necessity and scope of reporting incidents. Finally, it provides insights into
how regulatory requirements can be improved to better handle cyber incidents in today’s rapidly evolving
regulatory environment.
The increased reliance on digital technologies and the
rise of ransomware attacks made the start of the 2020s
a particularly vulnerable period for cybersecurity. For
example, in March 2021, the Health Service
Executive (HSE) of Ireland was attacked using a
particular type of ransomware called “Conti,” which
caused prolonged interruption of care provision in the
nation’s healthcare system and severely affected
critical services, such as gynecology and maternity
clinics as well as cancer and children’s care
(Ivanković et al., 2023). Other attacks, including the
JBS Foods ransomware attack, the Kaseya supply-
chain attack, and the Accellion data breach,
highlighted the persistent and evolving nature of these
threats and demonstrated the need to adequately
regulate reporting mechanisms (Bunge, 2021;
Merken, 2022; Whitney, 2021). In the past, most
reporting requirements were based primarily on
privacy issues, in particular, the disclosure of
Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Thus, cyber-
attacks that shut down factories and many forms of
ransomware were not required to be reported if no PII
was disclosed.
The need for cyber incident reporting regulations
has become increasingly important as the frequency
and severity of cyber-attacks continue to rise. Over
the years, significant developments have been made
in developing cyber incident reporting regulations,
including establishing cybersecurity agencies and
creating cyber threat intelligence sharing platforms.
For instance, in the United States, the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has
developed a comprehensive framework for
improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity (Ross
et al., 2021). The framework provides a set of
standards, guidelines, and best practices to help
organizations better manage and reduce cyber risks.
Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) has established the Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which serves
as the nation’s lead agency for cybersecurity
(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,
n.d.). CISA helps to coordinate the response to cyber
incidents and provides guidance to organizations on
how to improve their cybersecurity posture. Thus,
agencies such as NIST and CISA play a critical role
in developing and supporting regulatory efforts. For
example, in 2021, President Biden issued Executive
Marotta, A. and Madnick, S.
Regulating Cyber Incidents: A Review of Recent Reporting Requirements.
DOI: 10.5220/0012086000003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 410-416
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (EO
14028), which outlines several important steps
organizations and government agencies must take to
protect themselves from cybersecurity threats
(Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s
Cybersecurity, 2021). To further clarify the Order, the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a
memorandum in September 2022 specifying that
agencies must adhere to the NIST Guidance (Boyens
et al., 2013; Young, 2022). This guidance
recommends that organizations have an incident
response plan in place and ensure that employees are
adequately trained to respond to cybersecurity threats.
Another regulation aimed at improving the
nation’s cybersecurity posture by strengthening
incident reporting and response capabilities is the
Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure
Act (CIRCIA), which was signed into law in March
2022. CIRCIA requires critical infrastructure
organizations to report any cyber incidents to CISA
within a specified timeframe. Therefore, this
highlights the crucial role that CISA plays in incident
reporting and response.
These developments have helped to enhance the
effectiveness of cyber incident reporting regulations
and ensure timely responses to cyber incidents.
However, despite the recent regulations surrounding
cyber incident reporting, organizations still struggle
to implement these requirements effectively. For
example, it is often difficult for organizations to
collect accurate information on the nature, impacts,
and frequency of attacks and report this information
to the relevant regulatory authorities within the
required reporting timeframe. Therefore, the
effectiveness of these regulations depends on various
factors, such as their timing requirements for
reporting and their clarity in defining a cyber incident
and what should be reported. This study seeks to
examine recent cyber incident reporting regulations
and their characteristics, with a focus on determining
the regulatory factors that impact the effectiveness of
cyber incident reporting rules. Finally, this study
provides insights into how reporting regulatory
efforts can be improved to better address the growing
issue of handling cyber incidents in an effective
Among the most significant regulatory developments
in cybersecurity, incident reporting has been specified
by several authors as a crucial regulatory element,
requiring organizations to quickly report any security
incidents and take necessary measures (Michalec et
al., 2022; Silverajan & Vistiaho, 2019; Slonka, 2020).
