Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development
Aneta Poniszewska-Mara
and Justyna Kuna
Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Ł
z, Poland
Agile Approach, Agile Methodology, Scrum, Risk Management, IT Project Management.
IT projects are increasingly complex and as a result they are subject to failure. Most of them do not meet
deadlines, user requirements and run over budget. Risk management in IT projects is a crucial process, which
is often understated. Agile methodologies do not give detailed guidelines for risk management. Risks are
not sufficiently considered in a proactive way. As a result, there is a need to look for methods and practices
possible to implement in Agile in order to improve the chances of success. Some authors suggest applying
traditional practises into agile approaches. The paper introduces the risk management in agile methodologies
by proposing the Scrum Risk Management process. It presents the roles, events and artefacts of the method
together with the application tool as a complement to risk management process. The proposed method was
also used in practice in the real IT projects.
Nowadays, IT projects are increasingly complex and
as a result they are subject to failure (Bannerman,
2008). Most of them do not meet deadlines, user re-
quirements and run over budget. Risk management
in IT projects is a crucial process, which is often un-
derstated. The inappropriate procedure and applica-
tion of risk management activities or their absence
significantly decrease the chances of success in IT
projects (B.G. Tavares and de Souza, 2017). Risk
management practises are the integral part of tradi-
tional project management methodologies. However,
they are more and more replaced by agile approaches
that are response to unpredictability of software engi-
neering and changing business environment. There is
no consensus regarding risk management within Ag-
ile. Risk management is mostly conducted in an im-
plicit way in agile approaches. However, it is likely to
ignore major risks without applying explicit risk man-
Agile methodologies do not give detailed guide-
lines for risk management. Risks are not sufficiently
considered in a proactive way. As a result, there is
a need to look for methods and practices possible to
implement in Agile in order to improve the chances
of success. Some authors suggest applying traditional
practises into agile approaches. However, it is impor-
tant to not deprive the risk management process the
spirit of agility. Speaking of risk management, dif-
ference between risk and uncertainty should be em-
phasized. Risk is understood as uncertain event that
has a positive or negative impact on the project and
its likelihood can be assessed. In case of uncertainty,
the probability of an event is completely unknown
(Malyszek, 2020). It would be possible to prepare
in advance a set of symptoms to facilitate a diagnosis
and introduce measures to combat the risk, before it
This paper identifies and analyses risk manage-
ment standards in traditional as well as in agile
methodologies. Then, an appropriate way of risk
management in Scrum, without depriving framework
of characteristics and advantages, is indicated.
Risk management is a process of identification, anal-
ysis and responding to risks. Project management
methodologies define a risk in different ways. Ac-
cording to David Hillson, risk is defined as a ”uncer-
tainty that has an impact on project objectives” (Hill-
son, 2009). Risk is usually characterized by its com-
ponents such as likelihood and impact that together
refer to the risk exposure (Moran, 2014). Risk expo-
sure is the basis of the standard model of risk manage-
ment. This model uses the following formula: Risk
Dda, A. and Kuna, J.
Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0012127800003538
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2023), pages 540-547
ISBN: 978-989-758-665-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
factor = Likelihood x Impact.
It is possible to measure risk in costs in time
or quality (D. Bent¸a and Mircean, 2011). In re-
gard to project management, a risk has firstly at least
one cause and then at least one effect (Benta, 2011).
Archetypal risk drivers for IT projects are as follows
(Moran, 2014): (1)Requirements risks all risks as-
sociated with functional requirements. The problems
with user acceptance can also be included in this cat-
egory. The rest of non-functional requirements that
are not already considered for under technical risks,
can might also be incorporated here (e.g. security, us-
ability). (2) Technical risks all risks related to de-
sign, infrastructure and architecture of the developed
solution. The risks are not limited to the proposed so-
lution, but also involve dependencies (e.g. shared li-
braries) with the estimation of software and hardware
capabilities. Generally, non-functional requirements
such as scalability, performance and maintainability
are included here. (3) Schedule risks all risks re-
lating to timing of activities (e.g. release planning of
increments) and scheduling. It includes also financial
cost consequences. (4) Project risks all risks asso-
ciated with the effectiveness of project management
as well as levelling of resources. (5) Supplier risks
all risks related to external sourcing together with de-
livery of components (including conformity, quality
and timeliness). (6) People risks – all risks relating to
expectations of abilities and the level of skills.
The IEEE 1540 standard aims mainly at risk man-
agement in engineering. It is a response to the
need for consistent terminology and framework for
communicating risk in the field of engineering. It
groups risk management standards within engineering
to avoid redundancy. The IEEE 1540 standard ensures
a minimal standard of risk management in engineer-
ing by focusing on a set of core practises (Nyfjord,
2008). Process of IEEE 1540 is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Risk management process in the IEEE 1540 stan-
dard (Nyfjord, 2008).
According to Project Management Institute (PMI)
following six phases of risk management are distin-
guished (Fig. 2) (Report, 2020): (1) Risk manage-
ment planning responsible for determining the ap-
proach to risk management activities as well as de-
veloping the organizational infrastructure that would
support potential risk reduction, prepare alternative
activities or determine cash and temporal reserves.
(2) Risk identification describing risk factors that
may affect the project. The PMI presents many meth-
ods for collecting and using information in the field
of risk recognition (brainstorming, expert judgement,
root cause analysis, checklist analysis, SWOT anal-
ysis and Delphic technique) where the final result is
a risk register. (3) Qualitative risk analysis an
assessment of risk factors, prioritizing them accord-
ing to their possible impact on the project. This pro-
cess helps to focus on the most important risk factors.
One of the main methods of qualitative risk analysis
is the matrix of the probability and impact. (4) Quan-
titative risk analysis the probability measurement
and estimation of the factors’ impact on achieving the
project’s goals. This analysis refers not only to the ex-
isting risks but also the risk of the project presented in
an all-encompassing perspective. The PMI methodol-
ogy provides methods for correct quantitative risk as-
sessment such as sensitivity analysis, analysis of ex-
pected monetary values, expert judgement, modelling
and simulations. (5) Risk response planning elab-
oration of procedures that reduce the negative impact
of factors and enhance opportunities. There are sev-
eral strategies resulting from an appropriate response
to risks, but it is important to choose the optimal strat-
egy to potential risk: (5.1) for threats: risk elimina-
tion, risk transfer, risk minimizing; (5.2) for oppor-
tunities: exploiting, sharing and positive effect en-
hancing; (5.3) for threats and opportunities: risk ac-
ceptance involving alternative plan preparation. (6)
Risk monitoring and control responsible for assess-
ing the effectiveness of planned and implemented re-
medial actions as well as identifying new factors that
appear during project realization. Following methods
and tools are used: risk reassessment, technical per-
formance measurement, variance and trends analysis,
risk audits, reserve analysis and meetings.
Agile methodologies do not directly indicate the
risk management process. However, some agile
methodologies such as Scrum point out practical
guidelines related to the environmental aspects of risk
management e.g. team building. What is more, con-
tinuous improvement of processes in Agile is im-
portant for risk management (Trzeciak and Spalek,
2016). There are few characteristics of agile method-
ologies, which have significant impact on risk man-
Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development
Figure 2: Risk management process in PMI methodology.
agement (Manifesto, 2001): (1) Iterative approach
IT projects conducted in agile methodologies, are
realized in iterations. Each iteration provides func-
tionalities that can be evaluated by a client. Then,
his feedback influences next iterations and as a con-
sequence, risk of delivering different then expected
product, is decreased. (2) Openness to changes – due
to lack of prepared realization plans for whole project
like in traditional methodologies, there is no risk
connected with changes in the scope of the project.
Plans are created only for coming iteration, there-
fore there is greater confidence that they will be re-
alized. According to Agility Manifesto, requirements
can change during the project, but it does not cause an
increase of risk. (3) Self-organization of teams team
defines what functionalities they choose and how they
provide them on its own. So, risk of delays is mini-
mized because the scope of the work is adjusted to the
Progressive risk reduction is a popular method of-
ten used in agile approaches, for example Scrum. This
solution depends on choosing firstly these require-
ments that are more risky. It results in reduction of
costs caused by an occurrence of risk. It is important
to point out that an attempt to reduce the likelihood
of risk is not included in this practise. By adding a
higher priority on riskier tasks, the risk is not man-
aged. They get addressed and completed shortly then
tasks with less risk. Nevertheless, without identifying
the right risks and analysing them, it is almost impos-
sible to elaborate a plan for risk mitigation, tracking
as well as controlling (Waterfall, 2020).
