Productivity Analysis of Heavy Equipment in the Nglurup Pond
Project, Tulungagung Regency East Java Examined from Time and
Cost Analysis
Siti Choiriyah, Felicia Nuciferani, Theresia Maria Chandra Agusdini, Dewi Kusumaningrum
and Yoga Ilham
Civil Engineering, Planning and Civil Engineering Faculty, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Cost, Efficiency, Heavy Equipment, Time.
Abstract: The construction of the Reservoir Nglurup in Tulungagung District has a length of 50 meters, this is used to
store water when it rains and can be stored for use during the summer. The process of excavating the body of
the reservoir uses heavy equipment to support dewatering work at the work site, excavating soil and removing
soil. The large number of heavy equipment operating at the location limits the ability of heavy equipment to
move, so it is necessary to plan the position of the heavy equipment in order to facilitate the work. The research
method was carried out by observing in the field. The excavation work for the reservoir body took 19 working
days with a total heavy equipment operational cost of IDR 270,000,000. While the planning calculation for
14 days with the total operational cost of heavy equipment amounted to IDR 382,889,800. The results of
calculating operator efficiency in terms of Availability Index, Physical Availability, Use of Ability, Effective
Utilization show how the operator's work is planned better than operators in the field.
The pond development project is a building that is
built between hills where the area is limited for
maneuvering because the contours have extreme
different elevation. Meanwhile, excavation process in
the pond body needs to be prepared since the
excavation process would affect the water surface of
the construction area. Starting from the dewatering
and flow out the water to nearby body water such as
river (Robert J. Kodoatie & Roestam Sjarief, 2008).
As quoted from Rostiyanti in 2002, (Susy Fatena
Rostiyanti, 2008) heavy equipment is important for
construction project work, where the purpose of the
heavy equipment was utilized in construction work in
huge scale can be achieved as scheduled with result
as it planned. Excavation work on the body of the
Nglurup pond uses heavy equipment including
excavators, dump trucks, and water pumps. The
effectivity of heavy equipment is influenced by
several factors, the most significant of which are the
capacity, the duration of the process, and efficiency
factor (Hidayat, Iskandar, & Kudiantoro, F. F.
Wijayaningtyas, 2019). The skill level of the operator
in using the equipment will greatly affect the
effectiveness of the tool. skillful operator adaptive
their operation to the excavating environment based
on their empirical knowledge, and realizing the
efficient excavating. (Sakaida, Chugo, Yamamoto, &
Asama, 2008) The pond construction project needs to
pay attention to the stages of excavation work and the
effectivity of heavy equipment.
The pond was built due to drought conditions and
reduced water availability irrigation, construction of
reservoirs using the hydrological analysis method by
looking at the flood discharge using the Weduwen
method (Utami et al., 2015), analysis of the mainstay
discharge using the basic year method, analysis of
water demand and water balance (Herison,
Romdania, Purwadi, & Effendi, 2018). From the
results of the analysis of water demand, it is known
that the pond was planned with 100,752.736 m3, the
pond height is 18m, the elevation of the base of the
reservoir is 274.48 m, the effective width is 22.127 m.
(Hanggara & Irvani, 2019)
The work was planned to be completed in 14 days
whereas in reality, the work in the field was
completed in 19 days. Due to this delay, this study
was conducted to offer some solutions by changing
the specifications and amount of heavy equipment
Choiriyah, S., Nuciferani, F., Agusdini, T., Kusumaningrum, D. and Ilham, Y.
Productivity Analysis of Heavy Equipment in the Nglurup Pond Project, Tulungagung Regency East Java Examined from Time and Cost Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012109600003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 348-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
from result of data analysis. However, the technic of
the pond’s construction will not be re-evaluated in
this study.
2.1 Heavy Equipment Productivity
As Rostiyanti (Susy Fatena Rostiyanti, 2008) state
that productivity is a comparison of the completion
achieved with all the resources used. The hourly
productivity equation and the factor of an equipment
efficiency are entered, the equation used is:
Productivity = Capacity x (60: Cycle Time) x
Efficiency (1)
2.2 Job Duration
How to calculate the duration of work is obtained
from the calculation of the volume of work divided
by productivity per day:
Duration = Work Volume/ Productivity per days (2)
2.3 Water Pump Productivity
The equation for calculating water pump productivity
refers to:
Q = Max Pump Capacity x Equipment Efficiency x
60 (3)
2.4 Excavator Productivity
The amount of productivity is influenced by capacity,
efficiency and cycle period. So that work can be done
without any problems and heavy equipment can be
used properly, the productivity requirements for the
excavator that will be used must be estimated first.
The equation for calculating excavator cycle time
CT = Digging Time + Swing Fill Time + Empty
Swing Time + Dumping Time (5)
The equation for calculating the productivity of an
excavator (Q)
Q = (Work Volume per cycle (m3) x 60 x
Efficiency): CT (6)
The equation calculates the cost per day
Operating Cost = (Rental price + Fuel Price +
Operator Cost) x Working hours (7)
Determination for a small size of the bucket value
can be influenced by soil conditions according to
Table 1 as follows: (Sağlam & Bettemir, 2018).
Table 1: Bucket filling factor.
Material Bucke
General Floo
Sand and Gravel 0.90-1.05
Firm Clay 0.75-0.95
Soft Cla
Rock, well blaste
Rock, poorly blasted 0.40-0.65
2.5 Dump Truck Productivity
The equation for calculating dump truck cycle time
CT = Load Time + Hauling Time (Loaded) +
Dumping Time + Hauling Time (Unloaded) + Idle
Time (8)
The equation for calculate the productivity of a
dump truck (Q)
Q = (Work Volume per cycle (m3) x 60 x Efficiency):
CT (9)
The equation calculates the cost per day, same as
2.6 Operator Work Efficiency
Operator efficiency depends on the operator's mastery
or expertise in working on equipment while
completing a job. The more ideal the ability of an
operator, the higher the effectiveness factor. One of
the rules that can be used to calculate the operator
efficiency factor is as shown in Table 2 as follows:
(Zulkarnain, 2020).
Table 2: Operator efficiency value.
Tire Type
Efficiency Criteria
Day Time
ight Time
50 minutes
45 minutes
45 minutes
40 minutes
Productivity Analysis of Heavy Equipment in the Nglurup Pond Project, Tulungagung Regency East Java Examined from Time and Cost
Availability Index (AI) is used to understand the
condition of the heavy equipment used. The equation
used is like:
 
 
  
× 100%(10)
Physical Availability (PA) is a record of the
physical condition of the heavy equipment used. The
equation used is like:
PA = (W+ Standby Duration (S)): (W+R+S)) x 100%
Use of Ability (UA) is a way to find out how much
duration is used by heavy equipment to work when
used. The equation used is like:
UA = (W: (W+S)) x 100% (12)
Effective Utilization (EU) is a way of knowing
what percentage of available work time can be used
to operate productively. The equation used is like:
UE = (W: (W+R+S)) x 100% (13)
2.7 Heavy Equipment Used
The equation for calculating water pump productivity
refers to: Heavy equipment, which is often known in
work, is a device used to assist human work in
completing a job that is expected to use the assistance
of heavy equipment, especially for very large scope
development projects. Using heavy equipment aims
to ease human work and can provide the best results
in development work in a fairly short period of time
(Rochmanhadi, 1992). In the process of excavating
the reservoir body requires an effective tool to
support the work. Useful tools for the field are:
2.7.1 Water Pump
Water pump is a tool used to remove water or drain
water in the excavation area so that the workplace can
be effective when work is carried out. The diesel-
powered water pump was used in this project for its
portability and independently of electric supply.
(Water Master, 2017).
2.7.2 Excavator
According to Rostiyanti (Susy Fatena Rostiyanti,
2008) an excavator is a hydraulic digger that has a
bucket mounted in front of it. Excavators have two
types of wheels, namely tires and crawler wheels. The
excavator can be used in the same way that the bucket
is moved down and then up to the excavator body
where there is an arm, a boom, and a bucket which
driven by hydraulic power using a machine on the
track shoe.
2.7.3 Dump Truck
A dump truck is primarily used to transport materials
to and from a construction site. It is the safest way to
quickly transport loose materials from a site, and is
especially important in the early phases of a project
where the ground is being prepared for work to
commence. (ARDENT NEWSLETTER, 2019).
3.1 Secondary Data Collections
Secondary data were used as mentioned are technical
specifications, to determine the length, height and
width of the reservoir body. Shop drawings were used
to calculate the volume for excavation. And the
Budgeting and Cost Estimating was used to estimate
the cost of excavation of the pond. The flowchart of
this research can be seen at figure 1.
The form should be completed and signed by one
author on behalf of all the other authors.
In order to construct the pond, the river stream
would be dammed and turned to other side until the
construction of pond had completed (Li, Xu, Xu, Liu,
& Wang, 2018). The following illustration, figure 2a,
depict the river meandering with A as the dam on
upstream and downstream, B as the diversion
channel, and C is the location of the water pump for
Figure 2b was depict the excavation process of the
pond gradually done from the left side of the origin
stream. Therefore, the loose soil would be transferred
by dump truck outside the area.
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Figure 1: Research flowchart.
Figure 2: a) Dewatering Process, b) Excavation Process.
When carrying out the work on the Nglurup pond
project, the suggested technique should be easier to
assess time and cost, excavation work on the Nglurup
pond body has a volume of 9,157 m3, on the
excavation planning schedule, it is planned to work
for 14 days, while the implementation that occurs in
the field is up to 19 days, so researchers re-evaluate
and provide better solutions to achieve planned
Figure 3: Reservoir cut image.
Based on the figure 2a, before excavation was
carried out, it was necessary to make diversion
channels and dams so that water from upstream can
flow downstream through temporary diversion
channels without disturbing the excavation area, then
the next stage can be dewatered because there is no
water flow until the work area is free from remaining
water, while the excavation work area for the pond
body is divided into 2 sides, namely the left side P1
to P4 and the right side P4 to P7. And the volume of
soil that needs to be excavated in total is 9158 m3,
then the excavated soil is put into the dump truck and
moved to a predetermined location
4.1 Calculation of Heavy Equipment
The specifications of the heavy equipment used in the
site can be seen in Table 3.
Secondary Data Collection:
1. Technical Specifications
2. Shop Drawing
3. Budgeting & Cost Estimating
Data Analysis:
1. Methodology
2. Work Volume
3. Productivity
4. Time
5. Operational Cost
6. Operator Efficiency Value
Theoretical Review
Research Gap
Conclusion and suggestion
Productivity Analysis of Heavy Equipment in the Nglurup Pond Project, Tulungagung Regency East Java Examined from Time and Cost
Table 3: Specifications of Heavy Equipment in the Field.
Equipment Type Efficiency Bucket factor
Cost (IDR) /Hours
- 0,78 Cap 6 HP 7
: 13.400
Fuel: 20.000
Komatsu PC-
200-8 MO
0,75 1,2 m
: 276.500
Operator: 102.200
Fuel: 143.000
Hino 130 HD 0,8 5 m
: 185.000
Operator: 63.200
Fuel: 30.000
4.2 Comparison of on Site and Planned
The results of calculating the productivity, time and
cost of each heavy equipment in the field can be seen
in Table 4, namely:
Table 4: Productivity of Heavy Equipment on site.
No. Equipment T
pe Tools Amount
cle Time
1. On site water pump 1 211 m
1477 m
2. Planned water pump 1 211 m
1477 m
1. On site Excavato
2 34 m
233 m
0,6 19
2. Planned Excavato
2 51 m
357 m
0,6 14
1. On site dump truc
6 11,2 m
78,4 m
30 19
2. Planned dump truc
8 11,2 m
78,4 m
30 14
Figure 4: Graph simulation comparison of heavy equipment
work time.
According to Figure 4, Green; yellow; and orange
mark represents working hours, while red mark
represents lunch break hours. The data related to the
simulation graph that excavation is planned for 14
days but in the field of work it takes up to 19 days, so
the researchers tried to remark to the initial duration
of 14 days.
4.3 Comparison of Costs for
Excavation of Reservoir Body
After calculating the rental costs for each tool on the
table 3, the next step is to compare the productivity
on-site with planned as depict on table 5 and could be
conclude in table 5. It showed the total cost was
increased since the productivity by well-skilled
operator would also cost more.
Table 5: Cost comparison chart.
Cost Total Remark
Water pump 1
On site
Excavator 19
Dump truck 19
Water pump 1
Excavator 14
Dump truck 14
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
Based on the results of the analysis of productivity,
time, operating costs of heavy equipment and
comparison of operator work efficiency in the
Nglurup reservoir body excavation, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. The cost required for the work to go according
to the 14-day plan is IDR 382,889,800
2. Because there are differences in the
specifications of excavators and the number of
dump trucks, productivity was also different.
Productivity was planned to be better than in
the field because it has bigger specifications
and more numbers.
3. The results of calculations carried out by
researchers due to delays in work in the field
where the work should have gone 14 days to
19 days, the solution needs to be a change in
the specifications of the excavator and an
increase in the number of dump trucks so that
the results obtained are in accordance with the
desired target.
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Productivity Analysis of Heavy Equipment in the Nglurup Pond Project, Tulungagung Regency East Java Examined from Time and Cost