Effects of Business and Supply Chain Uncertainty to Business
Sustainability in Indonesian Coal Industry: An Exploratory Study
Firman Risqul Fidry
, Iwan Vanany
and Jerry Dwi Trijoyo Purnomo
Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Coal Business Sustainability, Business Uncertainty, Supply Chain Uncertainty.
Abstract: There has been a significant paradigm shift with increasing awareness of environmental sustainability. It
discusses the issue of carbon emissions produced by burning fossil fuels. Besides the uncertainty of energy
needs related to fossil energy, there is also an unstable supply chain. These factors significantly influence the
business sustainability of the coal mining industry in Indonesia one of the largest coal-producing countries in
the world. Indicators of business sustainability for the coal industry include economic, social, and
environmental aspects. This research examines the uncertainty of the coal business and supply chain regarding
coal business sustainability (CBS), especially thermal coal and thermal coal supply in Indonesia. This research
uses a qualitative exploratory method. There are interviews and data analysis on two companies engaged in
the coal business. The research will reveal the factors that affects Indonesian CBS. The right solution will be
obtained, especially supply chain capabilities in upstream process efficiency due to the uncertainty of the coal
business going forward.
There have been works of literature that deeply
discuss the issue of sustainability in companies (van
Kleef & Roome, 2007). However, there is still a
limited analysis of the attitude of entrepreneurs,
especially in Supply Chain (SC) activities in actual
and stated activities for sustainable business models
(Paulraj, Chen, & Blome, 2017).
Entrepreneur behavior usually reflects operational
activities, especially in business processes and value
chains. The supply chain is a structured grouping of
activities with the core company as the center
connected with others to support it (Sauer & Seuring,
Mining operations stages require reliable supply
chain sustainability. In other words, the supply chain
facilitates the coal cycle (Ding, Wang, & Zhang,
2021). Mine supply chain management (MSCM) is
not only about the implementation process but is also
related to analyzing planning, scheduling, and
evaluating all activities of the entire SC process in the
strategic, tactical, and operational fields.
The complexity of the coal supply chain is the
main topic of several supply chain concepts like the
Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC). However, many
parties in the coal supply chain also pose a high risk
of uncertainty (Peng, Tian, Zhang, Zhang, & Wang,
2020); (Wibowo & Pujawan, 2018).
The negative economic impacts of climate change
accompanied by the rapid depletion of natural capital
remain a significant problem for industrial
performance in many countries.
It is for their extreme vulnerability to climate
change and resource-based economics (Klemeš,
Varbanov, Walmsley, & Foley, 2019). The world's
energy needs increase year by year. According to the
World Energy Agency (International Energy
Agency-IEA), by 2030 world energy demand will
increase by 45% or an average increase of 1.6% per
Population growth affects energy needs, where
fossil energy is still at the top of the table (80%), and
the rest is met by non-fossil fuels (Tanaka,
2011).Such conditions indicate a high level of
uncertainty in the coal business going forward.
This will affect the sustainability of the coal
business. According to (John, 1998) sustainability
consists of three principles: social, economic, and
environmental. They aim to meet current and future
human needs by maintaining environmental quality.
Fidry, F., Vanany, I. and Purnomo, J.
Effects of Business and Supply Chain Uncertainty to Business Sustainability in Indonesian Coal Industry: An Exploratory Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012114200003680
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2023), pages 360-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-663-7; ISSN: 2975-948X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
These principles constitute the triple bottom line
(Stock & Seliger, 2016) suggested that Industry
4.0 has great potential in responding to the need for
sustainable industrial value in the TBL. Next, the
Sustainability Business Model (SBM) includes TBL
and considers other stakeholders besides the
environment and society (Bocken, Short, Rana, &
Evans, 2014).
Some studies have discussed business sustainability
and supply chain with an approach to environmental
issues. There are not many authors that explore
business sustainability against business and supply
uncertainties, especially in the thermal coal industry
in Indonesia.
(Bocken et al., 2014) and (Bichueti, Gomes,
Kneipp, & Da Rosa, 2015) discussed controlling
GHG emissions to minimize investment. (K. Muduli
& Barve, 2013) and (Mathiyazhagan, Diabat, Al-
Refaie, & Xu, 2015)) studied Green supply chain
management (GSCM) to improve organizational
environmental performance through cost savings.