In particular, most experts agree that many cyber
incidents involve a country’s Critical National
Infrastructure (CNI) (Gkioulos & Chowdhury, 2021;
Maglaras et al., 2019). For example, the North
American Electric Reliability Corporation’s Critical
Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) was one of the
first incident reporting regulations specifically
designed to ensure the security of critical
infrastructure systems and protect sensitive data
(Awati, 2022). Consequently, critical infrastructure
protection has emerged in the literature as a pressing
concern and a critical area to examine as part of the
new regulatory landscape surrounding incident
reporting (Slayton & Clark-Ginsberg, 2018).
However, some scholars argued that these
regulations present several challenges (Madnick,
2022a; Silverajan & Vistiaho, 2019). For instance,
one problem is that most countries’ cybersecurity-
related laws have focused on privacy rather than
cybersecurity, leaving companies without the
necessary tools and information to report incidents
and counter cyber threats (Madnick, 2022b). One
example of privacy-centered regulation is the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (The European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union,
2016). Marotta and Madnick (2021) argued that while
progress has been made in improving cybersecurity
through GDPR, organizations cannot assume that the
requirements imposed by the legislation are enough
to handle cybersecurity and effectively report any
cyber incident. On the other hand, Andreasson and
Fallen (2018) presented a different perspective on this
topic, highlighting the importance of balancing
security objectives with other regulatory goals, such
as privacy, to achieve cyber resiliency.
Several authors also argued that organizations
face the challenge of balancing reporting and
confidentiality. For example, Johnson (2015) argued
that revealing the details of a security incident can
expose vulnerabilities or assets that can trigger further
attacks. Therefore, this dilemma may hinder
compliance with regulations and reporting incidents
effectively. The author also stressed the importance
of unifying cyber-reporting requirements and
mechanisms to reduce the complexity of reporting to
different industry regulators and entities, such as
national infrastructure protection agencies, law
enforcement, and Computer Emergency Response
Teams (CERTs). Similarly, Parlour (2019) raised
concerns about regulatory fragmentation and the need
Regulating Cyber Incidents: A Review of Recent Reporting Requirements
to determine the best cyber-incident framework to
improve cyber resilience. Wolff (2016) supports this
view, stating that regulators have distinct roles in
promoting security reporting goals. For example,
some incident reporting regulations are intended to
protect consumers from cyber threats, while others
aim to aid real-time detection and response. As a
result, meeting reporting expectations can be a
daunting task for organizations, as they are subject to
varying requirements with respect to timing of
reporting, the type of information that needs to be
reported, and the parties to whom the reports must be
Having reviewed the major academic viewpoints
on incident reporting regulations, it is important to
explore how the resulting issues analyzed in the
literature could have been beneficial in practical
situations. By scrutinizing case studies of past
incidents, we can identify the areas where incident
reporting regulations could have effectively
prevented or reduced such incidents' effects. In the
following section, we will delve into some notable
cyber-attacks where incident reporting regulations
could have had a substantial impact.
Cyber incident reporting regulations have become
increasingly important for organizations, as they
provide numerous advantages. These regulations help
organizations keep track of incidents and reduce
future occurrences, inform policy decisions, identify
potential risks, and incentivize organizations to take
preventative or corrective measures. Additionally,
incident reporting builds trust between organizations
and their customers.
In the past, there have been cyber-related
incidents where reporting could have helped to avoid
or contain data breaches.
For example, we know that ransomware attacks
continue to spread around the world. The National
Vulnerability Database (NVD) contains a list of over
200,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
The TSA issued two directives in 2021 concerning
pipeline cybersecurity. In May 2021, the TSA issued the
first directive (SD-01), and in July 2021, the second
directive (SD-02) was issued, known as the "TSA Pipeline
Security Directive 2021-02 Series". The second directive
(CVE) (NIST, n.d.-a, n.d.-b). Many of these CVEs
could be used to initiate a ransomware attack. It
would be an enormous effort for a company to try to
resolve all of these CVEs. But, it turns out that only a
very small subset of these CVEs are actually being
exploited by ransomers (SOCRadar, 2022). By
knowing these CVEs, companies can more efficiently
focus their energy to defend themselves against these
vulnerabilities. This would not be possible if the
actual vulnerabilities being exploited by ransomware
gangs was not reported.
However, despite the introduction of more
stringent regulations in the following years, many
cyber incidents still remained unreported due to
confidentiality issues and regulatory loopholes,
which provided room for interpretation. The 2021
Colonial Pipeline attack highlighted this problem, as
the company was not legally obligated to disclose the
incident due to the lack of personal data being stolen
(Madnick, 2022b). As a result, this attack served as a
powerful wake-up call, highlighting the need to
ensure that cyber incidents are adequately regulated.
In response to this event, the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) quickly issued a mandate
requiring pipeline operators to publicly report any
cyber incidents within 12 hours, conduct regular
security assessments, and appoint a coordinator in the
event of a breach (Uberti, 2022).
Cyber incidents such as those described above
have provided important lessons about the
significance of incident reporting in regulations. The
first lesson learned is the importance of timing in
reporting. For example, in the WannaCry ransomware
attack, timely reporting could have been crucial in
preventing cyber-attacks. It would have allowed for
the rapid identification and patching of
vulnerabilities, preventing attackers from exploiting
them. Furthermore, it would have enabled authorities
to take necessary steps to contain the damage caused
by the attack and prevent similar incidents from
occurring in the future.
The second lesson learned is the importance of
defining a cyber incident in regulations. The Colonial
Pipeline attack showed that a more precise
understanding of what constitutes a cyber incident is
necessary to ensure that incidents are reported
accurately and uniformly, avoiding ambiguity and
confusion. The lack of clear guidelines on the
definition of a cyber incident allowed the company to
expired on July 26, 2022, after which the TSA issued a third
directive, which came into effect on July 27, 2022 (Security
Directive Pipeline-2021-02C, also referred to as “SD02C”)
(Security Administration Transportation, 2021).
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
avoid reporting the incident, which could have led to
a better response and prevented further damage.
Therefore, accurately defining cyber incidents in
regulations is crucial to ensure that companies take
necessary steps to protect themselves and their
customers’ data, and report any breaches promptly.
Finally, these attacks also emphasized the need for
more stringent and accurate incident reporting
regulations that offer clarity to organizations in
understanding the importance of reporting incidents
and what needs to be reported. These regulations play
a key role in ensuring that organizations are aware of
their responsibilities and helping them take necessary
actions to mitigate risks.
After analyzing the potential role of incident
reporting regulations in previous incidents, it is
crucial to further investigate and scrutinize the
resulting lessons learned. By comprehending the
drawbacks and areas of improvement highlighted by
past incidents, it can be possible to enhance readiness
for future events and limit their consequences. In the
following sections, we will examine these lessons
learned and explore how related regulatory factors
can be applied to create more effective incident
reporting regulations in the future.
Considering the observations derived from the
literature review and the analysis of past incidents, the
efficacy of cyber incident reporting regulations seems
to be influenced by several factors, including timing
requirements, the clarity in understanding of what
constitutes a cyber incident, and the provision of clear
guidelines on why it is necessary to report incidents
and what to report. The next sections examine each of
these factors in detail.
4.1 Reporting Timing
Reporting cyber-attacks has its advantages and
disadvantages when it comes to timing requirements.
On the one hand, regulations such as the Network and
Information Security (NIS2) Directive provide a
The NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation mentions incident
reporting in § 500.17 Notices to superintendent (a) Notice
of cybersecurity event.
sense of urgency, requiring that organizations report
incidents as soon as possible (Directive (EU)
2016/1148, 2022). Similarly, the GDPR also requires
organizations to report data breaches to EU data
protection authorities within 72 hours (Article 33)
and notify affected parties “with undue delay”
(Article 34) if the breach poses a high risk to
individuals rights and freedoms (The European
Parliament and the Council of the European Union,
2016). In the US, another regulation with a short
reporting window is the New York Department of
Financial Services (NYDFS) Cybersecurity
Regulation (23 NYCRR 500). This comprehensive
cybersecurity framework applies to banking,
insurance, and financial services companies operating
in the state of New York (New York Consolidated
Laws, 2022). This regulation requires supervised
entities to submit incident reports to the Department
of Financial Services (DFS) within 72 hours of
becoming aware of any data breaches, unauthorized
access attempts, and other cybersecurity-related
. This can be beneficial in mitigating the
damage caused by the attack.
Conversely, the California Consumer Privacy Act
allows for a more generous 45-day period for
reporting incidents, allowing organizations more time
to analyze and report cyber-attacks. Another example
of incident reporting regulation is the Critical Entities
Resilience Directive (CER), designed to protect the
availability, integrity, and confidentiality of critical
infrastructure systems in the EU (Directive (EU)
2022/2557, 2023). The proposed Directive states that
Member States must carry out regular risk
assessments and have proactive measures to detect,
report, and address cybersecurity incidents. However,
reporting cyber-attacks has also prompted a
regulatory concern about the different timing
requirements for reporting a cybersecurity incident.
Thus, determining which one to prioritize in case of
conflicting deadlines can be challenging for
organizations. Furthermore, it can be difficult to keep
up with these regulations and comply with their
deadlines, especially considering the varying types of
incidents. For example, in March 2022, the US
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an
agency of the federal government, issued a proposed
, intending to improve and standardize
cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance,
and incident reporting disclosure by public
companies (The Securities and Exchange
The proposal is titled “Cybersecurity Risk Management,
Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure.”
Regulating Cyber Incidents: A Review of Recent Reporting Requirements
Commission, 2022). In particular, the SEC’s
requirement to report within four business days only
applies if the attack is deemed “material.”
Determining whether an incident is “material” can be
complex and time-consuming. Therefore, analyzing a
cyber-attack can take weeks, and establishing
materiality can be subjective. As a result, an incident
that one company views as not material and, thus, is
not reported, would not provide the useful
information needed to prevent a similar attack on
another company who would view it as very
4.2 Definition of an Incident from a
Security and Compliance Point of
The digital landscape has changed considerably,
making regulations often unsuitable for defining a
cyber incident adequately. As a result, organizations
face the challenge of determining which incidents
qualify as cyber incidents and which do not. To
address this issue, new or updated legislation was
created to provide clearer definitions. For example, in
2020, the European Commission made a proposal to
update the NIS Directive as part of the new EU
Cybersecurity Strategy. As a result, the revised
Directive (NISD2) provided a much more nuanced
definition of a cyber incident than the one outlined in
the previous version issued in 2016 (NISD)
(Directive (EU) 2016/1148, 2022).
However, interpreting the regulations remains
challenging, especially in determining if a cyber issue
has the potential to become an incident. For example,
according to one official definition provided by NIST,
a cyber incident only requires an action that
“imminently jeopardizes” a system or presents an
“imminent threat” of violating a law (NIST, 2011).
More specifically, a cyber incident is defined as an
occurrence that:
(1) actually, or imminently jeopardizes, without
lawful authority, the integrity, confidentiality,
or availability of information or an information
system; or
(2) constitutes a violation or imminent threat of
violation of law, security policies, security
procedures, or acceptable use policies.
This definition includes incidents that do not
necessarily need to result in an actual security breach
but could lead to one (Madnick, 2022a). An analogy
to understand this issue is the aviation term “near
miss” or “close call,” which refers to the loss of safe
separation between aircraft in flight (Thoroman et al.,
2019). This particular circumstance can result in a
mid-air collision in the worst-case scenario. A similar
situation can occur in cybersecurity as well.
Examples of such occurrences may include spear-
phishing attacks targeting a particular organization or
the discovery of evidence of a common vulnerability
in a system. However, incidents such as failed login
attempts or phishing email reporting may not
necessarily qualify as cyber incidents. This lack of
clarity surrounding cyber “near miss” leaves
organizations navigating in a gray area as to what
should count as a cybersecurity incident. Therefore, it
is critical to have a clear and comprehensive
definition of cyber incidents to ensure that
organizations can identify and respond to them
4.3 Why Report Incidents and What to
The question of exactly why to report incidents and
what to report is rarely answered with a single,
definitive response. There are many different possible
options, including the need to identify the type of
attack that happened, the methods used, and the
impact of the incident. Reporting incidents can help
organizations get statistics and know what may be
coming their way, thus improving their ability to
prepare for future attacks. In this regard, several
regulations on cyber incident reporting have been
implemented in many countries to ensure that
organizations report incidents that could significantly
impact the public and share awareness of incident
reporting. For example, in some countries,
regulations require organizations to report any cyber
incident, regardless of the severity. These regulations
have been effective in making organizations
understand why and what to report. The success of
these regulations can be seen in the increased number
of reported incidents, which has helped to improve
the overall understanding of cyber threats. However,
there are also concerns that regulations can be too
prescriptive and that organizations may not report
incidents that they consider minor, as they fear
negative publicity or are not adequately trained. For
example, only 288 out of roughly 200,000
vulnerabilities listed in the National Vulnerability
Database (NVD) were exploited for ransomware
attacks (Madnick, 2022b). To address these concerns,
some regulations provide guidance on what should be
reported and how to assess the impact of an incident,
but there is still a need for further education and
support to ensure that all organizations are reporting
incidents effectively.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Cyber incident reporting regulations have become
increasingly important in today’s digital landscape due
to the rise of cyber threats and the need to timely
intervene to counter them. However, the impact of
these regulations requires significant changes
throughout the organization, which are not just limited
to the actions undertaken by security leaders, such
as CISOs and CIOs. Top management and the Board
must be fully aware of the scope of these regulations
and review the related compliance procedures
accordingly. Additionally, employees must be trained
to understand current policies and processes.
Particularly attention must also be devoted to
understanding new concepts introduced in new
regulations, such those concerning “materiality.” The
definition of materiality may play a critical role in
determining which incidents should be reported; it can
help organizations determine the significance or
impact an incident could have on their operations,
reputation, or financial stability. However, current
regulations incorporating this concept may include
vague requirements and guidance. Thus, organizations
struggle to determine which incidents should be
reported, leading to issues, such as underreporting or
overreporting of incidents. As a consequence,
underreporting incidents can result in regulators being
unaware of potential threats, while overreporting
incidents can lead to a waste of resources. It is,
therefore, essential for regulators to enhance current
regulatory initiatives and learn from the positive
features of regulations, such as Security Directive
Pipeline-2021-02C and Critical Entities Resilience
Directive (CERD). For example, by incorporating
clearer timelines for reporting incidents and expanding
the definition of reportable incidents, regulators can
ensure that organizations are aware of potential
incidents that could adversely affect their business and
customers. However, recently, there have been some
notable improvements in the field of incident reporting.
For instance, the Biden-Harris Administration
unveiled a new National Cybersecurity Strategy on
March 2, 2023, which aims to protect the United
States’ critical digital infrastructure (The White House,
2023). This strategy was developed in response to
several cyber threats that posed a significant risk to
public services in recent years. In particular, “Strategic
Objective 1.4” under this strategy focuses on updating
the Federal Incident Response Plans and Processes,
which also includes enhancing the CIRCIA. More
specifically, according to this objective, the Act will
require all critical entities to report cyber incidents to
the CISA “within hours.” Thus, these timely
notifications will enable faster incident response at the
Federal level. The road to overcoming incident
reporting challenges is still long. However, it is
essential to advise regulators, either directly or through
industry associations, to help improve regulations
continually. Thus, organizations and regulators must
work together to increase the quality and quantity of
cyber-attack reporting and discuss regulatory issues
through collaboration and feedback.
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SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography