Damage Simulation Using Digital Image Correlation Technique
Under Review Development for Structural Monitoring
Cintantya Budi Casita
1,2,* a
, Data Iranata
, Budi Suswanto
and Masahide Matsumura
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Planning and Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur,
Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
Keywords: Digital Image Correlation, Structure Performance, Damage Characteristics, Monitoring, Stress-Strain,
Cracking, Technical Assessment.
Abstract: For a realistic assessment and forecast of the technical condition of a reinforced concrete, steel, or composite
structure during all phases of loading, it is necessary to have precise information regarding the stress–strain
state of the structure. Digital image correlation (DIC) is the optimal way for acquiring this information. DIC
is a method for identifying contactless structures that involves acquiring an image from an experimental
program as a physical object, converting it to digital form, and investigating its behavior in depth. In this
paper, a comprehensive examination of theoretical and experimental findings from numerous works is
presented. The open-source platform Ncorr built by the MATLAB software, a special capability to recognize
this DIC analysis as a support assessment is examined further. To comprehend the parameters, a systematic
technique and its correlation were also introduced in terms of image acquisition and post-processing. The
findings enable us to use DIC for more accurate stress-strain parameter measurement and structural behavior
The damage of structural element is now concentrated
to be evaluated precisely, since it is related to the
performance of the infrastructure. Element structure
that interacts with the significant environment or
defect by high earthquake need to be repaired before
the life span of the structure reached (Alexander et al.,
2015; Fu & Larmie, 2005; Halstead, 1986; Interior &
Further, 2021; Yang & Li, 2012). Another case, such
a long-term operation, moving load, blasting load, or
any specific criteria to support the function of
structure, necessities specific stress-strain. This
particular condition also considered by the material
property. Reinforced concrete, steel and composite
structure will have a different behaviour in particular
to have a response to the effect of the damage (Yang
& Li, 2012). Various experimental program and
simulation modelling of damaged for any type of
structural elements has been studied to accommodate
the illustration of reliable assessment. This study is to
investigate the actual technical conditions that will
give the recommendation as well as to predict the
performance with its influence by the variety of
external factors (Abhyuday, 2017; Lindvall, 2003a;
Maalej et al., 2010).
In order to obtain the fully behaviour for the
purposes of the assessment, a high amount of
specimens under examination of experimental
program need to be conducted, which often
impractically difficult (Mccarter, 2010; Taffese et al.,
2019). Under numerical modelling, some
assumptions need to be included which sometimes
not similar to the actual case. Still the further
Casita, C., Iranata, D., Suswanto, B. and Matsumura, M.
Damage Simulation Using Digital Image Correlation Technique Under Review Development for Structural Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0012113200003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
investigation needs to be verified. Digital Image
correlation (DIC) come as the alternative to identify
its structure stress-strain state at all stages of loading
with high accuracy, which will not be possible
conducted by conventional technique. As the
information, DIC is a class contactless methods
obtaining an image from the actual experimental
physical object then converted into digital form. The
result can be plotted then specified the necessary
information about stress-strain state (Kumar et al.,
2019; Tambusay et al., 2020).
In addition, DIC is also called as an optical
metrology technique for measuring surface
deformation. It is a full-field image analysis
technique used to evaluate the mechanical properties
of a specimen by directly measuring displacement.
The displacement of the specimen is computed by
connecting a collection of images taken before,
during, and after loading. The surface geometry is
determined by observing a speckled pattern (typically
black and white) and monitoring how the pattern
deforms when multiple images from the sensor pair
are captured in time (Jarrett, 2021; Jones et al., 2018).
This data analysis using a photographic
illustration consists of comparison of the surface of
the reference image. This reference image compared
to the progress loading which in the next condition
also compare to the progress loading ahead (Sciuti et
al., 2021). DIC technique also correspond to the
different of deformation process which is followed by
the stress – strain accordingly (Blikharskyy et al.,
2022; Chai et al., 2020). Open source Ncorr Program
which built on MATLAB is used as the parameter of
investigation which provide some promising tool to
measure the stress-strain and displacement. It is also
a free software that include the postprocessing
analysis (Meng et al., 2017; Suryanto et al., 2017;
Tambusay et al., 2018a; Z. Zhang et al., 2018).
Since its introduction in the 1980s (Angst et al., 2009;
Farshadfar, 2017; Lindvall, 2003b), DIC has
functionally considerable used for a broad range of
applications across various disciplines, including
engineering. It is nowadays popular as a non-contact
full-field technique to measure stress strain,
geometry and displacement of materials and structure
(Ghorbani et al., 2015; Helfrick et al., 2011). The
development of DIC technique to recent development
presents in Figure 1. DIC has widely used to section
program under laboratory testing where the size and
the dimension of the specimen is clearly specified. In
some current studies, DIC gain attention in large-
scale structural testing due to its benefits for
accommodating the testing conditions over point
measurement, with a proper distance (Banjare & Rao,
2018; Ghorbani et al., 2015; Hansen et al., 2019b;
Helfrick et al., 2011; Bing Pan et al., 2009; Practices
Figure 1: The history review of the development of DIC technique (Sciuti et al., 2021).
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
& Quanti, 2018; Sciuti et al., 2021). In large amount
literatures, DIC also classified as digital speckle
correlation method (Blikharskyy et al., 2022;
Carolina & Carolina, 2013; Tambusay et al., 2020).
Some identified as computer aided speckle
interferometry (Alexander et al., 2008), texture
correlation (Alexander et al., 2008; Azarsa & Gupta,
2017; Pontevedra et al., 2019), and electronic speckle
photography (Helfrick et al., 2011; Bing Pan et al.,
2009). Despite of variety of names, DIC in principle
based on the digital image processing and numerical
computation. In this particular review, 2D DIC
method will be more subjected to the measurement
since it is easy to be applicated. Somehow, if the test
specimen has a curve shape, this technique is no
longer applicable (Yin et al., 2019).
It should be concerned that speckle pattern serve
as the important rule in DIC method. Burch and
Tokarski discovered that a succession of speckles
appear when an item is irradiated by a coherent light
source, such as a laser. This finding suggests that the
speckle pattern is an important rule in DIC method.
(Burch & Tokarski, 1968), and These artificial white-
light speckle patterns aid in the identification of
surface deformation, which is necessary for the
research. Later on, Leendertz applied this technique
to the measurement of metrological standards. The
laser speckle method is typically utilized when
tension measurements are being carried out. The laser
speckle technique, which is an interference approach,
has certain limitations, including the following: It is
expensive and requires a testing environment that is
extremely steady (free from vibration) (Leendertz,
1970). Other research try to create a new approach
that use white light rather than a laser. This method is
known as the white light digital speckle technique. In
fact, the majority of recent studies on DIC feature
white-light speckle patterns, which were created
using a white light source or natural light
After many years of research and investigation,
the DIC method has matured into a refined technique
(Asundi & North, 1998b; Chiang & Asundi, 1979).
DIC has numerous uses, such as measuring
displacement (Asundi & North, 1998a), velocity,
forecasting failure (Guo et al., 2020), and performing
fatigue study. Strain measurement is one of the most
useful applications of this technology because of its
outstanding accuracy over a wide variety of materials
(Ge et al., 2018; Rana et al., 2018; K. Yu et al., 2018;
W. Zhang et al., 2018). In this assessment, Pan et al.,
investigated a various digital image correlation
technique (Dong & Pan, 2017; B Pan et al., 2009;
Bing Pan, 2009; Bing Pan et al., n.d., 2012, 2016),
which have made significant advances in the areas of
measurement accuracy, efficiency, and resilience due
to their dogged efforts. 2D DIC illustrate to provide
some benefits as illustrated in Figure 2.
More significantly, 2D DIC provides some
constant images with high resolution that can be used
to provide any information related to the specimen
identification criteria. This information can include
actual cracking and changes in the specimen's
geometry, for example. This method also can be
applied to many areas. It is possible to state that two-
dimensional differential interference contrast (2D
DIC) is one of the most well-known and alluring
techniques that is widely used for a variety of
applications. In spite of this, the 2D DIC
methodology has a few drawbacks, which are
illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 2: 2D DIC attractive advantages for structural
monitoring systems (Bing Pan et al., 2009).
Figure 3: 2D DIC disadvantages for structural
monitoring system (Bing Pan et al., 2009).
Damage Simulation Using Digital Image Correlation Technique Under Review Development for Structural Monitoring
Despite the fact that there is a great deal of
published material available on 2D DIC, there is a
shortage of a review study that concentrates on the
technical specifics and accuracy analysis of the
optical approach that is both straightforward and very
popular (Kumar et al., 2019). It would therefore
appear to be required to conduct a more in-depth
analysis of this strategy. The aim of this review is to
systematically give the technical assessment and give
the guidance to use advance 2D DIC, especially when
it is using opensource software such as Ncorr within
a part of MATLAB. The typical condition to take the
2D DIC technique refer to Figure 4 optical image
acquistion (Bing Pan et al., 2009). This DIC also
consider as a low cost identification images since any
camera can be used for this analysis. For a clear
information, influence of distortion of changing
speckle pattern is illustrated in Figure 5. This is to
Figure 4: Typical photographic acquisition system for 2D DIC technique (Kumar et al., 2019).
