Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems
Design: A Human-Centered Framework
Urooj Fatima
and Katrien De Moor
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
NO-7491, Trondheim, Norway
Software Systems Design, Human-Centered Design, User Experience, Sustainability, Human Needs.
The usage of software systems has immense impacts on human psychological well-being (a primary user ex-
perience outcome). The World Health Organization refers to well-being as “a positive state”, encompassing
e.g., a good quality of life. Studies have shown that the human well-being is dependent on the satisfaction
of certain psychological needs. However, normally, the software system development processes capture re-
quirements that are needed to fulfill the purpose of the system itself and not the psychological requirements of
humans who use and interact with these systems on an everyday basis. In order to address this challenge, this
paper contributes a framework: Sustainable User eXperiences Enabled Human-centered (SUXEH) framework
that addresses human psychological needs explicitly as one of the main modelling efforts in the early stages
of the development process. The framework does so in a way that eases the integration of sustainable user
experience aspects (mediated by the human needs) in the systems design phase of the overall development
process. The framework is illustrated using a case study, the Taxi System.
Conventionally, software engineering design methods
include guidelines and/or rules on how to specify a
system from the perspective of its functionality, that
is, what and how the system performs its functions.
The first objective is always to make the system work
according to the specified requirements. The require-
ments that are mapped to the design phase are typi-
cally functional requirements. The non-functional re-
quirements or the software quality requirements are
mostly taken care of during the final product eval-
uation, referred as the product-oriented approach in
(Mylopoulos et al., 1992). Whether functional or non-
functional, these requirements are normally system-
centered and not human-centered.
In contrast, recent studies from the more human-
centered perspective (see e.g., (Monge Roffarello and
De Russis, 2019; Granow et al., 2018; Orben and
Przybylski, 2019)) have shown that the everyday tech-
nology we use has nuanced impacts on our psycho-
logical well-being. However, the psychological needs
of the people, who use these socio-technical systems
and interact with them, have not been normally taken
into account during the main software system devel-
opment activities. On the one hand, and partly due
to the demand of short time-to-market and preva-
lent fuzziness in understanding human-psychological
needs, the focus in software systems engineering and
the user satisfaction of a system has remained always
connected to the fulfilment of the system-centered re-
quirements (Brown, 1997; Rosenbaum et al., 1999).
On the other hand, software developers lack guide-
lines on how to cater and analyse human psycholog-
ical needs during the development process. In this
paper, we argue that the identification of human psy-
chological needs at an early stage of software devel-
opment can play an important role in making design
decisions. Inclusion of these needs at later stages
specifically once the system has been developed may
be difficult, insufficient and expensive. In this work,
we address these problems by answering the follow-
ing research questions:
1. What human psychological needs may be taken
care of while acquiring the requirements?
2. How can the requirements acquired in (1) be rep-
resented in requirements specifications?
Fatima, U. and De Moor, K.
Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems Design: A Human-Centered Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0012091800003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 129-140
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
3. In what way can these human-centered require-
ments specifications provide valuable input to the
design phase of the system development?
In late 2010s, it has been proposed in the Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience do-
main that certain human psychological needs are me-
diators of long-term sustainable user experience out-
comes like that of human well-being, engagement,
and motivation (Peters et al., 2018). The term “user
experience” is defined as “user’s perceptions and re-
sponses that result from the use and/or anticipated
use of a system, product or service” (ISO 9241-
11:2018(en), 2018). In order to improve user expe-
rience and well-being, the authors in (Peters et al.,
2018) emphasize on supporting certain psychological
needs via technology designs using a model named
METUX (Motivation, Engagement and Thriving in
User Experience). Inspired by the METUX model,
we propose a framework that addresses the above for-
mulated research questions for inclusion of human
psychological requirements essential to human well-
being (and other long-term sustainable user experi-
ence outcomes) in the early stages of the software de-
velopment process.
Whether it is in the HCI or software engineer-
ing domain, normally, the user-centered requirements
are limited to the details of the direct interaction of
the user with the system, rarely taking into account
how they contribute to the overall sustainable human
well-being (see Section 2 for details). One of the dis-
tinct properties of the METUX model is that it allows
to analyse not only the direct impact of technology
use on momentary human psychological experience,
i.e., hedonic experiences (e.g., pleasure and comfort),
but also the broader long term impact on other as-
pects of human life, i.e., eudaimonic experiences (or
true flourishing) that are strongly linked to the con-
cept of well-being (Hammer et al., 2018). Based on
the METUX model, our framework proposes guide-
lines on how certain designs can be avoided that may
satisfy human psychological needs on the interaction
level but frustrates the human psychological needs of
overall sustainable well-being by explicitly address-
ing eudaimonic experiences (more to come later in
Section 3.2).
