Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
Davide Bonaventura
1 a
, Sergio Esposito
2 b
and Giampaolo Bella
1 c
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit
a di Catania, Catania, Italy
Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, U.K.
IoT, Smart Homes, Smart Devices, Smart Bulb, Penetration Test, Vulnerability Assessment.
The IoT is getting more and more pervasive. Even the simplest devices, such as a light bulb or an electrical
plug, are made “smart” and controllable by our smartphone. This paper describes the findings obtained by
applying the PETIoT kill chain to conduct a Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing session on a
smart bulb, the Tapo L530E by Tp-Link, currently best seller on Amazon Italy. We found that four vulnera-
bilities affect the bulb, two of High severity and two of Medium severity according to the CVSS v3.1 scoring
system. In short, authentication is not well accounted for and confidentiality is insufficiently achieved by the
implemented cryptographic measures. In consequence, an attacker who is nearby the bulb can operate at will
not just the bulb but all devices of the Tapo family that the user may have on her Tapo account. Moreover, the
attacker can learn the victim’s Wi-Fi password, thereby escalating his malicious potential considerably. The
paper terminates with an outline of possible fixes.
The Internet of Things (IoT) surrounds people virtu-
ally everywhere due to the increasing number of de-
vices that become computerised and interconnected
it may even pervade people’s bodies thanks to
the rise of implantable medical devices and wearable
devices. IoT devices exceeded 13.8 billion in 2021
and are expected to double by 2025 (Howarth, 2023).
This world of devices leads to a massive attack sur-
face with a significant increase in the number of en-
try points for hackers and, correspondingly, security
and privacy challenges for researchers and engineers
to face.
While the full range and inherent diversity of IoT
devices cannot be overestimated, safety critical de-
vices, such as self-driving cars, Industrial Control
Systems (ICS) and their security and privacy chal-
lenges, risk drawing too much attention to the detri-
ment of inexpensive devices, such as those for home
automation. It must be stressed that any home au-
tomation issue would be highly impactful due to the
enormous use of such devices worldwide, which is
also favoured by a general price decrease.
We observe that similar considerations apply to
smart bulbs, whose hijacking may have security im-
plications, e.g., help a thief abuse the victim’s elec-
tricity consumption, then privacy implications, e.g.,
help the thief profile the victim’s patterns of usage
hence their habits and, ultimately, safety implications,
e.g., ultimately help the thief understand if a house-
hold is currently empty or not. Following these ob-
servations, this paper rests on the following research
question: What vulnerabilities affect best-seller light
bulbs? What consequences do they have on the end
user’s security, privacy and safety?
1.1 Contributions
Our experiments apply the (steps of the) PETIoT kill
chain (Bella et al., 2023) to conduct a Vulnerability
Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) on the
Tp-Link Tapo Smart Wi-Fi Light Bulb, Multicolor
(L530E), currently best-seller on Amazon Italy, Fig-
ure 1. The Tapo L530E is a cloud-enabled multicolor
Smart Bulb that can be controlled through the Tapo
proprietary application. The user needs to install it
on an Android or iOS mobile device and then cre-
ate a Tapo account. The smart bulb uses Wi-Fi tech-
nology for connectivity. So, unlike many other smart
bulbs requiring a dedicated hub, the user can enjoy
the L530E as is by simply connecting it to their home
Wi-Fi network.
Bonaventura, D., Esposito, S. and Bella, G.
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household.
DOI: 10.5220/0012092900003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 218-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The Tapo L530E on
Contrarily to a potential belief that smart bulbs are
not worth protecting or hacking, we found out that
this model suffers four vulnerabilities that are not triv-
ial and, most importantly, may have a dramatic im-
1. Vulnerability 1. Lack of authentication of the
smart bulb with the Tapo app, 8.8 CVSS score,
High severity. The app does not get any guarantee
about the identity of its peer. Therefore, anyone
can authenticate to the app and pretend to be the
smart bulb.
2. Vulnerability 2. Hard-coded, short shared secret,
7.6 CVSS score, High severity. The secret used
by both the Tapo app and the smart bulb is short
and exposed by both the code fragments run by
the app and by the smart bulb.
3. Vulnerability 3. Lack of randomness during
symmetric encryption, 4.6 CVSS score, Medium
severity. The initialisation vectors (IVs) used by
the Tapo app and the smart bulb are static, and
each communication session uses a single, fixed
IV for each message.
4. Vulnerability 4. Insufficient message freshness,
5.7 CVSS score, Medium severity. Neither the
app nor the smart bulb implements appropriate
measures to check the freshness of messages that
they receive.
Our exploitation experiments of such vulnerabilities
demonstrate that a malicious attacker who stands in
proximity of the target smart bulb, hence of the Wi-Fi
access point to which the bulb is meant to be con-
nected, can exploit the bulb in various ways. Vul-
nerability 1 means that the attacker impersonates the
bulb and receives the user’s Tapo credentials as well
as the user’s Wi-Fi credentials from the Tapo app.
To achieve this, the bulb must be in setup mode,
when it exposes its own SSID. Alternatively, if the
bulb is already configured and working, then the at-
tacker mounts a simple Wi-Fi deauthentication attack
against the bulb and repeats it until the user attempts
to setup the bulb again to restore it.
The attacker may also interleave another session:
by leveraging the credentials just obtained, he imper-
sonates the user through the setup of the bulb and re-
ceives a session key from the device, which he may
then relay back to the user. Therefore, the attacker ef-
fectively mounts a man-in-the-middle attack. More-
over, during device setup, the Tapo app also releases
the Wi-Fi credentials to the attacker, thereby causing
a clear escalation of the malicious potential for other
attacks requiring local access.
Vulnerability 2 means that the attacker can obtain
the key that the Tapo app and the smart bulb share and
use for the authentication and the integrity of the mes-
sages exchanged during the initial discovery phase,
described in Section 5.1. Thanks to the knowledge
of the key, the attacker can violate the integrity and
authentication of the messages of this phase.
Vulnerability 3 means that the attacker under-
stands the consequences of certain encrypted mes-
sages on the target device despite the fact that he does
not understand the precise cleartext inside each mes-
sage. Therefore, the attacker may attempt to re-use
those messages at will to operate the device as each
message determines. In combination with vulnerabil-
ity 4, the attacker is assured that whatever message he
replays will be accepted by the bulb, hence a Denial-
of-Service (DoS) attack becomes possible.
1.2 Ethics and Responsible Disclosure
All experiments performed on Tapo L530E only in-
volve devices, Wi-Fi networks, accounts, emails, and
passwords owned solely by the authors of this work.
During the experiments, no user nor third-party data
were accessed.
We dutifully contacted Tp-Link via their Vulner-
ability Research Program (VRP), reporting all four
vulnerabilities we found. They acknowledged all of
them and informed us that they started working on
fixes both at the app and at the bulb firmware levels,
planning to release them in due course.
1.3 Paper Summary
This paper continues with a short account of the re-
lated work (§2). It then unfolds the six phases of the
chosen methodology, i.e., the PETIoT kill chain, on
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
the chosen target, i.e., the Tapo L530E (§3 through
§8). Finally, it draws the relevant conclusions (§9).
The security and privacy aspects of IoT devices are
becoming more and more important and, correspond-
ingly, the related work concerning such devices is
very wide. Due to space constraints, this section is
reduced to the literature entries that are most relevant
to the core of this paper.
In 2021, it was shown that printers are common
devices whose networked use may suffer at least three
attacks (Bella and Biondi, 2019). The first attack,
zombies for traditional DDoS, shows how some print-
ers may suffer from vulnerabilities that would trans-
form them into exploitable zombies. The second at-
tack, paper DoS, shows how a large number of print-
ers are found to honour unauthenticated printing re-
quests. The third attack, privacy infringement, shows
how these devices bear a remarkable risk of data
breach. Later, the same authors contributed to sim-
ilar experiments against VoIP phones (Biondi et al.,
2020). Our work follows a similar methodology.
In 2022, a literature survey for understanding IoT
security threats and challenges appeared (Nath and
Nath, 2022). It is divided into three parts. The first
part contains an analysis of the main threats and at-
tacks, also analysing the IoT ecosystem from four per-
spectives: devices, internal network services, external
network services and users. The second part contains
a study on recent IoT malware attacks. Finally, the
general security requirements and challenges to ad-
dress the devised attack categories are discussed. This
work was inspirational for our experiments.
PETIoT is a recent cyber Kill Chain (KC) specifi-
cally developed to guide VAPT sessions over IoT de-
vices (Bella et al., 2023) with a focus on detecting
their network vulnerabilities. The KC is demonstrated
on the Tapo C200 IP camera by Tp-Link, enabling the
discovery of three severe vulnerabilities: Improper
neutralisation of inbound packets; Insufficient entropy
in encrypted notifications; Cleartext transmission of
video stream. Each of the vulnerabilities found is ex-
ploited through different attack scenarios, and appro-
priate remediation measures are illustrated as possible
fixes. We followed PETIoT strictly through our work,
as can be seen by the steps discussed below.
In 2018, a penetration testing session on the Trad-
fri smart bulb produced by IKEA was reported (Dalvi
et al., 2018). The article describes four different at-
tacks. Hacking Smart Light Bulb via Bluetooth al-
lows the attacker to control the bulb. IKEA Tradfri
Gateway Exploit allows the attacker to compromise
the ZigBee Tradfri gateway by managing to break the
firmware update. Denial of Service Attack allows the
attacker to perform a DoS attack against the gateway
by flooding it with UDP packets. Identity Spoofing al-
lows the attacker to impersonate the CoAP client and
control the smart bulbs. This work is closely related
to ours but revolves around the ZigBee protocol and
does not achieve escalation to local Wi-Fi access.
We begin defining the experiment setup, accordingly
with the PETIoT kill chain. Our setup is non-invasive,
as the smart bulb is not tampered with. It includes:
A Wi-Fi switch to provide local connectivity.
A Smart bulb Tapo series L530 with Hardware
Version 1.0.0 and Firmware Version 1.1.9.
A Samsung smartphone running Android 11 and
the Tapo app Version 2.8.14.
An Ubuntu 22.04 machine with 5.15.0-47 kernel
to run all software needed for the experiments.
To be able to use all the bulb features, it is necessary
to create a Tapo account and login into it. Depending
on whether the smart bulb is already associated with
a Tapo account or not, and the network configuration
used, we identify three different setups. In all three
setups, the smartphone has access to the Tapo account
to which the smart bulb is associated, or to which the
user wants to associate it.
3.1 Setup A
The context of the Setup A is as follows.
The user has previously associated her smart bulb
with the Tapo app on her phone. During the asso-
ciation process, the user connects the smart bulb
to a certain network X.
The Ubuntu device and the user’s phone are both
connected to the same network Y as shown in Fig-
ure 2 this is not necessarily the network X to
which the Tapo L530E is connected.
This setup does not require the Ubuntu device to
have access to the network to which the smart bulb
is connected, but only to be connected to the same
network as the Tapo app. Therefore, the user could,
for example, connect to a public network to turn off a
light that may have been mistakenly left on at home.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Setup A, network without a local smart bulb.
3.2 Setup B
The context of the Setup B is as follows.
The user has previously associated her smart bulb
with the Tapo app on her phone. During the asso-
ciation process, the user connects the smart bulb
to a certain network X.
The Ubuntu device and the user’s phone are both
connected to the same network X to which the
smart bulb is connected, as shown in Figure 3.
The Ubuntu device has complete control of the
network X. It is able to carry out an ARP spoof-
ing attack, i.e., to intercept data frames, modify
the network traffic or prevent it from reaching its
intended recipient.
Figure 3: Setup B, network with a configured smart bulb.
This setup requires the active presence of the
smart bulb. In addition, the setup requires the Ubuntu
device to have access to the network to which the
smart bulb is connected, typically the victim’s local
network. Therefore, all devices used are connected
via Wi-Fi to the same access point.
3.3 Setup C
The context of the Setup C is as follows.
The user wants to associate the newly reset or not
yet configured smart bulb with her Tapo account.
The Tapo app (hence, the user) believes to be con-
nected to the network X created by the smart bulb,
but it is actually connected to a network Y con-
trolled by the Ubuntu device.
The Ubuntu device is connected both to the net-
work created by the smart bulb and to the network
controlled by itself.
This setup occurs when the smart bulb has been re-
set or has not been configured yet. As detailed in Sec-
tion 5.3.1, the smart bulb starts a public access point
to which the user must connect to complete the setup.
The network configuration is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Setup C, network with a non-configured bulb.
The Wi-Fi deauthentication attack allows the at-
tacker to easily get Setup C. A Wi-Fi deauthentication
attack is a type of denial-of-service attack that targets
communications between a device and a Wi-Fi wire-
less access point (Kristiyanto and Ernastuti, 2020).
Thanks to this attack, the attacker can deauthenticate
the smart bulb from the network to which it is con-
nected, forcing the user to repeat its setup process.
The Wi-Fi deauthentication attack requires the access
point and connected devices not to use 802.11w or
WPA3. Although in literature there are other theoret-
ically feasible methods to perform the deauthentica-
tion attack anyway (Schepers et al., 2022), we did not
test them. In Setup C, we assume that the network
to which the smart bulb is connected is a network
where the deauthentication attack can be performed.
One way to mount it would be to leverage Aircrack-
ng (d’Otreppe de Bouvette, 2023), as described in a
blog (Alopix, 2023). The attack requires the adver-
sary to know the victim device’s MAC address, how-
ever, it is possible to list all MAC addresses connected
to nearby access points by simply listening to the traf-
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
fic, so the adversary has a short and finite list of ad-
dresses to try.
After the victim resets the smart bulb, it enters
setup mode. In Setup C, the Ubuntu device needs
the Tapo app to connect to the network it controls
and not to the network started by the smart bulb
hence, the adversary performs another Wi-Fi deau-
thentication attack to deauthenticate the phone run-
ning the Tapo app from the network started by the
smart bulb, arguably inducing the victim to re-attempt
to connect, eventually using the adversary-controlled
network with the same SSID. As the network started
by the smart bulb is an unprotected Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
network, in this latter case the deauthentication at-
tack will always work. Intuitively, this setup assumes
that the Ubuntu device is close enough to the network
started by the smart bulb to hear the emitted carrier.
After the setup we can proceed to the collection of
information. The following tools are installed on the
Ubuntu device:
Ettercap (Ettercap, 2023), a suite of tools to per-
form MITM attacks used on the Ubuntu device to
control the network.
Wireshark (Wireshark, 2023), a network protocol
analyser (or packet sniffer) used to capture and
analyse traffic.
The smart bulb firmware source code is not publicly
available. Therefore, the offensive activities are per-
formed in black-box mode.
Thanks to the messages captured with Wireshark it
is possible to distinguish between three different types
of communications. They differ according to the
sender and the receiver of the various messages be-
longing to them. The three different types of commu-
nications we identified are: (a) communications App-
Cloud, including all messages exchanged between the
Tapo App and the Cloud Server; (b) communications
Bulb-App, including all messages exchanged between
the smart bulb and the Tapo App; (c) communica-
tions Cloud-Bulb, including all messages exchanged
between the Cloud Server and the smart bulb. When
the phone running the Tapo app is not connected to
the same network as the light bulb, communications
happen through the cloud, combining App-Cloud and
Cloud-Bulb communications otherwise, they take
place locally with Bulb-App communications.
All communications through the cloud, i.e., App-
Cloud and Cloud-Bulb, are encrypted. They take
place through the use of a secure TLS channel that
ensures authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of
the messages, even though they are transmitted over
the Internet. Instead, all Bulb-App communications
are exchanged via HTTP messages. Their payloads
are encrypted using the AES128 block cipher in CBC
mode. The initialisation vector and the cryptographic
key used for this protocol are exchanged using the
Tapo “Symmetric Key Exchange Protocol” (TSKEP),
which is described below in Section 5.2. This pro-
tocol only generates traffic over the local Wi-Fi net-
work, not through the Internet.
Our offensive activities only target Bulb-App com-
munications, and ignore the others.
Thanks to the information obtained during the previ-
ous phase, it is now possible to analyse the network
traffic profitably.
The API exposed by the smart bulb is very sim-
ilar to a Remote Procedure Call (RPC). The JSON
sent by the app to the smart bulb contains the name
of the method to be invoked and its parameters. The
responses sent by the smart bulb to the app contain
an error code representing the outcome of the opera-
tion (whether it was successfully executed or the error
occurred) with an optional result. All JSONs are ex-
changed via the payloads of HTTP messages.
Before the Tapo app starts using the API exposed
by the bulb, it must perform two preliminary steps:
locate the smart bulb within the network to which it
is connected, and exchange a symmetric key with the
smart bulb to encrypt messages. Therefore, the com-
munication between smart bulb and Tapo app can be
summarised in three macro-steps:
Bulb Discovery it allows the Tapo app to locate
the smart bulb within the local network and to get
the smart bulb’s current configuration.
Tapo Symmetric Key Exchange Protocol – execut-
ing the TSKEP protocol allows the Tapo app and
smart bulb to exchange a symmetric key.
Smart bulb usage it consists in using the actual
smart bulb app protocol.
These macro-steps are described in detail below.
5.1 Bulb Discovery
Smart bulb configurations may change over time. For
example, the IP address assigned to it by the DHCP
server might have changed, it might start using a dif-
ferent encryption scheme after an update, or it might
have just been reset. Before the Tapo app can start
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
communicating with the smart bulb, it must locate the
smart bulb within the local network and get its cur-
rent configuration. To do this, the Tapo app connects
to the UDP service listening on the 20002 port of the
smart bulb, as represented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Tapo (local) Device dicovery.
The payload format of such UDP messages is rep-
resented in Table 1. It can be explained as follows:
Bytes in positions [0:3] and [6:7] are static. Their
values never change.
The data length field contains the length of the
data field, which contains the data exchanged be-
tween Tapo app and smart bulb. When the data
field is empty (i.e., when it has length 0) the bits
of this field are all set to 0.
The nonce field contains a 4-byte string randomly
generated by the Tapo app. The string is inserted
in the bulb discovery request message from the
Tapo app and quoted by the smart bulb in the
bulb discovery response message from the smart
bulb. This allows the Tapo app to obtain guaran-
tees about the freshness of the response received
from the smart bulb.
Logically, the checksum field must be excluded
from the computation of the checksum itself
instead, a secret key of the same length is used in
its place for the checksum computation. This se-
cret key is hard-coded in both the Tapo app and
the smart bulb, hence, the checksum acts like a
Message Authentication Code (MAC). This field
allows the receiver to understand that the message
arrives intact as it is sent. The algorithm used
for the checksum calculation is the Cyclic Redun-
dancy Check 32 (CRC-32), a checksum algorithm
that hashes byte sequences to 32 bit values.
The data field contains different information de-
pending on whether it is a bulb discovery re-
quest or a bulb discovery response and whether
the smart bulb is configured or not.
Table 1: Format of the payload of UDP messages.
0 1 2 3
0 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x01
4 Data length 0x11 0x00
8 Nonce
12 Checksum
... Data
5.2 Tapo Symmetric Key Exchange
This step uses the RPC API exposed by the smart bulb
on port 80. All exchanged messages are HTTP mes-
sages, so at the transport layer, only the TCP proto-
col is used. The TSKEP, represented in Figure 6, al-
lows Tapo app and smart bulb to exchange a 128-bit
AES key and an IV to encrypt the payload of various
HTTP messages. The protocol consists of four differ-
ent messages:
1. RSA public key transmission
2. AES key transmission
3. Login
4. Token transmission
Figure 6: Tapo Symmetric Key Exchange Protocol.
At the end of this phase, Tapo app and smart bulb
get a short-term shared secret to encrypt all subse-
quent traffic. Thanks to the credential stored during
the setup phase, for the smart bulb the secret is also
5.3 Smart Bulb Setup
This section focuses on the two possible configura-
tions for the smart bulb and specifies them in depth
following our traffic analysis efforts.
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
5.3.1 Smart Bulb Turned on and not Configured
Before a smart bulb Tapo L530E can be used, it must
be associated with a Tapo account. There are two rea-
sons why a smart bulb may not be associated with any
accounts: because it has been reset, or it has not been
configured yet. In this Section, we discuss the process
of associating the smart bulb with a Tapo account.
An unconfigured or newly reset smart bulb starts
a public access point with SSID Tapo Bulb XXXX,
where XX XX are four decimal places. The smart bulb
also acts as a switch within the network it generates.
In order to configure it and associate it with their Tapo
account, the user must connect to the Wi-Fi network
started by the smart bulb itself.
After that, the Tapo app tries to locate the smart
bulb. To do this, it starts sending bulb discovery re-
quest messages to broadcast. In this case, the data
field of these messages is empty. After the identifica-
tion of the smart bulb, the Tapo app starts the TSKEP
protocol with it. The values set in the login message
as username and password are fixed values that the
Tapo app uses every time it configures a new device.
Once the symmetric key is obtained, Tapo app
sends to the smart bulb the SSID and the password
of the Wi-Fi network to which the smart bulb must
connect. The Tapo app also sends the credentials of
the Tapo account to which it must be associated. The
credentials are then stored by the smart bulb. Through
these credentials, smart bulb is able to authenticate all
subsequent requests of Tapo app. At this point, the
smart bulb turns its access point off and connects to
the specified Wi-Fi network. The smart bulb starts
communicating with the cloud server to complete its
setup. Hence, the Wi-Fi network to which the smart
bulb connects must have Internet access.
5.3.2 Smart Bulb Already Configured
Let us now consider the case where the smart bulb is
associated with a Tapo account and it is ready to be
used. As mentioned before, it can be controlled either
locally or remotely via the Tapo cloud. To do so, the
Tapo application initially tries to locate the smart bulb
within the network with a bulb discovery request mes-
sage. If it detects it (i.e., it gets a response) then the
interaction happens locally via Bulb-App communi-
cations, which are the subject of our analysis. Other-
wise, if the Tapo app does not receive any valid bulb
discovery response, then it tries to check the smart
bulb remotely. If the smart bulb is not detectable even
remotely then it is determined offline.
The assessment following the information gathered so
far highlights four vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability 1 – Lack of the Smart Bulb Authen-
tication with the Tapo App. Improper Authentica-
tion (MITRE, 2006a) in Tapo L503E allows an adja-
cent attacker to impersonate the Tapo L530E with the
Tapo app during the TSKEP step.
In the TSKEP step, unlike the Bulb Discovery
step, the protocol used to exchange the session key
does not give the Tapo app any evidence of its peer’s
identity. Hence, an attacker is able to authenticate to
the Tapo app as the Tapo L530E or as another device:
in fact, this vulnerability is present in all Tapo smart
devices that use the TSKEP protocol.
The CVSS v3.1 score that we calculate is 8.8,
meaning High severity. Precisely: Attack Vector:
Adjacent; Attack Complexity: Low; Privileges Re-
quired: None; User Interaction: Required; Scope:
Changed; Confidentiality: High; Integrity: High;
Availability: High. In particular, Attack Complex-
ity is low because the attacker could impersonate the
bulb by implementing the protocol messages to re-
spond to the calling app. Following that, he could
obtain the user password on the Tapo app, then fully
impersonate the user and manipulate at will any target
Tapo device of the same user. Precisely, by imperson-
ating the bulb at setup time as explained above, the
attacker would receive the victim’s Wi-Fi SSID and
password from the Tapo app, so that he could then
impersonate the user by her password at each session
with the target device, which could be any Tapo de-
vice of the user’s. The attacker could also obtain the
device-chosen session key, which he could then relay
to the user’s genuine app and effectively interpose.
Vulnerability 2 Hard-Coded Short Check-
sum Shared Secret. Protection Mechanism Fail-
ure (MITRE, 2008) in Tapo L503E allows an adjacent
attacker to obtain the secret used for authentication
during the Bulb Discovery phase.
The shared secret used for Bulb Discoverys mes-
sages authentication is short and hard-coded both in
the Tapo app and in the Tapo L530E. Therefore, it
can be obtained in the following ways:
1. Brueforcing, because of its shortness.
2. Decompiling the Tapo app.
The CVSS v3.1 score that we calculate is 7.6,
meaning High severity. Precisely: Attack Vector:
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Adjacent; Attack Complexity: Low; Privileges Re-
quired: None; User Interaction: Required; Scope:
Unchanged; Confidentiality: Low; Integrity: High;
Availability: High. The knowledge of the shared se-
cret provides to the attacker the ability to edit and to
create Bulb Discovery messages. Specifically, the at-
tacker is able to generate fake bulb discovery requests
to locate all smart bulbs, or generally Tapo devices us-
ing the same protocol, connected within the same net-
work. Meanwhile, the ability to edit valid messages
allows the attacker to edit the bulb discovery response
messages sent from the smart bulb to the Tapo app.
Vulnerability 3 Lack of Randomness During
Symmetric Encryption. Use of a Cryptographic
Primitive with a Risky Implementation (MITRE,
2020) in Tapo L503E allows an adjacent attacker to
make the cryptographic scheme deterministic.
The IV used in AES128-CBC scheme is generated
together with the key and remains unchanged for the
entire life of the key. Therefore, the encryption of the
same messages produces the same ciphertext.
The CVSS v3.1 score that we calculate is 4.6,
meaning Medium severity. Precisely: Attack Vec-
tor: Adjacent; Attack Complexity: Low; Privileges
Required: None; User Interaction: Required; Scope:
Unchanged; Confidentiality: Low; Integrity: None;
Availability: Low. When the user interacts with
the device thereby generating traffic, the attacker can
distinguish repeated messages without deciphering
them, yet infer what messages lead to what conse-
quences, such as turning the bulb off. He could then
manipulate the bulb by repeating those messages.
Vulnerability 4 Insufficient Message Freshness.
Predictable from Observable State (MITRE, 2006b)
in Tapo L503E allows an adjacent attacker to replay
messages that are considered valid both from the Tapo
L530E and the Tapo app.
The smart bulb and the Tapo app do not check the
freshness or the duplicity of the received messages.
They only check that the session key with which the
messages are encrypted is still valid, i.e., not older
than 24 hours.
The CVSS v3.1 score that we calculate is 5.7,
meaning Medium severity. Precisely: Attack Vec-
tor: Adjacent; Attack Complexity: Low; Privileges
Required: None; User Interaction: Required; Scope:
Unchanged; Confidentiality: None; Integrity: None;
Availability: High. Similarly to the previous vulnera-
bility, the attacker can leverage user-generated traffic,
this time to replay messages that both the bulb and
the app will certainly accept because of the lack of
appropriate freshness measures.
This Section shows how an attacker can exploit the
vulnerabilities we found in a real environment. We
show 5 attack scenarios, in which the attacker exploits
one or more vulnerabilities to achieve their malicious
goals. We validated each attack scenario by manu-
ally executing the steps illustrated in the forthcom-
ing sections, hence all reported attacks are feasible in
practice. As noted above through the CVSS scores,
their likelihood is determined by the Adjacent Attack
Vector, the Low Attack Complexity, the No Privileges
Required and the Required User Interaction.
7.1 Attack Scenario 1 - Fake Bulb
Discovery Messages Generation
In this experiment we exploited:
Vulnerability 2, with the goal of getting the ability
to create fake Bulb Discovery messages.
This experiment can be conducted in every sce-
nario presented in Section 3. For this attack, it is
first necessary to get hold of a UDP message. In our
case, we have chosen to use a real bulb discovery re-
quest message, because they are easy to get. These
messages are broadcast by the Tapo app every time
it is opened, regardless of the network to which it is
connected. To get a valid one, we just capture the
traffic using Wireshark and use a filter to extract all
UDP messages sent in broadcast e.g., by using the fil-
ter udp && ip.dst == Once a
UDP message is obtained, we can perform an offline
brute-force attack to get the secret shared between the
Tapo app and the smart bulb. At this point, neither the
smart bulb nor the Tapo app needs to be active any-
more to complete the attack. In our setup, the brute-
force attack always succeeded in 140 minutes on av-
This grants the adversary the ability to create fake
bulb discovery request and response messages: the
former allows the attacker to identify all Tapo devices
that use the same protocol and the same key, on any
network he connects to, while the latter allows the at-
tacker to respond to the Tapo app’s request messages
with false configurations.
7.2 Attack Scenario 2 - Password
Exfiltration from Tapo User
In this experiment we exploited, in order:
Vulnerability 2, with the goal of getting the ability
to create fake bulb discovery response messages,
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
Vulnerability 1, with the goal of getting the ability
to authenticate as the Tapo L530E to the Tapo app.
The context in which we conduct the experiment
is Setup A described in Section 3.1. To carry out this
attack, the adversary needs to obtain the ownerId of
the victim Tapo account, and the UDP port to which
the victim sends her bulb discovery request messages
(in our case, port 20002). The attack diagram is
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Sequence chart for the attacker’s impersonation
of the bulb.
The exploitation begins the moment the victim
opens her own Tapo app. When the app is open, it
starts broadcasting bulb discovery request messages.
During the attack, the attacker exploits his ability to
create fake bulb discovery response messages to re-
spond to various bulb discovery request from the vic-
tim. The attacker sets the bulb discovery response
messages fields as shown in Listing 1:
It sets the owner field to the ownerId of the vic-
tim. This is to make the Tapo app think there is a
device of its own on the network to start TSKEP.
It sets the ip and port fields to point to an
adversary-controlled server.
" result " : {
" d e vice_id " : " bd1e ...9348 " ,
" owner " : " Victim s o w n erI d " ,
" d e v i c e _type " :
" SMA RT . T A P OBULB " ,
" d e v i c e _ m o d e l " :
" L53 0E Seri es " ,
" ip " : " A tt acker s IP " ,
" mac " : " Atta ck er s MAC " ,
" f a c t o r y _ d e f a u l t " : fa lse ,
" i s _ s uppor t _ i o t _ c l o u d " : true ,
" m g t _ e n c r y p t_schm " : {
" i s _ s u p p o r t _https " : f als e ,
" e n c r y p t _ t y p e " : " AES " ,
" h t tp_po r t " : 8 0
" e r r or_code " : 0
Listing 1: JSON attack scenario 2.
After receiving the response, the Tapo app thinks
that it has successfully completed the Bulb Discov-
ery phase by locating its own device within the net-
work. Therefore, it starts the TSKEP protocol with
the attacking device. Because of vulnerability 1, the
TSKEP protocol does not give the Tapo app any ev-
idence about the identity of the interlocutor. For this
reason, the Tapo app assumes that the newly received
key is shared with an associated device, while it is
shared with the attacker instead. Hence, the adversary
is able to decrypt the Login message of the TSKEP
protocol and get the password and the hash of the
email of the victim’s Tapo account.
The attack can be summarised as follows:
The attacker gets the Bulb Discovery shared key
and creates fake bulb discovery response mes-
sages. Therefore, the authentication of the bulb
discovery response message fails.
The Tapo app executes the TSKEP protocol with
the attacker instead of the smart bulb. Therefore,
authentication of the smart bulb with the Tapo app
fails. This results in an integrity loss.
The Tapo app shares the key with the attacker,
hence the distribution of the session key fails.
This results in an availability loss.
The attacker can violate the confidentiality of the
messages and get the password and the hash of the
email of the victim’s Tapo account. This results in
a confidentiality loss.
7.3 Attack Scenario 3 - MITM Attack
with a Configured Tapo L530E
In this experiment we exploited:
Vulnerability 1, with the goal of getting the ability
to authenticate as the Tapo L530E to the Tapo app.
The context in which we conduct the experiment
is Setup B described in Section 3.2. The attacker
makes independent connections with the victims and
relays messages between them to make them believe
they are talking directly to each other over a private
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
connection. When the Tapo app starts the TSKEP
with the smart bulb, the attacker intercepts the RSA
key transmission message and blocks its reception
from the smart bulb. In parallel, he starts a new ses-
sion with the smart bulb from which he gets a new
session key. The session key received by the at-
tacker from the smart bulb is then encrypted with the
previously received RSA public key and sent to the
Tapo app. Due to vulnerability 1, the Tapo app ex-
pects to share the received key only with the smart
bulb, but it is sharing it with the adversary instead.
Hence, the attacker now has the key that Tapo app
and smart bulb use to encrypt all subsequent commu-
nication messages. Therefore, he is capable of deci-
phering them and violating their confidentiality and
integrity, for example by decrypting the messages,
modifying their contents, re-encrypting and then for-
warding them. This is summarised in the attack dia-
gram shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Sequence chart for the attacker’s MITM between
app and bulb.
Hence, the attack consists of the following steps:
The Tapo app executes the protocol with the at-
tacker instead of the smart bulb, therefore, the au-
thentication process fails.
The Tapo app shares the key with the attacker and
not with the smart bulb, hence, the distribution of
the session key fails.
The attacker authenticates the key shared with the
smart bulb thanks to the credentials received from
the Tapo app, therefore, the authentication of the
Tapo app with the smart bulb fails.
The attacker relays messages between the two ses-
sions to make Tapo app and smart bulb believe
they are talking to each other, hence, the confi-
dentiality and the integrity of messages is lost.
7.4 Attack Scenario 4 - Replay Attack
with the Smart Bulb as Victim
In this experiment we exploited:
Vulnerability 4, with the goal of getting the ability
to replay both old and replicated messages.
The context in which we conduct the experiment is
Setup B described in Section 3.2. This attack scenario
is divided into three phases. Specifically, in this case,
it is also necessary that the attacker has a line of sight
on the bulb to complete the attack.
During the first phase, Wireshark is used to sniff
the traffic of a Bulb-App communication. During this
communication, the app sends to the smart bulb both
get messages, to request the value of some status pa-
rameters, and set messages, to request the smart bulb
to change the value of some of its internal parameters.
During the experiment, we are not aware of the sym-
metric key used by both the smart bulb and the Tapo
app to encrypt the messages.
During the second phase of the experiment, we
replicate all messages we previously captured. Hence,
for each message we determine whether it was a get
or set message simply by observing how the bulb be-
haves after each message. For every set message, we
take note of the change that it caused on the light bulb.
During the third phase, we arbitrarily replicate the
set messages to the smart bulb, managing to make
changes to its internal state, without having a Tapo
account associated with it. Messages continue to be
accepted by the smart bulb until the session key with
which they are encrypted expires.
7.5 Attack Scenario 5 - MITM Attack
with an Unconfigured Tapo L530E
In this experiment we exploited:
Vulnerability 1, with the goal of getting the ability
to authenticate as the Tapo L530E to the Tapo app.
The context in which we conduct the experiment
is Setup C described in Section 3.3. This attack sce-
nario exploits the fact that not only the Tapo app, but
anyone (including the attacker), can connect to the
Wi-Fi network started by the smart bulb during the
setup phase. It is important that the attacking device
acts as a bridge between the two networks. The at-
tacker must flow all bulb discovery request messages
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
from the network it controls to the smart bulb net-
work, and vice versa for bulb discovery response mes-
sages. Otherwise, the Tapo app would not be able to
detect the smart bulb and therefore would never try to
start the TSKEP with it. Subsequently, vulnerability 1
is exploited in the same way shown in Section Attack
Scenario 7.3, so the adversary is able to violate the
confidentiality of the session key between the smart
bulb and the Tapo app.
At some point in the communication, the Tapo app
sends the JSON shown in Listing 2:
" met h od " : " s e t _ q s_info " ,
" par a ms " : {
" a cco u n t " {
" p assw o r d ": " Tap o p a s swor d " ,
" u sern a m e ": " Tap o ema il "
" e x t ra_info " : {" s pec s " :" EU " },
" ti me " : {" regi on " : " Euro pe / R om e " , "
ti m e _ d i ff " : 6 0 , " times t a m p ": 1 6 6 0
03 2 4 3 5 },
" w irel e s s ": {
" k ey_t y p e ": " w p a 2 _psk " ,
" p assw o r d ": " Wi - Fi pa s s word " ,
" ss id " : " s si d Wi - Fi " }
" r e q u e s t T i m e M i l s " : 16 6 0 0 32 4 3 8 3 6 5 ,
" t e r m i n a l U U I D " : " ... " }
Listing 2: JSON attack scenario 5.
Because usernames, Tapo passwords, SSIDs, and
Wi-Fi passwords are sent in base64 encoding, the at-
tacker is able to decode and steal them.
This Section outlines possible mitigations for the
identified vulnerabilities, marking the last step of the
PETIoT kill chain. Most measures consist of simple
modifications to the relevant protocols, in particular
to strengthen the cryptographic measures. These can
be implemented via software updates to be pushed to
the affected devices via Internet, so we believe these
fixes to be easily deployable with the already existing
update procedures
Fix for Vulnerability 1. This vulnerability is the
most complex and dangerous. It is not easy to find a
simple fix to it because the protocol should be widely
revised. Our proposed fix requires the smart bulb to
sign the message of AES key transmission with an
asymmetric, private key. The validity of that key as
to belong to the bulb could be verified by the app via
a digital certificate to retrieve from the Cloud Server
during the association of the bulb with the app. Of
course, such a certificate should chain up to a root
certificate to be securely stored with the app. All this
would allow the app to get evidence about the au-
thenticity of the response, i.e., that the response really
comes from the smart bulb. In consequence, the app
will eventually store all certificates of the associated
Fix for Vulnerability 2. One possible solution to
fix this vulnerability is the active presence of the cloud
server. This entity should periodically assign each
Tapo account a fresh key to use when calculating the
checksum within Bulb Discovery messages. The key
assigned to a Tapo account should then be communi-
cated to all devices associated with it. The benefits of
the fix can be summarized as follows:
The key is not hard-coded, so the attacker would
no longer be able to get it by decompiling the Tapo
app or the firmware of a Tapo device.
Each account has its own key, therefore, compro-
mising a Tapo account, or a key, would not result
in compromising the keys of other Tapo accounts.
The key should be long and random enough
by current standards so that brute-force attacks
would not be profitable anymore.
The key is always fresh, so even if an attacker
were to get the key of a Tapo account, the latter
would not be compromised forever, but only until
the validity of the stolen key expires and the cloud
server assigns a new key to it.
It would also be useful to use a collision-resistant
cryptographic hash function for the checksum. Ex-
amples of cryptographic hash functions are SHA-224
or SHA3-224.
Fix for Vulnerability 3. This vulnerability can be
fixed by making the IV dynamic, i.e., using differ-
ent IVs to encrypt different messages. This should be
done by both the Tapo app and the Tapo L530E. The
IV used to encrypt the JSON contained in the params
field could then be included as a field in the plain part
of JSON contained in Bulb-App communications.
Fix for Vulnerability 4. The timestamp contain-
ing the message creation moment included in JSON
should be verified by smart bulb and the Tapo app.
Checking the creation timestamp would prevent re-
cent messages from being passed off as fresh by an
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
attacker. In addition, the various messages exchanged
should contain a sequence number, which would pre-
vent duplicate messages.
We identified four vulnerabilities in the Tapo L530E,
which we were able to practically exploit in five dif-
ferent attack scenarios with varying impacts on the
users’ security, privacy and safety. Of the four vul-
nerabilities, two are of High severity and two are of
Medium severity, according to their CVSS score.
Overall, we observe that the experiment setup had
to be designed with care due to the three scenarios that
were possible. Following that, the information gather-
ing step was rather large and complicated, much more
than it could be reported in this paper due to space
constraints. The vulnerability assessment was very
surprising. For example, while deauthentication is
routinely possible, we were not prepared to discover
passwords in the clear and weak cryptography. Ex-
ploiting the vulnerabilities was moderately challeng-
ing but devising appropriate fixes was harder.
One way to interpret such findings could be that
“small” IoT devices may have raised insufficient cy-
bersecurity attention thus far, i.e., insufficient cyber-
security measures due to a preconception that they
may not be worth hacking or exploiting. Our work
pins down this preconception as wrong, at least be-
cause the scope of our attacks expands onto all de-
vices of the Tapo family a victim may use and, most
importantly, potentially onto the entire victim’s Wi-Fi
network, which the attacker is enabled to penetrate.
While more and more experiments will certainly
follow on similar bulbs and other inexpensive devices,
we argue that the evidence we have gathered thus far
is sufficient to call for a fuller application of a zero
trust model to the IoT domain. With dozens of years
of cybersecurity experience accumulated by the inter-
national community thus far, it should be possible to
find affordable ways to achieve that in due course.
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Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household