Figure 5: Dot to dot – influence of distortion on the classifying 2D DIC measurement: coordinate before and
after loading (Bing Pan et al., 2009).
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
measure the displacement based on the progress
image (compare first image to the last image after
Implementing the 2D DIC approach typically
entails the following three steps, which must be
completed in that order: (1) setting up the specimen
and experiment; (2) taking pictures of the planar
specimen surface both before and after loading; and
(3) utilizing a computer software to process the
pictures in order to extract the needed displacement
and strain data. The topics of specimen preparation
and picture capturing are introduced initially in this
section (B Pan et al., 2009; Taylor et al., 2010). The
fundamental ideas and concepts of 2D DIC are then
explained. For support characteristics, some studies
also included, to have a proper understanding of the
the materials properties i.e., steel (Casita et al., 2022;
Casita, Sarassantika, et al., 2020; Casita, Wibisana,
et al., 2020), concrete (Komara, Wahyuni, et al.,
2019; Pertiwi et al., 2021; Susanti et al., 2021) and
composite materials (Komara, Tambusay, et al.,
2.1 Specimen Preparation
The schematic illustration of DIC system presented in
Figure 4. This kind of set up generally implies for 2D
DIC method (Kumar et al., 2019). The test specimen
requires to have random speckle pattern. To provide
the pattern artifical technique normally be made by
spraying black paints with the initial white painting as
the based of the surface. This based painting is
necessary when the surface colour representing a not
clear area.
To accommodate the better visualitation, a flat
contour normally be provided for each specimen.
Patterning also one important parameter, the most
frequent way of patterning in DIC is to apply a solid
white background followed by a random black speckle
pattern (Alaswad et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2018). Even
when alternative patterns are utilized, the pattern
applied to the surface of a specimen is typically known
as a speckle pattern. To ensure that each subset is
distinct, it is necessary to apply a speckle pattern with
recognizable, distinct, random features throughout its
region (Dong & Pan, 2017; Xu et al., 2017). Thus,
parameters like speckle size (Reu, 2015), pattern
contrast (Sciuti et al., 2021), edge sharpness of the
speckle (Thai, 2020), and speckle density (Jarrett,
2021) must also be considered.
For the DIC algorithm to recognize a pattern as
non-repeating and isometric, there must be enough
contrast between the pattern's light and dark portions
for each unique feature to be recognized (Reu, 2015).
The contrast of the pattern is affected by elements like
as the strength of the light source, the aperture of the
lens, the exposure duration of the camera, and the type
of paint used for the speckle (Jones et al., 2018). If an
image region is oversaturated or underexposed, the
DIC algorithm may wrongly correlate or drop
portions. Therefore, portions of a speckle pattern with
low contrast will enhance the noise of a DIC
measurement (Sciuti et al., 2021).
The speckle density relates to the quantity, size,
and distance between individual features in a speckled
pattern. The speckle density effects the size of a subset
and, consequently, the spatial smoothing and noise of
DIC displacement data. Effectively, the smaller the
speckle size that can be identified by the algorithm, the
smaller the subset size that may be applied. The good
practices guide produced by the International DIC
Society (iDICs) specifies the best feature density as
50% dark to light features, with 3-5 pixels as the
recommended size for one feature (Jones et al., 2018),
where a feature is defined as a distinct speckle dot or
form within the speckle pattern.
There are various ways to create a successful
speckle pattern. Commonly, the surface of the
specimen is sprayed with a solid backdrop of white
spray paint, followed by misting the surface by
spraying black paint into the air and allowing the
droplets to land on the surface (R B Berke et al., 2016;
Ryan B. Berke & Lambros, 2014; Ryan B Berke &
Lambros, 2014). A similar method includes
airbrushing black paint over the surface to produce a
black-and-white pattern (Hansen et al., 2019a).
Another method employs toothbrush bristles to flick
black paint across the specimen's surface (B. Yu et al.,
The challenge to prepare the images in this
measurement relate to the camera and lens
requirement and also the effective distance to position
the camera. This parameter relates to the spatial
resolution of each images (Practices & Quanti, 2018;
Thai, 2020), which considers to visualize the stress
strain characteristics. To prevent having distortion and
blurry images. some recommendation to aquire 2D
DIC method ilusrated in Table 1.
Table 1: Recommendation of DIC techinque (Blikharskyy
et al., 2022).
DIC pattern Concep
Dark black dots on a bright white
background on bright white dots
on a dark black back
Equal amounts of white and
lack on the surface
Damage Simulation Using Digital Image Correlation Technique Under Review Development for Structural Monitoring
DIC pattern Concep
speckle sizes
At least five pixels in size
Isotropic No bias in any particular
or repetitive
2.2 Data Acquisition
From the process of experimental program, digital
images is recorded during the phase of loading.
During the process, stress strain will be developed
in the region of interest. The accuracy of the result
may be obtained by the resolution of the images
which is considered to have a proper zoom in
analysed area (Blikharskyy et al., 2022). A previous
research recommend to have subset size in pixels
64×64 under resolution of image 250 pixels/mm.
Additional light may be added according to the actual
conditions. Ghani et. Al., implied the research using
4.288×2.848 pixels with a setup of Nikon D90 (Ghani
et al., 2016). Another characterized as a low budget
DIC camera, using low to medium acquisition speed
with 5 M pixels at the sampling speed at 0.2 Hz , or
the research with 3.2 M pixels with the speed up to
121 fps (Blikharskyy et al., 2022).
Figure 6: Data acquisition 2D DIC matching to uniaxial
test method (Ghani et al., 2016).
As the setup of DIC completed, the integrated test
also prepared in parallel, to plot stress strain curve
using uniaxial testing machine matching with the load
cell and LVDT. Some illustrations given as follow to
record the acquisition of images in accordance to
Gani, et. al. (Ghani et al., 2016). This study
illustrating the process of 2D DIC using Ncorr
opensource program based on MATLAB. The data
acquisition taken from tensile testing of coupon steel
specimen, where the speckle pattern provided by
black paint as the based and sprayed by white paint
using air spray. The loading cited to take the
illustrated images for each step respectively, 0.5 kN,
1, kN, 1.5 kN and 2.0 kN.
2.3 Ncorr Program
Ncorr is an open source 2D digital image correlation
MATLAB software. It employs numerous unique 2D
DIC methods, is entirely contained within the
MATLAB environment, and includes plotting tools
for the generation of figures.
Figure 7: (a) Ncorr main interface, (b) Second interface
after loading reference image, (c) Strain profile.
The computationally expensive algorithms are
optimized with C++/MEX, while the GUI is primarily
written in m-code. The objective is to give the users
an easy to use, efficient, and versatile DIC
application. In detail the use of Ncorr is to aims
several objectives; (1) develop a strong, open-source
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
code for 2D digital picture correlation, (2) provide
resources for the use/understanding of the software
and the underlying DIC algorithms, and (3) display
applications and examples of the program, (4) receive
constructive input from users to help improve the
application and resources on this website (Suryanto et
al., 2017; Tambusay et al., 2018b).
The main menu of Ncorr program is illustrated in
Figure 7(a), which included to identify the reference
image - the image before loading. To obtain the
specify section area to undertake stress strain, the
object needs to be classified to small subset. Each
subset need to be have a special pattern, so the
program can distinguish the similarity. This small
subset evaluated by subset radius parameter, r, and
subset spacing parameter, s. In this program, the
deformation is assumed to imply homogeneously
(Francesca et al., 2018; Ghani et al., 2016; Meng et
al., 2017). Apart from the feature provided by Ncorr,
the program also supports to handle multi-thread
computation. For more information on the
development of the program, can be found
The local displacement vector is formed, and the
deformation inside each subset is computed, based on
the location of the center-point of the subset, which is
present in both the reference picture and the target
image. In order to acquire the whole displacement
map, which is necessary for deriving strains, this
method must be performed for each and every subset
block that covers the entire surface of the object
(Dong & Pan, 2017).
Figure 7(b) displays the main interface of Ncorr
program after input reference image. One things after
open the program on MATLAB, the images with the
same file name need to be uploaded and this will then
displayed on the main screen. Then, those images that
is taken during the loading process uploaded after. In
the next step, the region of interset needs to be
clarified as inform on the Figure 7(c). Figure 7
presents the an example illustration of the strain maps
after processing the 2D DIC analysis.
The research focused by Yoneyama, et al., on the 2D
DIC under experimental program of a simple beam
structure. The test set up is for flexural beam within
the concept of three points bending. The deflection is
the objective of this study in terms of classifying DIC
method under structural element with variety of
speckle pattern. A wide flange beam element
500cm×20cm×0.8cm is used with the steel grade of
SS400. The modulus elasticity is 210 GPa with the
moment inertia 16×10
. The quality of the
images set up to 3504×2336 pixels using a normal
lens and a shift lens. The speckle random pattern
placed using spraying gun with a white color
(Yoneyama et al., 2005).
From those images in Figure 8, it is obvious that
high accuracy measurement provided with the
specimen with random pattern. The deflection of the
specimen without pattern represent no accurate
deformed shape on the digital illustration (Yoneyama
et al., 2005).
Figure 8: Illustrated 2D DIC obtained by two different
condition with and without random speckle pattern vs.
normal lens and shift lens (Yoneyama et al., 2005).
Further investigation conducted by Arola, et. al.,
under ultra-high strength structural steels (Pontevedra
et al., 2019). The test conducted on UTM machine.
The objective of the research is to measure the
bending force which relate to the punch stroke
corresponding to bending angle. Then
100mm×150mm×6mm rectangular are investigated.
The speed rate for the experimental program used as
0.7 mm/s. The illustrated set up and specimen are
presented in Figure 9, where the digital camera
positioned under the specimen. With this study, a
better understanding of the behaviour of ultra-high
strength steel under bending conditions can be
Damage Simulation Using Digital Image Correlation Technique Under Review Development for Structural Monitoring
evaluated. More detailed information can be found
and assessted as parameter analysis on the optimal
strain calculation.
Figure 9: (a) Uniaxial bending test of steel plate specimen;
the position of the camera to take the images is below the
specimen, (b) 2D DIC taken from the bottom of the plate –
seen from the deform axis, (c) homogenous strain surface
(Pontevedra et al., 2019).
Figure 10: Damage detection results using DIC technique
(Janeliukstis & Chen, 2021).
Another implementated large scale structural
testing application introduced by another
researchers, Leblanc et. al., identified the damage of
water turbine blade using full-field DIC
measurements (see the Figure 10). This analysis
detecs the damage location coming from the stress
concentration arising from the load. Sufficient
illustrations found in good agreement with finite
element simulation results (Janeliukstis & Chen,
2021). Interesting structural system also represent in
8-feet diameter cylinder shell which investigated the
effects of buckling parameter (Janeliukstis & Chen,
2021) as illustrated in Figure 11.
It is confirmed that the change phase of each step
of loading can be provided by DIC measurements.
This valuable illustration can assess high accuracy to
determine recommendation and selection criteria
considering the size, position and dimensions. The
data capture from DIC also allowed for the
of crack length measurements during
igure 11: (a) Specimen configuration a shell cylinder use
for drainage hollow, (b) measured of stress-strain plane (B
Pan et al., 2009).
the experiment. This crucial performance and
material characterisation can aid in the creation of
finite element analysis models for the prediction of
composite failure and lead to design enhancements
(Dong & Pan, 2017; Janeliukstis & Chen, 2021).
Reclusively, the DIC technique has been widely used
for variety of specimen; start from small specimens to
large full-scale structures, but less so for testing steel
structure especially in the connection. This review
focuses on the basic parameter and example of recent
study of the DIC measurements. Ncorr program
represent one of the alternatives which is applied
globally. Some findings are taken as the consideration
as follows: (1) preparation phase consider as the
important part to identify the results of observation
i.e., images quality, pattern condition, effective
distance and surface of the specimen followed by the
lightning conditions, (2) to accommodate the
accuracy, controlled evaluation of the experimental
program also needed. Emphasises are specially
placed on the displacement. (3) concern as the easy
application of analysis, 2D DIC come as a great
alternative but limited for in-plane deformation. For
the complex component such as multi-shaped
product, curved shaped surface and etc, the advanced
evaluation needs to use 3D DIC. It is more practical
and effective, but high use of technology needed. It is
believed that 3D DIC will more gain applications in
the near future.
Further work will focus on a number of
prospective avenues for extending the existing
research, Future research will focus on a number of
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
prospective avenues for extending our existing
research, such as high-performance hybrid CPU and
GPU parallel computation to further improve the
computation efficiency in order to accomplish real-
time measurement by balancing the computation jobs
within them. In addition, the measurement accuracy
near the crack is frequently low, so it is still necessary
to develop high-accuracy DIC measurement in the
case of a fracture by detecting the crack based on the
significant changes in displacements and assigning
different weightages to the pixels in the deformed
subsets based on the position of the crack.
The author gratefully acknowledged the financial
support of the Indonesia Endowment Fund for
Education (LPDP) Ministry of Finance Republic
Indonesia and the support of Kumamoto University
under the partnership scheme.
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