Despite the fact that agile models are claimed to
be risk-driven, they implement only few risk man-
agement practises. Some of risk management aspects
are briefly discussed on the example of Scrum frame-
work: (1) Risk definition is the same as in traditional
methodologies. (2) Risk assessment Scrum does not
provide any guidelines at all. (3) Roles, responsibil-
ities Scrum suggest that the whole team bears the
responsibility for the success of the project. How-
ever, there are no roles that could be relevant in the
process of risk management. (4) Templates Scrum
does not provide any templates for communicating in-
formation about risk and its management. Neverthe-
less, high quality information about risks is one of
the most crucial prerequisites for effective risk miti-
gation. Scrum does not contain guidance for what in-
formation should be collected and structured. (5) Sup-
porting tool/repository – Scrum does not provide any
recording of risk information. Traditional risk man-
agement models suggest permanent storage, whereas
agile approaches prefer temporary one. Traditional
risk management models recommend an experience
base and risk management repository in order to as-
sure that all significant information is being remem-
bered and the lessons learned can be spread to enable
the improvement process.
Authors in (B.G. Tavares and de Souza, 2017) per-
formed a research throughout on-site interviews con-
ducted for 21 members of projects including Scrum
Masters and Product Owners. Most of them had expe-
rience in software projects beyond 4 years and experi-
ence in Scrum more than 1 year. The aim of research
was to investigate the risk management practises. The
respondents had the highest agreement with the prac-
tise related to continuously performing risk manage-
ment in a feedback loop. So, risk management should
be updated with new project data at each iteration, and
then new estimates must be generated. The second
practise refers to the lessons learned or the reuse of
risk knowledge. The practise in the third place refers
to the need of changes in the individual behaviour
and organization management. On the other hand, the
practise with the lowest result refers to tendency of
relegating risk management to the Scrum Master af-
ter an initiatory risk identification. The respondents
claim that risk should be also managed in other Scrum
events. Second not desirable practise is related to
high formal planning levels. The team members be-
lieve that Scrum process must be lightweight and ag-
ile, even in projects with high risk, High-level formal
planning has negative impact on agility. On the other
hand, some authors note that formal documentation
in Scrum projects is important. According to Read
and Briggs, the lack of formal documentation makes
Scrum projects harder for knowledge transfer (Read
and Briggs, 2012).
Furthermore, the research of Tavares, Souza and
Silva (B.G. Tavares and de Souza, 2017) shows that
the Scrum is believed to have no specific activities
for the risk management. 38.10% of the respondents
claim that the Scrum process would be more effective
by integrating traditional risk management practices.
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
Additionally, according to 23.81% of the respondents,
the effectiveness of this integration depends on how it
is performed.
Authors Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattson assert that
risk management that aims to increase the chances
of success in IT projects, is performed mainly in an
implicit fashion in projects that use agile approaches
(Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattsson, 2008). Their analy-
sis of risk management in traditional as well as ag-
ile methodologies, results in conclusions that agile
approach does not provide risk management taxon-
omy. They recommend incorporating traditional prac-
tises in order to ensure an effective risk management
(Nyfjord and Kajko-Mattsson, 2008).
The authors of (Verma and Dhanda, 2016) de-
scribe the importance of different, the most popular
currently agile software development methodologies
and how the agile process can result in increasing the
efficiency of the tasks in development proses. The au-
thors of (Gold and Vassell, 2015) specify how risk
management can be used to effectively balance an
agile method (particularly Scrum), present the ben-
efits or limitations encountered during the applica-
tion of risk management in Scrum and deals with the
other processes to effectively manage the risks during
Scrum projects realization.
According to a survey carried out by VersionOne (Re-
port, 2020), Scrum is the most popular method used
in organizations. However, the agile methodologies
do not give detailed guidelines for risk management.
This section presents unified risk management
process incorporated into Scrum framework. The
proposed method called Scrum Risk Management, is
lightweight in order to not deprive the project of
agility. As Scrum framework is iterative and incre-
mental process, risk management is also considered
as a continuous and iterative event.
At the beginning of a project, Risk Management
Planning is conducted. After functionalities are gath-
ered and added to a Product Backlog by a Product
Owner, Risk Identification is performed. As a conse-
quence, new artefact called Risk Register, which con-
tains identified risks is created. In next event Risk
Assessment, whole team assess risk parameters such
as impact and likelihood. During Sprint Planning, all
risks are prioritized that is their values are calculated.
Controlling risks is a continuous event that is per-
formed during whole Sprint. By controlling is meant
tracking changes in risks and identifying new risks.
4.1 Roles
There is a need to extend Scrum Team by adding a
new role – a Risk Manager. As a result, there are four
roles in Scrum Risk Management.
Scrum Master, who is responsible for ensuring
that the entire team understands agile approach, prac-
tises and principles of the Scrum Risk Manage-
ment. Development Team, which is self-organizing
and cross-functional. They are responsible for cre-
ating and delivering a Product Increment at the end
of each Sprint. The Development Team chooses the
number of tasks from the Product Backlog to realize
during the Sprint. Each Development Team member
should monitor risks connected with tasks he is re-
sponsible for. In case of observing any symptoms of
risk materializing, developer should inform the rest
of team about it during Daily Stand-up. It is im-
portant to emphasize that due to the principles of
Scrum, whole Development Team is responsible for
risk management that is identification, analysis, re-
actions planning and acting. Product Owner is re-
sponsible for managing the Product Backlog. Prod-
uct Backlog items should be clearly expressed and or-
dered. When it comes to risk management, he should
identify and monitor business risks.
The duties of Risk Manager include tracking the
correctness of risk management, ensuring that neces-
sary documentation is updated and if needed, induc-
ing the team to change. This role is not related to
any Scrum role. According to the idea of team self-
organizing, team chooses who will fill a role of Risk
Manager. What is more, they decide if this role is con-
stant or rotary – e.g. it can be rotated between Devel-
opment Team members each iteration. The division of
the roles for more than one person is recommended in
case of too much risk to monitor.
4.2 Events
The assumptions of Scrum events are not changed.
Each Scrum event is time-boxed. The frame for all
events is a Sprint during which a Product Increment
is created. Except for Sprint, events may end if the
goals are achieved. A new Sprint begins immediately
after Sprint Retrospective.
In Scrum Risk Management method, risk manage-
ment process is incorporated into Scrum framework.
As a result, following events are proposed: (1) Risk
Management Planning, (2) Risk Identification Meet-
ing, (3) Risk Assessment Meeting, (4) Sprint Plan-
ning, which contains Risk Prioritization, (5) Daily
Stand-up, (6) Sprint Review, (7) Sprint Retrospective.
It is important to point out that risk controlling is per-
Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development
formed in Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-up and Sprint
4.2.1 Risk Management Planning
The maximum length for Risk Management Planning
is 1 hour. The first step is to choose a Risk Manager.
He can be changed later, however it is recommended
to have a person responsible for risk management in
the beginning of the project. Moreover, there are de-
fined scales for risk parameters: impact and likeli-
hood. The summary of Risk Management Planning
is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: Overview of Risk Management Planning.
It is important to point out that technical risks
should be monitored by the Development Team, while
business risks should be monitored by the Product
4.2.2 Risk Identification Meeting
After finding initial product requirements, risk search
should be conducted during Risk Identification Meet-
ing (Fig. 4). The suggested method of risk identifi-
cation is brainstorming with the participation of De-
velopment Team, Scrum Master, Risk Manager, Prod-
uct Owner and Client’s Representative. If specialized
knowledge of any risk areas is needed, correspond-
ing experts are invited. The participants sit together
and identify the risks based on their experience with
the similar projects or thinking any technical obsta-
cles out. The good practise is to try to identify risks
from the perspective of various risk categories. Scrum
Risk Management proposes four categories: techni-
cal, requirements, business and process. The result of
brainstorming is a list of risks, that should be placed
into a new artefact called Scrum Risk Register. All
newly identified risks have status ’open’.
4.2.3 Risk Assessment Meeting
When, all identified risks have been documented, Risk
Assessment Meeting should be conducted (Fig. 5).
Two parameters of risk: impact and likelihood must
be defined by whole team. To define parameters,
it is worth considering Planning Poker, an estima-
tion method, widely used in agile approaches (Scrum,
Figure 4: Overview of Risk Identification Meeting.
The whole Development Team participate in esti-
mation due to the fact that each team member has dif-
ferent knowledge and experience that is very valuable.
Product Owner, Scrum Master and Risk Manager also
take part. Each Development Team member receives
a set of cards with different points. They are used to
determine the size of estimated impact and likelihood.
The process of Planning Poker is as follows:
1. Risk Manager reads the description of risk. In or-
der to not prolong the meeting, the good idea is to
set the timeout.
2. On cue, everyone simultaneously shows chosen
card with points describing firstly impact, then
3. The difference between two consecutive values in
the sequence, is a statistical error.
4. If the estimates differ significantly, team members
who proposed the lowest and the highest numbers,
tell why they chose such an estimate. The aim is to
discover the assumptions that result in differences.
Then, the vote is repeated. Usually, an agreement
should be reached after two or three votes. How-
ever, if the discrepancy continues, better under-
standing of a given risk by team is required.
Figure 5: Overview of Risk Assessment Meeting.
Planning Poker uses a comparison technique.
However, in order to compare, a reference is required.
On the beginning, there are no elements that a risk
could be compared with. So, one possible solution
is to take not likely risk and assign small number of
points. Then, the rest risks are estimated relative to
those already estimated. The recommended practice
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
is the table of reference risks (Table 1). It is a list of
few example risks each size, that is used as a reference
during the discussion.
Table 1: Reference table of risk.
No Risk description Likelihood
[in %]
1 Unauthorised access to
confidential data
30% 1 0.3
2 Technology, tools becom-
ing obsolete
10% 4 0.4
3 Overloading database 70% 2 1.4
4 Vendors or third-party not
delivering components,
tools, parts etc.
50% 3 1.5
5 Quality risks concerning
writing unit, functional &
automated tests for such
90% 5 4.5
4.2.4 Sprint Planning: Risk Prioritization
The fourth step is to prioritize risks (Fig. 6). One of
the possible prioritization is the multiplication likeli-
hood by impact. It is important to point out that for
each risk parameter, there is a scale of values deter-
mined by a team. As the probability and impact in-
crease, the value or risk also increases. Risk Prioriti-
zation is made at the beginning of the Sprint Planning.
Figure 6: Overview of Risk Prioritization during Spring
The main goal of the Sprint Planning is to deter-
mine the work to be performed during the Sprint (Fig.
7). The duration of this event should last not longer
than 8 hours for a month Sprint. The whole Scrum
team should take part in this meeting. Developers
choose items from the Product Backlog to deliver at
the end of the Sprint. Despite that, selected mitigation
strategies are added to the artefact called Sprint Back-
log. Splitting mitigation strategy into several tasks is
possible in case of great amount of time needed to
mitigate a given risk. Next reason is the situation
when some tasks of a mitigation strategy should be
performed in one iteration, while the rest of them in
following iterations.
What is more, before choosing requirements to re-
alize, an analysis should be performed. If a risk is
likely to affect requirement realization adversely, cor-
responding information should be added to the Sprint
Backlog. An analogous analysis is done for tasks aris-
ing from each requirement. The total value of risk
connected with given requirement can be interpreted
as a risk of this requirements, so it can be used for pro-
gressive risk reduction. Developer who bears respon-
sibility for realization of given requirement or task, is
also responsible for monitoring risk connected with
this requirement/task.
Except for first Sprint Planning, the team is
obliged to investigate all risks from Scrum Risk Regis-
ter by answering following questions: (1) Is risk still
up to date? (2) Is there any modification in risk regis-
ter needed (e.g. risk re-estimation or changing status
of risk)? (3) Have any new risks been identified?
Figure 7: Overview of Spring Planning.
4.2.5 Daily Stand-ups
The main principles of Daily Stand-ups are not
changed. It is at most 15 minute meeting that is held
every day of the Sprint at the same time. The aim of
this event is to inspect the work since the last Daily
Scrum and to plan the work for the next 24 hours.
Team is not obligated to investigate all risks from
Scrum Risk Register as it is performed in the Sprint
Planning. However, if team member observed any
change in risk or appearance new risks, he should in-
form others about it during Daily Stand-up. If one of
above situations took place, appropriate steps should
be taken same day. Team should evaluate new risk
or take actions in response to risk using guidelines
from Scrum Risk Register. In case of starting miti-
gation strategy, status of risk should be changed to
’being mitigated’. An overview of Daily Stand-up is
presented in figure 8.
4.2.6 Sprint Review
The length of a Sprint Review is maximum 4 hours for
a one-month Sprint. All Team members with stake-
holders should take part in the event. The aim of this
event is to inspect the Increment and if needed, adapt
the Product Backlog in order to optimize the value
Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development
Figure 8: Overview of Daily Stand-up.
(Fig. 9). During the Sprint Review, the whole team
should spend about 15 minutes discussing new risks
or any changes in existing risks. Scrum Risk Regis-
ter should be updated, if needed. If some risks do not
have prepared mitigation strategies, it is needed to do
it in the subsequent iteration.
Figure 9: Overview of Sprint Review.
4.2.7 Sprint Retrospective
Length of a Sprint Retrospective is maximum 3 hours
for a one-month Sprint. The aim of this meeting is
inspection how the previous Sprint went with regards
to process, relationships and tools (Fig. 10).
During Retrospective, an evaluation of risk man-
agement is performed. Each team member has a
chance to speak about his objections regarding risk
management, as well as to propose some improve-
ments. Then, chosen changes confirmed by team are
implemented in the next iteration.
Figure 10: Overview of Sprint Retrospective.
4.3 Artifacts
The artifacts of Scrum Risk Management method are
as follows:
Product Backlog list of everything needed
for product creation (requirements, enhancements
and fixes).
Sprint Backlog – a part of Product Backlog that is
selected during Sprint Planning. It also contains
mitigation strategies.
Sprint Goal an objective for the Sprint, can be
fulfilled through implementation of the Product
Increment sum of all completed Sprint Back-
log Items during given Sprint plus values of Incre-
ments from the previous Sprints. In the context of
risk management, the Increment is crucial artifact,
because reduces the probability of project failure
by providing quick feedback from customer. It
also helps in identifying new risks and implement-
ing their treatment. Furthermore, the Increment
represents milestones of project, which should be
controlled. It evaluates the feasibility of cost,
quality and deadline. During creating the Incre-
ment, it is important to focus on deliverables that
are clearly defined and to make frequent deliver-
Definition of ”Done” determines what it means
that work is completed on the product Increment.
Scrum Risk Management method introduces two
new artifacts Scrum Risk Register and Risk Reposi-
tory. The aim of Scrum Risk Register is storing in-
formation about risks. It should contain following
attributes: (a) Risk ID an identification number of
risk, (b) Risk description a short overview of risk,
(c) Risk category a category of risk: requirements,
technical, business or process, (d) Sprint number [op-
tional] indicates a sprint/sprints when risk will prob-
ably occur, (e) User story [optional] a user story
connected with given risk, (f) Date identified date
of risk identification, (g) Likelihood probability of
risk occurrence, (h) Impact a consequence of an
event, (i) Priority – any chosen, independent value or
the product of likelihood and impact (in other words
risk value), (j) Owner person responsible for given
risk, (k) Risk symptoms [optional] symptoms that
can help in early risk materialization, (l) Mitigation
strategy a response to given risk, (m) Status – a cur-
rent status of risk: open, being mitigated, completed.
It is also a good idea to start making the Risk
Repository. It is a list of risks that occurred in the
past projects. Risk repository helps to find mitiga-
ICSOFT 2023 - 18th International Conference on Software Technologies
tion mechanisms by relating the risks with the previ-
ous ones.
4.4 Tools
It is also recommended to use burndown chart to anal-
yse and assess the risk. It indicates a drop in exposi-
tion to the risk across iterations. Following input data
is required: (a) item the list of risks, (b) likelihood,
(c) impact (loss in days was assumed), (d) risk value
being the product of likelihood and impact (assuming
the number of days of exposure to the risk). Example
of input data to the burndown chart is illustrated in
figure 11. This simple risk census shows how a given
risk is likely to happen, the size of loss if the risk oc-
curs and the the prospective risk exposure values. It
is needed to remember, that above values can change
over the course of Sprints.
Figure 11: Exemplary input data to burndown chart.
Scrum Risk Management is a unified risk man-
agement process incorporated into Scrum framework.
Some activities of traditional risk management pro-
cess were included. However, new method proposal
is iterative, lightweight and does not deprive a project
of agility. Scrum Risk Management proposes new
events, artifacts and role. Particularly important is
the Scrum Risk Register, which stores the informa-
tion about risks.
This paper presented the new proposal of Scrum Risk
Management approach. It has been proved that not
only the introduction of risk management to agile
approach is necessary, but also possible. Proposed
method is fully integrated with Scrum framework in
order to keep agile features. Explicit risk management
activities have been added to tasks that already exist
in agile process. Scrum Risk Management method
was used for developing IT Internship Search portal,
allowing adding, filtering and viewing internship of-
fers. The progress of the project throughout its iter-
ations was described. We demonstrated that Scrum
Risk Management method contributes to the success
of the project, since risks were identified and miti-
gated in early phases. After third Sprint, all risks from
the Scrum Risk Register were mitigated.
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Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
B.G. Tavares, E. S. d. S. and de Souza, A. D. (2017). Risk
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D. Bent¸a, M. P. and Mircean, C. (2011). On best practices
for risk management in complex projects.
Gold, B. and Vassell, C. (2015). Using risk management to
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Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development