Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
ementine Gritti
1 a
, Fr
eric A. Hayek
2 b
and Pascal Lafourcade
2 c
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
e Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, Mines de Saint-
Etienne, LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Blockchain, Consensus, Cryptocurrency.
Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger. A wide range of consensus algorithms exists to reach consen-
sus in a decentralized manner. However, most of them trade energy consumption for a degree of openness.
Blockchains are primarily used for tokens and cryptocurrencies. Often the process of minting new tokens
depends on actionable real world behaviors. A difficulty persists in securely translating said behavior into a
decentralized blockchain. We formalize the generic concept of Proof of Behavior (PoB), and use it to create a
consensus mechanism for generic permissionless blockchains.
Blockchain technologies have attracted a lot of atten-
tion, with many possible applications (e.g., cryptocur-
rency, healthcare, identity verification, etc.). How-
ever, they are not environmental-friendly. With cli-
mate change, it becomes urgent to develop and deploy
technologies that act responsibly towards our planet.
A blockchain is a distributed ledger taking the
form of a set of blocks chained together by hash
functions. We call miner an entity who can and tries
to create new blocks in a given blockchain. For
creating valid blocks in Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008)
(which introduced the world to blockchain in 2008 by
Nakamoto), miners have to partially inverse a cryp-
tographic hash function i.e., find a nonce to em-
bed in the current block such that the hash of said
block is less than a given target. This process is called
Proof of Work (PoW). Miners are then rewarded with
freshly created bitcoins, the cryptocurrency whose
transactions are written in the blocks. Mining has
become so profitable that a lot of resources have
been allocated to solve these inversion problems. To-
day Bitcoin mining’s energy consumption scales to
that of nations (O’Dwyer and Malone, 2014). Many
blockchains, such as Bitcoin Cash (BTC, ), Mon-
ero (based on Cryptonote (Van Saberhagen, 2013))
as well as Ethereum (Buterin et al., 2014) before the
Merge, have also used PoW for blocks creation.
Nevertheless, blockchains by and large are shy-
ing away from PoW. Even blockchains that did im-
plement PoW are trying to change their consensus
mechanism. The best example is Ethereum’s Merge
(i.e., Ethereum 2.0) that replaced PoW with a ver-
sion of Proof of Stake (PoS). PoS is a family of
consensus mechanisms relying on miners’ stake (i.e.,
wealth). All PoS claim to be energy efficient. It was
first introduced by Peercoin’s Proof of Stake-Time
(PoST) (King and Nadal, 2012). PoST is basically a
PoW with an adjustable target such that the target de-
pends on the coins held by the miner (amount and du-
ration). In fine it does not vary significantly from PoW
such as to create a paradigm change. All PoS mech-
anisms, by definition, restrict mining to those who
have a stake in the system. Apart from the fact that
this could be seen as an infringement on the openness
of the system, PoS is generally thought of as either
(a) an extra security layer: giving bigger stakehold-
ers more responsibility in ensuring the safety of the
system; or (b) allowing less decentralization: wealthy
people are more powerful and arguably, very wealthy
individuals who do not care about the underlying as-
sets could make very dangerous attackers. Therefore,
even if PoS has been introduced as an alterntive to
energy-intensive PoW, it brings limitations that could
question the existence of decentralized ledgers.
PoW, PoST, along with Proof of Authority (PoA)
and Proof of Space (PoSp), are considered Nakamoto-
style consensus mechanisms, meaning that one miner
gets the right to mine a block by doing something, and
other miners can accept that block or reject it by sim-
Gritti, C., Hayek, F. and Lafourcade, P.
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0012091700003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 206-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ply mining atop it or not. Contrary to Nakamoto-style
consensus, some blockchains use Byzantine Fault
Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanisms. One good ex-
ample of such a blockchain is Algorand (Gilad et al.,
2017). However BFT consensus mechanisms cannot
operate when the set of miners is unspecified, because
their algorithms depend on the total number of min-
ers which must be well defined. This constraint could
restrict the variety of blockchain types.
With the recent growing trend in design-
ing and releasing cryptocurrencies, different
blockchain types have been presented, namely
permissioned/permissionless and private/public
blockchains. We define common blockchain types
inspired by (Bernabe et al., 2019) as follows:
Public blockchains where any entity can emit op-
erations that can potentially be incorporated into
the blockchain.
Private blockchains where only a set of autho-
rized entities can emit operations that can poten-
tially be incorporated into the blockchain.
Permissionless blockchains where any entity can
participate in the mining process.
Permissioned blockchains where only a set of
authorized entities can participate in mining.
Note that through this definition, PoS blockchains
are regarded as permissioned since only those who
have a stake in the system can actually participate
in the mining process. Others define blockchains
as permissioned when the current set of miners se-
lects their successors; and in PoS blockchains when
somebody sells a stake to another person, the seller
is also selling the right to mine; so in a way it is
also the set of current miners who selects their suc-
cessors. This definition enables us to identify public
permissionless blockchains (e.g., Bitcoin (Nakamoto,
2008), Ethereum (Buterin et al., 2014)), public per-
missioned blockchains (e.g., Ethereum 2.0), private
permissioned blockchains (such as the ones built with
the Hyperledger Fabric framework (Androulaki et al.,
2018)) and private permissionless (with no examples,
as this scenario has almost no use cases). As such,
most non-energy consuming blockchains are indeed
permissioned (though it may be public).