However, they did not talk about business
sustainability going forward. (Mathiyazhagan et al.,
2015) proposed a new multi-objective model in
closed-loop supply chain problems integrated with lot
sizes while simultaneously considering lean, agility,
and sustainability factors.
(Li, Xiang, & Qu, 2016) conducted
meteorological, pademic, and economic analyses of
the macro-economy to mitigate potential losses in the
mining and agriculture industries. (K. K. Muduli et
al., 2020) analyzed the relationship between
organizational behavior and green supply chain
management (GSCM) performance. (Aguirre-
Villegas & Benson, 2017) also conducted research on
supply chain sustainability in terms of environmental
aspects using the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) analysis
approach on the coal industry in Indonesia.
This research tries to determine the parameters of
return on energy investment. It also aims to reveal the
uncertainty factors in the coal business sustainability,
especially in the supply chain context with indicators
of business growth, profits, and net zero emission.
The conceptual framework is the uncertainty between
demand and supply. Demand uncertainty usually
occurs due to business uncertainty, while the
uncertainty may be due to some external factors.
Meanwhile, supply uncertainty is generally
related to the supply chain coming from internal
factors. The business and supply chain uncertainties
are the variables that determine the uncertainty of the
thermal coal business in Indonesia.
Figure 1: Conceptual framework.
Figure 1 shows that the uncertainty of the coal
business influences its sustainability. The variables
with sufficient influence include the instability of a
country's political conditions, low global and national
economic growth, restrictions on the use of fossil
energy, a high number of pandemic victims in
consumer countries, and frequent changes in
government policies regarding permits and taxes on
coal commodities.
The second influential factor in the uncertainty of
the coal business is the supply chain. There are some
interesting variables for research, including the
decreasing reserves of thermal coal in Indonesia and
the decreasing quality of thermal coal with a calorific
value of coal above 4000 Kal/gr (GAR).
Some issues like low availability of access to coal
and the availability of transportation, and a high
amount of capital in investment financing strategies
in the coal business trigger higher profitability
sensitivity in the coal industry. The large investment
value causes higher fixed costs in the cost structure of
the coal business and inefficiency of the mining
operational activities.
Those lead to higher production costs. These two
factors encourage the unsustainability of the coal
business in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to
conduct a study to obtain a coal business model that
can withstand these risks, especially the supply chain
strategy based on disruptions or changes in the coal
Effects of Business and Supply Chain Uncertainty to Business Sustainability in Indonesian Coal Industry: An Exploratory Study
3.1 Research Methods
This is an exploratory qualitative study
(Shamsuddoha, 2015). It aims to determine business
sustainability factors in the Indonesian thermal coal
industry. This research methodology is based on
efforts to carry out research stages to achieve research
objectives. The methodology includes some case
studies at some supply chain echelons (Babaeinesami,
Tohidi, & Seyedaliakbar, 2021).
They include suppliers, producers, and users of
the coal commodity. There are also direct interviews
with key actors in the coal mining industry supply
chain. There are some case studies on the three
companies that are directly experiencing uncertainty
both from a business and supply chain perspective.
The data are obtained from the companies’ internal
data and several sources outside the companies
(Emberson, Storey, Godsell, & Harrison, 2006).
The primary data are interview results from
several companies' internal sources (Aguirre-Villegas
& Benson, 2017) with a minimum position of the
general manager. The two data sources above
complement and confirm each other. In the end, the
purpose is to conclude the factors that influence coal
business sustainability (CBS).
The results of interviews with several
respondents need to be validated in this study. The
validation method used is the source triangulation
method. This method compares information obtained
several different sources based on standardized
source rules. Some sources used are the results of
interviews with several respondents who have been
determined, among others, current information from
observations (Table 3) and information from
respondents. Information from respondents
compared with observational data (Table 3). The
combination of observational data and interview
results gives confident in research regarding the level
of data validity. Observational data based on time
series of business uncertainty and coal supply chain
in the previous period. The interview data validated
by the observation data above.
3.2 Data Collection
The data are from primary and secondary sources.
