Toward a Compliant Token-Based e-Voting System with SSI-Granted
Dario Castellano
1,2 a
, Roberto De Prisco
1 b
and Pompeo Faruolo
University of Salerno, Computer Science Department, Salerno, Italy
eTuitus, Fisciano (SA), Italy
e-Voting, Self-sovereign Identities, Algorand, Dizme.
In this paper we present a preliminary design for an e-voting system based on self-sovereign identities and built
on the Algorand blockchain. The design keeps into consideration the basic properties of an e-voting system
and also the EU recommendations. We use the Dizme framework for the management of the identities of the
voters, which allows to keep secret the identity while certifying the right to vote, and we store the encrypted
votes on the Algorand blockchain. Votes are decrypted only in the tally phase.
Computers and the Internet have revolutionized ser-
vices, through the possibility of offering them on-
line. One of such services is (online) voting. Ex-
tensive research conducted since the early 2000s has
focused on establishing secure electronic voting stan-
dards and methodologies (Caltech and MIT, 2001;
Rivest, 2000), although security concerns persist (Ru-
bin, 2001). The use of flawed Direct-recording elec-
tronic voting machines in the US underscored the
importance of open-source systems and community
auditing for enhanced security (Kohno et al., 2004).
While full remote Internet voting has yet to be widely
embraced for large-scale elections, the European Par-
liament appointed a committee to investigate mea-
sures and standards (Council of Europe, 2021b), rec-
ommending them to member states. Italy, for in-
stance, has explored the implementation of an elec-
tronic voting system in compliance with the constitu-
tion, conducting tests that enabled overseas citizens to
participate (Cortellessa, 2020).
The emergence of blockchain technology has
sparked considerable interest in e-voting due to its
inherent security features (Kshetri and Voas, 2018;
Demuro, 2018). Real-world cases in Moscow, South
Korea, Estonia, and Sierra Leone have demonstrated
the feasibility of blockchain-based voting for polls
and surveys (Kshetri and Voas, 2018; Soldavini,
2018). Blockchain-enabled e-voting (BEVs) offers
several advantages, including participant anonymity,
immutable vote storage, and decentralized participa-
tion, which can potentially reduce errors and vulner-
abilities associated with traditional electronic voting
machines. Various models and approaches have been
proposed, such as permissioned blockchains and the
use of decentralized layers into existing systems (Lee
et al., 2016; Hjalmarsson et al., 2018; Perez and
Ceesay, 2018).
Our proposed solution starts from European rec-
ommendations and leverages the self-sovereign iden-
tity approach using the Dizme identity network
combined with the secure and permanent storage ca-
pabilities of the Algorand blockchain
. By utilizing
these technologies, we aim at empower an e-voting
solution that ensures the integrity and transparency of
the voting process while preserving voter privacy and
In this section we first review the basic requirements
of an e-voting system and then we describe briefly
The Dizme Identity Framework documentation is
available at
Algorand documentation is available at https://
Castellano, D., De Prisco, R. and Faruolo, P.
Toward a Compliant Token-Based e-Voting System with SSI-Granted Eligibility.
DOI: 10.5220/0012121100003555
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023), pages 752-757
ISBN: 978-989-758-666-8; ISSN: 2184-7711
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the Dizme framework and the Algorand blockchain.
E-voting research field is rich of contributions that in-
spired common requirements and criteria in the de-
sign of the proposed voting system, e.g. (Anane et al.,
2007; Bungale and Sridhar, 2013; Gibson et al., 2016;
Rubin, 2001; Wang et al., 2017).
2.1 Basic Requirements and EU
Voting systems have fundamental requirements that
Non-reusability to prevent multiple votes from a
single voter.
Non-duplicability to avoid duplicate votes within
the system.
Immutability to ensure that cast votes cannot be
Non-traceability to maintain voter preferences
Eligibility to authorize individuals to cast votes
based on personal information.
In addition to these requirements, auditability and ver-
ifiability are crucial for the integrity of the system:
Auditability involves practices to detect and pre-
vent fraud in an election, which is mandatory for
e-voting systems (Jamroga et al., 2019; Rubin
et al., 2020).
Verifiability enables actors to control the sys-
tem’s inputs and outputs, ensuring correct op-
eration (Rivest and Stark, 2017). Verifiability
encompasses the votes being Cast-as-intended,
Recorded-as-cast, and Tallied-as-recorded (Be-
naloh, 2006; Benaloh et al., 2015).
The European Commission’s recommendations pro-
vide a comprehensive set of requirements for e-voting
systems (Council of Europe, 2021b), aiming at ad-
dressing various aspects:
Universal suffrage emphasizes user-friendly inter-
faces and system accessibility to avoid a digital
Equal suffrage focuses on equal access to the sys-
tem and equitable representation of information
for all voters.
Free suffrage promotes transparency, clear feed-
back to voters, integrity of ballots, and verifiabil-
Secret suffrage covers the protection of pri-
vate data, secure management of eligibility in-
formation, receipt freeness, single submission,
anonymity, and prevention of result counting dur-
ing ongoing elections.
Various e-voting systems, such as Helios (Adida,
2008), have sought to merge auditability and verifi-
ability through risk-limiting audits and providing vot-
ers with detailed information at each step. Addi-
tionally, cryptographic tools like mix-nets, homomor-
phic encryption, and blind signatures have been used
in digital or hybrid processes to fulfill the require-
ments (He and Su, 1998).
2.2 Algorand Overview
Algorand is a high-performance blockchain network
known for its fast, secure, and decentralized trans-
actions (Algorand, 2023). It utilizes a proof-of-
stake consensus mechanism, ensuring scalability and
achieving transaction finality within seconds (Chen
and Micali, 2016; Chen et al., 2018). Key features
of Algorand include:
Scalability: Algorand supports high throughput,
with the capacity for up to 1,000 transactions per
second (TPS), making it suitable for enterprise
applications requiring fast transaction times and
high volume.
Security: Algorand employs a unique crypto-
graphic protocol that ensures transaction valida-
tion without relying on a centralized authority,
guaranteeing the security and integrity of trans-
Decentralization: Algorand’s consensus mecha-
nism based on proof-of-stake promotes decentral-
ization, making the network resistant to censor-
ship and control by any centralized authority.
Smart Contracts: Algorand supports smart con-
tracts using TEAL, a user-friendly programming
language. Smart contracts can be stateless or
stateful, providing flexibility for transaction val-
idation or complete distributed applications.
Atomic Transfers: Algorand enables atomic
transfers, ensuring that multiple transactions are
executed as a whole or not at all, eliminating the
risk of partial execution.
Algorand finds applications in various use cases,
including financial applications requiring fast transac-
tions and high throughput, decentralized applications
(dApps) benefiting from strong security and decen-
tralization, and tokenization, where smart contracts
enable the creation of digital assets like tokens or non-
fungible tokens (NFTs) (Algorand, 2023).
Toward a Compliant Token-Based e-Voting System with SSI-Granted Eligibility
2.3 Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and
Dizme Framework
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) systems transfer con-
trol of identity from a centralized authority to a self-
governed system, where users have full control over
their identities. This model eliminates the need for
a central authority and returns identity and related
claims to the user. Distributed ledgers and blockchain
technologies have paved the way for such models.
Various SSI implementations exist, including Sovrin,
uPort, Civic, and The Key. In this work, we refer-
ence the Sovrin Hyperledger as the SSI implementa-
tion. The Sovrin Foundation, an international non-
profit organization, governs the Sovrin hyperledger,
which serves as the world’s first self-sovereign iden-
tity network
. Dizme, a framework, utilizes Sovrin to
manage identity credentials. Within this framework,
entities known as ”issuers” can issue identity creden-
tials, and users, in this case, the voters, can store these
identities in private wallets and present them to the
system for voting purposes.
2.3.1 Dizme Usage
We employ Dizme for vote credential issuing and val-
idation, where the credential represents the attestation
that the user is eligible to vote based on identification
criteria. Voters can prove that they possess required
identity attributes, such as citizenship or age above
18, using a zero-knowledge proof on the credential
containing those attributes. Once verified, the voter
receives a credential offer containing an anonymous
voting credential.
To establish eligibility, the voting credential is
combined with a self-attested attribute representing
the voter’s Algorand address, forming a proof. Any
verifier in the Dizme framework can verify that the
credential is a voting credential and provide the voter
with an Algorand asset on the provided address. This
ensures eligibility without disclosing any voter per-
sonal data and prevents any link between voter iden-
tity and Algorand address.
Figure 1 illustrates a diagram of the actors in-
volved in the Dizme framework.
This section presents the design of a compliant e-
voting system based on the technical recommenda-
tions of the European Commission. It serves as a
Details about Sovrin can be found at
Figure 1: Dizme actors.
proof of concept for further investigation. Next, we
define the actors involved in the system’s construction
and describe their interactions.
3.1 Actors and Assumptions
The e-voting process involves several actors, each
with specific roles, and certain assumptions are made
in the proposed protocol.
Organizer: Configures election parameters, man-
ages cryptographic keypairs, and oversees the en-
tire election process.
Voter: Interacts with the system to express their
preference. They have self-sovereign identity and
Algorand blockchain wallets. The voter obtains
a valid identity credential, presents it to the Iden-
tity Verifier for an election token, and casts their
vote by spending the token through a blockchain
Identity Issuer: Verifies the voter’s identity at-
tributes and issues an election-specific credential
certifying their eligibility.
Identity Verifier: Validates the voter’s election
credential and token to confirm their eligibility
without revealing additional identity information.
Token-based Voting: Voting eligibility is deter-
mined by owning an unrestricted Algorand Asset,
which may evolve in the future.
Dizme Wallet and SSI: Voters are assumed to
have a Dizme wallet for managing credentials
and are familiar with self-sovereign identity (SSI)
Protection of Sensitive Information: Zero-
knowledge proofs are used in SSI interactions to
verify possession of information without reveal-
ing the actual information, ensuring privacy.
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.2 Voting Protocol
The proposed solution allows voters to participate
in the election process using their personal devices,
making it suitable for medium-scale elections or cor-
porate settings where coercion is not a significant con-
cern. The protocol consists of the following phases:
1. Initialization: The Organizer configures the elec-
tion parameters, deploys the election token on
the Algorand blockchain, and sets up the election
smart contract. Voters interact with the Identity
Issuer to obtain a valid election credential. See
Figure 2.
2. Registration: Voters interact with the Identity Ver-
ifier to obtain a voting token. The Verifier veri-
fies the voter’s election credential and registers an
asset transfer transaction on the blockchain. See
Figure 3.
3. Voting: During the designated voting period, el-
igible voters interact with the smart contract to
encrypt their preference and submit it along with
an asset transfer transaction containing the voting
token. The encrypted preference is stored in the
address-related space provided by Algorand. See
Figure 4.
4. Tally: After the voting period ends, the Orga-
nizer publicly releases the election private key
through the smart contract. The tally phase in-
volves retrieving the encrypted preferences, de-
crypting them, and computing the final result,
which can be made publicly available. See Fig-
ure 5.
Figure 2: Initialization phase.
3.2.1 Contract Overview
This section provides an overview of the available in-
teractions with the contract and their behavior.
Opt-in: This Algorand smart contract call allows
Figure 3: Registration phase.
Figure 4: Voting phase.
an address to require storage space for encrypted bal-
lots. It can only be used during the registration phase.
Create: This application call creates the contract
and sets its global state. Arguments include the Elec-
tion Token Id, Election Public Key, Registration Start
Date, Registration End Date, Voting Start Date, and
Voting End Date.
Vote: This application call requires two transac-
tions as arguments: an asset transfer from the voter
to the contract and a transaction containing the en-
crypted ballot. It validates the timing of the vote and
checks the transaction group. If successful, it stores
the encrypted ballot in the on-chain storage for the
voter’s address.
UpdateKey: This call updates the global state by
setting the election private key. It can only be made
by the Organizer after the voting period has ended.
In addition to the smart contract calls, the following
Algorand application calls are used:
GetGlobalState: This call provides access to the
blockchain’s global storage for the contract.
GetLocalState: This call retrieves the encrypted
ballot stored in the contract’s local storage for a given
voter’s address.
Toward a Compliant Token-Based e-Voting System with SSI-Granted Eligibility
Figure 5: Tallying phase.
4.1 Basic Requirements
To ensure the correctness of the election and secu-
rity for any application, the following requirements
are considered:
Verifiability: The use of blockchain technology
ensures that all operations are recorded permanently
and are accessible. Voters can verify their vote sub-
mission and the overall vote tally. The three require-
ments of verifiability (Cast-as-intended, Recorded-as-
cast, and Tallied-as-recorded) are met through estab-
lished cryptographic procedures and transparency of
the blockchain.
Eligibility: Verified credentials are used to deter-
mine eligibility. Voting tokens are conditional on pos-
sessing specific attributes, and the smart contract ver-
ifies their use.
Auditability: The voting process is auditable dur-
ing and after the vote due to the recording of interac-
tions with the contract on the blockchain.
Non-reusability: Tokens can only be acquired dur-
ing the registration phase, and the system allows the
spending of only one token per user to prevent multi-
ple voting.
Non-duplicability and immutability: The
blockchain layer prevents duplicability and en-
sures immutability of the contract and of the vote.
Non-traceability: The usage of a self-sovereign
identity (SSI) framework ensures that the voter’s iden-
tity credential cannot be linked to the blockchain ad-
dress used to call the contract.
4.2 EU Recommendations
The recommendations from the European Commis-
sion have been considered in the design:
Universal suffrage: The fee mechanism of
blockchain usage is supported, and the protocol can
be implemented in a public booth to ensure accessi-
bility and address the digital divide.
Equal suffrage: The use of SSI with smart contract
transparency enables equal suffrage in the system.
Free suffrage: The immutability, data integrity,
and transparency of the blockchain ensure free suf-
Secret suffrage: Privacy is achieved by keeping
the voter’s identity separate and using anonymous ad-
dresses. Vote counting is not possible during the vot-
ing phase due to encryption, with decryption occur-
ring only after the voting period ends.
We are developing a proof of concept implementation
to test the feasibility of our proposed solution. The
implementation utilizes the Algorand Python library
and simulates the actors and their interactions. We
use an Algorand testnet node provided by PureStake
and generate different Algorand accounts funded with
ALGOs for testing.
The current implementation focuses on simulating
the identity process, where the voter account is pro-
vided with a token and sends an atomic transactions
group to the contract. The implementation consists of
Python scripts for both the server and the client (ac-
tors). We initially use a central server for data access
and logging, but we are working on a serverless solu-
tion where the client code interacts directly with the
Algorand blockchain.
We are also exploring different settings for the e-
voting system. In addition to the proof of concept, we
are developing a mobile solution using Dart and Flut-
ter, a cross-platform technology, to enable a full re-
mote e-voting experience. We incorporate technolo-
gies such as Wallet Connect
for connecting the app
with an Algorand account and face or touch recogni-
tion for secure access to the application.
Implementation and User Experience: The devel-
opment of a complete working implementation is
planned, including considerations for user interface
Documentation about Wallet Connect can be found at
SECRYPT 2023 - 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
and user experience. It is important to address the ac-
cessibility of the system and provide clear interfaces
with informative feedback to ensure user understand-
ing and engagement (Council of Europe, 2021b).
Certification Processes: Further exploration of cer-
tification processes for e-voting systems is needed.
Current EU recommendations allow member states to
define their own certification procedures, so the sys-
tem should be designed with the goal of meeting cer-
tification requirements and addressing relevant tech-
nological aspects (Council of Europe, 2021a).
Cross-Chain Technologies: Investigating the use of
cross-chain technologies, such as light-clients or ad-
hoc chains
, can contribute to a more versatile and
generic protocol. Considerations can also be made
for managing fees associated with the system’s oper-
ations (Yang, 2020).
By addressing these aspects, the proposed design
can evolve into a more comprehensive and certified
e-voting system.
This work was partially supported by project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU-NGEU.
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