In terms of software engineering goals, our pro-
posed framework assists software engineers from the
requirements acquisition phase to the early design
phase. During the requirements acquisition phase, the
framework helps in identification of the basic human
needs that are required to be satisfied for better user
experience. Our framework provides the constructs
to represent these requirements as the goals of a sys-
tem, that is, in a form acceptable by the requirements
specification phase or early design phase. For this,
the framework uses the goals-oriented requirements
language (GRL) that offers a graphical means of de-
scribing and structuring various types of concepts that
appear during the requirement process. The GRL, like
other goal modelling languages, is a valuable tool for
discussions with stakeholders. It provides the con-
structs needed for our primary concerns of (1) rea-
soning of human-centered requirements (2) modelling
human needs that are fuzzy in nature (3) describing
impact (positive or negative) of system functionali-
ties (satisfying specific needs) on overall human well-
Figure 1 serves to illustrate the overview of
our proposed Sustainable User eXperiences Enabled
Human-centered (SUXEH) framework. It consists of
the functional requirements model of a system to be
designed (the functionality goals component), human
psychological needs (the enabling goals component),
and the goals that are needed to be satisfied for sus-
tainable outcomes of user experience (the user expe-
rience outcomes component). These components do
not exist in isolation. They belong to domains that tra-
ditionally do not negotiate or interact with each other.
The framework we propose identifies the links be-
tween these components that represent different do-
mains, hence allowing these domains to interact and
exploit the links between them for better system mod-
elling in terms of improved and sustainable user ex-
periences. These components are different views of
the same system enabling us to design holistically for
better human well-being.
The main contribution of the framework is the pro-
vision of guidelines on:
The identification of basic human psychological
needs relevant to the system to be specified
The representation of these needs in requirements
How and to what extent the system can support
these basic needs through its functionality
Avoidance of designs that can hinder these needs
by their negative influence on overall human well-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Re-
lated work is discussed in Section 2. The details of
the SUXEH framework are provided in Section 3. In
Section 4, we describe how to use the framework by
applying the guidelines on a case study, the Taxi Sys-
tem. We discuss our research contributions in Section
5, and the conclusion and future work is presented in
Section 6.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
of Human
Functionality Goals
Identification of
and their
of UX
contributes to
contributes to
Design Phase
Requirements Phase
Figure 1: An Overview of the SUXEH Framework.
The human factors in software engineering have been
studied in the past and several approaches are pro-
posed (Checkland, 1981; Hix and Hartson, 1993;
Mayhew, 1999; Farooqui et al., 2019) that can be
embraced under the term “human-centered design
(HCD)” by ISO (ISO 9241-210:2019(en), 2019). One
of the first approaches was soft system methodology
(SSM) (Checkland, 1981) that was applied also to
capture the impacts on people involved (e.g. stake-
holder, actors, and clients) and considered different
views of interactive systems during development. The
SSM, work done in (Acu
na et al., 2012), and earlier
HCD approaches overviewed in (Metzker and Reit-
erer, 2002) aim to merge HCI and user experience
methods and practises in software development pro-
cess in order to achieve usability goals in terms of user
satisfaction. This requires extra resources and exper-
tise along with other limitations listed in (Metzker and
Reiterer, 2002).
In the recent past, there has been increased focus
in exploring different human aspects (e.g., human di-
versity, human emotions, user involvement) and sup-
porting them during software development. One of
the recent works (Grundy et al., 2021), takes into ac-
count end-user human diversity in terms of software
user age, accessibility challenges, ethnicity, language
or gender in the digital health requirement models
for which they use Domain Specific Visual Language
(DSVL). The authors propose to incorporate these
human aspects in one of the main stream software
systems development methodologies, i.e., the Model-
Driven Software Engineering (MDSE). The work is
extended in (Grundy et al., 2022) where the authors
presented a preliminary taxonomy of some of the end-
user human diversity aspects for software developers
guidance by dividing human characteristics in groups.
In another work (Curumsing et al., 2019), the authors
propose a requirements engineering approach to take
into account emotional aspects of software usage in
smart home technology for the elderly. Their defini-
tion of emotional goals refer to how users perceive
the end product and hence it is product specific. This
approach emphasize on linking emotional goals with
functional or quality goals. Another perspective of
addressing human aspects in software engineering in
the past is to consider user involvement during soft-
ware development life cycle to generate more usable
solutions (see e.g. (Iivari et al., 2010; Klemets and
Storholmen, 2020).
While relevant and bridging more towards the
user and human perspective, the approaches discussed
above do not explicitly consider and address the char-
acteristics of user experience. None of the approaches
provide design guidelines to support more than just
immediate hedonic experiences. Their investigation
mostly focus on the ease-of-use and usability of the
systems and hence lacks a more holistic or realis-
tic picture in terms of their broader impact on long-
term eudaimonic experiences that contribute to sus-
tainable human well-being. Further, the relation-
ship between user experience outcomes and human
psychological needs, as proposed in the METUX
model, has not been taken into account (Peters et al.,
2018). Moreover, the recent approaches proposed in
(Grundy et al., 2021) and (Curumsing et al., 2019)
are MDSE and product-specific respectively. Based
on the METUX model, the framework we propose
would allow design strategies to be identified that ad-
dress these research gaps.
Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems Design: A Human-Centered Framework
Figure 2 illustrates the SUXEH framework given in
Figure 1 with more emphasis on the types of re-
lationship between the functionality of the system
and the fundamental human psychological needs that
enable sustainable user experience outcomes. The
framework comprises three components distinguish-
ing human-centered needs, user experience outcomes
and the human-centered functionality. The decompo-
sition into components helps in reducing the complex-
ity of the modelling effort for these different domains.
Based on this reasoning, the following components
are defined as goal models:
Enabling Goals: These are human psychologi-
cal needs. The user experience outcomes are de-
pendent on these goals, hence defined as enabling
goals. These high-level goals are first defined
within technology domain and then further refined
into sub-goals to derive specific functionalities.
User Experience Outcomes: This model identi-
fies desired user experience outcomes. These out-
comes are enabled by the satisfaction of the iden-
tified human needs in the “enabling goals model”.
Functionality Goals: Enabling goals are
achieved through the system functions identified
in the functionality goals model. Therefore,
apart from the system-centered functionality, this
model contains functionality supporting specific
human needs, i.e., human-centered functionality.
There are possibilities that more functions emerge
as enabling goals are refined.
3.1 The Enabling Goals Component
This component represents the human needs set as ex-
plicit goals to be taken into account during require-
ments acquisition. This enables software engineers
and key stakeholders to focus on the appropriate set
of needs for a given system and justify the system re-
quirements accordingly. These goals may be refined
in a way that the functionality goals component is able
to define explicit functions for each enabling goal.
This section explains how the needs are first iden-
tified and then modelled during requirements specifi-
3.1.1 Identification of Human Needs
There are variety of psychological theories on iden-
tifying fundamental human needs. The authors in
(Sheldon et al., 2001) attempted to determine which
needs are truly fundamental for humans. They iden-
tified a set of 10 needs: autonomy, competence,
relatedness, self-esteem, physical thriving, security,
self-actualization, pleasure-stimulation, money lux-
ury, and popularity-influence. This set has a con-
siderable range and represents prominent theories in-
cluding Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Ryan and
Deci, 2000; Ryan and Deci, 2017) within the lit-
erature. Out of these 10 needs, Sheldon et. al.
claim that the four needs, i.e., autonomy, compe-
tence, relatedness and self-esteem, are the most im-
portant ones. The METUX model also proposes au-
tonomy, competence and relatedness (core elements
of Self-Determination Theory) as the most critical
needs within HCI contexts. Their absence is linked
with ill-being and distress. The authors support their
claim by referring to empirical research carried out
by authors in (Ryan and Deci, 2017; Vansteenkiste
and Ryan, 2013), whose work revealed that the three
basic needs are the most predictive and reliable me-
diators of primary user experience outcomes: motiva-
tion, engagement and well-being.
Some of these needs may be more relevant for spe-
cific types of systems than others and not all of these
basic needs may be relevant for all types of systems.
Therefore, we propose to include all 10 needs identi-
fied in (Sheldon et al., 2001) for a better representa-
tive set of needs that is applicable to a considerable
range of systems.
3.1.2 Modelling of Human Needs
The selection of basic psychological needs that are
most relevant for the system is an important step to-
wards modelling of the needs. Stakeholders involve-
ment at this stage is important. The discussions are
mainly facilitated by the designers in order to guide
the overall process from the perspective of realizabil-
ity of the selected needs. A challenge at this stage
may be that users are not necessarily aware of their
fundamental psychological needs and how these la-
tent needs may drive their choices and the quality of
their experiences. To this end, methods such as lad-
dering (Rugg and McGeorge, 1995) and experience
interviews (see e.g., (Fink et al., 2022) have been pro-
posed in the literature.
In order to demonstrate how to model a basic psy-
chological human need, we choose autonomy as an
example human need. As mentioned earlier in Sec-
tion 3.1.1, the motivation behind choosing autonomy
mainly comes from the work of Peters et al. in (Peters
et al., 2018). Also some aspects of human autonomy
are listed in (Grundy et al., 2022) among the keys ar-
eas of human aspects that need careful consideration
in software engineering life cycle.
The main challenge to model a human psycholog-
ical need is to deal with the fuzziness of its require-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
of Human
into Sub-
Sub-goal 1
Sub-goal 2
Functionality Goals
Enabling Goals
User Experience Outcomes
UX Outcome 1
UX Outcome 2
Human-centered Functionality
Enabling Goal
(Human need)
Contribution link
+ –
Contribution types
Correlation link
Identification of
and their
of UX
Figure 2: The details of the SUXEH framework shown in Figure 1 illustrating the framework guidelines and relationship
between its sub-components.
ments in technology domain. In order to address this
challenge, we propose the following guidelines in our
framework to model an enabling goal (basic human
psychological need) in the requirements phase:
Define the enabling goal within technology do-
main to be clear on its meaning with the stake-
Refine the enabling goal into sub-goals in a way
that potential design solutions in the form of func-
tions can be driven out of them. This can be done
by following the steps below:
Look into how the enabling goal is studied in
the technology domain. For this, the findings in
(Peters et al., 2018) provide a good summary on
how technology can help users develop a better
sense of autonomy for example.
Use Jakob Nielsen’s usability heuristics
(Nielsen, 1994) of the user experience do-
main in order to explore usability design
requirements to support human autonomy.
In the following, the above process is illustrated
for autonomy as the example human need.
Defining the Enabling Goal (Autonomy) Within
Technology: We first need to look into the clear
definition of autonomy in the technology domain. As
mentioned in (Peters et al., 2018), autonomy does
not merely mean doing things independently, but has
a deeper meaning of acting with “high willingness
and in accordance with personal goals and values”.
It is important to mention here that the focus of our
framework is on human-centered requirements of
autonomy which differs from system-centered re-
quirements of autonomous systems like that of robots
and driverless cars. Human-centered requirements
of autonomy explores human autonomy as part of
overall psychological needs satisfaction.
Refining the Enabling Goal (Autonomy) Into Sub-
Goals: After defining and having consensus with
stakeholders on what is meant by autonomy generally
in the technology domain, the next step is to decom-
pose the enabling goals into sub-goals that are precise
Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems Design: A Human-Centered Framework
enough to support design of potential solutions in the
form of functions. For this, we follow the guidelines
mentioned above by starting with studying how the
autonomy is studied in the past in the technology do-
Various aspects of software systems have been
identified in the past (Friedman, 1996) that can sup-
port or hinder user autonomy, i.e., system capability
and complexity, misrepresentation and fluidity. These
aspects are more focused on the direct impact of
the system’s use (referred as the Interface and Task
levels of user experience in Section 3.2.1) and not
the broader impact on other aspects of a user’s life
(i.e., on the levels beyond the Interface and Task).
Other studies (Ryan and Rigby, 2018) have identified
that systems that offer “options” and “customization”
helps in creation of a sense of autonomy and own-
ership. This type of autonomy design is familiar to
game designers and can have a broader impact on hu-
man’s life. We take these aspects (offering “options”
and “customization”) as guidelines for our first crite-
rion to identify autonomy-enhanced system functions
in the functionality goals of our framework.
Authors in (Peters et al., 2018) highlighted the
fact that, all usability heuristics can be explained by
the needs of competence and autonomy. Following
their direction, we propose to choose Jakob Nielsen’s
10 heuristics of usability design (Nielsen, 1994) in
software systems design as valuable guidelines to im-
prove user experience. Nielsen’s heuristics are widely
accepted and well-supported in the user experience
domain. In addition, these guidelines are small and
easy-to-use, and hence can be equally used by non-
user experience designers and stakeholders. Follow-
ing are Nielsen’s 10 heuristics (Nielsen, 1994):
1. Visibility of system status
2. Match between system and real world
3. User control and freedom
4. Consistency and standards
5. Error prevention
6. Recognition rather than recall
7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from
10. Help and documentation
It is important to mention here that the guidelines
given in the above heuristics are not applied as an
evaluation method of user interfaces. Instead they are
used as a valuable tool to refine basic human needs
(enabling goals) into sub-goals that are more precise
in terms of their required system functionality.
For the sake of brevity, we summarize the factors,
that manifests the above Nielsen’s guidelines, in terms
of specific functionalities that can enhance sense of
autonomy (and competence): clarity on feedback and
available actions; provision of consistent and stan-
dard order of operations and language; clearly marked
emergency exits without extended dialogues; provi-
sion of constraints and confirmation of risky actions.
Clearly, these factors can be satisfied with provision
of system functions and hence must be addressed in
requirements models. Though these factors are ex-
plained from the perspective of autonomy, they are
equally important for the psychological need of com-
petence (Peters et al., 2018).
3.2 The User Experience Outcomes
The user experience outcomes are represented by a
specific component of the SUXEH framework. The
framework also represents the relationship of user
experience outcomes component with the enabling
goals component via the GRL contribution links (see
Figure 2). For the sake of comprehension of the
framework, this paper focuses on the following pri-
mary user experience outcomes: motivation, engage-
ment and well-being proposed in (Peters et al., 2018).
However, the framework is not restricted to these
outcomes and can include other outcomes as per re-
quirements. Various other models linking UX to
user/human goals have been proposed in the litera-
ture. An influential other view in this respect, is Has-
senzahl’s model of pragmatic and hedonic quality per-
ceptions (Hassenzahl, 2018). It differentiates user ex-
perience from usability as UX anticipates outcomes
beyond purely instrumental ones (e.g., efficiency, ef-
fectiveness) and is associated with the fulfillment of
what Hassenzahl calls “be goals” (e.g., relatedness,
stimulation, identification) (Hassenzahl, 2018; Has-
senzahl and Roto, 2007).
Studies have confirmed that elements of human
experiences like that of engagement and enjoyment do
not always contribute positively to sustainable well-
being. For instance too much engagement in video
games (see e.g., (Sarda et al., 2016) and media con-
sumption (see e.g., (Flayelle et al., 2020) can increase
the user engagement to the extent that leads to health
issues and impact overall well-being negatively. It
is because usually the technology design is focused
on the direct impact of the system’s use on humans
and not the wider impact on other aspects of a hu-
man’s life. Therefore, when we talk about sustain-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
able user experience outcomes, it is important to dif-
ferentiate between immediate hedonic experience and
long-term eudaimonic experience as recommended in
the research conducted by (Ryan and Deci, 2017).
Experiences can be either eudaimonic or hedonic
or both (see e.g., (Hammer et al., 2018) for a clas-
sification). Eudaimonic experiences are more about
pursuing personal goals whereas hedonic experiences
are largely about “momentary pleasures” like relaxing
and with little lasting personal impact. Eudaimonic
experiences have long-term importance and are often
considered strongly related to the experience of mean-
ingfulness and well-being than hedonia. Further, eu-
daimonic experiences were also found to be linked
to positive affect in (Mekler and Hornbæk, 2016).
The distinguishing concepts of eudaimonic and hedo-
nic aspects of a user’s experience that result from the
use/anticipated use of a system facilitate the discus-
sions on avoiding certain functionalities/design deci-
sions (specified in the functionality goals component
discussed later in Section 3.3) that have long term
negative impact on human well-being.
3.2.1 Differentiating Levels of User Experience
In order to provide guidance on how to detach un-
healthy positive experiences from healthy ones that
contribute to sustainable user experience outcomes,
the authors in (Calvo et al., 2014) have emphasized
the importance of differentiating various levels of ex-
perience within which human needs can be influenced
by technology. Four different levels or spheres of ex-
perience are identified in the METUX model within
which need satisfaction can take place: (1) As part of
interacting with the technology via its interface (inter-
face level); (2) As part of engaging with technology-
enabled tasks (e.g. self-tracking) (task level); (3) In
relation to the over-aching technology-enabled be-
haviour (e.g. exercise) (behaviour level); (4) As part
of an individual’s overall life (life level).
As claimed by the METUX model, the consider-
ation of these different levels of user experience pro-
vide guidance on avoiding creating designs that are
need-satisfying (i.e., healthy) at one level and need-
frustrating (i.e., unhealthy or addictive) at another.
This facilitates to trigger the discussions between the
stakeholders and designers on calculation of positive
or negative impact of a certain design decision (a spe-
cific function) on the experience levels beyond mere
interface. Therefore, in order to obtain long-term sus-
tainable user experience outcomes we acknowledge
these levels of experience. Accordingly, we identify
positive and negative links between the framework
components that contribute positively and negatively
towards achievement of these sustainable user experi-
ence outcomes. More details on this are given in the
next Section.
3.3 The Functionality Goals
Component and Assignment of Its
Impact (Positive/Negative)
Traditionally, functional model of a system contains
those functions that are essential to make the system
work and explains what the system does. As depicted
in the detailed overview of the SUXEH framework in
Figure 2, we propose to upgrade this functional model
in a way that it defines or highlight explicitly also
those functions that support the fundamental human
The enabling sub-goals, resulting from refinement
of human need (as explained for autonomy in Section
3.1.2), provide the required input for the functions
in human-centered functionality goal component. In
other words, this component manifests through its
functions that how the goals identified in enabling
goals component can be achieved. It is important to
mention here that we do not say that a goal is ac-
complished or satisfied in a clear-cut sense. But it
can be said that certain functions (design decisions)
may contribute positively or negatively towards ac-
complishment of a certain goal. In this way, the
framework can generate advance warnings to signal
negative (and positive) impacts of a certain human-
centered requirement to the next phases of the devel-
opment process.
As discussed earlier in Section 3.2.1, there is a
possibility that inclusion of a specific function that
satisfies a certain human need (enabling goal) at one
level of user experience may be need-frustrating in
terms of its negative impact on the higher levels
of user experience. Therefore, after defining the
functions satisfying certain enabling goals/sub-goals,
there is a dire need to check whether the functionality
goals frustrate human needs on the levels beyond the
Interface and Task spheres of user experience. In or-
der to represent the relationship of how functions de-
fined in the functionality goal component contribute
(positively or negatively) towards achievement of en-
abling goals, we use the GRL contribution links that
connects the framework components with each other
with explicit notations of “+” and “-” on the links rep-
resenting their positive and negative impacts respec-
tively (see Figure 2). The GRL contribution links
can have various degrees of impact but we only in-
clude links with positive and negative impacts in our
framework to keep it simple enough to be understood
by professional designers and non-professional stake-
holders equally.
Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems Design: A Human-Centered Framework
It is clear that the functionalities defined in the
functionality goals component not only contributes to
the enabling goals component but this helps towards
fulfilling user experience outcomes. Such side-effects
are called correlations in GRL that are represented
using dashed arrows as depicted in Figure 2.
In the following, we demonstrate how the above
guidelines can be applied to a case study, the Taxi
This section explains a case study, a Taxi System, that
is here understood as a specific system example used
to explain the framework (also referred as a demon-
stration case in (Host et al., 2012)). The case study
is based on similar types of real systems but simpli-
fied in order to investigate and illustrate the proposed
framework more precisely.
The Taxi System was proposed in (Fatima and
Bræk, 2016) for illustration of a systems modelling
approach. It is an example of distributed communi-
cating systems. These systems maintain ongoing in-
teraction with their environment. These are complex
systems difficult to be designed because of the con-
currency involved in their interactions with the envi-
ronment and different parts within the system.
In the Taxi System, a user can book a taxi via an
online booking system. A taxi dispatcher keeps an
overview of the taxis and assigns an available taxi to
the requesting user. If no taxi is available, the user is
asked to wait. Once available, the taxi is assigned and
contacts the waiting user.
In the following, the framework is applied to the
case study to demonstrate how human psychological
needs can be modelled as functionality goals of a sys-
4.1 Identification of Functions
Satisfying Enabling Goals: the
Functionality Goals Component
In this section, we demonstrate how the factors, re-
sulting from the refinement of enabling goals as sub-
goals in Section 3.1.2, can be applied to the Taxi sys-
tem in order to identify its precise functions that have
the potential to satisfy basic human needs. The pro-
cess is illustrated by working around one basic need
(i.e. the autonomy) to exhibit how a human psycho-
logical need can be translated into functions that are
required to generate sustainable user experiences like
that of engagement for example.
We assume that the system-centered functional
requirements of the Taxi System have already been
identified and their functions are modelled. Here, we
are focusing on human-centered functionality compo-
nent that defines functions to support human auton-
omy in the Taxi System. The sub-goals refined for au-
tonomy in Section 3.1.2 (i.e., offering “options” and
“customization”; visualization of system status, user
control and freedom (and other Nielsen’s heuristics
not explained in this section)) are generic enough for
HCI contexts. Against these generic sub-goals, the
following Taxi System autonomy specific functions
can be specified:
Generic Sub-Goal 1: Alternatives and/or Offering
System-specific functions: A user can choose
different types of taxis based on their price, size,
time-to-reach, distance from pickup point
to change destination at run-time
to change pickup location at run-time
to register with specific profiles
to register for rewards that are offered depending
upon how often they use the service
Generic Sub-Goal 2: Customization (Flexibility
and Efficiency of Use)
System-specific functions: A user can
choose a taxi from preferred driver options (can
also improve relatedness)
choose from favourite pickup/destination loca-
tions based on their past orders
create favourite list of destinations/pickup loca-
Generic Sub-Goal 3: Visibility of System Status:
System-specific functions:
Overview of taxis on a map with all the alterna-
tives specified in the sub-goal 1 above.
Taxis display other facilities they have like that of
a baby seat.
Clarity on “Taxi booked” and “Taxi cancelled”
confirmations and other initiatives taken by the
User is updated about their queue position
User is shown the taxi remaining time-to-reach at
pickup location and destination.
Generic Sub-Goal 4: User Control and Freedom
System-specific functions: A user can
cancel/exit the taxi ordering activity at all steps
while making the order
cancel/exit the taxi order while in waiting queue
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Offer Options Customization
User Control
and Freedom
Other Nielsen´s
Types of
Destination at
Change Pickup
Loc at Runtime
Specific Profiles
Favourite Pickup
Loc/ Destinations
by the System
User Preferred
Pickup Loc/
Destinations by
the User
Overview of
Visibility of
Offered by Taxis
on User
Queue Updates
Visibility of Time-
Pickup Loc and
Exit while
Making the
Exit while
Exit after
Visibility of
System Status
to User
Enabling Goal
(Human need)
Contribution link
+ –
Contribution types
Enabling Goal(s)
Functionality Goals
Figure 3: The SUXEH framework applied to the Taxi System illustrating modelling of autonomy as an example human
psychological need.
cancel taxi order after it is booked
The above functions are defined on one view (in-
terface) of the system i.e., the customer view, and
hence all the functions are defined from a customer’s
perspective. The Taxi perspective (not detailed here)
shall add more functions. It can be clearly seen that
the above functions of the Taxi System that contribute
to the human psychological needs are the functional
requirements of the system and hence must be ad-
dressed at this early phase of system’s development.
As described earlier in Section 3.3, we use the
GRL to represent modelling of human-centered goals
and to refine them in terms of precise system func-
tions. Figure 3 illustrates graphically how autonomy
(an enabling goal) can be modelled in terms of less
fuzzy and more refined functions (functional require-
ments) of the Taxi System. We utilize the GRL de-
composition links to denote decomposition of goals
into sub-goals and functions. The positive or neg-
ative contribution of a function towards achieving a
goal/sub-goal is represented via positive and negative
contribution links from GRL. We use the guidelines
of differentiating levels of user experience given in
Section 3.2.1 to mark these contribution links. For in-
stance, consider the example of the function named
“offering rewards” that contributes to the “offer op-
tions” sub-goal required to be designed for the sat-
isfaction of autonomy (see Section 3.1.2). Appar-
ently, this function increases engagement and motiva-
tion user experience outcomes mediated by increased
autonomy and competence human needs (see Section
3.1). However, this happens only at the interface level
of the user experience exhibiting the direct impact of
the system’s use. Because the criterion of “offering
rewards” is how often a user uses the Taxi System,
it can increase engagement to an extent where this
function has negative impact on a human’s overall
well-being. Hence, this “offering rewards” function
Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems Design: A Human-Centered Framework
can contribute negatively towards achievement of au-
tonomy via “offer options” sub-goal and therefore its
contribution is marked with “-” sign. The framework
allows to signal this possible negative impact of the
function to the later stages of system development that
involves major design decisions. Hence, this indica-
tion helps designers to design such functions carefully
(with additional constraints that need adjustments for
positive impacts) in order to avoid need-frustrations at
higher levels of user experiences that impact overall
human well-being. For instance, the function of “of-
fering rewards” may be constrained only for long dis-
tances, and/or health warnings and saving money type
of incentives may be given to the user for avoiding the
taxi service for shorter distances. Alternatively, the
criterion of “offering rewards” can be changed to how
often the user uses a shared taxi to put less empha-
sis on individual taxi usage and more on the rides that
are more beneficial for the environment and are less
In the case, where certain functionalities are de-
cided to be dropped due to their negative impact, still
the information encompassing the reasoning can be
made part of documentation to avoid repeating the
discussions in the future.
We have emphasized that software systems design
decisions affect positively and/or negatively particu-
lar human psychological needs that contribute to sus-
tainable user experience outcomes. These needs are
not taken into account while requirements acquisi-
tion. This problem is addressed by our framework that
enables software designers to capture and represent
human psychological needs early in the software de-
velopment process when the requirements are elicited
and specified, and design decisions are justified, re-
ferred as the process-oriented approach in (Mylopou-
los et al., 1992) as opposed to the product-oriented
approach when the final product is evaluated.
Unlike the approaches proposed in (Checkland,
1981; Hix and Hartson, 1993; Mayhew, 1999; Fa-
rooqui et al., 2019; Acu
na et al., 2012), and due to the
limitations listed in (Metzker and Reiterer, 2002), the
framework we propose does not integrate HCI or user
experience design process as a whole in the software
systems development process. However, we have
used HCI and user experience domain knowledge in
two ways: (1) In order to understand core elements of
human psychological needs we have taken guidelines
from a model (Peters et al., 2018) that explains these
needs and their relationship with sustainable user ex-
perience outcomes in the context of HCI; (2) We uti-
lize Nielsen’s usability heuristics (along with other
criteria that are driven by human psychology) not as
an user interface evaluation method but as an impor-
tant input towards modelling the human psycholog-
ical needs. These HCI and UX simple tools assist
in formalizing simplistic yet effective guidelines that
help in easy incorporation of basic human psycholog-
ical needs requirements in the software systems de-
The SUXEH framework we propose includes no-
tion of human aspects from HCI/UX discipline that
help in building a more complete understanding of
human psychological needs. This more holistic per-
spective also allows to focus beyond those tradition-
ally considered as users (“user-centered design”) and
adopts a broader, human-centered view on those the
system is designed for or who may be affected by its
use (ISO 9241-210:2019(en), 2019). As explained in
Section 3.1, the human needs we emphasize leverage
mainly Self-Determination Theory (SDT) that pro-
vides an empirically validated approach to explore
factors that contribute to sustainable user experience
outcomes like that of well-being. We choose to
present detailed guidelines on how to model auton-
omy that is one of the three main constructs (along
with competence and relatedness) that has a deep and
clear link to more commonly verbalized concepts like
meaning or happiness (Ryan and Deci, 2017). Hence
the human emotions being modelled as target human
aspects in software requirements for instance in (Cu-
rumsing et al., 2019)), discussed earlier in the related
work, are actually the desired outcomes of basic psy-
chological needs satisfaction that our framework em-
phasizes on.
Our framework promotes user involvement in
terms of negotiations with stakeholders mainly fa-
cilitated by the designers. Since the human psy-
chological needs are explicitly modelled in terms of
system functions, the framework support early anal-
ysis of human-centered functional requirements in
terms of their realizability from the designer’s per-
spective. This will help in reconciliation of designer’s
and stakeholder’s point of views specifically on those
requirements that (1) negatively affect human well-
being, and/or (2) are not realizable from resource or
technical point of view (for instance, requirements
that may interfere with the system basic functional-
ity). Since the framework provides clear visibility
of reasoning (in terms of explicitly marked contribu-
tion links between the components) behind the deci-
sions made by the stakeholders and designers collab-
orations, agreed-upon (and leftover) human-centered
functionalities may be made part of the documenta-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
tion elements important for future references specifi-
cally to avoid repetition of the same discussions.
Finally, while the framework aims to support the
design of sustainable user experiences, we acknowl-
edge that human-centeredness in system design may
also trigger behavior that is unsustainable from e.g.,
an environmental point of view. For instance, in
the Taxi System, the “offering rewards” functional-
ity supports sustainable user experience in terms of
addressing human autonomy but it may result in the
usage of the system to an extent where it is not good
for the environmental sustainability.
In this paper, we have presented a framework which
we refer to as SUXEH (Sustainable User eXpe-
riences Enabled Human-centered) framework that
identifies and represents fundamental human psycho-
logical needs (that are based on mature psychologi-
cal theories) explicitly as systems functions in early
stages of software development. With the help of a
case study, the Taxi System, we have demonstrated
how our framework can be applied to represent hu-
man psychological needs by modelling autonomy as
the detailed example need. This application of the
framework shows that our framework is generic in
a way that it is neither system specific nor end-user
specific. It applies to different types of human users
and equally to all types of software systems. We also
believe that the requirements models that result from
application of our framework can be used by all soft-
ware systems design methodologies. We look forward
to conduct empirical case studies/user studies that al-
low to further refine and validate the framework.
We do not claim that our framework provides
complete guidelines on integration of human psycho-
logical needs in the early stages of requirement speci-
fications, but we believe that our framework provides
initial directions that guides beyond GUI design and
usability, and provides more holistic and realistic pic-
ture of integration to address broader impacts on hu-
man well-being and other long term eudaimonic as-
pects of sustainable user experience outcomes. We
emphasize that provision of this information in re-
quirements specifications acts as a significant input
in making design decisions during software systems
Our research presented in this paper can form
a useful starting point to further investigate generic
models of human psychological needs in software de-
velopment process. Creation of new design methods
or investigation of most appropriate design methods
that can be improved to incorporate human-centered
requirements is required. This is an open research
question and we are looking forward to address this
question in our future publications.
This work was supported by the European Re-
search Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
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ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies