ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation
Hind Kalfat
, Mourad Oussalah
and Azeddine Chikh
LRIT Laboratory, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria
LS2N Laboratory, Nantes University, Nantes, France
Keywords: Agile Methods, Software Requirements Documentation, Requirements Engineering, Metamodeling, Metrics.
Abstract: Requirement documentation is one of the main activities conducted during software requirements engineering
which contributes to the success of the project if done effectively. In agile, teams tend to produce minimal
documentation because they are much more focused on software development. Yet, this is also due to the lack
of clear guidelines on what needs to be documented and how it should be done. This paper proposes an
approach based on three key axes: documentation, agile, and metrics. We use in our design a metamodel to
provide various document templates that are tailored to specific user needs. These templates can be adapted
to different contexts such as traditional or agile development. In order to address the issue of requirements
documentation in agile context, we propose a custom document template to help agile teams while creating
the software requirements documentation.
Software requirements engineering (SRE) is
considered as the most important phase in the
software development cycle, this is why requirements
must be identified, documented and managed
effectively. However, SRE applied in agile context
faces a significant documentation problem (Sherif et
al., 2022).
First, Agile teams are mainly based on
communication, they consider documentation
activities as a waste of time which leads them to
produce poor documentation (Theunissen et al.,
2022) and this can be challenging in many situations
(e.g. distributed teams, large teams, team member
leaving the company, complex projects, etc.) (Heck
and Zaidman, 2018)
Second, the documentation solution used in
traditional development cannot work with agile
approach and this is due to its heavy process and rigid
structure. Therefore, this leads agile teams to consider
documentation as a burden and end up neglecting it.
The main objective of this research is to propose
a new software requirements documentation (SRD)
process which allows to deliver a new SRD product
that both fit with agile principles. Indeed, these
process and product must be measurable to make sure
that they fit to agile principles but also to compare
them with traditional and other existing agile
solutions and this would require the use of specific
In this research work we will deal with three
fundamental domains of knowledge which are: ARE
for Agile Requirements Engineering; SRD for
Software Requirements Documentation; RDM for
Requirements Documentation Metrics.
The solution was named ADM by combining the
three terms: Agile, Documentation and Metrics.
To achieve our objective, we must first understand
how agile methods work. Thus, we choose one single
agile method and examine its SRE process in depth,
in order to define all the documentation needs of agile
teams. Therefore the documentation process is
derived from the ARE process.
In order to describe how this requirements
documentation can be designed, we propose a
metamodel gathering all the essential concepts. Then
we explain how to instantiate it in order to get
different templates of documents that are suited to the
needs of its creators. We also suggest a custom
document template that may be useful for agile teams
when designing the requirements document for their
The rest of this document is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents the main concepts of this research
study. Then, the literature of documentation in
traditional and agile is reviewed in section 3. In
section 4 we describe the approach of documentation
Kalfat, H., Oussalah, M. and Chikh, A.
ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012122400003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 494-501
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in agile called ADM. In section 5 we discuss our
findings. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude the paper.
This section provides the background of the three
knowledge domains of this research.
2.1 Agile Requirements Engineering
In order to understand how requirements engineering
(RE) works in agile development context, we set a
single agile method on which to apply our research.
We chose Scrum as it is the most popular agile
development method (Sutherland & Sutherland,
In this research work, we adopt the Software
Process Engineering Meta-Model (SPEM) introduced
by the Object Management Group (OMG) to describe
processes (OMG, 2005). SPEM and Scrum share
similar foundations. SPEM focuses on Activity, Role,
and Work product, as shown in Figure 1. While
Scrum focuses on Ceremonies, Roles, and Artefacts.
Despite different terminology, it is obvious that
ceremonies correspond to activities and artefacts refer
to work products. In this research we use the concepts
described in the Scrum guide (Schwaber and
Sutherland, 2011). However, we add two ceremonies
that we consider important as they are related to SRE,
which are: Product envisioning and release planning.
Figure 1: Conceptual model of SPEM 1.1.
The activities commonly found in ARE include:
Discovery, refinement, prioritization, review, and
documentation. There is a correspondence between
Scrum ceremonies and ARE activities. As shown in
Figure 2, each ARE activity is associated with its
corresponding Scrum ceremony. Documentation, on
the other hand, is needed several times in a single
iteration and can be applied in parallel with the other
activities. In Figure 2 we have selected the potential
points where documentation will be needed, either for
updating or for consultation. We notice here that the
documentation is the pivot of all the ARE process.
2.2 Software Requirements
In this research work, documentation is treated
through two dimensions: the process dimension and
the product dimension. The first one is defined by the
3 concepts: Activity, role and product (product at
micro-level) and allows to generate the second
dimension which represents the final product of the
documentation (product at macro-level) and which is
no more than a composition of products from the
In this research we rely on the knowledge
management cycle (Girard and Girard, 2015), from
which we derive the following documentation
activities to define the SRD process: Create/ Update:
tasks that feed SRD; Organize: tasks that structure,
transform SRD content; Share: set of tasks that share
and exchange parts of SRD; Access: tasks that
retrieve SRD content.
2.3 Requirements Documentation
Metrics are a way to measure quantitatively the
performance, quality or other characteristics of a
process or system (de Oliveira, 2020).
The Goal Question Metric (GQM) is a goal
oriented approach proposed by Basili et al. (Basili et
al., 1994). It is divided into three levels:
Conceptual level (Goal): At this level a
measurement goal must be set;
Operational level (Question) Here a set of
questions must be asked to achieve the goal;
Quantitative level (Metric): The metrics for
answering the above questions must be defined.
The SRE in general and SRD in particular are seen
differently in each software development context:
traditional and agile. A summary of related work to
SRD in traditional RE (TRE) and ARE is presented
in the subsections below.
3.1 Documentation in TRE
In TRE process, such as in Waterfall approach,
documentation is created, updated and maintained by
the business analyst (Robertson and Robertson,
2012). This is done at the very beginning of the
ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation
Figure 2: Agile requirements engineering activities in Scrum.
project, during the RE process. These activities are
carried out sequentially, which means that all
requirements are captured and documented and then
carefully followed by the development team
throughout the rest of the project.
The design of TRE must respect certain desirable
characteristics to ensure its quality. Jalote (Jalote,
2012) identified and measured 24 quality attributes
for requirements documents.
The business analyst should follow templates to
guide him with what should be included in the
documentation. The IEEE 830 is a widely recognised
standard which offers a complete and simple structure
for software requirements specification (SRS) (IEEE
Computer Society et al., 1998). This template should
be used in conjunction with other documents to
describe other types of information like business
requirements, software reviews, etc.
3.2 Documentation in ARE
In the literature, there are very few studies that
address SRD activities in ARE. Instead,
documentation is guided by a set of practices
supported by the teams (comprising both RE-related
activities and artefacts) and not by a sequential
process. Here we collect the most common practices
in agile.
User stories are the most used requirements
notation in agile projects (Jarzębowicz and Połocka,
2017). A user story is described by the following
template: “As a <Role> I want <Goal>, so that
<Benefit>”. To further detail a requirement and better
understand it, agile teams rely on face to face
Personas help project team to gain common
understanding concerning user and stakeholder. This
technique is used to describe an imaginary person that
will represent a certain target group of users. Hess et
al. (Hess et al., 2017) observed that persona does not
bring details about role-descriptions or descriptions
of other relevant stakeholders who do not use the
system but might have a strong influence on certain
of its requirements.
Ramesh et al. (Ramesh et al., 2010) identify six
agile practices for RE which include prototyping for
documentation. This practice is used to communicate
between the development team and the customer,
reducing the margin of error and allowing the
customer to provide feedback.
Based on this state of the art, we believe that it is
necessary to find a new approach describing the
process for creating SRD in agile context.
The ADM approach proposed in this paper is a
combination of three concepts: (i) Documentation,
(ii) Agility and (iii) Metrics. In order to describe
ADM we use metamodeling based on the following
three levels of abstraction defined by the OMG
(ISO/IEC, 2007):
M2: The metamodel that defines all the ADM
concepts and the relations between them;
M1: Document templates that are instantiated
from the metamodel;
M0: Documents created for real projects
through the application of ADM by agile
4.1 ADM Metamodel (M2 Level)
First, we analysed the application of the RE process
in the agile Scrum framework. This helped to
understand how each activity is executed and what it
needs as information for its proper functioning. We
then identified the documentation needs in this
process to be able to improve it through ADM
solution. From here we can conclude that ADM is
derived from ARE.
Figure 3 represents the metamodel that can be
instantiated to create different templates of
documents. The project team has the flexibility to
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 3: ADM Metamodel.
choose the most suitable template based on their
specific needs. The sub-sections below present the
concepts of the metamodel.
4.1.1 ADM Agile
The A of agile in ADM is defined by the two
following concepts:
Scrum ceremony: represents any activity held
during a Scrum process. In this research work
we take into account all the ARE activities that
can influence the SRD process;
Scrum work product: this concept is used to
show agile teams the link between the products
they use to describe the requirements
information and the ADM products.
4.1.2 ADM Documentation
The D of documentation in ADM is defined by the
following four basic concepts:
Activity: documentation activities in ADM are
derived from Scrum ceremonies. They can be
of two kinds: activities to update the
documentation by adding or updating
information and others to consult it by
accessing existing information;
Role: represents the roles involved in each
activity taking into account that there is not a
unique annotation to represent the
requirements from the different points of view
of project team members (Pires et al., 2011);
Product: represents the documentation
products at micro level. Input product are used
in consult activity and output product are
produced during update activity;
Product type: this concept is introduced for
better organisation of the documentation, it
describes the proper writing style for each
ADM product. When instantiated, it has
defined values to be used and does not depend
on the template of the document.
4.1.3 ADM Metrics
As we use the GQM approach for the measurement,
the M of metrics in ADM is defined by the three
concepts: Goal, Question and Metric which have
already been explained in section 2.3.
4.2 ADM Document Template
(M1 Level)
After creating the metamodel, we instantiate it to
create a document template. A document template
can vary according to the needs of its creator. Using
the ADM metamodel we can obtain the following
types of templates:
Existing Agile Templates: As mentioned before, in
agile there are many techniques, each allowing to
create a fragment of documentation. It would
therefore be possible to instantiate the ADM
metamodel to obtain for each of these techniques a
different document template.
Custom Template: Table 3 in the appendix presents a
custom template developed for agile methods, which
is obtained by deriving from the Scrum activities the
essential concepts defining the documentation
process. It's worth noting that there may be other
customised templates depending on the preferences
of the team members. In order to define these
templates, it is first necessary to establish the
invariant products which represent the important
elements to be included in the documentation,
whatever the project to be developed.
ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation
Traditional Template: The traditional template is
generally represented using IEEE 830 standard.
This section explains how the metamodel is
instantiated. The instantiation is done according to the
concepts represented in grey in Figure 3. Dark grey
concepts are instantiated the same way regardless of
the document template, while light grey concepts
depend on the document template chosen.
4.2.1 Instantiation of Metrics
We have instantiated five metrics for the template we
have chosen to describe using the GQM method as
shown below.
Goal: To define the goal we want to achieve we
use the structure proposed by Basili (Basili and
Rombach, 1988): Analyse documentation
needs in Scrum for the purpose of proposing a
new document template with respect to project
team needs from the view point of agile team
in the context of ARE.
Question: the questions related to the defined
goal are:
a. How well is the documentation
b. Who is involved in the documentation
c. Does the documentation product contain
the necessary information to support ARE
d. Is the documentation accessible to all the
project team members?
e. Does the documentation product match
all the profiles of the project team?
Metric: The metrics used to answer the
previous questions correspond to a specific
template that we have chosen to instantiate.
