Next Step: How Digital Literacy Affects Digital Transformation
in Companies
Karel Maršálek
Department of Information Technologies, Prague University of Economics and Business,
nám. Winstona Churchilla 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Keywords: Digital Literacy, Digital Transformation, Digital Skills, Digital Workforce.
Abstract: Digital transformation has become indispensable for many companies in the current digital era. However, the
success of any digital transformation project is largely determined by several prerequisites. One such
prerequisite is undoubtedly the digital literacy of the company’s employees. This paper, therefore, argues for
the measurement of digital literacy in companies and subsequent assessment of the effects that the digital
literacy of employees has on digital transformation in the company. While there are several already existing
“universal” frameworks for measuring digital literacy, they are not perfectly suited for the specifics of a
business/company environment. Thus, the paper encourages future research in this area and announces the
intent to create an index for measuring digital literacy in a business/company context. This will serve as a
basis for constructing a framework for assessing a company’s digital transformation readiness based on its
employees’ digital literacy level.
In the current era of never-ending and rapid changes,
Digital transformation has become an indispensable
requirement for numerous organizations. This
phenomenon has had a significant impact on entire
industries and has provided companies with new
opportunities to improve their efficiency. However,
digital transformation is a complex and multifaceted
process that poses significant challenges to
organizations, particularly when it comes to
implementing changes at an organizational level.
Digital transformation also has significant
implications for future employment (Loebbecke &
Picot, 2015). Several types of skills and knowledge
that were required from the workforce in the past
decades are gradually becoming less important as
completely new requirements are being posed on the
workforce of the current digital era.
The term digital transformation has become a
buzzword over the past years. It has been used so
widely that it is no wonder that its meaning has often
been misinterpreted. While there is no universally
accepted definition of digital transformation
(Schallmo et al., 2017), most definitions agree that it
involves the use of digital technologies to improve the
functioning of an entity. This can include the adoption
of new business models, improvement of existing
work routines, exploration of new revenue streams,
and ensuring sustainable value creation (Gimpel et
al., 2018).
This aligns with Vial’s (2019) conceptual
definition of digital transformation as a process that
aims to improve an entity by triggering significant
changes to its properties through combinations of
information, computing, communication, and
connectivity technologies”.
Gong and Ribiere (2021) attempted to develop a
unified definition of digital transformation as a
“fundamental change process enabled by digital
technologies that aims to bring radical improvement
and innovation to an entity [e.g., an organization, a
business network, an industry, or society] to create
value for its stakeholders by strategically leveraging
its key resources and capabilities.”
MarÅ ˛aà ˛alek, K.
Next Step: How Digital Literacy Affects Digital Transformation in Companies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012120200003552
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), pages 170-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-667-5; ISSN: 2184-772X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Several critical success factors are necessary to
ensure the success of any digital transformation
project. These include factors such as leadership
style, organizational strategy and structure,
management style, technology, and customer needs
and demands (Saraiva et al., 2021). However, perhaps
the most significant challenge that companies face is
the readiness of employees for organizational
changes (Silva et al., 2022). That is because no
organizational change can be successfully
implemented unless the employees are ready for it.
Employees’ digital literacy is, therefore, a
necessary prerequisite for the success of any digital
transformation project, and companies need to
recognize the importance of this factor.
Nowadays’ workforce is often referred to as the
“digital workforce”. Not only does this imply that this
workforce operates in the current digital era, but it
also implies the digital skills and knowledge that are
required from the workforce. There are, of course,
significant gaps within the working population in
terms of individuals’ ability to fulfil these
requirements, i.e. there are large differences in terms
of the digital skills and knowledge the workers
possess. These inequalities subsequently function as
a catalyst for a phenomenon called the “digital
divide” (van Dijk, 2013).
Initially established in the second half of the
1990s, the term “digital divide” refers to the “gap
between those who do and those who do not have
access to new forms of information technology”
(van Dijk, 2006). While the digital divide used to be
rooted mainly in inequality in terms of access to
computers and the Internet, the root cause has over
the years shifted towards inequality in terms of digital
skills (van Dijk, 2013). Both the infrastructural and
skill barriers often combine, which further amplifies
the resulting dividing effect. This is the case mainly
in low- and middle-income communities, where
factors such as insufficient Internet access,
educational constraints, lack of digital skills, and lack
of interest all play a significant role (Chetty et al.,
2018), which subsequently “widens the digital gap”
within the population.
To further amplify the digital divide, certain
groups of people generally find it easier to obtain
skills that involve using digital technologies. Referred
to as “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001), they represent
the generation(s) of people who were exposed to
digital technologies very early on in their lives.
Therefore, they are usually able to quickly and rather
easily learn skills that involve the use of digital
technologies, which enables them to adapt to the
requirements posed by the digital era. This ability
often referred to as “digital fluency” – can be defined
as „the maximum individual potential to achieve
desired outcomes through the use of digital
technology” (Briggs & Makice, 2012).
Nevertheless, digital natives definitely do not
represent the whole population that is exposed to
digital technologies (Colbert et al., 2016). “Digital
immigrants” (Prensky, 2001) is a term referring to the
predeceasing generation, i.e. those who were not
exposed to widely available digital technologies at a
young age. Thus, they can find it more difficult to
obtain certain digital skills when compared to digital
natives. Nevertheless, the nowadays’ requirements
towards the digital workforce apply to both of these
groups, as they both need to be able to leverage digital
skills and knowledge not just at work, but also in
everyday life.
Although digital technologies can enhance the speed,
accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and overall efficiency of
various company processes, they can also have the
opposite effect they can result in further
complexities and challenges for employees.
Employees need specific sets of skills to be able
to use digital technologies effectively, and companies
must invest in training and development programs to
ensure that their employees possess these skills.
Despite the importance of digital literacy, many
companies overlook this factor or take it for granted.
However, this is a false assumption that can
significantly diminish the potential positive effects of
digital transformation. Therefore, it is vital to raise
awareness about the importance of digital literacy and
ensure that employees possess the skills and
knowledge necessary to use digital technologies in
their work to their full potential, or at least to a
satisfactory level.
4.1 Evolution of Digital Literacy
The term digital literacy encompasses various skills
that are related to the use of digital technologies. The
scope of digital literacy, meaning the types of
literacies or skills that it comprises, has been a topic
of extensive discussion over the past 25 years. In one
of the first definitions, Gilster (1997) described
Next Step: How Digital Literacy Affects Digital Transformation in Companies
digital literacy as a combination of three types of
Media literacy.
Although the importance of these foundational
building blocks, particularly computer/ICT and
information literacy, has remained acknowledged
over the years, the scope of digital literacy has since
significantly expanded. Subsequent publications have
highlighted the significance of several other skills.
Contemporary researchers also often stress the
importance of a multidimensional approach to digital
literacy (Nichols & Stornaiuolo, 2019). In order to
fully comprehend the phenomenon of digital literacy,
it is necessary to study it in its whole broadness. To
be digitally literate means not only to be able to use
software or operate a digital device (Eshet-Alkalai,
Closely related to digital literacy or digital skills
are the so-called “21
century skills”, which
emphasizes that these skills are necessary for the
workforce of the current century. It is apparent that a
significant share of these skills is inevitably
underpinned by digital technologies. Many authors
therefore use the terms “digital skills” and “21
century skills” interchangeably. However, van Laar et
al. (2017) suggest that 21
century skills need to be
investigated both in their digital and non-digital
forms, since 21
century skills are not necessarily
underpinned by ICT.
4.2 Defining Digital Literacy
Nowadays, there is no universal scope of digital
literacy, as various authors emphasize different
literacies or skills. While the goal of this paper is not
to introduce an exact scope of digital literacy, i.e.,
which skills should be included and which should not,
it is still necessary to define, at minimum, a rough
scope of skills that should (or at least could) be
considered relevant.
A literature review was conducted in order to
define such scope. The search was performed using
the eResources of the National Library of Technology
in Prague, which provides access to several well-
established databases. Most of the relevant results
were included in the following databases: Scopus,
ScienceDirect, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley,
and ResearchGate.
The search included the term “digital literacy” as
well as related terms, specifically “digital skills” and
century skills”. However, these terms have
recently been widely discussed in the context of
medical and computer science, which are irrelevant to
the focus of this paper. The search was therefore
restricted only to social sciences, with business,
management, and psychology being the most relevant
subject areas.
Table shows which types of literacies and skills
were identified as relevant expansions to the overall
scope of digital literacy (in addition to the already
mentioned computer, information, and media
Table 1: Expanded scope of digital literacy.
Type of literacy
or skills
Collaboration (Buitrago-Flórez et al., 2021)
(Carretero et al., 2017)
(van Laar et al., 2017)
(Voogt & Roblin, 2012)
Communication (Buitrago-Flórez et al., 2021)
(Carretero et al., 2017)
(Chetty et al., 2018)
(van Dijk, 2013)
(van Laar et al., 2017)
(Voogt & Roblin, 2012)
Content-creation or
(Buitrago-Flórez et al., 2021)
(Carretero et al., 2017)
(van Dijk, 2013)
(van Laar et al., 2017)
(Voogt & Roblin, 2012)
Critical thinking (Buitrago-Flórez et al., 2021)
(van Laar et al., 2017)
(Voogt & Roblin, 2012)
Data (Carretero et al., 2017)
Problem-solving (Buitrago-Flórez et al., 2021)
(Carretero et al., 2017)
(van Laar et al., 2017)
(Voogt & Roblin, 2012)
Safety (Carretero et al., 2017)
Strategic (van Dijk, 2013)
Technology (Chetty et al., 2018)
Despite the evolving nature of digital literacy, the
fundamental purpose remains the same to enable
individuals to use digital technologies effectively,
efficiently, and ethically. This can, of course, be
related to both their personal and professional lives.
This paper, however, focuses on the professional part,
i.e., how can digital literacy of employees benefit
companies in their functioning, especially with regard
to digital transformation.
While there are undoubtedly many various
literacies and skills that can be labelled as “digital”,
they are not all equally relevant or significant for
companies and their employees, especially with
ICSBT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
regard to their digital transformation efforts. These
types of literacies and skills can also be further
divided into more specific segments or even
individual skills, some of which are definitely more
relevant than others. Additionally, the already
outlined fragmentation in defining the scope of digital
literacy also further complicates determining what is
relevant and what is not.
To be able to investigate and measure the relation
between digital literacy and digital transformation in
the company, it is first necessary to define which
segments of digital literacy are key in the
business/company context and to what extent.
Since digital transformation has been a widely-
discussed topic for many years now, many various
frameworks have emerged that focus on assessing
how ready a company is for digital transformation
(i.e., Digital Transformation Readiness). However,
these frameworks tend to be very comprehensive and
often attempt to encompass many different aspects
this is understandable due to the sheer complexity and
wide scope that digital transformation brings.
Nevertheless, this means that some of the aspects in
this case, digital literacy do not receive as much
attention individually, while they definitely deserve
to be analyzed more in-depth.
Silva et al. (2022) highlight that there is still a gap
in assessing how ready a company is to successfully
embrace digital transformation, especially with
regard to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).
Moreover, they stress that there is an even more
significant gap in assessing this readiness from an
employee’s perspective.
This is supported by Trenerry et al. (2021), stating
that the focus of recent digital transformation studies
and reviews has mainly been directed to the business
and strategic levels, while employee-related factors
have received only a little attention.
Similar to digital transformation, digital literacy
has also been the subject of several frameworks that
have emerged over the past years. Some of these
frameworks even deal directly with measuring digital
literacy, such as European Commission’s DigComp
(Vuorikari et al., 2022) or International Certification
for Digital Literacy, formerly known as European
Computer Driving Licence (ICDL, 2023).
Nevertheless, these frameworks tend to be rather
wide in terms of their scope and often revolve around
the everyday usage of digital technologies, attempting
to be universally applicable to all contexts and
situations. I would, however, like to focus on digital
literacy, specifically in the business/company
context. While the contribution of these “universal”
frameworks is undoubtable, their universal
applicability is perhaps their greatest weakness.
Measuring digital literacy in the company context, as
well as its effects on digital transformation processes
in the company, requires a different, more focused
In order to investigate and measure how the digital
literacy of employees affects the digital
transformation processes in the company, it is first
necessary to be able to measure the level of digital
literacy of individual employees. This, however,
cannot be done universally for any employee in any
company. There are obviously significant differences
in terms of the skills employees need to possess based
on their position in the company and tasks that relate
to this position, the department in which they work,
and also the field in which the company operates.
Therefore, the first part of my research will focus
on developing a digital literacy index for measuring
digital literacy specifically in the business/company
context, labelled as Business Digital Literacy Index
Following up on the measurement of the
employees’ level of digital literacy, the second part of
my research will revolve around investigating and
measuring how certain levels of digital literacy affect
the digital transformation processes in the company.
This will be manifested in a framework for assessing
the digital transformation readiness of a company
with a focus on the human aspect, i.e., how well
prepared the company is for the digital transformation
based on the level of digital literacy of its employees.
It is worth noting that digital transformation
readiness can be perceived not only at the company
level, but also at the level of individual employees.
With this in mind, the digital literacy level of an
employee directly affects their individual digital
transformation readiness, thus affecting the readiness
of their company.
6.1 Expected Contributions
Digital transformation projects in any company
always bring great risks and obstacles. Many digital
transformation projects result in failure or, at least, do
not bring the expected benefits to the company. This
can obviously happen due to various complex internal
Next Step: How Digital Literacy Affects Digital Transformation in Companies
or external factors. Nevertheless, the reason is often
much simpler the company just is not ready for such
change, or more specifically, its employees are not
Assessing the company’s readiness for digital
transformation projects is vital since it can spare the
company great amounts of resources and effort,
which could otherwise be wasted on a project that is
destined to fail from the beginning. Any company
should first spend enough time and effort determining
what effects (both positive and negative) can a digital
transformation project bring to the company before
investing resources into it.
The assessment of the employees’ level of digital
literacy and its implications for the company’s digital
transformation readiness is also needed to identify the
pain points and critical areas that the company should
focus on to increase its readiness. Increasing the
employees’ level of digital literacy in specific critical
areas instead of possibly unnecessary large-scale
educational projects is definitely much more feasible
for any company. On top of that, smaller-scale
educational activities are also more likely to receive
the necessary support from the management since
they require fewer financial and human resources.
But even improving in just these smaller critical areas
can then prove to be absolutely vital for the success
of future digital transformation projects.
6.2 Research Methods
The Business Digital Literacy Index (BDLI) will – to
a large extent be built on the already existing
“universal” digital literacy frameworks, such as
DigComp and ICDL, as well as frameworks or
models that focus on certain subsets of digital skills,
such as the Data Literacy Competency Model
(Smolnikova, 2022). Apart from that, I plan to follow
a similar approach to what Raber et al. (2012) used
for their maturity model for Business Intelligence,
specifically to use the Capability Maturity Model
Integration (CMMI) and the Item Response Theory
(IRT) as described by Millsap and Maydeu-Olivares
Building on the IRT and recognizing the already
mentioned DigComp, ICDL, and the Data Literacy
Competency Model, I will create a questionnaire for
the assessment of employees’ level of digital literacy.
It is important to note that the scope of digital
literacy has been perceived differently by various
authors and frameworks. In other words, there is no
universally accepted scope of digital literacy. As a
result, specific types of digital skills can be perceived
as relevant by some authors/frameworks but
completely ignored as unimportant by others.
Moreover, the digital skills required in everyday life
differ from what is required for the efficient
functioning of an employee in the company context.
However, it is not sufficient to divide digital skills
into two groups based on them being
important/relevant and unimportant/irrelevant in the
company context. To add even more complexity, it is
apparent that some of the “important” digital skills
are more important than other “important” skills.
Therefore, the questionnaire will also include a
weighting principle. As a result, the truly critical
digital skills will be prioritized in the assessment of
the employees’ level of digital literacy.
I am currently in the phase of preparing the pilot
version of the questionnaire for measuring the
employees’ level of digital literacy. Once ready, I am
planning on having this pilot version verified by an
expert panel.
Secord part of my research will begin with
gathering responses to this questionnaire from
multiple selected companies to assess the overall
level of digital literacy in these companies as well as
in their individual departments. I will then
consolidate these results and analyze their effects on
digital transformation projects that are currently
ongoing or planned to take place in the surveyed
companies. This will serve as a basis for constructing
the framework for assessing the digital
transformation readiness of a company based on the
digital literacy level of its employees.
Digital transformation is and will be indispensable for
many companies in order to remain competitive.
However, this poses significant requirements and
challenges not just for the companies as a whole but,
most importantly, for their employees. The workforce
of the current era needs to possess new types of skills
at a sufficient level, i.e., it needs to have a sufficient
level of digital literacy. This is absolutely vital for the
success of any digital transformation project.
Therefore, it is necessary to assess the readiness of the
company with regard to the digital literacy of its
employees before conducting any such project.
Measuring the level of digital literacy of the
company’s employees and assessing its effect on
digital transformation is thus required and should be
thoroughly researched.
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Next Step: How Digital Literacy Affects Digital Transformation in Companies