Modeling of Naïve Lymphocyte Signaling Pathway
Isaac Barjis
, Aliyah Amin
, Amber Barjis
and Saif Amin
Department of Biological Sciences, New York City College of Technology, 300 Jay St, Brooklyn, U.S.A.
Syosset High School, 70 S Woods Rd, Syosset, U.S.A.
Department of Biology, Stony Brook University, 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, U.S.A.
Keywords: System Biology, T Helper Cell Activation, Modeling of Naive T Helper Cell, Petri Net and System Biology,
CPT Modeling of Naive T Helper Cell Activation.
Abstract: The immune system in general and T cells, in particular, play a critical role in protecting the organism from
infection and repairing damaged tissue. T cells are not only key components of the immune system but are
also central in mobilizing the adaptive immune responses at all stages of fighting infection. Furthermore,
studies have shown that subsets of T helper cells are critical for the activation of antitumor responses. T cells
have been intensively studied by both experimental immunologists and modelers. However, none of the
research papers represent the complete process that will show the link between antigen-presenting cells,
subtypes of T cells, and other signaling pathways. In this paper, we illustrate the first steps of an automation
process for quantitative modeling, of the naïve T lymphocytes activation pathway by discrete modeling
language using colored Petri nets (CPN). Modeling, simulation, and analyzing T cell activation signaling
pathways will improve our understanding of the structure and dynamics of these pathways considerably. Petri
nets have been proposed as an effective formalism for Systems Biology and modeling of metabolic pathways.
Advances in experimental techniques and
biotechnology have revolutionized our understanding
of cellular and molecular processes. These techniques
have generated vast amounts of empirical data that
shed light on the intricate structure and mechanisms
of signaling pathways. This wealth of experimental
data provides valuable insights into the behavior of
cells and molecules under various conditions,
allowing scientists to decipher the complexities of
biological systems (Mueller SN et. al. 2013). To make
sense of this vast amount of experimental data and
perform computational analysis on biological
systems, it is necessary to represent and encode this
data in a way that can be easily processed by
computers. This data representation challenge is a
well-known problem in the field of bioinformatics
and has been extensively studied using various
knowledge representation techniques from computer
models. One approach that has proven to be
particularly useful in modeling molecular and
immune signaling pathways is based on a
mathematical concept called Petri Nets. Petri Nets,
that were initially developed in the early 1960s by
Carl Adam Petri and have since been adapted and
extended in many directions. They provide a formal
framework for representing and analyzing the
dynamic behavior of concurrent systems (Petri C.A.
1962) and has subsequently been adapted and
extended in many directions (Murta T. 1989). Petri
Nets offer a powerful way to model and simulate the
intricate interactions and dynamics of molecules and
immune signaling pathways. They provide a
graphical representation of the system's components
and their interactions, allowing researchers to study
the behavior of the system over time. This
mathematical approach enables the exploration of
complex biological processes, such as signal
transduction, gene regulation, and immune response,
in a computationally tractable manner.
By employing Petri Nets, researchers can capture
the essential elements of immune signaling pathway,
including molecular species, their states, and the rules
governing their interactions and activation. This
modeling approach enables the simulation of various
conditions and perturbations to better understand the
immune system's behavior and predict its response to
external stimuli such as pathogens. The utilization of
Petri Nets in the modeling of molecular and immune
Barjis, I., Amin, A., Barjis, A. and Amin, S.
Modeling of NaÃ
rve Lymphocyte Signaling Pathway.
DOI: 10.5220/0012127200003546
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), pages 385-392
ISBN: 978-989-758-668-2; ISSN: 2184-2841
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
signaling pathways has proven to be a valuable tool
in bridging the gap between experimental data and
computational analysis. It provides a systematic and
quantitative framework to study the dynamics and
behavior of complex biological systems, aiding in the
development of novel therapeutic strategies and the
advancement of our understanding of cellular
processes (Rzosinska, K. 2017).
1.1 Petri Net
In the realm of systems analysis and modeling, Petri
nets have emerged as a powerful mathematical tool
for representing, simulating, and analyzing various
complex systems. Petri nets are particularly valuable
in modeling biological systems, such as T cell
activation, where dynamic interactions and events
play a crucial role. The fundamental components of a
Petri net include circles, known as "places,"
rectangles, known as "transitions," and directed arcs
that connect the places and transitions. Each place
represents a state of the system, while transitions
represent events or actions that can occur within the
transition representing an operation (action)
regular Petri net place
regular Petri net arc
regular Petri net place with a token
Figure 1: Legend of Petri nets.
The unique graphical representation of Petri nets
allows for the depiction of complex systems in a
visually intuitive manner. Places are used to represent
different states or conditions of the system, while
transitions represent the events or actions that can
cause a change in the system's state. The arcs
connecting the places and transitions represent the
flow of tokens, which signify the occurrence or
availability of certain resources or conditions.
By utilizing Petri nets, we can model and simulate
the behavior of complex biological systems, such as
naïve T helper cell activation. In the context of naïve
T helper cell activation, Petri nets can capture the
intricate interactions between signaling molecules,
receptors, and other cellular components. The
transitions in the Petri net represent the activation
events and the places depict the various states of the
T cell during the activation process. One approach of
modeling and simulating naïve T helper cell
activation is to use a Colored Petri net (Motta S. et. All
A colored Petri net is a variant of a Petri net that
assigns colors or values to the tokens (i.e., the
markings) that represent the state of the molecular
and biochemical signaling pathways. This allows for
a more detailed representation of a system's behavior,
as different tokens with different colors can represent
different types of molecules, receptors, enzymes,
chemical signals, conditions, changes in gene
expression, and so on.
Table 1: Petri net terms in the metabolic pathway.
Petri net
Biochemical, and molecular
signaling pathway term
Place State of metabolite, signal,
enzyme, gene expression…
Transition Chemical reaction, metabolic
process, gene expression,
Input arcs
Reagents and substrates of a
chemical or metabolic reaction,
activation of transcription factor
Output arcs
Products or outputs of a chemical
or metabolic reaction, or gene
Initial state of metabolic process
e.g. Naïve T cells
State of reaction at a giving time
Color Concentration of molecule, type
of chemical, enzyme, molecule
1.2 Colored Petri Net
In Colored Petri nets, sets of places, transitions and
arcs are pairwise disjoint: PT = PA = TA =
Σ is a set of color sets. This set contains all
possible molecules, enzymes, transcription
factors, signals, operations, and functions
used within the color Petri net.
C is a finite set of color sets (closets). It maps
places in P into colors in Σ, and they define
the functions.
N is a node function. It maps A into (P × T)
(T × P).
E is an arc expression function. It maps each
arc a A into the expression e. The input
and output types of the arc expressions must
correspond to the type of nodes the arc is
connected to.
V is a finite set of variables v V of
colors c C. Arc expressions and guards
contain variables v V of the suitable types.
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
P is a finite set of places {p1,…, pm} P,
depicted by ellipses (Fig. 12). Each
place p possesses a color c_p C and a
bag b_p
B of tokens of color c_p.
G is a guard function. It maps each
transition t T to a guard expression g. The
output of the guard expression should
evaluate to a Boolean value (true or false). If
false, t cannot be fired.
I is an initialization function. It maps each
place p into an initialization expression i.
The initialization expression must evaluate a
multiset of tokens with a color
corresponding to the color of the place C(p).
Colored Petri nets offer an enhanced
representation that allows for a more detailed and
nuanced analysis of complex systems, particularly in
the context of molecular and biochemical signaling
pathways. Colored Petri nets take the concept of
traditional Petri Nets a step further by introducing the
notion of colors or values assigned to tokens. Unlike
traditional Petri nets, which use uniform tokens,
colored Petri nets allow for the assignment of
different colors to tokens, enabling the representation
of various types of molecules, receptors, enzymes,
chemical signals, gene expression changes, and more
(Lee D-Y. 2006).
The introduction of colors or values to tokens in
colored Petri nets enhances the ability to represent
and model the intricate behavior of molecular and
biochemical signaling pathways. By assigning
specific colors to tokens, researchers can differentiate
between different molecular species, their functional
states, concentrations, or other relevant properties.
This enables a more comprehensive and detailed
representation of the system's behavior, taking into
account and concentration of the diverse components
and their interactions within the biological system.
With the capability to differentiate tokens based on
colors, colored Petri nets provide a powerful tool for
analyzing complex biological systems. Researchers
can investigate the dynamics and behavior of
molecular and biochemical signaling pathways,
observe the effects of different inputs or
perturbations, and gain insights into the overall
functioning of the system. The use of colored Petri
nets in modeling molecular and biochemical
signaling pathways offers numerous advantages. It
allows for a more precise representation of the
system, facilitating the identification of crucial
interactions, bottlenecks, feedback loops, and other
key characteristics. Additionally, the ability to assign
colors to tokens aids in the analysis of specific
molecules, signaling cascades, and regulatory
mechanisms, contributing to a deeper understanding
of complex biological processes (Liu F. 2012).
The immune system plays a crucial role in protecting
our bodies against pathogens, such as bacteria and
viruses. One of the key components of the immune
system is the T helper cell, specifically the naive T
helper cell. Naive T helper cells are a type of white
blood cell that circulates in the bloodstream,
constantly surveying for potential threats. Naive T
helper cells are "naive" because they have not
encountered any specific antigens or foreign
substances before. Their activation is a complex
process that involves interactions with antigen-
presenting cells (APCs) and the recognition of
specific antigens (Gullo F. et all 2015).
The process of naive T helper cell activation
begins when an APC, such as a dendritic cell or
macrophage, encounters a foreign antigen. The APC
internalizes the antigen and presents small fragments
of it on its surface using a protein called major
histocompatibility complex II (MHC II). This MHC
II-antigen complex serves as a signal for the naive T
helper cell to recognize the antigen. When a naive T
helper cell encounters an APC presenting an antigen
that matches its specific T cell receptor (TCR), a
series of molecular interactions occur. The TCR on
the T helper cell binds to the MHC II-antigen
complex on the APC, initiating a signaling cascade
within the T cell (Paul, W. E et all 2010).
This signaling cascade leads to the activation of
the naive T helper cell. The T helper cell undergoes
proliferation, or rapid cell division, to produce a
population of activated T helper cells specific to the
antigen. This clonal expansion ensures a robust
immune response to the pathogen. Furthermore,
during activation, the naive T helper cell receives
additional signals from the APC in the form of co-
stimulatory molecules, such as CD28, CD4 and B7.
These co-stimulatory signals are necessary for full
activation and optimal function of the T helper cell.
Once activated, T helper cells differentiate into
various subsets, such as Th1, Th2, or Th17 cells. Each
subset has specialized functions and produces
specific cytokines to regulate different aspects of the
immune response. Activated T helper cells play a
central role in orchestrating the immune response by
secreting cytokines that activate other immune cells,
such as B cells, cytotoxic T cells, and macrophages.
Modeling of NaÃ
rve Lymphocyte Signaling Pathway
They also provide help to B cells for the production
of antibodies and help in the recruitment and
activation of other immune cells to the site of
infection (Daniel B. et all 2002).
In summary, naive T helper cell activation is a
crucial step in initiating an effective immune
response. It involves the recognition of antigens
presented by APCs, signaling between the T cell and
APC, clonal expansion of activated T helper cells, and
their subsequent differentiation into specific subsets.
This activation process ultimately leads to the
coordination of the immune response to eliminate
pathogens and maintain immune homeostasis in the
body (Yates AJ et al 2014).
2.1 T Helper Cell and Antigen
Presenting Cell Interaction
T helper cells, also known as CD4+ T cells, play a
critical role in the immune response by helping to
coordinate and regulate the activities of other immune
cells. Studies have shown that the subsets of TH cells
may play a critical role in the activation of anti-tumor
response either directly by themselves or by
stimulating cytotoxic T cell activity (Tay R.E. et all
2020 & Borst J et al 2018).
T helper cells become activated when they
recognize foreign antigens presented on the surface of
antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic
cells or macrophages.
The process of T helper cell activation can be
divided into several key steps:
1. Antigen presentation: APCs present foreign
antigens on their surface, along with
molecules called major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) molecules. T helper cells
recognize these antigens when their T cell
receptor (TCR) binds to the antigen-MHC
2. Costimulation: In addition to TCR binding,
T helper cell activation also requires
costimulatory signals provided by APCs.
These costimulatory signals are delivered by
molecules such as CD80 and CD86, which
bind to receptors on the surface of T helper
3. Activation and differentiation: Once a T
helper cell has received both TCR and
costimulatory signals, it becomes activated
and begins to proliferate. Activated T helper
cells also differentiate into different
subtypes based on the cytokines present in
their environment. The two main subtypes of
T helper cells are Th1 and Th2 cells, which
produce different cytokines and play
different roles in the immune response.
4. Effector function: Activated T helper cells
can then help to activate other immune cells,
such as B cells and cytotoxic T cells, by
secreting cytokines that promote their
activation and differentiation.
Figure 2: Activation of Naïve T helper cell by Antigen
Presenting Cell.
2.2 Petri Net Model of T Cell Activation
The use of modeling approaches in the field of
immunology has attracted interest due to an
increasing awareness among immunologists of the
need for modeling to increase insights into complex
biological processes. The behavior of Naive T helper
cells can be modeled using a colored Petri net. The
components of the model include Naive T helper
cells, antigens, antigen-presenting cells (APCs), T
cell Receptors (TCR), co-stimulants (CD28, B7), and
cytokines. The places represent the states of the
system, and the transitions represent the actions that
can change the system's state. The places may include
"Naive T helper cells," "APCs," "antigens,"
"activated T cells," "memory T cells," and
"cytokines". The transitions may include "antigen
presentation," "T cell activation," "cytokine
production," and "T cell differentiation”. The initial
marking specifies the initial state of the system, i.e.,
the initial distribution of tokens among the places.
Initially, the "Naive T helper cells" place will have a
token representing the population of Naive T helper
cells, while the other places will be empty. The color
functions determine which tokens can participate in a
firing of a transition, based on their colors. For
example, the "antigen presentation" transition may
require tokens representing an APC and an antigen to
be present in the "APCs" and "antigens" places,
respectively, before it can fire.
The model can be simulated to observe the
behavior of T-naive cells under different conditions,
such as the presence of different antigens or
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 3: Petri net model of Naïve T helper cell activation
by Antigen Presenting Cell. CYT=Cytokine, TCR = T Cell
Receptor, MHCAG = MHC protein bound to Antigen. If
there is an infection, then Antigen Presenting Cells will take
peptide from infectious agent and present it (bind to) Naïve
T helper cell’s receptor. Co-stimulators such as CD 4,
CD28, and B7 which are critical to allow full activation,
sustain cell proliferation of Naïve T helper cells also bind.
If all the conditions are right, then this binding will result in
the release of chemical messenger cytokine. Cytokines in
turn will bind to Naïve T helper cells and will activate them.
In our experiment we started with an initial concentration
of 100 (100 TCR, 100 CD4, 100 CD28…).
variations in the concentration of cytokines. The
model can also be analyzed using mathematical
techniques to study the properties of the system, such
as the threshold antigen concentration required for T-
cell activation.
In our colored Petri net model of naive T helper
cells, we aimed to simulate the initial state of the
system by representing it with a set of tokens. Tokens
in Petri nets symbolize the state or condition of the
entities being modeled. In this case, we began with
100 tokens, where each token represented a naive T
helper cell and an antigen-presenting cell (APC).
The representation of the system with 100 tokens
reflects the initial population of naive T helper cells
and antigen-presenting cells in the simulated
environment. This initial state serves as the starting
point for the subsequent events and transitions within
the Petri net, simulating the dynamic behavior of the
system as it progresses.By employing a colored Petri
net approach, we have the flexibility to assign specific
colors or values to the tokens representing naive T
helper cells and antigen-presenting cells. This color
assignment can help differentiate between different
subtypes or properties of these cells, providing a more
detailed and accurate representation of the biological
2.3 T Helper 1, 2 and 17 Activation
T helper (Th) cells are differentiated from one another
based on the expression of subset-specific
transcription factors (such as T-bet, GATA3, and
RORγt), and the secretion of cytokines such as
interferons and interleukins. When naïve T helper
cells are activated, they differentiate into several sub-
types, in this paper we will focus on three major sub-
types of Th (Th1, Th2, and Th17). Each of which is
specialized for protecting against certain infections.
As mentioned earlier, antigen-presenting cells
(APCs), such as dendritic cells, macrophages, or B
cells, present antigens to naive T cells in the lymph
nodes. In addition to antigen presentation, APCs also
provide co-stimulatory signals to activate T cells.
This involves the interaction of molecules on the
surface of APCs, such as CD80 and CD86, with
receptors on the surface of T cells, such as CD28.
Upon binding of APC and naïve T, if the antigen
is present, then cytokines are released. Depending on
the type of cytokines released, naïve T cells will
differentiate into effector cells that can migrate to
sites of infection and inflammation, where they
release cytokines and directly attack infected or
cancerous cells. Depending on the cytokine, naïve T
cells could differentiate into either T helper 1 cells, T
helper 2, cells, T helper 17 cells, and so on. For
If Naïve T cells are exposed to Interleukin
12 (IL12), then “STAT 4’ (Signaling
Transducer and Activator of Transcription)
is phosphorylated and consequently
regulates gene transcription, and Naïve T
cells will differentiate to T helper 1 cells.
If Nve T cells are exposed to Interleukin 4,
then “STAT 6’ and “GATA3” transcription
factors are phosphorylated and consequently
they regulate gene transcription, and
T cells will differentiate into T helper 2 cells.
If Naïve T cells are exposed to Interleukin 6
then “STAT 3’ and “RORyt” transcription
factors are phosphorylated and consequently
they regulate gene transcription, and Naïve
T cells will differentiate into T helper 17
Overall, the activation of naïve T helper cells is a
complex process that involves multiple steps and
requires the coordinated interaction of several
different cell types and signaling molecules as shown
in our Petri net models. Three major subsets of
Th cells exist (Th1, Th2, and Th17), and each of these
cells is specialized for protecting our body against
certain infections.
Modeling of NaÃ
rve Lymphocyte Signaling Pathway
Differentiated T helper cells in turn release
different cytokines for example:
Th1 cells primarily produce cytokines such
as interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and
interleukin-2 (IL-2), which activate other
immune cells such as macrophages and
cytotoxic T cells and are associated with
protection against intracellular microbes
(predominantly viruses) and the onset of
anti- or pro-tumorigenic effects (Kaiko GE,
et al 2008, and Zhu J et al 2010).
The 2 cells release cytokines such as IL 4, IL
5, and IL 13, which promote the production
of antibodies, which are important for
neutralizing extracellular pathogens and
eliminating parasites (Walker JA et al 2017).
Figure 4: Detailed Petri Net model of naïve T helper cell
activation. The first step in activation of Naïve T helper cell
is binding of Antigen Presenting Cells to naïve T helper
cell. Binding of cells will initiate release cytokine by
Antigen Presenting Cells. Depending on the type of
cytokine releases (IL 12, IL 6, IL 4…) different genes
within naïve T helper cells will be expressed. Expression
of these genes will initiate transcription and translation,
thus naïve T helper cell will differentiate into active T
helper 1, or T helper 2 or T helper 17 cells.
Th17 cells can migrate to sites of infection
and inflammation, where they release
cytokines such as IL 22, and IL 17 which
fight microbial pathogens and promote
inflammation and tissue damage (Kaiko GE,
et al 2008, and Zhu J et al 2010).
With a detailed model of naïve T helper cells in
the form of a Petri net model, it is easy to analyze and
simulate it with the common techniques for analyzing
and simulating the behavior of Petri nets. But it
should be noted that it is not the final step towards
simulation and analysis. Within the overall task of
simulation, there are three primary sub-fields: model
design, model execution, and model analysis. Models
can take many forms including declarative,
functional, constraint, spatial, or multi-model. A
multi-model is a model containing multiple integrated
models each of which represents a level of granularity
for the physical system.
The next task, once a model has been developed,
is to execute the model on a computing platform. This
step involves running the model using appropriate
software or tools that can simulate and analyze the
behavior of the system described by the model. For
this purpose, a computer program can be created to
run through the whole process while updating the
state and event variables in the mathematical model.
In the Petri net model of T cell activation, functional
programming languages can be leveraged to represent
the various components of the system as functions
and define the transitions between states. The places
in the Petri net, which represent the different
molecular entities and their concentration and
quantities, can be encoded as variables or data
structures within the functional programming
language. The transitions in the Petri net, which
signify the events and interactions occurring in T cell
activation, can be implemented as functions that take
the current state and produce a new state as a result.
These functions can encapsulate the complex logic
involved in the activation process, including the
binding of antigens to T cell receptors, the activation
of intracellular signaling pathways, and the
subsequent release of cytokines. By utilizing
functional programming languages, the Petri net
model of T cell activation can be simulated and
analyzed efficiently. The declarative and modular
nature of functional programming allows for easy
composition and abstraction, enabling researchers to
focus on specific aspects of the system while
maintaining a clear overall representation.
Furthermore, functional programming languages
provide a strong foundation for formal verification
and rigorous analysis of the Petri net model. The
mathematical nature of functional programming
aligns well with the underlying principles of Petri
SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
nets, allowing for the application of formal methods
to verify properties, detect potential issues, and
explore different scenarios.
For ease of understanding, we used the module-
programming technique. It means that for each core
operation of the naïve T helper cell activation process,
there is a separate program module written. For
example, module M1 (in Figure 5) programs all
operations necessary for Cytokine production after
antigen-presenting cell (APC) binds to naïve T helper
cell. The language used in this figure is a pseudo-
functional language, which can be easily extended
into an executable program.
Figure 5: The Petri net model of the T cell activation
described by functional programming language.
Finally, to construct an entire program for the
naïve T cell activation processes, one should
assemble all program modules indicated in Figure 5
into one program. The resulting program is
represented below.
PROGRAM Naïve T cell activation
IF cell_state=
THEN CALL M1, M2, M3, M4;
IF antigen is bound to MHC=
Cytokine secretion
Transcription Factors
In conclusion, the modeling of naive T helper cells
using CPN provides a valuable approach to
understanding the complex dynamics and behavior of
these cells within the immune system. CPNs offer a
formal and graphical representation that captures the
interactions, states, and transitions of the T helper
cells and their associated signaling pathways. By
employing CPN modeling, researchers can simulate
and analyze the behavior of naive T helper cells under
various conditions, such as different antigen
presentations, co-stimulation, or regulatory
mechanisms. This enables a deeper understanding of
the underlying mechanisms that govern T cell
activation, proliferation, differentiation, and cytokine
The advantage of using CPNs lies in their ability
to handle the dynamic nature of the immune response,
capturing both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
CPNs can integrate experimental data and help
generate hypotheses by simulating the effects of
genetic modifications or perturbations in the system.
This aids in the exploration of different scenarios and
the identification of key factors influencing T cell
Moreover, CPN modeling facilitates the
identification of critical control points or potential
interventions for therapeutic purposes. By
manipulating the CPN model parameters or
introducing virtual interventions, researchers can
assess the impact on T cell responses and potentially
guide the development of novel immunotherapies or
vaccine strategies. However, it is important to
acknowledge that CPN modeling of naive T helper
cells is a simplification of the complex and dynamic
immune system. The accuracy and reliability of the
model depends on the quality of the data used to
construct it and the assumptions made during the
modeling process. Therefore, validation of the model
against experimental observations is crucial to ensure
its fidelity and usefulness in understanding and
predicting T cell behavior.
In summary, CPN modeling of naive T helper cells
provides a powerful tool for investigating the intricate
processes involved in immune responses. It offers
insights into the dynamics of T cell activation and
differentiation, helping to unravel the underlying
mechanisms and identify potential therapeutic targets
and further enhancing our understanding of T cell
biology and its implications in health and disease.
Modeling of NaÃ
rve Lymphocyte Signaling Pathway
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