These metrics are suited to the agile context
(Kupiainen, 2015) and are divided into two as
follows (see Table 1).
Table 1: ADM metrics.
a Maintenance
c Coverage
e Ada
4.2.2 Instantiation of Scrum Work Product
Table 3 in the appendix lists Scrum products that are
commonly used by agile teams and associates them
with the corresponding Scrum ceremonies (Rubin,
4.2.3 Instantiation of Product Types
In order to better structure and organize ADM
products we propose to classify them into families
and sub-families such as:
Deliverables: All information that is directly
related to software product increments;
Communication: information that flows
between team members and assists in the
development of software product increments;
Best practices: The decisions made by team
members to promote continuous improvement
of work.
4.2.4 Document Template Example
Using an extract from the template provided in the
appendix, we explain the instantiation of the
remaining concepts, focusing in particular on the
sprint review ceremony (see Table 3). During this
Scrum ceremony, the development team accesses to
the existing prototypes in order to present them to the
customer. The customer gives his feedback on the
product increment presented and include it directly to
the documentation. The documentation activity here
is to organize or, more precisely, to annotate, as the
information created is used to annotate existing
content. Finally, the customer may have new
requirements to add for the next iterations, with the
help of the product owner.
4.3 ADM Document (M0 Level)
In this section we list a set of values that should be
followed by the team when creating documentation
with ADM. A practical example is then presented,
showing how ADM is used to create an agile and
efficient documentation.
4.3.1 ADM Values
Based on the principle mentioned previously that
agile is seen as a baseline and that SRD is derived
from ARE, in this section we also use the agile values
as a baseline and derive new documentation related
values from them (Fowler and Highsmith, 2001).
From ‘People and their interactions more than
processes and tools’ we can derive ‘Documentation is
the team's memory’. The agile manifesto encourages
the involvement of team members and their ability to
communicate effectively with each other. However, it
should be noted that verbal communication is subject
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
to amnesia. Documentation can thus play the role of
memory to record efficiently any information
belonging to this discussion between the team
members. This memory can be either individual or
collective. Thus, each team member can access both
his own documentation space and the shared space to
interact with others.
From ‘Operational software more than exhaustive
documentation’ we can derive ‘The documentation is
adapted to its user's profile’. Documentation cannot
be considered exhaustive if it is adapted to the needs
of the users. This means that the content must
continuously correspond to the context of its use but
also to the profile of its user. The client, for example,
will not have access to the same content as the
development team.
From Collaboration with customers more than
contractual negotiation’ we can derive ‘The customer
is involved in the SRD process’. Documentation
should contain a space for the customer where he can
exchange with the team and give feedback on the
project and software product.
From ‘Adapting to change more than following a
plan’ we can derive ‘The documentation process is
continuous’. One of the main challenges of changing
requirements is to keep the documentation up to date
over time. Therefore, the documentation process must
be continuous and conducted in parallel with the SRE
4.3.2 ADM Document Example
This section uses an example of a project mentioned
in (Rubin, 2012) that explains the development stages
of a product called Smart-Review4You (or Simply
SR4U). Thus we instantiate the custom template to
show how documentation is designed for SR4U, as
shown in Table 2. However we do not use all the
elements of the template as some of them are very
specific to the project.
We can conclude from the state of the art that in
traditional documentation, there is a well-defined
model to follow but the document produced is rigid
and obviously the process of its creation is not
suitable for agile. On the other hand, agile is informal
with no structure imposed and based on the skills and
knowledge of individuals (Dingsøyr et al., 2012). For
each part of the documentation there is a certain
number of practices to follow and it is up to the
Table 2: Project documentation using ADM custom
Product Envisioning
Product Owner (PO) : Roger
Stakeholders : Customer and SMEs
Activity Create
Product Project goal: differentiate Review
Everything, Inc., in the marketplace.
Product goal : identify, filter, and display
online reviews that includes a trainable search
As a typical user I want to teach SR4U
what types of reviews to discard so that
SR4U will know what characteristics to use
when discarding reviews on my behalf.
Stakeholder list: typical user, sophisticated user
Estimation: 3 months for release 1.0
Type Deliverables
Product Backlog Refinement
PO: Roger
Stakeholders : Customer and SMEs
Activity Organize/Create
Product Detailed US:
As a typical user I want to tell SR4U to ignore
reviews that contain specific keywords that I
feel show bias in a review so that I don’t see
any reviews containing those keywords.
Sprint Planning
Role Development team
Activity Create
Product Tasks:
Code the UI Hours = 7
Automate testsHours = 8
Type Communication
Product focus on improving the user experience
Type Communication
Sprint Retrospective
Scrum Master + Development team
Activity Create and Share
Allocate more time for testing in future sprints
Type Best practice
project team to choose the practices suitable for them,
the order of documentation activities and the roles
involved. If this may be easy to an experienced agile
team it might not be the case for a young team (Hoda
et al., 2010).
If we measure the instantiated process, which
represents a document template, we find that: it
involves all the roles for its execution; it’s accessible
to all agile team members; it’s adapted to profiles of
project team since it specifies for each role which
documentation activities and products correspond to
it; it includes the information we believe is relevant
to ARE process; it considers documentation as
important since it sees it as part of the ARE process.
ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation
This paper proposes a metamodel intended to support
SRD activities which are conducted in agile context.
During ARE process, teams produce knowledge that
needs to be documented in order to be used later in the
project. Therefore, by detecting the documentation
needs present in ARE process we were able to
instantiate the metamodel to describe in detail how
SRD should be created and used and this by answering
the following questions: what should be documented?
What parts of SRD products should be used? Who is
involved in SRD process? When and how
requirements are documented? Then, just like the
values in the agile manifesto, the proposed ADM
approach is accompanied by a set of values that serve
the team in documenting requirements.
Taking into account the flexibility offered by
agile, we integrate the notion of metrics into the
solution, allowing teams to adapt the new
documentation process to their needs.
In conclusion, we plan to conduct a case study
with an actual Scrum team to validate and
demonstrate the practical application of ADM
approach. Additionally, it would be interesting to
extend this solution to the other phases of software
development life cycle (SDLC) and not only SRE.
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This section shows the instantiation of ADM at M1
level in Table 3 using as main sources (Rubin, 2012)
(Sutherland & Sutherland, 2014) (Schwaber and
Sutherland, 2011). The invariant products of the
documentation that we deemed necessary for the use
of this custom template are indexed by the asterisk
symbol (*), while the other are considered optional.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 3: ADM instantiation – Custom template.
Agile Documentation
Scrum work
Product type
Update Consult Input Output
vision +
Roadmap +
PO +
Project goal + Product
goal* + Product vision +
Project scope + Product
scope + High-level user +
stories (Epics)* +
Stakeholders list* + User
personas + Product
roadmap +
Estimation(Budget and
to profiles
PO +
Epics User stories* Deliverables
PO +
US (for more details)
Acceptance criteria Deliverables
Access PO + DT PB items
PO +
Story points
PO + DT +
Stakeholders +
User stories
+ Story
User stories
Prioritized PB Deliverables
Release plan
ct vision
PO + DT +
(Release goal* + Time
estimation + Team
Deliverables +
PO + DT +
Sprint planning
backlog +
Sprint goal
Access DT PB items
Create +
PO + DT + SM
+ Customer
Definition of done +
Sprint goal
SB +
goal +
Sprint goal
SB items
Tasks* Communication
Share DT
SB Deliverables
Daily scrum
Access DT
SB +
Create +
Burndown chart +
Difficulties + Solutions
Communication +
Best practice
Sprint review
Sprint plan
Access DT + Customer Prototype
Deliverables +
Create +
Customer + PO
New requirements +
Deliverables +
List of
SM + DT +
PO (optional)
Create + Share
Sprint review report* Best practice
Product owner (PO); Scrum master (SM); Development team (DT); User story (US); Product backlog (PB); Sprint backlog (SB)
ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation