Trust Management and Attribute-Based Access Control Framework for
Protecting Maritime Cyber Infrastructure
Yunpeng Zhang
, Izzat Alsmadi
, Yi Qi
and Zhixia Li
Information Science Technology Department, University of Houston, Houston, U.S.A.
Department of Computing and Cybersecurity Texas A & M University San Antonio, San Antonio, U.S.A.
Department of Transportation Studies, Texas Southern University, Houston, U.S.A.
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, U.S.A.
Security, Maritime Cyber Infrastructure, Attribute-Based Access Control, Framework.
The modern world depends on maritime supply chains to sustain flows of international commercial, industrial,
and economic activities. As the maritime supply chain heavily utilizes cyber operations to manage commu-
nications and physical processes, maritime cybersecurity emerges as an imperative aspect for maritime safety
and security. The maritime cyber infrastructure displays distributed, heterogeneous, networked, and volatile
characteristics. This article first studies the effectiveness of the mechanism of traditional access control sys-
tems for maritime cyber infrastructure. The research also examines the shortcomings associated with the
existing network wide access control and identity theories to develop solutions. In order to develop a suitable
method for the maritime context, the paper presents an Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) framework
which is adaptable and highly scalable for the complex maritime cyber space. The analytical results show that
implementing the new framework can enhance the access control of the maritime cyber infrastructure.
Nowadays, more critical infrastructure systems are
managed through cyber operations. Cybersecurity, as
a result, has become a crucial operational domain for
these critical infrastructure systems to prepare for po-
tential cyber-attacks, ensure trustable services, repair
damages, and improve security and operational per-
formance. Breaches in the cyber space of a critical
infrastructure may lead to a variety of consequences.
Specifically, cyber-attacks can cause disruptions of
the infrastructure systems, leakage of crucial informa-
tion of people and assets, financial losses, economic
damages, and even injuries or losses of lives.
The critical infrastructure studied in this research
is the maritime cyber infrastructure. The maritime
transportation system is categorized by the experts
in public and private sectors as a critical infrastruc-
ture system. In any single moment, tremendous
values of commodities, merchandises, as well as
many people, depend on the maritime infrastructure
to travel in global supply chains to support the eco-
nomic, military, or humanitarian systems. The cyber
space of the maritime infrastructure is an extremely
complex ”system of systems”. The maritime cyber
infrastructure includes, but is not limited to: net-
worked facilities, software programs, operating sys-
tems, database servers, large-scale data storage, and
local/remote instruments, wired/wireless sensors, so-
phisticated workforce, personnel, and wired/wireless
and/or satellite networks that connect to other criti-
cal infrastructures. This globally distributed, inter-
connected ecosystem presents unique security chal-
lenges to control both physical and cyber maritime
Maritime cyber space has been shown to be highly
vulnerable from attacks targeted by various adversar-
ial groups. The attacks may be performed by hack-
ers, criminals, terrorists, international forces, and so
forth. The recent maritime attacks caused the global
economy around $7 billion USD and multiple losses
of lives.(A. Bowden and Lee, 2010) According to
multiple reports (Keefe, 2012; Hayes, 2016; Belmont,
2015; Wagstaff, 2014), the emerging organized cyber
attacks presents new threats to both cyber and physi-
cal maritime operations. A hacking incident in 2001
caused severe Denial of Service problems for the Port
of Houston authority (BBC, 2003). In 2011-2013, in-
Zhang, Y., Alsmadi, I., Qi, Y. and Li, Z.
Trust Management and Attribute-Based Access Control Framework for Protecting Maritime Cyber Infrastructure.
DOI: 10.5220/0012126500003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 534-539
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ternational drug traffickers worked with local hack-
ers to intrude the maritime cyber spaces at the Port
of Antwerp, Belgium. The criminals IT weaknesses
and manipulate sensitive data such as shipment char-
acteristics and pickup schedules to conceal drugs and
illegally import them without being detected.
An alarming trend is the emerging cyber-physical
attacks against maritime ICT systems. In the Antwerp
case, hackers breached physical communication ma-
chines to intrude the port’s database. These multi-
plex, organized attacks underscore the importance to
secure the maritime cyber operations in the first space
to safeguard the physical safety of people and goods.
Finding effective solutions and countermeasures
against cyber-attacks now becomes an urgent task for
maritime stakeholders. (Vanek et al., 2013) In a vul-
nerable cyber space, access control is a fundamen-
tal mechanism to prevent not only accidental but also
malicious violations of security requirements. An ac-
cess control system regulates user access to resources.
It defines the conditions under which to whom access
to resources can be granted. Each access request will
result in an access decision such as permit or deny.
This research contributes to the maritime supply
chain security literature by developing a system of
trustable access control. Within the maritime supply
chain, data always moves between extensively dis-
tributed machines and cannot possibly be controlled
by a single, trustable system. To address this chal-
lenge, this paper builds an access control framework
which can simultaneously achieve efficiency.
The remaining of the paper is organized into three
additional sections. In section 2, the related work
is discussed to provide the basis for framework and
approach development. Section 3 introduces the ac-
cess control framework for protecting maritime cyber
infrastructure. Section 4 presents the concluding re-
marks and directions of future work.
In the area of maritime operations and information se-
curity literature, papers regarding maritime cyberse-
curity, especially topics on access control, are few in
numbers. In contrast, there is a wealth of publications
associated with access control innovations and appli-
cations (C. Wang and Gupta, 2023; Singh et al., 2022;
Jeong and Li, 2022). Accordingly, we extensively re-
viewed recent access control publications deemed rel-
evant to maritime cyber operations.
The authors examine and discuss the literature
through the lens of the computer security policy
(CSP), the supreme principle to govern the goals and
elements of the computer systems within an organiza-
tion. (Li et al., 2015) For a normal maritime supply
chain, multiple CSPs may co-exist because of the par-
ticipation of various supply chain partners. The for-
mulation of any CSP is important because it defines
what it means to be secured within the organization
In the following discussion, we first discuss the
recent trends of maritime cyber-attacks. Secondly, we
discuss the state-of-the-art research on access control
and gaps and potentials for applications in maritime
cyber spaces. Finally, the CSPs of a trust management
system to verify maritime cybersecurity is presented
(Panos et al., 2020; Gupta et al., 2023; Fasoulis and
Kurt, 2019).
2.1 Recent Trends of Cyber Attacks
against Maritime Industries
Modern maritime industries are heavily reliant on the
information and communication technologies and the
use of data. On the one hand, this represents a shift
towards safer,more efficient and profitable operations.
For example, more and more maritime supply chain
partners have increased the use of e-bills of lading,
and port authorities have capitalized on computerized
systems for the container operations across sharing
economies. However, this greater reliance on tech-
nologies also brings increased risks in physical and
cyber maritime domains. (Brasington and Hadwin,
2016) As clearly stated in (Bull, 2016), “There is also
a very real danger that emails being sent to and from
ships are monitored or altered. This could have a huge
commercial effect on vessels.
More specifically, vessels for both passengers and
cargo transportation are equipped with navigation
and communication technologies, such as Electronic
Charter Display & Information System (ECDIS),
Global Positioning System (GPS), Automatic Iden-
tification System (AIS), Industrial Control System
(ICS), and so on. Currently, all of these systems can
be infiltrated by cyber attackers. In fact, cyber-attacks
are happening more frequently in the maritime sector
according to various maritime reports s (Bull, 2016;
MTI, 2017; Vamosi, 2016; Paganini, 2015) and the
authors’ interviews with practitioners.
The maritime industry evidently is vulnerable to
a range of cyber risks. Damages from untrust-
worthy software or a loss of data integrity through
breaches into maritime instruments may result in cor-
rupt, skewed, or incorrect results. Attackers in the
Port of Antwerp case had access to control systems,
intercepted maritime communication, and altered sen-
sitive shipping information, e.g. characteristics of
Trust Management and Attribute-Based Access Control Framework for Protecting Maritime Cyber Infrastructure
goods, container specifics, approved carriers, and so
forth. Past maritime cybersecurity incidents have
caused the following damages:
Automated systems malfunctioned or failed entirely;
• Expensive and valuable cargoes were stolen;
Maritime stakeholders incurred financial, reputa-
tional, and/or physical risks;
Crew on vessels and operators in transit and at crit-
ical maritime nodes (e.g., ports, terminals, etc.) were
exposed to safety threats to; and
Cyber operations of other systems connected to the
maritime entities were exposed to malicious cyber at-
An attack of maritime cyber operations can come
about in a variety of ways access to data can be
gained by social engineering attacks, as well as by
more sophisticated hacking techniques. An adversar-
ial incident of this nature could affect all of the organi-
zations connected to a port’s infrastructure, including
those who are not in a position to influence the port’s
cyber-security or have a role in responding to the in-
cident. (Brasington and Hadwin, 2016)
IBM (International Business Machines) reports
that cybersecurity is not only about trying to iden-
tify and to prevent systems on board ships from get-
ting hacked. The maritime industry, like many gov-
ernment agencies, as well as the aerospace and de-
fense industry, banking, and health insurance indus-
tries, and even the entertainment industry, recently
has become a prime target and has suffered substan-
tial losses. The vulnerabilities of maritime cyber op-
erations started to be under the scrutiny by public.
This situation indicated that the industry is not im-
mune from cyber threats and must deploy cybersecu-
rity techniques to protect itself. Luck, inaction, and
practitioners’ tight-lipped community prevent mali-
cious attacks. (Belmont, 2015) In this context, at
the most basic level, trustworthy access control tech-
niques need to be implemented to oversee the users
and the overall network cyber operations. (MTI,
2.2 Trust Management Policies for
Security Verification
Trust management is a scalable form of access control
that relies heavily on delegation. According to Chen,
et al. (I. R. Chen and Bao, 2015), trust-related at-
tacks include: (1) self-promoting attacks, which pro-
mote own credibility through illegal means; (2) bad-
mouthing attacks: which reduce the trust value of
good nodes; (3) ballot-stuffing attacks, which boost
the reputation of malicious nodes; (4) opportunis-
tic service attacks, which raise their own reputation
through providing quality service in a random man-
ner; and (5) on-off attacks, which provide poor ser-
vices intermittently. Saied, et al. (Y. B. Saied and
Laurent, 2013) presented a method to evaluate the
trust value of nodes. The method considers all re-
ceived reports and past interactions and takes into ac-
count parameters of the network’s context (service)
and resource capabilities. Trust computation mod-
els and trust management systems have been im-
plemented successfully in commercial applications.
(Y. Zheng and Vasilakos, 2014)
Niu, et al (Niu et al., 2014) applied the trust man-
agement concept and developed techniques that sup-
port tools to solve problematic security verification
instances. When an access control policy fails to sat-
isfy the desired security objectives, it becomes un-
trustworthy. The tools in that research provide infor-
mation about how and why the failure occurs. Such
information can assist policymakers in designing ap-
propriate policies. The approach to perform the anal-
ysis is based on model checking. To ensure the ef-
fectiveness of the approach, a collection of reduction
techniques was introduced. The paper proved the cor-
rectness of these reductions and empirically evaluated
their effectiveness. The class of analysis problem in-
stances is generally intractable, which indicates that
the reduction techniques are often able to reduce some
problem instances into a form that can be automati-
cally verified.
2.3 Summary
The information security literature reviewed above
discussed access control systems in general. In order
to manage the access control for the modern maritime
cyber operations, the method has to reflect the char-
acters and special needs in maritime cyber infrastruc-
ture. In Section 3, we present a new access control
framework that is adaptable and scalable for the com-
plex maritime cyber space.
The setting of the present research includes a cen-
tral access control system and a sub access control
system for a well-defined maritime system, for ex-
ample, a ship. In a ship, the captain can access any
maritime data, e.g., cargo information, ECDIS, GPS
coordinates, AIS, etc. The captain also has the au-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
thority to communicate with external entities and send
any action orders, e.g. turning the ship, stopping the
ship, resetting cruise routes, etc. In contrast, a sailor
only has a limited access to maritime data and does
not have the authority to send any order and com-
municate with external entities. Other people in the
maritime supply chain are not allowed to access or
modify any information mentioned above. Without
access control, an inside or outside attacker can break
in the supply chain system through vulnerable points,
as easy as an email, or a USB key. The attacker can
access, compromise, steal, or damage sensitive infor-
mation and control all connected systems. The access
control system framework developed below intends to
address these threats to protect maritime company’s
cyber infrastructure.
3.1 Access Control Framework
We incorporate the concept of trust management pol-
icy into our access control framework of the maritime
cyber spaces. (Hughes and Bultan, 2008) Under the
trust-based framework, the method will evaluate the
trustworthiness of every node in the maritime com-
munication system. The method will rank all nodes
with respect to their reliability levels and select the
reliable nodes for the maritime users.
Fig. 1 shows the proposed access control frame-
work. As explained in details below, this framework
is adaptable and highly scalable for the maritime in-
dustry in light of: 1) the mechanism of traditional
access control frameworks and their shortcomings;
and 2) the combination with the existing networking
access control framework and identification systems.
The goal of this framework is to achieve automatic
permissions assignment, security protection, and fine-
grained, low-energy consumption of the access con-
trol in the maritime IT environment. To enable more
granular and scalable access control, we use different
authentication methods with respect to various trust
levels. In doing so, we can capitalize on the flexi-
bilities of the custom trust evaluation mechanisms to
authenticate the nodes in the maritime ecosystem.
Figure 1: Trust Management and Attribute-based Access
Control Framework.
In Fig. 1, the access control framework consists
of two modules: Authentication and Service. The
Authentication module is mainly responsible for the
two-way authentication between the user and the Au-
thentication System. The features of the user authen-
tication system include identity verification, verifica-
tion information feedback, policy assignment, service
request, and so on. In the authentication process, the
authentication module firstly verifies the identity in-
formation provided by the user. Once the preliminary
verification is passed, the feedback information of the
user authentication will be sent to the user.
The feedback information includes two sub-
modules. The first is the certificate of the authenti-
cation system, based on which users verify the legit-
imacy of the authentication system. The second is a
request list of user’s information based on which, the
authentication system can do a deeper level authenti-
cation. After the user has verified the feedback mes-
sage, the information requested in the feedback infor-
mation will be sent to the authentication system. The
authentication system completes the distribution of
user privilege according to the information and sends
the user’s request to the service module. If any in-
termediate certification process fails, the verification
is terminated, and the validation failure information
will be returned.
The service module also includes two sub-
modules: The selected service sub-module and the
service processing sub-module. The selected ser-
vice sub-module includes trust management compo-
nent and attacks-against component. The service pro-
cessing sub-module includes node joint work and
trust evaluation components which do trust evalua-
tion for each node according to the trust computing
method and corresponding trust management mecha-
nism. Then it selects the node with the highest reli-
ability for the user. The attack-against component is
responsible for maintaining the security of the service
module and resists to all kinds of trust-related attacks.
In brief, the framework integrates trust comput-
ing into the access control system. The framework
includes the network-wide access control, identifica-
tion technologies, and trusted computing technolo-
gies. The trust computing technologies enable the ac-
cess control framework with the dynamic adaptive ca-
pacity and high scalability. The features of this frame-
work result in: 1) significant enhancement in the mar-
itime access control; and 2) Optimized efficiencies
and benefits to maritime cyber security.
Trust Management and Attribute-Based Access Control Framework for Protecting Maritime Cyber Infrastructure
3.2 Formal Verification for Access
Control Framework
The following process provides logical actions to ver-
ify the proposed Access Control framework before
implementing it in live conditions:
Define the Access Control Framework formal de-
Develop a set of reference metrics to analytically
evaluate the capabilities of the Framework, and then
conduct a comprehensive analysis on the Framework
based on the metrics;
Design a set of oracles to empirically test the run-
time functions of the Framework (i.e., whether they
can detect the faults embedded in the oracles); and,
Plan a set of test case scenarios to empirically test
the runtime performance of the Framework. These
test cases are used not only for evaluating the perfor-
mance but also for exploring the factors that impact
the performance.
3.3 Implementation
There are user authentication and service processing
modules in the framework. Service processing mod-
ule includes service node selection sub-module and
service provider sub-module. The authors formalized
these modules as follows:
• User AU (Authentication Unit)
• SHU (Service Handle Unit)
• SNSU (Service Node Selection Unit)
• SPU (Service Provider Unit)
Formal verification can be described as follows:
a) The user submits a request. The request accesses
by the AU for authentication: User AU: (UserID*,
Key*, TemporaryCertificate*, Privilege);
AU: Feedback authentication information, and give
the appropriate permissions User*: represents en-
b) AU submits service request to SHU, AU SHU:
(AU-ID*, TemporaryCertificate*, ServiceRequest)
c) SHU sends service node selection request to SNSU,
SHU-SNSU: (TemporaryCertificate*, Request)
d) SNSU broadcasts the request to all nodes within
the maritime infrastructure, gets feedback from
nodes, and then selects the service node: SNSU*:
(SNSU-ID*, TemporaryCertificate*, Request), Node
SNSU: (NodeID*, TemporaryCertificate*, Trust-
e) SNSU sends selected node information to
SPU:SNSU SPU: (UserID*, NodeID*, Ser-
viceRequest) f) SPU uses the target node and
user information to provide appropriate services to
users and to evaluate the trust value of the node.
Then SPU passes the result to SNSU. SPU User, SPU
SNSU: (NodeID*, TrustValue)
The formal verification of the service management
(trust management) module is described as follows:
• Th SHU formal Framework includes: (i) initiating a
start status, (ii) receiving a service request from AU,
and (iii) sending the selected node service request to
The SNSU formal Framework includes: (i) initiat-
ing a start status, (ii) receiving a service node selec-
tion request from SHU, (iii) broadcasting the request
to all nodes within the scope, obtaining feedback from
node, and selecting the service node, (iv) sending the
selected node information to SPU, and (v) receiving
node trust value from SPU after the completion of ser-
The SPU formal Framework includes: (i) initiating
a start status, (ii) receiving information of the selected
node from SNSU, (iii) using the received node infor-
mation and user information to provide appropriate
services to users, and then assessing the node trust
value, and (iv) sending node trust values involved in
the process to SNSU.
The maritime cyber space has become a critical do-
main to operate global economic, financial, social,
and military systems. However, a series of recent re-
ports regarding data breaches in the international mar-
itime industries expose the vulnerabilities in the mar-
itime information and communication systems. To
protect maritime cyber infrastructure, the present re-
search developed a novel trust management frame-
work to enhance the access control of maritime cyber
Finally, the authors present a number of research
directions to account for the limitations of the present
research. First, our analysis focused on the cy-
bersecurity of a maritime environment with well-
defined boundaries, namely, a boat. Further stud-
ies may consider a more complex setting, such as a
supplier-customer pair with multiple information sys-
tems. Secondly, the access control framework stud-
ied here does not detect attacks going through remote
nodes beyond the well-defined maritime environment.
As such, more research may design and develop in-
trusion detection systems that span across a more dis-
tributed ecosystem, such as a supply chain. Lastly,
maritime supply chains may adopt a whole variety of
information systems. Distinct computing capacities
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
of different systems may result in performance vari-
ations of the access control method. Therefore, re-
searchers may need to establish systematic metrics to
evaluate the effectiveness of access control systems in
different maritime information systems.
This work was supported by the US Department
of Transportation (USDOT) Tier-1 University Trans-
portation Center (UTC) Transportation Cybersecu-
rity Center for Advanced Research and Education
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