Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete
Shear-Friction Behavior
Mohamad Ali
, Priyo Suprobo
1,* a
and Indra Komara
2,‡ b
Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Jl. Teknik Kimia, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya,
Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No.100, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Concrete to Concrete, Shear Friction, Concrete Repair, Interface, Shear Strength, Bond Strength.
Abstract: Concrete-to-concrete composites are extensively used in a wide range of construction applications, including
the construction of buildings, bridges, pavements, dams, and tunnels. Characterizing the structural
performance of various approaches has been the subject of extensive study over the past several decades. The
purpose of this study's evaluation is to give a thorough review of the present state of the art as well as pertinent
information on the performance of concrete-to-concrete composites. Design and environmental issues are
specifically analyzed and discussed. These include the interface state and mismatch between the overlay and
substrate. Some experimental program also assessed the ability to forecast shear-friction under a variety of
load combinations. According to the findings, a suitable choice of overlay and bonding agent composition,
interface condition, casting and curing conditions, as well as assessment procedures, not only results in
improved structural performance and durability, but also in optimized material consumption and casting costs,
resulting in a more sustainable approach. This article will help engineers and practitioners optimize their own
composites by elucidating the characteristics that improve the performance of these composites. This is a
consideration for the application development of layered concretes.
Concrete-concrete composites with several layers
have various current uses, some of which include
buildings, bridges, pavements, dams, and tunnels.
These are only a few of the many modern applications
for concrete-concrete composites. These composites
are utilized mostly for the purposes of either
reinforcing or repairing the structures that are already
in existence, as well as for the construction of new
structural parts, including precast to cast-in-place
elements (Du et al., 2022; Xia et al., 2021). Hardened
concrete pieces can be set against either fresh or
hardened concrete, depending on the application. The
installation of prefabricated concrete segments for
tunnel linings is an example of the placement of
hardened concrete against hardened components. On
the other hand, the use of fresh concrete against
hardened concrete sections is an example of the use
of fresh concrete for bridge deck overlay (Yang &
Lee, 2019). Over the past century, concrete overlays
have been used as a long-lasting, economical, and
environmentally friendly method of
rehabilitation/strengthening (X. Wang et al., 2022).
The America's Infrastructure 2021 Report Card
indicates that 46,154 (7.5%) of the nation's 617,000
bridges are structurally deficient and require
immediate and long-term rehabilitation (ASCE,
2021). Over fifty percent of Europe's bridges are more
than half a century old, and many of them are being
considered to support loads that are greater than what
they were originally intended for (M. G. Alexander et
al., 2008; Bhattacharyay, 2012). A concrete overlay
that has been carefully planned out and constructed
can give strength and stiffness while also shielding
the underlying layer and reinforcement from
chemical damage. This has the potential to increase
the lifespan of the concrete structure by at least thirty
Ali, M., Suprobo, P. and Komara, I.
Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete Shear-Friction Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0012104100003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 299-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
years, which is beneficial for both the economy and
the environment (Gagg, 2014; S. Wang & Li, 2007;
C. Wu & Li, 2017).
Not only for that, climate change as the increment
of pollutants to the atmosphere effect the environment
lately (M. Alexander & Beushausen, 2019; M. G.
Alexander et al., 2015; Suryanto et al., 2015), where
the corrosive environment become more common (M.
Alexander & Beushausen, 2019; Lindvall, 2003). It
has been documented that the amount of concrete
infrastructure that is severely corroded year after year
continues to drastically expand (Indra Komara et al.,
2019; Wright et al., 2019). In that case, strengthening
concrete structure led to the global attention (Al-
Majidi et al., 2018; Dehn et al., 2015). Meanwhile,
enhancing concrete construction quality, durability,
and service life can reduce carbon emissions per
cubic meter. This is due to the improved concrete's
capacity to withstand wear and tear (W. Zhang et al.,
2018). One alternative that attracted many users is
layering concrete method or concrete to concrete.
This not only substitute only apart of the concrete, but
also minimize the working parameters (Al-majidi et
al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2020). Reinforcing and
rehabilitating structures often uses concrete-to-
concrete contacts (Taklas, Leblouba, Barakat, & Al-
sadoon, 2022; Taklas, Leblouba, Barakat, Fageeri, et
al., 2022; Xia et al., 2021), as well as in the
construction of prefabricated concrete structures
(Andrew et al., 2019; Van Tittelboom & De Belie,
2013). Additionally, the differential contracting and
stiffening of concrete components close to the contact
(H. L. Wu et al., 2019), as well as the degree of
hydration, are distinct from one another. When the
concrete is loaded and then contracted, it is easy for
weak links to form at the interface between the two
types of concrete (Arezoumandi et al., 2015).
Interfaces made of concrete are required in order
to transfer loads from the concrete of the substrate to
the concrete of the superstructure (Quraishi et al.,
2017). Therefore, the shear performance of the
interface is of the utmost importance for ensuring
monolithic behavior and the safe service of concrete
composite components (Baghi & Barros, 2016; Liu et
al., 2019; Pimanmas & Maekawa, 2001; P. Z. Zhao et
al., 2017). There are three features associated with the
mechanism of load transfer of shear forces at
concrete-to-concrete surfaces (Walraven et al., 1987;
Xia et al., 2021). These properties are (a) cohesion,
(b) friction, and (c) dowel action. The remainder of
this section will focus on identifying and contrasting
three key moments in the measurement of the
ultimate shear strength of concrete-to-concrete
interfaces that have occurred over the course of the
past sixty years (Peng et al., 2019; Xia et al., 2021; D.
Zhang et al., 2012).
Concrete overlaying has established itself as the
method of choice for pavement rehabilitation, and it
has continued to see tremendous growth in the United
States: it accounted for 12% of the total concrete
paving in the country in 2017, up from 2% in the year
2000 (ASCE, 2021). This ever-increasing popularity
is directly correlated to recent leaps forward in testing
techniques, requirements, and other technical areas,
as well as to advancements in those areas. This
illustrates the significance of concrete-concrete
composites as an option for prolonging the service
life of aged infrastructure and ensuring the durability
of newly constructed structures (ASCE, 2021).
The application of a concrete overlay as a method
for the rehabilitation of structures is an intriguing
possibility; nevertheless, extensive research on the
material's early-age performance as well as its long-
term durability is required. This poor performance
can be attributed to the improper selection of
construction materials, an improper construction
procedure, or a combination of both (He et al., 2021;
Teo & Loosemore, 2010). In order to achieve
monolithic behavior, the interfacial bond strength of
multi-layered concrete composites needs to be strong
enough to transfer loads between individual concrete
layers (Dehn et al., 2015; Gagg, 2014). Even though
applying a concrete overlay is a potentially useful
method for the rehabilitation of structures, more
research on the material's early-age performance as
well as its long-term endurance is necessary (Shu et
al., 2021; S. Wang & Li, 2007).
The aim of this study is to review the contribution
and the important factor of the shear-friction concrete
to concrete. Some recommendation will also be
discussed such as cohesion, friction, bonded
parameter and dowel action.
The concept of analysis in this paper is implied using
systematic literature review, to measure the findings
based on the area of concrete-to-concrete method
(Baghi & Barros, 2016; Taklas, Leblouba, Barakat,
Fageeri, et al., 2022). The step approach was adopted
as illustrated in Figure 1. The parameter is closely
paired with the previous analysis that was identified
by other researchers. Recommendation then listed to
corroborate findings (Daneshvar et al., 2022).
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Figure 1: Method illustration based on SLR (Daneshvar et
al., 2022).
Birkeland and Birkeland were the ones who first
proposed the "shear-friction theory" in 1966. This
theory is often referred to as the "linear formula to
estimate the ultimate shear stress of concrete
interfaces." (Walraven et al., 1987; Xia et al., 2021).
This theory accounts for the fact that various surface
preparations might result in vastly varied levels of
friction. This is demonstrated by the research that
follows, which also takes into consideration a term
that represents the contribution of cohesion. Cohesion
is being read in this context as adhesive bonding and
mechanical interlocking. While chemical and
physical bonding are responsible for the development
of adhesive connections, mechanical interlocking can
be achieved by providing the appropriate roughening
and allowing the resulting uneven surface contour to
take shape (Peng et al., 2019; Walraven et al., 1987;
Xia et al., 2021; Yang & Lee, 2019). After that,
another group of researchers investigated the dowel
action of interfaces, which refers to the resistance of
reinforcing bars to bending where they pass the
interface (Du et al., 2022).
When two different kinds of materials are used in
various layers of concrete, two different kinds of
conditions will take place; one of these conditions,
cohesion, will interact with the strength capacity of
both kinds of materials. Those cohesion primarily
considered by materials properties interface
conditions; roughness, mechanical and physical
behaviours and also the bonding agent if it is used as
the based of the connection to concrete to concrete
(Walraven et al., 1987). Not only for that, but
materials distribution also distributes on the bonding
of the cohesion parameter i.e., aggregate size and
type, supplementary cementitious materials and
additive (Jensen et al., 2016; Setina et al., 2013).
According to the findings of Alrefaei et al., the
ultimate shear strength at concrete-to-concrete
interfaces experienced a sizeable rise as a direct
consequence of an increase in the compressive
strength of the concrete (Alrefaei et al., 2018). When
studying how recycled coarse aggregate replacement
ratios affected shear strength. According to the results
of the study, there was a negative impact on the shear
strength of the material when the recycled coarse
aggregate replacement ratio was more than 30%. This
was the case in all of the scenarios that were analyzed
(Rao et al., 2007). In addition, the findings of another
investigation led the researchers to the conclusion that
the employment of a bonding agent has an effect, in
addition to having an impact on mechanical
interlocking. This conclusion was reached as a result
of the findings of the first study. In order to
accomplish the impact of enhanced shear strength that
is required, the development of a bonding bridge at
the interfaces should be considered the primary
purpose of a bonding agent (Lepech et al., 2008; C.
Wu & Li, 2017).
The friction parameter will be subject to further
evaluation in the future. The forces that were exerted
due to the clamping state under reinforcement and the
compression forces that were put perpendicular to the
contact are the normal causes of friction. This
condition corresponds to the sufficiency roughened
surface. In order to conduct direct shear tests, the
researchers constructed specimens with normal
pressures ranging from 0 to 9.8 MPa (Arezoumandi
et al., 2015; C. Wu & Li, 2017). As normal pressure
increased, the interface's ultimate shear strength
increased, and its growth rate decreased. Direct shear
testing on concrete specimens under different normal
loads were also conducted (Nuaklong et al., 2019;
Wong et al., 2010). These tests determined material
shearing behavior. Normal stress did not affect
concrete specimen shear stiffness. It delayed the final
shear strength, indicating friction mobilization at the
Dowel action for strengthening bending resistance
is also explored. Reinforcement and bar position
effect dowel parameter (Kamal et al., 2008). The
results showed that reinforcing increased interface
ultimate strength and residual strength. Besides
reinforcement quantity, (Arezoumandi et al., 2015;
Redwood, 2011) revealed that residual strength
depends on the shear reinforcement angle relative to
the applied force. The research also examined how
bar diameters, pre-tension, and concrete cover
affected dowel action and offered a model to predict
Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete Shear-Friction Behavior
it (Arezoumandi et al., 2015). (Arezoumandi et al.,
2015). Shear-transfer behavior with different
reinforcing ratios and material properties and ACI
estimations of ultimate strengths (American concrete
Institute, 2014) and the AASHTO (AASHTO
Subcommittee on Materials, 2016) shear-friction
models. Cohesion, friction, and dowel action have not
yet been determined. Thus, more research is needed
to determine how shear transmission, cohesiveness,
friction, and dowels affect concrete-to-concrete
interface stress and slide.
2.1 Shear – Friction
When determining the shear strength between two
pieces of concrete, one of the methods that is utilized
the most frequently is the shear-friction hypothesis.
In 1966, Birkeland and Birkeland were the ones who
initially presented the design concept behind this
notion (Walraven et al., 1987; Xia et al., 2021). Since
then, the vast majority of the most important standard
codes, such as the ACI 318–1, have adopted it.
Figure 2: Shear friction theory: three main components
contribute to load transfer mechanism (Lin & Erkut, 2013).
The development of this theory, which led to
considerable alterations of the design codes, is the
topic of the in-depth analyses have provided in their
outstanding reviews (Xia et al., 2021; Yang & Lee,
2019). These include the use of adhesive bonding and
mechanical interlocking, as well as dowel action and
shear friction. (See Figure 3). Atomic and molecular
bonding (primary and secondary bonding) and
correlation forces induce adhesion at the point of
contact, giving cured cement its high cohesive
strength. Along with adhesion, mechanical
interlocking is a micro-level activity that relates to the
behavior in which the major processes are sliding
friction at extremely small shear slip values and
irreversible deformation of the matrix. This behavior
is distinguished by the fact that the shear slip values
are significantly lower than expected. Adhesion is
also a micro-level activity (Li et al., 1995; Lin &
Erkut, 2013).
Figure 3: Load transfer mechanism of concrete to concrete
contribution of adhesion vs. shear friction vs. shear
reinforcement (Lin & Erkut, 2013).
This behavior also includes adhesion as one of its
components. The adhesion and interlocking processes
are influenced by a number of factors, such as the
composition of the concrete, the type of adhesive
bonding agent used, the interfacial roughness at the
micro-scale, the characteristics of the interfacial
transition zone, micro-mechanical factors, and micro-
cracks (Husein et al., 2022; Japan Society of Civil
Engineers, 2007; Lim & Li, 1997; ZHANG et al.,
2014; P. Z. Zhao et al., 2017).
According to fib 2010, adhesive bonding and
mechanical interlocking shear transfer is efficient at
very small shear slip values (usually below 0.05 mm)
and is expected to decrease with increasing shear slip
at the contact. This is because the shear transfer is
proportional to the amount of shear stress that is
applied to the interface. This is due to the fact that
adhesive bonding and mechanical interlocking are
both effective ways of transferring shear pressures at
very low amounts of shear slip.
This is because the shear transfer is effective even
at extremely low shear slip values, which is the
primary reason for this observation. After
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
compressive normal forces deteriorate adhesion,
shear friction, which opposes the relative movement
of concrete layers parallel to their interface, becomes
the main load transmission mechanism at
intermediate slip values. Shear friction opposes
concrete layer displacement parallel to their interface.
This is because shear friction is a force that works
against the relative movement of concrete layers;
hence it causes this effect. Concrete layers do not
move in parallel because shear friction prohibits it.
The macroscale roughness of the contact and the
normal tension at the interface are the primary factors
that determine shear friction. Dowel action begins to
take place when the steel reinforcement resists
bending. Dowel action is triggered by the addition of
steel reinforcement across the junction (Du et al.,
2022; Walraven et al., 1987).
The relative shear slip that occurs between
concrete layers along the interface causes the upper
and lower ends of crossing steel reinforcing bars to be
moved laterally in an outward direction. The bending
stresses are caused by the axial tensile forces of the
reinforcement and the joint opening (Li et al., 1995;
Lin & Erkut, 2013). This bending resistance is
described as having a dowel action. The resistive
stress size is affected by the type of crossing
reinforcement, the percentage of that reinforcement,
and flexural resistance (Bastian et al., 2020; I.
Komara et al., 2018, 2020; Indra Komara et al., 2019;
Oktaviani et al., n.d.).
2.2 Design Expression
Birkeland and Birkeland 1966 proposed shear-
friction theory (Walraven et al., 1987; Xia et al.,
2021) in order to figure out the ultimate longitudinal
shear stress at concrete-to-concrete connections. The
design of this theory can be represented by an
equation. (1). The normal friction coefficients are
affected by surface preparation in the following ways:
1) Monolithic concrete has a value of 1.7; 2)
Construction joints that have been artificially
roughened have a value of 1.4; and 3) Regular
construction joints and concrete-to-steel interfaces
have a value between 0.8 and 1.0. The coefficient for
monolithic concrete is 1.7, the coefficient for
artificially roughened building joints is 1.4, and the
coefficient for ordinary construction ranges from 0.8
to 1.0.
=1.38 + 0.8𝜌
= 0.822
= 0.159
A number of investigations have shown that this
design expression could be enhanced by integrating
other aspects such as interface cohesion (which is
comparable to adhesion and aggregate interlock), the
lowest concrete strength, and deformation-induced
dowel action caused by shear, bending, and tension.
The most important contributions will be covered in
the paragraphs that follow. Equation (2) is what
people usually mean when they talk about the
"modified shear-friction theory." The first equation
depicts the cohesiveness of the contact, which is
assumed to remain unchanging and is equal to 1.38
MPa. The second term depicts the clamping stresses
that are being applied. The coefficient of friction is
considered to be constant if it stays at 0.8 during an
experiment. In Equation 3, the concrete's strength has
been explicitly integrated. It was assumed that k was
equal to 0.5 for initially uncracked interfaces at the
beginning of the study (Peng et al., 2019).
The research also used the "sphere model" to
describe the interaction between aggregates, binding
paste, and interface zone. A complete experimental
study using push-off specimens with fractured
interfaces calibrated the nonlinear design expression
(Equation (5) to (7)). The initial research was carried
out in order to discuss and investigate the effect that
the dowel action mechanism has on the total shear
strength of the contact. Later, a design expression was
proposed (Equation (8) – (10) that explicitly includes
the contribution of the following three load transfer
mechanisms: 1) cohesion, due to the contribution of
adhesion and aggregate interlocking; 2) friction, due
to the longitudinal relative slip between concrete
layers and therefore influenced by the surface
roughness and the normal stress at the shear interface;
and 3) dowel action, due to the contribution of
the flexural resistance of the shear residuum. Table 1
Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete Shear-Friction Behavior
Figure 4: Shear test (a) – (f) and tensile test (g) – (i); (a) Mono surface shear, (b) Bi surface shear, (c) push off (double L-
shaped), (d) Direct double shear under JSCE, (e) FIP standard shear, (f) Twist - off.
presents the parameters of the design expression
suggested by Randl also proposed that the Sand Patch
Test be used to evaluate surface roughness in
accordance with ASTM E965(2001)12.
= 𝜌
𝜇𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼
Table 1: Surface preparation identfiying cohesion.
High –
water –
Sand –
hness, R, mm
≥ 3.0 ≥ 0.5 -
Coefficien of
cohesion c
0.4 0.0 0.0
Coefficient of friction
f’c ≥ 20 MPa 0.8 0.7 0.5
f’c ≥ 35 MPa 1.0 0.7 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.0
α 0.9 1.1 1.5
β 0.4 0.3 0.2
According to ACI 318 (American Concrete
Institute (ACI 318-99), 1999), a crack that already
exists or could potentially occur, an interface between
different materials, or an interface between two
concretes cast at distinct dates could all be potential
causes of a fracture that runs across a particular plane.
At the concrete-to-concrete interface, friction is a
factor that affects the ultimate longitudinal shear
stress (Equation 11). There is a lack of specific
exploration of cohesion and dowel action.
When analyzing surface conditions, the following
four factors are taken into account: 1) Concrete that is
placed against hardened concrete with the surface
being clean but not intentionally roughened (= 0.6);
2) Concrete that is placed against hardened concrete
with the surface being clean and intentionally
roughened to a full amplitude of 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)
(= 1.0); 3) Concrete that is placed monolithically (=
1.4); and 4) Concrete that is anchored to as-rolled
structural steel by headed studs or reinforcing bars. (
= A modification factor that is associated with the
concrete's density is denoted by the parameter known
as. For this parameter, it is anticipated that
normalweight concrete will have a value of 1.00,
while all lightweight concrete will have a value of
0.75. When employing aggregates of both the
normalweight and lightweight varieties, the
modification factor needs to be computed while
taking into consideration the volumetric proportions
of each aggregate type, and it can't be higher than
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
In order to characterize concrete bonding under a
wide variety of different types and combinations of
loadings, a variety of testing methodologies have
been devised. The stress that is applied to the
interface and the concrete layers in each of these test
methods is the primary distinction between them.
This is because each of these test methods use a
unique specimen and loading setup. Because of this,
the value of the bond strength, which is normally
measured as the highest force required to physically
pull the two surfaces apart divided by the
(macroscopic) surface of contact, is greatly reliant on
the sort of testing method that was used. Because the
interfacial bond strength can change by a factor of 8
depending on the type of test procedure (Peng et al.,
Figure 5: Test methods shear vs. tension; NC: normal
concrete, HSC: high steel concrete, HPC: high performance
concrete, UHPC: ultra-high-performance concrete, NSM:
normal strength mortar, UHPFRC: ultra-high-performance
fibre reinforced concrete, URH-APMC: ultra-rapid
hardening acrylic polymer modified concrete.
The past research also came to the conclusion that
the test method should be designed to be as similar to
the real or desired conditions as is practically
practicable. In addition, the modes of failure that are
detected using these test methods are dependent on
the loading conditions as well as the materials that are
utilized (Xia et al., 2021). In general, the failure
modes in concrete-to-concrete composites can be
categorized as either cohesive or adhesive failures, as
shown in Fig. 5, depending on the location of the
main observed crack paths (Walraven et al., 1987).
This is the case because cohesive failures are more
likely to occur when the two types of concrete are
mixed together.
In the case of cohesive failure, the cracks appear
within the bulk of the concrete itself, either in the
overlay or the substrate (Taklas, Leblouba, Barakat,
Fageeri, et al., 2022). When a bonding agent is
employed, the adhesive failure mode can follow one
of three distinct probable failure paths depending on
where the crack appears (Du et al., 2022; Peng et al.,
2019; Xia et al., 2021). Failure to cohere is typically
thought to be indicative of strong bonding since it
demonstrates that the strength of the interfacial bond
is greater than that of the bulk concrete (Walraven et
al., 1987; X. Wang et al., 2022; P. Zhao et al., 2017).
In this context, increasing the bond strength is
believed to have the effect of moving the place of
failure from the interface to the bulk concrete.
Increasing the interfacial roughness, making the
overlay binding matrix stronger, or introducing an
interfacial bonding agent are the standard methods for
accomplishing this (Walraven et al., 1987; Xia et al.,
2021; Yang & Lee, 2019). The pre-existing
substrate/overlay flaws, such as micro cracks and
specific stress state (induced by the sample
preparation, for example), should not be ignored and
may lead to the early crushing or rupture of the bulk
concrete. These defects should not be ignored. In this
particular scenario, the theory that higher bond
strength can be achieved is shown to be unreliable
(Daneshvar et al., 2022; Yang & Lee, 2019).
In some cases, the adhesive failure must be
artificially induced (for example, by creating a pre-
notch), so that an accurate measurement of the bond
strength may be obtained. It is helpful to do
systematic investigations of certain design
parameters and quantify their impact on the structural
integrity and bond performance of concrete-concrete
composites. This can be accomplished through the
use of this information.
Figure 6: Surface preparation consists of the following
steps: (a) casting; (b) wire brushing; (c) sand blasting; (d)
shot blasting; and (e) hand scrubbing.
Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete Shear-Friction Behavior
The types of loads that are applied to the
interface serve to categorize the testing procedures
into one of three primary groups: the tensile, shear,
and mixed-mode groups (see Fig. 6). Shear is one of
the most common types of loadings that is applied to
the interface under real conditions. It can be caused
by differential time-dependent deformation between
concrete layers (shrinkage), the passage of traffic
loads on multi-layer concrete pavement and bridge
decks, the transfer of shear through the joints, etc.
Shear is one of the most common types of loadings
that is applied to the interface under real conditions.
In addition, preparation of the substrate surface also
one of the considerations to identify the shear friction
mechanism. The various surface preparation can be
seen in Figure 6.
According to the examples that are presented in
Figure 6, it is possible to deduce that surface
preparation also takes into account the shear friction
that is linked to the concrete components that interact
with the substrate.
Concrete-to-concrete composites have seen
widespread use over the past three decades, and their
applications have grown increasingly diverse. The
enormous body of literature that was produced during
this time period provides evidence of the significance
of the repair approaches, but it may also give results
that are ambiguous or even contradictory. The goals
of this study are to (1) present a complete description
on the test procedures used for the evaluation of the
performances of concrete-to-concrete composites and
(2) conduct a systematic examination of the elements
that affect these characteristics. Both of these goals
will be accomplished by the end of this article. By
doing so, the authors seek to make it simpler for
interested parties to access an examination of the
pertinent literature. The most important findings can
be summed up as follows:
- Bi-surface shear tests, pull-off test, direct shear
test, direct double shear test, and indirect
splitting are mechanical tests used to analyze the
concrete-to-concrete composite's shear friction
behavior. Combination tests, such as four-point
bending and three-point bending, can produce
more accurate results in similar situations.
- The predominant failure mode in concrete-to-
concrete composites was either cohesive or
adhesive, depending on the position of the
largest fissures.
- In addition to moisture condition, type and
qualities of the adhesive agent, roughness,
reinforcement, and shrinkage, additional criteria
that affect the shear friction behavior are
roughness, reinforcement, and shrinkage.
- Certain forms of concrete have a high shear
friction capacity, including HPC and ECC
overlays in particular.
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Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete Shear-Friction Behavior