The primary sources are the interview results from
two companies. Meanwhile, the secondary ones are
from internal and previous studies. The primary data
is conducted through direct interviews with some
informants from the supply chain and businesses in
the coal industry.
The interviews are open-ended with exploratory
questions so that the results are detailed and
consistent. The table below presents the informants’
Table 1: Informants' profiles.
Case 1 Case 2
Position Director General Manager
>15 years > 15 years
Education Master/S2 Master/S2
There is a systematic interview protocol to guide
the researcher to stay focused and make it easier to
conduct interviews with the respondents. The
interview protocol contains questions about the
importance of business sustainability, business
uncertainty effects, and supply chain uncertainty
3.3 Case Profiles
The respondents come from the companies involved
in the coal supply chain. They are the companies with
private ownership status that have Mining Business
Permits and Mining Service Business Permits. The
three companies produce for a production target of
over 100 million BCM per year with coal production
of over 15 million.
Table 2: Case Profile.
No Profiles Case 1 Case 2
1 Business Portfolio Mining
Services &
2 Commodity OB & Coal OB & Coal
3 Production
(Million BCM)
729,5 178,56
4 Total asset (USD
5 Firms Scale Big Big
6 Employees >10.000 10.000-
7 Ownership Private Private
8 Position General
The production capacity classifies the level of a
large company. They have more than 5.000
employees. The respondents have working
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
experience more than 15 years with different
positions, including directors and general managers.
Table 2 displays the details of the case profiles.
3.4 Case Analysis
This section discusses some factors and variables that
influence business sustainability. Business
sustainability is interesting to study. The concept of
business sustainability must be seen as a solution to
the problems currently faced by the business world
amid the disruptions at global and national levels.
Table 3: Business and supply chain uncertainty factors.
There have been studies on several topics of
business sustainability in the mining industry.
However, they only discuss more from one side,
namely internal or external. Therefore, there are still
research gaps to be studied deeply.
Business Uncertaint
Description Author(s)
1. Political
Political stability, economic stability, stakeholder
pressure, competition, energy transition, and
Wan Ahmad, W.N.K
2. Low global and
national economic
The economic slowdown will lead to a decrease in
energy demand and prices
Correljé and van der
Linde, 2006
3. Renewable Energy Top management support, teamwork, workplace
culture, resistance to change, green innovation, and
reen motivation.
Muduli K.K et al. (2020)
4. Effects of the Covid
19 Pandemic
Local response to the covid-19 pandemic resulted in
a drastic drop in energy deman
IMF. World Economic
Outlook, 2020
5. Government Policy These policy uncertainties, along with the rising
sentiment of resource nationalism, have resulted in
n miners sellin
their o
Mining in Indonesia
Investment and Taxation
Guide June 2019,
Supply Chain
1. Coal reserves Major sources of uncertainty that were considered
are the reserves and the quality of the lignite.
MichaelGaletakis (2012)
2. Quality Eco-geo-environment quality generally has been
declining since the development and utilization of
coal resources
ZhiYang et al (2019)
3. Transportation
model and
Improve management of sub-processes in the coal
supply chain and reduce costs along the supply
James M. Ekmann et
4. Financing strategy The expected lifespan of a newly built plant is
estimated in carbon pricing scenarios.
Jianlei Mo et al (2021)
5. Operational strategy to minimize the expected cost to the economy and
environment driven by the production capacity (PC)
under energy securit
QingYang et al (2020)
Coal Business
1. Economical: Market
share, profit.
2. Environmental:
Carbon foot
Components of business sustainability, including
environmental, social, and governance components,
linked to various stakeholders
Rezaee, (2016); Zhao et
al., (2021)
3. Growth Index Businesses can grow in four directions: (1) growth
within their current market, (2) sales of new products
in their current market, (3) sales of existing products
to new markets, and (4) sales of new products to new
Ansoff (1957)
Effects of Business and Supply Chain Uncertainty to Business Sustainability in Indonesian Coal Industry: An Exploratory Study
This research tries to make a thorough analysis
that combines internal and external factors by
considering the risk of some variables in it.
Table 3 presents the details of the variables that
were the topic of previous research. Table 3 shows the
factors and dimensions of uncertainty as risks from
business and supply chain uncertainties. Several
variables of business uncertainty include political
instability, low global and national economic growth,
restrictions on fossil fuels, the COVID-19 pandemic,
and uncertainty over government policies.
The supply chain uncertainty starts from declining
coal reserves, relatively declining coal quality, the
difficulty of access and transportation, errors in coal
mining financing schemes, and low work efficiency
in mining operations.
The following describes the results of the
interviews in case 1 and 2 to find out whether political
instability affects coal business sustainability
Case 1: -'-political stability in the coal industry is
very crucial because we work in areas within political
territories of the Head of Territory.
Case 2: - Political stability influences business
sustainability, especially the process of changing
leaders and changing policies.
Low Global and national economic growth affects
coal business sustainability
Case 1: Economic growth is very crucial for our
needs, so if we look at a country that has high
economic growth, it means that energy needs are
high, and the demands for coal are also high. If
economic growth is low, the demand will also be low.
That is what creates a disruptive relationship in our
supply chain
Case 2: As we know, economic growth greatly
influences a country's energy needs. Apart from that,
fossil and non-fossil energy are currently
experiencing significant growth
Renewable Energy affects coal business
Case 1: Indeed, it is affected by renewable energy.
The renewable energy that will later replace or
become very competitive with coal is sunlight. We
can see many industries have started to use solar
panels. They can be effective and common. There
must also be batteries for solar cell.
Case 2: The trend of using renewable energy is
indeed increasing especially in 2030. However, until
now we still rely on fossil energy, especially coal. The
cost constraints of alternative energy are still more
expensive than coal.
Case 1: The influence is quite significant. There
will be a balance where everyone gets vaccinated,
everyone is arrested, and people are all strong.
Case 2: - The covid pandemic which has been
running for almost two years has had a huge impact
on coal demands, especially at the beginning of the
pandemic when almost coal importing countries
carried out lockdowns and decreased demands for
coal, but this only lasted until the end of 2020.
Government Policy
Case 1: The"less pro" policies towards fossil
energy in the future, especially in coal, will also affect
business sustainability in the coal industry - Very
Case 2: -Government policies towards the use of
fossil energy are very far ahead and affect the coal
business in the future, where the current government
also needs coal revenue.
Table 4: Assessing business, supply chain uncertainty, and sustainable factors.
Business uncertainty factors Case 1 Case 2 Average Criteria
1. Unstable Political condition 5 5 5,0 Very Important
2. Low economical growth in national and global 5 5 5,0 Very Important
3. Fossil Fuel restriction 4 3 3,5 Moderate
4. Long Pandemics 3 4 3,5 Moderate
5. Government Policy ambiguity 4 4 4 Important
Supply chain uncertainty factors Case 1 Case 2 Average Criteria
1. Coal reserves reduced 5 5 5,0 Very Important
2. Decreased coal quality 4 4 4 Important
3. Low accessibility and transportation 4 4 4,0 Important
4. Low operational efficiency 5 5 5,0 Very Important
Sustainable factors Case 1 Case 2 Average Criteria
1. Economics: Market share 5 5 5 Very Important
2. Economics: Profit 4 5 4,5 Important
3. environment: Carbon footprint 4 4 4,0 Important
ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology
The uncertainty score of the supply chain in case 1
and case 2 is higher (4.5) than the score of business
uncertainty (4.2) means supply chain uncertainty has
a greater risk than business uncertainty.
Cases 1 and 2 assume supply chain uncertainty is
more important than business uncertainty. The
important factors in supply chain uncertainty are coal
reserves and operational efficiency.
The coal business sustainability strategy in
overcoming supply chain uncertainties in case 1 and
2 is to find new coal reserves in large quantities with
reduced mining operational costs that are more
environmentally friendly.
Political instability and economic slowdown at
national and global levels significantly influence the
growth of energy needs. Energy demand will keep
increasing in the future. The ability of the supply
chain related to the decreasing amount of coal
reserves and the low efficiency of operational
activities to produce thermal coal is a very vital
variable in the supply chain. There must be
operational efficiency to fulfill one of the indicators
for the sustainability of the thermal coal business in
achieving net zero emission. To improve coal
business sustainability (CBS), there should be an
accurate mathematical model, especially for the
optimization of uncertainty factors for improving coal
supply chain capability.
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ICATECH 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology