Product Mixture of SKU to Pod Assignment Policy in Robotic Mobile
Fulfillment System Warehouse
Nafisha Herma Hanifha
, Shuo-Yan Chou
and Iwan Vanany
Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Keelung, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: RMFS, SKU to Pod Assignment Policy, Pile-On, ABC Classification, Association Rule.
Abstract: Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System Warehouse (RMFS) was purposefully created as a part-to-picker
warehouse in response to the enormously good trend of e-commerce sales. There are numerous strategies to
boost the warehouse's effectiveness. The SKU to the pod, or product assignment policy, will be the main topic
of this study. Three situations are presented in this study: SKU to pod using random, mixed classes, and mixed
classes with affinity. The second and third scenarios are designed utilizing the Weighted Support Count. The
ideal policy to improve warehouse efficiency is then determined by comparing these scenarios using a
simulation approach. By examining the quantity of pods transported under each policy, it may be determined.
The SKU to pod approach generates a larger pile-on the fewer pods there are. Therefore, the final scenario
produces the best pile-on, with an average of 6.59 pods being carried per order. In contrast, the outcomes of
the first and second situations are 7.06 and 6.90, respectively. Even if just 8% of SKUs make up the
association's rule, the figures indicate that the pile-on of the last scenario is 7% and 5% more than the other
situations. The one-way ANOVA method is used to confirm this result.
The global impact of the coronavirus has altered the
nature of business. 52% of consumers, it has been
found, steer clear of both in-person shopping and
busy places. In addition, 36% postpone going
shopping in person until they receive a coronavirus
vaccination (Bhatti, et al., 2020). As a result, one of
the most common internet activities in the world is
shopping. E-commerce revenue is expected to
increase to US$6.4 trillion by 2024 from its current
level of US$4.28 trillion in 2020. (Chevalier, 2021).
The efficiency of warehouse operations must keep
up with the expansion of e-commerce sales. The
warehouse for the Robotic Mobile Fulfillment
System (RMFS) was created especially for online
shopping. This warehouse system can use robots or
RMFS, commonly referred to as AGV (Automated
Guided Vehicles), to transport the shelves, known as
pods, to the picking stations in place of human
operators (Merschformann, Lamballais, de Koster, &
Suhl, 2019). Because the parts or goods are
transported to the picking stations before the operator
gathers the goods, this kind of warehouse can also be
referred to as a part-to-picker warehouse (Murray,
2019). Order picking is typically the task that takes
the longest in the entire warehouse compared to
others (Frazelle E., 2016). As a result, improving
order picking efficiency also improves warehouse
There are numerous strategies to boost the
warehouse's effectiveness. There are three tiers of
decision-making issues. These are the levels of
strategy, tactics, and operations (Merschformann,
Lamballais, de Koster, & Suhl, 2019). Product
assignment is a tactical choice that influences the
effectiveness of order-picking (Li, Hua, Huang, Sheu,
& Cheng, 2020). To achieve order-picking efficiency,
it is crucial to create a good policy for product
assignment (Silva, Roodbergen, Coelho, & Darvish,
2022). Product assignment by itself has three
difficulty areas. These are the distribution of a
product over several pods, pods to zones, and
products (SKU) to pods (Mirzaei, Zaerpour, & de
Koster, How to benefit from order data: correlated
dispersed storage assignment in robotic warehouses,
2021). The first decision problem—products to pod
or product assignment policy—will be the main focus
of this study.
Hanifha, N., Chou, S. and Vanany, I.
Product Mixture of SKU to Pod Assignment Policy in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System Warehouse.
DOI: 10.5220/0012103900003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 33-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Random, dedicated, and class-based storage
assignment rules are the three most used product
assignment policies (Gu, Goetschalckx, & McGinnis,
The SKU randomly assigns the pod according to
the clear and simple random assignment policy
(Mirzaei, Zaerpour, & de Koster, how to benefit from
order data: correlated dispersed storage assignment in
robotic warehouses, 2021). A dedicated assignment
policy, on the other hand, limits the use of each
storage place to a single product. This policy will
produce the shortest picking distance possible
(Muppani & Adil, 2008). Between devoted and
random assignment policies, Chan and Chan (2011)
conducted a simulation. The outcome demonstrated
that these regulations, in turn, aid in maximizing both
system throughput and storage space usage. A smaller
warehouse may be needed when using a random
policy as opposed to one that is devoted, although
proper inventory tracking may take more work (Gu,
Goetschalckx, & McGinnis, 2007). After the products
are classified into classes based on the frequency of
orders, the class-based storage assignment policy
assigns the products (Silva, Roodbergen, Coelho, &
Darvish, 2022). This approach can produce the
highest benefits with two or three courses (Yuan,
Cezik, & Graves, 2018). Significant cost reductions
and space sharing are the next two benefits (Muppani
& Adil, 2008). (Mirzaei, Zaerpour, & Koster, The
impact of integrated cluster-based storage allocation
on parts-to-picker warehouse performance, 2021).
The cluster-based storage assignment policy is an
additional product assignment policy in addition to
those three well-liked ones. In order to reduce the cost
of inventory and material handling, this policy groups
correlated goods into clusters before assigning the
products to the pods depending on the cluster (Kim
K. H., 1993).
By grouping frequently ordered products on the
same pod, RMFS warehouses can benefit (Mirzaei,
Zaerpour, & Koster, The impact of integrated cluster-
based storage allocation on parts-to-picker warehouse
performance, 2021). This policy's implementation
greatly cuts down on retrieval time and saves order-
picking labor (Frazelle & Sharp, 1989). (Mirzaei,
Zaerpour, & Koster, The impact of integrated cluster-
based storage allocation on parts-to-picker warehouse
performance, 2021).
Nearly all cluster-based policy studies
demonstrate that, given their goals, cluster-based
policies are superior to other types of policies for
storage assignment. None of them, however, are
looking for the ideal product combination that might
be used in other instances with a similar problem. The
ideal combination of product classes on pods is called
a product mixture, which reduces the amount of
delivered pods. Higher pile-on is achieved when there
are fewer pods to transfer, which may result in fewer
AGVs being required (Merschformann, Lamballais,
de Koster, & Suhl, 2019). Pile-on is when the pods
provide the majority of the units required to complete
the orders (Merschformann, Lamballais, de Koster, &
Suhl, 2019).
Order selection effectiveness is also increased
with the right product classification (Chan & Chan,
2011). According to how frequently orders are
placed, ABC classification is typically the method
used to classify products in warehouses. However, the
second assignment decision problem—pod to
zones—is typically resolved by this classification.
Additionally, they all adhere to the "one class, one
pod" principle and make no effort to determine the
ideal Product Class Mix (Products to Pod) for each
pod. As a result, the goal of this research is to
optimize pile-on by identifying the ideal product
In light of the background information provided, the
following objectives of this study might be stated:
1. Choosing the optimal product mixture percentage
for the warehouse.
2. Using a simulation method, the optimum policy for
the SKU to pod decision problem is identified.
This chapter will show the literature review of this
research related to robotic mobile fulfilment system
(RMFS), SKU to pod assignment, ABC
classification, and association rule.
3.1 Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System
Because it accommodates several SKUs and
necessitates numerous small-quantity purchases, a
robotic mobile fulfillment system (RMFS) warehouse
is an answer to the problem of increasing e-commerce
sales (Azadeh, Koster, & Roy, 2019). Robots that
carry pods on traditional warehouse shelves with
things in the pods are the RMFS company's proposed
solution (Enright & Wurman, 2011). The RMFS
warehouse has a number of advantages. Depending
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
on the quantity of AGVs and SKUs, RMFS's
throughput was discovered to be higher than AS/RS
in 2016. (Beuters, Cock, Hollevoet, Dobbelaere, &
Landeghem, 2016). When the inventory is divided
over several pods, the warehouse has the right number
of stations, and the pods are refilled before they run
out, the throughput increases (Tessensohn, Roy, & De
Koster, 2020).
3.2 SKU to Pod Assignment
Three common SKU-to-pod assignment policies are
dedicated, random, and class-based storage
assignments. In addition to these three well-liked
policies, cluster-based storage assignment is another
policy for product assignment. The efficiency of
warehouse operations can be increased in a number
of ways.
In order to reduce the number of groups accessed,
Kress et al. (2016) investigated implementing a
cluster-based storage assignment mechanism in a
vertical warehouse (Kress, Boysen, & Pesch, 2016).
Chuang et al. in 2012, Bindi et al. in 2014, Wang et
al. in 2019, Li et al. in 2020, and Foroughi et al. in
2020 have all demonstrated that utilizing a cluster-
based storage assignment policy results in a reduction
in journey distance. Additionally, those researchers
implemented the policy in several kinds of
warehouses. Only two of them are used in traditional
warehouses, with the remaining ones being one-
block, one-aisle, RMFS, and movable racks
warehouses (Chuang, Lee, & Lai, 2012) (Bindi,
Manzini, Pareschi, & Regattieri, 2014) (Wang,
Zhang, & Fan, 2019) (Li, Hua, Huang, Sheu, &
Cheng, 2020) (Foroughi, Boysen, Emde, &
Schneider, 2020).
By analyzing the robot's energy usage, Li et al. in
2020 sought to reduce energy consumption in
addition to lowering trip distance in the RMFS
warehouse. Along with Li et al., Mirzaei also studied
the cluster-based implementation in RMFS and
ASRS warehouses in 2021. According to the
research, this policy is the fastest at picking orders
than any other policy.
3.3 ABC Classification
Muppani & Adil and Yuan et al. conducted research
in conventional and RMFS warehouses in 2007 and
2021, respectively, to reduce trip distance for class
rack allocation in a conventional warehouse and ABC
pod assignment in an RMFS warehouse (Yuan,
Cezik, & Graves, 2018). Along with Muppani and
Adil, rack allocation was also studied by Chan &
Chan in 2011 and Ang & Lim in 2019. Their goals
differ in that unit-load warehouses aim to reduce
travel expenses whereas conventional warehouses
want to reduce journey time (Chan & Chan, 2011).
(Ang & Lim, 2019). The most recent study, Silva et
al., 2022, found that ABC zone sizing increased the
efficiency of order picking in the traditional
warehouse (Silva, Roodbergen, Coelho, & Darvish,
3.4 Association Rule
In Yang 2022, Yang contrasts two approaches to an
association rule. Jaccard Index and Weighted Support
Count are these. The Jaccard Index evaluates
similarities and differences between simple sets and
was created by the Swiss mathematician Paul Jaccard.
This technique is also used to measure the
relationship between the objects in storage
assignment study. WSC, on the other hand, integrates
the ideas of support and lift created by Ming et al. and
reflects the relationship between any pair of products
(Chiang, Lin, & Chen, 2014). The study's findings
demonstrate that the Weighted Support Count
outperforms the Jaccard Index (Yang, 2022).
The next chapter will cover the research procedures.
The steps act as a guide for the study so that it can
move forward with the goals in mind.
4.1 Data Gathering
On the basis of an investigation of 55000 past orders
with the same number of total SKUs, 10000 data
orders with 5000 SKU numbers are generated. The
order data history is then examined using @RISK
software, a Microsoft Excel add-in tool. The
distribution of the generated data is guaranteed to
match that of the historical data.
4.2 Inventory Analysis
The next phase of this research is inventory analysis,
which comes after creating new data orders. The SKU
classification procedure and the computation of the
number of slots are both included in this second stage.
4.2.1 SKU Classification
In this step, the SKU is divided into three classes
based on the order frequency. 10%, 30%, and 60% of
Product Mixture of SKU to Pod Assignment Policy in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System Warehouse
all SKUs are categorized according to classes A, B,
and C using the ABC rule. However, A, B, and C each
represent 60%, 25%, and 15% of the total order
frequency, respectively.
4.2.2 Number of Slots Calculation
The SKU must be divided into three classes before
determining how many slots are required for each
SKU. The number of slots required will be the same
for SKUs categorized into the same group. The
number of slots is determined using the minimal level
inventory formula in Equation (1) (Radasanu, 2016).
The goal of determining the minimal stock is to keep
track of inventories and lower operating expenses to
prevent overstock.
Minimum Level Inventory = 𝑥
= Demand Average
= Demand Standard Deviation
= Z score of Service Level
L = Lead Time
4.3 SKU to Pod Assignment Scenarios
Three different possibilities make up the SKU to pod
assignment. These possibilities include random,
mixed-class, and mixed-class affinity. The specifics
of each case are described below.
4.3.1 Random Assignment Scenario
Based on the data order and inventory analysis
performed in the preceding stage, the SKUs in this
scenario are assigned at random. Despite the
unpredictability, there is a rule in this scenario: each
SKU is distributed among numerous pods.
4.3.2 Mixed-Class Assignment Scenario
To complete a mixed-class assignment scenario, three
actions must be taken. First, use Equation (2) and (3)
of Independent Event Probability to determine the
product mixture percentage. The ordering between
classes are independent of one another, hence this
formula helps calculate the number of pods for each
class combination in each pod. Therefore, the chance
of each product mixture is calculated using
independent event probability. Next, use Equation (4)
to calculate the SKU in pod ratio to ascertain the
number of slots required for each class assigned to
each pod. Finally, distribute the SKUs according to
the class.
4.3.3 Mixed-Class-Affinity Assignment
The previous scenario has led to the final scenario.
Calculating the product mixing percentage and the
SKU in pod ratio are the first two phases in this
scenario, which are the same as the first two steps of
the mixed-class assignment. The method used to
allocate the SKU to the pod differs. The SKUs are
assigned based on the affinity between the items
based on the order data history, as opposed to the
previous case when the SKU is just assigned based on
the class.
In this instance, the third step is using
Weighted Support Count to assess the link between
each SKU and the support, confidence, and lift that
can be determined using Equations (5), (6), and (7),
respectively. To assess the degree of link between
things, support is utilized. Confidence is used to show
how likely it is that a set of SKUs will be ordered
together. Lift, on the other hand, describes the kinds
of connections between the SKUs.
Notations and details:
P = Probability
𝑎 = frequency of SKU A and B are ordered together
Lift > 1, complementary
Lift = 1, independent
Lift < 1, substitutive
4.4 Simulation
The simulation will be run using the NetLogo
program to identify which scenario has the greatest
pile in comparison to the other two situations by
counting the number of pods visited in each scenario.
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
4.4.1 Simulation Layout
The NetLogo warehouse arrangement is depicted in
Figure 1 below. A picking station, a storage area, and
a replenishment station make up the layout of the
RMFS. The picking station is where the picker waits
to take items out of AGV-transported pods, the
storage area is where the pods are kept, and the
replenishment station is where the empty pods are
Figure 1: Simulation Layout.
There are various components on it in the storage
section. Which are:
1. The items are kept in the pod.
2. The picked pod is the pod that matches the products
to the given orders.
3. The AGV robot is responsible for transporting pods
to the station for picking and refilling.
4. The aisle provides room for AGV movement.
5. The pod can be positioned in an open storage spot.
4.4.2 Simulation Parameter
This simulation makes use of a number of
assumptions, which are represented as parameters in
Table 1 below.
Table 1: Simulation Parameter.
Parameter Value
Run Len
th 24 Hours
lication 10 Re
Area 1050 Locations
Inventory Capacit
935 Pods
Empty Storage 115 Locations
Pod Batch 2 x 5 Blocks
Picking Station 6 Stations
Replenishment Station 2 Replenishment
Charging Station 7 Charging Stations
Pod Capacit
100 Slots
Number of AGV 50 AGVs
AGV Speed Without
2 m/s
AGV Speed With Loa
1,5 m/s
Acceleration 1 m/s
Time for 90˚ turnin
2,5 secon
Time for 180˚ turnin
3 secon
Time for pod lifting 4 secon
AGV to pod policy Shortest Po
4.5 Statistical Test
To verify that the simulation is accurate, a statistical
test must be run. Replication adequacy testing is done
initially to make sure there are enough replications.
The second test uses Analysis of Variance to validate
substantial changes across scenarios (ANOVA).
4.5.1 Replication Adequacy Test
Equations (8) and (9) are the formulas for the
replication adequacy test (Harrel, Ghosh, & Bowden,
𝑒 = hw (halfwidth)
𝑡 = t value from student's t distribution table
α = confidence level
𝑠 = standard deviation
𝑛 = number of replication
= estimate the number of replication
number of replication is sufficient
4.5.2 Hypothesis Test
The next step is to do a hypothesis test using One-
Way ANOVA after verifying that the number of
replications is adequate. This kind of ANOVA takes
into account simulations with a solitary factor. The
SKU to pod assignment policy is one element in this
study. By comparing the means of three alternative
situations and demonstrating that the results are
significantly different, an ANOVA can validate the
simulation's output.
: 𝜇
: At least two means are different
Product Mixture of SKU to Pod Assignment Policy in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System Warehouse
This chapter will show the result and discussion of
this research starting from the data gathered to the
statistical test.
5.1 Data Gathering
From the 55000 actual data order, this phase creates a
10000 data order. To make the simulation as realistic
as feasible, the new data order must correspond to the
actual data order. Both generated and real data are
classified as having a lognormal distribution after
being checked using @RISK.
5.2 Inventory Analysis
The 5000 SKUs can be divided into ABC classes
based on the overall frequency of orders. Class A has
500 SKUs, or 10% of all SKUs, which account for
60% of all order frequency. Class B accounts for 1500
SKUs, or 30% of all SKUs, and 30% of all order
frequencies. Additionally, SKUs that make up a small
portion of the total order frequency are put into class
Table 2: ABC Classification.
Class Number of SKU
A (10%) 500
B (30%) 1500
C (60%) 3000
The number of slots each SKU is based on the
quantity of orders, not the frequency, unlike how
ABC classification is determined. As a result of the
variable order quantity, each class has a varying
number of slots. Equation (1) is then applied to
specify the total number of slots. Given that the
confidence level is 95%, the Z score can be found in
Appendix 1, and the slot capacity is ten units, the
calculation below demonstrates how to estimate how
many slots there should be.
The computation reveals that even though class A
has the fewest SKUs (500 SKUs), it has the most slots
(106 slots/SKU). The majority of the overall order's
SKUs are in class A. In addition, classes B and C,
each having 1500 and 3000 SKUs, respectively, call
for 17 and 5 spaces per SKU.
Table 3: Slots Required.
Number of
Total Number
of Slots
A (10%) 500 106 53000
B (30%) 1500 17 25500
C (60%) 3000 5 15000
According to Table 3, each class needs 53000
seats for A, 25500 positions for B, and 15000 slots for
C. This means that there are 935000 spaces in all in
the warehouse. With each pod having a capacity of
100 slots, it can be calculated that 935 pods are
required in total.
5.3 SKU to Pod Assignment Scenario
A data set must be satisfied in all three cases. The
objects kept on the pods will be one column that
varies between scenarios.
5.3.1 Random Assignment Scenario
5000 SKUs, of which the first 500 are grouped into
class A, the following 1500 into class B, and the final
3000 into class C and distributed at random into 935
5.3.2 Mixed-Class Assignment Scenario
With a total of 10,000 orders, 9304 orders have SKUs
from class A, whereas 7548 orders have SKUs from
class B, and 4627 orders have SKUs from class C.
The likelihood of orders including each class can be
calculated by dividing the total orders of each class
by the total number of orders. Equation (2) can be
used to define the mixed-class order probability
following the determination of the probability orders
for each class. The product mixture percentage in the
warehouse can then be calculated using this
likelihood. The likelihood of mixed-class orders and
the number of pods needed for each mixture are
shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Product Mixture.
Product Mixture Percentage Pods
= ABC 32,5% 306
P(ABC') = AB 37,7% 352
= AC 10,6% 100
P(BCA') = BC 2,4% 24
= A 12,3% 116
= B 2,8% 27
P(CA'B') = C 0,8% 10
Total 100,0% 935
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
By a margin of 37.7%, the combination of class A
and class B orders had the highest chance. From that
percentage, 352 pods are required for the AB pod. By
32.5% or more pods, the combination of all three
classes has the second-highest probability. Then, just
A pod and AC pod were required, with 116 and 100
pods, respectively. Finally, with less than 3% in each,
just B pod, BC mixed pod, and only C pod are the
three lowest.
The number of slots for each class on each pod
must be computed using Equation (4) once the
number of pods for each mixture has been
determined. It is clear that class A, which includes the
ABC, AB, and AC pods, will always account for
more than 50% of the product combination in each
pod. A third of the ABC and AB pods and two thirds
of the BC pod are dominated by Class B. Class C, on
the other hand, makes up the least amount of each
pod's product mixture, amounting to 16%, 22%, and
37% for the ABC, AC, and BC pods, respectively.
With a capacity of 100 slots per pod, it will be simple
to determine how many slots belong to each class on
each product mixture pod. Table 5 illustrates this. The
SKUs are then allocated at random using the number
of slot rules.
Table 5: Product Combination of Pod.
A 57 68 78 0
B 27 32 0 63
C 16 0 22 37
100 100 100 100
5.3.3 Mixed-Class Affinity Assignment
The first two steps of this scenario—determining the
product combination and the slots percentage—are
the same as they are in the second scenario. The
method used to allocate the SKU to the pod differs. In
this case, association analysis with the GoogleColab
tool must be used to discover the rules. As a result,
only 400 SKUs, or 8% of all SKUs, make up the rules.
The majority of the SKUs in Classes B and C,
however, do not have any rules because they are not
ordered together frequently enough. The 400 SKUs
must therefore be assigned close together, while the
remaining SKUs are assigned at random.
5.4 Simulation
The number of pods transported for the entire order
may be determined from the simulation output. The
average number of pods transported for 10,000 orders
can therefore be determined as the performance
indicator for the simulation outcome. Higher pile-on
are achieved when the average is lower.
5.4.1 Simulation Result Analysis
Each scenario, from replications one to ten, is
contrasted in Table 6 below. It is clear that the final
scenario, which had the lowest average number of
pods moved, produced the best results. The baseline
scenario is increased by 6.4% in the mixed affinity
scenario but only by 3.49% in the mixed scenario.
Table 6: Simulation Result.
Number of Pods/Order
Scen 1 Scen 2 Scen 3
Rep 1 7,14 6,99 6,54
Rep 2 7,06 6,76 6,46
Rep 3 7,13 6,89 6,45
Rep 4 6,92 6,90 6,72
Rep 5 7,03 7,07 6,89
Rep 6 7,20 6,94 6,54
Rep 7 6,93 6,76 6,51
Rep 8 7,03 6,78 6,74
Rep 9 7,21 6,6 6,76
Re 10 7,18 6,67 6,69
Average 7,08 6,84 6,63
The outcome indicates that SKU to pod
assignment policy's ABC classification also
influences the quantity of pods transported. Because
SKUs are too widely scattered in numerous pods
without any restrictions, Scenario 1, or the baseline
scenario, with random policy, has the highest average
number of pods transported. As a result, the necessary
pods are increased relative to other SKU to pod
assignment policies. The simulation results show that
using ABC categorization to the second and third
scenario improves warehouse performance.
It would seem hard for the third scenario to
produce the best simulation outcome, especially when
compared to the second scenario, with only 8% or
equal to 400 SKUs forming the association rules.
Because the third situation just uses association rules,
Product Mixture of SKU to Pod Assignment Policy in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System Warehouse
the second and third scenarios are comparable. But
after examining the order data, it was discovered that
those 400 SKUs made up the majority of the total
order—55%. Therefore, even though just a small
portion of all SKUs are related to one another, it still
has a big impact on the pile-on if those SKUs
predominate in the overall order.
According to the simulation findings and the
research above, choose the proper SKU to pod
assignment strategy can have an impact on the
efficiency of the warehouse. The greatest strategy for
maximizing pile-on is mixed class affinity policy
when compared to random and mixed class policies.
It can also be used in real e-commerce warehouses,
where a high pile-on is necessary to increase
warehouse productivity due to the volume of orders
and the variety of SKUs in each order. SKUs and
notes have relationships, and those SKUs dominate
the overall orders.
5.5 Statistical Test
The next step is to determine whether the number of
replications is adequate after receiving the simulation
results. If it is still insufficient, more replications of
the simulation are required. On the other hand, if it is
already adequate, One-Way ANOVA is used to
confirm the outcome.
5.5.1 Replication Adequacy Test
Only ten replications have been performed due to
time constraints. Therefore, the replications adequacy
test using Equation (8) and (9) must be performed to
demonstrate that the 10 replications are sufficient.
Given that the confidence level is 95%,. The number
of replications required is at least eight times greater
when compared to the mean and standard deviation
of the simulation result. As a result, the 10
replications completed are adequate for this study.
5.5.2 ANOVA
One-way factor ANOVA must be used to validate the
simulation result after confirming that the number of
replications is adequate. The result of the hypothesis
test is shown in Figure 2 below. As can be seen, the
null hypothesis is rejected and the three scenarios are
statistically different because the p-value,
0.000000182, is less than 0.05.
Figure 2: ANOVA Test Result
The RMFS warehouse can be made more effective in
a number of ways. The SKU to pod assignment policy
is one of the decision-related issues. The policy with
the fewest transported pods is the best to accomplish
the greatest pile-on in the warehouse, despite the fact
that different policies result in varying warehouse
performances. In this study, three policies—
Random—baseline, Mixed Class, and Mixed Class
Affinity policy—are tested as a scenario. For each
product composition, each policy has a different set
of rules.
According to the simulation results, the final
scenario produces the best pile-on, with an average of
6.63 pods being transported per order. In contrast, the
outcomes of the first and second situations are 7.08
and 6.84, respectively. Even though just 8% of SKUs
conform to the association's criterion, the figures
indicate that the pile-on of the final scenario is 6.4%
and 3.02% larger than that of the other two situations.
However, it should be noted that 55% of the order
data is dominated by the 8% SKUs.
The one-way ANOVA is used to validate the
outcome. The three scenarios are significantly
different because their p-values are less than 0.05.
Therefore, it can be said that the SKU-to-pod
scenarios have had an impact on the effectiveness of
the RMFS warehouse. When compared to random
and mixed-class policies, the mixed-class affinity
policy is shown to be the most effective.
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