A cryptocurrency is a currency that not only re-
lies on cryptographic primitives, but must also have a
certain degree of decentralization and privacy as de-
scribed in (Lansky, 2018). Hence there is a distinc-
tion between regular digital currencies and cryptocur-
Recent years have seen a rise of tokens rewarded
to people for specific day-to-day actions such as creat-
ing solar-based energy using photovoltaics (e.g., So-
larcoin (Johnson et al., 2015), walking and running
(e.g., Sweatcoin (Fomenko, 2022; Derlyatka et al.,
2019; Elliott et al., 2019), car-pooling (e.g. and Eco-
coin (Van Mensvoort et al., 2015). Most of such
tokens claim to be cyptocurrencies, yet lack the de-
centralization required to effectively be a cryptocur-
rency (Lansky, 2018).
Our aim in this paper is to propose a solution to
overcome the aforementioned challenges: we propose
a generic blockchain mined by using Proof of Behav-
ior (PoB) (Grollemund et al., 2020). PoB aims to
replace PoW by a specific human behavior prefer-
ably an ecological one to avoid consuming energy in
hash computations on the one hand, and to further the
development of eco-responsible habits on the other.
1.1 Contributions
In (Grollemund et al., 2020) the authors just define
the concept of PoB, here we go above and beyond.
We formally define a generic Proof of Behavior along
with all information necessary to verify it and to ex-
tract its impact.
We construct a consensus mechanism for
blockchains using the PoB along with well defined
cryptographic primitives. This blockchain is energy
efficient while it promotes the specific type of be-
havior that the PoB relies upon. We use a Verifiable
Delay Function (VDF) (Boneh et al., 2018a) and then
reduce the energy consumption to at most a couple
of CPUs per miner which is negligeable compared to
unlimited parallelization in PoW-based consensuses.
Furthermore by simply rewarding tokens to the
blockchain miners, we are able to reward a specific
behavior with the blockchain associated cryptocur-
rency. Optionally, we could choose to allow miners
to also incorporate into the blockchain the PoBs of
non-miners and reward them for it. This entails the
creation of an ecosystem were all people who make a
specific behavior are rewarded with cryptocurrency.
We construct the transaction fees in such a way
that the miner is not biased towards bigger trans-
actions nor smaller transactions: certain conditions
must be met for this to be non-exploitable by the
miner, but the underlying idea is that senders “pay”
(in fact destroy) a fee rate in concordance with the
size of the transaction, while the miner is rewarded
the same fixed amount of coins for whatever transac-
tion. We also propose to add a temporal demurrage
(highly praised by many economists such as Silvio
Gesell (Gesell, 1958)) on coins such that they lose
value with time. We show how to incorporate this
with the non-biased transaction construction.
There are many applications to such a cryptocur-
rency, and many pre-existing projects can benefit
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
from such a structure. We also detail an application to
this “behavior chain” in EcoMobiCoin, a cryptocur-
rency mined by ecological mobility. To our knowl-
edge, this is the first framework for using generic be-
haviors in a blockchain consensus mechanism and for
rewarding generic behaviors with cryptocurrency.
1.2 Related Work
We are seeing the rise of projects aiming at creat-
ing cryptocurrency as a result of human action. Most
of them target human mobility, perceived through the
lens of ecology or through the lens of health.
Ecocoin. is a currency that aims to reward ecolog-
ical behaviors (Van Mensvoort et al., 2015). These
behaviors are defined by the Ecocoin foundation and
include green commuting (such as car-pooling or bik-
ing), low home energy expenditure, low carbon foot-
print foods, etc. Interestingly, ecocoins are backed by
trees: to each ecocoin in circulation corresponds a tree
put in escrow. In the whitepaper and in public talks,
conceivers of Ecocoin claim it as a cryptocurrency,
and claim that people shall be rewarded for their ac-
tions according to the difficulty of said actions. For
example, someone biking in Portugal earns more eco-
coins than someone biking in the Netherlands because
bikes are used much less often in Portugal. For the
moment, Ecocoin is implemented in seperate events
and organizations indepedently. Furhermore, Eco-
coin relies on inspectors to verify users’ behaviors.
Inspectors can be people that personally attest of a
certain behavior (as done with L’Or
eal Paris in the
Netherlands) or can be certified vendors such as on-
line Marketplaces that could attest that you ordered
low speed shipping. However, neither the whitepa-
per nor any online resource explicits its underlying
distributed ledger. Hence, there are no security guar-
entees whatsoever. Furthermore, the project seems
abandoned since 2019.
Sweat. is a cryptocurrency aiming at complement-
ing Sweatcoin (Fomenko, 2022; Derlyatka et al.,
2019; Elliott et al., 2019). Sweatcoin is a digital to-
ken (not a cryptocurrency) that is awarded to people
who do physical efforts, such as walk, bike, swim,
etc. Users can then use sweatcoins in affiliated mar-
kets. Sweat on the other hand is a cryptocurrency
also rewarded to users for their physical activity, how-
ever only the person’s first 5’000 steps can earn them
Sweat. After that, they can only get sweatcoins. Fur-
thermore, Sweat implements demurrage as a non-
activity fee. The Decentralized Autonomous Orga-
nization (governed by all holders of Sweat) sets the
activity threshold and the corresponding fees. Sweat
is built on the Near blockchain (Polosukhin and Ski-
danov, 2022). Sweat relies on Movement Validators
to validate a person’s physical activity. SweatCo Ltd
is the only Movement Validator as of launch. Verifi-
cation is done through the analysis of raw data sent by
the recording device. It is intended that in the future,
third parties such as activity trackers, fitness equip-
ment makers, and fitness app developers can operate
as Movement Validators. However verification of raw
data sent by recording devices is prone to attacks, for
example by manually manufacturing the data. We de-
fine a Proof of Behavior in such a way to require the
impossibility of synthesize the data.
Clinicoin. is a cryptocurrency on Clinicoin’s public
permissioned blockchain
. Clinicoin connects three
types of people: (i) users who are regular people who
log healthy activities; (ii) validators who validate
(through what is called a Proof-of-Engagement) a
person’s activity, they can be developers of health
apps or in-person validators such as exercise instruc-
tors or personal trainers; and (iii) healthcare and
research providers who are interested in people’s
health data. Users can choose whether to share their
data with providers or not.
Examples above use (entirely or partially) GPS
traces to determine users’ behaviors, which is not nec-
essarily tamper-proof, nor privacy-preserving. Never-
theless, we notice that projects that aim at creating
cryptocurrencies as a reward for human behavior tend
to restrict mining. This may be for security purposes
or for efficiency. Some projects, such as Weward
used to have a blockchain before completely aban-
doning it in favor of a digital token architecture.
Solarcoin. is a cryptocurrency created to reward
people for solar energy produced. It is minted at the
rate of 1 solarcoin per 1 MWh of solar energy pro-
duced. To get solarcoins, one must send proof of
one’s solar energy production to the Solarcoin Foun-
dation, which in turn rewards the energy producer
with coins on the blockchain. The Solarcoin Foun-
dation used to use its own blockchain, but have now
migrated onto the Energy Web Chain (Hartnett et al.,
2019) which uses a Proof of Authority type of con-
sensus. Cleary Solarcoin lacks decentralization since
it relies on a single authority to verify solar energy
production, not to mention the Proof of Authority
1 (accessed on 2023-03-07).
2 (accessed on 2023-03-07).
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Primecoin. (King, 2013a; King, 2013b) is a cryp-
tocurrency that instead of wasting computing power
to do a regular PoW which serves no purpose ex-
cept chosing the next miner, miners do computa-
tional work that actually is useful. Primecoin’s min-
ers are chosen based on who creates new specific
prime-number related sequences. The goal is to re-
place PoW’s by a useful energy consumption. This
takes the form of “working” on finding Cunningham
and bi-twin chains, which are interesting to mathe-
Elapsed Time Consensus Protocols. encompass
Proof of Elapsed Time (Chen et al., 2017) and Proof
of Luck (Milutinovic et al., 2016), since they share
many similarities. Basically, these consensus mecha-
nism rely on Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)
to wait a certain period of time before emitting a proof
that they did so. This proof is what gives a miner min-
ing rights. The miner will thus incorporate it into the
block, making it a valid block. In (Bowman et al.,
2021), they also propose a way to not rely on TEEs.
This relies on a function z-test which they modify into
a “time-based” z-test to suit their proof. This function
allows them to calculate if a given miner has mined
too many blocks, in which case it will restrict them
from mining for a period of time. It is easy to see that
this only works in permissioned blockchains (which
they do specify as “private”) since in permissionless
blockchains miners can create new identities on the
fly, and are thus immune to restrictions from the z-
Many blockchains claim to be energy efficient
and permissionless. However, all PoS blockchain, by
definition, are not permissionless, be it regular PoS,
PoST, liquid PoS (used in Tezos (Goodman, 2014)).
Few consensus mechanisms can claim to be non en-
ergy consuming and permissionless. One such ex-
ample is PoSp (Park et al., 2018). PoSp can be im-
plemented in many forms, most interesting of which
are Proof of Retrievability (PoR) (Miller et al., 2014)
(also known as Proof of Storage) consisting of prov-
ing that a certain data is being correctly stored at the
time of the proof. However, PoSp constructions re-
quire evergrowing memory, and apart from their di-
rect application (storing files in a distributed manner)
show no further development.
1.3 Road Map
In the following section, we present the cryptographic
tools that we need to design a PoB blockchain. In
Section 3, we define our eco-friendly Proof of Behav-
ior (PoB). In Section 4, we propose a blockchain us-
ing consensus mechanism based on PoB. In Section
5, we focus on the security of such PoB blockchain.
In Section 6, we explain the process of blockchain-
based demurrage. In Section 7, we suggest our main
application, called EcoMobiCoin, based on our PoB
blockchain, along with other possible examples. Fi-
nally, we conclude our paper in the last section.
2.1 Hash Functions
Hash functions are an important building block of
blockchain technologies. Hash functions take as in-
put data of arbitrary length and output a string of fixed
length. Hash values in such context are used to iden-
tify blockchain transactions and to generate PoWs.
We require the hash function to be computation-
ally efficient and deterministic. Given an input x,
computing H(x) = y is efficient and always gives the
same output y. Moreover, we need the hash function
to be collision-resistant: it must be infeasible to find
two different inputs x and x
such that they both yield
the same output y = H(x) = H(x
2.2 Digital Signatures
Blockchains require the use of digital signatures in
order to authenticate users’ transactions. When a user
submits a transaction to the network, it must prove
that it has enough funds to spend while protecting
iself from getting those funds spent by other users.
Then the submitted transaction is verified and the new
blockchain state is agreed upon by the network.
Let Alice plan to send 1 coin to Bob. Using her
private key, Alice signs a transaction spending 1 coin
and submits both the transaction and its signature to
the network. The miners check the contents of the
submitted transaction as well as the validity of the as-
sociated signature using the public key of Alice. If the
signature is valid, then the transaction is confirmed
and included in the upcoming block.
Definition 1. A digital signature scheme consists of
three probabilistic polynomial time algorithms, de-
noted as KeyGen, Sign and Verify
, such that:
KeyGen(λ) (pk,sk) is a randomized algorithm
that takes a security parameter λ, and outputs the
pair of public key pk and private key sk.
Sign(sk, m) σ is a deterministic algorithm taking
the private key sk and the to-be-signed message m
and outputs a signature σ.
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
(pk,m, σ) {Accept,Re ject} is a deter-
ministic algorithm taking the message m, its sig-
nature σ along with the supposed signing public
key pk and either outputs Accept if σ is a valid
signature for m with pk or Re ject otherwise.
Correctness. If (pk, sk) KeyGen(λ) and
σ Sign(m, sk) for a given message m, then
(m,σ, pk) Accept.
Unforgeability. We are interested in digital signa-
ture schemes that are existentially unforgeable under
a chosen-message attack (Goldwasser et al., 1988).
Informally, let an adversary get access to signatures
for messages that he chooses. This adversary must
not be able to create a valid signature for a new mes-
2.3 Verifiable Delay Functions
For our consensus mechanism, we rely on Verifiable
Delay Functions (VDFs) (Boneh et al., 2018a). A ver-
ifiable delay function is a function that cannot be com-
puted in less than a pre-defined number of sequential
computations, and it must be “quickly” verifiable.
Definition 2. A VDF scheme consists of three algo-
rithms, Setup, Eval and Verify
, such that:
Setup(λ,t) pp = (ek, vk) is a randomized algo-
rithm that takes a security parameter λ and a de-
sired puzzle difficulty t and produces public pa-
rameters pp that consist of an evaluation key ek
and a verification key vk. We require Setup to
be polynomial time in λ. By convention, the pub-
lic parameters specify an input space X and an
output space Y . We assume that X is efficiently
sampleable. Setup might need secret randomness,
leading to a scheme requiring a trusted setup. For
meaningful security, the puzzle difficulty t is re-
stricted to be sub-exponentially sized in λ.
Eval(ek,x) (y,π) takes as input the public param-
eter ek and x X and produces an output y Y
and a (possibly empty) proof π. Eval may use ran-
dom bits to generate the proof π but not to com-
pute y. For all pp generated by Setup(λ,t) and all
x X , algorithm (eval,ek,x) must run in parallel
time t with poly(log(t), λ) processors.
(vk, x,y,π) {Accept, Re ject} is a deter-
ministic algorithm that takes as inputs the public
parameter vk, an entry x X , the supposed cor-
responding output y Y and the supposed corre-
sponding proof π and outputs Accept or Re ject.
must run in total time polynomial in
log(t) and λ.
Sequentiality. Any honest user can generate the
pair (y, π) Eval(pp, x) in t sequential steps, while
any parallel-machine adversary with a polynomial
number of processors cannot distinguish the output y
from random values in significantly fewer steps.
Efficient Verifiability. The algorithm Verify
aimed to be as fast as possible for honest users to
run. In particular, the total time should be of the order
Uniqueness. For every input x, it is difficult to
obtain a value y such that Verify
(pp, x,y,π)
Accept, but y ̸= Eval(pp, x).
Constructions. Two possible constructions are
Wesolowski’s construction (Wesolowski, 2019) and
Pietrzak’s construction (Pietrzak, 2018). They are
both efficient and simple, though the first is a little
more efficient and the latter a little simpler. A de-
tailed comparison and analysis of both constructions
can be found in (Boneh et al., 2018b).
Our generic blockchain is mined using a Proof of
Behavior (PoB) (Grollemund et al., 2020). The
blockchain’s genericity consists of the type of behav-
ior the blockchain seeks to promote.
A PoB should contain (i) data about the behavior
itself, which allows anyone to verify the behavor; (ii)
a timestamp (since a PoB has a limited duration) and
(iii) the identity of its producer. All these information
should be signed together by a validator binding the
producer with the timestamp with the behavior. The
validator could be operated by a human actor or by an
automatic verification mechanism such as a Trusted
Platform Module. It is the signature by the validator
that prevents the user from modifying the timestamp.
Definition 3. A Proof of Behavior (PoB) is a tuple
π = (b||σ
) where b is the tuple b = (pk,ts, data) con-
taining pk the identity of the producer (seen here as a
public key), ts the timestamp of the behavior and data
some auxiliary data about the behavior itself; and σ
is the signature of b by a given validator able to verify
that the behavior included in data was done at times-
tamp ts by pk.
Accompanying a PoB is the Quantify function de-
fined as follows:
Quantify(π) v is a deterministic algorithm that
takes as input the PoB π, and outputs a non-
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
negative number v 0 that represents the value
of said behavior.
Quantify plays the role of a verification function
such that Quantify returns a non-negative number to
allow for variation of behavior importance. In cer-
tain cases where all valid PoBs are equally important,
Quantify outputs only either 0 (invalid) or 1 (valid).
Example. Let us consider a behavior as mobility us-
ing public transportation where users tap their card on
the terminal. Such a terminal can be seen as a proxy
of the public transportation organization. When the
user taps their card on the terminal, the terminal, act-
ing as the validator, creates a PoB π = (b||σ
) with
b = (pk,ts, data) where pk is the public key of the
user, ts is a timestamp and data is data about the jour-
ney being travelled. To verify and quantify the proof,
we plug it into Quantify which should output 1 if the
PoB is valid and 0 otherwise. If in the underlying
transportation network it is required to tap one’s card
at entry and exit of stations (which is the case in many
places), then the Quantify function outputs a number
proportional to the distance covered.
Quantifiable. We say a PoB scheme is quantifiable
when π,Quantify(π) ̸∈ {0, 1}.
Trust. In the example above, we must trust the
transportation auhority. This hardly makes for a uni-
versal trust-based system. Instead, it could lead to
different cities, states or countries adopting a clone of
the same blockchain, since they do not trust each oth-
ers’ transportation authorities. However, the validator
does not always need to be a physical or moral person.
In other instances, it could simply be a signer of some
Trusted Platform Module (TPM), or it could be any
of a set of validators. Centralization around valida-
tors depends on the instanciation of the blockchain.
PoB Expiration. Only “recent” PoBs should ever
be incorporated in the blockchain. Let exp be a time
unit. We consider a PoB expired when its timestamp
is more than exp older than the newest PoB in the
blockchain up to this point. A discussion on expira-
tion implications is given in Section 4.4.
We describe a possible generic cryptocurrency that
rewards specific human behaviors and its underlying
public permissionless blockchain based on our PoB
consensus mechanism.
4.1 Mining and Consensus
Our mining mechanism goes as follows: instead of
miners competing with raw computational power to
gain mining rights, they compete with their behav-
iors. If PoBs are quantifiable, then bigger behaviors
amount to more chance of being the next miner. To
mine atop a given block β, the miner m with a PoB
has to compute a VDF with a delay parameter de-
pending on π
. Specifically, this delay parameter is
t =
δ ·H(β||π
where δ is a difficulty parameter and H(·) is a cryp-
tographic hash function. Table 1 summarizes all
blockchain parameters (i.e., values that have to be de-
termined with each instantiation of the blockchain).
Table 1: Blockchain parameters.
exp Expiration time unit
δ Difficulty
P Difficulty adjustment period
Desired average mining time
f r Fee rate
tr Fixed miner transaction reward
k Miner’s reward rate for own PoB
Non-miners’ reward rate for own PoB
Miner’s reward rate for not own PoB
Minimal subdivision of currency
Demurrage rate per block
Demurrage rate per day
Discussion on Mining. Thanks to the β being one
of the inputs of the hash function, the length of the
VDF using a given PoB cannot be predicted (and thus
the VDF cannot be launched) until the previous block
is known. Furthermore, more important PoBs have
more chance of inducing a smaller t yielding a quicker
VDF thanks to the division by Quantify(π
). Natu-
rally, when there are more miners, the probability that
all of their PoBs yield long VDFs is lower. The vari-
able δ should be adjusted every given time period P
(that corresponds to a certain number of blocks). For
instance, for a desired average mining time
, every
P blocks, for an average mining time of
over the
last P blocks, δ is updated as follows: δ δ·
. Like
is done in Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008), we could natu-
rally add minimum and maximum values for δs up-
date, such as no less than the quarter of the previous
value and no more than the quadruple of the previous
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
Furthermore, notice that the VDF does not depend
on the current block’s contents. Hence, on the down-
side the miner could potentially create many valid sib-
ling blocks simultaneously, but on the upside it is im-
possible for a miner to parallelize mining by comput-
ing many VDFs in parallel, each with a different block
content. More on the downside of this in Section 5.
Figure 1 summarizes the mining process: people
produce PoBs and transactions (denoted by Tx), and
put them in a pool. Then miners, using their own
PoBs, compute the VDF, and the first miner to com-
plete their computations publishes a new block.
Main Chain. As in Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008), the
main chain is the sub-chain with the highest cumula-
tive difficulty, consisting of the sum of the δ of each
of its blocks.
4.2 Cryptocurrency
In a permissionless blockchain, the miner is rewarded
for creating the block as well as the work put in for
having mining rights, i.e., in our case this is doing
a PoB and the corresponding VDF. The reward r is
proportional to the quantification of the behavior r =
k ·Quantify(π) for k > 0.
We choose to reward all PoBs, and not only the
miners’. To do so, the miner can incorporate in their
block not only transactions, but PoBs as well. And the
producers of those PoBs get rewarded – but to a lesser
extent than the miner. The reward r
for a PoB not
used for mining is also proportional to the quantifica-
tion of the underlying PoB π
: r
= k
with 0 < k
< k.
To incentivize the miner to incorporate PoBs in the
block, the miner gets rewarded for doing so. Specif-
ically, let r
be that reward for a given PoB π
porated by the miner, the reward is proportional to the
quantification of said PoB: r
= k
) with
0 < k
< k
< k.
4.3 Transactions
Coins can only be created by doing PoBs. Every PoB
incorporated in the blockchain should be associated
with a special transaction that creates coins.
There are three types of transactions:
1. Regular transactions: send coins.
2. Reward transactions: reward PoB producers.
3. Coinbase transactions: reward the miner.
Below we describe those three types of transaction.
4.3.1 Regular Transactions
Regular transactions are divided into three parts, the
first containing the transaction input, the second con-
taining the fees and the third containing the transac-
tion output, as shown in Figure 2. Each transaction
can have as many inputs as the sender wishes. How-
ever, they only have one or two outputs (one input for
the receiver, and a second one for returning the re-
mainder to the sender), plus one fee.
Transaction Fees. We wish to incentivize the miner
to incorporate transactions in the blockchain. We
also wish to not distinguish between transactions:
cryptocurrencies generally favor transactions with big
fees, which favor bigger transactions over smaller
ones (since the fees could be higher while remaining
the same proportion of the amount transacted).
Our solution is to have the sender destroy (“pay”)
a certain rate of the transaction’s value, the fee rate de-
noted as f r ]0, 1[, and the miner be always paid the
same fixed amount for any transaction, the transac-
tion reward denoted as tr. There must be restrictions
on the fee rate, the transaction reward, the minimal
amount sent, denoted as min
, and the minimal unit
of currency, denoted as min
, as follows:
f r ·min
tr min
This prohibits the miner, economically, from making
many bogus transactions with themselves.
Valid Regular Transactions. Let n be the number
of inputs to the transaction, and in
denote the i
put. Let m denote the number of outputs, and out
denote the i
output. A transaction is valid if the next
two equations are verified:
(1 f r) ·
i [1, m],j N, out
= j ·min
Equation 4 ensures that all outputted coins are indeed
multiples of the minimal value. Note that no upper
limit is imposed on the amount of burned coins. Equa-
tion 3 ensures that the output is less or equal to the
input minus the fees.
Example. Suppose the minimal unit of currency is
= 1, the fee rate f r = 0.1, and the transac-
tion reward tr = 1. Firstly, with such values, we must
have min
10. If Alice wishes to send 55 coins to
Bob, then out of these 55 coins, only
(1 f r) ·55
(10.1)·55= (0.9)·55= 49.5= 49 coins ac-
tually will be sent to Bob. Moreover, Alice will pay 6
coins as fees, and the miner will receive 1 coin only.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Blockchain construction.
Figure 2: Transaction Structure.
4.3.2 Reward Transactions
There are as many reward transactions as there are
PoBs. Each reward transaction has one input, which
is a PoB, and one output, which rewards its producer.
Valid Reward Transactions. A reward transaction
is valid if and only if, for an input π and an output out,
we have:
·Quantify(π) out (5)
out + min
·Quantify(π) (6)
j N, out = j ·min
Equation 5 ensures that the output is no more than the
value of the PoB. Equation 6 ensures that the miner
does not give the producer of the PoB less than what
they are expected to get. Equation 7 ensures that the
output is a multiple of the minimal value.
4.3.3 Coinbase Transactions
There is only one coinbase transaction per block. It
has no input, since it depends on the whole block, and
one output out which rewards the miner.
Valid Coinbase Transactions. Let n be the num-
ber of regular transactions in the block. Let m be the
number of reward transactions in the block. Let π
note the PoB of the i
reward transaction in the block.
Let π
denote the miner’s PoB. Let Q(·) = Quantify(·)
(for space purposes). A coinbase transaction is valid
if and only if it verifies the following:
j N, out = j ·min
k ·Q(π
) + n ·tr +
) out (9)
Equation 9 ensures that the miner does not reward it-
self more than he is allowed to: on the left hand side,
the first term considersthe miner’s reward for its own
PoB, the second considers the reward for including n
transactions and the third is the rewards for includ-
ing other people’s PoBs. Equation 8 ensures that the
output is a multiple of the minimal value.
4.4 Blocks
A block is comprised of a VDF output and its associ-
ated proof and PoB, the coinbase transaction (the re-
ward of the miner for the work put in), other PoBs and
their rewards, regular transactions, and the signature
of all aforementioned data by the miner. Concretely,
a block β contains β = (data
) with data
,T x
,T x
,(T x
, with
= (b||σ
) with b = (pk
,ts, data
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
Block Size. The blocks’ size must be bounded. The
actual size should depend on the PoBs’ size and their
frequency, so this is blockchain dependent. Hence
we do not give a specific size in this paper. Also,
a certain percentage of the blocks must be allocated
to PoBs and another to transactions. Otherwise the
miner could fill up the block with whatever is most re-
warding – potentially only PoBs or only transactions.
The percentage of the block size also depends on the
PoBs’ size and frequency.
Valid Blocks. For a block to be deemed valid, it
must verify the following:
All transactions must be valid.
All PoBs (including the miner’s) must be valid,
i.e., π PoBist, Quantify(π) > 0, as well as non-
expired and not already in the blockchain.
The miner must be the person who has done the
VDF’s PoB, i.e., the recipient of T x
is the ac-
count associated with pk
The block must be signed by the miner, i.e.,
) Accept.
The VDF must be valid, i.e., with
v Quantify(π
) and t
we have Setup(λ,t) (ek, vk) and
(vk, β
) Accept.
Discussion on Expiration. For a block to be
deemed valid, all of its PoBs must be less than exp
older than the newest PoB in the blockchain. Note
that a PoB’s timestamp, which is signed by a val-
idator, is compared only to that of other PoBs (who
are already in the blockchain). This avoids any syn-
chrony assumption between miners and users. As a
consequence, when checking if a PoB is already in
the blockchain, one only needs to check the last cou-
ple of blocks. Specifically, to check if a PoB π that
is in the current block isn’t already in the blockchain,
we start by checking if it is in the previous block, then
the one before it, and so on, until we reach a block
where the newest PoB is more than exp older than π.
Hence π cannot be before such a block: suppose such
a block is valid and π exists in the blockchain before
that block; then that block’s PoBs are all more than
exp older than π which itself is at least as old as the
oldest PoB in the blockchain so far; then that block
cannot be valid because its PoBs are expired.
4.5 Energy Consumption
For the energy consumption we only take into account
the consensus mechanism. We do not take into ac-
count the required verification of valid transactions
nor the optional quantification of other people’s PoBs,
for the former is necessary in all blockchains and
the latter is optional. Suppose all miners are min-
ing using the entirety of their non-expired PoBs (less
than exp older than the newest PoB used for mining
in the blockchain), then corresponding to each such
PoB is a VDF being computed. Since VDFs are non-
parallelizable, for each non-expired PoB is one CPU
computing a VDF. Unlike other Nakamoto-style con-
sensuses, miners here cannot augment their mining
power by augmenting computers.
Our blockchain achieves the same security properties
as Bitcoin’s Backbone Protocol (Garay et al., 2015):
Persistence (informally). Once a transaction goes
more than k blocks deep into the blockchain of
one honest miner, then it will be included in ev-
ery honest miner’s blockchain with overwhelming
probability, and it will be assigned a permanent
position in the ledger.
Liveness (informally). All transactions originating
from honest account holders will eventually end
up at a depth more than k blocks in an honest
miner’s blockchain, and hence the adversary can-
not perform a selective denial of service attack
against honest accoun holders.
Proof Sketch
Model. In the Bitcoin Backbone Protocol (Garay
et al., 2015), the execution of a protocol Π is driven by
an environment program Z which may spawn multi-
ple instances running the protocol Π. The programs in
question can be thought of as Interactive Turing ma-
chines (ITM) that have communication, input and out-
put tapes. The environment performs a round-robin
participant execution sequence for a fixed set of par-
ties. The execution driven by Z is defined with re-
spect to a protocol Π, an adversary A (also an ITM)
and a set of parties P
,··· , P
; these are hardcoded in
a control program C (also an ITM). The adversary can
corrupt at most t out of n total parties. Parties have ac-
cess to two functionalities: the random oracle and the
diffusion channel. The number of queries to the ran-
dom oracle is bound to at most q per round per party.
Remark that this is a flat-model interpretation of the
parties’ computation power where all parties are as-
sumed equal. In the real world, different honest par-
ties may have different hashing power, nevertheless
the flat-model does not sacrifice generality since one
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
can imagine that real honest parties are simply clus-
ters of some arbitrary number of honest flat-model
parties. The protocol relies on 4 algorithms:
Chain Validation. The first algorithm performs a
validation of the structural properties of a given
chain C. For each block of the chain, the algo-
rithm checks that the Proof of Work is properly
solved, that the counter ctr does not exceed q and
that the hash of the previous block is properly in-
cluded in the block. It also verifies the consistency
of the data included in the blocks.
Chain Comparison. This algorithm finds the best
possible chain when given a set of chains i.e., the
longest chain. This algorithm relies on the chain
validation algorithm.
Proof of Work. This algorithm seeks to find a valid
block by producing a PoW. To do so, it repeat-
edly queries the random oracle hash function with
the current block containing different nonces. The
nonce is represented with a counter variable ctr
initialized at 1 and incremented by 1 at each try.
The total number of queries is bounded by q. If
the algorithm finds a valid block, then the chain
is extended and returned; otherwise the chain is
returned unaltered. Part of the algorithm is repre-
sented below (where (ctr, h) represents the block
and T the hash target):
while ctr q do
if H(ctr, h) < T then
Append block to blockchain
return Blockchain
ctr ctr + 1
return Blockchain
The Backbone Protocol. This is the algorithm exe-
cuted by the miners and which is assumed to run
indefinitely. Put simply, the algorithm calls the
chain comparison algorithm to get the best possi-
ble chain. Then it tries to produce a PoW using
the Proof of Work algorithm.
Assumptions. The authors in (Garay et al., 2015)
assume that the protocol is executed by a fixed num-
ber of miners, however the number itself is not nec-
essarily known to the miners. The miners themselves
cannot authenticate each other and therefore there is
no way to know the source of a message. It is as-
sumed that messages are eventually delivered and all
parties in the network are able to synchronize in the
course of a round. The hypotheses are: (i) the adver-
sary controls less than half of the total hashing power,
(ii) the network synchonizes much faster relative to
the PoW solution rate and (iii) digital signatures can-
not be forged.
Parallel with Proof of Behavior. We propose first
an equivalent version of the Proof of Work algorithm,
and then draw a parallel between the new algorithm
and our blockchain. Let τ be the smallest positive
counter value such that the hash of the block is less
than T . (Note that it may be that τ > q; this simply
means that it takes more than q hashes to get to the
counter realizing a valid block, which means that it
takes more than 1 round to realize a PoW.) Initialize
the counter at 1. Instead of checking if the hash of the
block is less than T , we check if the counter is equal
to τ. If it is, then we have found a valid block, if not
we increment the counter and repeat, until the counter
reaches q. This yields the following instead:
while ctr q do
if ctr = τ then
Append block to blockchain
return Blockchain
ctr ctr + 1
return Blockchain
This algorithm is equivalent to the one used in the
Proof of Work algorithm, yet it can encompass the
VDF construction. Indeed, when doing a VDF there
is also a fixed number of steps to do before finish-
ing it. The only difference with a PoW is that this
number is known in advance, which does not change
the algorithms in the slightest. We can thus model
our blockchain with exactly the Bitcoin Backbone
Protocol. Their hashing power translates to mining
power, which in our case corresponds to the number
of PoBs per miner and their importance (i.e., quantifi-
cation). Therefore all the proofs follow from (Garay
et al., 2015) (under the same assumptions), and our
blockchain is in fact an operational transaction ledger.
The economist Silvio Gesell was a firm believer in
temporal monetary demurrage (Gesell, 1958). De-
murrage is money quantity diminishing with time.
For example suppose a demurrage rate of 10% per
day, then if Alice has 100 units today, she’ll have only
90 tomorrow, then 81 the day after, etc. The goal is to
incentivize spending and prevent hoarding. Demur-
rage has been replicated a couple of times throughout
history, but was difficult to put in practice because of
the difficulty to discriminate old bills. The use of pe-
riodic stamps on bills was not practical. This would
be easy to implement in a digital currency. We can
smooth the demurrage over, by making the demur-
rage take place at every block. However, one can infer
the average daily demurrage rate from the block rate
and vise-versa. The daily demurrage rate d
and the
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
block demurrage rate d
are related by the formula:
= 1(1 d
where n is the average number
of blocks mined per day.
Example. Suppose a rate of 10% per day. If Al-
ice has 100 coins today, she will be left with 90
coins tomorrow, then 81 coins the day after tomor-
row, etc... Suppose there are on average 144 blocks
per day (same mining rate as Bitcoin, i.e., one block
every 10 minutes (Nakamoto, 2008)). If we aim to
have a daily demurrage rate of d
= 10% = 0.1, then
we must have a block demurrage rate of d
= 1
1 d
= 1
1 0.1 = 0.00073 = 0.073%.
Demurrage must be taken into account during
transactions. So the input to transactions, minus the
demurrage, minus the fees must equal the output (to
the next whole integer). For n a total number of trans-
action inputs, and for i [1, n] let in
denote the i
input, let age
be the age (in number of blocks) of the
input. Then a block is deemed valid if and only if:
(1 f r) ·
(1 d
i [1, m],k N, out
= k ·min
The same idea of temporal demurrage was the
cornerstone of the Freicoin cryptocurrency
This is a
Proof of Work based blockchain implementing a tem-
poral demurrage. We explicit how to put the temporal
demurrage into work in our blockchain and its trans-
action system.
7.1 EcoMobiCoin
One application of PoB-based blockchains is ecolog-
ical mobility. To go back to the example provided in
Section 3, we can have PoBs created by a transporta-
tion seller for their customers. When customers tap
their card upon the terminal, the terminal emits a PoB
for them
. Customers then have two options: they can
either utilize these PoBs and plug them into VDFs to
gain mining rights, or simply put it in a mining pool
where some miner might take it and incorporate it into
their block. The latter option still is less lucrative but
still provides them with some coins. Such a cryp-
tocurrency would indeed reward all willing customers
with coins while remaining fully distributed.
3 (accessed on 2023-03-15).
The Quantify function could for example quantify
PoBs based on the distance travelled by public transports.
7.2 Other Applications
Let us try to replace the digital currencies that re-
ward walking and running using our construction. In
this case, we have a PoB π = (b||σ
) where b =
(pk,ts, data) with pk the public key of the user, ts the
timestamp and data containing for instance the GPS
trace of the behavior along with acceleration detec-
tion information and gyroscope information. As for
, we require it to be the signature of b by either the
TPM while using virtualization, or by trusted sensors.
These are two constructions proposed in (Saroiu and
Wolman, 2010) who could play the role of a validator
and verify that data is indeed authentic and has not
been tampered with. As for Quantify, it is a public
classifier that takes in π, and if the signature checks
out, returns a quantification of the mobility. Classi-
fiers like this are already used by Google, Sweatcoin
or other applications.
We are currently working on an implementation of
this blockchain. The work in progress is applied to
the ecological mobility idea. Though it is meant to
become generic to any type of behavior.
In this paper, we have put forth a truly distributed
generic cryptocurrency that rewards specific human
behavior. It is based on Proofs of Behavior (PoB), and
uses Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs) among other
cryptographic primitives. Thanks to this construction,
the underlying blockchain is completely permission-
less, as long as the creation of PoBs is unrestricted.
Moreover, the mining process’s energy consumption
is extremely limited: only one CPU runs per PoB per
exp. We understand that many consensus mechanisms
are even less energy consuming, but they seldom are
permissionless. We also propose a non-biased fee sys-
tem: neither in favor of bigger transactions nor in fa-
vor of smaller ones. We have also depicted how to im-
plement demurrage into a cryptocurrency, which we
do in a different way then Freicoin. We are working
on an implementation of our blockchain. Technical
details thus lie as future work.
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